Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
0918 NYC Cap still up pitman 43 a/a 140.375 Huntress 260.9
0952 NYC Cap helo now in cap c/s HARRIER intercepted small helo out of area and talke with violator on 121.5 escorted him out of tfr 260.9
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I notice 119.3 is back to Potomac TRACON - Andrews Approach use once again. The switch to 128.35 was temporary it seems, possibly for maintenance. The commercial use of the freq for RAVEN 1 approach has moved off the freq too. Good.

Just prior to 1100 hour I'm hearing activity on 254.2 which may once again be the JSTARS aircraft working this area. There seems to be a couple of fighters on there fact, they are DEVIL 11 and 12, F-16s from the NJ-ANG. They appear to also be working on 138.2.

The CAP over NYC is scheduled through tomorrow afternoon at 1435L. There have only been spotty reports from that area that I've seen. It started with PITTMAN F-16s from Shaw. Thanks for your updates carbineone.
(At 1102, just heard one of the fighters - PITTMAN 45 - heading for the boom to refuel on 260.9. Seems they are working 260.9 for both primary with HUNTRESS and for boom to refuel.)
Guess PITTMAN 45/46 just came on duty...hearing PITTMAN 43/44 with ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 heading back to Shaw (1113). Says they'll accept direct Shaw when able..."that's our home station." Flight level 260.
Handed off to ZDC-Coyle 254.3 at 1118 where they check in at FL 260 direct Shaw.
1125: Handed off to ZDC-Bay 379.3 where they check in at FL 260, course 245
1133: PITTMAN 43/44 handed off to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 where they are descending to FL 240 which was given by the last controller just before they switched. Still on a course direct Shaw.
(That's a strange control sequence from Coyle to Bay to Calvert...unusual.)
1139: PITTMAN 43/44 asking to go back up to FL 260 to get around some weather. «281.4»
1140: PITTMAN 43/44 handed off to ZDC-Blackstone 235.625 and request higher or lower altitude for wx....they are given FL 250.
1145: PITTMAN 45/46, the current pair in the CAP over NYC, is using 140.375 for tac/chat which is preset V-10 for the 77th Fighter Squadron from Shaw. Someone heard them earlier on 141.775 and questioned whether it should be 141.75. It could be. Both 141.75 and 141.775 are good for the 77th according to my list.

1118: Hearing a new (to me) tanker interplane freq 138.175. (Still yakking at 1131)
1125: TEAM 24 (KC-10A McGuire AFB) descending to 8,000 feet with ACY Approach 124.6
1151: GOLIATH (E-3B/C Tinker AFB OK) calling Giant Killer on 249.8 regarding area W-386 and with a request. No reply...calls again a minute later for a radio reply.
1152: BATON 51 (EC-130J 193d SOG, PA-ANG Harrisburg) with Atlantic City Approach for an approach to runway 31..he's at 7,000 feet descending to 2,500.
1157: GOLIATH-BRAVO makes contact with Giant Killer on 249.8 to say he'll be working in area W-386 from 1615-1730Z with TROJAN and DRAGON flights. Requesting any Mode 3 strips GK has on the fighters. Says it's Event 1909. He wants a release of the airspace...gets A-J from 5,000 to 50,000.
GOLIATH-BRAVO is the backend callsign...front end should be SENTRY 0X if we catch him.

1200: U/I on freq 123.375 (which I have listed for Langley NASA Ops) talking to "Cameron Ground" telling him to start moving now. He follows that with the question whether Cameron Ground is now moving and is told (he/she/it) is moving south.
1203: U/I on 123.375 tells ground to let him know when he's stopping and turning back south again.
1204: U/I on 123.375 says he's complete for now but tells the ground to keep moving and he'll let him know when to stop.
1206: U/I on 123.375 calls Cameron Ground and says he's "complete on the moving for now and will be back in 50-55 minutes, maybe an hour."
1213: GOLIATH wants Giant Killer to give him info on the Mode 3 block the fighter wingmen will be using. «249.8» Seems they'll start with 0341.

