My understanding is the other items potentially part of this equation was “PTT Cellular” which would translate to Nextel. Nextel PTT wasn’t encrypted and could easily be intercepted with a service monitor.
Edit: I don't believe that Nextel PTT exists anymore... but I'm not sure.
2nd Edit: Combine PTT cellular interception where they *could* most likely monitor and you've added another collection piece to the picture which would have given the Russians an enormous amount of info. The presence of encrypted AES-256 communications local to an area would indicate communications of enormous sensitivity occurring close by. If there were mediums used in the same area that could actually be monitored they could add that to the overall amount of collection info. Even innocuous communications that were intercepted that were not necessarily Top Secret or of national security concern would be extremely valuable to the Russians given the context.
Edit: I don't believe that Nextel PTT exists anymore... but I'm not sure.
2nd Edit: Combine PTT cellular interception where they *could* most likely monitor and you've added another collection piece to the picture which would have given the Russians an enormous amount of info. The presence of encrypted AES-256 communications local to an area would indicate communications of enormous sensitivity occurring close by. If there were mediums used in the same area that could actually be monitored they could add that to the overall amount of collection info. Even innocuous communications that were intercepted that were not necessarily Top Secret or of national security concern would be extremely valuable to the Russians given the context.
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