Looks like we've got an exercise starting shortly before midnight...
LOBO 73 and 74 (probably F-16s from the VT-ANG Detachment at Langley) working HUNTRESS (or trying to) on 260.9...they got HUNTRESS at last. Previously had tried 364.2. I also caught LOBO flight on 138.0 flying to the area which is why I believe it's the VT-ANG.
Also have a Civil Air Patrol Cessna 182 flying as CAP FLight 9929 (registration N729CP) and a C-38A, BOXER 99, tail 94-1569 from the 201st Airlift Squadron DC-ANG at Andrews flying in the area. That should complete the players. LOBO tells HUNTRESS they're in place to begin on the hour (midnight) as fragged.
2358: LOBO flight leader asking HUNTRESS for a Victor freq...260.9 (They stayed on 260.9 but ask again at 0002 for a Victor freq...says ATC wants to work Uniform and he'll go back to them and square it away)
0002: LOBO 73 goes to Potomac on 350.25 and gets the Victor freq 139.7 to work with HUNTRESS. Goes there and establishes contact with HUNTRESS
LOBO 73 goes to 260.9 to find his wingman who got lost in the shuffle and directs him to the two freqs now in use - 139.7 and 350.25.
0005: LOBO 73 tells HUNTRESS the freqs are squared away and they're ready to go...both LOBO 73 and 74 report weapons safe....139.7
0006: LOBO 73 having trouble talking to Potomac on 350.25 and asks for another freq...can't understand the new freq Potomac is giving him....they decide they'll have to use Victor for ATC and 260.9 for HUNTRESS...73 goes back to HUNTRESS on 139.7 and gives him the news....new ATC freq for Potomac will be 135.525 and they establish loud and clear comms there....they then go to Uniform-10 which is 260.9 and try to establish comms with HUNTRESS....and do. So...260.9 for HUNTRESS and 135.525 for Potomac ATC.
0009: LOBO 73/74 get a traget track to follow on the datalink -4663 - and ask Potomac for permission to descend to 10-13,000 feet. ....260.9/135.525
By the way, the Cessna 182 is flying at 3500 feet - if that's who they're chasing. If it's the C-38A BOXER aircraft, he's at 10,200 feet and that's probably the target since they weren't cleared for anything below 10,000 feet.
0011: LOBO 73 tells Potomac they're established in the block 10-13,000...then asks for 5-9000....135.525
0012: LOBO 73 reports datalink timber sour...directs LOBO 74 to 5 mile non-standard formation...260.9
0012: LOBO 73 reports tally on the target at 150 degrees, 10 miles...mission is to headbutt the TOI to the south...260.9
0013: BLACKJACK 1 (USCG HH-65) comes up with HUNTRESS on 139.7 to join in the fun.
The C-38A is now down at 5500 feet.
0014: LOBO 73 says they got within 2 miles of the target...no ID on it...says the TOI was heading toward the Pentagon possibly...LOBO 73 says they're bugging out and asks if they should go back up to the Guard Dog airspace...260.9
0016: LOBO 73 tells HUNTRESS they're in the JADOC gateway...not the Bolling gateway (in their datalinks)...260.9
0016: LOBO 73/74 to Potomac to climb back to the block 220-230....135.525
A second Civil Air Patrol Cessna 182 is now up at 2500 feet... this is CAP Flight 2536, registration N636CP.
0018: LOBO 73 tells HUNTRESS they have a good hour...maybe an hour 15 minutes of playtime left...260.9
0020: LOBO 73 asks HUNTRESS if they should go to the Andrews gateway....timber sour on JADOC gateway...say they're getting nothing...73 tells 74 to push the Andrews gateway and recycle power (to the datalink)...260.9
0023: LOBO 73 reports timber sweet (on the Andrews gateway)...260.9
0024: LOBO 73 and 74 report 8600 and 8000 pounds of fuel remaining...260.9
I can't hear HUNTRESS tonight and usually can't on the 260.9 freq. Someone else besides HUNTRESS must be on the freq. LOBO 73 just welcomed someone aboard. Wish they'd use 228.9 where HUNTRESS is normally loud and clear from my location.
