Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
There has been a CAP scheduled for today over Shanksville PA for reasons I don't need to explain.

As of 1050, the CAP is using primary freq 228.9. HUNTRESS has control of two F-16s using callsigns CHEVY 25 and 26. They are from the 163rd Fighter Squadron IN-ANG, Baer Field, Ft Wayne. Reception is surprisingly good considering the distance from my location. The controlling authority is Cleveland Center (ZOB). The refueler is TANKER 2.
TFR Center: 1.9 nautical miles from MONTOUR VORTAC(MMJ) on the 264 radial (Latitude: 40º28'50"N, Longitude: 80º14'06"W) (Out near Pittsburgh) Total CAP time is scheduled for just over 4 hours so we'll probably just see one pair of fighters and one tanker for the duration.
1057: CHEVY 25 is going to the tanker. The boom freq in use is 260.9.

1103: CHEVY 25 off the tanker after taking 5,300 pounds of fuel. «260.9»
1108: HUNTRESS sends CHEVY 25 to freq 269.9 for a radio joy reported by 25.
1120: Aircraft using callsign WIZARD on freq 254.2 talking to HUNTRESS asking if he should filter out all friendly tracks. (WIZARD is the backend callsign for JSTARS aircraft assigned to the 116th Air Control Wing, Robins AFB GA.)
1125: WIZARD calls HUNTRESS to say he has filtered all the friendly tracks from his display. «254.2»
1127: CHEVY 25/26 trying to figure a solution to some minor problem in 26's aircraft...also mention getting a flashing text message on the HUD. «228.9»
1130: WIZARD to HUNTRESS talking about a couple of tracks on his display (5115 & 5223). «254.2»
1131: CHEVY 26 reports "good message" to HUNTRESS. (Talking about a text message) «228.9»
1131: WIZARD asking HUNTRESS for the status of track 5115. «254.2»
1133: Ops check by the CHEVY pair....25 has 10,100 pounds of fuel remaining and 26 has 9,400 pounds. «228.9» (26 must have refueled just before I picked up the CAP) «228.9»
1133: WIZARD mentions something about the fighters and track 5115....then he goes on to ask about track 5020. «254.2» WIZARD is not using a suffix with his callsign. We've had him in the past using JSTARS 03 as a front end callsign.
1151: WIZARD ALPHA to HUNTRESS about a's track 5075, BRAA is 030/14/10100/264 degrees using Mode 3 1200 (VFR setting), speed 140 knots. «254.2» (WIZARD finally used his suffix)
1153: WIZARD ALPHA tells HUNTRESS he's initiating Guard call [on 121.5 or 243.0] for track 5075. «254.2»
Just prior to that had a female voice come on the freq and call "HUNTRESS Surveillance." Might have been the front end.
1154: CHEVY 25 also getting a BRAA to a target of interest (TOI). «228.9»
I'm beginning to think the CHEVY fighters and the WIZARD JSTARS aircraft are working the same area.
1156: CHEVY 25/26 still trying to get to the TOI...calling out BRA reports. «228.9»
1158: CHEVY 26 confirming track number on display is their target....TOI is at 9000 feet. «228.9» 26 reports he's 9 miles east of the track.

1200: CHEVY 25 mentions to 26 about monitoring Guard 243.0...says he imagines "he'll" also use 121.5. «228.9» (I think the "he'll" he's talking about is the WIZARD aircraft.)
1202: CHEVY 26 reports he's committing...has been cleared out of the CAP (to chase the TOI). «228.9»
1203: CHEVY 26 given the "skip it" command by HUNTRESS and reports returning to the CAP. «228.9»
1203: WIZARD ALPHA mentions to HUNTRESS that he has track 7615 which is CHEVY 25. «254.2» (And that removes any doubt about him working together in the CAP with the CHEVY pair.)
1205: CHEVY 25 tells HUNTRESS the aircraft was a Cessna 337, also known as an O-2, gray in color. «228.9» Adds that it was light gray...appeared to be like the military O-2.
1206: CHEVY 26 requests permission to go to the tanker from 25...he gets it and then tells HUNTRESS he's heading for the tanker. «228.9»
1208: CHEVY 26 tells HUNTRESS he's got the tanker off his nose..."Yes, I have the dope on the tanker." «228.9»
1211: CHEVY 26 says he has the tanker off his nose at 16 miles. reports weapons safe and tells HUNTRESS he's changing to the tanker frequency. «228.9»
1212: CHEVY 26 with TANKER 2 on «260.9» and is cleared to join. TANKER 2 invites him onto the boom a minute later. 26 says he needs about 6,000 pounds. (Activity on the refueling freq is very, very weak compared to the primary.)
1221: CHEVY 26 back in the CAP after refueling. «228.9»
1223: WIZARD calling HUNTRESS on «254.2»
1223: CHEVY 25 reporting on another TOI given to him by HUNTRESS. «228.9»
1224: WIZARD tells HUNTRESS this latest track is the same guy CHEVY 26 intercepted previously. «254.2»
1234: After chasing around for another TOI, the fighter pair is told to "skip it" «228.9»
1239: I didn't hear CHEVY 25 report off to the tanker but TANKER 2 just cleared someone to contact the boom over on «260.9» (Or he could be refueling the WIZARD E-8C although there was no mention of it on 254.2 either.)
1243: The refueling aircraft is off the boom after taking 6,400 pounds of fuel. «260.9»
There has been no chat between the fighters that I've been able to hear. They may be keeping their VHF radio on a ZOB freq. There has also been no direct contact between the JSTARS aircraft and the fighters that I've heard.
1253: TANKER 02 to Norfolk TRACON on «370.925» to say he's proceeding to Wallops. (I didn't hear any indication of him being cleared out of the CAP.)
1254: CHEVY 25/26 seem to have another TOI. «228.9»
1255: Langley tac freq 358.85 active.
1255: "WIZARD shows him 2,200 feet." «254.2»
1257: CHEVY 26 tells HUNTRESS that 25 is down to 4500 feet (chasing a TOI) and that he's (26) back in the CAP. «228.9»
1258: CHEVY 26 asks HUNTRESS for bullseye TOI. «228.9»

