Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 8, 2002
Boston, Ma
TinEar said:
1907: TANKER 13 flying toward the area at FL 250...KC-135R from the 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease.
1909: TANKER 12 cleared to get his clearance by HUNTRESS...260.9
1910: TANKER 12 picks up his clearance back to Bangor...climbing to FL 270...126.55 (It now appears this freq has replaced 135.525 - at least for this mission.)

I am working on a 1090 MHz receiver and picked up both Tanker 12 and 13 yesterday as they were flying through the Boston Area.

A/F    Call     Type
ae079a TANKR12  KC135 57-1496
ae026d TANKR13

I also got a number of REACH flights, a couple of SPAR flights, and misc, calls
(DAWG01, SOONR 81, HOIST96, TAZZ83, JR690, etc).
A/F    Call      Type
ae1165 BOXER041  C40C 02-0201   172nd AG Andrews
ae012d SPAR039   C-9C 73-1682
ae087f SPAR43    Gulfstream C37A 01-0029
The C40C is from down your way. The C-9C was/is? used as Air Force 2.

It will be interesting to give a listen to 1090 Mhz when I visit the Washington area again.

73 Eric


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
HUNTRESS reception in WV

HUNTRESS has been coming at my location scratchy with S3 today, not like yesterday when he was booming in. RAPTORs have been consistently S5 both days with terrific sound quality.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1419: RAPTOR 45/46 on the way to the CAP. They're airborne from langley and now with ZDC-Franklin on 290.425
1420: Looks like Willow Grove A-10s are up...interflight 143.75 active.
1432: RAPTOR 45 checking in as fragged with HUNTRESS...260.9
This flight referred to 315.85 interflight as "22" and 260.9 as "26 AUX"
1433: RAPTOR 45/46 to 135.525 but calling HUNTRESS instead of Potomac....then call Guard Dog and check in at FL 210. Seems they aren't getting a reply no matter who they call....finally do and go back to 26 AUX
1435: RAPTOR 45 calls HUNTRESS....looking for a point out to TANKER 16...then reports radar contact...260.9
1436: RAPTOR 43/44 rejoin and get into wedge formation...260.9
1437: RAPTOR 45 asks 43 what freq he's working in the main (radio)...43 says they're working 135.525 in the main and 26 (260.9) in the AUX (auxilliary radio)....45 tells 46 to put 135.525 in main...260.9
1439: RAPTOR 45/46 go to the boom freq...45 will take 2000 pounds 46 will top off...228.9
RAPTOR 45 gives tail as 04-4075 and 46 is 04-4066 -- both from Langley's 94th Fighter Squadron as have been all the others in this CAP.
1446: RAPTOR 45 tells 43 both new Raptors are on station with good flow and that 43's flight is cleared to RTB...260.9 (Notice the Raptor pilots decide when it's time to RTB and don't beg permission from HUNTRESS. I've noticed that all through this CAP. Different attitude.)
1446: RAPTOR 43 to Potomac to pick up clearance to Langley...reports flight is flowing south...135.525
1448: RAPTOR 45 took his 2000 pounds and RAPTOR 46 took 6400 pounds of fuel for his topoff...228.9 (Goes back to AUX radio - 260.9)
1453: RAPTOR 43 asks to be cleared direct Langley...he gets cleared direct HARCUM...and cleared from FL 210 to 190...135.525
The question is also answered whether or not 126.55 would replace 135.525 as it did last night. Not.
1454: RAPTOR 43 flight handed off to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 and check in there at FL 190...request deviate 20 degrees left of course for weather.
1455: RAPTOR 43 flight cleared down to 12,000 feet...281.4
1455: RAPTOR 45 going back to the tanker to topoff...228.9

1507: RAPTOR 45 off the boom after taking 6900 pounds this time...228.9
I was just thinking back to January 2006 when the first Raptors had a shift in the CAP and how excited the tanker crew was to be refueling them. Now, it's all just routine and they treat the Raptors like any other flight.
New Raptor pair is also using 315.85 for an interflight freq....does appear to be the assigned freq.

Off to work on another project. Tony, the logging job is all yours.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
CAP comms 05.26.2007 (cont'd)

1857Z 281.400 ZDC-Calvert - RAPTOR 43 cleared down to 10000' from 12000' missed QSY freq.