For now, it's back to my sick bed. Hope someone (or several) will pick up the slack here and do some logging. (And, of course, I stayed here another hour since I was hearing good stuff.) :)
But now signing off at 1215...those fighters will be up with GOLIATH starting at 1415 local time.
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
1200: U/I on freq 123.375 (which I have listed for Langley NASA Ops) talking to "Cameron Ground" telling him to start moving now. He follows that with the question whether Cameron Ground is now moving and is told (he/she/it) is moving south.
1203: U/I on 123.375 tells ground to let him know when he's stopping and turning back south again.
1204: U/I on 123.375 says he's complete for now but tells the ground to keep moving and he'll let him know when to stop.
1206: U/I on 123.375 calls Cameron Ground and says he's "complete on the moving for now and will be back in 50-55 minutes, maybe an hour."

That's interesting, because that is Raytheon base out here in the west, for both LAX and Van Nuys. And I heard the same thing a few times in the last couple months. I wasn't sure who Cameron ground was. Sounded like some sort of radar testing. Might be local Raytheon testing near you. Maybe working out of Pax or something?

- Custom Scanner, Aviation, MURS, GMRS, Marine & Ham Antennas -


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
1504 Pitman45 with huntress 260.9 then said he is switching to NY center 135.65 for a minute


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Wow...what a day for MilAir! This was one of the busiest days I've ever encountered. There were PITTMAN flights going to and coming from the New York City CAP that runs through tomorrow. There was an emergency aboard PITTMAN 52 right after he and 51 got to the CAP and refueled. First, he declared a "Land ASAP" condition wanting to set the jet down at JFK and then decided to declare an emergency and go to McGuire - which he did accompanied by 51. That left the CAP bare. So, HUNTRESS called PITTMAN 45, who was halfway home over Maryland and had him return to the CAP. He did and met up with SKATER 07, the tanker, as soon as he got there to refuel. I lost PITTMAN 51/52 as they started descending into McGuire but assume he landed safely. PITTMAN 51 returned to the CAP along with 45 and are there now awaiting the arrival on 53/54.
(Just heard PITTMAN 53/54 heading for the CAP at 1800. They were on 363.0 with ZDC-Woodstown and changed to ZNY-Kennedy on 282.3. Switching to 260.9 with HUNTRESS at 1805. They switch to 327.9 for refueling which they've been using throughout this CAP other than short periods when they refueled on primary freq 260.9. The aircraft in this CAP are F-16s from the 77th Fighter Squadron at Shaw.)
For the short time I've listened to this CAP today, I've confirmed three of their VHF presets to go along with those we recovered for the 79th. The 77th is using:
V-8 143.8
V-9 141.75
V-10 140.375
The freqs they are using for clearance into the CAP (similar to our Guard Dog 135.525/288.35) are 135.65 and 363.1 which belong to New York TRACON rather then ZNY.

In additon to the CAP flights, there was a SCARY flight of two F-16s from Andrews - indicating that the whole unit didn't leave for Iraq last weekend. The SCARY flight just went to Patuxent for work. They used 348.725 TRACON, 143.6 tac, 281.4 ZDC-Calvert, 305.2 Pax Advisory, 354.8 BayWatch...came back on Pax 281.8 to leave the area, 335.5 with TRACON, 139.9 with SOF and 349.0 to land with ADW Tower.

There was also a FAST flight of F-16s from the NY-ANG Syracuse that landed at Andrews this afternoon.

Down in W-72 and W-386 the area was loaded with F-15s and F-22As working with a couple of AWACS flights. GOLIATH came in first with many, many groups of F-22A aircraft and then it was BANDSAW's turn with scads of F-15s. They all cleared into the area with Giant Killer on 233.7, 238.1 and 249.8 - depending on which area they were working. There were a couple of new callsigns heard for Langley today - CEASAR and TRAETON. That TRAETON callsign might have been what was heard as TRENTON in the recent past. I'm not sure if they were F-15s or F-22s just because I got not much more than their entrance into W-386 with GK although I did hear TRAETON using 228.45 for tac and on that freq they sounded like F-22As. However, I did confirm the DRAGON callsign as F-22A today also working in that area and added it to the Raptor callsign list. There was a NACHO flight that self-identified as Raptor but we already had him in the recent past from transmitter characteristics identified as F-22As.
And I can't forget to note there were also F-16s of the VA-ANG Richmond working in W-386 with GK using callsign SLAM. It was a three ship flight. They were heard on tac 141.875, with GK on 238.1, with Norfolk TRACON on 370.925 and 360.6.

Somewhere in there was an AXEMAN flight of A-10s from Martin State with Raven Ops on 143.8 (immediately after PITTMAN 51/52 were heard for their emergency on the same freq) and then over on 347.2 which they might have changed to because of interference from the F-16s.