1300: CHEVY 26 tells HUNTRESS that CHEVY 25 can't get cleared by Cleveland Center below 4500 feet and that 25 is 2 miles in trail with the TOI. «228.9»
1301: CHEVY 26 tells HUNTRESS they've lost the track on the TOI...radar is cold. «228.9»
1302: CHEVY 26 tells HUNTRESS that ATC advises the TOI is a MedSTAR helicopter and asks HUNTRESS what he wants them to do. They're given the skip it command and report returning to CAP. «228.9»
1305: Langley tac freq 238.825 active.
I don't know where these Langley fighters are working. Haven't heard them leaving the area and going offshore with Giant Killer as they normally do. Might just be doing BFM around Langley.
1306: CHEVY 25 reports established back in the CAP. «228.9»
1316: CHEVYs given another TOI down at 3,000 feet. «228.9»
1321: CHEVY 25 tells HUNTRESS that 26 has 7200 pounds of fuel remaining and needs to go to the tanker. 26 asks 25 how much he should take. 25 tells him to just take a couple of thousand for now and they'll see what happens. «228.9» 26 tells HUNTRESS he's going to the tanker. (they've only got about an hour left for this CAP if it ends on time at 1430.)
1323: CHEVY 25 tells 26 he has the tanker at 257 degrees at 26 miles. «228.9»
1323: HUNTRESS giving test counts on freq «139.7» The 1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1 variety
1325: CHEVY 25 with a TOI at BRA 263/31/1000. «228.9»
1325: WIZARD calling HUNTRESS on «254.2» Couple of calls, no joy.
1329: WIZARD comes up with HUNTRESS on «228.9» and mentions the target has apparently landed at ???? airport. He's checking with ??? at this time. (Missed both names)
1329: CHEVY 26 over on boom freq «260.9» but didn't hear if he contacted TANKER 2/02. Since hearing TANKER 02 mention going to Wallops with Norfolk TRACON, I've been wondering if he's still in the CAP.
1331: WIZARD again with HUNTRESS on «228.9» and mentions something about the target on the ground. (He's very weak on this freq.)
1335: CHEVY 25 talking to HUNTRESS about TANKER 2 (which means he's still there) and the altitude he'd like TANKER 2 to maintain. The altitude block for this CAP is 21-23,000 feet. «228.9»
1335: CHEVY 26 off the boom. «260.9»
Part of the restrictions in the area of the CAP as posted in the NOTAM are as follows (just for interest's sake):
1340: WIZARD again calling HUNTRESS on «254.2»

There are two ramp freezes at Andrews scheduled for today (9/11/06):
1445-1515 local
1700-1730 local

1347: SAM 94 on SAM Interplane freq «136.725» mentions wanting altitude 16,000. (This is probably the President returning from the ceremony at Shanksville PA.)
1350: Langley tac freq 276.675 active.
There was just a ?VAPOR/VADER? 91 flight into Giant Killer's area on 238.1/249.8 to work air Kilo. It was a couple of fairly weak transmissions heard on a non-primary radio so not sure of the callsign.
1352: Somebody with suffix 6040 on HUNTRESS freq «260.9» mentions being in the weather at this time breaking in and out of the clouds. Sounds like he's calling Panther Ops.
1355: CHEVY 25 confirms something with HUNTRESS but doesn't mention what it is. «228.9» Next log item tells us what it was.
1358: WIZARD to HUNTRESS on «254.2» saying he's confirming the tanker and fighters are RTB and wants to confirm HUNTRESS no longer needs his assistance. Whatever HUNTRESS tells him, he asks to confirm the callsign is BACKBURNER. (That callsign is not in my database so don't know who it belongs to.) And that seems to be it...
THE CAP IS DONE....earlier than planned.

1406: MUSSEL 07 (1st Helo Squadron, Andrews AFB) with TRACON on 119.3 to report position over Greenbelt and landing Bolling.
1422: Flight of three aircraft on Langley tac freq 358.85
1428: (Navy) TP 16 with ADW Approach 335.5 for an approach at Andrews and then back to Pax.
1429: VENUS 21 to Griffin Command (Andrews) on 378.1 to say he's going to Patrick Henry (near Newport News VA) and will be back in 60 minutes.
1434: Refueling activity on freq 252.8...someone accelerating to 330 knots.

