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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
TinEar said:
I'd make EVAC 80055 a C-17A (98-0055) from the 62nd Airlift Wing at McChord AFB WA.
Haven't gotten around to writing up my weekend sightings yet, but I can confirm EVAC 80055 was a McChord C-17 when it passed overhead Dulles Sunday afternoon at 1716L. The only other of note from Sunday was CANFORCE 3080 on 134.62 (ZDC) at 1643L.

Monday afternoon, heard at DCA:
1653: -139.7- BLACKJACK 2, this is PIT BOSS, what is your ETA?
1654: -118.95- SAM 1368 (C-20/37 in the white scheme seen) departs ADW, and gradually vectored northwest.
1656: -119.85- TRAN 01 cleared for the approach to 19R, contact tower 118.4 [straight from Approach to Tower, didn't stop at 119.3 first].
1702: -378.1- JOSA 088 is a home station C-21 84-0095 [seen], inbound A-2 with no pax and 2 Space-A.
1709: -118.4- SAM 92 (C-32 98-0002 seen) cleared to land.
1721: -124.7- EVAC 01791 (C-130H 90-1791 OH ANG/Mansfield seen) depart Nottingham heading 030 for a visual to 19R.
1743: -118.4- NAVY JR 856 (C-20 seen) would like 19R, since he's got to drop someone off on the Air Force side.
1745: USCG 02 departed DCA, probably calling COAST GUARD 102, but I wasn't listening.
1746: -378.1- VENUS 21 (C-20 86-0201 in the USA scheme seen) was off at 40 past for a local. 10-ish minutes later, he was with 119.3 getting a vector for the TACAN 19L, and called Tower on 118.4 asking for the option and his clearance to PHF.
1749: -118.95- PAT 1259 (C-26 seen) vectors to ADW.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
292.2 mhz AM mode / copied FM mode on 4/24

BM82557 said:
I have this as Mussel Control, 1st Helo Squadron but haven't copied any vox transmissions to date. Periodically in the past I've picked either data or encryption and had more of the same this morning with a signal at my end of 3. I am correct that this freq is used for vox traffic?


Since the above post I've continued to hear transmissions on 292.2 that sounded like encryption. This morning in the 0945 - 1045 time frame they were coming in with a signal strength of 5. When I switched from AM mode to FM mode it came in clear. Sounded like aero comms talking about working issues and said he had been transmitting all morning but no ids copied. This was at 1124 - 1125. Any ideas what this might be?

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
Since the above post I've continued to hear transmissions on 292.2 that sounded like encryption. This morning in the 0945 - 1045 time frame they were coming in with a signal strength of 5. When I switched from AM mode to FM mode it came in clear. Sounded like aero comms talking about working issues and had been transmitting all morning but no ids copied. This was at 1124 - 1125. Any ideas what this might be?


Wish I could help you on that one Brian because it sounds both interesting and different. But...I just don't hear anything on that freq other than the MUSSEL helos.

From 1020 to 1055 this morning I was listening to a YANKEE 11 flight of four A-10s from the CT-ANG at Bradley flying through the area on various ZDC freqs. They were also using 140.2 as an interflight freq and never stopped yakking the entire time they were within range. It was all guy talk about every woman in Connecticut they knew - what was wrong or right about them, the merits or lack thereof of big cup sizes - well, you know how those conversations go. Then there was their use of language, specifically the 'F' word. I stopped counting at 100 uses and forms of the word. These guys get out of listening range of their home bases and stop worrying about who might be listening to the conversation. They shouldn't. I'm not positive where they were headed because there were so many references to locations around the country. The three most often used were Pope AFB although that might have just been a waypoint. They also mentioned somewhere that was 10 miles north of Montgomery (Alabama?) and several references to San Diego and that area

Toward the end of that event, I heard a HAWK 1 flight (probably A-10s also from CT-ANG) talking with ZNY-Dixie about going to R-5002 (Warren Grove Range) but then mentioned something about coming off the range and clearance to Pope. There was too much noise on the freq to be certain he meant going to Pope upon leaving the range though. Context is difficult when you only hear one side - and only portions of that - of a conversation.

There was also a DEVIL 11 flight of F-16s from the NJ-ANG heard on ZDC-Casino and then at Pax to work R-4006. They got there shortly before 1100 and were working 138.425 interflight.

