Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
05.29.2007 Pm

A few from the early drive home this afternoon...first two are tentative callsigns due to crappy reception...any confirmation welcome!

1816Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - REACH 3873 (KC-135R 63-8873 92nd ARW Fairchild) - lands rwy 1R.
1818Z 349.400 REACH 4649 - not sure whom she was clg, but was status A1, six pallets to offload, no pax, req. fuel + parking, "we are a Charlie 130 tail # 62-bzzzzzzt...."
1821Z 119.850 Potomac APP - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264) @ 8000' dir AML req. ILS rwy 32 at Davison. Cleared for the ILS @ 2000' at 1833Z. Another flight inbound Davison followed this one but missed the callsign. One of those afternoons...
1839Z 372.200 REACH flight (callsign was "REACH bzzzzzzzt") - clg McGuire here, very weak and noisy but something about a diversion to your station.

Baby relief duty once I walked in the door. for some reason the little guy didn't want to listen to the radios...:cool:

2118Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 389 (C-21A JOSAC) - deps ADW to 11000'.
2154Z 119.850 Potomac APP - REACH 0177 (C-17A 00-0177 62nd AW) - @ 6000' after xing ELDEE on the app into ADW.

2214Z 119.850 Potomac APP - PAT 1268 (C-12T 85-1268 Davison) - @ 8000' for 6000' Davison in sight then cleared to 2000' on a 190 degree heading.
2244Z 241.000 BLUEGRASS Ops - just had an U/I NIGHTHAWK up on this freq.
2248Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - EVAC 3127 (C-17A 03-3127 305th AMW McGuire) - inbound ADW ETA 2315Z ETD 0030 status A1 1 pallet offload, req. crew transportation and parking.
2258Z 118.675 Potomac APP - EVAC 3127 (C-17A 03-3127 305th AMW McGuire) - Just caught her switching to 119.850 @ 11500' for 8000' on the arrival into ADW...and here she comes, easily visible out the back windows here...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
CitationJet said:
A few from the early drive home this afternoon...first two are tentative callsigns due to crappy reception...any confirmation welcome!

1816Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - REACH 3873 - lands rwy 1R.
1818Z 349.400 REACH 4649 - not sure whom she was clg, but was status A1, six pallets to offload, no pax, req. fuel + parking, "we are a Charlie 130 tail # 62-bzzzzzzt...."

You got lucky Tony. There was a REACH 3873 (63-8873) and about the same time there was a REACH 3879 (63-7879). My notes don't show anything that could be 4649. But I don't hear everything.

And as of right now I hear nothing. All my radios are disconnected and on the floor while I rebuild and reconfigure the listening post. Hope to be back by tomorrow...or the next day if things don't go right. I am discarding and, hopefully, selling those racks I had all my 785/780 radios mounted in. It's time to try something different.



Jan 5, 2004
Got some AR activity on 238.9 right now. No c/s heard yet but one did give his tail # of 50027. They will be doing various configurations of AR, autopilot on/off and some other stuff.

2139- MUSSELL-2 on final to Mt. Weather.
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
TinEar said:
It's an extremely slow day for MilAir due to the holiday - an important holiday within the military.

1204: Not sure where they're flying right now but one of them says this is the first place he's flown over that has caused a lump in his throat...143.85
1205: TBIRD wingman comes back with the ATIS report for Pittsburgh...143.85
1206: TBIRD 5 calling "Ops"...x2, no joy...311.0 (Freq good for Pittsburgh - among other places)

Could they have, perhaps, been passing over the Flight 93 memorial crash site in Shanksville, PA? That's east of Pittsburgh, so it would have been around the right time.

Willow Grove A-10's were up today...I was driving, so I couldn't take any notes. An Ugly flight took off first, gave some attitude to the Philly Approach controller over the squawk code, then was routed to Pottstown for Slate Run VOR and the Duke. A second A-10 flight took off a few minutes after the first (never caught the call sign...maybe Cade). The second flight went first to the Gap and then planned to head up to the Duke. When the first flight was working Philly Approach and ZNY Pottstown, I was in an area where I could hear the ground side for both the Philly ATC and the ARTCC. It was interesting to actually hear both sides of the conversation (something I don't usually get to do). I was in the Plumsteadville area about 30 or 40 miles north of Philly when I was hearing the ground side. I don't know what ground site I was hearing (Flint Hill, maybe?).

Time on the A-10's was the 1:00 PM hour.


Jan 5, 2004
Some type of AR activity on 341.75

What sounds like CHACA-21, plus HOSS-31, DARKSTAR and WIZARD(ECHO).
Also a CASINO-61.
2228- WIZARD-953
2234- JOKER-11
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
benrussellpa said:
Could they have, perhaps, been passing over the Flight 93 memorial crash site in Shanksville, PA? That's east of Pittsburgh, so it would have been around the right time.