Character length limits reached...end of log.
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Nov 3, 2005
Excellent CAP report. I could hear the CAP pretty well from my location and I don't know if you picked it up but the CHEVY's were headed back to Selfridge. They pushed "Uniform 1" and I quickly tuned in 292.0 which is the Selfridge Wing Command post and CHEVY 25 came up. They then said to push 264.20, but I didn't hear any activity on that though.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Dave. No...when they were done and got any farther west than the CAP area, I apparently had no contact with them at all. I'm really surprised I could copy them as well as I did from that area. Thanks for the additional information.

1434: MEXICO 51 (Langley) with Norfolk 370.925, to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 and to GIant Killer at 1437 on 238.1 to report into area W-386 A-J.
1440: Refueling freq 252.8 has two tankers...suffix 51 and 52 deciding on altitudes.
1442: Tankers 51 and 52 decide to go to freq 266.4, Comm 1 where they do indeed go and check in with each other.
1444: 51 and 52 go back to freq 252.8 and decide 1 will maintain 340 knots and the other 330 knots.
1445: 51 tells 52 to begin his descent down to within 500 feet of 51 as long as he's got visual (contact). 52 affirms. «252.8»
1447: 51 tells 52 he's squawking 4017 and wants 52 to squawk standby and begin the descent to 26,500....52 confirms he's got visual contact with 51. Looks like 51 is going to refuel 52 or just practice doing so. «252.8»

End of log unless something "really" interesting pops up. Just want to mention though that the Northrup Grumman test flight freq 123.2 is active with a pilot I've never heard before on these aircraft - a female.

Also want to add that midway through the 1500 hour, a CRAB 53 (C-130J MD-ANG) is coming into Martin State Airport on tower freq 121.3 for a full stop landing. Just before that, heard him with Crab Ops on 385.9 giving his arrival message - indicating they certainly have not abandoned this frequency as I've sometimes suspected. The only change is that I no longer can hear the Crab Ops ground station there which used to be loud and clear. Perhaps that's due to a radio change or antenna location change...but definitely a change.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Back at it after a few days away due work and Comtelco, although not specifically cut for the VHF aero band is working well so far on the commute in!

1335Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 8009 (UC-35A 98-009 OSACOM DC ArNG) - heard TWR while in the Kings Park West area of Fairfax County, reception which is a VAST improvement over the RS Mobile. Deps rwy 14 QSY 118.950 then to 15000'.

Now on backup PRO-64 as the PRO-97 is U/S at the moment!

1531Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BOXER 751 (201st AS DC ANG) - deps ADW dir FLUKY to FL210.
1532Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JENA 101 (new callsign ex-ROSS is presumed) - @ DAVEY for the low app to rwy 14 QSY 126.3.

1614Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1270 (C-12T 85-1270 OSACOM VA RFC Davison) - deps DAA QSY 118.95.
1621Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 903 (C-21A) - deps ADW dir LDN to 17000' QSY 118.675.

1820Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1270 (C-12T 85-1270 OSACOM VA RFC Davison) - cleared for the option rwy 14.
1824Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 939 (UC-12B NAS Oceana Norfolk Flt. Det.) - cleared for the vis. to rwy 14. [departs again @ 1855Z QSY 118.950 dir GRUBY.]
1839Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - VENUS 21 (C-20 86-0201) - deps ADW dir HAFNR QSY 121.050.

1905Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - WILEY 25 (KC-135E 117th ARS KS ANG) - deps ADW to 11000'.
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Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
TinEar said:
NOTE: final evaluation of my new Uniden 996T is that it's a piece of crap. A wealth of features, sensitivity pretty good although doesn't do as well as my 785D on digital trunked systems, all the storage capacity you could ever want...however...the most basic feature needed by those that actually "work" their scanner is missing - the ability to rapidly (or even fairly quickly) get to a selected frequency. You just can't do it. That functon is not built into the scanner. What a damn shame. I put it in a drawer where it's collecting dust.
Add: Email question about digital trunked systems...for instance, I can't hear DC Police system on the 996 at all other than an occasional hit but it's not strong enough to lock on the control channel or understand the weak transmissions when it occasionally does. Same time it's perfectly clear on the 785D. Barely can hear Harford's system - full meter strength and perfectly clear on the 785D. Analog trunked systems are great on the 996. I think they thought up every feature scanner-heads have ever asked for and built them into the 996 --- and forgot that sometimes you want to select a specific frequency. You absolutely cannot follow a particular aircraft with the 996. They're three freqs ahead of you by the time you get to a freq. I just can't imagine how they could leave this feature out of the scanner or that no one picked up on it during the designing, testing, manufacturing and beta testing phases. In spite of the dynamic memory System/Group method of programming, there is no reason why an arbitrary number could not have been assigned to each freq and the ability to recall that number built into the scanner. It should have been easy. One extra button and the keypad along with a few lines of code is all it would have taken.
Final add: Yes, both the 996 and the 785 are on the same antenna at the same time through a Stridsberg multicoupler.

