Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Mark said:
According to Aero data 343.650 is one of 2 tower freqs for Pax River.
340.200 is other which is same as Willow Grove NAS.


That's an interesting site, Mark, and one I completely forgot about. I'll have to make sure it gets added to the list of sites - particularly in light of the fact that we're about to lose the online FLIPs in less than 2 weeks. Any site that's got even half way accurate information is going to become even more important now.

I'll add those new tower freqs to the Pax River wiki pronto. 73s Mike


Jan 5, 2004
A single F-18 calling himself "325" was planning to land at Andrews. There is a problem at Andrews, I think I heard the lights were out. He is now diverting to Oceana. All this was happening on Calvert ARTCC. He switched over to Norfolk 327.8 at 2020.
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Just one today from Dulles, where traffic was just too busy to throw the ADW mix in the scan.
1750ish: -128.45- REACH 1071 heavy (KC-135R) seen - departed runway 30. I was 2 miles away at the time, so no serial. About a month ago, REACH 1071 was used at IAD twice within a week by McConnell KC-135R 60-0313, but that may just be ancient history by now.

Actually, thinking back, there was a very odd communication. An unID on ARINC 130.2 talking about no pax, no cargo, and his fuel upload - all the phraseology of a standard military arrival message, but on a civilian frequency usually used for things like phone patches between airliners and their dispatchers.
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Sep 3, 2004
upstate South Carolina
2240: CAP (civil air patrol) Flight wheels up on 148.125 FM. Most likely part of tonight's exercise.
2253: Unreadable traffic on 139.7
2255: CAP Flight 2 (I think) on 148.125
2259: Brief unreadable transmission 141.55
2300: CAP Flight 2536 at IP 1 for first pass 148.125
2305: ...recycling... 139.7
2310: Blackjack 2(?) 139.7 maybe contact 2
2311: Seems that one of the guys on 139.7 is having radio trouble, and his partner can't hear him much better than I can 139.7
2315: still no calls on these guys. 1 keeps asking for a good cutoff and doesn't seem to get a reply from 2 139.7
2317: OK, we have Blackjack 2 talking to ? getting frustrated from lack of replies from 1(I guess) 139.7
2318: End of exercise 1 and flight is RTB and waiting for exercise 2. Blackjack 2 wanted to stay up but was advised to RTB and wait for exercise 2 139.7
2322: Blackjack 2 telling Blackjack 1 that 1 is unreadable 139.7
2330: Sounds like Spider 41 will be joining the mix for the next go round. 139.7
2348: Station telling the CAP Flights to stay out of the restricted area and re-emphasizes that "you are not allowed in the restricted area." 343.7

Sorry for the spotty reporting. I only brought my vx-7 to work today and it doesn't seem to hear too well where I am located...

I yield the floor to Tinear... Master O' the MilAir ;-)
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1103: The fighters are up on 139.7...SPIDER 41 and 42, F-16s from the ND-ANG deployed to Langley.
1105: Someone else with ZDC-Calvert 281.4, then to TRACON 338.2 says he's going to DCA and is part of the Falcon Radio Exercise.
1108: HUNTRESS (actually BIGFOOT) loud and clear on the 139.7 freq...just gave authentication to start the exercise and pointed to a target.
1111: BIGFOOT confuses the fighters...tells them both to bug out and then wants 41 to track the target...can't do both as 41 points out. 139.7....BIGFOOT decides he really wants the fighters to bug out.
One of the target aircraft is still on 338.2
1112: BIGFOOT gives vectors to BLACKJACK who I can't hear at the moment...he's the helicopter I guess. 139.7...BLACKJACK is down at 500 feet and BIGFOOT wants confirmation of his squawk.
1114: Meanwhile, the Civil Air Patrol (who should be part of this exercise) flight 2536 is doing a Sparkle check on 148.125
1115: BIGFOOT is hollering at BLACKJACK because he's not doing what he's being told...apparently because he can't hear BIGFOOT
1116: BLACKJACK now being heard on 139.7....wants to know if he's being sent back home to start another exercise...says he wants to stay with this one because the next exercise will be a different way says BIGFOOT, he's told to RTB.
1118: BLACKJACK is being directed by BIGFOOT...told to RTB.
1123: BIGFOOT is radio checking with BLACKJACK all the way to the ground....he's hearing BLACKJACK loud and clear but I'm not hearing the helo at all. 139.7
1130: MADCAP Mission Base is being called by both CAP Flight 2536 and 9929 for 1/2 hour check and have to transmit in the blind since no one answers them. «148.125»

And time goes by....BLACKJACK is on the ground, probably at DCA, the F-16s are flying circles awaiting the start of the next mission.

