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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
BLACKJACK Chopper once again working Aberdeen or similar range area tonite with Phillips AAF tower 126.150 when inbound home and new Aberdeen/Phillips Ops freq for me anyhow 353.300.
Sometimes a spare scanner doing nothing but UHF searching pays off!
Not sure what Aberdeen/Phillips AAF is doing with this testing but has been active last few days.
See if any of you in area can also get read on this UHF Ops freq 353.300
2134 BLACKJACK 768 rtb Phillips and switching seats then back out.
2135 somebody going airborn with Huntress 234.600,sounded like Rogue and said switch but nothing after that.

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Jan 5, 2004
Got some action on 277.6 NORAD Blue-16 currently. Someone else was on 234.6 Blue-10 and switched to 33 AUX, not sure what that is.

Flight on 277.6 to 31 AUX-315.85 then to 7 MAIN
Other flight with SOF 383.2 to 33 AUX.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
freqhopping said:
Got some action on 277.6 NORAD Blue-16 currently. Someone else was on 234.6 Blue-10 and switched to 33 AUX, not sure what that is.

Flight on 277.6 to 31 AUX-315.85 then to 7 MAIN
Other flight with SOF 383.2 to 33 AUX.

All Langley fighters. They've been using the 277.6 freq after checking in with Giant Killer for the past couple of weeks. The 7 Main freq is GK's 249.8 and from there to 5 for Norfolk 370.925.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
freqhopping said:
A Navy E-2C crashed in the Atlantic last night.

It's amazing how quickly various news outlets pick up a story. That was released by the Navy and 68 different stations had the story published on their web sites at exactly the same time according to Google News Search.
In spite of the rain that moved through the area, transport/tanker/LBE activity has been fairly steady this morning. So far have logged:
KC-10A x3 (84-0190/85-0032/84-0186)
KC-135R x3 (58-0010/57-1512/no tail on 3rd but from Andrews)
C-17A x2 (90-0533/06-6166)
C-5A x1 (69-0003)
C-130 x6 in various flavors
VC-25A (82-8000 as VENUS 01 went west and over the horizon)
C-40 x2
C-38 x1
UC35 x1
C-26 x1
C-32 x1
C-12 x4
T-45 x2
C-20 x1
German C-160D (50+64)
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Just before noon local 1600z the T-Birds were up for AR with OPEC 78 KC-10 out of
McGuire headed West just East of Philadelphia on 303.000 I believe.
OPEC 78 says we have all the fuel you can handle,even extra if you want.
THUNDERBIRD 4 replies with tail #s of flight of 7.
We will refuel in order of 1,3,2,4,5,6,7.

Flight was direct GSH Goshen Vortac in Indiana.



Jan 5, 2004
Several planes on 320.6 currently. "ROLLCALL" provides TROJAN-41, GOLIATH, VIKING-51,
TANKER-1, CHAP-91, maybe a VIPER-1, CHAP-1, 4, and 20

1710- BULLY flight working on 139.15
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Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
Was at the AC Air Show on Tuesday and Wed. Took the pro-97 along, such a difference watching and listening to the show. Tuesday was interesting, after the TBirds practice, they stopped about half way through, and talked about what they needed to work on, I believe the female pilot (#3) was talking about something coordinate wise was not right, either she had the wrong info or it was given to her wrong, and that's why she was late on the bomb burst manuever. They tried it again and she was still off a bit, but they did a heck of a lot better with it on the show day, Wed. Just used all the Schultz airshow freqs, and heard some on a few of the Heritage channels. I decided to turn off the AC tower, approach, etc, and just listen to the show. Pretty funny a few times, hearing the pilots. On a schultz freq, the Red Stars, who fly 5 CJ-6 and Yak trainers, were working a 4 aircraft maneuver and then a solo, but then they join up for a manuever. Well...he had a little trouble getting back to the group, and someone said, "let's go" and he says "give me a minute........coming up....". Also schultz told the PA ANG A-10s they could fill in some time with a few more passes but watchout for the C-5 holding north of them. A-10 pilot replies, "Yeah, kind of hard to miss." Very good show, had a good time. I'll post a few pics, but yes as noted, it was a difficult day for pictures with the sun and haze.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
DC-ANG F-16s in the air...RAVAGE flight on interflight 139.15 off the ground at 2030...BULLY flight airborne at 2040 on 143.6 interflight. Both flights used departure 348.725, ZDC-Calvert 281.4 thinking they were going to Patuxent for work. Pax is closed and not letting them come in. Currently flying circles trying to figure out what to do after relaying the message to SOF SENATE on 139.9.
One of the F-16 flights changed to 301.2 at 2048 and is talking about what to do next. I'm not sure who this freq belongs to. It may be a Pax freq but, if so, is new to me. At first, I thought he made a mistake and meant Pax on 305.2 but I dialed up the 301.2 freq and by the time I got there he was talking to someone. [NOTE: Pax Approach per msg from Mike below.]
2051: RAVAGE flight to Pax on 305.2
Apparently, both flights are working somewhere in the Pax area but can't use Pax airfield for any work. Both were at fairly low altitudes and difficult to hear. Additionally, RAVAGE 1 has a very bad transmitter that even his wingman is having trouble understanding.