I concur 100%. The '396 is the same way, it is staying in the car for now to monitor mostly p/s locally. The AOR 8200 is at home. I can call up a freq with 3 keystrokes if I have it memorized (like I do most of the most common ones) or if I'm close I can thumbwheel it.

Oh well, can't have everything.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Tony, good to see you back at the logging business. Hope you're feeling better.

Geoge, you went back a way to dig that old post out. My feelings haven't changed since I wrote it. It's a fantastic radio but just not made for those of us that follow MilAir and track an aircraft/flight from freq to freq. You just can't do it with these new Uniden scanners. The storage capacity and the new feature set are fantastic though. One of my favorites is the temporary lockout feature that just locks out a freq for that listening session and the freq is not locked out next time you turn the radio on. I still say direct frequency selection would be a very easy addition if they really wanted to add it as firmware. I know Uniden is aware of this direct-select omission per a reply I got after complaining. Anyway, glad you brought that old post up because.....

I'm going to put my 996 up for sale and will offer it here to the Maryland area readers first since I have it loaded with just about every trunked system in the area including the new military LMR 380 mHz systems along with my MilAir freqs and all the conventional public safety freqs in the area. That'll allow someone to listen and enjoy the scanner during the time it takes to learn to operate it. It cost me $546 to get the scanner in my hands and then I bought ARC996PRO software for another $63.95 so have about $610 invested in it. I'll sell it for $510 with the ARC software program and take the 100 buck hit if anyone wants it. It's like brand new with the display plastic still in place and the manual/warranty card package unopened. If no response here, I'll stick it in the For Sale thread on the main page.


Jan 5, 2004
I was tipped off to an interesting site today. It's loaded with videos and some pics of military aircraft. There are crashes, flybys and just plain odd occurences.

I'll also add that around 2000 I heard someone at FL280 with GK on 238.1 briefly. No C/S though. A little bit after that it sounded like someone may have been off freq. On 141.75 I could very weakly hear someone starting to give an inbound report like they do on 141.55. There is currently some activity on 354.8 but all I really hear is static. :(

2102- Got some action on 292.3
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Hi Tin,

Thanks, good to be back at it, albeit with the usual work interruptions that is; not to mention problems with the PRO-97's BNC connection! I'll be setting up my BC3000XLT on power supply at work tomorrow to rectify the situation until I can get in there this weekend and ifx the -97.

One interesting note from a swing through IAD on the way earlier this evening; C-32B 00-9001 was noted using callsign AMPLY (repeated twice so not AMBLY which I heard used by an E-4B earlier this year) 70 departing rwy 19L on 120.100.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
CitationJet said:
Hi Tin,
One interesting note from a swing through IAD on the way earlier this evening; C-32B 00-9001 was noted using callsign AMPLY (repeated twice so not AMBLY which I heard used by an E-4B earlier this year) 70 departing rwy 19L on 120.100.


Interesting...on the AMPLY catch. That particular aircraft has probably had more publicity than any ever built. No matter where it touches down someone will note it and photograph it. Almost defeats the purpose, no? 207th Special Operations Flight of the NJ-ANG. Uh...yeah.


Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA

Yeah, I plead guilty to dragging up the old post. I've been trying to catch up here with all the fun you guys have up there. Been sitting here reading posts and I'm supposed to go meet a tower crew doing some work this AM.

I got all your freqs copied but haven't put them in the scanner files yet. I have to do it twice for the 2 different scanners. Does the '396 use the same file as the '996? I have ARC396, if that will work with ARC996 files, would it be too much trouble?? The ARC8200 files won't translate, I had to copy/paste to get the '396 loaded with my old stuff.

Check out the post yesterday of the SLAM21 flyby here yesterday over in the Military forum. That was fun!



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1336Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 467T (C-17A) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1349Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 571 (pres. C-12) - lands rwy 32.
1349Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 456 (the usual UC-12 shuttle) - DAVEY i/b for DAA. [departs rwy 32 @ 1433Z QSY 118.950.]

1430Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PACER 98 (C-21A) - dep. time 1424Z delay due to a/c change.

1501Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1270 (C-12T 85-1270) - deps rwy 32 QSY 118.950 then QSY 126.650.
1508Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - TRACK 01 (C-21A) - deps ADW to 11000'.
1519Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 123 () - deps ADW dir CSN QSY 121.675.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
gcgrotz said:

Yeah, I plead guilty to dragging up the old post. I've been trying to catch up here with all the fun you guys have up there. Been sitting here reading posts and I'm supposed to go meet a tower crew doing some work this AM.

I got all your freqs copied but haven't put them in the scanner files yet. I have to do it twice for the 2 different scanners. Does the '396 use the same file as the '996? I have ARC396, if that will work with ARC996 files, would it be too much trouble?? The ARC8200 files won't translate, I had to copy/paste to get the '396 loaded with my old stuff.

Check out the post yesterday of the SLAM21 flyby here yesterday over in the Military forum. That was fun!


George, the ARC396 to ARC996 transfer requires cut/paste. If you could directly patch between them, think of the sales Uniden and Butel would lose. </sarcasm off> You got a pretty good picture of those F-16s out of Richmond. It must have been good to see/hear that activity in an area that's not their usual stomping grounds.