Other than those few fighters, the rest of what I heard were transports and tankers (at least two from Andrews, a couple from the NY-ANG, two from the NJ-ANG and one each from the NH-ANG and PA-ANG) flying out to meet receivers. The usual big batch of VIP jets were into and out of Andrews.

And that was the result of listening this morning over about a 90 minute period. Now, it's off to cut the grass before it rains.

Edit: Popping in long enough to give Dave a heads up that a FLYER 1 flight of Willow Grove A-10s is on the way to "The Duke"...currently on ZNY-Pottstown 278.3 at 1306. At 1313, they switch to ZNY-Williamsport 338.3 and cancel their IFR status.

And, shortly after 1300, there's a BAT 22 (KC-135E, 58-0080, 174th ARS IA-ANG Sioux City) talking to LIBERATOR on 378.1 for his arrival to Andrews

At 1311...DC 21 (KC-135R, 756th ARS Andrews) calls LIBERATOR on 378.1 to change his maintenance status (earlier had reported A-1)....says they may have hit a bird and have an odor coming into the cockpit.
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Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
andy3315 said:
The Two F-18 Are Supper Hornets An E And F Model The Call Sign Is Vampire 71 There Is Also Two Barksdale A-10's Call Sign Ruckus 71That Went To The Guard Ramp Not Sure If They Were Working With the 111th Haven't Seen Them Up, The C-5 From Travis Was Picking Up Some Stuff From The Marine Hanger Not Sure But I Was Told Two Big Long Boxes So Who Knows, I Will Say This Have Been A Good Weekend For Willow Grove Since I Can Remember When. Hopefully It Stays That Way.

Here's a few shots of both RUCKUS (Barksdale, LA A-10's) and VAMPIRE (VX-9 F/A-18's) from this past saturday at Willow Grove.







Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Love the A-10 Hog Jaws and Bat emblems on Hornets! Must be same squadron of Hornets you see occasionaly
on commercial breaks on the Military No doubt VAMPIRES!
I notice on A-10 engine cowling ANG something Test Center.

Great pics!

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Mar 22, 2007
Hatboro Pa
Hey Good Pics Walt I Love Those A-10's Let Mess Guess You Took These From Lees On The Deck? LOL :). Mark They Said ANG/AFRC Test Center One Of My Buddies Said At One Point They Were New Orleans Birds I Have To Look Up The Bu #'s Oh Also There Tails Said Dogpatcher.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yes indeed...those are really good pictures. As neat as the F-18s are, I'm still very partial to the Hawgs. I wonder what they were doing at Willow Grove? I never heard them fly from there over the weekend...unless they did and used local callsigns instead of their own.

Most of the engine cowlings on the Barksdale A-10s just show "AFRC"...that ANG/AFRC Test Center was something new to me too Mark.

Speaking of Hawgs....Martin State A-10s flying this afternoon...A RAVEN flight of two just landed at 1655 followed by an AXEMAN flight of two at 1700. .COLT flight of two is still up and working interflight 140.025.
[COLTs over to MTN Tower for landing at 1739 and touching down about 1744...COLT 2 changed his maintenance status from Code 1 to Code 2 while taxiing to his parking spot.]

CINC, Naval Forces Europe is ascending on his way out of Andrews in his C-20A (BuNo 830500) at 1715. [Thought he was incoming for a minute and then realized he was heading out.]

1927: Just heard a conversation between OMAHA 48 (Customs Helo) and someone (I think he said he was an OMAHA also) on 165.2375. OMAHA 48 wanted the guy he was talking to to call a number in Philly (215-xxx-xxxx) and tell the person there they have no comms on digital tac 1 or digital tac 2. He wants him told they will have to use analog net 1, tac 1. The phone call was made and the message back to OMAHA 48 was that the guy in Philly was in the middle of an operation and would have to use his cell phone. OMAHA 48 says that won't work because he has no service where he is and he needs to establish comms with Philly because he has video to download. [The transmissions on 165.2375 are FM mode through the Customs repeater.]
1939: OMAHA 48 now talking to someone I can't hear - possibly the guy in Philly. He goes through the same conversation about how digital tac 1 and digital tac 2 won't work for him. He says he just loaded them into his radio and perhaps the problem is on his end but, in any case, it's just not working....still on 165.2375

AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 25 APR 00:00 2007 UNTIL 25 APR 00:30 2007
SAM 93 and Air Force 1 are chatting on 136.725...93 told AF 1 it was clear sailing through Baltimore and to runway 1L at Andrews.
1951: SAM 93 with TRACON 119.85 and then over to Tower on 118.4...he then switches to 136.725 and gives info to Air Force 1 about the approach to ADW.
1958: Air Force 1 with TRACON 119.85
2003: Air Force 1 to ADW Tower...on a 10 mile final for landing runway 1L...118.4
2006: Air Force 1 reports gear down, cleared to land...and does...118.4

RAVEN flight of A-10s off the deck at Martin State at 1955...using 142.3 for interflight.
2007: RAVEN to Raven Ops and asks for the SOF...he then reports PIREP for takeoff finds cloud deck at about 7000 feet...he also wants to know the weather for south of Easton and R-4006 (So, they're obviously going to Pax)...347.2
2009: And at Pax they are...the RAVEN 5000 feet, non-standard formation...354.8
2012: RAVEN lets Pax know when they leave they're going to Dover...354.8
2015: AXEMAN flight of A-10s airborne from MTN and on interflight...140.0
2026: RAVEN and AXEMAN flights coordinating their work areas at Pax on Victor Ops freq...143.8
2040: CRAB 10 with Phillips AAF Tower for landing on runway 22...126.15 (The CRAB C-130J aircraft from MTN are using different callsign suffixes recently. This is tail 97-1351 who would normally be CRAB 51. I've noticed over the past several days they've changed from using the last two digits of their serial number as a suffix.)
2050: CRAB 10 did a couple of high speed approaches at Phillips AAF and now is ready for his full stop landing on runway 22...126.15
2058: A COLT flight of A-10s from MTN slipped by me and went airborne at some point...they are working interflight...143.0
RAVEN 142.3
AXEMAN 140.0
COLT 143.0

2100: Radios off...time to watch The Unit.
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
2122 MUSSELL-06 checking in with Bluegrass Tower (Mt Weather),10 minutes out. I figured it was a MUSSELL helo I heard a few minutes, didn't have my scanner on at the time.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 04252007

0954 - interflight chatter, have this listed as NJ ANG - 138.425
0959 - continuing, signal strength is up to 2 - 138.425


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


A few logs from the past couple of days...


1944Z 287.600 FOGHORN CTL Pentagon - continuous telephone rings - heard this all the way from the Skyline area of Falls Church to I-495/Rt.267!
1945Z 349.500 NS Norfolk Ops - U/I flight 20 mins. out with 20 pax.
1947Z 139.700 HUNTRESS - BLACKJACK 2 - airborne for the next 1+15.

2000Z 119.300 Potomac APP - DC 11 - @ 2500' for the option to rwy 19L.
2000Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BOXR 189 - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
2056Z 1201.00 IAD TWR East - PAT 036 (C-12U 84-0145) - lands rwy 19L.


1356Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 4377 (C-12U 84-24377 2-228th AVN) - conducting practice apps to rwy 32.
1357Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 1381 - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.

1406Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 283 (KC-10A) - deps ADW dir LDN QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650.
1409Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 8009 (UC-35A 98-0009 Davison AAF DC ArNG) - deps DAA to 11000' dir FLUKY QSY 121.050.
1411Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 80080 (KC-135E 58-0080 174th ARS IA ANG) - deps ADW QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650.
1415Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - EVAC 80080 (KC-135E 58-0080 174th ARS IA ANG) - reporting t/off time ADW.
1416Z 354.800 BayWatch - ???? 316 up on this freq.


Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
andy3315 said:
Hey Good Pics Walt I Love Those A-10's Let Mess Guess You Took These From Lees On The Deck? LOL :). Mark They Said ANG/AFRC Test Center One Of My Buddies Said At One Point They Were New Orleans Birds I Have To Look Up The Bu #'s Oh Also There Tails Said Dogpatcher.

Yeah, the Dogpatcher refers to Lil Abner from what I read somewhere, because there are a bunch of the BD A-10s that have a little cartoon character painted on the side, each one a different character from Lil Abner. Look at the fuselage stars and bars, just a bit down and to the left, you'll see a colorful art picture. That's it. Wish I had a better pic of it. i'm sure it's out there as well.


Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
Andy...actually, we ran across the street and stood on the guard rail!!! Security even drove right by us......i thought for sure they would yell!! Not the smartest thing, but hey, when you need the shot, you need the shot!!


Mar 22, 2007
Hatboro Pa
Lol I Think Security Doesn't Care Anymore After Me And My Friends Have Been Shooting Photos There For A Long Time They Either Know All Of Or Just Don't Mind Anymore Lol But Ya You Got It When Ya Need The Shot Ya Need The Shot :). It's Going To Be Busy Down In Va This Week With Langley's Air Show Heard There Is Going To Be A Full F-22 Demo.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
There are a couple of ramp freezes coming up for Andrews over the next two days...
L0110/07 - AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 27 APR 20:15 2007 UNTIL 27 APR 20:45 2007
L0109/07 - AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 26 APR 15:10 2007 UNTIL 26 APR 15:40 2007

Langley Air Show April 27/28/29
There's a link within the above story for the official Langley show website -- and within that is a link to the actual schedule for the flying units starting Friday night.

NOTAM published for Langley:

1750: Navy C-40A (BuNo 166693) from VR-57 in New Orleans calling Andrews Command Post on 141.55. He was using RX 750 for a callsign and gave his tail as RX693 when asked for it by the controller. He's dropping off 20 pax and 5,000 pounds of cargo. Needs 24K pounds of fuel.

There has been a very heavy load of transports and tankers again today on the freqs I monitor. I believe I've logged over 100 of them in my notes today although some are duplicates with an aircraft landing at one of the bases and then heard later when it leaves. The fighter activity has been fairly light. There was a FLYER A-10 flight from Willow Grove and a BICEP F-16 flight from Atlantic City - both working at Pax early this afternoon.

2000 hour: Three A-10 flights up from Martin State -- AXEMAN, RAVEN, COLT
Near 2200 and the Martin State A-10s are finishing up and coming home.
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Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
Well..looks like Willow Grove is not going to be staying open, at least the runway that is. The Navy rejected the Air Force and PA's plan. Darn it!

Edit: Well who knows what's going to happen (just read that the runway is staying), but I think it's safe to say that in a few years activity in and out of WG is going to be very very limited.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
0942 - sounds like interflight, tanks drained, bullseye, etc - 143.150

Brian, you caught a little piece of a very interesting exercise by the DC-ANG Andrews F-16s. It was a flight of 8 BULLYs - BULLY 11-16 and BULLY 21-22. They went up to W-107 in Giant Killer's area (enter/exit on 255.0). They are all approaching Andrews on their way home now at 1045. They used interflight freqs 139.15, 139.45, 143.15 and 143.6 and 337.225 for a common freq. Upon leaving W-107, they were handed to ZDC-Casino 285.4, Potomac TRACON (BWI) 317.425, Potomac TRACON (DCA) 270.275 and finally to Andrews Tower 349.0.

Again today there are scads of transports and tankers moving around the area. AR-636 is busy on 319.7 and tankers going into Giant Killer's offshore areas on 118.125 and 125.375.

Interestingly, I caught two Japanese Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) B-747/400 types going into Andrews. They were JAF 001 and JAF 002 (tails 20-1101 and 20-1102) from the 701 Hikotai based at Chitose Air Base. They arrived at about 1000 and 1030. They used the VHF freqs all the way through the area, finally landing with Andrews Tower on 118.4.
[Note: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe came to town. There will be a state dinner this evening in his honor at the White House.]

There was also a FLYER A-10 flight from Willow Grove at Pax this morning. They left that area shortly after 1000 to head home. Heard with Pax on 305.2 and 354.8, with ZDC-Kenton 354.15, Philadelphia TRACON 269.25 and 317.55 before I dropped them to continue coverage of the BULLY and Japanese flights.

1100 hearing a DEVIL 11 flight of NJ-ANG F-16s heading home with ACY Approach 327.125. No idea where they were in the midst of a crowded sky.

DC 41 and 42 KC-135Rs (59-1469 and 62-3542) from Andrews are up...along with a couple of NJ-ANG KC-135s and NY-ANG KC-135s all flying around our area. Add in at least a couple of KC-10A from McGuire.

