I have been using these plugins ctcss, dcs, freqman and frequency scanner forever from the start of this thread, I am using the newest (non community) sdr# 1784 and have no problems with anything because these plugins are AWESOME, but I do have a suggestion and not sure if it can be implemented in the way it would be extremely helpful for me and probably everyone else who finds these plugins useful in everyway.
I like how the log works in frequency scanner, but I suggest if possible anyway to add the ctcss and dcs codes those 2 plugins find while scanning to the log ??? I use the log all the time and I record all the hits but then I alway wonder what codes were used in their transmissions, both plugins work great at discovering the codes but no way to log them with the frequency used, That is the only thing I can think of to make my life easier.
Great work as always, these are the best plugins I have ever found for what I need.