Travis, that's a good site you posted. Very interesting stuff there.

On to today's activity upon first turning the radios on....
1115: COBRA 21 (F-22A Langley) flight with Giant Killer on 238.1 entering W-386 for work
1119: POWER 32 with Chambers Metro (but pilot called it Norfolk) on 271.6 (I've got the POWER callsign listed for KC-135R tankers at both Niagara Falls and at Milwaukee)
1126: COWBOY 23 (F-22A Langley) reports RTB Langley to GK on 238.1
1130: Langley tac freq 228.45 active with F-22A activity.
1131: COWBOY 21 tells GK he'll be ready to RTB Langley in 5 minutes on 238.1
1132: AXEMAN (A-10 MTN) flight on tac 142.3
1136: FLIGHT CHECK 67 with Atlantic City Approach 124.6
1139: WARDOG/AXEMAN flight with Raven Ops on 347.2
1141: WARDOG, AXEMAN 1 and 2 in a flight landing at Martin State and all using VHF 121.3 for MTN Tower. Didn't hear them even try to use the 297.2 freq first.
From 1145-1155 there are a bunch of F-22A flights working in Giant Killer's areas. Have been trying to separate the flights and grab some callsigns but they're not being cooperative.
1158: F-22A activity on Langley tac freq 233.525

1201: WOLF 2 (F-22A Langley) to GK on 238.1 to enter W-386 K
1215: F-22A activity on tac 233.525 is VOODOO 1 and 2. Adding this callsign to F-22A list.
1226: COBRA 31 (F-22A Langley) into GK's area on 238.1 on mission V-1342.
1250: COWBOY 21 (F-22A Langley) requesting 18,000 from Norfolk TRACON 370.925
1253: COWBOY 23 (F-22A Langley) checking into GK's area at 23,000 on 238.1
1256: COWBOYs are working 228.45 for their tac freq.

1301-04: CUBE 91 calling Any Radio on FSS 255.4. Finally makes contact with Leesburg Radio and wants a message passed to their home base. Gives a telephone number to call (area code 240) and wants STAR WARRIOR base to know that aircraft 53501 is due to arrive at 1315-20 local (about 10 minutes out). Says they are arriving from overseas.
I do not have STAR WARRIOR in my callsign database and have CUBE for Coronet missions from overseas. Area code 240 is for the same portion of Maryland that uses 301. The phone prefix he gave (857) is used at Andrews on commercial lines (858 for DNS). He has to use commercial number since Leesburg Radio said he couldn't do DNS.
1310: CUBE 91 now with Andrews Tower on 349.0 saying he's going to make one pass around the airfield and then come in. (No doubt now about the phone number belonging to Andrews. And that makes STAR WARRIOR also used by someone at Andrews.)
1312: CUBE 91 calling Andrews Approach on TRACON freq 348.725. Says he's a flight of two aircraft 37 miles east of Nottingham and descending to 8000. He's handed off to freq 128.35
1314: Fighter tac freq 141.725 active...probably A-10s from Willow Grove.
1318: CUBE 92 calling "Approach" on TRACON freq 270.275 (But we know no one ever answers on this freq and they wind up going to 335.5.)
1320: CUBE 91 now also trying on 270.275. No reply as expected. He's trying to report they're at 3000 feet. They call over and over again with no joy. Why do controllers keep sending aircraft to this freq?
1321: CUBE 92 to Andrews Tower on 118.4 to say they're five miles east and have the field in sight and tells him they have no contact with approach. He asks if they can just stay on this freq.
1322: CUBE 91 meanwhile makes contact on 335.5 and wants vectors to the overhead. Says he has field in sight.
(I haven't heard a word on any tac freq from 138-144 for this pair and certainly they must be talking to each other with all the comm problems. Can't determine aircraft type since I can't find anything from combinations of the 53501 he gave earlier. Tony?)
1333: CUBE 91/92 to Tower for landing 118.4
1326: REACH 8055 landing Andrews with Tower on 118.4
1335: SAM 07 with ADW Approach 119.3
1337: Fighter tac freq 141.4 active...U/I aircraft. 141.725 also still active with U/I.
1339: REACH 412 calling Navy Ops at Andrews on 386.8. Couple of calls, no joy.
1343: REACH 412 to Andrews CP on 378.1 with arrival msg...going to Navy ramp. Download is 13 pallets and 23 passengers. Arriving at 1800Z. Wants info on ramp freeze if any. (I don't show any scheduled for today.) Says he needs more crash bags. (Didn't say why)
1344-45: REACH 412 back to calling Navy Ops on 386.8 and again no joy.

Break time...back later. New message if necessary.
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Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
Thanks Tin, the tower crew never showed up, their boom truck broke down. I came home for lunch and have been prepping those files you posted for loading in the scanners. I'll be able to do some hilltop monitoring from the car.

Re: the flyby, yeah that was a lucky break that I heard them inbound. If I'd had the scanners loaded maybe I would have heard them talking on the way back. BTW, they were really quiet going by, just coasting I guess. Cranked it up when given ok to climb and turn however. This flight path is right under the approach to CHO and they did have a flight inbound make an S turn to get out of the way.

Lunch over...


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Back after a meeting and lunch...

