Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Guard Dog Cap

The players are getting into position.

0746 - HUNTRESS working PITMAN 25 - 260.9
0750 - Approach isn't ready for them yet - 260.9
0843 - PITMAN 25 has radar/tacan/iff inop, 25/26 talking about having HUNTRESS call MAD DOG to scramble a 2 ship replacement with these 2 rtb - 228.9
0848 - PITMAN 25 with HUNTRESS requesting MAD DOG be called DSN 965-xxxx and be told that 25 has a B7 failure and is holding hands with 26, 25 recommends launching the 2 ship replacements - 260.9
0851 - PITMAN 25 reports the above to Potomac Approach - 135.525
0859 - HUNTRESS to PITMAN 25 reporting that MAD DOG is still reviewing the situation. 25 says he can stay in the CAP as long 25/26 can stay together but if they have to split up the replacements are needed - 260.9
0903 - HUNTRESS to PITMAN 25, stay in the cap as fragged. 25 asks if HUNTRESS has a problem with 25/26 holding hands, HUNTRESS replies negative, maintain the north cap, 26 to be lead - 260.9
1214 - 139.825 is active
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Guard Dog CAP Schedule...Start 0815 4/27/07...End 0945 4/28/07

PITMAN 25/26, F-16s from Shaw
TANKER 01, KC-135R from PA-ANG Pittsburgh (58-0074)

Everyone has problems. PITMAN 25 has a guidance system problem and they have plans to go into Andrews if it craps out on him. The tanker couldn't retract his boom because of a bad signal coil. They did an on-board repair and are going to see if it works. At 1041, they were about to refuel when HUNTRESS suddenly had a target for them to chase down.

HUNTRESS decides that target is not a threat so PITMAN 25/26 are heading for the tanker again to see if this repaired boom is going to work. Everyone going to boom freq 228.9 from primary 260.9. Time is 1045.

By 1053, both PITMANs are done refueling. For now, it looks like TANKER 01's boom is working after that duct tape and rubber band repair. KC-135 crews have been doing that for years and they're excellent at it. PITMAN 25/26 go back to the CAP with full tanks (11,800 and 11,600 pounds respectively).
TANKER 01 reports to HUNTRESS that his boom is in the green.

High noon and the PITMAN pair are heading back to TANKER 01 for what should be their last refueling before heading back to Shaw. They're asking for 2000 pounds each. TANKER 01 says he has plenty of gas and asks if they want a topoff. PITMAN 25 says they'll take 3000 but don't want too much since they're about to go home.
PITMAN 31/32 are are on the way to the CAP. At 1208 they're with ZDC-Irons 360.85 at FL 230.
PITMAN 25/26 back in the CAP at 1210 after completion of the refueling op.
At 1214, PITMAN 31/32 are using 139.825 for interflight on their way into the CAP. 1232 PITMAN 31/32 are in the CAP, refueling with TANKER 01 and PITMAN 25/26 have been cleared back to Shaw. They are leaving the CAP with ZDC-Montebello 121.675 (They asked for a Victor freq) and then quickly get changed to Uniform 284.7 so they can use their Victor radio for interflight 139.825.
TANKER 02 is on his way to the CAP...asked for the squawks of all the current players.
TANKER 02 is currently with ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 at 1238 reporting he'll enter the CAP at FL 250.
Believe TANKER 02 is going to be a KC-135R from the 133rd ARS NH-ANG (63-8038)....unless he flies right on by us....nope, he's staying to play the part of TANKER 02.
1243: TANKER 01 tells PITMAN 32 he has a lot of fuel spray coming out of his left wing...disconnects and then asks if he wants to try hooking up again...32 does and the same thing happens so he disconnects....he's within 500 pounds of being full anyway so he's not worried about stopped spraying shortly after disconnecting from the boom...228.9
1246: TANKER 01 is trying to get out of there and head for home but HUNTRESS won't release him just yet...260.9/135.525
1249: TANKER 02 checks in with HUNTRESS...260.9
1249: TANKER 01 wants his clearance thru Indianhead (back to Pittsburgh)...135.525
1256: TANKER 01 picks up his clearance and heads for home...135.525

Late 1100 hour an Egyptian government owned Gulfstream IV just went whizzing overhead at FL 410. (SU-BGM was his registration)

1254: UTAH 64 (KC-135R, 63-8206, 191st ARS UT-ANG Salt Lake City) heading to Dover AFB with 37 pax to offload...349.4 (That's an unusual one!)

