Ramp freeze posted for Andrews this evening...
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 17 MAY 22:45 2007 UNTIL 17 MAY 23:15 2007
As Tony mentioned above, many of the normal Andrews flights are operating out of Dulles during the show. Hearing the JOSA aircraft reporting departures from IAD this morning. Show participants haven't started arriving at ADW yet today. It has been quiet on their freqs.
Weather forecast indicating 40% chance of showers for the first two days of the show. Only clear day is Sunday. High temps forecast for tomorrow only around 60 and then 65 Saturday and 70 for Sunday.
0938: ROMAN 21 (F/A-18 VFA-106, NAS Oceana VA), flight of two, with ADW Approach 335.5 and Tower 349.0 at 0941.
0943: GATOR 55 with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 and then ZDC-Irons 360.85 requesting higher altitude...and is cleared to his requested FL 220 at 0949.
Too many units use that callsign to pin an ID on this one.
0944: Willow Grove A-10s up on interflight....143.75
0949: HORNET 06 with Norfolk TRACOn...370.925
0950: HORNET 06 checking into W-72 with Giant Killer...249.8
0951: HORNET 06 told to switch to 233.7 and does...checks in again for W-72 at FL 230 and says he'll be working with a USS boat (have no idea what that means in relation to W-72 work.)
These are F/A-18s from somewhere...difficult to tell when they use the generic F/A-18 callsign.
1001: AXEMAN flight reports airborne at 1000 to Raven Ops...347.2
1002: And more Willow Grove A-10s on interflight...142.25
1005: AXEMAN flight working interflight...142.3
1006: OTIS 12 (KC-130J, BuNo 165957, VMGR-252, MCAS Cherry Point, NC) calling Andrews CP with arrival message...141.55
1025: Bollen Range active...237.2
1025: There's a TEAM 42 KC-10A from McGuire asking CP the status of his tanker - PACK 11...319.4
1028: The TEAM 42 (KC-10A, 85-0032, 305th AMW McGuire) is with PACK 11 (KC-135R, 63-8038, 133rd ARS NH-ANG) for refueling op...238.9
1032: PACK 11 and TEAM 42 say they're going to secondary and come up on 319.7 as expected.
(There is fighter activity all over the place this morning, however, I'm primarily listening to Andrews for show arrivals so won't log much from this point on.)
1058: ROPER 41 landing ADW...349.0 (prior to this heard him with TRACON 335.5 and CP 378.1 and ZDC-Marlinton 319.1 even earlier) Nothing on my callsign list fits for this flight. TX-ANG is one of the units that uses this callsign but they fly C-130s and wouldn't be using UHF freqs.
1102: ROPER 42 now with ZDC-Marlinton 319.1
1103: ROPER 42 handed off to ZDC-Casanova 282.2
1117: REACH 212 (C-5A, 70-0463, 56th Airlift Squadron Altus AFB OK) arriving ADW...378.1
1121: U/I flight of two fighters arriving ADW...335.5 (And they're working 141.05 interflight but no callsign caught for them yet...they've used it several times and I just can't get it...it's a short one syllable word...might be ZEN 1 or GEM 1)
1127: Same flight over to ADW Tower for initial...349.0 (Sounds more like GEM 1 now)
1138: MUSTANG, flight of two, arriving ADW...with Tower...118.4 (Believe he identified as a P-40)
1143: And another flight arriving ADW with Tower...too weak to pull out callsign which is kind of unusual for someone going into ADW...on 335.5 prior to tower freq...suffix 1 which doesn't help any.
There are aircraft all over the TRACON freqs, the ZDC freqs heading for Andrews.
1144: U/I fighters working interflight 142.45 which are part of the groups heading for Andrews.
1145: And a 51 suffix with ADW Twr for landing...sheesh, I'm having a hell of time all of a sudden pulling out callsigns. I suddenly feel like a rookie. (Maybe if I turned off about a dozen of these radios and concentrated on one I'd do better.
1147: Okay...it's DEMO 51 that's in the pattern and decides to do a couple of low approaches...349.0
And it's the DEMO 51 flight on interflight 142.45.
1150: And a DEMO 52 doing his own thing in the pattern at ADW...349.0
1156: Suffix 91 (another missed callsign) landing ADW...349.0 (sounded like CLUB 91)
Noon and time for a break.
From military.com.........(a little late)
Kadena AB, Japan -- After almost three months in the Pacific, 12 F-22A Raptors departed here May 10 having completed the first overseas deployment for the Air Force's newest air supremacy aircraft.
Ref below: Brian, EAGLE is normally the callsign for the U.S. Park Police helicopter. Wonder if that's the same one?