1723Z 119.300 Potomac APP - REACH 8055 (KC-135T 58-0055 22nd ARW McConnell) - checking in nothing further heard.
1723Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 987 (C-21A) - deps ADW dir LDN QSY 120.65.
1729Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 127 (?) - deps rwy 32 QSY 118.950 dir DCA then depart on the DCA 090 radial QSY 125.65.

1804Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 8009 (UC-35A 98-0009 OSACOM DC ArNG Davison) - deps rwy 32 QSY 118.950.
1806Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 484 () - cancels ILS app to rwy 32 @ DAA, now requests the visual and cleared for it QSY 126.3
then cleared for the visual to rwy 14.

In a hurry now so no callsign completion where not immediately known..

1945Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BOXER 515 (201st AS DC ANG) - deps ADW dir GINYA-join J149.

2008Z 119.300 Potomac APP - VIPER 01 () - @ 7000' on the app to ADW.
2017Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 23128 (C-12) - deps ADW.
2044Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 8009 (see above) - @ STEAD for the VOR/DME to rwy 14.
2055Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 1270 (see above) - requesting the GPS to 32 circle 14 dir IRONS.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just to toss in a few things heard over the past few minutes while (supposedly) on break....

1354: WAMO 32 with Andrews on 119.3
1355: PAT 21 opening flight plan on FSS freq 255.4 to go from Pentagon to Davison AAF
1356: AXEMAN (A-10 MTN) flight of two on FSS 255.4 to announce low level flight at 1500 feet, 250 knots to Dudley Corner. (Didn't hear VR route)
1357: AXEMAN flight with Ops on 143.8

1406: AIRGUN 81 (F-15s Langley) into GK's area on 238.1
1410: U/I with HUNTRESS on 228.9 mentioning two groups of aircraft (This is probably a JSTARS aircraft)
1413: BICEP 11 (F-16 NJ-ANG) with Giant Killer on 255.0 for area W-107 work
1414: BICEP flight using tac 138.425
1415: HARP 73 flight (F-15s Langley) into GK's area 238.1
1420: Probably JSTARS aircraft on 254.2 controlling AIRGUN and HARP flights....says VOL time is 1420-1440 local. AIRGUN and HARP flights both on this freq too. (No callsign heard from JSTARS but this is same freq we had with WIZARD-ALPHA yesterday.)
1425: VA-ANG F-16s on tac 141.875. (Probably SLAM...later confirmed)
1427: SLAM 31 flight (F-16 VA-ANG Richmond) with Norfolk TRACON 370.925
1431: SLAM 31 to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 and then to Giant Killer on 238.1...flight of three F-16s...will work W-386 G-J from 1430 to 1515. Having trouble communicating this freq.
1434: HARP 71 flight working freq 228.9 with the JSTARS aircraft in addition to 254.2
1435: KICK 71 flight (F-15 Langley) calling Giant Killer 238.1
1436: SLAM 31 flight repeats his message to GK 238.1
1443: ROCKET 11 (Prob F-15 Seymour Johnson) with ZDC-Irons 360.85 ...descending from 15 to 12,000
1444: HARP flight is 3 aircraft saying they'll delay 5 more minutes 254.2/228.9 (At times, the callsign also sounds like HARM)
1446: ROCKET 11 handed off to TRACON 335.5 for approach to Andrews runway 19L...heading direct Nottingham....descending to 7000...down to 3000 at 1450.
1452: ROCKET 11 is a flight of four aircraft...handed off to ADW Tower 349.0....coming in 2x2
1454: HARP checking out of GK's area on 249.8 and changing to "11"
1455: ROCKET 11 gear down, full stop...12 gear down, full stop....13 the same....14 the same. 349.0
1458: HARP 71 flight with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 (their routing was Snow Hill, Cape Charles, Langley)
1458: AIRGUN 81 flight clearing out of GK's area on 249.8
1459: HARP 71 with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 descending from 16000 to 5000 feet.

1501: Another NJ-ANG F-16 flight on tac 138.875....turns out to be more of the BICEP flight....BICEP 14 talking to HUNTRESS here but believe it's just simulated. This makes the BICEP flight at least a four-ship.
1503: GK's ops freq 373.1 active...unknown flight.
1508: AXEMAN A-10 flight in Pax area on 281.8
1512: At least two of the BICEP flight heading in as both Code 1 to Ops on 261.0 (they probably had the BICEP flight split into two 2-ship flights - one using 138.425 and the other 138.875 - for their ACM activity in W-107)
1514: U/I aircraft with Giant Killer on 251.6 to enter area W-122. He identifies as a P-3.

Still have fairly busy MilAir activity hanging around the area but I've had enough for now. Back later....
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
A fairly busy afternoon at Gravelly Point. 128.35 seems to back in its normal usage, with 119.3 quiet except as ADW final. It sounded like 335.5 was simulcasting both 19.3 and 28.35, though.