I think you've hit it precisely. I'd bet that's where they were.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
05.30.2007 am

One from this morning's drive in to work...

05.30.2007 am

1051Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 1202 (C-12T Davison shuttle) - 7500' for 6000' req vis rwy 32 at Davison. Field in sight cleared for the visual app to rwy 32 @ 2000' QSY Davison AAF TWR 126.300.
1056Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1202 (C-12T Davison shuttle) - 10 nm. dogleg base to final on the visual app to rwy 32, gear check in progress.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1021: I just hooked up one radio in the middle of my construction project to test something and am hearing a BRAVE 61/62 F-16 scramble just finishing up. BRAVE 61 is coming home to Andrews and 62 will stay up another 15 minutes.

There's also a pair of A-10s working a CAS mission at the Pax Range at Vienna on 138.3 and transports all over the place.

Add a WILD flight of three F-16s from Andrews coming home with TRACON 270.275.

And DC 31, KC-135R, 57-1512, Andrews just taking off.

That ends my 1 minute test.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 05302007

1039 - 1046 -- DEVIL flight (NJ-ANG) active somewhere talking about laser, close to the target. Terminate heard at 1045 with descending to 17000' at 1046. DEVIL 11/12 callsigns heard but I believe there were more involved -- 138.425


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
05.30.2007 mid-am


Just got back in from a stint at Gravelly Point.

05.30.2007 mid-am

1419Z 335.500 Potomac APP - BRAVE 62 - req. hold N of OTT 10 nm. legs for 10-15 mins.
1422Z 349.000 Andrews AFB TWR - BRAVE 61 - for the initial 6 nms. rwy 19L.
1425Z 143.600 WILD 3 rpting L base gear down full stop to another WILD here, direct to final turn.
1429Z 349.000 Andrews AFB TWR - WILD 2 - gear down full stop rwy 19L.
1434Z 281.400 ZDC-Calvert - DRAGO 51 (4 x NAS Oceana F/A-18F) - @ 18000' cleared down to 15000' req. dir OTT.
1440Z 348.725 Potomac DEP - DRAGO 51 (4 x NAS Oceana F/A-18F) - @ 15000' req. descent to hold @ OTT @ 3500'. IFR canceled and cleared as requested.
1442Z 279.575 Potomac APP - DRAGO 51 (4 x NAS Oceana F/A-18F) - New TOT of 1100L.
1448Z 119.300 Potomac APP - NAVY 7R 309 (UC-12B NAS Oceana) - @ 4000' for 2000' with ADW in sight cleared for the visual to rwy 19L QSY TWR 118.400.
1449Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - PACER 01 - deps ADW.
1450Z 354.150 ZDC-Kenton - DEVIL flight - @ 17000' for ACY.
1458Z 279.575 Potomac APP - leaving 3500' for 1500' DRAGO 51 reporting feet wet to DRAGO 02 @ 1459Z then pass overhead DCA on their way to the flyby.

1502Z 279.575 Potomac APP - DRAGO 51 (4 x NAS Oceana F/A-18F) - clnc to NTU via direct V33-DAILY-join V286-STEIN-direct @ 10000'.
1507Z 281.400 ZDC-Calvert - DRAGO 51 flight of 4 checks in @ 14000'.
1513Z 292.200 MUSSEL Ops - MUSSEL 6 - 15 miles out status A1, "req. vehicle meet us with the magic spray."

Too bad the DRAGO 51 flight caught me (visually) by surprise as I only had time to catch the tail codes (AC) and not the unit or modexes.
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Mar 22, 2007
Hatboro Pa
Yesterday About 1200local Slam 60 Heavy C-17 From March AFB Went To The Guard Ramp Not Sure If He Was Dropping Off Or Picking Up But I Went Over To Klom To Watch My Friends Do A Little Pattern Work, Went Back And Cought Him, As He Was Taxing For Takeoff. And Today Toill 35 Maxwell C-130 In At 1355local


Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
andy3315 said:
Yesterday About 1200local Slam 60 Heavy C-17 From March AFB Went To The Guard Ramp Not Sure If He Was Dropping Off Or Picking Up But I Went Over To Klom To Watch My Friends Do A Little Pattern Work, Went Back And Cought Him, As He Was Taxing For Takeoff. And Today Toill 35 Maxwell C-130 In At 1355local

A C-17 took off at about 1440 yesterday, I guess that was the same one, never heard the callsign. Cade, Flyer, and then another flight of A-10s, each a flight of 2. Late in the evening around 1900, an Army Huey was doing a few PARs on 33. Just caught the usual tower and GCA talk.