0027: Not sure what HUNTRESS just asked LOBO 73/74 to do but 73 said, "Owww, you're killing us here but we'll give it a try."...260.9
0028: LOBO 73 tells 74 that in a certain position he'll be looking at Dulles - staring right down the runways...260.9
0029: LOBO 73 says timber still sour from the JADOC gateway...260.9 (Not sure why he's back there since they had timber sweet from Andrews)
0031: LOBO 73 asks HUNTRESS, "What's the story? You getting ready for the next event? Want us to stay here on this gateway or push back to Andrews?"...260.9
The two fighters now have 7200 and 7300 pounds of fuel remaining...outboard tanks dry on both.
0033: LOBO 73 pushing JADOC gateway again per instrux from HUNTRESS...260.9
0035: LOBO 73 reports still no luck on JADOC...260.9
I can open squelch and hear HUNTRESS barely but not worth listening to the noise to get every third word.
0037: LOBO 74 reports timber sweet, 73 still timber sour...260.9
0038: LOBO 73/74 given another target at 5000 feet, westbound...260.9....get permission from Potomac to go down to the block 5-9000 feet....135.525
0040: LOBO 74 reports TOI is 40 degrees left, 5000 feet at 20 miles...both report weapons safe...260.9 (74 has the working datalink so must report positions of the TOI)
0041: LOBO 73 (who is really 74) asking Potomac permission to turn eastbound at 5000 feet...135.525
0042: BLACKJACK 1 (USCG HH-65) asking HUNTRESS for bogey dope...139.7
0043: LOBO 73 tells Potomac they need a southerly heading...will keep the block 5-9000 feet...135.525 (again it's really LOBO 74...he uses 73 when with Potomac)
0043: BLACKJACK 1 asking airspeed of TOI and requesting a call at one mile from him...139.7
0045: BLACKJACK 1 IDs the target as a Cessna N638CP...headbutt north...139.7 (He gives the wrong tail on it...should be N636CP)
0045: LOBO 73 reports bugging out...says they're at 6500 feet, 300 knots southbound...260.9
0046: LOBO 74 to Potomac for permission to climb back into the Guard Dog area block 220-230 and a southerly heading to remain in the area...cleared to 19,000...135.525
Fighter fuel remainders...6100 and 5900 for 73 and 74 respectively.
0048: N636CP is at 2500 feet...N729CP is at 3500 feet and 94-1569 (BOXER C-38A) is at 9000 feet and climbing...gets to 10,500 feet and stops there
0049: LOBO 73 reports 45 minutes playtime and reports they're showing JADOC good now....says they're ready to head back to Guard Dog airspace...260.9
0052: LOBO flight cleared frojm FL 190 to the block 210-230...135.525
0052: LOBO 74 tells Potomac they're established 210-230...135.525
0056: The two CAP Cessnas, the C-38A and the two F-16s are just orbiting the area waiting for the next mission...not sure if BLACKJACK 1 is in the air or landed at DCA (where he's usually sent) awaiting next mission.
0058: LOBO 73 tells HUNTRESS that the target is requesting a turn inbound from ATC and wants to know if they're ready to go...260.9
While that last intercept was going on, two REACH C-17A types flew into the area...REACH 944 (C-17A, 00-0178, 62nd AW McChord) just flew over the area I believe and REACH 6163 (C-17A, 06-6163, 60th AMW Travis) landed at Andrews - I think. Wasn't really listening to them. They were just background noise while I followed the exercise.
0100: The BOXER C-38A is descending again. Not sure yet if he's getting in position as a target or finishing up and going home.