Meanwhile, BICEP flights of F-16s of the NJ-ANG were working in W-107 with Giant Killer on 255.0 and on their tac freqs 138.425 and was a BATON 51 EC-130J from Harrisburg in the same area working alone.

Heard a REACH 984 contacting a FORCE 25 tanker on freq 139.875 which he identified as "McGuire Interplane." (But we knew that, right?)

And that's the short version.

1836: PITTMAN 51 and 45 (who is using PITTMAN 52 for this trip) are on their way back to Shaw...currently with ZDC-Bay 379.3 after leaving ZNY-Kennedy on 282.3. They're at FL 260 and are using V-8 143.8 for chat on the way home.
1842: PITTMAN 51 flight over to 281.4 with ZDC-Calvert where they check in at FL 260 direct Shaw.
1845: PITTMAN 51 requesting altitude 240 or 250...cleared to 240. «281.4»
1849: PITTMAN 51 tells ZDC controller that there is "chop" at FL 240. He doesn't want another altitude but is just letting them know the conditions.
1849: PITTMAN 51 handed to 235.625 ZDC-Blackstone where they check in and he reports FL 260 again and in non-standard 2-mile trail front to back formation. Ground tells wingman to strangle the squawk which is why 51 tells him about the non-standard formation.
1852: There is now a CHALICE E-3B/C AWACS aircraft from Tinker AFB OK with Giant Killer on 238.1. This is the third one of the day working this area. He's fairly weak at this time so might be down in W-72 or farther south. Mentions a VIPER flight but that's all I got.
1854: It's CHALICE-FOXTROT now on a different transmitter and sounding good. 238.1/249.8
1857: PITTMAN 51 tells ZDC they are going to hold hands again (51 and 52, nee 45) so will be in standard formation. 235.625
1858: CHALICE-FOXTROT tells Giant Killer to contact CHALICE-GOLF and push them to freq 303.1 «238.1» CHALICE-GOLF comes up with GK on 238.1 and gets the message.
1859: The two AWACS aircraft are talking on 303.1 but are too weak for me to pick much out of the conversation. They are talking about their schedules. (303.1 = AWACS Interplane?)
Seems half the AWACS fleet is in this area today.

Continued below...........

DPD1 Dave said:
That's interesting, because that is Raytheon base out here in the west, for both LAX and Van Nuys. And I heard the same thing a few times in the last couple months. I wasn't sure who Cameron ground was. Sounded like some sort of radar testing. Might be local Raytheon testing near you. Maybe working out of Pax or something?
You're probably right about the flight being around the Pax area. Comms were consistent with aircraft at that distance from me...not anywhere near the Langley area. It was interesting while it lasted.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1901: Have a couple of A-10s from Martin State now up with Raven Ops on 143.8 talking about going to the range and the poor weather along the way.
1902: CHALICE-GOLF (British accent, maybe a MAGIC transplant) with CHALICE-FOXTROT on 303.1 asks if FOXTROT can go secure. He can and they do...but on another freq.
1905: TANKER 08 and SKATER 07 talking on CAP boom freq 327.9 and about who will refuel whom.
1907: "CHALICE FOXTROT, this is CHALICE-GOLF in the clear on 303.1" He is answered with a bunch of secure transmissions by FOXTROT who then changes to clear voice. Meanwhile, one of the two CHALICE aircraft was talking with Giant Killer on 238.1 and I missed the whole mess. He's trying to establish if both AWACS should stay on 238.1 for one thing. He also wants someone (maybe fighters) to contact him on 325.725.
1924: PITTMAN 53/54 using preset V-10 140.375 for chat while in the CAP.
1927: PITTMAN 53 tells TANKER 8 that HUNTRESS is trying to contact him on 260.9 «327.9»
1928: TANKER 8 comes up on 260.9 to tell HUNTRESS that apparently one of his radios is not working and therefore he can not monitor Center and asks HUNTRESS to do that for him.
1945: SENTRY 30 with Giant Killer on 238.1. (This is the front end for one of the CHALICE aircraft - either FOXTROT or GOLF.)
1947: PITTMAN 53 going to TANKER 8 to refuel «260.9» and then «327.9»

2001: CHALICE GOLF says he's hanging out in W-386 and the Langley aircraft are on ground hold for some reason...wants to know what's happening down in W-72. He also wants to know the freq the tankers are hanging out on. «238.1»
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Hope you feel better soon Tin. One question tho before I slam this stuff into our Wiki - for the 77th FS., preset V9 should be 141.775 - for the 79th, it would be 141.75, yes?