Jan 5, 2004
WIZARD ALPHA now calling HUNTRESS on 228.9

Reporting a strong ELT on 243.0 for the last 15-20 minutes. In the vicinity of N3742 W07823. Bearing 260 from their current position

More from last night after I had gotten into bed.
NIGHTHAWK-12 landed at Mt Weather. They used 126.2 to talk to Bluegrass Ops. I figured 126.2 was the VHF freq since it's a common pair, but this was the first time I heard it used.

0000- RAID-88 with ADW CP 378.1 planned to spend 1 hour on the ground. Needs get oxygen in service, their FOB doesn't have any oxygen.
0017- REACH-311 "for Dover CP" on 319.4, 20 minutes out,A3 for fuselage pressure relief valve in-op, 13 pax to download. Also recorded the same message passed on 349.4 at 0007, but added his tail number I think, 900535.

Back to today
2001- BACKY-34 enroute to refuel JEDI-43 on 324.6 AR204 primary. I can only hear JEDI, he's 20 minutes late.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2048: HAGAR 71 (C-5B, 85-0005, 436th AW Dover) heading for a refueling...352.6
2053: REACH 200T calling Quantico Base Ops...x2, no joy...355.3

A few minutes prior to those two, I had a NATO E-3 who I believe was landing at either McGuire or Dover. His registration is from Luxembourg, tail LX-N90449. He was using 349.4.

2145: REACH 198T Heavy (C-17A, 04-4137, 6th AS McGuire) approaching Andrews for landing....he's got 5 vehicles aboard to unload (Presidential vehicles?)...378.1/119.85
2145: DC 32 (KC-135R, 57-1512, 756th ARS Andrews) doing some pattern work to fill out his time card before landing....119.3/118.4
2158: CRAB 54 (C-130J, 97-1354, 135th AS MD-ANG Warfield ANGB) to CRAB Ops reports 10 minutes out, landing with 15K on the gas...148.925 (Ground station loud and clear on this freq)

2225: Looks like DC 32 has served out his time and is preparing to land at ADW...118.4
2245: EXECUTIVE 1 FOXTROT (C-40B, 01-0041, 1st AS Andrews) returning to Andrews for landing...119.85/124.65/125.65
2257: HAGAR 71 (C-5B, 85-0005, 436th AS Dover) reports 20 minutes out, A-2 for fuel manifold pressure gauge has a problem...349.4
2252: EXEC 1 F with ADW Tower for landing...cleared to land, gear down...asks to do a 360 before landing...118.4
freqhopping said:
2001- BACKY-34 enroute to refuel JEDI-43 on 324.6 AR204 primary. I can only hear JEDI, he's 20 minutes late.
JEDI 43 is a C-17A, tail 03-3127, 6th Airlift Squadron McGuire.
U.S. Customs Service...Eurocopter...registration N4043L flying this morning.
FBI aircraft noted recently....N8211P (5/17)....N831EM (5/30)...both Cessna 206 types...the ones that circle around the D.C. area and drive residents crazy with their hours upon hours of engine noise at low altitudes.

2300: Time to turn off the radios and get back to the construction/installation job. Every time I do this I swear I'll never do it again and just leave everthing where it is. But...nooooo...I've gotta tear everything apart and build a new cabinet for the radios. Actually it's coming together pretty well and It's going to make radio operation easier but I have to get used to new speaker positions again which is the hardest part. I'm also adding a new piece of equipment. It's the NCS Multi-Rx Receive Console...
I've been looking at that thing for the past couple of years and finally broke down and got one. I hope it works as advertised.

1107: And while I was typing the above, EVAC 21112 (C-17A, 02-1112, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) is taking off from Andrews and climbing out...125.65
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
A few minutes prior to those two, I had a NATO E-3 who I believe was landing at either McGuire or Dover. His registration is from Luxembourg, tail LX-N90449. He was using 349.4.

Rgr TIN he landed Dover as NATO 07 and req 105k fuel.
So thirsty I thought may have been a tanker!

btw NATO 07 contacted Dover on their rarely used Dispatch channel 269.125 and tower
UHF inbound also.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Rgr TIN he landed Dover as NATO 07 and req over 100k fuel.
So thirsty I thought may have been a tanker!


I was sure I heard NATO 07 until his very last transmission when it sounded like NATO 71 so I didn't give him any suffix. :)
There was also a SENTRY 21 Heavy E-3 from Tinker through the area at just about the same time. I wondered if they had been working together.


Jan 5, 2004
Hearing a BWI or DCA TRACON controller on 135.525 tonight.
EXECUTIVE-1 FOXTROT will be inbound on 19L shortly.


Dec 19, 2002
San Francisco
Some stuff I think you ought to have seen ...

1800Z SAM 1493 [AE11F8 "S1493] C-40 02-0042 left Travis for Hawaii
2115Z HEDGE 90 [ADFEB6 "SIMMS78"] E-4B 75-0125 headed to PHIK

I think both were on the east coast this morning.

OSY 33T flew by here today, too.
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