Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2013: HOIST 92 (KC-10A McGuire) with Atlantic City Approach 124.6. Descending from 12,000 down to 8000....then to 5000 a couple of minutes later.
2023: Refueling activity on 352.6 - probably in AR-220....tanker level at 19, callsigns yet.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
P-40 has been Expanded:



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
For those that tried to tune into the webcast last night and heard nothing....I lost my internet service last night right after I made the post above and it stayed out for the entire night. In three years with Verizon DSL, that's the first outage I've ever had other than for a couple of seconds.

During the 2000 hour, after my service went down, I heard a CRAB 53 (C-130J MD-ANG) doing those drop routines again. He was working with Phillips AAF on 126.15 and, I presume - although I didn't hear it - on 148.925 with the drop controller.

My big catch of the night though happened in the 2100 hour when I heard REACH 9026 talking with Casino Royale on 252.1. That's the Command Post for the 439th AW, Westover Air Reserve Base, MA. (KCEF)

And now today's radio traffic.......

1045: U/I fighters on 139.625. This is the VHF freq for Warren Grove Range.
1048: And fighters on 143.8 talking about targets. These could possibly be MD-ANG A-10s from MTN since this is the Raven Ops VHF freq.
1049: To complete the radio traffic circle, there is also activity on the primary Warren Grove Range freq 283.1
1051: Callsign RAVEN at Warren Grove confirming ID as MD-ANG A-10s. 283.1

1105: BASCO 83 (C-17 437th AW, AFRC Charleston AFB, SC) to McGuire Command Post on 319.4 with arrival message....15 minutes out, A-1, needs 10,000 pounds of fuel and parking spot. IDs as a C-17, tail 97-0041.
1106: RAVEN flight with Atlantic City Approach on 327.125. (Missed their msg while copying the BASCO flight)
1112: RAVEN flight handed off to Dover Approach on 257.875 (they call it U-14). The flight is apparently split into a 15 mile trail. (Might be a WARDOG OA-10 with the RAVENs) RAVENs descending to 4500 feet.
1116: RAVENs report VMC conditions (yeah, "conditions" is redundant) around Dover. 257.875 (Parts of this flight are also with Raven Ops on 347.2 and chatting on 143.8)
1117: The other part of the flight is with Raven Ops on 347.2
1123: RAVEN flight with Martin State Tower for landing. 297.2...and now on tac 142.3
1123: AXEMAN flight checking in with MTN Tower on 297.2 and gets no reply so goes to 121.3 with Tower to complain and then back to 297.2.
1125: AXEMAN 1 and 2 report 3 miles out, gear down, full stop. 297.2
So, we had two RAVEN and two AXEMAN A-10s up at the Warren Grove Range. All are now home.
1129: REACH 5005 with McGuire Metro on 239.8 asking for the current weather at Dover AFB and then asks for Charleston wx. (there was more but he faded out)
1134: REACH 5005 with Dover CP to say he can't land at Dover because of winds and will divert to Charleston. 349.4
1135: JOSA 976 with Andrews Metro 344.6 and asking for the weather at Andrews and then for Dulles.
1138: JOSA 976 to Andrews 378.1 with arrival msg...20 minutes out, C-21, tail 84-0079, pax to offload.
1138: REACH 5005 still with Dover on 349.4 trying to determine where to go....decides on Charleston and wants Dover to notify Charleston they'll be there at 1700Z....they'll need Customs and Ag once there and have 23 pax and "special handling cargo."
1153: After several calls, REACH 5005 makes contact again with Dover CP 349.4 to say he called McGuire Metro since he couldn't reach Dover Metro. Anyway, he was checking on the winds again and they exceed minimums for safe landing at Dover. Not sure what Dover had told him. He says he is definitely going to Charleston now and repeats the need for Customs and Ag once there.
1156: JOSA 976 with ADW Approach 119.3 in preparation for landing.
1156: It sounds like Dover is trying to talk REACH 5005 into landing at Dover but the pilot says he is going to Charleston. He says the wx shows cross-winds at 23 knots for runway 14 and 25 knots for runway 1 at Dover. Maximum they can take is 21. Says they also considered going into McGuire but winds there were excessive also. He's convinced he's going to Charleston and nothing can change his mind. Once he gets to Charleston, they'll see what's happening and perhaps get back to Dover at some point. They have 17 crew members on board.
1159: REACH 5005 says current position is 60 miles northeast of Norfolk at 30,000 Charleston. Says he'll land at Charleston with 54,000 pounds of fuel. 349.4 (Not sure why Dover is fighting so hard to get that plane there....someone or something on board that they want?) 5005 says he'll call Dover when they get to Charleston.