0103: Fighters both report 5000 pound fuel remainders...and ask HUNTRESS for status...260.9
0104: C-38A is at 5500 feet again so he'll be the target....LOBO 73 tells 74 he has the lead on this intercept and 73 will take ATC comms....260.9
0105: LOBO 73 now reports playtime of only 20 minutes (subtle push to get this thing going)....260.9
0105: LOBO 74 established on a 175 heading, 270 knots...260.9
0106: LOBO 73/74 get a target from HUNTRESS...260.9...73 goes to Potomac to ask for block 5-9000 feet and an easterly heading...135.525
0107: LOBO 74 reports BRA to TOI as 047/33/5000...260.9
0109: LOBO 73 reports tally visual...260.9
0110: LOBO 73 tells Potomac they're established 5-9000 in last stages of intercept...135.525
0111: LOBO 74 reports target in sight...closing faster than he wanted to....slowing...tally one...260.9
0112: LOBO 74 reports one mile back (from the target)...260.9 (meanwhile LOBO 73 is giving Potomac their direction of flight to get clearance for the moves)
0113: LOBO 74..." standby headbutt in about 8 seconds"...260.9
0114: CAP Flight 9929 reports 29 miles from DCA...TRACON freq 119.85
0114: BLACKJACK 1 reports target in sight....139.7
0114: LOBO 73 tells Potomac they need to bugout south and looking for a higher block...cleared to FL 190 southerly heading...135.525
0116: LOBO 2 (74) reports "joker"...260.9
0116: BLACKJACK 1 asking HUNTRESS for bogey dope...139.7
0116: BLACKJACK 1 reports 1.5 mile follow (of TOI)...139.7
0117: LOBO 73/74 eastbound heading as they climb back to altitude...260.9
The C-38A started a climb as he was being intercepted...got back up to 10,500 feet.
0118: BLACKJACK 1 doing an intercept on a Cessna...mission headbutt north...target non-compliant...attempting comms...139.7
0119: BLACKJACK 1 attempting to contact "aircraft approaching DC" on guard freq...121.5
0119: BLACKJACK 1 attempting again to turn target...not complying....121.5
0120: LOBO 73/74 cleared to RTB...73 is Code 2 for avionics and 74 is Code 1...mentions a bit of trouble with JADOC but all smooth...250.9
0121: LOBO 73 to Potomac says they're ready to RTB to Langley (confirming ID) and please get them turned in that direction...135.525
During that last flurry of activity, a couple more C-17A types came through the area - 04-4134 and then 04-4128 - presumably both going back to McGuire, their home station.
0123: LOBO 74 reports bingo...260.9
0123: LOBO 73/74 cleared direct Langley...135.525
0124: LOBO flight handed off to ZDC-Calvert and check in there at FL 190 direct Langley...281.4
0124: Meanwhile, BLACKJACK 1 is still messing around with his Cessna....139.7
0125: LOBO 73 tells 74 to go to Victor 20 and they come up on interflight as expected....contact Ops and report maintenance status to them...138.0
0125: CAP Flight 9929 tells TRACON he's reporting to the next point...119.85 (So, it will continue for them and BLACKJACK apparently)
0127: LOBO 73 reporting the errors he's seeing being reported in his avionics (like reading off Windows errors that no one understands)...138.0
0128: LOBO 73 flight cleared down to 12,000 feet...then to 10,000...281.4
0129: LOBO 74 says there's a loud squeal on ATIS freq at Langley...can't copy it...73 tells him to begin the descent and don't worry about it....138.0
0131: LOBO 74 manages to get the current (Yankee) ATIS report and reads it back to 73....138.0
0133: LOBO 73 tells 74 to push the Langley air key...138.0
0133: LOBO 73/74 to Norfolk TRACON (Radar)....353.7 (then says to push back to 281.4)
I probably should have monitored Andrews Tower 118.4 to hear if/when BOXER 99 (C-38A) landed...but didn't.
LOBO 73/74 are in the Langley area, I'm tired, I'm done. BLACKJACK 1, HUNTRESS and the CAP Cessna flights can do their thing all night if they wish but not with me listening. Bye y'all.