Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Very nice pic Tin! Imagine a beautiful gal who can fly an aircraft to the point that would
make us puke or pass out!
She has my vote! LOL



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Iad 05.18.2007

Hi guys,

Another drive up to the local to give Mum and baby a break from the two older guys...:cool:

BOXER 44 - 30 departure 128.425
SPAR 030 (C-9) - 30 departure 128.425
PAT 079 (UC-35 00-1051) - 1R arrival 120.100
PAT 187 (C-12 84-24375) and PAT 079 (UC-35 00-1051) - 30 departures 128.425
REACH 5007 (C-5B 85-0007) 1L arrival 128.425
NAVY JT 255 (C-9B 160048) 1R arrival 120.100 - departed 30 as JT 250 on 128.425
NAVY JR 161 (C-20G 165151) - 30 departure 128.425
SAM 1446 (C-37A 99-0404) 30 departure 128.425
JOSA 101 C-21A 1R arrival 120.100
GERMAN AIR FORCE 226 (C-160 50+82) 1R arrival 120.100

C-40s 01-0040, 02-0202, and 02-0042 present on the ramp
C-20G 86-0201 present on the ramp
C-20G 86-0203 present on the ramp
C-21A 84-0118 present on the ramp
C-37A 01-0076 present on the ramp
C-130T 165159 (CW 159) VR-54 present on the ramp

Best regards,

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2030: Three TEAM KC-10A tankers -55/56/57 - up from McGuire (79-1949/85-0028/84-0192) working together on interplane 139.875 (Also with ZDC on 120.975)
2040: U/I on HUNTRESS freq 386.0
2055: TEAM tankers splitting up for separate missions...139.875
2056: TEAM 55 and 56 switching to AR Primary freq...searching for them (and can't find them on any of my 34 programmed AR freqs)
And haven't found 57 either.
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Jul 10, 2004
Bloomingdale, NJ
TinEar said:
2030: Three TEAM KC-10A tankers -55/56/57 - up from McGuire (79-1949/85-0028/84-0192) working together on interplane 139.875 (Also with ZDC on 120.975)
2040: U/I on HUNTRESS freq 386.0
2055: TEAM tankers splitting up for separate missions...139.875
2056: TEAM 55 and 56 switching to AR Primary freq...searching for them (and can't find them on any of my 34 programmed AR freqs)
And haven't found 57 either.
Back on Feb. 1st during the evening hours I monitored 3 McGuire Tankers doing refueling ops on 341.750. Was wondering if you had any comms on that freq.


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
STEALTH-91 with BWI TRACON 307.9
After departing he told the other TRACON controller to let the air boss know he would be back in an hour.

379.2 Golden Knights?- DEUCE-308, a C-130 is inbound, 30 miles out

0942-Hearing some funny stuff on pilot>pilot 123.45. Donald Duck getting some action.:lol:

1139- I'm just barely able to hear that announcer on 123.15.
I may have heard that JEDI C-17 on 123.45. One pilot said he was the C-17 the other guy (FedEx, I think) sees.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
jerseymilair said:
Back on Feb. 1st during the evening hours I monitored 3 McGuire Tankers doing refueling ops on 341.750. Was wondering if you had any comms on that freq.

Not that I heard Steve. That's one of the AR freqs I've got programmed but I heard nothing. Their voice comms were still plenty strong enough when they changed over to "AR Primary" that I should have heard them if they used a freq I had. There are just so many possibilities for AR freqs though. No telling where they went. If I had more energy last night I would have started a bunch of radios searching - but I didn't. I just used two for search and one scanning just the AR freq bank and found nothing. I hate when that happens. :mad:

freqhopping said:
STEALTH-91 with BWI TRACON 307.9
After departing he told the other TRACON controller to let the air boss know he would be back in an hour.

Travis, I wonder if that's the F-117 that was supposed to perform this morning? I feel fairly sure it is since that's the generic callsign they use.