1207: REACH 5005 calling Norfolk (Chambers Field) Metro on 271.6 to inquire about wx at Andrews. (Is he looking for yet another potential landing site?)
1208: REACH 5005 wants to know the latest position of the center of the storm. 271.6

And then it got quiet.

1321: U/I aircraft with Philadelphia TRACON 291.7 and switching to "Button 9"
1322: Same aircraft with Harrisburg App/Dep 281.525 talking about making it to Cleveland.
This is almost definitely a Willow Grove A-10 since their preset U-9 is Harrisburg A/D 281.525.
1326: Confirmed...aircraft is MAD HOG 1 (PA-ANG Willow Grove OA-10) descending from 6000 to 4000 feet. 281.525
1359: MAD HOG 1 flight now with ZNY-Williamsport 338.3.
Coming your way Dave?

1406: Pair of Willow Grove A-10s on 141.8...their Base Ops freq. One of them says he's near Phillipsburg.
1408: MAD HOG 2, Willow Grove A-10, with Phil TRACON 343.725 saying his flight lead is out near Phillipsburg....he's then handed off to 278.3
1409: MADHOG 2 to ZNY-Pottstown 278.3 to say he's going to try to rejoin with MAD HOG 1 who's around the Phillipsburg area.
1410: MAD HOG 2 to BAse Ops on 141.8 to say he's at 9000 feet over Pottstown and is going to try to hurry to Phillipsburg.
1411: MAD HOG 2 again with Pottstown on 278.3 saying he's cleared direct Phillipsburg and can climb up to 14,000 feet....and then goes back to Base Ops on 141.8 to repeat that info and says he's about 100 miles away (probably from MAD HOG 1)
1416: MAD HOG 2 to Base Ops on 141.8 to say..."I'm 15 out of Phillipsburg, 82 miles."
1417: MAD HOG 2 to Pottstown asking for UHF freq...handed to ZNY-Williamsport 338.3 where he checks in at 14000 and repeats that he's trying to rejoin with MAD HOG 1 who's west of Phillipsburg.
1419-20: NAVY 830 calling Andrews on 141.55....makes contact to say he's overhead Andrews now but isn't coming in today. He asks about the field being closed before 1200 local tomorrow even if it's for the Navy side. Apparently, it is.
1422: NAVY 830 calling Navy Ops (at Andrews) on contact after 3 calls.
1425: MAD HOG 2? handed off but I missed the freq...sounded like 229.65 but that doesn't compute. (I set up on both 229.65 and 329.65 but heard nothing.)
1426: U/I aircraft (two) chatting on idea who they are.
Looks like I've lost the MAD HOG pair...they probably switched to a ZOB freq and might just be headed for Cleveland after all.
1434: Hearing a US Air flight 2036 that just came up on 139.025. Not sure what he's doing there and didn't even know commercial air had that range in their radios. It's obviously a mistake. Just one transmission and gone.
1459: Hearing another commercial flight on 143.375. I'm not sure what's causing this effect today. I keep one scanner going all day just on 138-144 search and I've never run into this prior to today. Something is causing a freq mix and producing the signals in this range. Hope it's a one-day-show.