1304: TANKER 01 to STEEL Control at Pittsburgh to report he's 20 minutes out, A-3 status for the boom writeups and will land with about 38,000 pounds of fuel on board...311.0

1312: Have a FAST 61 flight (F-16, 138th Fighter Squadron NY-ANG Syracuse) working interflight 138.3. They just got handed off from ZOB-Altoona RCAG 363.075 to freq 316.1 (and I have no idea who that is...they repeated it several times among themselves - I guess they don't know who it is either...I'm listening there but hear nothing yet)
1335: PITMAN 31 completes another refueling with TANKER 02....PITMAN 32 heading for fuel at 1337
1346: PITMAN 32 done with his AR and is back in the CAP

1445: PITMAN 31 going to TANKER 02 to refuel...and does...228.9
1450: PITMAN 31 finishes the AR op after taking 6300 pounds of fuel...228.9
PITMAN 31 now has 11,900 pounds and PITMAN 32 has 8,100 pounds of fuel in their tanks...32 is cleared to the tanker.
Log will end here until the next set of replacements come in.

Got some yard work in and missed the handoff from PITMAN 31/32 to 33/34 but, yeah, it happened - I guess around 1600. TANKER 02 is still in place.
This has been a relatively quiet day for MilAir, at least by comparison to the rest of the week. I guess the bad weather this morning had something to do with it.

1656: TANKER 03 makes contact with HUNTRESS....will come into the area at FL 240....260.9
I apparently missed a problem that PITMAN 34 had with TANKER 02...for some reason he couldn't refuel with him and is waiting anxiously for TANKER 03 to get here to try with him. If the problem is aboard PITMAN 34's system and wasn't with TANKER 02's equipment, he'll land at Andrews.
1659: TANKER 03 is just about to the CAP...he's a KC-135R (tail 60-0349) from the 77th ARS at Seymour Johnson AFB NC.

1702: TANKER 03 checking in with Potomac at FL 240....135.525
1710: PITMAN 34 has gone to the tanker to try refueling...they're talking on the boom intercom so I can't hear a word they're saying...however, no problems have been reported on the radio, so they must be hooked up. TANKER 03 reports disconnect at 1712...228.9
1713: PITMAN 33 asks HUNTRESS if his wingman is able to take gas...TANKER 03 pops in to say they're working on it and are just about to make contact...TANKER 03 reports he's giving gas...then reports disconnect...260.9
1714: TANKER 02 is cleared to RTB by HUNTRESS...switches to Potomac to pick up his clearance and asks for FL 350 to PSM (Pease NH)...135.525
1717: TANKER 03 reports disconnect again...still haven't heard a word from PITMAN 34...after all these disconnects, it appears 34 is indeed having some trouble...228.9
1721: TANKER 03 reports disconnect again and tells PITMAN 34 he got 7800 pounds of fuel...guess it was successful after several attempts...228.9

1827: It's time for PITMAN 34 to refuel again...he's heading for the tanker...260.9
1832: PITMAN 34 with TANKER 03 on boom freq...disconnect reported at this time...disconnect again at 1834...228.9
1837: They disconnect for a final time and TANKER 03 reports 34 took 5300 pounds...228.9
1838: PITMAN 34 reports back in the CAP to HUNTRESS and PITMAN 33 starts for the tanker...260.9
1844: PITMAN 33 completes his AR after taking 4800 pounds...228.9....reports back in the CAP...260.9
1850: PITMAN 33 tells HUNTRESS they will not need to refuel anymore...260.9

