Here's a tidbit that I think the group would be interested in. I heard a rumor on social media that there are only a select few C-17s that are capable of carrying the "Silver Bullet" VIP transport pod. Something to do with special comms capabilities prominently onboard that supports the Silver Bullet. These C-17s are apparently 07-7181, 07-7182, 07-7183, 10-0221 (among a few others), all from CHS's 437th AW, which is the "special operations" AMC unit.
This makes sense because I was starting to recognize registrations on C-17s that we're taking VIPs abroad, most often these days to Rzeszow, Poland to catch cross-border train trips to Kyiv. It might be productive to keep an eye on these airframes in particular, especially when they are operating out of ADW, but of course, they could also be doing the frequent POTUS supply transport mission.
Update: based on my notes from previous VIP flights, Silver Bullets have also flown aboard 07-7188 and 08-8201, so it may turn out that all the 437th AW fleet is capable. The post referencing this claim was from several years ago and said that those aircraft had unique antennas on the fuselage.