(Ref below) Dave, once you hear the F-22A's transmitter you'll know what I mean about how distinctive it is - especially when I have to separate them from the F-15 flights out of Langley. It's a totally different sound.
Uhhh...the volume turned down....I can't tell you how many times I've done that with one or more radios here when trying to listen to another scanner and then forget about them.
I didn't know about the Cleveland show. Hope you get to hear lots.
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Nov 3, 2005
TinEar said:
1321: U/I aircraft with Philadelphia TRACON 291.7 and switching to "Button 9"
1322: Same aircraft with Harrisburg App/Dep 281.525 talking about making it to Cleveland.
This is almost definitely a Willow Grove A-10 since their preset U-9 is Harrisburg A/D 281.525.
1326: Confirmed...aircraft is MAD HOG 1 (PA-ANG Willow Grove OA-10) descending from 6000 to 4000 feet. 281.525

Hey Tin,

111th A-10s were supposed to be part of the static display at the Cleveland Airshow this weekend per this website

I was going to take my scanner home with me this weekend and see if I can get any of the traffic flying in for the show as part of the fly-bys. I especially wanted to try and get the F-22 that was scheduled for Saturday only, just so I can hear how they sound. From your posts, their radio seems to be very distinctive. There is also supposed to be an F-117 and B-1 flyover both Sat and Sun. It's been an extremely quiet milair day today, I thought that I would have gotten quite a few Cleveland Center hits for aircraft arriving for the static displays.

Wow am I a MORON! I just noticed that I still have the volume turned all the way down from a phone call this morning. Who knows what I might have missed. Tragic.....

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Nov 3, 2005
TinEar said:
1416: MAD HOG 2 to Base Ops on 141.8 to say..."I'm 15 out of Phillipsburg, 82 miles."
Looks like I've lost the MAD HOG pair...they probably switched to a ZOB freq and might just be headed for Cleveland after all.

MADHOG 1 and 2 were using the 141.80 for air to air, I thought it was strange but they did it the other day as well. MADHOG 1 was last with ZOB-Bradford on 291.65 when I had to help someone in the office. That's pretty much right over my head....BTW they were on their way to the airshow.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Dave, since you heard them on 291.65 with ZOB, that's no doubt the freq I thought I heard as 229.65. Hey...I got the point 65 part right! They were fairly weak and noisy at that point so I have an excuse.

The guess they were heading to Cleveland was correct though. Hope that airshow turns out to be a good listening experience this weekend for you. Due to the bad weather along the East Coast, there are probably many aircraft waiting to make the flight up that way so you still may have a chance to hear them arriving. Everything has gotten very quiet this afternoon due to the inclement weather - although it has been nothing but very light rain in my area...and a yard covered with leaves and twigs as a result of just light winds. I was kind of hoping the surrounding ring of 60 foot oak trees would blow over and open up my listening range. No such luck. I jest, of course.

1559: NAVY 7W435 with SAM Command on 141.55 reports 10 minutes out with Codes on board. Ground keeps talking until finally the pilot asks if there is anything else because they are busy up there. Off he goes.
1559: Same time, NAVY 7W435 on 119.3 with approach
1600: U/I aircraft with Andrews Metro 344.6 asking for winds/ceiling/viz...says he's about 100 miles west at this time
1607: Same U/I acft now on Andrews Ground 275.8 wants to check again on winds...says he got 040/20 with gusts to 31 from the broadcast but it's about an hour old now...wants to know if they are still the same now...told gusts are only to 27 at this time. Believe I heard same guy on 141.55 giving tail number as 40141, 25 minutes out...callsign not couple of minutes he goes to Approach on 119.3 to ask about standing water on the runway, isn't satisfied so goes to Dispatch on 372.2 to ask the same question. He seems a tad nervous about landing at Andrews with winds and wet runways. Obviously not a combat pilot.

That's enough...back later....maybe.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
1159: REACH 5005 says current position is 60 miles northeast of Norfolk at 30,000 Charleston. Says he'll land at Charleston with 54,000 pounds of fuel. 349.4 (Not sure why Dover is fighting so hard to get that plane there....someone or something on board that they want?) 5005 says he'll call Dover when they get to Charleston.