1902: PITMAN 35/36 coming into the area on interflight...139.825
1907: PITMAN 35 into the area and checks in with HUNTRESS (he has used both PITMAN 25 and 35 so I'm not sure who he is yet)...260.9
1909: New PITMAN pair looking for the one transmission he used both 25 and 35...I think it's really 35 no matter how mixed up he is...260.9
1912: PITMAN 35/36 switch to boom freq (and he has settled on 35), make contact with TANKER 03....35 will go to the boom and 36 will hang out on the left wing of the tanker...228.9
1917: PITMAN 35 in position and cleared to contact the boom...228.9
1920: PITMAN 35 off the boom after taking 5700 pounds...228.9
1923: PITMAN 35 tells HUNTRESS they took off at 2223Z (which means it took them about 45 minutes to reach the CAP area from Shaw)...260.9
1924: PITMAN 36 off the boom after taking 5300 pounds...228.9
1925: TANKER 03 tells HUNTRESS he has 50,000 pounds of fuel left for himself and his receivers...260.9

2000: PITMAN 35, although still having 9500 pounds of fuel in his tanks, is going to the boom for a topoff...260.9
2002: PITMAN 35 switches to boom freq and makes contact with TANKER 03...35 reports nose cold, weapons safe...228.9
2005: TANKER 03 clears PITMAN 35 onto the boom...228.9
2008: PITMAN 35 off the boom...he took 2700 pounds...228.9....checks back in with HUNTRESS...260.9
2019: PITMAN 36 over to the boom freq with TANKER 03...228.9
2024: PITMAN 36 off the boom...took 4100 (I think)...228.9...checks back in with HUNTRESS...260.9

2117: PITMAN 35 going back to the tanker for yet more fuel...260.9
2117: PTIMAN 35 reports in a 6.9 mile trail with TANKER 03...tanker clears him to join...228.9
2117: BLACKJACK 1 (USCG HH-65) with Andrews Tower performing intercepts in the area of Andrews...118.4
2122: PITMAN 35 has caught up with the tanker and is cleared in to the boom...228.9
2126: PITMAN 35 disconnects from the boom after taking 3900 pounds....35 says he's not full and is invited back onto the boom for more fuel...he takes another 1300 pounds for a total of 5200...PITMAN 35 asks the tanker for his tail number and is given 60-0349 from Seymour Johnson - confirming what I posted above at 1659 when he came into the area...228.9
2146: PITMAN 36 to the boom freq for refueling with TANKER 03...tanker picking up speed...I believe they try to be at about 310 knots during the refueling op...228.9
2148: PITMAN 36 cleared to contact the boom...228.9
2149: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 advise Andrews Tower they're done...BLACK JACK 2 says he's over Greenbelt and want to pick up Route 3 (helo route)
2150: PITMAN 36 disconnects after taking 3300 pounds...03 asks him if he's full...36 says nope, so he's going back onto the boom for more...228.9
2153: PITMAN 36 off the boom again after taking another 2100 pounds - total 5400...228.9
2153: TANKER 03 advises HUNTRESS they've only got 8,000 pounds left for himself and receivers...oops...he says the receivers can come back in about 20-25 minutes and get 2,000 pounds apiece (and that will be all he can do and still get home)...260.9
I believe the 8000 pounds that TANKER 03 mentioned is over and above his bingo amount. He can give each fighter 2000 pounds, stay on station for about 20 minutes and then must scoot.
2156: PITMAN flight leader says they should have enough to finish the shift and get home if his #2 goes to the tanker in 15 minutes and takes 2000 pounds...TANKER 03 says that will put him at bingo...260.9

2204: PITMAN 35 and 36 change to boom freq...36 going to the boom first...TANKER 03 tells them they're welcome to top off and that will finish him off...TANKER 03 says he has 5000 pounds to give and that's it...both fighters are going to try to top off (greedy SOBs - they don't care if the tanker is short)...228.9
[The F-16s are supposed to have 6700 pounds when they leave the CAP for Shaw.]
2215: PITMAN 35 off the boom after taking 2800 pounds...36 heading for the boom...228.9
2215: TANKER 03 tells HUNTRESS he'll be bingo after this offload...asks for clearance to work clearance back to homeplate...he's cleared to RTB after the refueling op...260.9
2218: PITMAN 36 off the boom after taking 1500 pounds...228.9
2218: TANKER 03 requesting clearance to Tar River and Seymour Johnson, GSB...135.525
[As usual, I expect the CAP to be suspended for the night at 2300.]
2223: TANKER 03 seems to be having trouble being heard by Potomac but finally gets their clearance...135.525
2224: PITMAN 35 has 11,500 pounds of fuel and 36 has 11,400 pounds...they say they've got plenty of gas now...260.9
2224: TANKER 03 tells HUNTRESS they're on the way out of the CAP now and will see them next time...260.9
2229: PITMAN 35 to Potomac to start working their clearance back to Shaw (SSC) as a two-ship flight...135.525

