Mark said:
1149z this morning heard a FLASH 29 with Andrews/Griffin Command self id as
C-37... New callsign for me..
PS: I see today on Airliner net that Dover's latest C-17 06-6167 is about ready for delivery..
Mark, I presume you mean new callsign for C-37 types. Yours was a C-37A from the 310th AS at MacDill. There were two of them at that time in the area....01-0028 and 01-0029. (Edited from original as new info turned up.)
We'll have to keep an eye out for Dover's new Charlie 17. They must have a camera fixed in place out there for those C-17 photos. Every last one of them is taken from the same spot with that Marriott hotel in the background.
0900: COSMIC 41 (F-16, NJ-ANG, Atlantic City)) flying...138.2 (CAP starting)
0901: TANKER 21 with HUNTRESS....260.9
0907: TANKER 21 to HUNTRESS says he was told the area (CAP area) was not hot yet...he's leveling at FL 270...260.9
TANKER 21 is a KC-135R, tail 61-0298, from the 126th ARS, WI-ANG at Milwaukee.
0910: COSMIC 41 flight w/HUNTRESS....139.7
0911: COSMIC 41 reports as fragged and holding outside the airspace per ATC...139.7
0914: COSMIC checking in with HUNTRESS on Uniform freq...TANKER 21 reports at FL 250 and says he's cleared into the area at this time...260.9
0914: TANKER 21 checks in with Potomac at FL 250...tells Potomac he's unreadable on this freq and asks for another one...gets 126.55....350.25
0914: COSMIC 41 checks in with Potomac on 135.525
(He spells callsign as we're going to have to change full spelling to COSMIK after all this time)
0917: COSMIK 41/42 told to use 350.25 so switch over there...they make arrangements with HUNTRESS to use Victor freq 139.7 for ops
0917: COSMIK flight sent now to Potomac's 269.5 and check in there...(This is getting to be a circus with freq changes)
0918: COSMIK 41 gives a PIREP to HUNTRESS and performs the Datalink's alpha check to the bullseye....139.7
Potomac really has the freqs screwed up this morning...TANKER 21 had to settle for 126.55 and COSMIK 41/42 for 269.5 for their ATC freqs. TANKER 21 seems to be working HUNTRESS on 260.9 and COSMIK 41/42 on 139.7. TANKER 21 is now in the regular orbit at FL 240.
0926: MARINE 1 is calling HARASS instead of HUNTRESS on 260.9 (He's a a little confused apparently by last weekend's CAP over Kennebunkport where HARASS were the fighters from Langley.)
This makes two CAPs in a row now that Shaw hasn't had the duty. Guess they've been taken off the s***list.
0930: The CAP is in place now...the only remaining question is which boom freq they'll use when they get around to the first refueling. (Answered at 1013 below)
0958: COSMIK fuel checks...41 has 7100 and 42 has 6900 pounds...both report outboard tanks dry...139.7
0958: BLACKJACK 1 calling HUNTRESS...139.7
Second half of 0900 hour has all kinds of transports, tankers and LBEs moving around the area. There is a pair of TEAM KC-10A tankers from McGuire (79-1711/79-0434) working interplane 139.875 and with ZDC-Salisbury 120.975 in the block 220-230 for their work. LBEs of them, Navy 7C511, is coming into Andrews to pick up a Navy 3-star and will actually take another couple of pax if they want a seat. Imagine that! Add a couple of C-9B types from VR-56 and VR-52 also into/out of Andrews.
0958: JEDI 62 (C-17A, 03-3127, 6th AS McGuire) climbs out of McGuire and starts on a southerly route....with ZDC VHF
1007: COSMIK 41 tells 42 he's cleared to the tanker at 15 after the hour...139.7
Early 1000 hour there are F-16s flights working from the DC-ANG Andrews on interflight 143.6 (SCARY flight of 4) and from NJ-ANG 138.875 (BANGER flight of 2). SCARY flight with ZDC-Hagerstown at FL 190 at 1016 on 227.125. Heading north.
1013: TANKER 21 and COSMIK 42 meet up on 139.7 to begin the AR op.
1019: COSMIK 42 completes AR after taking 7000 pounds...they used boom intercom so no tails or other info from them....139.7
1019: SCARY flight handed off to ZNY-Middletown...check in at FL 200...mention asking if they got info from RANGER...322.4
1020: COSMIK 41 heading to the tanker...139.7
1022: SCARY flight cleared into Delta/Echo airspace in R-5802 (Bollen Range)...322.4 (When was the last time we heard F-16s working Bollen?)
