Heh, if you think what comes out of your speaker (or any speaker) is even remotely comparable to the actual sound a smartphone was recording, you'd better think again. Just try it and see for yourself.T...The Uniden has tinny audio (unless it was the recording mic and/or the car environment that caused that.) The Unication sounds better (just sayin'...not trying to start a war :wink- clearer audio and a little more bass. Thanks again for making the video.
And a related point - until we get a side-by-side mobile test against a unication, you guys can't say a single thing about how they compare. We get it, unication is great, but any attempt to compare the 2 thus far has been pure, empty speculation. Even with my 436, I routinely copy transmissions on my local phase II simulcast that either HQ or patrol units claim were unreadable. Too many variables. Give it a rest.