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Jul 10, 2004
Bloomingdale, NJ
1800Z 255.000> HUNTRESS working BICEP & WILD 1, 2, 3, & 4 flight. Other comms on 337.125.
P.S. heard the word "ALAMO" (not TALLY HO) several times, not sure what that is. Never heard it before.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Andrews air show

ScanManQSL said:
Who's Going to the Airshow this year? Im going on the 20th (Sunday), hopefully I might see some of you.

My brother & I will be there on Sunday. Only day our work schedules allow.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2010: Just turned on a scanner for the first time today and it seems kind of dead. There are a few transports moving around.

MAPLE 11 (F-16 VT-ANG Burlington) is heading to Langley I guess. He's with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 at the moment and talking to MAPLE Ops on 138.0. Nope, he's going in the other direction toward Burlington I assume. Now with ZNY-East Texas 350.3 (Confirmed he's going to Burlington - wants to be vectored around some weather along the way.) Next stop is with ZBW-Kingston 290.35.

CRAB 10 (C-130J, 98-1355, 135th AS MD-ANG) working with Phillips AAF on 126.15. Female op says she's going to do four approaches on runway 22, then do a full stop landing and combat offload. Then she's going to take to the skies again and do two drops at 2105 and 2135.

2055: Refueling op on 352.6...lousy transmitter on one of them...suffix 78 but couldn't understand his callsign...just hearing one end of the conversation.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
CHILL 81 B-52 #60-0056 arrived McGuire around 1830 local today on CP 319.400 but had problems with active runway and req runway 24 cause "we need wider runway and active runway is only 200 feet wide and we are 150 feet wide and can't turn around on that".
"No we can't taxi in any grass and can't land with a tail wind"

THUNDERBIRD 7 1840 local 327.125 heard request heading out to W-107 for 20 minutes..Sounds like media demo flight.Pushes 255.000.

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


A few from earlier this afternoon - tough reception due to the fact that my rechargeable batteries were just about dead...with no backups, brilliant!

1823Z 143.600 UNID 121st guys up here, with one mention of "will do a portion over National..." Also up on SOF 139.900 shortly thereafter.
1827Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7B 401 (UC-12B NAS Atlanta) QSY Davison GCA 118.850 then 126.300 for the landing on rwy 14.
1828Z-1831Z - VENUS 40 up on 378.100 then over to 119.300 for an option to 19L @ 2000'.


Jun 18, 2006
Mark said:
THUNDERBIRD 7 1840 local 327.125 heard request heading out to W-107 for 20 minutes..Sounds like media demo flight.Pushes 255.000.

Heard T-Bird 7 on the way back in at 1910 local on ZNY-Manta <353.5> and then over to McGuire approach <363.8>. 12 miles to the east, landing runway 24


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 05112007

0929 - 0931 -- SCARY 1 (female) & 2 (male) with SCARY ops with fuel state, mentioned WILD flight. DC ANG - 143.6

Edit to add -

1246 - 136.725 active, have this listed as SAM interplane

Edit # 2 to add -

1714 - unid ac stating "going to push it up to 400 knots, will land on 26" - 233.525 (somebody from Langley?)
1719 - Martinsburg tower to traffic in the pattern - " the C5 is halfway down the runway in tow, estimate 10 minutes until it's clear of the runway then ops will do a debris sweep of the runway" 124.3 (Had civil freqs turned off before that time and I didn't hear anything about this on military freqs so I don't know what happened to the C5, since they're going to check for debris maybe they declared an inflight emergency)
1733 - C5 is still not off the runway - 124.3
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
0929 - 0931 -- SCARY 1 (female) & 2 (male) with SCARY ops with fuel state, mentioned WILD flight. DC ANG - 143.6

Someone from the DC-ANG is working 139.35 also. They haven't used that freq in a long time. Sounds like it's the female you mentioned Brian. Yes, it's the SCARY flight - now over to Giant Killer on 255.0 and then she mentions trying 135.725 and a male is calling GK there from the SCARY flight. That freq is the Victor side of the pair with 255.0 for W-107.
WILD flight also checks into W-107 with Giant Killer at 0950 to work MARSA with SCARY on mission
143.15 also active for them.

There is also a FLYER flight (A-10 PA-ANG) working GK on 255.0 which is extremely unusual.

I also have U/I fighters again on 138.95. Had someone a few days ago moving through the area using that freq for interflight.

Bollen Range active on 237.2 at 0945.

There is a Royal Air Force C-17A moving through the area in the last half of the 0900 hour...ASCOT 6849, tail ZZ172 from the 99 Squadron.
A few minutes later, an A-340 from the Qatar Government went through, tail A7-HHH, callsign AMIRY 1. That's a real unusual one to see here.