1139: Next mission starting...SPIDERs given headbutt mission and BRA to the TOI 139.7
1139: SPIDERs with Guard Dog on 288.35 to get permission to drop down to the TOI altitude 6-9000
1139: BLACKJACK 1 also now up with BIGFOOT.
1140: CAP Flight 2536 calls MADCAP base about the told by a U/I female he has to call RENEGADE when working with the Sparkle. 9929 is also in here doing the same thing.
1142: SPIDER 42 reports TOI not responding to headbutt...BIGFOOT tells him to simulate dropping flares. 139.7
1144: SPIDER becomes ALERT 1 for the intercept....nothing at all new in this exercise from those in the past other than ground station becoming BIGFOOT rather than HUNTRESS.
1146: And this phase of the exercise is now done...bug out command given to both fighters and helo....SPIDER 42/ALERT 1 gets permission from Guard Dog on 288.35 to climb back up to 19,000 feet....says he didn't get close enough to target for an ID but it was a small jet.
1152: The fighters are now swapping positions for the next part of the exercise and BLACKJACK is being sent back to DCA to land and await orders. 139.7

And with that, I'll stop logging the exercise since there is nothing at all new happening with this one. BIGFOOT wanted the SPIDERs to change to a UHF freq for the next exercise but they weren't happy with that. BIGFOOT tells them they'll stay on 139.7. As of 0003, the fighters report 15-20 minutes of playtime left. The end.

Before hanging it up for the night, I'll post some Andrews ramp freeze times coming up....
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 21 SEP 03:45 UNTIL 21 SEP 04:15 (All times are Zulu)

And the Andrews Metro freq is closed per NOTAM....
21 SEP 00:00 UNTIL 23 SEP 23:59
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Sep 3, 2004
upstate South Carolina
0025: 139.7 is firing back up with the Spider flight and sounds like a Tiger flight may be inbound for the next exercise.
0028: Spiders told to push Victor 9 139.7
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1255Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - HAWK 32 (UH-60) - lands 1R full length.

1320Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - GERMAN AIR FORCE 987 (C-160) - deps rwy 1R.

1422Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AIR FORCE 1 - deps ADW dir HAFNR QSY 121.050.
1444Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 480T (C-17A seen) - deps ADW to 9000' right over the top of the car approaching Skyline...

1533Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 460T () - deps ADW.
1547Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 063 (C-21A) - deps ADW dir LDN.
1548Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 063 (C-21A) - dep time ADW 1544Z.

1606Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 169 () - 5000' for 9000' then 11000' dir CSN.
1614Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 883 () - to 17000' dir GINYA J149 QSY 118.675 then on 120.65 to FL240.
1624Z 119.300 Potomac APP - MARINE 474 (UC-35D 166474) - @ 6000' to 3000'.
1628Z 287.600 Potomac TRACON - "This is FOGHORN rx check" x 2. Definitely a TRACON controller on board here. Tin, wasn't this one of the WHEELHOUSE freqs you mentioned to me a while back?
1649Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1270 (C-12T 85-1270) - app to rwy 32.

1739Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - TRACK 66 (C-21A AFFSA) - to 11000' dir LDN.
1752Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 906 () - deps ADW to 11000' QSY 121.050.
1753Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 924 (UC-12B the usual afternoon shuttle) - established on the ILS rwy 32. [departs @ 1815Z QSY 118.950 dir GRUBY].

1852Z 119.300 Potomac APP - COBRA 72 (C-135 61-2672) - @ 3000'.

