Shortly before the SDS was announced, I was planning to buy another XTS 5k. Now I will be holding off on that, I just need to know how the audio & simulcast performance compare.
I completely understand, really. But I think there are limited beta testers, and I think that we all should try to be less demanding of them. I've seen countless people post about how their simulcast system is worse than anyone's, and that they should be a beta tester to prove out the scanner. But to be honest, anybody experiencing simulcast issues is going to feel like their issues are worse than anyone elses.
I wonder how many of those people who are beta testers own/have access to Unications or commercial radios. If they don't have access to such, then they have to try and meet up with somebody who does have said equipment in order to do some comparisons. At that point it I'd think it would be asking a lot for them to do it.
I know that Jason Houk has been going way above and beyond, traveling to all sorts of places in Ohio, to give people an idea how the scanner performs on LSM systems as well as NXDN systems. I certainly can't expect him to do more than that.