Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
pogbobo said:
I have a quick question ... I live in Radford, VA and there are always jets flyin over us, is there anyway I can hear them on the scanner? The closest AFB i can think of is Langley ... any ideas on the freqs? thanks!

Go back to the beginning of this thread. Within the first 50 messages, I posted all my freqs, including those for Langley, the VA-ANG and Andrews - the most likely culprits to be flying in your area although it could be many others.

Jordan said:
Never heard them use that before. The local callsigns are BEE LINER [BLINR] and COVERT [COVRT]. The "01" makes me wonder if there wasn't someone special on board. I don't have 06-6165 in my BaseStation database, so I guess I've never even logged him.

Okay, thanks Jordan. I've heard both BEELINER and COVERT (just yesterday) but this is also my first time for ROYAL. By the way, he didn't relay any pax or cargo info to McGuire which is sort of unusual so that may confirm the suspicion there's the commander on board for some other purpose - or will be when he takes off again.
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Dec 19, 2002
San Francisco
Mark said:
ROYAL 01 is Dover's new C-17 due at Dover Monday.
I guess that's why I've never logged him yet :)

But, it does seem a little odd to me that it was not a BOEING callsign; at least for the Travis deliveries, a crew goes down to Long beach, gets the keys in a little ceremony, and flies home as a REACH mission. If it's at McGuire and no longer using a BOEING callsign, doesn't that mean it has already been delivered?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
ROYAL 01 is Dover's new C-17 due at Dover Monday.
Maybe just final prep and to stage closer at McGuire for Monday's arrival ceremony


You did post the link to the news article with a picture of Dover's first C-17 and the "6165" was right there on the nose. That was just a week ago (Msg 2231.) How quickly I forgot.

2005: GOLD 81 (KC-10A, 305th AMW McGuire) to McGuire CP with arrival msg...30 minutes out, no pax or cargo, A-2, IDs as a KC10...319.4
There was also a GOLD 91 heard along with 81 by a midwest listener as they flew east. They accompanied a flight of F-16s from Europe that had overnighted in Burlington VT.
2013-23: REACH 209T (C-17A, 96-0006, 437th AW Charleston) calling Griffin and SAM joy...378.1
2019: HOIST 93 (KC-10A, 87-0120, 305th AMW McGuire) to McGuire CP...30 minutes out, has 4 writeups...319.4
2024: REACH 209T to Griffin Command at Andrews...ETA 0040Z, A-1, needs parking and crew trans...141.55
2026: REACH 209T changes his "in the blocks" time to 0035Z...141.55
2028: REACH 209T on 7 mile final for runway 19L, gear ADW Tower...118.4
2030: VENUS 02 (92-9000, VC-25A, 1st AS Andrews) doing some pattern work at ADW...with Tower reports seeing the C-17...118.4 (VENUS 02 is Air Force 1 in its other disguise)
2035: OPEC 48 (KC-10A McGuire) calling RAYMOND 16 (1st Fighter Wing Command Post at Langley) several times, no joy...311.0
2037: OPEC 48 changes to Langley Command Post freq 251.25, makes contact and would like them to contact McGhee-Tyson to see if SODA 91 (KC-135E, 151st ARS/134th ARW, TN-ANG Knoxville) is up and in the green since they're supposed to be working with them. He gives DSN as 266-xxxx.
2039-52: REACH 275 [female] (C-17A, 04-4128, 6th AS McGuire) calling Griffin Command...378.1 (She's called a couple of dozen times without receiving a reply.)
2050: McGuire KC-10A tanker interplane freq active...139.875
2052: Tanker activity...352.6 (Turns out to be STEEL 73 and OPEC 49)
2054: REACH 275 changes to VHF for Griffin Command, makes contact and reports 10 minutes out, A-1, and has 5 through pax that will just stay on the plane...141.55
They must be having a problem with the UHF 378.1 receiver yet again.
2058: STEEL 73 (KC-135R, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh) tells OPEC 49 (KC-10A, 86-0030, 305th AMW McGuire) he'll be overhead the CP at 0116Z...352.6