0928: STEALTH 91 is with ZNY-Lancaster at the moment...239.05
0929: STEALTH 91 requests to make an approach at Reading and then the rest of his schedule to stay as planned...indicates he'll coordinate with Reading for the approach...says he's got a flyby scheduled in the vicinity of the Reading airport...239.05
0935: STEALTH 91 still with Lancaster responding to directives but adding nothing new...239.05
0936: STEALTH 91 handed off to Harrisburg Approach and checks in at 13,000 feet...requesting vectors to the ILS 36 at Reading...281.525
0938: STEALTH 91 handed off to Reading Approach and checks in there....says he has a flyby over Penn Avenue south of the Reading airport....says he wants to do that and then return to Andrews...will do a left turn back to Lancaster after the flyby...says he's 15 minutes early and would like to stay with Tower...257.9
Getting weak here at this point. Wish I had my Icom R8500 hooked up. It's down for a new build in project.
The folks in Reading are getting a rare treat this morning. I wonder if it was publicized in that area?

1003: STEALTH 91 back with ZNY-Lancaster at 10,000 feet...cleared to 12,000 feet at Baltimore and then Andrews after Lancaster is his requested flight route...cleared to 16,000 feet at 1005...239.05
1006: STEALTH 91 handed off to ZNY-Modena and checks in at 16,000 feet...335.6
1009: STEALTH 91 cleared down to 12,000 feet again...335.6
1010: STEALTH 91 handed off to Potomac TRACON and checks in at 12,000...307.9 (Wow...this guy changes altitude in a flash!)
1011: STEEL 61 (KC-135R, PA-ANG Pittsburgh) to Willow Grove Ops with arrival msg...30 minutes out, 6 crew, 1 crew chief and one pax....343.0
1012: STEALTH 91 cleared to 10,000...307.9
1013: STEALTH 91 handed off to Potomac TRACON 269.0 by the 307.9 controller.
But I'm not hearing him check in on 269.0.
1018: TRACON controllers trying to contact STEALTH on 338.25 and they can't reach him.
1019: STEALTH 91 now calling "Approach"...."How do you hear?"...338.25
1022: I have totally lost comms with STEALTH idea where he is or which freq he's using at this point. He's living up to his name...STEALTH.
1026: STEALTH 91 back on Guard...cleared to land on runway 1L at Andrews...243.0
He must have had a comm blackout on his regular radios and had to go to Guard for comms...he's also very weak on this freq and shouldn't be considering his position. Must be radio problems.
That 243.0 emergency freq is such a cruddy freq at my location. It has constant noise and carriers on it.
1031: One of the airshow freqs -- 384.55 is active. (Used by Heritage flight in the past.)
1034: FLYER flight w/Harrisburg...281.525 (Mark logging them below so will drop them here)
1040: REACH 6361 (C-17A, 06-6163, 60th AMW Travis AFB CA) airborne from McGuire...ZDC freqs

Ref below: Roger on the weather Mark. I'm still bummed about not going to the show yesterday due to the crappy conditions. Last I heard last night that it was going to be another so-so day today and it turns out to be magnificent.

Also looking for some A-10s today that should be deploying from Europe back to the U.S. -- no idea on time though. Hopefully, my ARTCC search radio or the 138-144 search radio will find them. They may be heading for Pope.

Mark said:
1050 FLYER on 237.200 for radio check,Ft Indy bombing range freq?
Yes, Bollen Range freq at Kiowa MOA - Ft. Indiantown Gap...controller BALKY
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
RGr TIN just tuned in to hear STEALTH 91 over Reading now on way back Andrews on 281.525>
Turned out to be a nice day so far! What happened to mostly cloudy,rain etc..?
Must have had 5 different wx forecasts for today but none said sunny and clear!
1018 STEALTH 91 up on Guard 243.000,no joy with Andrews."will try again".
1020 STEALTH 91 now on 338.250,too low for me here now..
1030 Unid A/A flt of 4 on 142.250.
1033 FLYER 1 flt of 4 heard on Philly dep 291.700 now Harrisburg 281.525 for flyover.
Must be good little airshow at Harrisburg
1043 FLYERS on 273.525 Harrisburg at 6k flyby sched at 1108.
1050 FLYER on 237.200 for radio check,Ft Indy bombing range freq?
1055 BEELINER 05 heard on ZDC 133.975 mentions airshow in an hour.
Could be Travis C-17 Tin heard above.Possibly 82nd airborne parachutists for Andrews show..
1059 DEVIL 3 heard on 327.125 Atlantic city.
1113 FLYERS back up on ZNY 338.300 A/A 142.250
1131 Seems every type aircraft taking to the skies now on VHF.. Gonna take a grass cutting break now.
keep'em covered..
I think the Flyers bugged out to the North talking about tanker and earlier ACK-Nantuckett.
1555 Hearing some T-Birds on 143.850 "a little more pull etc".

