Sticky Thread For MilAir 2016

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Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
02/02/16 @ 1215 local-
A C-40 IDing as EXEC 1 FOXTROT just came over NJ at FL 3,400 ft (02-0202). Looks like its landing at LaGuardia. Looks like it took off from Andrews.

1223 local- TOPCAT 9 declaring IFE with KWRI unknown reason. (KC-135R)


Premium Subscriber
Nov 29, 2003
EXEC 1 FOXTROT should be Mrs. Obama and Kids. That's their Call sign/Aircraft Type when not traveling with POTUS.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
ACY- Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Joint Base Andrews MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
BWI- Baltimore-Washingto/Thurgood Marshall Airport (KBWI)
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va (KLFI)
MTN- Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS-Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX- NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI- Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EST))

((OSACOM/PAT/JOSA flts not included--Some acft idents from local ADS-B collectors))

0820- Tester 09 (T-38C # 61-0925 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8). Active again in the late 1000 hour.
0831- Tester 13 (T-38C # 15-8201 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (354.8). Active again (270.8) in North Spin area in the late 1400 hour.
0908- Nighthawk 31 (helo, HMX-1 MCAF Quantico VA)-on discrete (143.825 FM) w/?Stella? advising they are 3 mins out. NOTE: One of HMX-1 helos supporting POTUS trip to Baltimore tomorrow.
0911- Terra 97 (C-32A # 00-9001 NJ ANG 108WG/150SOS WRI)-land at ADW.
0920- Bash flt (4 X F-22s, 149th FS VA ANG ADW)-in W386 ACM on discrete (228.45 & 257.075)
1010- Tester 23 (T-6B # 166053 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (256.5)
1011- Tester 22 (T-6B # 166042 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (256.5)
1024- Milo flt (3 X F-22s 27th/94th FS LFI)-check into W386 (238.1) then ACM on discrete (238.825)
1055- Tester 11 (T-38C # 68-8158 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1313- ADS-B shows Cessna 182T N623MR (FBI Manassas VA) in tight orbiting pattern at 6,000 ft just south of Alexandria VA. Has been orbiting here for at least 3 hours.
1503- CG 6598 (CG MH-65D #6598 CGAS Wash)-w/Wash Helo (134.35)
1516- Hoist 25 (KC-10A # 86-0027 305th AMW WRI)-w/Echo Control (320.45) asking about restrictions in W386. At 1611 wEcho Contol requesting IFR clearance back to WRI. Also w/ZDC Snow Hill (132.55).
1526- ADS-B shows Team 52 (KC-10A # 86-0030 305th AMW WRI) at FL 160 flying across MD Eastern Shore apparently headed for WRI.
1556- Brave flt (2 X F-16s, 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-depart ADW then check in w/Huntress (139.7)
1557- Blackjack 1 & 2 (CG MH-65Ds CGAS Wash)-intercept training on CG discrete (157.05)
1613- CG Sector Baltimore-comms (157.15) w/USCGC James Rankin (WLB 555 CG Stn Curtis Bay MD) requesting status of ATON patrol.
1623- Reach 378 (C-17A # 07-7172 60th AMW Travis AFB CA)-w/DOV CP (349.4) w/inbound msg. Cargo is C-17 engine.
1627- ADS-B shows T-45C # 167085 (VX-20 PAX) active just south of PAX at FL240.
1630- Nighthawk 1 (helo HMX-1 MCAF Quantico VA)-on discrete (143.825 FM) w/?Stella? reporting 2 mins out. Another HMX-1 helo supporting POTUS trip to Baltimore tomorrow. At 1656 w/Wash Helo (134.35) ident a flt of two requesting clearance to NAS Anacostia.
1635- ADS-B shows Castle 09 (C-130H # 84-0020 143rd AS DE ANG New Castle DE) departing the Atlantic City area apparently returning to New Castle.
1937- ADS-B shows Topcat 3 (KC-135R # 63-8029 NJ ANG 108th ARW/141st ARS WRI) in local activity near WRI then heading east off NJ coast.
1939- ADS-B shows Opec 28 (KC-10A # 79-1947 305th AMW WRI)- departing WRI them heading off the NJ coast.
1941- ADS-B shows Jedi 32 (C-17A # 04-4130 WRI)- local flying in vicinity of WRI

