Next step is to figure out how to route with no the dst-natting and otehr firewalls creating unknown conditions.
This is one of the items on my to-do list...setting up a VPN to monitor the scanner that is sitting at home from my work office. I've tried in the past with other scanners, but I was unable to pass audio. I'm definitely hoping to revisit this issue.I have the SDS200 connected to the Lan connection and I just tried my VPN from work on my home network. I can access proscan but I can not get any audio.
Mine works fineIt appears the SDS200 cannot stream audio to the Proscan server using RSoIP over a routed network (I welcome others to try this). However, radio display and control works great. I suspect the two need to be in the same broadcast domain, so I am setting up a bridged VPN connection between two Mikrotik routers to try this (Bridged OpenVPN over a routed network). This is with the understanding that the performance of this configuration with latency may worsen. However, most of the processing is done in the scanner, and not in Proscan, so this may work fine. This seems to be a limitation on how Uniden implemented the SDS200 audio streaming - not Proscan.
Getting this working would allow the SDS200 to operate at a remote unmanned site without a computer; its good practice to avoid using a anything with a read/write OS at such sites. These are always the first things to fail (in addition to common UPS).
I have been using team viewer to access my home computer from work and it works fine with Proscan No audio issue. I never had audio issues with the BCD536 using VPN while using the Siren App. Keep in mind the 536 had a wireless dongle vs the 200 has a LAN that most use a bridge to get internet connection.This is one of the items on my to-do list...setting up a VPN to monitor the scanner that is sitting at home from my work office. I've tried in the past with other scanners, but I was unable to pass audio. I'm definitely hoping to revisit this issue.
That makes sense to me.....Most VPN's are "routed" and not "bridged". I suspect that a bridged VPN will work. Attempting to do that now. Most IT departments will not permit a bridged VPN. I *am* my IT department.....
I am able to do whatever is needed at work and home and would love to figure this out.
The goal is to sit at work and directly operate the SDS which sits at home, hear the audio, and make changes in the menu, the same as if I were on a computer that was part of my home LAN...understanding that there will be more latency. The best way to accomplish that goal is what I seek. I can open ports, setup a router based VPN, whatever is needed. I'm not looking to run a PC based server with a computer running all the time, just straight access over WAN from work PC to scanner which is wired into the LAN at home.What exactly are you trying to do? What have you done so far? I would start where your scanner is located first than move on to the other location.
That sounds like a winning plan. I think I ran into some issue with trying that before but then again I didn’t really put the biggest effort into it then so I’ll start there for now thanks.Why not use PROSCAN Remote Scanner over IP connected to the scanner at home then at work you can use your 2nd PROSCAN License at work connect with Remote Scanner over IP and control the scanner at home THIS WORKS I have 15 scanners running PROSCAN each running a different port number and do this and have no problems FULL REMOTE CONTROL WITH AUDIO you just have to setup PORT FORWARDING IN YOUR HOME ROUTER.
OK I re-read and the thing is I don't want to have a computer using power running at home all of the time. I'm trying to just have an outside computer (one at work) directly access the scanner. However to me, this seems doable. With an open port pointing to the scanner, why can't an outside computer running proscan connect directly to the scanner through the internet and the open port on the router? Why are two computers even needed for only monitoring one scanner?That sounds like a winning plan. I think I ran into some issue with trying that before but then again I didn’t really put the biggest effort into it then so I’ll start there for now thanks.
Thanks, and again I appreciate the feedback. If I need to go that route I will (PC as server for the scanner), but I'm going to do some experimenting to see if my idea holds any water as well. This weekend will be all about analog comparison testing with my best old school scanners, and then getting videos made an a thorough review posted. Regardless of results, the SDS200 has already earned a permanent spot in my main cabinet, so the testing is just for myself and others who often wonder how the latest Swiss army knife scanner stacks up against the oldies but goodies on analog VHF / UHF / Airband / Milair. So anyway, starting next week I will be fully jumping into the whole remote control question.Sorry but it is the only solution I know that works at this time.
Hey Buddro you have any idea what would cause the web server to constantly reload on the phone or whatever device? It never stabilizes it just reloads. Audio for a few seconds then reload and off. Only on 1 computer if I use another computer with same OS and antivirus it works fine. Got me stumped.Or you could use PROSCAN and a web browser or Remote Scanner Over IP that is built into PROSCAN.