2106: VENUS 02 is still doing approaches at Andrews. He's been at it since 2000 at least....118.4/119.3
2107-15: REACH 3873 [female] (KC-135R, 63-8873, 92nd ARW) has been calling Griffin joy of course...occasionally, a male will pop in and make the call but he calls the flight REACH 873 (I assume it's the same flight)...378.1
2117-26: REACH 204T (C-17A, 98-0049, 62nd AW McChord AFB WA) now trying to call Andrews Command... same as everyone else...nada...378.1
2121: CRAB 54 (C-130J, 97-1354, 135th AS MD-ANG) reports 8 minutes out from their drop...385.9
2124: REACH 3873 still calling Andrews on 378.1 and still nothing...she now moves to TRACON 119.85 and has better luck there.
2126: CRAB 54 with Phillips AAF Tower...126.15
2127: REACH 3873 with ADW Approach...119.3...and then Tower at 2130 for landing...118.4
2131: Have what sounds like Navy RS527 [female] calling Andrews 378.1 with no joy...then she's suddenly talking to Martin State ground on 121.8 giving her arrival message...then it's an "oops" when Martin State doesn't know what she's talking about and explains she's going to Andrews (121.8 is also good for Andrews Ground but she must have been closer to MTN and got an answer from them.)
2134: JEDI 52 (C-17A, 04-4130, 6th AS McGuire) calls McGuire CP to report that OPEC 46 is refueling with DC 44 in AR-636 and will return 45 minutes early...319.4
2138: Navy RS527 finally shows up with Andrews Tower...explains she's a Navy C-9 and has been calling but getting no reply...she needs to land and requests 10K fuel...118.4 (She's actually a C-9B from VR-61, BuNo 159116)
2139: REACH 204T still calling Andrews and getting nothing...378.1
2140: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 (USCG HH-65 air interdiction helos) doing practice intercepts on Marine Channel 21A...157.05
2144: The very sweet sounding female aboard the Navy C-9B is starting to lose her patience...she tells ADW Tower once again that she tried to contact CP but they didn't answer...says she's now 5 minutes out, needs parking (and wants to start cussing but maintains her dignity)...118.4
After a dozen aircraft tell approach and tower they haven't been able to reach Command Post, you'd think the guys at Andrews would realize there's a problem.
2148: Navy RS527 reports gear down and locked on a 5 mile final...and then, "We DO gave our gear down and locked."...118.4
2149: SPAR 30 (C-37A, 01-0030, 310th AS MacDill AFB FL)) with Andrews Approach...119.3
2150: SPAR 30 to ADW Tower and cleared to land on runway 19L...118.4
SPAR 30 was testing the "Sparkle" system earlier.
2153: REACH 1815 (C-17A, 97-0046, 437th AW Charleston) reports airborne to Andrews CP...378.1

This has sure been a busy night for transport and tanker activity.

2209: OPEC 48 (KC-10A, 84-0190, 305th AMW McGuire) with Atlantic City Approach at 10000 feet and going down to 8000 on their approach to McGuire...124.6 (This is the guy that was supposed to meet up with SODA 91 out of McGhee-Tyson earlier.)
2214-23: DC 44 (KC-135R, 59-1469, 756th AS Andrews) on his way home to Andrews (He met up with OPEC 46 in AR-636 according to that message from JEDI 52 earlier this evening. See log item at 2134.) Trying to call LIBERATOR...378.1 (Getting same results as everyone else calling SAM/Griffin/Andrews CP on this freq. That tells me LIBERATOR operates on the same receiver or antenna that's malfuctioning at Andrews.)
2219: OPEC 49 (KC-10A, 86-0030, 305th AMW McGuire) to McGuire CP reports 30 minutes out, A-1, needs parking...319.4
2224: DC 44 makes contact with LIBERATOR...20 minutes out, 1 minor writeup, will have 39K fuel, requests parking (has to repeat message and then his suffix - apparently LIBERATOR is having trouble hearing him. I should patch in my radio to him since he's loud and clear here. DC 44 continues to call LIBERATOR but they are no longer hearing him apparently. DC 44 calls DC Command which was probably a mistake...he then makes contact with LIBERATOR and repeats his arrival message for the fourth time. He tells LIBERATOR several times that he hears him loud and clear - apparently in response to ground saying he's having trouble hearing him.)
2228: DC 44 to Andrews Tower, 8 miles out for the option...118.4
2228: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 finish their practice intercept activity and change to TRACON...BJ 1 asks for handoff to DCA for Wood's Corner...119.3
2240: OPEC 49 with McGuire A/D...124.15
2242: BOXER 475 (C-38A, 94-1570, 201st AS DC-ANG Andrews) with Boxer Command on Squadron Ops freq to report Code 1 and will be on the ground about 5 minutes before the hour...314.25
2246: BOXER 475 w/TRACON reporting direct Andrews...119.85

Coming up on 2300 and time to call it a night.