Ron (
Baltimore MD (390747N 763711W)
VHF/UHF: BC-895XLT/RS Pro-2045 w/Diamond D-130J discone (in attic)
HF: Icom R75 & Sangean ATS 909 w/45-ft PAR EF-SWL (in attic)


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
ACY- Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Joint Base Andrews MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
BWI- Baltimore-Washingto/Thurgood Marshall Airport (KBWI)
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va (KLFI)
MTN- Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS-Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX- NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI- Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EST))

((OSACOM/PAT/JOSA flts not included--Some acft idents from local ADS-B collectors))

0656- ADS-B shows Reach 685 (C-130H # 95-6710 WV ANG 130AW/130AS Charleston ANGB Charleston WVA) at FL190 crossing eastward through MD/DE/NJ heading off the coast.
0715- Navy 400 (C-37B # 166376 VR-1 ADW) -depart ADW then w/ZDC Calvert (133.9). Headed southeast towards Norfolk.
0722- CG Sector Baltimore (157.15)-w/USCGC James Rankin (WLB 555 CG Stn Curtis Bay MD) reporting underway for ATON patrol. At 1358 reports moored homeport and securs radio guard.
0802- Tester 77 (unid NTPS PAX)-w/NTPS Base (123.2) w/PIREP. Also/NTPS Ops (264.15)
0907- Tester 14 (T-38C # 67-4943 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8) in R-4006.
0919- Tester 09 (T-38C # 61-0925 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (355.8)
0920- Tester 20 (T-6B 166016 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8). Acting as target for ACM training--poss w/Tester 09.
0921- ADS-B shows E-6B # 162784 (VQ-4 Det PAX-TACAMO) departing PAX and heading south southeast. Turned west above Richmond--poss heading home to Tinker AFB OK.
0929- Bash flt (2 X F-22s, 149th FS VA ANG LFI)-in W386 ACM training on discrete (233.55 & 262.025) w/Stomp flt (2 X F-22s, 149th FS VA ANG LFI).
0935- Biker flt (F-22s 27th/94th FS LFI)-in W386 (238.1)
0952- Terra 48 (C-32A # 00-0091 150th SOS NJANG Joint Base-McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ)-local activity in the vicinity of WRI.
0954- Titus 26 (C-12 #76-0160 ADW)-depart ADW then w/ZDC Calvert (133.9).
0956- Miller flt (F-22s, 27th FS/94th FS LFI)-ACM (233.525) in W386
1103- unid acft (no call noted)-w/VX-23 Ops (250.7) w/PIREP for Atlantic Test Track.
1122- Boxer 25 (C-40C # 02-0202 201st AS DC ANG ADW)-land at ADW. ADS-B showing callsign as Boxer 00. At 1350 ADS-B shows # 02-0202 using w/callsign Boxer 97 depart ADW then at 4,000 ft flying east northeast towards Atlantic City NJ.
1150- Two unid acft (no calls noted)-in ACM on discrete (235.9). Possible NJ ANG F-16s.
1312- ADS-B shows Team 31 (KC-10A # 86-0030 305th AMW WRI) flying at 5000 ft in southern NJ heading for WRI.
1319- ADS-B shows Reach 155 (C-17A # 04-04129 437th AMW Charleston AFB SC) at FL270 coming off Atlantic Ocean and crossing coast at MD/DE border anf flying south southeast, prob heading to Charleston.
1339- ADS-B shows Jedi 41 (C-17A # 03-3125 305th AMW/6th AS WRI) landing at WRI.
1340- ADS-B shows Reach 334 (KC-135R # 62-3578 NJ ANG 108th ARW/141st ARS WRI) coming off Atlantic Ocean near Toms River NJ and heading for WRI.
1343- ADS-B shows KC-10A # 87-0110 (305th AMW WRI) coming off Atlantic Ocean near Toms River NJ heading for WRI.
1347- ADS-B show Rhody 55 (C-130J # 05-1435 143rd AMW/143rd AS RI ANG Quonset PT RI) at FL180 off the NJ coast south of Atlantic City heading south.
1422- SPAR 430 (C-21A # 84-0125 457th AS ADW)-land at ADW.
1422- Reach 103 (C-17A # 03-3119 MS ANG 172nd AW/183rd AS Jackson MS)-ADS-B showing at FL180 over Chesapeake Bay & w/Brickyard CP (WRI--134.1) w/inbound msg & write-ups.
1448- Cowboy flt (F-22s, 27th/94th FS LFI)-check into W386 (238.1) for use of Atlantic Test Track.
1457- Raptor flt (4 X F-22s 27th/94th FS LFI)-in W386 for ACM w/Bash flt on discrete (233.525).
1458- Bash flt (4 X F22s 149th FS VA ANG LFI)-ACM w/Raptor flt on discrete (233.525). Also on discretes (228.45 & 262.025).
1515- Decoy 82 (C-17A # 00-0182 167th AW/167th AS WVA ANG Martinsburg WVA)-w/Galaxy CP (167th AS----297.9) w/inbound msg.