Reached character limit...continued below.

1845: Japanese Air Force 002 is off from Andrews (B747, tail 20-1101)...he's also calling someone on Dispatch freq 372.2 but I can't make out who he's calling...accent is very heavy. He's heading to the northeast on a course of 60 degrees for now. Two of these B747s came in yesterday morning bringing the Japanese Prime Minister to town. This was the first of the two that arrived so it's probably the advance team.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Had to start a new message due to character limits in the above message.

2236: TANKER 03 to LIGHTHOUSE Control (their Command Post at Seymour Johnson) to report 20 minutes from home, they have 26,400 pounds of fuel remaining, offloaded 56,900 pounds to four F-16s and are mission complete...311.0
2254: PITMAN 35 picking up his clearance back to BRV (Brooke) and then direct Shaw at FL 230 -- which will be good in about 6 minutes...135.525
2256: PITMAN 35 directs his #2 to a fighting wing formation as they prepare to leave...260.9

2301: PITMAN 35 to Potomac to report ready to RTB...course 180 and requests victors for Brooke...cleared for FL 230...135.525
2302: VEGAS 01 (sounded like) to ZDC-Montebello asking for clearance back to NKT (Cherry Point)...284.7
2304: PITMAN 35/36 handed off to ZDC-Irons and check in at FL 230...IDs as two ship F-16s...360.85
PITMAN 35 tells 36 to go to Victor-8 which should be 139.825....and is as they begin to chat...they mention the lack of a Victor chat freq during the mission according to the new rules (because they have to keep their VHF radio monitoring Potomac Approach 135.525)
2304: SAM 1335 landing at Andrews...118.4
2308: Fuel remainders...PITMAN 35 has 8300 and 36 has 7900 pounds....139.825
2310: PITMAN 35 and 36 discussing all the small problems and techniques that occured during their shift in the CAP...they're giving a critique of each other's performance...PITMAN 36 is apparently the senior man even though he was the wingman for this flight...139.825
2312: PITMAN flight cleared from FL 230 to 240...360.85
[I just realized that PITMAN 35 and 36 said not a word to HUNTRESS when they were relieved from the CAP - no goodbyes, no "thanks for the work" which is normal, no nothing, they just left.]
2315: PITMAN 35 requests they be allowed to go to a non-standard 2-mile-trail formation...and are cleared to do so...360.85
2315: PITMAN 35 tells 36 to go to the 2-mile-trail...139.825