Can anyone confirm N803CP is the Foxtrot Baltimore City PD helicopter - or one of them? Registration just shows a leasing company like half the aircraft in the sky.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Busy night for the Heavies
GOLD 01 KC-10 arrive McGuire 0000z alpha 2 with 5 writeups.
REACH 2106 C-17 arriving Dover 0000z also.16 pax.
REACH 504 C-17 arriving McGuire 0005z,thruloads,overniting.
GOLD 91 KC-10 arriving McGuire 0030z alpha 2
GOLD 81 KC-10 arriving McGuire 0035z alpha 2 also.
HOIST 93 KC-10 arriving Mcguire 0050z various writeups.
CRAB 54 C-130 MD ANG from Dover to Aberdeen doing lights off drops with Phillips tower 126.150.

btw for you Nascar fans and want to see what type aircraft Teams and corporate types are flying into Dover area now for this weekends race check out

N511RH Hendricks Motor sports
N223BD Bill Davis racing
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Jan 5, 2004
2140- MUSSELL-06 westbound 13mi north of IAD 125.8
EDIT-SPAR-30 (per Alna) on 260.9 testing the laser warning system

MUSSELL-03 calling Control via a phone patch with Wheelhouse on 287.6. Never heard this before.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 06012007

1215 - 1225 -- Possible NJ-ANG on interflight pointing out Washington Monument and Camp David - 138.2
1228 - fuel states, mentioned 323.3, ongoing - 138.15

Edit - Ref Tin below, not NJ as I thought
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
It appears Andrews Command Post freq 378.1 is out of service again today. Lots of aircraft have been trying to use it to no avail. They're either switching to 141.55 or simply transmitting in the blind. Some are just showing up on TRACON freqs as they approach Andrews.

In the 1200 hour is a flight of two F-16s from the 20th Fighter Wing at Shaw. The flight is TIGER 71. I first picked them up around the North Carolina border as they flew north through ZDC and are now into ZNY (currently Harrisburg 270.3 at 1230 and now off to ZNY-Middleburg on 306.2 at 1233.) They've been flying at 27,000 feet the entire way. Their first interflight freq was 138.2 and at 1228 changed to V-8 which turned out to be 138.15 where they still are.
1236: TIGER 71 flight handed to ZNY-Milton 269.1 and once again check in at FL 270.
They mention in chat on interflight something about the 20th Fighter Wing which seems to confirm the ID as Shaw fighters.The interflight freqs fit for Shaw too.
1238: TIGER 71 over to ZNY-Stoneybrook 273.6
At first, I thought this might have been a WI-ANG flight because of a Wisconsin mention in chat but everything now fits for Shaw.
It appears they're now out of range. At the ZNY-Milton stop is where I usually lose flights heading north. This time I at least got the handoff from there. I'm going to suggest they're heading for Ft. Drum NY. (That turns out to be incorrect per Nick's post's Burlington.)

NOTE: In another forum, it was mentioned that the Westover ARB MA newsletter says eight WV-ANG C-5s are going to be staging out of there beginning in June. The reason is the construction at Martinsburg.
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Dec 19, 2002
San Francisco
Mark said:
ROYAL 01 is Dover's new C-17 due at Dover Monday
So are you sure about this? This seems to say they took possession yesterday and flew it yesterday.

LONG BEACH, Calif. (AFPN) -- With much anticipation, a combined flight
crew from the 436th and 512th Airlift Wings departed Dover Air Force
Base May 29 for Long Beach, Calif., where they assumed ownership of the
base's first C-17A Globemaster III aircraft from Boeing May 31.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
jmhayes said:
So are you sure about this? This seems to say they took possession yesterday and flew it yesterday.

LONG BEACH, Calif. (AFPN) -- With much anticipation, a combined flight
crew from the 436th and 512th Airlift Wings departed Dover Air Force
Base May 29 for Long Beach, Calif., where they assumed ownership of the
base's first C-17A Globemaster III aircraft from Boeing May 31.

Little doubt about it Jordan. The story was published yesterday and all the details in the story fit for what we heard yesterday about it going to McGuire. Even the 01 suffix fits for the General that was on board.

From the quoted story....

Once the C-17 was accepted, the crew then made the cross-country trek to McGuire AFB, N.J.