2046: OPEC 48 (KC-10A 305th AMW McGuire) calling STEEL 73 (KC-135R, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh)....303.0 (No contact made)

2053: CONNIE 9712 (B747-122, registration N712CK, flight number CKS 9712) calling Dover Command Post with arrival message...ETA 0110Z, needs parking
2055: CONNIE 9712 with Potomac TRACON descending to 15,000 feet....123.825
Not a clue who he might be...registration just shows a leasing company as the owner. I just looked him up on flightaware and it shows he left Oscoda-Wurtsmith (KOSC) in Oscoda, Michigan. Take a look at the flight path on for something that looks amazing. [NOTE: Mark's message below explains who it is.]

2103: NAVY RY-??? (C-40A, 165830, VR-59) landing at ADW w/Tower...118.4
2109: REACH 309 to Dover CP with arrival message....20 minutes out, will land with 75K on the fuel, zero cargo and has 7 through pax...349.4
2119: RAVAGE flight goggles off...139.15 (On the way home already)
2121: RAVAGE flight at 4000 feet with Potomac TRACON (ADW Approach)...335.5
2122: REACH 309 with Dover Tower for landing...126.35
2123: RAVAGE to SOF...1 is Code 2 for radios, 2 is Code 1...139.9
2128: RAVAGE 1 to ADW Tower...7 miles ILS runway 19L, full stop, gear down...cleared to land 19L...349.0
2129: RAVAGE 2 reports gear down, full stop left...cleared to land left...349.0
2136: JOSA 722 (C-21A, 84-0130, 459th AS Yakota) to Griffin Ops to report takeoff time of 0128Z...141.55 (Andrews ground controller loud and clear this evening on both 141.55 and 378.1. I don't believe it's atmospherics that causes this. I believe they occasionally use the 50 watt linear power amplifier once they learned they were authorized to use it last year. Up until then, they transmitted strictly at 10 watts.) (Scramble shows this aircraft assigned to the 459th at Yakota but I think it may have been reassigned. It has been noted often recently coming into and leaving Andrews.)
2141: ARMY 1778 (C-37B, 04-1778) w/ADW Tower for landing 19L...118.4
2146: JOSA 223 (C-21A, 84-0075, 457th AS Andrews) reports off KGTB (Wheeler-Sack at Ft. Drum NY) at 0056Z, 10 minutes ahead of schedule...378.1
2156: BULLY flight still in the Pax area...talking with controller...asking if he's going to hand them off to Potomac...305.2
2158: CRAB 57 (C-130J, 98-1357, 135th AS MD-ANG) up with Weide Ops...126.2
2158: BULLY 1 flight with Potomac Approach (ADW App) at 4000 feet requesting radar trail recovery to runway 19L..cleared to 3000....335.5