73s Mike


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Yes TIN a crazy day for Milcoms...I didn't have a lot of time to listen but scanners
were popping with activity everywhere.
Had a CAN-DO 03 KC-135 McGuire doing touch an go's at Dover.
RAVENS flt of 4 then COLTS went to Atlantic City range area.
More AWAC hits then I can remember at one time.
A few Air freq hits active unknown to me were 264.150 and 285.150

Some Tuesday for sure!



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark, I thought the CAN DO aircraft were C-17s? I had a CAN DO 01 landing at Langley on 1/18/06 that gave his tail number as 03-3126 which is where I got the crazy idea they were C-17s. Scramble and others show it as C-17s belonging to the 305th AMW at McGuire. I also had another, CAN DO 02, on 7/26/06 going from Dover to McGuire that didn't give an ID but talked about his cargo. The fact he had cargo doesn't mean he was a C-17 though, I know. Anyway, was it a typo or do you have some info pointing to KC-135s also for that callsign?

P.S. 264.15 is a Pax River freq used by the TESTER aircraft for one.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr Tin CAN-DO 03 self id as KC-135 later with pirep for wx. Have heard NJ ANG use that before.Thought years ago heard KC-10 use same.
Maybe training callsign for 514th Reserve guys at McGuire no matter what aircraft type.
He sure did hours of pattern touch and go's.Must have had couple pilots taking turns in the left seat.
Maybe with end of govt fiscal year coming up Oct 1 local area squadrons are using up their 06 training budgets.Sure was busy!
Thanks for that Pax freq id..



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1414Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 44138 (C-17A 04-4138 729th AS March) - deps ADW to 17000'.
1419Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - PAT 033 () - first call, "SAM Command, PAT 033." No response. Second call, "People who took OVER SAM Command, PAT 033." :cool:
1422Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - ????? 0715 () - ETA on the hour. Faded at callsign unfortunately, but I would assume either an EVAC or REACH c/s. Deleted the log above as it was probably the 0715.
1440Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 01053 (UC-35C 00-1053) - deps ADW QSY 121.05.
1452Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 494T () - deps ADW.
1458Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - DC 31 (KC-135 459th ARW AFRC Andrews) - deps ADW climbing through 11000' QSY 121.05.

1505Z 349.000 Andrews AFB TWR - NAVY WB 537 ( E-2C 163537 VX-20 NAS Patuxent River) - TACAN app to 1R touch and go.
1506Z 279.575 Potomac APP - DRAGO 51 () - up on this freq. now. Unable to copy details.
1517Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - VENUS 41 (C-37A 97-0401) - deps ADW QSY 121.050.
1525Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 033 () - deps ADW dir PAUKI.

1605Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - COAST GUARD 101 (C-37A USCG 01) - deps DCA to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.

1731Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 1270 (C-12T 85-1270) - deps DAA dir GVE QSY 121.050.
1743Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 546 () - deps ??? to 12000'.

1941Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - BUILD 14 (C-130H 440th AW WI ANG) - clg here no joy so far.

2002Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 0651 () - deps ADW.
2007Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPAR 30 (C-37A 01-0030 301st AS MacDill) - deps ADW.
2034Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 2402 (C-12T afternoon shuttle) - lands rwy 32.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Deleted message...something screwed up this post and I can't fix it so will try below to repost.

And it happened again in the below message. When I try to edit the message to add details, it erases the entire message other than the first couple of lines. Beats me.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
You might be getting ready for a busy night Russ (if you're on duty).


Okay...I give up. I'll try yet another post below with what I have and to hell with trying to edit/add. Sorry for these couple of worthless posts.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
You might be getting ready for a busy night Russ (if you're on duty).
PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. – The North American Aerospace Defense Command and its geographical component, the Continental United States NORAD Region (CONR), will conduct Exercise Falcon Virgo 06-12 Wednesday and Thursday in the National Capital Region (Washington, D.C.).

This exercise comprises a series of training flights held in
coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Capital Region Command Center, the Joint Air Defense Operations Center, Civil Air Patrol, U.S. Coast Guard, and NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector.