In addition to the Dover crew, Brig. Gen. Alfred Stewart, 21st Expeditionary Mobility Task Force commander at McGuire AFB served as the delivery official and flew onboard the aircraft from Long Beach to McGuire, where the aircraft will remain until early June 4.

Ref below:
trainman111/Nick said:
Personally, I think they might be going to Burlington, VT
Yes, I think you're absolutely correct Nick. I heard that balloon festival reference but didn't realize it happens at Burlington until you brought it up. At first, I thought they might be headed there but usually the flights head east long before this flight did. The northern scenic route perhaps?

Just learned something about the BC780 that I wasn't aware of. I've always run those two big SoundsSweet comm speakers ( from the BC785s and they are fantastic. I just moved things around during my project and hooked one of them to a BC780 and the 780 doesn't have enough audio output to drive it. I tried all three 780s and the results were the same on all of them. All I can say about that is...Huh!

1318: CADE 1 (A-10 Willow Grove) flight of three (and hopefully one to follow according to flight leader) currently with ZNY-Pottstown 278.3...cleared to Slate Run
Heading up your way Dave to the Duke MOA
143.25 for interflight

1334: U/I fighters on interflight...140.15 (At 1343, they mention a runway 19 at their destination so may be headed for Andrews) they are TEXAS 91, flight of four, (F-16, 182nd FS, TX-ANG) who are probably up here to do the Dover flyby on Sunday as they've done in the past)
Mark, that now answers your question. It's the Texas F-16s yet again.
1347: TEXAS 91 now with TRACON 270.275 (D.C. area) descending from 14 to 11,000 feet.
1348: STEEL 62 (KC-135R PA-ANG Pittsburgh) giving arrival msg to Steel Ctl...will do 20-30 minutes of transition work in the pattern upon arrival....19K on the gas...311.0
1349: TEXAS 91 handed off to TRACON (Baltimore area) and check in at 11,000....cleared direct Dover...317.425
I seem to remember from past years, that the flight leader for TEXAS 91 has some connection with either Dover or Delaware.
1352: Flight leader says he's nervous flying over all this water (flying over the Bay)...140.15 (They're from Texas after all. Water is a foreign substance.)
1353: COLT flight of A-10s off from Martin State...347.2
1353: TEXAS 91 cleared down to 5000 feet...317.425
1356: TEXAS 91 handed off to Dover joy first 3 calls...then make contact and say they want lower and want to go over by the track....cleared down to 3000 feet...(practice flyby now)...say they'll stay at 3500 feet for now and will do a north to south look at the track...257.875
1358: TEXAS 91 now say they'll do a west to east look at the track...trying to find the best way to approach it...257.875
Earlier, they mentioned a blimp flying over their area at 1700 feet.

1403: ROCCO 61 (KC-135E, 108th ARW McGuire) giving Blackjack report to Torch Control...303.0
1405: TEXAS 91 trying various directions in their practice...mention the hotel is big so won't come in from that direction...140.15
For the past hour, there has been a steady stream of transports on all the command post freqs. I'm not logging them but they're sure out there.
1407: TEXAS 91 has apparently also been talking with the ground controller at the Dover Speedway and say the range is okay on the ground they're trying to figure out a holding point to begin their run on Sunday....currently trying the 255 radial from DOV...140.15
1410: TEXAS 91 handed off to Dover Tower and check in...279.625
1412: TEXAS 91 flight leader tells Tower they're just going to bring it back to homeplate now...279.625
And they're going to chat all the way to the ground apparently...140.15
1414: TEXAS 91 mentions they'll go all the way to the end of the runway and then turn east...says there should be a crew out there somewhere...279.625
1516: TEXAS flight report "gear, base, stop" one at a time until all four are on the ground...(nice transmitters)...279.625 (heard them all the way to the ground at 70 miles from my location...not bad)
I hope Fox gives more than the usual one second shot of the flyby this Sunday. This is the last week for Fox, isn't it? I don't look forward to coverage by ESPN with that damned scroll constantly at the bottom of the picture -- and on an HD set it's not even all the way at the bottom.

And time for a break.
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Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
TinEar said:
1238: TIGER 71 over to ZNY-Stoneybrook 273.6
At first, I thought this might have been a WI-ANG flight because of a Wisconsin mention in chat but everything now fits for Shaw.
It appears they're now out of range. At the ZNY-Milton stop is where I usually lose flights heading north. This time I at least got the handoff from there. I'm going to suggest they're heading for Ft. Drum NY.