And that's enough of them. The early birds - if there are any here - can catch them at 6 a.m. when the CAP will resume. It's scheduled just long enough for a single shift in the morning with end time showing as 0945 local.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Guard Dog CAP for 28 April...
This should be a single shift this morning if it ends as scheduled.
The players this morning are PITMAN 25 and 26 - F-16s from the 20th Fighter Wing at Shaw AFB SC and TANKER 04 - a KC-135E from the 132nd ARS ME-ANG Bangor, tail 57-1496.
Primary freq with HUNTRESS is still 260.9, boom freq 228.9, Potomac TRACON area control 135.525, Victor 8 interflight freq for the fighters is 139.825.
0924: PITMAN 25 is working his clearance back to Shaw with Potomac...requesting direct Gordonsville at FL 220, then direct Shaw...gets those clearances but at FL 230 and then 240 upon leaving the CAP...135.525
0924: TANKER 04 reports PITMAN 25 took 18,000 pounds and PITMAN 26 took 21,000 pounds of fuel during the mission...260.9
0924: PITMAN 25 reports Code 2 for Link 16 and IFF problems...PITMAN 26 is Code 1...currently, 25 has 9900 pounds of fuel and 26 has 10400 pounds...260.9
0928: TANKER 04 working his clearance back to Bangor...135.525
0928: PITMAN 25/26 relieved and switch to ZDC-Montebello where they check in at FL 240 direct Gordonsville, direct Shaw...284.7
0928: PITMAN 25 tells 26 to open Victor-8 interflight and they perform a radio check on 139.825.
So, the CAP is done.
0934-36: TANKER 04 calling Potomac with no joy...135.525...switches to HUNTRESS and says they're still holding...Potomac wasn't able to give them their clearance and now isn't answering their calls...260.9...he's sent right back to Potomac on 135.525 to try again.
0938: TANKER 04 has to explain to Potomac that he's been in the Guard Dog CAP for the past four hours and has been working with them...says they'll take any altitude but have to start moving toward Bangor...can't get their dispatcher at home and asks if Potomac can't give them a short clearance somewhere...135.525 (They're turning into the lost flight...the flight that never existed.)
0941: Finally, TANKER 04 cleared direct J42 to Putnam, J541 to Kennebunk....pilot comes on to say that took 25 minutes to get their clearance and please work that out because it's unacceptable...135.525
0943: PITMAN 25/26 handed off to ZDC-Gordonsville...351.9
0945: TANKER 04 handed off to ZNY 123.975 and is on his way home at last...135.525
And that's the end of the CAP coverage.

0950: Air Force 1 (VC-25A, 92-9000) off from Andrews...125.65
0955: PAT 148 (C-37A, 02-1863) circling Andrews area waiting to land...125.05
And now it's back to the yardwork. Hope everyone enjoys their Saturday.
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
I Had Air Force 1 with ZDC Coyle somewhere around 1000 this morning.

And at 1039: JAWS 11 calling any radio looking for the weather at Langley AFB. <255.4>


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
We heard Air Force 1 going out of Andrews this morning around 1000. There's a CAP in place in the Miami area and the PITMAN 31/32 F-16s from Shaw have the duty there also. They kept the KC-135 numbers in order. The first one there was TANKER 05 following TANKER 04 who finished up in this area. It's only a seven hour CAP down there though.

Ben, I see the WILD four ship flight from Andrews is still up at 1610. It's a long one. There had to have been a refueling op in there somewhere....or they came home, refueled and took off again.

I believe they are out in W-386. They're using 277.6 as a common/coordinating freq with HUNTRESS (heard at 1642).
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Jun 28, 2003
QTH: Montgomery County, MD / Washington, DC
TinEar said:
Ben, I see the WILD four ship flight from Andrews is still up at 1610. It's a long one. There had to have been a refueling op in there somewhere....or they came home, refueled and took off again.

I believe they are out in W-386. They're using 277.6 as a common/coordinating freq with HUNTRESS (heard at 1642).

Around 13:30Hrs, WILD 3 had said that he was low on fuel and was only 20 miles away from Dover. I want to say he refueled over at Dover but I did not hear anything else to confirm if that is true.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
ScanManQSL said:
Around 13:30Hrs, WILD 3 had said that he was low on fuel and was only 20 miles away from Dover. I want to say he refueled over at Dover but I did not hear anything else to confirm if that is true.

It's possible but not something they'd normally do. Since all of them needed fuel - probably twice considering the length of the mission - I'd think they had a tanker out there in W-386 since there's almost always one or more on station in that area. My guess is that they used 288.0 for the AR. However, since this was a "play outside in the dirt" day, I only heard a couple of small snippets of their flight when I came inside for refueling stops myself.