1652: -118.95 (Potomac Dep)- WOLF 01 off ADW
1653: -118.95- PAT 1270 (C-12 85-1270) would like the GPS 32 circle 14 at DAA. To 118.85
1655: -378.1 (ADW CP)- something 412 says something (maybe a departure call from the earlier REACH 412)
1700: -128.35 (Potomac App)- MARINE 374 (UC-35 166374) vectors for the ILS 19L at ADW
1702: -335.5 (Potomac App)- SWORD 53 -D> Nottingham and descents
1702: -118.4 (ADW Twr)- PACER 06 (C-21 seen) for landing
1703: -118.95- REACH 0172 (C-17 00-0172 McChord seen) is radar contact. Eventually turned NW.
1708: -118.95- STRAT 01 is radar contact and vectored west.
1716: -141.55 (ADW CP)- STRAT 01 was off at "2107 U-ey"
1721: -349.0 (ADW Twr)- SWORD 53 (2x fighters seen, looked like F-15s) is flying the ILS 19L, and then would like to do the TACAN 1R.
1723: -119.85 (Potomac App)- AIREVAC 46706 (C-130H 94-6706 WV ANG seen) depart OJAAY -D> OTT
1725: -349.0- SWORD 53 will full stop, SWORD 54 will low approach, climb to 840' and land.
1728: -128.35- ARMY 201 (UC-35 seen) vectors for ADW [have a feeling this was really 01-0301]
1746: -118.95- 9002 heavy departs ADW with vectors for IAD. I kicked myself at not seeing what I assumed was C-5 69-0002, but it turns out just to have been Fedex 9002! Whew!
1750: -119.85- NAVY AX 630 (C-130 seen) vectors to land 1R at ADW (only 1R landing - all others went to 19L)
1805: -119.85- JOSA 085 (C-21 seen) vectors for ADW arrival
1809: -118.95- JOSA 137 (C-21) departs ADW
1821: -118.95- AMERICAN 9656 heavy (seen) departs ADW. What's this doing in Milair? This is 767-200 N308AA, opb BAE Systems as the testbed for the airliner missile defence platform.
1824: -xxx- C-17 (seen) departs ADW, and turns east. Never caught a call. Aargh.
1846: -118.95- MARINE 206 departs ADW.


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TIN said:
1301-04: CUBE 91 calling Any Radio on FSS 255.4. Finally makes contact with Leesburg Radio and wants a message passed to their home base. Gives a telephone number to call (area code 240) and wants STAR WARRIOR base to know that aircraft 53501 is due to arrive at 1315-20 local (about 10 minutes out). Says they are arriving from overseas.
I do not have STAR WARRIOR in my callsign database and have CUBE for Coronet missions from overseas. Area code 240 is for the same portion of Maryland that uses 301. The phone prefix he gave (857) is used at Andrews on commercial lines (858 for DNS). He has to use commercial number since Leesburg Radio said he couldn't do DNS.
1310: CUBE 91 now with Andrews Tower on 349.0 saying he's going to make one pass around the airfield and then come in. (No doubt now about the phone number belonging to Andrews. And that makes STAR WARRIOR also used by someone at Andrews.)
If I had to guess, STAR WARRIOR is probably VAQ-209 "STAR WARRIORS" Ops or Command Post
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Hey Chuck....good to see you posting. Many thanks for pointing out the STAR WARRIOR association (which I should have remembered but didn't.) Hope to see more of your input here.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
TREND 87 and 88 land at Andrews this morning. Picked them up on 335.5 (Potomac TRACON/Andrews Approach) at 0835. They switched to Andrews Tower 349.0 and touched down at 0840.

0932: BOXER 65 (201st Airlift Squadron, MD-ANG Andrews AFB) doesn't know enough to come in out of the rain. He's doing pattern work at Andrews with Approach 119.3 and Tower 118.4
0934: Navy 7W226 with Andrews 141.55 giving arrival message.
0941: Navy 7W226 with Approach 119.3 and then to Tower 118.4 for landing at 0943.
0945: FELIX 2 (C-130, 23rd AW, Pope AFB) with ZDC-Montebello 284.7 at FL 260
0946: FELIX 2 to ZDC-Shenandoah 270.35 checks in at FL 260

0950: Coast Guard, Baltimore Sector reports hearing a 406 mHz emergency beacon from an indicated location 5 nautical miles south of Smith's Point. «156.8/Channel 16» Lat/longs are 37-48-6/076-12-5.
0955: Navy RL587 with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 climbing
0956: Navy RL587 handed to ZDC-Swann 360.7 climbing to 16,000...bad transmitter, ground sends him to VHF 134.5 and then he comes back to 360.7 on a different radio and sounds good. Repeats climbing to 16,000...told to turn to course 290 direct Baltimore....cleared to FL 18,000.

