For those of you still following this thread...
I was able to get my hands on the Hytera software and bought a cheap cable on eBay.
I had two of the BR250U radios from my customer, one of them worked just fine with the software as-is and the 31010 password worked.
The other gave the "Error Radio Model Name"
After some serial port "sniffing" between the two radios and some modification to the configuration files, I was able to modify the settings to get it it read both radios, however, the newer radios have a different password.
I tried a few different obvious choices (Their zip code, parts of the phone number, etc), however, I wasn't able to find one that worked.
SO, if anyone happens to know what password they started using after 31010, that would be great!
Could you give me some help with the "Error Radio Model Name" issue? What configuration files did you modify?