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Mar 1, 2003
I got a visual on the Stealth as he went over Baltimore.
Does anyone know if there will be a flyby for the Preakness?
Last year it was the Heritage flight...that was really cool the were holding and doing circles
around Loch Raven.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
JackTV said:
I got a visual on the Stealth as he went over Baltimore.
Does anyone know if there will be a flyby for the Preakness?
Last year it was the Heritage flight...that was really cool the were holding and doing circles
around Loch Raven.


Haven't heard anything about a Preakness flyover Jack. No telling.

I don't know what's happening at Reading with the F-117A flyby and now the Willow Grove A-10s doing the same thing. That was a lucky catch getting to see him fly over your area Jack. Nothing ever flies over my house since I'm in the landing pattern for the short runway at BWI....except small business jets.
I did a Google news search for Reading but nothing shows up.

That 384.55 show freq has a few words about every 5 minutes. I can't even tell who's using it or what they're doing.

Mark, I heard that DEVIL flight with ACY on 327.125 also and then never could find them anywhere else. One transmission and gone.

1112: U/I fighters with ZNY-Williamsport...338.3 (the FLYERs? Yes, per Mark above...also now on 141.8 w/Ops)
1118: Have a C-130 on the ground at BWI running up...I'll see if I can figure out who he is if/when he goes airborne. Tip from an observer at the airport.
1120: Got him - or HER - BISON 88 at the end of runway 28 ready for takeoff. It's a C-130H from the 328th Airlift Squadron at Niagara Falls, tail 92-3288...BWI Tower 119.4
1121: BISON 88 cleared for takeoff...119.4 ...airborne and handed off to departure at 1125 she's up to 6600 feet and 10,000 feet at 1127:49...stopped the climb at 11,800 feet....and now climbing again, 13K at 1131....and that's enough listening for BISON 88. Don't normally get too many C-130s out of BWI. So many memories of flying in those things.
1128: JEDI 71 (C-17A, 90-0534, 437th AW Charleston) flying overhead at FL 280...ZDC freqs
1137: Airshow participant broadcasting to the crowds at Andrews on 123.15. (Same place I heard the same thing yesterday. The guy is talking about his ride and being proud to be in the National Guard. Says he's at 3300 feet and releasing a puff of smoke.
They are apparently using this freq to broadcast from aboard various aircraft to the public address system at the airfield.
1137: REACH 3081 (KC-10A, 83-0081, 305th AMW McGuire) in the area at about 17,000 feet...ZDC freqs
1147: REACH 3081 to McGuire CP with arrival msg...says he's a KC-10, 30 minutes out, A-3, no pax but has 16 crew members on board...319.4 (Over the next few minutes he details all the problems aboard the aircraft and asks for a truck for the crew's baggage...says they have a large crew and have been ?in the desert? (sound like that anyway) for the past three weeks)
1150: POWER 62 (KC-135R but not enough to call the unit) calling RAYMOND 16 (Langley CP)...x2, no joy...311.0
1152: Airshow freq 122.475 active
1158: VHF airboss freq 125.35 active...someone saying they want to go into the TFR and do some typing (SkyTypers) And someone else calling "Airboss" on this freq so it's confirmed.

1200: Had another KC-10A (87-0120, 305th at McGuire) through the area and heading for a landing at McGuire...first heard at 17000 feet at 1153 and now down to 6500 feet at 1203
1205: U/I with Airboss saying he's cleared to land on runway 1L...125.35 (wish they'd use callsigns)
1220: More chat on the Airboss freq about moving behind the crowd when he gets down low...125.35

And, after a short break while hearing the usual REACH flights and other transports moving around the area, I have a PAT 29 at 1252 who's talking to Reading Approach on 125.15. Says he's a flight of two over Baltimore at this time and mentions freq 41.25 - but I didn't catch the context for that freq.

