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Questions about P7100 from novice

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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Oct 4, 2005
Hi all!

I have obtained P7100 Scan with AEGIS and ProVoice. And I have a few questions about:

1. How to listen only digital (AEGIS) conversations in conventional (talkaround)? I have programmed a lot of conventional channels as digital (Conventional Frequency Set > Channel Options > Voice Mode = Unencrypted), but still able to listen analog conversations, noises, SmartZone CCs & etc. How to force radio to Digital Only RX mode to listen AEGIS only?

2. Why when I set Conventional Frequency Set > Channel Options > Voice Mode to Key 1 (or 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) I am still able to receive analog conversations, noises and transmits in analog? There are no any warnings about missed encryptions keys and radio transmits analog, not digital. Why?

3. What does do Private Mode option in Options > Power Up Options? Help file doesn't explains meaning of this option, just says that radio will power on in Private Mode.

I am really confused after many ears usage of Motorola stuff.

Any help will be appreciated!

I use ProGrammer R18.


Feed Provider
Jan 11, 2008
I will assume you are doing all of this OFF of a trunked system in simplex mode. i.e. using a radio in conventional mode to receive digital talkgroups from the EDACS system. Now, with that said.

There was a topic on here a while back now talking about this. Under digital voice, set the RX mode to inverted. In your Conventional frequency set, set each freq to Unencrypted and set the RX Address to 172 (all call). Also, you need to set the System Voice Vocoder to AEGIS/ProVoice whatever you wish. This should enable you to listen to unencrypted talkgroups on the system, without actually affiliating.

Setting the Voice Mode to Key 1-7 will only tell the radio to use that key WHEN IT IS PRESENT. If you push the PVT key (if have a system model, since you dont, you need to assign a key) the padlock icon will appear, trying to TX with it in PVT mode will give a long tone and NO KEY error. With the radio not in PVT mode, it will transmit and receive in analog only.

Power Up options are simply that, what options are on/off/unset when the radio is rebooted. i.e. if Private Mode is checked, the radio will always boot with PVT enabled.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Oct 4, 2005
I will assume you are doing all of this OFF of a trunked system in simplex mode. i.e. using a radio in conventional mode to receive digital talkgroups from the EDACS system. Now, with that said.

Thanks for reply. Yes, absolutely.
There was a topic on here a while back now talking about this.
Sorry, I missed item! Could you please point me?

Under digital voice, set the RX mode to inverted.
Done. Please look:

In your Conventional frequency set, set each freq to Unencrypted and set the RX Address to 172 (all call).

Done. Please look:

Also, you need to set the System Voice Vocoder to AEGIS/ProVoice whatever you wish.

Done. Please look:

This should enable you to listen to unencrypted talkgroups on the system, without actually affiliating.

I tried, but no luck. I am able to receive clicks/noises, some kind of EDACS (idle?) packets, control channel data with drops, analog voice & etc. But no properly decoded digital voice. Transmissions with AEGIS digital voice sounds on my radio like are rare digital clicks.

I sure that this system use AEGIS, because I know from some internal sources and guys still uses MRK (as I knew, no way to get ProVoice on MRK).

Why I am able to receive clicks/noises, some kind of EDACS (idle?) packets, control channel data with drops, analog voice & etc. if I selected AEGIS as Conventional system vocoder? EDACS radios does not have Digital Only mode as well? How to set up radio to skip all useless traffic (like are clicks/noises, some kind of EDACS (idle?) packets, control channel data with drops, analog voice)?

Setting the Voice Mode to Key 1-7 will only tell the radio to use that key WHEN IT IS PRESENT. If you push the PVT key (if have a system model, since you dont, you need to assign a key) the padlock icon will appear, trying to TX with it in PVT mode will give a long tone and NO KEY error.
No. When I try to press PVT on channel with some key assigned, radios says PVT DIS and allows analog TX. But it doesn't matter for now.

With the radio not in PVT mode, it will transmit and receive in analog only.

Power Up options are simply that, what options are on/off/unset when the radio is rebooted. i.e. if Private Mode is checked, the radio will always boot with PVT enabled.
And one more question about - sometimes when radio in scan mode it stops on active channel and make a proper sound (e.g. sounds with my analog transmission), but show improper channel alphatag. E.g. radio stops on Channel #20, but shows Channel #1 tag. But sometimes radio shows correct alphatag (without changing radio config!). I've checked list of programmed frequencies few times - there are no errors, all RX freqs programmed properly and no any duplicates. Looks like bug or witchcraft!

Many thanks and beforehand for your help!

Details about my P7100:

01 04 05 07 08 09 10 12 23 29 options equipped
PERS VER 32.00
PROM VER 01 02/03
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Feed Provider
Jan 11, 2008
I realize you said they use MRK's but it sounds to me like ProVoice. If i try to monitor PV with AEGIS selected i get weird pops and clicks but never any audio. If it was encrypted AEGIS that would decode 100% but it would be all unintelligible. Worth a shot anyways, I verified the setting on my local system and it works fine on my p7100.

One more thing i forgot about the Private Voice function, you also have to have a DES/AES enabled DSP flash in the radio. So in all, you need to have a key group set in the system, a key number selected per channel, a PVT button assigned and a DES/AES enabled DSP flash.

And no, EDACS radios don't support a 'mute if not digital' function like ASTRO. *IF* you were actually on the EDACS system, you could set the talkgroup to digital and then you would only hear what you wanted, but that's not the case here.

As for the channels not matching up when they stop scanning, how are you verifying this? Do you have UniTrunker running or something that shows what channels it should be on? I have found that there is a LOT of background LCN activity that doesn't show up on any computer programs yet, lot of beeps and random data, i understand that its periodic channel testing done by Test Set Radios.

Hope that helps, I sent you a PM with a question also.
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