1001: Navy RL587 cleared to climb to FL 200 and cleared direct Harrisburg. 360.7
1003: Navy RL587 handed off to ZNY-Modena 135.45 or 335.6. He picks 335.6 and tries to check in but he's on that bad sounding transmitter again and having no joy. Guess he changes to VHF (which I don't have programmed for ZNY) so he's gone.
1006: Navy RL587 back to 335.6 trying again to make contact...apparently couldn't do it on VHF. Still no joy.
1007: NJ-ANG F-16s active on tac 138.425
1008: U/I flight (suffix 91) into Giant Killer's area W-122 on 233.7
1012: JOSA 053 reports takeoff time as 1409Z to Griffin Command at Andrews. 141.55
1012: BOXER 65 still doing pattern work at Andrews but announces he'll be on his last go around this time. 119.3/118.4
1035: Couple of tankers (16 and 17) chatting on tanker interplane freq 139.875. They're coming our way...getting louder and louder as time passes. By 1042 they are booming. One is at FL 250.
Mid 1000 hour there are transports moving around the area but no fighters. Low ceilings with rain can be blamed.
1049: One of the tankers chatting on 139.875 tells the other to switch to 123.825. He obviously meant 143.825 which the other figured out and the two of them wind up on 143.825. However, they are now 05 and 06 rather than the 15/16 heard earlier here. It's probably why they got off the 139.875 freq.
1055: PRIDE 22 (KC-135R 92nd ARW Fairchild AFB WA) with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 descending.
Better ID for this aircraft at 1206 log entry below.

1102: The tankers on 143.825 (05 and 06)are joining up for refueling or practice refueling. They aren't too far from my location based on signal strength...perhaps in that unidentified track that runs from the Patuxent area up to the W-107 warning area.
1108: JOSA 547 arriving Andrews....119.3
1113: More refueling on 252.8
1114: Aircraft 05 and 06 (05 is refueling 06) are going to do another refueling approach to the boom with auto-pilot off. 143.825

1120: Radar at BWI shows most of the rain has moved off to our east. Ceiling is still low though but lifting a bit. Perhaps we'll have more activity this afternoon as a result.

1201: Yet more possible refueling activity on freq 365.7...have had Navy fighters also using this freq in the past.
[Looking back at notes from the past, the 365.7 freq only had refueling one time and that was with Naval fighters. Every other time I've heard the freq, it was just with Naval fighter operations. I'm going to change this freq from the refueling section to the Naval fighter section in those banks of freqs listed from Message 1-50 in this thread. See log item at 1209 below to support this.]
1201: PRIDE 91 with ZDC-Montebello 284.7 requests to deviate from flight path due to weather...reports direct Oceana.
1204: PRIDE 91 handed to ZDC-Blackstone 235.625 descending to FL 220...deviating due to thunderstorm and again reports direct Oceana.
1206: Descending to 17000 is PRIDE 91 on 235.625
1206: PRIDE 91 handed off to ZDC-Franklin 290.425.
Had PRIDE 22 earlier logged at 1055 and identified it as a KC-135 which was the only ID for that callsign I showed in my primary callsign database. Wrong. I found another callsign database which shows one choice for PRIDE is for F/A-18s from VFA-15 Oceana NAS and that's what I'm going with.
1209: The activity now on freq 365.7 sounds like two Naval fighters...DOG 1 and 2...probably F/A-18s from Oceana. Sounds like they are beginning ACM activity over the next couple of minutes.
1219: DC 41 (KC-135R, 756th ARS Andrews AFB) in pattern at Andrews with Approach on 119.3
1234: DC 41 landing Andrews with Tower 118.4...or doing touch and goes.
1234: The DOG F/A-18s on 365.7 keep mentioning Vienna (MD) which indicates they're at the Patuxent Range.
1234: Was out of the room for a few minutes and could hear a couple of F-15 flights entering Giant Killer's W-386 area on one of the radios - probably around 1230. All I heard was a suffix 31 for one flight and
the other was comprised of suffices 11/12/13. (11/12/13 turns out to be TRENTON later in the log)
1235: DOG flight on 365.7 announces RTB.
1237: HOVER 41 flight enters Giant Killer's area W-386 for work. Says he'll be MARSA with a TROJAN 51 flight. 238.1 (For now, I'm going to call these F-15s even though HOVER has been used for F-22A aircraft in the past which violates the rule I postulated that, once a callsign is used for F-22A, it's no longer used for F-15 work.)
1239: TROJAN 51 flight checks into W-386 with GK on 238.1.
1241: DEEJAY 23 (F-22A Langley) with Norfolk TRACON 370.925...then to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8
1243: DEEJAY 23 to Giant Killer 238.1 to enter W-386 A-F and says he'll be MARSA with DEEJAY 21.
1243: DEEJAY flight working 257.075 Langley tac freq
1245: Langley tac freq 233.525 active with F-22A activity. (turns out to be TRENTON)
1245: Giant Killer's ops freq 391.2 active with F-22A activity.
1247: TRENTON 13 announces RTB to GK on 238.1 (This is a new callsign for Langley...adding it to the F-22A list.)
1247: DEEJAY 21 (probably with 22) with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8
1248: DEEJAY 21 to GK on 238.1 and says he's a two ship with DEEJAY 22 and will be MARSA with DEEJAY 23. (Wonder why the three of them didn't go to W-386 together? Does it matter?) :)
1249: TRENTON 21 says he's a two ship and is RTB Langley via HEELS to GK on 238.1 (I think his callsign should be TRENTON 11/12 in this flight.)
1250: TRENTON 13 to GK on 238.1 repeating his RTB Langley info.
1253: ACM activity on Langley tac freq 315.85
1255: Langley tac freq 228.45 active with F-22A activity.
1257: GK's ops freq 312.3 active with ACM activity

Continued below.........
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