1207: REACH 5005 calling Norfolk (Chambers Field) Metro on 271.6 to inquire about wx at Andrews. (Is he looking for yet another potential landing site?)
1208: REACH 5005 wants to know the latest position of the center of the storm. 271.6

Rgr TIN heard that same timeline here also but much later at 12:39 heard REACH 5005
with Andrews CP saying they were 15 minutes out Andrews and giving same customs/ag arrival message.
I think somewhere aloing the way they were told not to go to KCHS.
They did also mention again having 1 HR aboard I assume for Dover DOD mortuary so
maybe that is reason Dover tried to get him in.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Re REACH 5005: Good catch Mark. That'll teach me to take a break. He apparently changed his mind again after I left him talking to every Metro station in the area trying to find a place with acceptable wind conditions. I thought he was dead set on Charleston after his conversation with Dover. He made a point of saying he couldn't land if cross-winds were over 21 miles per hour. Andrews was over that for a good part of the day but must have let up long enough to allow him in. And you apparently also caught the reason for the urgency getting into Dover. Considering his cargo, they'll get it to Dover somehow and fairly quickly I'm sure.

Considering the weather in the area tonight, there should be little or no MilAir activity. Have turned off the radios and am enjoying watching the Red Sox winning a game for a change. But it's not over.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Been cleaning up downed leaves and branches from the storm all day and haven't turned on a radio until now and find....a CAP in progress. Can't believe no one posted this already.

1935. PITTMAN 35 and 36 are the fighters - F16s from the 79th Fighter Squadron at Shaw. The refueler is TANKER 29. Primary frequency with HUNTRESS is 260.9 and the boom freq for refueling is 228.9. Tac freq used by the fighters is 139.925 - one that isn't part of their usual V8-11 presets. Haven't heard the preset number yet. At 1950, PITTMAN 36 is with TANKER 29 for refueling.
Someone out in the midwest noted TANKER 28 returing to Milwaukee earlier this afternoon.
I totally missed the TFR scheduling this CAP. There is another posted for Piney Point (near Patuxent) for Monday as follows:

NOTAM Number : FDC 6/8565
Issue Date : August 31, 2006 at 18:05 UTC
Location : Piney Point, Maryland
Beginning Date and Time : September 04, 2006 at 14:35 UTC
Ending Date and Time : September 04, 2006 at 17:25 UTC
Reason for NOTAM : Temporary flight restrictions for VIP (Very Important Person) Movement
Type : VIP
Replaced NOTAM(s) : N/A
Affected Area(s)
Area A
Airspace Definition:
TFR Center: 11 nautical miles from PATUXENT VORTAC(PXT) on the 224 radial (Latitude: 38º08'08"N, Longitude: 76º31'51"W)
Radius: 30 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including FL(180)
Effective Date(s):
September 04, 2006 at 14:35 UTC (September 04, 2006 at 10:35 EDT) - September 04, 2006 at 17:25 UTC (September 04, 2006 at 13:25 EDT)

I'll go out on a limb and say that CAP will be handled by either the F-16 SPIDERs from the ND-ANG deployed to Langley or the DC-ANG Andrews F-16s.

There is also a scheduled deployment of a dozen A-10s from Pope AFB heading for Iraq on Monday morning. They're scheduled to depart Pope at 0900Z and should be within listening range in the Baltimore/DC area shortly after that - probably 0915-0930Z (0515-0530 local or 05 Dark Thirty) if they take off on time. I won't be up but some of you early birds might.