1909Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 2401 (C-12T afternoon shuttle) - @ 700' dep DAA rwy 14.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2006
Cape May, NJ
Think this is an F-16 with problems, recorded yesterday 9/20/06 7:54pm-7:57pm on 389.100

"14 You can stay up there and dump fuel"
"Go head and take the lead pack, I am not going to declare this an emergency yet but the surges are so bad my ears are about to blow"
"I am over here at about 14,000ft and once I get down to about 8000 pounds of fuel....."unreadable"
"Surges will come and the um...about 6 them jump to 14 again"
"Its off now but I am not going to push it"


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Citation Jet/Tony said:
1628Z 287.600 Potomac TRACON - "This is FOGHORN rx check" x 2. Definitely a TRACON controller on board here. Tin, wasn't this one of the WHEELHOUSE freqs you mentioned to me a while back?

Yes, it sure is Tony. I have that freq plus 393.5 for Wheelhouse. Strange that someone would call Potomac TRACON on that freq. Wonder if it was a mistake or we suddenly have a new usage? I assume you're putting it into your scan rotation and I already have it with the Wheelhouse label on it so perhaps we'll catch something further.
wildbillx said:
Think this is an F-16 with problems, recorded yesterday 9/20/06 7:54pm-7:57pm on 389.100

Where are you located wildbill?
I got to listen to a scanner for all of 40 minutes today in the 1200 hour. Took a radio and my magnetic antenna out to the picnic table from 1206-1246 and heard the following:

CEASAR 31 flight of three from Langley into W-386 A-J using 238.1 and then 233.7 and finally 249.8. Took about 4 minutes to get Giant Killer to hear his initial message.
WOLF F-22A flight on tac 233.525 and into W-386 with GK on 238.1 MARSA CEASAR flight. WOLF 03 came in alone followed by WOLF 01/02 a few minutes later. CEASAR flight working GK's ops freq 391.2 and the WOLF flight used 233.525 for their work together.
FIGHTING TIGER 11 and then FIGHTING TIGER 02 with Giant Killer on 370.925 with Norfolk TRACON and then with GK on 233.7 who wanted to get into area W-72. 11 initially reported north of Norfolk, then went to Sea Isle and then back along the edge of W-386 and into W-72. These guys show as P-3s from VP-8 in NAS Brunkswick ME.
COWBOY flight of Langley F-22A aircraft into W-72 with Giant Killer on 238.1.
SONIC flight of Langley F-15s into W-72 with GK on 233.7.
MAGNET 41 flight from Langley climbing out on Norfolk's 370.925 and then to GK on 238.1 and 249.8.
FIGHTING TIGER 02 leaving the warning area with GK 233.7 and then to Norfolk TRACON 370.925
JASPER 31 flight of Langley F-22A with Norfolk 370.925 and then GK.
CEASAR 31 flight announcing RTB to Langley and leaving W-386.
As you can tell, I was only monitoring the Giant Killer freqs for entry to W-72/W-386 and the TRACON freq they use for climbing out of Langley. It was a four freq scan on a radio I use for just that purpose.

1931: While typing the above, I just heard some Martin State A-10s on their tac 142.3.
1935: Someone with a very heavy foreign accent on 139.9 that I can't understand a word he's saying other than that he's descending from 19,000.
1935: CRAB 52 (C-130J Martin State) with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6 announces he's going to do multiple ILSs.
1938: SAM Interplane 136.725 active....Air Force 1 must be approaching the area on the trip from Florida.
In my last message from last night I posted a scheduled ramp freeze for Andrews from 2010-2040 this evening.
1940: Langley F-22A activity on tac 233.525
1941: And Giant Killer's ops freq 312.3 active
1945: CRATE 51 flight from Langley with GK on 238.1
1946: BOBCAT 13 (F-22A Langley) with GK on 238.1
1954: U/I aircraft saying they are 5 minutes out from Warren Grove Range on 283.1....probably the MTN A-10s.
1958: COLT 1 flight of two A-10s from Martin State onto the range at Warren Grove on 283.1 (Same guys working 142.3 tac.)
1959: SAM 92 talking to 9000 (29000 or Air Force 1) on 136.725. Smooth ride at Nottingham reported.

