HuubRoem said:
Yesterday POTUS was overhead the Netherlands for his EU trip, just after the AF1 and SAM93 there was a c/s BALLS 69 with Mode-S Hex code AE1BAC. Is anyone of you familiar with this c/s?
another 45 minutes later the RCH 2500 were overhead (62-3500, KC-135R)
Hello Huub and welcome. I feel fairly sure the BALLS 69 is not a valid callsign. I know the callsign BALLS is being used by F-15s in the U.K. but that one looks like it's a joke by the maintenance people that put it into the callsign block. It's the combination of 69 with the callsign that makes me believe that.
1000 hour: There is a lot of activity this morning after all those rainstorms yesterday that kept the fighters home for the most part. F-22A activity from Langley active on interflight 252.775. There are also Willow Grove A-10s at the Bollen Range 237.2 using callsign UGLY. Other Langley fighters are out in W-72 working with Giant Killer and just mentioned was callsign BOBCAT. Of course, the tankers and transports are all over the place. Heard a C-5B from Dover a few minutes ago heading for the AR track. It was HAGAR 70.
DC 22 (KC-135R, 59-1469, 756th ARS Andrews) went airborne early in the 0900 hour. DC 21 (KC-135R, 57-1512, 756th ARS) appears to have just taken off at about 1005 too. He's trying to call LIBERATOR on 378.1 to report his takeoff time but is getting no reply. Sixth day in a row for problems with that freq.
1020: SAM 1520 (C-20B, 86-0202, 99th AS Andrews) off from Andrews...118.95
1025: VENUS 40 (C-37A, 97-0400, 99th AS Andrews) working the pattern at Andrews...118.4/119.3
1025: BOXER 32 (C-40C, 02-0201, 201st AS DC-ANG) doing the same...118.4/119.3
1033: MOVER 22 (KC-10A, 84-0190, 305th AMW McGuire) with Giant Killer exiting W-107 area...255.0
1037: MOVER 22 calls "Command Post" and says he's off the coast of W-107 and is heading for AR-206 and wants to know the status of his receiver...(missed freq)
1045: MOVER 22 to Giant Killer...says he checked on the status of his receiver and would like to maintain his current position until 1510Z and then proceed on course to AR-206...looks like his Start Point for 206 will be at the Syracuse 094/35 DME...course will be current position to JFK to DUEYS to J37 to Albany and then the SP on the Syracuse radial...wants confirmation he's still cleared for the block 240-270...255.0
1115: NJ-ANG F-16s active on interflight...138.425
1117: U/I aircraft on Pax freq 291.15...sounded like they were setting up for ACM activity but not sure now what they're doing..
There are also Navy fighters maneuvering in the Pax north spin area working 270.8 and w/BayWatch on 354.8
1120: BANK 41 flight (Langley) to Giant Killer for entry to W-386 A-J for the next 30 minutes...249.8
1128: _____61 flight (Langley) w/Norfolk TRACON 370.925 and then w/Giant Killer 249.8 to enter W-386 (two chances at the callsign and I missed it both times)
1135: YODA 51 flight (F-22A Langley) to Giant Killer to enter W-386...249.8
1137: YODA flight working interflight freq...238.825
1142: Langley interflight freq active...315.85 (No ID yet)
1146: ROYAL 50 calling Dover Command Post...349.4 (Another new C-17A to Dover? Or is it the one they got yesterday as ROYAL 01 working with a different suffix? Last question: Is ROYAL going to be the new callsign for the squadron of C-17As being put together at Dover?)
1150: BANK 41 flight leaving W-386 and heading direct HEELS on the way back to LFI...249.8
Back later. Time to clean up all the branches and junk that blew off the trees in last night's storm.