2012: PITTMAN 35 asking HUNTRESS about the NEADS tracks...says they've all gone down recently (from his datalink).
2026: PITTMAN 35 heading for the tanker...changing from 260.9 to 228.9
2035: PITTMAN 35 completes refueling...takes on 5600 pounds...returns to HUNTRESS freq 260.9

2035-2115: During this time there was just chat on the tac freq about the non-working datalink and also some indication that this might be the last pair for the night. If so, they're doing what they did last time, i.e., shutting down about 11 p.m. and then picking it up in the early morning. Not positive of that yet since the current pilot pair is not sure of it either - one thinks that's the plan, the other doesn't know.
2123: PITTMAN 36 asking HUNTRESS for a point out to the tanker. «260.9» Gets it and changes to boom freq.
2134: PITTMAN 36 completes refueling...took 6,000 pounds. Says they'll be back one more time before RTB. «228.9»
2150: PITTMAN ops check on tac....35 has 7500 pounds of fuel remaining and 36 has 11,200
2151: PITTMAN 35 notifies HUNTRESS he's going to AR...has visual on the tanker, weapons safe, nose is cold. «260.9»
2152: PITTMAN 35 to TANKER 29 on 228.9 to refuel.

2200: PITTMAN 35 completes refueling...took 6,000 pounds...tanker boom operator advises him to write up the receptacle door because of some kind of problem with it. 35 agrees. «228.0» 35 then goes back to HUNTRESS freq to say he's back in the CAP. «260.9»
Each time one of the fighters leaves the tanker, they go to chat freq to check on the location of the other fighter since they can't see each other on radar.
2203: TANKER 29 goes to Guard Dog on 135.525 to ask about his replacement. Ground asks for the replacement's numbers....29 tells him to forget it, he'll check with HUNTRESS and changes to 260.9 to do that very thing. Can't hear HUNTRESS tonight so don't know the answer.
2207: PITTMAN 35/36 seem puzzled by the order to fly a clockwise pattern...normally it's counter-clockwise. «139.925»
2209: PITTMAN 35 calls TANKER 29 to make sure he's remaining on station for two more ARs (35 & 36). 29 says, "we're here until they release us." «260.9»
2211: PITTMAN 35 gets a message from HUNTRESS on «260.9» 36 asks 35 on tac «139.925» what that message meant. 35 explains it means they will be released in about an hour. Another indication the CAP will end around 2300 hours.
2217: PITTMAN 36 heading for the tanker after the fighters got some message from HUNTRESS. Guess this is their final refueling. «260.9/139.925»
2218: PITTMAN 36 to TANKER 29 on «228.9» and is cleared toward the tanker after assuring him his nose was cold. (Radar turned off)
2223: PITTMAN 35 notifies HUNTRESS he's heading for the tanker too. HUNTRESS tells him to stay on primary freq. «260.9» Looks like they might be relieved a bit early. 36 just being cleared for contact with the boom over on «228.9»
2226: PITTMAN 35 tells TANKER 29 he's in a two mile trail...29 clears him into the left wing position. «260.9» (TANKER 29 advised everyone they could remain on primary 260.9 if they wished.)
2227: PITTMAN 36 completes refueling...asks 29 for his total offload....4,000 on this AR and will check for total. «228.9/260.9»
2229: TANKER 29 tells PITTMAN 36 his total offload tonight was 17,700 pounds. «260.9» He then clears 35 to contact the boom.
2231: PITTMAN 35 completes his AR...29 tells him his total tonight was 20,500 pounds. «260.9» Everyone wishes everyone a good night. TANKER 29 is told by HUNTRESS he can get his clearance from Guard Dog.
2232: TANKER 29 to Guard Dog on «135.525» to request clearance out of the area. And gets it. Heading west at FL 250.
2236: TANKER 29 cleared to FL 320 and handed off to ZDC-Potomac «133.975» where he checks in currently at FL 260, heading for FL 320...he's then cleared to FL 340 and cleared direct Lincoln.
2246: TANKER 29 handed off to 125.42(5). That's not a ZDC freq - unless it's a new one. (Just checked New York, Indianapolis and Cleveland Center freqs and it's not on those lists either.)
2249: Fuel remainders for the PITTMAN pair is 10,900 and 10,800 pounds. «139.925»
2254: HUNTRESS asking fighters for their Codes....35 is Code 3 for RWR (Radar Warning Receiver), AR receptacle door and TACAN and has 10,600 pounds of fuel remaining....36 is Code 2 for IDT and has 10,500 pounds remaining. «260.9»
2256: PITTMAN 35 and 36 go to GUard Dog on «135.525» to notify they'll need clearance to Shaw in about 5 minutes. They want FL 240 and a non-standard, two-mile formation. Guard Dog controller tells them he'll have their clearance when they're ready to leave the CAP.

