Citation Jet/Tony said:
1628Z 287.600 Potomac TRACON - "This is FOGHORN rx check" x 2. Definitely a TRACON controller on board here. Tin, wasn't this one of the WHEELHOUSE freqs you mentioned to me a while back?
Yes, it sure is Tony. I have that freq plus 393.5 for Wheelhouse. Strange that someone would call Potomac TRACON on that freq. Wonder if it was a mistake or we suddenly have a new usage? I assume you're putting it into your scan rotation and I already have it with the Wheelhouse label on it so perhaps we'll catch something further.
wildbillx said:
Think this is an F-16 with problems, recorded yesterday 9/20/06 7:54pm-7:57pm on 389.100
Where are you located wildbill?
I got to listen to a scanner for all of 40 minutes today in the 1200 hour. Took a radio and my magnetic antenna out to the picnic table from 1206-1246 and heard the following:
CEASAR 31 flight of three from Langley into W-386 A-J using 238.1 and then 233.7 and finally 249.8. Took about 4 minutes to get Giant Killer to hear his initial message.
WOLF F-22A flight on tac 233.525 and into W-386 with GK on 238.1 MARSA CEASAR flight. WOLF 03 came in alone followed by WOLF 01/02 a few minutes later. CEASAR flight working GK's ops freq 391.2 and the WOLF flight used 233.525 for their work together.
FIGHTING TIGER 11 and then FIGHTING TIGER 02 with Giant Killer on 370.925 with Norfolk TRACON and then with GK on 233.7 who wanted to get into area W-72. 11 initially reported north of Norfolk, then went to Sea Isle and then back along the edge of W-386 and into W-72. These guys show as P-3s from VP-8 in NAS Brunkswick ME.
COWBOY flight of Langley F-22A aircraft into W-72 with Giant Killer on 238.1.
SONIC flight of Langley F-15s into W-72 with GK on 233.7.
MAGNET 41 flight from Langley climbing out on Norfolk's 370.925 and then to GK on 238.1 and 249.8.
FIGHTING TIGER 02 leaving the warning area with GK 233.7 and then to Norfolk TRACON 370.925
JASPER 31 flight of Langley F-22A with Norfolk 370.925 and then GK.
CEASAR 31 flight announcing RTB to Langley and leaving W-386.
As you can tell, I was only monitoring the Giant Killer freqs for entry to W-72/W-386 and the TRACON freq they use for climbing out of Langley. It was a four freq scan on a radio I use for just that purpose.
1931: While typing the above, I just heard some Martin State A-10s on their tac 142.3.
1935: Someone with a very heavy foreign accent on 139.9 that I can't understand a word he's saying other than that he's descending from 19,000.
1935: CRAB 52 (C-130J Martin State) with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6 announces he's going to do multiple ILSs.
1938: SAM Interplane 136.725 active....Air Force 1 must be approaching the area on the trip from Florida.
In my last message from last night I posted a scheduled ramp freeze for Andrews from 2010-2040 this evening.
1940: Langley F-22A activity on tac 233.525
1941: And Giant Killer's ops freq 312.3 active
1945: CRATE 51 flight from Langley with GK on 238.1
1946: BOBCAT 13 (F-22A Langley) with GK on 238.1
1954: U/I aircraft saying they are 5 minutes out from Warren Grove Range on 283.1....probably the MTN A-10s.
1958: COLT 1 flight of two A-10s from Martin State onto the range at Warren Grove on 283.1 (Same guys working 142.3 tac.)
1959: SAM 92 talking to 9000 (29000 or Air Force 1) on 136.725. Smooth ride at Nottingham reported.
2004: SAM 92 (leading AF1) landing Andrews with Tower on 118.4.
2007: SAM 92 telling Air Force 1 it's calm all the way in. «136.725» AF1 acknowledges. (SAM 92 should be on the ground and I'm still hearing him)
2010-13: AIREVAC 138 with Approach 119.3 and then Tower 118.4 for landing runway 19R at Andrews. (He was allowed in in spite of the ramp freeze in effect which other aircraft are talking about.)
2015: RUMBLE 21, flight of four, (F-15 Langley) report RTB to GK on 249.8 from area W-386J. Non-standard formation in a six-mile-trail.
2019: JOSA 063 wants to know how long the ramp freeze will last...with tower 118.4.
2021: Air Force 1 on a 7 mile final for runway 19L at Andrews...says he call gear down. 118.4
2022: BOBCAT 11 (F-22A Langley) calling GK on joy x2.
2024: Air Force 1 reports gear down...cleared to land. 118.4
2029: Couple of tankers chatting on 303.0 (108th ARW McGuire squadron freq)
2030: AXEMAN flight of two MTN A-10s on tac 142.3
2045: COLT flight of A-10s 10 minutes out from home with Raven Ops on 347.2....COLT 1 is Code 2, COLT 2 is Code 1.
Ref below...
Mike said:
Tin, I'm curious - what mag antenna are you using? Sounds like it works rather well with one of your 785s? 73s Mike
Mike, I didn't take anything that good out there today. Only had a PRO-2042 which is the one I monitor the Langley stuff with when they're out in the warning areas with Giant Killer. I figured they'd be busy again today. The antenna I can't remember the make/model. I bought it from the For Sale thread at this site some time ago from someone that had a couple of "new in the box" mags to sell. I think it's an AOR wideband model. I just pulled it out and it says nothing on the antenna to identify it. I'll see if I can find one like it on the net and post the URL if so. On the picnic table is the only place I've ever used it. The table is some kind of metal in a lattice type top and works very well as a ground plane.
Edit: Mike the mag antenna is an AOR MA500. Here's a link to the Universal site that sells it. They want $109.95 for it. I paid 30 bucks. I remember thinking I got a good deal but didn't remember it was that good.