I may be. I’ll try to check that out later today.Does anyone here live in the Freeport area? I don't, but I do pass through the Rockford area occasionally. During those trips, I've heard what appears to be a multicast with or patch (RID 70013) to an unknown analog repeater on TG 1659 (Site 111). Transmissions have been short for the most part. Yesterday, it was "Charles 1", "Charles 6" and "George 8". Late last month, another listener had reported hearing "Queen 2". But the last transmission I caught yesterday was "Is head count started?", and it immediately made me think of corrections operations. I'm now thinking that this could be mirroring the Stephenson County Jail repeater (on 155.640, 131.8 PL per the Radio Reference database).
Is anyone close enough to hear this VHF repeater and determine if the audio is the same as that on SC21 TG 1659?
Thanks in advance!