2300: PITTMAN 35/36 cleared to RTB by HUNTRESS «260.9»
CAP IS DONE....You early risers can look for them again about 0700.
2300: PITTMAN 35/36 over to Guard Dog on «135.525» to get their clearance...ground tells them they're cleared to FL 240 direct Shaw.
2302: PITTMAN 35/36 handed off to ZDC-Montebello «284.7» and check in at FL 240 in non-standard formation. 35/36 are still chatting on «139.925» as they head for home.
2305: PITTMAN 35 repeats he's Code 3 for the items mentioned above...PITTMAN 36 says he's Code 2 but adding the mag compass to the list....35 says they should have about 3,000 pounds of fuel left when they get back to Shaw.
2311: PITTMAN pair reporting about 7800 pounds of fuel remaining. Flight leader says this reminds him of Southern Watch. «139.925»
2311: PITTMAN 35 tells ZDC-Montebello they're in a 2-mile, non-standard formation. «284.7»
2315: PITTMAN 35/36 handed off to ZDC-Raleigh «322.45» where they check in at FL 240. (And this should be the last heard from them. The signal always falls off immediately after this check-in for me at this altitude range.)

Considering the tac/chat freq being used - 139.925 - this might be one of the other squadrons at Shaw rather than the 79th FS Tigers. Could be the 77th FS Gamblers. If so, this is their preset V-12 freq.
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Jan 5, 2004
TANKER-30 is now RTB. They've been chatting on 139.7 too.

Finally hearing the fighters. PITTMAN-41 and -42 chatting on 139.7. Sounds like it's being used as a tac channel.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
TANKER 31 is now on station as of 1334z. Nothing on the previous 139.925 freq. Earlier had this tanker on 228.9 but no joy - shifted to 260.9 and came right up with the PITTMAN flight. GUARD DOG 135.525 seems to be the freq of choice - only a little heard on 288.35

If you hear HUNTRESS on 139.7 as being weak/distorted, you're not alone. It sounds like they've got some transmitter issues - if this were a ham xsmn, I'd say he's overdriving the speech processing somewhat. 73s Mike


Jun 18, 2006
I haven't had time to listen to the scanner so far this weekend; however, this morning I can report that 4 CH-53's took off from Willow Grove and headed South around 0900. Couldn't miss them since all the windows in my house were rattling.

KNXX is listed as being closed for the Labor Day weekend so I'm not sure what their mission is. Supplies for Ernesto clean-up or just returning to the Carolinas after being displaced by Ernesto?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
At noon, it appears the A-10s from Willow Grove are operating on tac 143.75.

By the way, 139.7 and 138.2 are both normal HUNTRESS VHF freqs. HUNTRESS has worked with both COSMIC NJ-ANG and SPIDER ND-ANG fighters on 138.2 and with BRAVE DC-ANG fighters on 139.7 often in the past during a CAP. I've noticed HUNTRESS often sends CAP fighters to one of those freqs for radio checks even when it's not being used as a primary.