1901Z 228.900 CAP boom - RAPTOR 45 cleared for contact by TANKR 16. Finished refueling @ 1908Z and goes back to the CAP...
1909Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - giving out bullseyes to RAPTOR 45 now.
1918Z 315.850 94th FS I/F - RAPTORS discussing monitor restart. Cleared to restart now.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
05262007 Cap

1638 - HUNTRESS to RAPTOR 45, group bullseye tracking SE at 400' - 260.9
1639 - RAPTOR 45 to Potomac Approach, want to descend from 21000' to 1000' - 135.525
1640 - HUNTRESS to RAPTOR 45 target bearing 315, altitude 1200', tracking SE - 260.9
1641- HUNTRESS with skip it, skip it - 260.9
1648 - HUNTRESS to HARRIER 1, no response copied - 260.9
1648 - RAPTOR 45 to HUNTRESS, HARRIER 1 is trying to get in touch with you - 135.525
1649 - Tanker to HUNTRESS about Harrier 1 calling, HUNTRESS said to relay ignore it -260.9

RE 400' altitude above, last winter I heard HUNTRESS with a PITMAN with a fidelity check of the link, PITMAN came back with it was a truck on the road from Frederick to Hagerstown
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Didn't see anyone else post this so...

TANKER 16 done and heading back to Seymour Johnson...relieved at 1712, gets clearance and is handed off to ZDC-Brooke 126.875

TANKER 17 comes into the area. He's a KC-135R, tail 58-0056 from the 153rd ARS/186th ARW MS-ANG Meridian.
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Jan 5, 2004
Commercial inflight emergency. Can hear Potomac on 135.525 talking to Piedmont-4265. The plane was on 126.55, but now handed off to 125.8. Heading into Dulles 1L. MWAA TRS is active with emergency response.

Pilot is wearing a mask. Smoke condition in the cabin.
1949-Handed to tower.

1956- Now saying that it wasn't quite a smoke condition, the pilot smelled something similar to a match being lit.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
TANKER 18 takes over the last couple of hours of the CAP for this evening. He's a KC-135E, tail 57-1443, from the 132nd ARS/101st ARW ME-ANG Bangor.

2248: TANKER 18 to Potomac reports 5 minutes from RTB...135.525
2249: RAPTOR 51 asks Potomac if they've got a flight plan on file for their RTB...say it'll be in 10-15 minutes...135.525
2254: HUNTRESS releases TANKER 18 from the CAP...260.9....they go to Potomac to pick up their clearance...cleared to Bangor through Kennebunk...135.525
2255: RAPTOR 51 gives Potomac 5 minute notice until RTB time...135.525
2259: RAPTOR 51/52 cleared to RTB...260.9....over to Potomac to pick up clearance...135.525

2300: RAPTOR 51/52 cleared direct Langley at FL 200...135.525
2301: RAPTOR 51 flight cleared to FL 190...135.525
2305: RAPTOR 51 flight handed off to ZDC-Calvert and check in at FL 190...281.4
2305: RAPTOR 51 tells wingman to go to 31 AUX and come up on interflight...315.85
2306: TANKER 18 finally cleared out of area...climbing and currently at FL 300.
2308: RAPTOR 51 tells 52 to go to 9 AUX and come up with SPAD Ops where 51 reports 9.4 minutes out and says 51 is Code 3 "28 plus 1"...364.125
2309: RAPTOR 51 flight cleared down to 10,000 feet...281.4
2313: RAPTOR 51 flight handed off to Norfolk radar...353.7
And so ends another day of the Guard Dog CAP...they'll be back at it at 0600.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
F-22 tail numbers

Finally had the time to review my pictures of the JSOH. The tails of the 2 F-22's were 04-4076 (on static display 5/20) & 05-4085 (performed demo flight on 5/20). I see that 4076 participated in the cap as RAPTOR 43 this morning.



Jan 5, 2004
RAPTOR-53 checking in with Guard Dog on 350.25
TANKER-19 on 260.9, radio check from HUNTRESS to -53 too.

0544-HUNTRESS IDs the tanker as a KC-135 and gives -53 BRAA to him.