Personally, I think they might be going to Burlington, VT. At 1212 one guy mentioned that there was going to be a balloon festival at the airport which was the reason that they couldn't get a room in the Wyndham hotel on the lake. That fits perfectly for Burlington beacause I have been by the Wyndham hotel on Lake Champlain many many times. Another point, according to the Burlington Free-Press, there is a balloon festival today at KBTV that will feature over 40 different balloons. I guess the Green Mountain Boys have a surprise on the way! It seems they had a nice little conversation. They also talked about the reserve squadron of F-22's at Langley for a while.

Some more stuff...

1220: DEE JAY (no suffix given) confirms test track is active and golf as well. (249.8)
1221: DEE JAY (again no suffix) ready to MARSA. (249.8)
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


Heard on the long drive home via IAD...


1656Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - REACH 367 - left base for rwy 19L gear down. Missed a few xmsns before this as a flight 51 was up at this time as well, possibly WAMO 51.

1732Z 119.850 Potomac APP - JOSA 767 - X ELDEE @ 8000' and requesting an initial at ADW of 5000', he gets 3000'.
1738Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 2106 - 17000' cleared to FL230 QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650.
1739Z 120.650 ZDC-Linden - REACH 2106 - cleared to FL270.
1743Z 270.275 TEXAS 91 - 14000' to 12000' then cleared to 11000'. QSY 317.425.
1748Z 311.000 STEEL 62 - arrival msg as mentioned by Tin.

1826Z 118.675 Potomac DEP - REACH 2291 - just switched to ZDC-Linden 120.650 cleared to climb 17000' to FL210 dir Henderson req. deviation 20 nms. due weather as well and is approved, corrected to 15 nms right of course. Speed restriction 250 kts. Cleared to FL260 QSY ZDC-Moorefield 133.275.
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Jan 21, 2003
Can anyone confirm N803CP is the Foxtrot Baltimore City PD helicopter - or one of them? Registration just shows a leasing company like half the aircraft in the sky.[/QUOTE]

I think the current number is N452F according to the folowing website. Then again there is also a poc of N454F at the very bottom of the page. Both are Eurocopters.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
TinEar said:
Can anyone confirm N803CP is the Foxtrot Baltimore City PD helicopter - or one of them? Registration just shows a leasing company like half the aircraft in the sky.
Dank said:
I think the current number is N452F according to the folowing website. Then again there is also a pic of N454F at the very bottom of the page. Both are Eurocopters.

Thanks Dan. That pretty much confirms those two as Baltimore City helos. That N803CP is also a Eurocopter and always seems to be flying in this area too. I just can't put a firm ID on him yet but feel fairly certain it's a police/med helo from some area department.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said: they are TEXAS 91, flight of four, (F-16, 182nd FS, TX-ANG) who are probably up here to do the Dover flyby on Sunday as they've done in the past)
Mark, that now answers your question. It's the Texas F-16s yet again.

Thanks TIN I was hoping for some new blood this year for Dover June race flyover but
somebody has those Texas F-16's locked into Dover for the 3rd time in 3 years.
Also their flybys are usually slow and quiet.
Maybe they might actually try the burners on way out but I doubt it.
Very conservative pilots those Texas F-16's.
DC ANG F-16's a couple years back did great flyover with multiple passes and burners aka LOUD departure!


A pic of one of the TEXAS F-16's from 2006 race.. Tail SA San Antonio with Texas flag colors across top of tail.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Thanks TIN I was hoping for some new blood this year for Dover June race flyover but
somebody has those Texas F-16's locked into Dover for the 3rd time in 3 years.
Also their flybys are usually slow and quiet.
Maybe they might actually try the burners on way out but I doubt it.
Very conservative pilots those Texas F-16's.
DC ANG F-16's a couple years back did great flyover with multiple passes and burners aka LOUD departure!


Okay...I'll give them a call at Dover and tell them about the CAPITOL 91 flight and how much noise they made which was appreciated by race fans. Maybe I can stir up a noise competition.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
Okay...I'll give them a call at Dover and tell them about the CAPITOL 91 flight and how much noise they made which was appreciated by race fans. Maybe I can stir up a noise competition.

LOL ..CAPITOL 91 That was the callsign used at Dover!
Tell them Texas boys that the DC F-16 guys said Texas F-16's are more suitable for cemetary flyovers..

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