1210: It appears the primary HUNTRESS freq at the moment is 139.7 with the PITTMAN fighters - 43 and 44. The boom freq for refueling is 260.9.
1216: PITTMAN 43 is with TANKER 31 on 260.9 taking on just a partial fuel load of 3,000 pounds.
1220: PITTMAN 43 disconnects from the boom after taking exactly 3,000 pounds. «260.9»
1221: PITTMAN 44 in a 5 mile trail with TANKER 31 for his refueling. «260.9»
1224: PITTMAN 44 cleared onto the boom of TANKER 31 and says he needs about 2,000 pounds. «260.9»
The neat thing about using 139.7 as primary with HUNTRESS is that the fighters don't have to stop monitoring the HUNTRESS freq when they go to the tanker. They just leave their VHF radio on 139.7. The downside is that they don't have a VHF radio for chat/tac since it's tied up with HUNTRESS.
1227: PITTMAN 44 completes refueling after taking 2,000 pounds. «260.9»
1228: PITTMAN 43 tells HUNTRESS that he and 44 just got enough fuel to get home. Apparently, the CAP is soon ending. «139.7» [TFR shows CAP ending at 1300 local.]
1231: TANKER 31 calling Guard Dog on «135.525» to get clearance back home to Bangor ME since he's been relieved by HUNTRESS. Ground wants clarification the tanker is going to Bangor and not Pease. 31 assures her it's Bangor. She tells him to stand by and she'll work up the clearance.
1233: TANKER 31 asks HUNTRESS if there's a replacement coming or is this it? Apparently, he's told that's it and to get his clearance. He says he's working it with Center now. «139.7»
1236: TANKER 31 reports flying southwest in the CAP track as instructed...told by Center to turn to course 140 and speed no greater than 280 knots. 31 acknowledges. «135.525»
1238: Guard Dog tells TANKER 31 to climb to FL 260, course 085 degrees and cleared direct BROSS. 31 is doing that. «135.525»
1240: PITTMAN 43 and 44 both report Code 1 to HUNTRESS and are relieved to head home. «139.7»
1240: PITTMAN 43 and 44 change to preset V-8 and come up on «143.8»
We can almost certainly now say this is not the 79th at Shaw and probably the 77th as I guessed last night.
1241: PITTMAN 43/44 with Guard Dog on «288.35» for their clearance. She asks if they are going to Shaw, they confirm.
1243: Guard Dog tells PITTMAN 43 to maintain FL 230 and tells 44 to squawk standby. «135.525»
1244: Guard Dog clears PITTMAN 43/44 direct OTT (Nottingham), direct HPW (Hopewell), direct SSC (Shaw) «288.35»
1245: Guard Dog clears TANKER 31 direct OOD (Woodstown), J42, direct PUT (Putnam), J581, direct Kennebunk, direct Bangor. «135.525» He's handed off to ZDC-Woodstown «125.45» where he checks in.
1246: PITTMAN 43/44 chatting about their flight route. «143.8»
1247: PITTMAN 43/44 handed off to ZDC-Calvert «281.4» where they check in at FL 230 direct Hopewell
Over on tac 143.8, they say she's about the nicest controller they've ever heard. I agree, she's got a great voice and enunciates clearly and is pleasant sounding. Oh...and she thanked both the tanker and the fighter pair for their work today. That obviously went over well too.
1250: TANKER 31 handed off by ZDC-Woodstown to his next freq (which I missed) «125.45»
1254: PITTMAN 43/44 handed off to ZDC-Blackstone «235.625» where they check in at FL 230.
I don't know about anyone else in this area but I have an extremely high noise level on the VHF air freqs today. HUNTRESS was completely blocked on 139.7 here. PITTMANs' tac 143.8 is also very noisy.
1300: PITTMAN 43/44 still chatting on tac «143.8» but they are too weak here to copy the traffic.
During the time I heard this CAP, I never heard the first refueling of a new fighter pair so never got the chance to hear them give their tail numbers and unit to the tanker - if they gave them on the boom freq rather than on the boom intercom which we can't hear. Their tac freqs still point to the 77th Fighter Squadron Gamblers at Shaw. Both the 139.925 freq used by the pair last night and the 143.8 freq used by today's pair are listed for the 77th.
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Jan 5, 2004
This CAP sucked. I haven't been able to hear HUNTRESS at all. I don't like them using VHF as the primary. :(


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BK217 said:
For what its worth, just heard a T-38 from Holloman AFB on Harrisburg APP <124.1>
callsign NASA976