Ron (
Baltimore MD (390747N 763711W)
VHF/UHF: BC-895XLT/RS Pro-2045 w/Diamond D-130J discone (in attic)
HF: Icom R75 & Sangean ATS 909 w/45-ft PAR EF-SWL (in attic)


Premium Subscriber
Nov 29, 2003
ACY- Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Joint Base Andrews MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
BWI- Baltimore-Washingto/Thurgood Marshall Airport (KBWI)
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va (KLFI)
MTN- Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS-Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX- NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI- Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EST))

((OSACOM/PAT/JOSA flts not included--Some acft idents from local ADS-B collectors))

0656- ADS-B shows Reach 685 (C-130H # 95-6710 WV ANG 130AW/130AS Charleston ANGB Charleston WVA) at FL190 crossing eastward through MD/DE/NJ heading off the coast.
0715- Navy 400 (C-37B # 166376 VR-1 ADW) -depart ADW then w/ZDC Calvert (133.9). Headed southeast towards Norfolk.
0722- CG Sector Baltimore (157.15)-w/USCGC James Rankin (WLB 555 CG Stn Curtis Bay MD) reporting underway for ATON patrol. At 1358 reports moored homeport and securs radio guard.
0802- Tester 77 (unid NTPS PAX)-w/NTPS Base (123.2) w/PIREP. Also/NTPS Ops (264.15)
0907- Tester 14 (T-38C # 67-4943 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8) in R-4006.
0919- Tester 09 (T-38C # 61-0925 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (355.8)
0920- Tester 20 (T-6B 166016 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8). Acting as target for ACM training--poss w/Tester 09.
0921- ADS-B shows E-6B # 162784 (VQ-4 Det PAX-TACAMO) departing PAX and heading south southeast. Turned west above Richmond--poss heading home to Tinker AFB OK.
0929- Bash flt (2 X F-22s, 149th FS VA ANG LFI)-in W386 ACM training on discrete (233.55 & 262.025) w/Stomp flt (2 X F-22s, 149th FS VA ANG LFI).
0935- Biker flt (F-22s 27th/94th FS LFI)-in W386 (238.1)
0952- Terra 48 (C-32A # 00-0091 150th SOS NJANG Joint Base-McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ)-local activity in the vicinity of WRI.
0954- Titus 26 (C-12 #76-0160 ADW)-depart ADW then w/ZDC Calvert (133.9).
0956- Miller flt (F-22s, 27th FS/94th FS LFI)-ACM (233.525) in W386
1103- unid acft (no call noted)-w/VX-23 Ops (250.7) w/PIREP for Atlantic Test Track.
1122- Boxer 25 (C-40C # 02-0202 201st AS DC ANG ADW)-land at ADW. ADS-B showing callsign as Boxer 00. At 1350 ADS-B shows # 02-0202 using w/callsign Boxer 97 depart ADW then at 4,000 ft flying east northeast towards Atlantic City NJ.
1150- Two unid acft (no calls noted)-in ACM on discrete (235.9). Possible NJ ANG F-16s.
1312- ADS-B shows Team 31 (KC-10A # 86-0030 305th AMW WRI) flying at 5000 ft in southern NJ heading for WRI.
1319- ADS-B shows Reach 155 (C-17A # 04-04129 437th AMW Charleston AFB SC) at FL270 coming off Atlantic Ocean and crossing coast at MD/DE border anf flying south southeast, prob heading to Charleston.
1339- ADS-B shows Jedi 41 (C-17A # 03-3125 305th AMW/6th AS WRI) landing at WRI.
1340- ADS-B shows Reach 334 (KC-135R # 62-3578 NJ ANG 108th ARW/141st ARS WRI) coming off Atlantic Ocean near Toms River NJ and heading for WRI.
1343- ADS-B shows KC-10A # 87-0110 (305th AMW WRI) coming off Atlantic Ocean near Toms River NJ heading for WRI.
1347- ADS-B show Rhody 55 (C-130J # 05-1435 143rd AMW/143rd AS RI ANG Quonset PT RI) at FL180 off the NJ coast south of Atlantic City heading south.
1422- SPAR 430 (C-21A # 84-0125 457th AS ADW)-land at ADW.
1422- Reach 103 (C-17A # 03-3119 MS ANG 172nd AW/183rd AS Jackson MS)-ADS-B showing at FL180 over Chesapeake Bay & w/Brickyard CP (WRI--134.1) w/inbound msg & write-ups.
1448- Cowboy flt (F-22s, 27th/94th FS LFI)-check into W386 (238.1) for use of Atlantic Test Track.
1457- Raptor flt (4 X F-22s 27th/94th FS LFI)-in W386 for ACM w/Bash flt on discrete (233.525).
1458- Bash flt (4 X F22s 149th FS VA ANG LFI)-ACM w/Raptor flt on discrete (233.525). Also on discretes (228.45 & 262.025).
1515- Decoy 82 (C-17A # 00-0182 167th AW/167th AS WVA ANG Martinsburg WVA)-w/Galaxy CP (167th AS----297.9) w/inbound msg.