2004: SAM 92 (leading AF1) landing Andrews with Tower on 118.4.
2007: SAM 92 telling Air Force 1 it's calm all the way in. «136.725» AF1 acknowledges. (SAM 92 should be on the ground and I'm still hearing him)
2010-13: AIREVAC 138 with Approach 119.3 and then Tower 118.4 for landing runway 19R at Andrews. (He was allowed in in spite of the ramp freeze in effect which other aircraft are talking about.)
2015: RUMBLE 21, flight of four, (F-15 Langley) report RTB to GK on 249.8 from area W-386J. Non-standard formation in a six-mile-trail.
2019: JOSA 063 wants to know how long the ramp freeze will last...with tower 118.4.
2021: Air Force 1 on a 7 mile final for runway 19L at Andrews...says he call gear down. 118.4
2022: BOBCAT 11 (F-22A Langley) calling GK on joy x2.
2024: Air Force 1 reports gear down...cleared to land. 118.4
2029: Couple of tankers chatting on 303.0 (108th ARW McGuire squadron freq)
2030: AXEMAN flight of two MTN A-10s on tac 142.3
2045: COLT flight of A-10s 10 minutes out from home with Raven Ops on 347.2....COLT 1 is Code 2, COLT 2 is Code 1.

Ref below...
Mike said:
Tin, I'm curious - what mag antenna are you using? Sounds like it works rather well with one of your 785s? 73s Mike
Mike, I didn't take anything that good out there today. Only had a PRO-2042 which is the one I monitor the Langley stuff with when they're out in the warning areas with Giant Killer. I figured they'd be busy again today. The antenna I can't remember the make/model. I bought it from the For Sale thread at this site some time ago from someone that had a couple of "new in the box" mags to sell. I think it's an AOR wideband model. I just pulled it out and it says nothing on the antenna to identify it. I'll see if I can find one like it on the net and post the URL if so. On the picnic table is the only place I've ever used it. The table is some kind of metal in a lattice type top and works very well as a ground plane.

Edit: Mike the mag antenna is an AOR MA500. Here's a link to the Universal site that sells it. They want $109.95 for it. I paid 30 bucks. I remember thinking I got a good deal but didn't remember it was that good.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Tin, I'm curious - what mag antenna are you using? Sounds like it works rather well with one of your 785s? 73s Mike


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: FOGHORN on 287.6

Hi Tin,

Thanks for reminding me. The reason why I didn't have this freq IDed immediately was that I'm using the BC3000XLT at work, so no labels. The PRO-97 is still u/s but hope to get that finally taken care of this weekend! :cool:

The actual xmsn was from the controller side, which was definitely a Potomac TRACON controller. At that time the same guy was working 121.050. No one was calling Potomac TRACON, just the FOGHORN rx check.

Best regards,


TinEar said:
Yes, it sure is Tony. I have that freq plus 393.5 for Wheelhouse. Strange that someone would call Potomac TRACON on that freq. Wonder if it was a mistake or we suddenly have a new usage? I assume you're putting it into your scan rotation and I already have it with the Wheelhouse label on it so perhaps we'll catch something further.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
1308Z 119.300 Potomac APP - Flightcheck 70 (Be300 N70 FAA) - one more surveillance to ADW 1R then clearance to Philly.
1310Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - PAT 1204 (C-12T shuttle) - arr. msg fixed-wing parking and fuel.
1312Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 011 () - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1319Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 057 () - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1329Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - VIPER 01 (C-12 Andrews) - deps ADW.

1407Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AIR FORCE 2 (C-32A 89th AW Andrews) - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 123.825
1427Z 133.975 ZDC-Potomac - VOODOO 1 (727 N289MT confirmed 09/21/06 @ IAD) - requests dev. N of course for 15 seconds then resume track QSYs ZNY-Westminster 134.325.
1436Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 707 () - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 123.825.
1450Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 167 () - deps ??? to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1458Z 119.300 Potomac APP - JOSA 595 (C-21A) - @ 3000' expecting the vis. to rwy 19L.

1753Z 133.975 ZDC-Potomac - VOODOO 1 (727 N289MT) - abeam AML right turn back to the NE then QSYs ZNY-Westminster 134.325 @ 1755Z.