This has been one of those mornings that you have problems separating all the military flight activity because there is so much of it. It requires selective listening no matter how many radios you have available. Pick a freq, any freq and there'll be activity on it.

1111: REACH 283 [female] (KC-10A, 84-0192, 305th AMW) to McGuire Command Post -- 25 minutes out, no pax, only cargo is a Silver Bullet...319.4
1115: EVAC 23285 (C-130H, 92-3285, 328th Airlift Squadron AFRC) reports takeoff from Andrews...378.1

1130: Sounds like I've got that foul-mouthed group of A-10 pilots coming home from wherever they went a few days ago. They're working 140.2 interflight again.
It's the YANKEE 1 flight of four A-10s (CT-ANG Bradley) and currently with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 and still talking non-stop on interflight.
1135: Air Force 2 off from Andrews...118.95 [Female pilot, C-32A, 98-0002]
1151: YANKEE 1 flight handed off to ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 and check in at FL 190
1151: STEEL 61 (KC-135R, 58-0072, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh) checking in with Giant Killer at FL 280 ...118.125
1156: YANKEE 1 flight requests and is cleared to 17000 feet...281.45
1156: YANKEE 1 flight handed off to ZDC-Casino and check in at FL 180 heading for 17,000...285.4
Have to admit their chat this time has been clean...big difference from on their way out.

1203: YANKEE 1 flight handed to ZNY-Dixie 307.8 and check in...or try joy so back to 285.4 they go and are sent to ZNY-Manta 353.5 and check in there with no problem at 1206.
1203: SENTRY 60 (E-3, 552nd ACW, Tinker AFB OK) calling Any Station for a signal check on 349.4

[Just tossing in interesting things - not logging everything I hear - I can neither type that fast nor wish to wear myself out on this extremely busy day for MilAir.'s more fun listening than typing. :)]

1238: Just heard an aircraft IDing as EVAL 64 calling Any Radio on FSS 255.4. He makes contact with Millville Radio and further IDs as Guard Aircraft 00250 and says he's coming ashore and landing at Southern Airport in Delaware. He's in the vicinity of Wilmington DE and says he departed from MUI. He's not sure if his flight plan is filed under EVAL 64 or his Guard tail number.
MUI = Muir Army Airfield at Ft. Indiantown Gap PA
1240: CRAB 53 (C-130J, 97-1354, 135th AS MD-ANG Warfield ANGB) calling CRAB Ops on 143.8
CRAB 51 (97-1351) is also up.
1248: NASA 961 with Andrews Tower for landing...118.4 (Earlier, at 1235, he was heard transmitting to Navy Ops at Andrews in the blind on 386.8 with his arrival message.)
1252: HAWK 01 calling Langley Dispatch on 372.2
1256: Coast Guard Copter 6572 to CG Baltimore to say he has landed at Coast Guard Yard and Baltimore can discontinue watch at this time...Baltimore tells him to have a good time with the kids. (huh?)...Marine channel 23A - 157.15

1300: HAWK 01 with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 and then ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8
1302: HAWK 01 to Langley Dispatch...IDs as a flight of three A-10s...wants a message passed to DSN 698-xxxx at Barnes to let them know they'll be arriving at 1800Z. These are MA-ANG Barnes A-10s
1304: FLYER 1 flight of two A-10s from Willow Grove with ZNY-Pottstown 278.3
Requesting direct Slate Run so they're on the way to The Duke, Dave.
1309: FLYER requests 13000 due to icing at 15000...they're cleared to that altitude...278.3
1309: HAWK 01 flight with ZDC-Cape Charles...256.8 and handed off.
1311: HAWK 01 flight over to ZDC-Kenton 354.15 and check in at 15000 feet, ID as a flight of 3 A-10s, want to cancel IFR...descending to 13,500 direct Barnes (BAF)
1312: FLYER handed to ZNY-Williamsport 338.3 and check in at 13,000 feet
1315: FLYER confirms going to the Duke MOA...want wx along the route...338.3
1335: MAPLE 26 (F-16, Vt-ANG Burlington) heading for Langley...he's talking with Ops and asks the weather in the Richmond area...also says he's Code 2 for the targeting pod and 100 pounds of trapped fuel in his wing tanks...138.0...currently with ZDC-Cape Charles 1350 he's handed to Norfolk TRACON where he checks in in the descent for Langley.
1340: Willow Grove A-10s on interflight 143.25
1341: CADE flight from Willow Grove talking with Raven Ops...apparently they're going to land at MTN and mentions a quick turn on the ramp...143.8
1352: NJ-ANG F-16s active on interflight 138.425
1353: UGLY flight of A-10s from Willow Grove with ZDC-Kenton 354.15
UGLY flight using 143.25 for interflight.