Considering the number and type of missions the DC-ANG F-16s have been performing recently, it almost looks like they're preparing for a trip to the desert in the near future.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2035: WILD four ship F-16 flight from Andrews up yet again. They're entering W-386 with Giant Killer on 249.8 and are using 143.6 for interflight. The flight is WILD 41-44 on Event number 2906. They're switching to 277.6 for HUNTRESS comms at 2037.
2045: WILD has split up into two 2-ship flights (1/4 and 2/3) to do some ACM red/blue air activity out in W-386....277.6/143.6

2104: WILD tells HUNTRESS they're ready to RTB...they'll be non-standard formation, 6 miles front to back...277.6
2112: WILD flight to Giant Killer on 249.8 to report RTB...same non-standard formation as above reported.
2115: WILD flight with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 heading for Nottingham and then Andrews.
2117: WILD flight leader gives command for goggles off...143.6
2117: WILD 4 was sent to fetch the ATIS report and comes back with it...143.6
2118: WILD flight handed to ZDC-Casino 285.4 and check in there.
2121: WILD 4 to SOF on 139.9 with in flight report....
Line 1: WILD 41
Line 2: 4128
Line 3: 70 miles to the east
Line 4: As fragged
Line 5: Successful
Remarks: WILD 41/42/43 are Code 1, 44 is Code 2 for radar
2123: WILD 41 flight handed off to Potomac TRACON (BWI) 317.425
2126: TRACON directs WILD flight from 11,000 down to 4,000 feet...317.425
2127: WILD 41 flight handed off to Potomac TRACON (DCA) 270.275 and check in there passing 5000 for 4000, 6 miles front to back. Requests ILS 1R, full radar trail recovery.
2131: WILD 41 flight continuing descent...cleared to 3000 feet and then 2000...270.275
2134: WILD 41 flight sent to ADW Tower freq...inbound ILS at 2000 feet, 6 miles front to back...349.0
2136: WILD 41 reports gear down, full stop....42 reports the same...349.0
2137: WILD 43 reports gear down, full stop...and WILD 44 gives the same report...349.0
And the WILD flight is on the ground and we're done.

2240: FENDY 33 (C-20H, 76th Airlift Squadron USAFE) flying through our area at FL 390 on ZDC VHF freqs.
2245: REACH 150T (C-17A, 98-0055, 62nd Airlift Wing McChord AFB WAS) to Griffin Ops (Andrews) with arrival msg...ETA 55 past the hour, 40 pax and 5 rolling stock plus 3 dog kennels to offload...needs pax and crew transportation...378.1
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
1146 - 1148 == 238.825 was active, I have this listed as being used by F-22's out of Langley.

I had very little time this past weekend to monitor the radios but when I did thought I'd hear some of the Langley air show birds - and didn't. That's probably who you heard Brian. I guess for the most part they were too low during the show to hear much from that distance to my location.

Today is another heavy activity day for the transports and tankers but non-existent for fighters - at least so far. I managed to hear six Army C-12 (Scramble shows them as RC-12N) types from the 224th Aviation Battalion, Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah flying in this area. They all used the SUNNY callsign - SUNNY 11/12/13/21/22/23. There was no indication of their mission or why they were up this way.

1345: Just heard a JOSA 014 with Andrews Tower on 118.4 asking how long before the runways open up. There is not a published NOTAM showing a ramp freeze for Andrews at this time. There is also a BAYLINER 3 with ADW Tower saying he has permission to be in the area for a photo mission during the freeze. Listening for AF 1 or 2 or something that would indicate why the runways are closed but nothing so far.
There is a NOTAM for one of the runways but it doesn't indicate they'd all be closed and doesn't indicate a ramp freeze as follows...
M0310/07 - RUNWAY 01L/19R CLOSED FOR PREVENTIVE MX (PMI 30 APR 11:30 2007 UNTIL 30 APR 21:00 2007

1402: DC 12 (KC-135R, 57-1487, 756th ARS Andrews) climbing out of Andrews...leaving 2 for 3000 feet direct DAILY...125.65 (and reports to LIBERATOR on 378.1 that he was wheels up at 1800Z)
He took off and others are now landing so the "ramp freeze" (if that's what it was) is obviously over.
However, about 1420, there's a SAM 93 landing at ADW. He usually trails AF 1 (SAM 94 leads AF 1) so perhaps AF 1 did come in and I just missed it.