And shortly after noon there's a Canadian Air Force CC-144 from the 412 Squadron (tail 144601) going into Dulles it appears.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Last listing I have of 138.95 is July of last year, Ct ANG - of course, without hearing calls, you can't tell for sure.....73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
ka3jjz said:
Last listing I have of 138.95 is July of last year, Ct ANG - of course, without hearing calls, you can't tell for sure.....73s Mike

Exactly right Mike. That's the only user of that freq that I have also but couldn't put that label on it without callsigns or something to identify the aircraft. When they came through the area a few days ago I thought it might be them heading down to the Avon Park Range in Florida as it seems everyone is doing these days but didn't have callsigns on that flight either.

Good to see you back here. It's been a long time


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
RAPTOR 02 up with Langley metro 239.800 at 0940 local then with Atlantic City appch
327.125 at 1010 local arriving McGuire.

RAVEN 1 flt of 3 at 1422 local with Atlantic City 327.125 says direct the field for full stop.

Check that Raven1 flt of 3 back inbound Martin State now 1520 local.

SWIFT 52 C-21 Scott AFB arrive McGuire for show.

ASCOT 6854 RAF with Norfolk Chambers ops 349.500 eta Norfolk 2225z,upload 3 pallets.

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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
1500ish ASCOT-3756 with Langley Ops <251.12> who will relay to McDill AFB that he has an ETA of 2030z ETA, 47 pax, and needs customs and immigrations

Then an unknown on 345.0 saying he's heading to the airshow at Seymour-Johnson

1614- PAT-603 322.3>338.2>335.5
1616- JOSA-659 C-21 tail #40140 25min ETA, A1, 3k fuel, dropping off 2 space-A <378.1>
1637- ROCCO-72 airborne and asks Liberator Ops to relay that to their CP <378.1>
1643- EAM being passed on 311.0. Can hear someone in the background also reading an EAM.
1703- SWIFT-52 to McGuire Dispatch <372.2> C-21 Tail#840119 A1, coming for the airshow, 25 min ETA
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The Royal Air Force had half its fleet of C-17As in this area today - that is, two of them - tails ZZ172 and ZZ173 from 99 Squadron (ASCOT 6849 and 6854 voice calls). [ZZ Top wasn't here.}

The other Royal Air Force aircraft you logged Travis was a Tristar (tail ZD952 from 216 Squadron) - ASCOT 3756.
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
There are supposed to be some F-18s doing a flyby at the polo match in Leesburg soon. A plane with some jumpers just departed Leesburg to let them out over Morven Park. ATC said he would've liked to have known about the F-18s, after all there is some serious air traffic passing through here.

The plane with the jumpers is a CASA C-212-DF N964BW

1332- Somehow the two jets snuck in without me hearing them. Fortunately I left my house soon enough to make it to a good vantage point to see them fly by. They were at 1200ft or so and I lost them when they turned west and the mountain was the background. Caught them on 343.7 cleared to 21k. Then getting handed off to ZDC-Montebello where no one answered on UHF. Didn't get their callsign until they were with ZDC-Irons, TRIGGER-21.

The jumper did their thing just a minute or two after the jets left. First two carried large American and British flags. The next four had streamers and smoke.

1335- TRIGGER flight now at 14k on 370.925

1353- RADIER-21 C-130 inbound to ADW 349.5 was to unload pax and baggage with the engines running
1357- GERMAN AIR FORCE-318 landing at Dulles.
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
Hustler 404 - flight of two USMC CH-53's crossed overhead of my location at about 18:20 enroute to Willow Grove.

340.2 - KNXX Tower

I left my PRO-97 at work, so I did not get an air-air if one was active.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
We had some foreign Air Force visitors in the area again today...

German Air Force 258, A-310, tail 10+22, FSB in the area at 0935 and 1341.
German Air Force 318 , A-310, tail 10+21, FSB at 1341
German Air Force, C-160, tail 50+35 at 1532

Belgian Air Force 621, A-310, tail CA-01 at 1534, 21 Squadron

Royal Air Force ASCOT 3757, Tristar L-1011, tail ZD952, 216 Squadron from Brize Norton at 1228
Royal Air Force ASCOT 6854, C-17A, tail ZZ173, 99 Squadron from Brize Norton at 1246

And early in the 2200 hour add...
Royal Air Force ASCOT 2537, VC-10, tail XV102, 101 Squadron at Brize Norton

2325: (Navy) RU 959, after calling (Dover) Command Post many times, finally makes contact for an arrival in 15 minutes. IDs as a C-130. (Actually, he's a Navy C-130T, BuNo 165350, VR-55 Point Mugu CA) Says he's picking up an ambulance and crew. Then he wants the Dover operator to check in the computer to see if their follow on flight to Andrews is in there. Says they're on a real tight schedule tonight....349.4
2330: Have that World Airways MD-11 (registration N277WA) military contract flight coming through the area again as REACH 0757. He normally travels right up the coast but this time he's a bit inland on a northeasterly course that will take him right over Nottingham. He's at FL 320 and climbing so it doesn't look like he's going into any military base in this general area. (Can't find him in using the registration or the flight number)...various ZDC VHF freqs
He's definitely not going into McGuire...currently (2343) he's just east of Philly at FL 330 and still beating feet at 550 knots on course to the northeast on a 45 degree heading.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Speaking of visitors I see on Flightaware that NASA 426 arrived Dover yesterday
listed as a P-3B aircraft in from BGSF Greenland.
Didn't know NASA had a P-3B aircraft.They seem to have every type..
OK web search shows Wallops has a P3B.Probably landed at Dover to clear customs.