Ron (
Baltimore MD (390747N 763711W)
VHF/UHF: BC-895XLT/RS Pro-2045 w/Diamond D-130J discone (in attic)
HF: Icom R75 & Sangean ATS 909 w/45-ft PAR EF-SWL (in attic)

Using that ADS-B link I posted?


Premium Subscriber
Nov 29, 2003
1717- E23531 (KC-135R # 62-3531 121st ARW OHIO ANG)-headed for ADW. Was just here Saturday, and has been real active flying during the day time.


Jan 5, 2004
Major delays into KDCA right now. Lots of holding aircraft.
Watching C-12 AE0631 to see where it goes. PAT302 I think I heard
1941- PAT302 with CP 378.1 IDed as C-12 with DV. Staying the night.


  • DCAhold.JPG
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 29, 2003
1054 - RCH8049 (KC-135T # 58-0049 171st ARS Michigan ANG) - Headed for ADW
???? - DEECEE 91 (KC-135R #57-1512 756th ARS Andrews AFB) - Headed WB Currently over Missouri. (1215hrs)
1210 - (VC-25A #82-8000 ) - Headed to ADW (POTUS not on board, no ramp freeze in effect) Looks like it did a Touch & Go.
1210 - DEECEE 41 (KC-135R #57-1487 756th ARS Andrews AFB) - Inbound to Andrews from the south.
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 29, 2003
1305 - VENUS 94 (C-32A #99-0004 1st AS Andrews AFB) - Inbound to Andrews from the South.
1305 - VENUS 31 (C-40A #01-0041 1st AS Andrews AFB) - Inbound to Andrews from the North.
1305 - SPAR 30 (C-37A #01-0030 310th AS MacDill AFB) - Inbound to Andrews from the south.

As of 1435 82-8000 once doing a T&G at ADW went on to do a T&G or 2 at MDT(Harrisburg) and is now doing them at ACY. Wonder if they're training a new pilot? IT appears earlier that had come up from the Newport-News Williamsburg Airport area.
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 29, 2003
1722 - RCH 208 (C-17A #00-0177 137th AS Stewart IAP) - Inbound to Andrews from RMS.
1723 - SAM355 (C-32A #99-0003 1st AS Andrews AFB) - Inbound to Andrews.
???? - ARMY 1052 (C-37 #02-01052 USAPAT Andrews AFB) - Westbound from Andrews.
???? - SPAR 415 (C-21A #84-0120 457th AS Andrews AFB) - Westbound from Andrews


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
ACY- Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Joint Base Andrews MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
BWI- Baltimore-Washingto/Thurgood Marshall Airport (KBWI)
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va (KLFI)
MTN- Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS-Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX- NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI- Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EST))

((OSACOM/PAT/JOSA flts not included--Some acft idents from local ADS-B collectors))