RAPTOR-53 tail number is 4082.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1207: TANKER 20 was released by HUNTRESS after completing a refueling of RAPTOR 55 and 56. The fighters are being held another 20-30 minutes for unspecified reasons before terminating the CAP.
TANKER 20 (KC-135R, 60-0362, 22nd ARW, McConnell AFB KS) picks up his clearance - he's routed LDN, J134, HNN, ICT, IAB (Wichita KS-McConnell), FL 340, squawk 3645. Handed off to ZDC-Linden 120.65 at 1214 and off he goes.
RAPTOR 55/56 are also using 315.85 for interflight as have most others during this CAP.
1222: RAPTOR 55 sent to Guard Dog on freq 269.5 to pick up clearance back to Langley....routing OTT, V33, HCM, LFI.
1227: RAPTOR 55/56 released from the CAP by HUNTRESS and off they go...260.9
1228: RAPTOR 55/56 to Potomac 269.5 for clearance to LFI
1228: RAPTOR 55/56 handed off to ZDC-Calvert 281.4
RAPTOR 55/56 check in on AUX to establish comms...315.85
1232: RAPTOR 55/56 to cross 35 miles north of Langley at 10,000 feet....281.4
1233: RAPTOR 55/56 leaving FL 230 for 10,000...281.4
1237: RAPTOR 55/56 with SPAD Ops but too weak to copy...364.15
1238: RAPTOR 55/56 handed off to Norfolk TRACON (West)....gets a point out to other traffic and then says they'll switch to tower once they pass the traffic...360.6
Guard Dog CAP is done for another weekend.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 05252007 identified

BM82557 said:
1147 - BREWER (sounded like that to me) 75 to Cleveland Center - 376.1 anybody have an id on that callsign?

Tentatively identified as being a C130 from the 95th Airlift Squadron, 440th Airlift Wing at General Mitchell International Airport - Air Reserve Station in Milwaukee.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Start of CAP on 5/25

Had a chance to go through some of the recordings of the startup of the CAP on 5/25 & found something interesting.

HUNTRESS to RAPTOR 75 - "just want to know if you are going to try to enter the link with us"? - 260.9
RAPTOR 75 to HUNTRESS - "HUNTRESS be advised that RAPTORs themselves do not transmit out, only interflight" - 260.9

This was around the 1244 timeframe.


During further review of 5/25 recordings I found this:

1408 - HUNTRESS to RAPTOR 75 "negative bullseye, waiting on HARRIER helicopter being scrambled out of EMMITSBURG'' - 260.9
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Dec 19, 2002
San Francisco
SAM flight this morning?

Anyone catch 99-0402 sneeking out this morning around 11am/ET? He just dropped into Moffett and left a few minutes later; I think it might have been picking up Condi -- she was in town last week and might have stayed for the weekend.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
Tentatively identified as being a C130 from the 95th Airlift Squadron, 440th Airlift Wing at General Mitchell International Airport - Air Reserve Station in Milwaukee.

Brian, I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier. BREWER 75 was a C-130H, tail 88-4406 - unit as you described. He was in the area on the 25th and before that on the 21st of May.

jmhayes said:
Anyone catch 99-0402 sneeking out this morning around 11am/ET? He just dropped into Moffett and left a few minutes later; I think it might have been picking up Condi -- she was in town last week and might have stayed for the weekend.

Not here Jordan. I don't miss much that happens at Andrews but didn't catch that one - but you knew that. :)
I suppose it's possible he left from Dulles and I just missed it.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
It's an extremely slow day for MilAir due to the holiday - an important holiday within the military.

Among the things noted flying this morning have been...
SCARS 55, a C-130H, 82-0055, from the 144th AS, AK-ANG
An EVAC 33127, a C-17A, 03-3127, 6th AS McGuire
CRAB 51, a C-130J, 97-1351, 135th AS MD-ANG
BISON 85, 92-3285, a C-130H from the 328th AS AFRC Niagara Falls NY
ASCOT 2514, a VC-10, tail XV105 from the 101 Squadron of the Royal Air Force
A Navy C-40A, BuNo 165832, from VR-58 Jacksonville FL

Late 1000 hour, there is a group of aircraft (at first I thought they were helos) but might just be A-10s from Martin State although it seems doubtful when listening to them. They are doing some formation flying at low levels on the Weide AAF Tower freq 126.2. One of them just called "Raven Ops, this is RAVEN 1" on that freq. I'm hearing nothing on the normal Raven Ops freqs 143.8/347.2. They still sound more like helos than A-10s in spite of those callsigns.

There will probably be memorial flybys in several locations today.