Exercise Falcon Virgo 06-12 is designed to test NORAD's intercept and identification operations. Civil Air Patrol aircraft, Air Force F-16s, Air Force Flight Standards Agency C-21s, and US Coast Guard HH-65 helicopters will participate in the exercise. Residents in the area can expect flights to occur during the late night and early morning hours. <SNIP>

To go along with this, there was a SCARY flight of two F-16s from Andrews that took off just before 1330 and returned to Andrews at approximately 1445. During their mission, they went down to Pax and performed some intercept practice on various simulated targets. The first was a Lear jet from Ohio that descending into this area. The next was against a United 932 flight that had a suspicious passenger on board, did not respond to radio commands and entered the NCR, had the simulated HUNTRESS controller (played by one of the F-16 pilots) give authorization under Noble Eagle 1 to intercept and then to engage (shoot down) the plane. The third exercise took the intercepting pilot by complete surprise when he was told the target was a cruise missile. His first reaction was along the lines of "I was totally unprepared for that."

During this mission, I recovered a new frequency for Patuxent Tower. The SCARY flight had planned to do a bobsled maneuver to the runway at Pax and then a tunnel back to Andrews. They tried to contact Pax Tower on 344.4 without results. The flight leader said he seemed to remember that freq had recently changed and he'd find out what it was. A minute or so later he said the freq is 343.65. I tuned to that freq and heard them contact Patuxent Tower where they got clearance for the bobsled. At this point (until I can do some digging in the AFD or NOTAMs, I'm not sure if this is a replacement for 344.4 or simply an additional Tower freq.

(There were other flights from late morning and early afternoon worth mentioning that I'll try to partially log in a bit later.)


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Rgr Tin CAN-DO 03 self id as KC-135 later with pirep for wx. Have heard NJ ANG use that before.Thought years ago heard KC-10 use same.
Maybe training callsign for 514th Reserve guys at McGuire no matter what aircraft type.

Appreciate that info Mark. That's a good observaton that CAN DO might be a unit callsign rather than a unit/aircraft type specific callsign. So, we have confirmation now that it's used by both C-17s and KC-135s.

Still not sure what happened when I tried to post that message above. It just wouldn't let me do it the first two times and it still won't allow me to go back and fix a couple of typos.

Anyway, now we have SAM 0651 on 260.9 testing the Sparkle system of laser warning lights around the D.C. area. He came up right at 1600 to say he was ready for the Sparkle and then reported seeing the flashing green/red lights.

There is activity at Warren Grove Range early in the 1600 hour on 283.1
Had a pair of AXEMAN A-10s from Martin State go to Pax for work in area R-6609 working with BayWatch on 354.8. Also had a WARDOG 1 contact FSS on 255.4 to say he was on a 10 minute flight from Martin State to Dover AFB at 500 feet altitude.

Just prior to 1600 there are bunches of Langley F-22A aircraft heading into W-72 for ACM activity. COWBOY and MAGNET are two of the callsigns I caught with Giant Killer on 238.1/249.8. MAGNET is a new F-22A callsign and new to Langley. Adding it to the list. Langley tac freqs 228.45 and 233.525 contain F-22A activity. There was a third callsign I couldn't catch that almost sounded like KUDZU. (Would YOU want to be a KUDZU pilot?)

And still tons of activity from earlier to catch up on but don't have the time. Just got a new pair of HF radios dropped off by UPS and have to go play with those. You know how it is. New toys.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
A couple of Navy visitors to Dover today...

1135 local Navy WB-537 E-2C #163537 from Patuxent VX-20 did approaches to Dover
on UHF only 257.8750 before departing to Wallops Island he mentions.

1724 local GREYHAWK 09 E-2C also doing same at Dover probably from
Norfolk NAS.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
During this mission, I recovered a new frequency for Patuxent Tower. The SCARY flight had planned to do a bobsled maneuver to the runway at Pax and then a tunnel back to Andrews. They tried to contact Pax Tower on 344.4 without results. The flight leader said he seemed to remember that freq had recently changed and he'd find out what it was. A minute or so later he said the freq is 343.65. I tuned to that freq and heard them contact Patuxent Tower where they got clearance for the bobsled. At this point (until I can do some digging in the AFD or NOTAMs, I'm not sure if this is a replacement for 344.4 or simply an additional Tower freq.