0810- Tester 77 (unid NTPS PAX)-w/NTPS Base (123.2) w/PIREP
0844- Venus 23 (C-20B # 86-0203 99th AS ADW)-depart ADW.
0900- CG 101 (C-37 CGAS Wash)-land at DCA.
0901- ADS-B shows Jinx 51 (C-17A # 02-1098 305th AMW/6th AS WRI) departing WRI then heading westward. Returns to WRI at 1150. At 1317 ADS-B shows active again at 2,000 ft in vicinity of WRI.
0904- ADS-B shows Team 42 (KC-10A # 79-1711 305th AMW WRI) departing WRI. At 1316- ADS-B shows Team 42 at 2,900 ft in activity in vicinity of WRI
0937- Bash flt (4 X F-22s 149th FS VA ANG LFI)-ACM at FL400 on discretes (228.45 & 233.525)
0943- Salty Dog 125 (prob F-18 VX-23 PAX)-w/BW (355.8) w/PIREP.
0947- ADS-B shows Jumbo 70 (C-5M # 87-0035 436th AMW/9th AS DOV) departing DOV and heading south at FL220
0948- Venus 94 (C-32A # 99-0004 1st AS ADW)-depart ADW the w/PAX approach (135.625)
0956- two acft (no calls noted)- working on AAR discrete (268.025). Poss Team 42 & Jinx 51.
1028- Tester 20 (T-6B # 166016 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (354.8)
1028- Devil flt (F-16s 119th FS NJ ANG ACY)-ACM training on discrete (140.1)
1058- Tick/Trick flt (2 X F-22s, 27th/94th FS LFI)-check out of W386 (238.1) & RTB LFI.
1059- Biker flt (F-22s 27th/94th FS LFI)-check into Atlantic Test Track (238.1)
1130- ADS-B shows Topcat 9 (KC-135R # 58-0010 NJ ANG 108th AREW/141st ARS WRI) departing WRI heading southeast towards
Atlantic City then crossing out over the Atlantic at FL120. At 1321 ADS-B shows Topcat 9 at 3,400 ft in vicinity of Atlantic City. Returned to WRI at 1500.
1137- ADS-B shows Baton 20 (EC-130J # 01-1935 193rd/SOG/193rd SOS PA ANG Harrisburg PA) at FL150 crossing southern NJ apparently headed out over the Atlantic off the NJ coast.
1302- Scan 84 (Dash-8 N984HA NGTF)-working on Northrop discrete (123.225).
1304- ADS-B shows Team 43 (KC-10A # 83-0079 305th AMW WRI) doing patterns at WRI
1305- ADS-B shows Reach 257 (KC-10A # 87-0122 305th AMW WRI) landing at WRI.
1325- SPAR 30 (C-37 # 01-0030 6th AMW, 310th AS MacDill AFB FL)-land at ADW.
1330- Venus 31 (C-40C # 01-0041 99th AS ADW)-land at ADW.
1351- ADS-B shows Reach 394 (C-17A # 02-1101 437th AMW Charleston AFB SC) at FL310 flying northeast crossing from Virginia into southern MD then into NJ. Last noted at 1417 at FL310 crossing over Long Island NY into Conn.
1401- Musel 1 (UH-1 1st Helo Sqdn ADW)-land at ADW.
1419- ADS-B shows Venus 23 (C-20B # 86-0203 99th AS ADW) in patterns at Atlantic City NJ.
1453- ADS-B shows Venus 01 (VC-25 # 82-8000 PPO ADW) flying from Lancaster PA area to Atlantic City NJ for some pattern