1415: Finally have some fighters up...138.425 interflight for NJ-ANG F-16s
1420: The NJ-ANG flight is BICEP 11 with ZNY-Middletown 322.4...they are descending from 16000 to 5000 feet for now. (Probably into a VR route where they'll go down to 500 feet)
1422: BICEP 11 handed off to Harrisburg Approach on 273.525 and confirm they're going to a low level route and asking if they should contact Harrisburg on this freq when done.
1423: BICEP 11 flight with FSS 255.4 but are now too weak to copy the details of their VR flight.
So, that's the last we'll hear from them until they finish that portion of their flight.
1429: VENUS 22 (C-20B, 86-0202, 99th AS Andrews) reports airborne at 1825Z...will go to Harrisburg and then Wilmington DE for his "local"...378.1
1435-39: TESTER 961 and WATERBUG 686 working with BayWatch...354.8

Way Off Topic Note: I'm getting slammed with a ton of email today - all of which contains a worm called "WORM SOBER.AX" according to my anti-virus program. It shows to be from Admin@Microsoft with a subject of "Your Updated Password" and contains an attachment. I don't think anyone opens unsolicited attachments these days but just in case you're getting them too and wondered what was in them.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
TinEar said:
Way Off Topic Note: I'm getting slammed with a ton of email today - all of which contains a worm called "WORM SOBER.AX" according to my anti-virus program. It shows to be from Admin@Microsoft with a subject of "Your Updated Password" and contains an attachment. I don't think anyone opens unsolicited attachments these days but just in case you're getting them too and wondered what was in them.

Just a heads up -
also received this today but in addition to the Microsoft address had some that claimed to be from Hotmail.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
Just a heads up -
also received this today but in addition to the Microsoft address had some that claimed to be from Hotmail.


Since I made that post yesterday, I've received about 20 more of them and I'm also getting them from different spoofed addresses also - Hotmail being one of them.

Yesterday I mentioned the six SUNNY RC-12N types from the 224th Aviation Battalion that came through the area. Today, I've had three more of them - SUNNY 31/32/33 - and these are all different tail numbers from the ones heard yesterday. It almost looks like the entire unit is moving or deploying somewhere. There has been no indication of where they're going. They all overfly the area at FL 260 on the ZDC freqs. These guys aren't in a formation. They're all flying alone, with about 10-15 minutes separation.

1348: Just heard a BASH flight from Langley with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 and then Giant Killer 249.8 to enter W-386. Said his flight would be MARSA with NACHO, YODA and ?FURY? flights. Langley hasn't been up for the past several days while the air show closed down all normal business.

1400: There has been a WILD four ship F-16 flight from Andrews working interflight 143.6. Sounds like they're just finishing a mission. Currently also with ZDC-Casino 285.4
1406: YODA 41 flight from Langley w/Norfolk 370.925 and then Giant Killer 249.8 to enter W-386
1406: BICEP 11 (F-16 NJ-ANG) on interflight 138.425 and with ZDC-Kenton 354.15...then to ZDC-Potomac 307.25 and ZNY-Modena 335.6 and ZNY-Middletown 322.4 at 1417 at 16,000 feet.
1409: WILD flight back in the Andrews area w/TRACON 270.275....and starting their landing sequence with Tower on 349.0 at 1417
1416: DC 21 and DC 22 (KC-135Rs from Andrews) chatting on 378.1 about not being able to reach LIBERATOR
1418: Langley interflight 252.775 active.
1421: LIMEY 71 Langley flight into W-386 w/Giant Killer...249.8

Just a quick stop to listen and log for a few minutes...back to the yard work now.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Belated log from 04272007

I have to get a better filing system, thought I'd lost this one

1145 - 1154 == unid ac talking to FUZZY 52 (KC-135R NY-ANG) saying they were already cleared with Cleveland center, unid gave tail number as 96-8154 which came back as EC-130J 193rd SOS PA-ANG -- 295.8


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
DOG-21 landing at Quantico 360.2 Had him with ZDC-Irons prior to that.