He was also with Harrisburg Tower on 269.35. I didn't hear the callsign but presume it was the same aircraft since it was a few minutes prior to your posting.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1129: Pair of F-22A aircraft on Langley tac freq 233.525 (FIRST 11)
1133: FIRST 11 flight (F-22A 1st Fighter Wing, Langley AF) with ZNY-Westminster 323.3 FL 280 direct Buffalo
1134: FIRST 11 handed to ZNY-Harrisburg 270.3 where they check in at FL 280 direct Buffalo
1135: FIRST 11 flight talking about refueling and mentioning getting to "a show." 233.525
1137: FIRST 11 handed off to ZNY-Philipsburg 306.2 and check in at FL 280
1139: FIRST 11 flight leader tells ZNY controller they're from the 1st Fighter Wing at Langley...and says this is the callsign they use when they go cross-country from Langley (But we knew that.)
1142: FIRST 11 flight handed off to ZNY-Milton 269.1 where they check in at FL 280
Flight leader started to call Buffalo Tower on his tac freq 233.525. Wingman told him to switch (freq). I didn't find him during search so don't know where he actually came up for the call.
1144: FIRST 11 reports direct Buffalo to ZNY-Milton controller. 269.1
1145: FIRST 11 handed off to freq 338.35 (ZOB-Wayland RCAG) by ZNY-Milton «269.1»
1146: I don't hear them come up on 338.35 but do find them on the new ZNY freq 292.15 where I believe they call RAID 81. (RAID=KC-135R 319th Wing, Grand Forks AFB, ND) This might be the tanker they were talking about earlier but why would they need a tanker on a flight from Langley to Buffalo? Maybe they're going to perform in that area - like at the Cleveland Air Show - and then fly home. However, the Cleveland Air Show schedule posted by Dave above showed F-22A flyby on Saturday only. Maybe it was rescheduled. And why go to Buffalo for a Cleveland show? So many questions, so few answers.
[I may have heard the last of them...not hearing them on any ZNY freq (including all the new ones) nor on their tac freq. I also scanned all the refueling freqs I have (listed in msg 40 in this thread) and heard nothing.]

Haven't heard anything in the way of a CAP today in spite of the TFR that was posted indicating there'd be one today for Piney Point MD (Patuxent area).
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Jul 24, 2005
BK217 said:
For what its worth, just heard a T-38 from Holloman AFB on Harrisburg APP <124.1>
callsign NASA976

Most of the 9xx numbers are based at Ellington Field JSC, Houston, TX.

On a different note... FYI for you guys... I have a new aircraft site dedicated to flight test at:

There's news, photos, and lots of other stuff. I'm slowly chipping away at aircraft rosters for units at Pax and otherplaces.

- Custom Scanner, Aviation, MURS, GMRS, Marine & Ham Antennas -


Nov 3, 2005
Man you gave me the perfect handoff for the Raptors and I didn't have my radio on, dang it! It was about 2:00PM when I saw your post. I had the radio on until about 6PM yesterday afternoon and it was silent. AR217 was supposed to be active from about 2:45PM iuntil about 4:15PM but I picked up nothing on the primary or secondary AR freqs. The only thing I got was on Sunday with a flight using DUKE 11 and DUKE 13 (Generally regarded as T-38s from Vance AFB) headed to Pease in NH. They were using 143.75 air to air and transitioning through the area. Now I might have missed some more activity but was pretty much laid up with food poisoning, which I would not wish on my worst enemy...

OK, have some activity through my area headed your way...
Starting about 1000: MADHOG 1 and 2 with ZOB-BRADFORD on 291.65, they just switched to 338.30 (ZNY) at 1014 and are headed to the ETX VOR and direct Willow Grove.
1005: FIRST 81 with ZOB-Wayland 338.35, request direct destination. No doubt Langley. Will Advise if I hear anything else.
1018: FIRST 81 with ZOB-Warren 307.15.
1025: FIRST 81 switches to and checks in on 270.30 ZNY-Harrisburg.
1030: FIRST 81 switches to 227.125 (ZDC-Hagerstown) and checks in at 25,000 as a two ship formation, two mile in trail.
1035: FIRST 81 switches to 381.500 (I'm guessing ZDC still?) and checks in, still at 25,000. That's probably the last I'll hear them, their transmission was getting weak.

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