1059: A pair of NJ-ANG F-16s active on interflight...138.425

1101: The guys on 126.2 are active again...sounds like they finished whatever they were doing...mention "dropping everybody off" and then just doing some flying around. Sounds like a three ship flight.
1104: Navy JV153 (VR-58) to McGuire CP...ETA 1530Z, no fuel required, just picking up passengers...319.4
[This may be the same one noted above as BuNo 165832.]
1112: REACH 201T (C-17A, 97-0046, 437th AW Charleston) lifting off from Andrews...118.95

I've got a Coast Guard station booming in that I've never heard before. It's called Maxwell Point Radio. He's calling various Coast Guard vessels on Marine channel 81A - 157.075.
Hmmm...Maxwell's not far from Saltpeter Creek.

1141: BLACKJACKS up and working...139.7
1149: I've got THUNDERBIRD freq 143.85 active. Where might they be performing that I'd be hearing them? Perhaps just flying through the area and using this freq for interflight?
At 1152, I believe one of them just pointed out McGuire to their south....but as loud as they are, they shouldn't be that far away from here. [Subsequent traffic indicates they probably were just north of McGuire flying east to west and across Pennsylvania and into Ohio.]
There's eight of them on the freq and definitely the THUNDERBIRDS....heard that fabulous #3 checking in during a roll call of the aircraft.
Guess I should turn on my ZDC-ZNY scanner and find them....
1158: Thunderbird 1 with ZNY-Manta 339.4 and handed off to ZNY-Phillipsburg 306.2 where they check in at FL 210....mention Harrisburg in chat and #1 says they'll use Pittsburgh for a divert.
[Radar is showing rain/thunderstorms across southern PA.]

1204: Not sure where they're flying right now but one of them says this is the first place he's flown over that has caused a lump in his throat...143.85
1205: TBIRD wingman comes back with the ATIS report for Pittsburgh...143.85
1206: TBIRD 5 calling "Ops"...x2, no joy...311.0 (Freq good for Pittsburgh - among other places)
1208: TBIRD 5 comes back to 143.85 and tells flight leader "there's no one home in Pittsburgh" so he'll try Wright-Patterson wx...143.85 [Monitored 344.6 for Wright-Pat Metro which is same as Andrews but nothing heard.]
1210: TBIRD flight handed off to Cleveland Center...ZOB-Tyrone Sector 52 and check in at FL 260...299.2
1210: TBIRD leader asks one of the wingmen if he's talking to the tanker...143.85 (no freq ref given)
1211: TBIRDs handed off to ZOB (I think) on 307.15 and check in there (don't know which Sector this is yet)
[Can't find a 307.15 in ZOB....damn...I've now lost them when they got handed off yet again. They just called "Center" when they checked in on 307.15 so I can't even say it's Cleveland Center.]
1215: Still have TBIRDs on interflight...143.85 [Getting very weak now as they are apparently in western PA or into OH.]
And the Thunderbirds have flown out of range. It was interesting while it lasted.

Around 1320, there were two police helos on 123.025 talking about a propane barbeque grill explosion on someone's deck. They didn't mention the final result (injuries, etc) but it's something that will no doubt make the afternoon/evening news cycle.

1336: JOSA 802 (C-21A, 84-0077, 457th AS Andrews) reports airborne at 1735Z...378.1

NOTE: The Thunderbirds eventually met up with TURBO 10, a KC-135R tanker from the 22nd ARW at McConnell AFB KS according to a listener in the midwest. That must have been the reference to the tanker heard in the traffic while still in this area.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr TIN and a Happy Memorial day to everyone here and especially our troops
past and present!
1325 Just got home myself and heard I believe a PAT 48 flt of 5 CH-47's landing
with Phillips tower tower 126.150



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
A couple from tape..
Navy aircraft seem busy today.

1115 GREYHAWK 04 E-2C VAW-120 with Dover appch 257.875 mentions going up Severn River over Naval Academy then heard headed back south on 314.000.

1510 Navy WB-849 with Dover UHF appch also then switches to Potomac Balt 124.550 enr
Pax River.

EVAC 33114 C-17 MS ANG arrives Andrews,req 100k fuel.



Jan 5, 2004
HAWK flight on 315.85 for interflight currently

A little bit earlier, REACH-201T inbound to ADW calling CP 378.1 and REACH-303T calling Quantico Ops.

1623- Now hearing REACH-203T calling Quantico Ops. Sounds like the same guy, I guess he's not sure who he is.
1637- REACH-503 landing at ADW
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