1931Z 120.650 ZDC-Linden - NAVY JU 654 (C-9B VR-56 NAS Oceana) - 16000' for 17000' dir GINYA to join J149.

2007Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ADMIT 56 (?) - QSY 118.675.
2009Z 120.650 ZDC-Linden - ADMIT 56 (?) - checking in @ 17000'.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2006
Cape May, NJ
Another busy day on 249.800 and 312.3. I have 249.8 as Giantkiller W107/W110....Emergency for engine problem, straight to langly! 10:12


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
wildbillx said:
I am located in Cape May, NJ. I am using a discone about 15' up and a bc796D, 2055 and a pro 97 for mobile.

That's a great reception area where the coastal effect comes into play. You're obviously hearing down to the Langley area with no problem and I would bet easily hear the warning areas W-105/106 to your northeast for all the New England units. I'm envious.

Yes, 249.8 and 238.1 are the normal freqs for W-386. Freq 238.1 is duplicated for area W-72 along with 233.7. The channel 5 you heard is probably Norfolk TRACON on 370.925. When going out to the warning areas, the Langley guys generally use channel 7 for 238.1 and channel 8 for 249.8 -- at least recently.

Good to see your posts. Keep it up.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Lots of Langley activity out in the warning areas this morning. Some of the flights are working with CHALICE (E-3B/C AWACS, Tinker AFB OK) in the W-386 A-J areas at this time.

Also had a WARPIG 1 going into Martin State where he finally landed at 1145. Picked him up on ZDC-Casanova 282.2 and from there to Potomac TRACON (Reagan) 270.275, then to Potomac TRACON (BWI) 290.475 and to Martin State Tower 297.2 where he had no joy so went to VHF 121.3 Martin Tower for landing. He self-identified as a single A-10

TEAM 53 and then TEAM 54 Heavy (KC-10A) with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6 mid-1100 hour at 8,000 feet heading back to McGuire. There are also McGuire tankers chatting on 143.825 and 139.875 (suffix 50).

There was also a two ship F-16 flight heading back to Andrews using callsign WILD late in the 1000 hour. Picked them up with ZDC-Kenton 354.15, then through the BWI TRACON 317.425 and on to Reagan TRACON 335.5 and finally to Tower 349.0 for landing at 1105.

Warren Grove Range was busy on 283.1 which was probably A-10 activity from Martin State since I heard a couple of them with Ops on 143.8 a couple of minutes after the activity at WGR ceased.

At noon, there is a CRAB 52 (C-130J MD-ANG MTN) with Phillips AAF Tower 126.15.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
wildbillx said:
Think this is an F-16 with problems, recorded yesterday 9/20/06 7:54pm-7:57pm on 389.100

"14 You can stay up there and dump fuel"
"Go head and take the lead pack, I am not going to declare this an emergency yet but the surges are so bad my ears are about to blow"
"I am over here at about 14,000ft and once I get down to about 8000 pounds of fuel....."unreadable"
"Surges will come and the um...about 6 them jump to 14 again"
"Its off now but I am not going to push it"

AF web page may have this F-16 story..

On second look probably not the same but interesting anyhow...
Those Shaw F-16s sure get a lot of CAP work!

Northeast Maryland
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Those Shaw F-16s sure get a lot of CAP work!

And they seem to have a lot of problems. The last three CAPS (Camp David, Maine and NYC) there were problems with one or more of the jets. Aircraft wearing out? Or just lousy maintenance? Or both?

2026: FORCE 05 (KC-10A McGuire) with Atlantic City Approach 124.6 checking in at 8,000 feet, direct Coyle.
2029: REACH 406T Heavy with Andrews Approach at 6,000 feet. 119.3
2033: PAT 06, flight of two, with DCA Helo Control 120.75...reporting east of Greenbelt getting on Route 1 (helo route 1, not vehicle route 1)
2039: REACH 406T Heavy with Andrews Tower 118.4...reports 5 miles out, gear down for landing.

2100: REACH 165 calls HUNTRESS twice on 364.2 with no joy...gets him the third try to say he's over Atlantic City climbing through 14,000 feet, his Mode 3 is 5671 and requests ???? check. Nothing further other than to tell HUNTRESS thanks and to enjoy his weekend.
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