According to Aero data 343.650 is one of 2 tower freqs for Pax River.
340.200 is other which is same as Willow Grove NAS.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Appreciate that Mark. Saved me the time to look it up.
Just took a look anyway to find out what they list for 344.4....nothing....they don't list it at all but it has been used for Pax Tower, at least until very recently. I guess I've heard it used within the past month.

Turned the radios on at 1934 and hear two flights of Langley F-15s heading into W-386 for work. AIRGUN 81 and SONIC 71 with Giant Killer on 249.8. Say they'll be working reduced lighting and dropping flares.

1937: COLT 1, flight of two, (probably A-10 MTN) with ZDC-Kenton 354.15 climbing from 10 to 11,000 feet.
1944: COLT 1 handed to ZDC-Casino 285.4 where they check in at 11,000.
1949: COLT 1 says they'd like to go to the range at this time. «285.4» They are also working 142.3 for tac which means they are indeed MTN A-10s.
1951: TORCH 91 flight of four F-15s from Langley with Norfolk TRACON 370.925
1952: TORCH 94 calling Giant Killer on 233.7
1952: TORCH 91 calling Giant Killer on 249.8
1953: TORCH 94 makes contact, says the flight of four will work 1C-F in W-72 «233.7»
1953: COLT 1 switching to range. «285.4»
1955: GK's ops freq 312.3 is active with one of those Langley flights.
1956: CHALICE (E-3B/C, AWACS from Tinker AFB OK) working in W-72 with the TORCH flight per contact with GK on 233.7
1956: BADGER 71 (F-15 Langley) flight into W-386 with Giant Killer on 238.1
1956: GK's ops freq 389.1 active with Langley F-15s

2004: RAVEN flight (A-10 MTN) with ACY Approach 327.125 direct Smyrna
2006: RAVEN flight of two to Dover Approach 257.875
2008: Langley F-22A flight working tac 233.525
2009: WOLF 01 (F-22A Langley)to CHALICE to say the group will be taking off in about 10 minutes
2010: WOLF 01 to Giant Killer on 249.8 and then 233.7 to say his flight will be working in W-72 1C-F on Mission #2124...flight is at FL 230.
2013: WOLF 01 asks GK if anyone is working in 1B (W-72)...then says he'll be working there for the next 20 minutes.
2014: There has been a couple of Navy aircraft (perhaps SALTY DOGs) working Pax freq 250.7 and constantly popping over to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 for direction. Something about not going into Pax and will take Oceana instead....then says he's out of Seymour Johnson but his home station is Patuxent. Confirm it's SALTY DOG 325....has 20 minutes of fuel remaining. Asks for UHF handoff and gets ZDC-Norfolk 327.8. He has a wingman that hasn't identified himself...they are talking on 250.7 which is a SALTY DOG freq at Pax.
2017: DEUCE 35 (KC-10A McGuire) with McGuire CP 319.4 asking for info about PACK 11 (KC-135R 133rd ARS, NH ANG Pease ANGB)
2025: DEVO 21 flight (F-22A Langley) with GK 238.1
2029: U/I flight with Pax on 264.15 (TESTER freq) saying there's no approach/landing lights at Pax...says he'll land if comfortable and if not will go somewhere else.
2027: DRAGON 31 flight (F-22A Langley) with GK on 238.1 saying he's 5 miles east of Snow Hill looking for recovery....Snow Hill, Cape Charles, TURET, Langley
2029: Have had a couple of references by U/I Langley aircraft with GK talking about holding in place until the tanker shows up. 238.1
2037: SONIC 71, flight of 3, ready to RTB, non-standard 2-mile trail for a total of four miles front to back. 238.1...routing Snow Hill, Cape Charles, TURET direct.
2051: And they're still coming...JASPER 31 flight from Langley checks into GK's area on 239.8 at FL 230 going to W-72 1A.
Also had a RUMBLE flight came in that I didn't log a few minutes ago.
I've got five radios on search and can't seem to find the refueling freq the Langley guys are using.

Why don't we just say all of Langley's F-15s and F-22As are up in W-72 (and some in W-386) with a bunch working with CHALICE rather than listing them all one by one? Sprinkle the Langley callsign list over the top of them and you've got the picture. Then, toss in 233.7/238.1/249.8 for GK along with all his ops freqs, the Norfolk TRACON freqs along with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 and you've got all the freqs too. I haven't heard the tanker(s) callsigns but they're out there in the middle of it all too with a line waiting.
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