1404: UGLY flight of two A-10s with ZDC-Kenton 354.15 and are handed off to Pax Advisory and check in on 305.2 at 1405. They'll work there for the next 30 minutes. Switch to BayWatch at Pax 270.8 at 1408
1412: UGLY flight asks if they can use R-6609 for 10-15 minutes...they're cleared and say they're headed that way now....270.8
1416: BICEP 11 (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) into W-107 with Giant Killer...255.0
1416: UGLY flight wants to cancel the R-6609 portion of their flight...changed their minds about it...270.8
1417: REACH 0791 (C-130H, 90-1791, OH-ANG) airborne from Andrews...378.1 (He came in as an EVAC 01791 flight)

Andrews Command Post sending aircraft from 141.55 to 378.1. I didn't hear a reason so perhaps it's just noise on the Victor freq.

1423: DRAGNET (E-3 552nd ACW Tinker AFB OK) to Giant Killer to say he's on Event C-2411 but has to leave W-122 and cannot support the aircraft there...251.6 (GK's control freq for W-122)
1423: MAPLE 91 (F-16 Vt-ANG) with ZDC-Cape Charles...256.8 (Don't know whether he's going to Langley or back to Burlington - probably the latter.)
Confirmed...his next stop is ZDC-Coyle 254.3 at 1429 so he's heading north.

1426: Have a U/I pair working interflight 138.1....this freq has been associated with the NJ-ANG in the past but I haven't heard it used in a very long time. Two aircraft setting up for ground attack mission so it looks more like A-10s than F-16s. They sound close enough to be at Pax.
1432: I've got a CADE flight (two A-10s from Willow Grove) talking to Phillips AAF Tower on 126.15. They say something about UHF not working and that's why they are here. They are descending for an approach.

The amount of MilAir this afternoon is just incredible. No way possible to keep up with it all - even in just a listening mode.

1444: CADE flight finishes doing approaches at Phillips AAF on 126.15 and leave to the north. Mention switching to Uniform freq 323.1. Took me a bit to get onto that freq and no doubt missed their check in...but listening for further if it happens. Couple of minutes later heard someone calling Philly Approach one time and that was it.
1448: UGLY flight with ZDC-Kenton 354.15...get sent to Philly 286.0 as they always do and, as always, they get no reply so wind up back with Kenton. This time they are sent to Phil TRACON 317.55 and check in and immediately are handed to Phil TRACON 1454, the UGLY flight is with Ops on 343.0 and mention they'll be getting home 15 minutes late and one of them has a UHF problem
NOTE: I have a strong feeling the CADE and UGLY flights were the same guys. They used UGLY for the Pax portion of their flight and with ATC but CADE when they talked to Raven Ops earlier and while with Phillips AAF. One strong suggestion of that is the UGLY flight mentioned to Ops on 343.0 about a problem with the UHF radio. Heard the exact problem from the CADE flight when with Phillips on 126.15 as the reason they weren't working UHF. After leaving Phillips, the CADE flight just seemed to disappear. They should have been heard with Philly but it was the UGLY flight that showed up at just the right time.

1506: Have EVAL 64 (Guard aircraft tail 00250) again calling Millville Radio on FSS freq 255.4. He reports in the vicinity of Wilmington DE...doesn't seem to get a reply.
1509: RAVEN flight of A-10s airborne from MTN at 1859Z (reporting late)...347.2....a couple of minutes later it sounds like them checking in with Pax on 270.8 to work for the next 45 minutes

THE END (Will try to hear some of the Langley inbound flights for the air show this evening)
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Just the one today while at IAD:


1929Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - LOBO 714 (UC-35D 166715 MAW-4/VMR-1 Cherry Point) - lands rwy 19L to Signature Flight Support. Departed rwy 30 @ 2022Z on 128.425.
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