work at 2,000 ft. Returns to ADW at 1600.
1502- ADS-B shows Reach 740 (C-17A # 06-6166 436th AMW/3rd AS DOV) departing DOV and heading south southwest at FL240. Last noted at 1520 crossing over Langley AFB at FL290.
1508- Bicep 11 flt (2 X F-16s 119th FS NJ ANG ACY)-w/ZDC Cape Charles (257.7) then w/BW (270.8 & 305.2). Also on discrete (140.1). At 1600 clear out of PAX areas RTB ACY. Check in at FL170 w/ZDC Snow Hill (236.825).
1627- ADS-B shows Reach 665 (C-17A # 10-0215 437th AMW Charleston AFB SC) at FL380 over Atlantic Ocean east of Atlantic City probably heading home to Charleston.
1631- Pioneer 09 (P-8 Poseidon VSX-1 PAX)-calling Ops (254.025).
1754- SAM 355 (C-32A # 99-0003 1st AS ADW)-land at ADW. ADS-B first noted this flt in southern Canada.
1800- Marine 374 (UC-35 # 166374 MAW-4 ADW)-land at ADW.
1833- ADS-B shows Team 47 (KC-10A # 87-0122 305th AMW WRI), Team 48 (KC-10A # 83-0079 305th AMW WRI) & Tean 42 (KC-10A # 79-1711 305th AMW WRI) all active. Team 47 appears to be working patterns at WRI while Team 42 & 48 have travelled off shore over the Atlantic.
1848- ADS-B shows Reach 705 (C-17A # 07-7186 437th AMW Charleston AFB SC) apprarently landing at WRI.
1850- ADS-B shows Anvil 67 (C-130H # 96-7324 AFRC 302AW/731AS Colorado Springs Municipal Airport CO) departing Martinsburg WVA and heading south southwest at FL130.
1856- ADS-B shows Reach 114T (C-17A # 06-6168 436th AMW/3rd AS DOV ) at FL170 apparently headed for DOV.
1912- ADS-B shows Topcat 7 (KC-135R # 63-8029 108th ARW/141st ARS WRI) in activity in the vicnity of WRI. At 1915 Topcat 7 leaves WRI area and heads east off the NJ coast.
1920- ADS-B shows Jedi 52 (C-17A # 02-1098 305th AMW/6th AS WRI) depart WRI following same general track as Topcat 7.
1930- SPAR 415 (C-21A # 84-0120 ND ANG 119WG/117AS Fargo ND)-land at ADW.
1929- ADS-B shows Rider 85 (C-17A # 01-0191 436th AMW/3rd AS DOV)- depart DOV and head north at 8,900 ft.
1930- ADS-B shows Jumbo 96 (C-5M # 87-0045 436th AMW/9th AS DOV) deparet DOV at 7,300 ft.
1932- ADS-B shows Hagar 71 (C-5M # 87-00356 436th AMW/9th AS DOV) depart DOV and work patterns at Atlantic City.
1735- ADS-B shows Reach 389 (C-17A # 07-7173 436th AMW/3rd AS DOV) depart DOV and head east out over the Atlantic at FL200.

2. HF: ((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

07535.0 1810Z Steel Halo (unid US Navy vessel) USB working w/SESEF Norfolk VA.
15867.0 2113Z P1Z131 (1/131st Aviation, Alabama ArNG, Dannelly Field, Montgomery, AL) USB/ALE calling R26863 (Alabama ArNG UH-60L # 00-26863).
12222.0 2259Z WRLNG (Connecticut ArNG AASF Bradley IAP Windsor Locks, CT) USB/ALE R23986 (CT ArNG UH-60A # 84-23986). After ALE handshake R/C in clear voice.

Ron (
Baltimore MD (390747N 763711W)
VHF/UHF: BC-895XLT/RS Pro-2045 w/Diamond D-130J discone (in attic)
HF: Icom R75 & Sangean ATS 909 w/45-ft PAR EF-SWL (in attic)


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

Looks like we had some Italian visitors at PAX River today. An Italian AF F-35 w/supporting C-130 & KC-767 were noted ealier over Canada. They were supposed to stop at Pease ANGB NH but wx there is bad (snow) so they diverted to PAX River.

Their ultimate destination is Luke AFB AZ.

Around 1400 I heard an accented English speaker on 135.625 (Pax approach) then later on 120.05. Used callsign ???141. Mode-S database showed MMM1412 KC-767 16th Wing Italian AF.


Jan 5, 2004
French Air Force A310 421 CTM1011 inbound to Dulles 126.1

RECON61 UH-72 11-72208 clear Hagerstown, heading SE. 126.1
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP

Looks like we had some Italian visitors at PAX River today. An Italian AF F-35 w/supporting C-130 & KC-767 were noted ealier over Canada. They were supposed to stop at Pease ANGB NH but wx there is bad (snow) so they diverted to PAX River.

Their ultimate destination is Luke AFB AZ.

Around 1400 I heard an accented English speaker on 135.625 (Pax approach) then later on 120.05. Used callsign ???141. Mode-S database showed MMM1412 KC-767 16th Wing Italian AF.

The Italian F-35 will be at Pax for a bit of testing before heading out west. They were also accompanied by an Italian Eurofighter with another F-35 Italian test pilot in the back seat.



Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
02/05/16 @ 1920 local
HOUND 95 off ACY C-146A/Dornier 328 27 SOW USAF Spec Ops Command (N929EF)
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