(NASA Wallops Flight Facility operates a Lockheed Martin P-3B for low altitude heavy lift airborne science missions. The P-3B has a long history of supporting cryosphere studies, and due to the long range of the aircraft, it is able to support ice sheet studies in both the Arctic and Antarctica polar regions.)


BTW if you want to see some videos from McGuire Air Show 2007 just check out you tube.Not the best quality especially Friday practice show with heavy clouds
but actually a couple short ones from Saturday and C-17 demo is fairly decent.

Attendance listed as 70k for Saturday and in some videos crowd looks thin.Some news org said 500k expected over the weekend but think that is way over estimated.
Guess everyone waiting for Andrews next weekend.. Me too!
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
BLACKJACK-1 is up. DCA tower to 125.65, now on 139.7. Not sure if he's looking for something. I thought I heard mention of BRAA.

1657- Now mention of an intercept. 139.7
1701- Skipping it, awaiting further instructions.
1706- Told to RTB.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Late 0900 hour and into early 1000 hour...WILD and SCARY flights of Andrews F-16s on their way home from W-107. WILD 143.15, SCARY 143.6/139.45 interflight. Freqs used on the way home were ZDC-Casino 285.4, ZDC-Kenton 354.15, Potomac TRACON (BWI) 317.425, Potomac TRACON (DCA) 270.275, Andrews Tower 349.0. WILD to final freq at 1007 and the first SCARYs a few minutes behind at 1012 and the second part of the SCARY flight at 1017 . They also contacted SENATE SOF on the way home on 139.9. WILD is a two ship flight. SCARY is a four ship that's split into two 2-ship flights with the second 25 miles in trail.

Late 0900 hour also had refueling on 352.6 but no callsigns heard.

The 0900 hour also had three BOXER aircraft from the 201st AS, DC-ANG Andrews go airborne. BOXER 008 and BOXER 422 were C-38A (94-1570, 94-1569) types and BOXER 041 was a C-40C (02-0201)

CRAB 52 (C-130J, MD-ANG) airborne at 1000 and CRAB 54 at 1020. 52 was cleared by TRACON to Pax and then destination but I heard nothing about 54's flight path. (Tails 97-1352 and 97-1354)

1025: NJ-ANG F-16s from Atlantic City airborne on interflight 138.425. DEVIL 11 flight
1026: FIRST 41 (F-22A Langley) flight with Giant Killer cleared at 14,000 to HEELS...249.8
1028: DEVIL 11 flight climbing out and requesting direct DuPont when able from ZDC-Casino...285.4
1029: DEVIL 11 handed to ZDC-Kenton...climbing to 15,000 and again requesting direct DuPont...354.15
1031: ROCCO 70 (KC-135E, 108th ARW McGuire AFB) to TORCH Control reporting boom is in the green...303.0
1032: DEVIL 11 flight handed to ZDC-DuPont and check in at 16000 and are cleared to FL 210...cleared direct Harrisburg...307.25
1035: DEVIL 11 flight handed to ZNY-Modena and check in at FL 210...heading 303 degrees...standard formation, changing course to 290...335.6
1036: CRAB 54 with Patuxent...120.05 (So now we know he went that direction also...he's then handed off to TRACON 124.55 and is heading for home)
1037: DEVIL 11 cleared down to FL 180...335.6
1038: PAT 583 to Langley Dispatch with arrival message...IDs as an Army King Air, tail 40172, coming to Langley to drop off pax, will pick up 2 pax for the trip to Burlington and can release 4 Space A seats...needs 300 gallons of gas...141.75 (C-12T, tail 84-0172, Det 6 CT-ArNG)
1039: CRAB 58 to Crab Ops with departure message...A-1, has 23K fuel...reports airborne at 38 past the hour...385.9 (Tail 98-1358)
1040: DEVIl 11 flight handed to ZNY-Middletown and check in...cleared to 17,000 feet...322.4
1043: DEVIL 11 flight handed off to FSS and check in for VR-704 A-J, 500 feet and 500 knots for the next 25 minutes...255.4 (Last we'll hear from them until they're done with the low level route)

Last from me for a bit too. Outside to play in the dirt.

Had to come inside for a minute and couldn't believe my ears. ZNY-Modena 335.6 ground controller is just booming in. He's obviously simulcasting with the VHF side (135.45) also since most of what he's talking to are commercial flights. I started listening at 1200 and it's still going as of 1212. It's every bit as loud as the ground controllers at BWI - 3 miles away. And it finally disappears at 1214. It was fun while it lasted.
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