'Operation Snowcap' was DoD, DoJ, and USBP BorTac / DEA's anti-drug effort in South America, specifically Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guatemala, and five other Latin American nations. There were a lot of assets thrown at the effort such as aviation, law enforcement, intelligence, naval ships and watercraft, diplomatic, economic, and propaganda efforts.
When I was at DEA, we had HF SSB transceivers in briefcases and a very high end transceiver [it may have been a Watkins-Johnson] at the F/D office that was monitored about 14 hours each day for the HF Net. Some firefights were captured in real time and enforcement groups would often rush to radio to listen in. We had several S/As assigned and rumour had it that if you were young, single, and ambitious - you were on a list to attend Ranger school and SF classes prior to reassignment.
At the end of 1990, over 53 tons of cocaine and 3/4 of a million precursor chemical had been intercepted and destroyed according to a DoJ briefing I got; but it had a unintended consequence of moving the trade from S.A. to Mexico thanks to the pressures and thanks to the profits that Norteno cartels made from meth production for the SoCal markets.
I bought an Icom R-71A just to hear the action from home.
I miss the printed mags as I could monitor things that weren't often openly discussed by classic media of the era.