Have some ADW ramp freezes from 1715 to 1815 local.
1643- (SAM)"93" now on 136.725
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
freqhopping said:
Have some ADW ramp freezes from 1715 to 1815 local.
1643- (SAM)"93" now on 136.725

Air Force 1 landed at Andrews at approximately 1705....SAM 93 about 15 minutes prior. Hmmm...usually 93 trails AF 1 but not today. They all went to MacDill today for a CENTCOM briefing.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1935: OTIS 11 (KC-130J, BuNo 166472, VMGR-252 Cherry Point NC) arriving Andrews to pick up cargo...reports 7 minutes out, tail 472...378.1
1937: SAM 1344 (C32A, 98-0002, 1st AS Andrews) reports airborne at this time and says it's okay to release the backup...378.1 (Obviously carrying someone important enough to warrant a backup aircraft at the ready - just in case....a CODEL perhaps?)
1941: OTIS 11 with ADW Tower for landing runway 19R...118.4
1951: OTIS 16 (KC-130J, VMGR-252 Cherry Point NC) calling "Command Post" at Andrews...wants to know what kind of cargo they're going to upload...141.55
1957: OTIS 16 with ADW Tower for landing runway 19R...118.4
1959: JOSA 856 (C-21A, 84-0095, 457 Airlift Squadron Andrews) landing with ADW Tower...118.4
2005: REACH 151T (C-17A, 98-0055, 62nd Airlift Wing McChord AFB WA) to Griffin Command with arrival message for Andrews...378.1
2015: VENUS 31 (C-40B, 01-0041, 1st AS Andrews) arriving Andrews...with TRACON...119.3
2021: VENUS 31 with Andrews Tower...he's shooting approaches, will go around again...118.4
2022: REACH 151T reports to Andrews Tower he's 9 miles DME out, ILS runway 19R...118.4
2024: REACH 151T to ADW Command Post requesting 80,000 pounds of fuel...378.1
2034: REACH 01 (C-21A, 84-0134, 458th AS Scott AFB IL) gives arrival message to Andrews....378.1
2040: VENUS 31 still going 'round and 'round...switching between approach 119.3 and tower 118.4
2048: REACH 01 reports 10 miles out for runway 19R, gear down, full stop...cleared to land...118.4

2050: JUst caught the end of a helo transmission to Coast Guard Station Baltimore about a ship leaking fuel somewhere in the bay. He mentions contacting the National Response Center and says he's going to RTB...Marine Channel 83A...157.175

2130: EVAC 4136 [44136] (C-17A, 04-4136, crew from the 514th Airlift Wing AFRC McGuire AFB NJ) with arrival message to Andrews...20 minutes out, A-1, 7 Space A pax...pre-positioning for EVAC mission...wants to spend just 15 minutes on the ground...378.1
2150: EVAC 44136 with ADW Tower for landing...118.4
2157: VENUS 31 still at approach after another....119.3/118.4

2205: REACH 0352 (A World Airways MD-11, Registration N273WA) is flying up the coast. This same aircraft is often heard as a contract hauler for the military. Callsign is always REACH 0xxx. He was just heard flying north from the Cape Charles area on the eastern shore of Virginia on a course toward Snow Hill. I think he often goes into McGuire on these flights....but not on this one...he's been climbing and is now at FL 330 off the eastern New Jersey shoreline at 2217.
2230: DC 23 (KC-135R, 756th ARS Andrews) with ADW Tower...118.4 (A few minutes prior, he called LIBERATOR on 378.1 and announced that he'd be flying the pattern until his scheduled flight hours have been completed.)
2253: REACH 151T reports airborne at 46 past the hour...378.1
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Jun 18, 2006
Last night (~2010) I had a visual on a single F/A-18 departing Willow Grove. Just wondering if anyone picked him up passing through the area.

This aircraft might have arrived on Saturday...I was working in the basement when I heard the distinct sound of a fighter jet coming by. I didn't make it up the steps in time to see it.


Jun 28, 2003
QTH: Montgomery County, MD / Washington, DC
Good Morning everyone on this beautiful warm day...

10:15am: I am picking up some activity on 143.60 and, 139.90. Still figuring out who is out there flying.
10:50am: Everything is quiet now, I had a Tanker and 2x fighter jets flying around.
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