1023: COSMIK 41 cleared to contact the boom of TANKER 21....139.7
1024: SCARY flight handed off to the range, they push Button 15 and check in with BALKY, the range controller at Bollen Range....flight leader gives BALKY the various missions and armaments they'll use for their attacks...237.2 (Flight is still using 143.6 for interflight chat...SCARY 2 is a female)
1024: BANGER flight working ACM activity with a simulated DARKSTAR AWACS controller....138.875
1027: COSMIK 41 completes refueling after also taking 7000 pounds...tells HUNTRESS he's reestablished in the CAP....139.7
1028: COSMIK fuel checks...41 has 12,100 pounds and 42 has 11,600 pounds...139.7
1040: Dover's new C-17A (06-6166) off the ground...349.4
1041: COSMIK 42 given a track to monitor for now (36260 on his datalink)...139.7
1043: TESTER 15 (T-38C, 59-1604, USN Test Pilot School, Patuxent NAS) just performed a supersonic run about 20 miles to the southeast of Pax...reached 1.05 mach at FL 330...354.8
1043: RAVEN pair of A-10s up from Martin State...working interflight...142.3
1045: Raven Ops talking to AXEMAN A-10s on the ground at MTN so expect more in flight soon...347.2
1048: RAVEN flight chatting about AXEMAN flight not being off the ground yet...142.3
1045: COSMIK 42 told to skip it on the track he was monitoring...139.7
1052: TANKER 01 coming into the area...says his boom is in the green...10-15 minutes out yet....260.9
1054: RAVEN 1 to Raven Ops says the helo rendezvous will not occur until 1130...143.8
1056: TANKER 01 asks HUNTRESS the altitude to enter the area...told FL 250...260.9
1058: RAVEN to ???? to say AXEMAN will be 10-20 minutes late...plan on rendezvous for 1120 local...143.8
1059: COSMIKs given track 30040 to watch...42 doesn't see him, 41 has a lock at 7000 feet on the target....139.7
TANKER 01 wandering into the general area...he's a KC-135E, tail 57-1496 from the 132nd ARS, ME-ANG at Bangor....260.9
1101: HARASS 33/34 (F-15 Langley) coming into the area to pick up next CAP shift....260.9
1102: TANKER 21 asks HUNTRESS if HARASS needs gas...says it will help him out for his landing fuel requirements.....HARASS says he can take 2000 pounds and that's all he can handle...260.9 (After all is said and seems no one will take gas from TANKER 21...he says he'll "make do")
1103: COSMIK 41 asks HUNTRESS for position of the HARASS flight...260.9
1106: SCARY flight on the way home to Andrews...all four jets are Code 1 status...143.6
1107: TANKER 21 asks HUNTRESS for estimated time of their release from the CAP....he's cleared to RTB...260.9
1109: TANKER 01 has been descending for arrival into the CAP...he's made it down to FL 250...260.9
1111: HARASS 34 does his bullseye check.....he's told to go to 139.7 but responds he doesn't have VHF, wants to work HUNTRESS Primary (260.9)...260.9
1112: TANKER 01 says he'll work VHF with COSMIKs and then switch to UHF for the HARASS flight...260.9
1114: AXEMAN flight (A-10 MD-ANG MTN) reports airborne at 12 past the hour...347.2
1116: I was sure TANKER 21 was told to RTB but he's still orbiting at FL 240 in the area....TANKER 01 is in but using FL 250 for now.
1118: AXEMAN 1 contacts RAVEN 1 on Ops freq 143.8 and says his flight is 7 minutes out from Red 1...RAVEN 1 says he'll send him some info.
1120: COSMIK 41 reports final fuel as 7800 pounds and he's Code 1...139.7
1122: RAVEN gives routing to 2, red 5, blue 1, blue 4, blue 3, blue 2, red 10, ROCKFISH, Objective...egress red 6, red 4 (I have no blinking idea what that's all about)...143.8
1124: COSMIK 41 tells HUNTRESS they'll push 138.2....push button 16 to get to 138.2
1124: HARASS 33/34 established in the CAP...260.9
1125: COSMIK 42 reports he's Code 2 for radar altimeter...41 says he's still Code 1....138.2
1126: COSMIK 41 cleared 43 off to fetch the ATIS report....138.2 (on their way home now)
1127: TANKER 21 on his way out of the area up to FL 310...(didn't hear him get clearance -- didn't know which freq to monitor the way they were switched around upon arrival into the area)
Tail numbers to TANKER 01 from HARASS 33/34...33 is 81-0036 and 34 is 83-0013.....260.9
1131: Looks like TANKER 01/HARASS 33-34 will use HUNTRESS Primary for an AR freq....260.9
1135: COSMIK 41/42 flight was w/ZDC UHF but I wasn't paying with Atlantic City Approach and report 17 miles east of Sea Isle...327.125
1135: COSMIK 41 reports heading to runway 31 for full stop...327.125
1140: HARASS 34 reports nose is cold...heading to the tanker...260.9 (By the way, HARASS 33 has called himself HARASS 61 several times - at least I don't think there's a third F-15 involved.)
1141: RAVEN and AXEMAN flights are still passing coordinates back and forth for that unknown type activity they're involved with...AXEMAN is calling ASSAULT on same freq but since I can't hear whoever that is, I don't know what he is or what he's doing...143.8
1142: There are F-22A flights going to the offshore areas with Giant Killer...249.8
COSMIKs are gone home, TANKER 21 has gone home...TANKER 01 and HARASS 33/34 are established for the next four hours so it's break time. Color me outta here!