1259: REACH 475 (KC-10A, 84-0186, 305th AMW McGuire), called McGuire CP about a dozen times before making contact for his arrival message....25 minutes out, A-2 for multiple writeups, requests airstairs to help them remove their mission equipment off the aircraft...319.4
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 05192007

1410 - AXEMAN was out & about - 143.8
1502 - just broke static - 143.85
1506 - no problem hearing them this time - 143.85
1506 - 1539 nothing copied from the Tbirds during this timeframe
1539, 1544, 1545, 1546, 1548, 1554, 1555, 1556, 1600, 1602, 1603 & 1604 - low signal strength but good modulation during their transmissions - 143.85
nothing further on the Tbirds since 1604
1745 - JESSE 91 to Martinsburg traffic, in the pattern for a fullstop, self-ided as a C130 - 124.3
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Jan 19, 2003
Howard County

I watched and listened to the show. Comms were on 143.85.
I also recorded about 15 minutes of audio but it ended up being a 17 meg wav file.
Not sure if I can post it here without permission.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Well, I must say it was a great day for an airshow! I thoroughly enjoyed myself today. I tried to get pictures and tail numbers from as many aircraft as I could that way I could find out where they were from. I'd have to say I got a picture of pretty much every a/c there. Most of the comms I heard were on the VHF airboss frequency and the TBirds' 143.85 frequency. When the heritage flight did their thing they used the VHF airboss frequency. I had close call on, but I didn't pick anything new up so I've got to fiddle with the settings a bit for the next time I go to the airshow. I have to say it was a real treat walking right up next to that U-2. I think that and going in the cockpit of the 6 month old RHODY C-130 was my favorite part of the day. All the performances were excellent also. I definately can't wait for next year. I believe I took about 110 pictures or so, so if anyone is interested in looking at some of them, just send me a PM with your e-mail.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Iad 05.19.2007


Just a few today at IAD while monitoring during a bit of downtime...


1745Z 128.425 IAD TWR West - REACH 293 (KC-10A 83-0081) - deps rwy 30 QSY 125.050 to 9000'.

1800Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - JOSA 287 (C-21A 84-0119 458th AS) - lands rwy 1R.

1905Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - JOSA 361 (C-21A 84-0092) - lands rwy 1R.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
trainman111 said:
Well, I must say it was a great day for an airshow! I thoroughly enjoyed myself today.

Rgr Trainman gonna try for show Sunday weather permitting.Always a good show at
Andrews with various Mil units showing the Pentagon Brass their best.
Got to show off in DC!


btw any B-1 aircraft there? was one last year though B-1's seem busy this year


Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
One thing I forgot to mention. About 1/2 hour after I arrived on base (1000ish) there was a SAM 1348 getting ready to take off. It was one of the C-32's. He mentioned he was going to Houston to pickup a medical crew then he would be returning to Andrews. I think that was the only thing that flew out of ADW all day except for the airshow aircraft (at least for the time that I was there).


Jul 3, 2004
Alexandria, VA
Here are some highlights (for me) from the Andrews airshow today. The schedule was a little different today re: the Thunderbirds since they did the flyby at the Preakness. The group left sometime in the 1400 hour with a couple passes over the crowd then headed north for the flyby. Apparently they did an air refueling somewhere and came back for their show at Andrews around 1535. During the time they were gone an F-18 (callsign RHINO something - female pilot) and a F-22 (a HAWK from Langley) did two great demos.

Thunderbird freqs:
235.25 - Engine start
143.85 - Formation
322.95 - Solos

Sky Typers used 122.775
123.15 was the PA link for the Laser and Oracle demos as well.

Caught the tail end of a runway alert mentioned on the Brave freq of 139.7 around 1300 which was canceled a short time later.

Mark: There was one B-1 on static display.

A WMD Civil Support Team had a communications truck on display which is worth looking at if anyone's there tomorrow.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Another NORAD Falcon Virgo exercise planned for Monday night for you local DC area night owls.
My question is if these exercises are carefully planned etc then how realistic can this be?


Airmen support NORAD exercise

5/19/2007 - PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. (AFPN) -- Airmen from the 201st Airlift Squadron are participating May 21 to 22 in an exercise testing the North American Aerospace Defense Command's intercept and identification capabilities.

NORAD and its geographical component, the Continental United States NORAD Region, will conduct Exercise Falcon Virgo 07-08 beginning the evening of May 21 through early May 22 in the National Capital Region of Washington, D.C.

This exercise comprises a series of training flights held in coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Capital Region Command Center, the Joint Air Defense Operations Center, CONUS NORAD Region, Northeastern Air Defense Sector, Civil Air Patrol, the US Coast Guard Rotary Wing Air Intercept, and the 201st ALS.

Civil Air Patrol aircraft, Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcons, C-38s and Coast Guard HH-65 helicopters will participate in the exercise.

These exercises are carefully planned and closely controlled to ensure NORAD's rapid response capability, NORAD officials said.
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