2202: CRAB 57 with Martin State Tower reporting 6 miles out, left downwind at 1500 feet for runway 15 at Martin State...121.3
2204: OPEC 48 (KC-10A, 79-1949, 305th AMW McGuire) calling McGuire Command Post...319.4
2204: BULLY to SOF...1 is Code 2 for targeting pod, 2 is Code 1....139.9
2205: BULLY flight to ADW Tower for landing runway 19L....1 reports gear down...BULLY 2 mumbles his landing report also...349.0
2206: DC 91 (KC135R, 59-1469, 756th ARS Andrews) calling DC 44 (KC-135R, 62-3543, same unit) "on company"....378.1
2210: TIGER 01 (E-2C VAW-125, "Tigertails" NAS Norfolk, VA) on Chambers Metro freq saying he's 30 miles north of Snow Hill landing at Chambers in 25 minutes and asks about the weather...271.6
2219: DC 91 Heavy with TRACON approach Andrews....128.35
2219: CRAB 53 (C-130J, 97-1353, 135th AS MD-ANG) also approach Martin State for landing...121.3
2223: DC 91 cleared for the visual to runway 19L (at Andrews)...128.35
2224: CRAB 53 to Martin State Tower reports right downwind at 1500 feet visual runway 15...121.3
2224: MUSSEL 03 landing ADW w/Tower....118.4
2225: DC 44 with TRACON approach runway 19L at Andrews....descending and maintaning 2500 (currently at 12,000 feet)...128.35
2225: DC 91 Heavy visual for runway 19L reported to ADw Tower....cleared to land 19L...118.4
2226: CRAB 53 turning right base, gear down for runway 15...full stop...121.3
2235: Very unusual...have FedEx 1282 Heavy working with ZNY-Elmira...298.9 (Broken VHF radio perhaps?)
2237: DC 44 to LIBERATOR to report inbound...will land in 20-30 minutes, A-1, will land with about 32K on the gas, need parking....gets North Spot 6...378.1
2238: DC 44 to TRACON says they're going to do another approach after this one and switching to tower...128.35
2238: DC 44 to ADW Tower for runway 19L gear down for the option...118.4
2241: MOVER 45 (KC-10A, 84-0188, 305th AMW McGuire) calling McGuire Command Post...134.1...then tries 319.4 and makes contact...30 minutes out, A-2, no pax or cargo, writeup: air conditioner door light came on during flight....he's told to go to Victor-1 freq and goes back to writeup...real response light came on during real response test....that's all the writeups, just need parking....then repeats that he's 30 minutes out which would be 0310Z (but it's now 2246 which makes it 24 minutes but who's gonna quibble?)
2250: DC 44 approaching runway 19L for another option...118.4
2250: And now I have a World 901 Heavy with ZNY-Elmira...298.9 (Methinks this freq is being used by someone other than ZNY-Elmira.)
The 298.9 freq was still valid for ZNY-Elmira as of a few days ago when I had a FAST flight of F-16s from Syracuse using it.
2256: DC 44 reports gear down, cleared to land...118.4

2312: Have to add this one...E-6B, 162784, VQ-3 coming across norther Virginia from west to east on a 105 degree heading at FL 280. Not sure yet if he's coming into Patuxent. He left Pax about 1745 this afternoon.
2315: The E-6B begins his descent and looks like he is going to Pax...down to 24K by 2317....and down to 21K by 2321. He no doubt came across N. VA because that was the only way across without going through the storms.
2326: 784 to Shadow Maintenance chatting about seeing them in a few as he prepares to land...down to 11,000 feet now and approaching Pax from the north...8000 feet at 2329...310.15

And that's about enough for the log for tonight. There are some severe looking thunderstorms in northern VA and covering WV coming this way. There's another rough storm just south of Dover. Lots of commercial aircraft trying to dodge the storms asking for deviations from their flights paths. Think I'll unplug antennas for overnight.

Ref Below: Thanks Mark. I haven't followed the Kallita flights much at all and probably should. I only found him on flightaware from having the flight number (CKS 9712) and couldn't believe the flight path they're showing for him.

Have a Brit friend sending me this. Will wear it next time I go to Andrews. Hard to see but it's Royal Air Force:


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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
2053: CONNIE 9712 (B747-122, registration N712CK, flight number CKS 9712) calling Dover Command Post with arrival message...ETA 0110Z, needs parking
2055: CONNIE 9712 with Potomac TRACON descending to 15,000 feet....123.825
Not a clue who he might be...registration just shows a leasing company as the owner. I just looked him up on flightaware and it shows he left Oscoda-Wurtsmith (KOSC) in Oscoda, Michigan. Take a look at the flight path on for something that looks amazing.

That's a Connie Kalitta 747 out of home base Michigan.
I notice when callsign is Kalitta it is small biz jets,mainly HR flights in and out of Dover.
When it is Connie it is their 747's.
KOSC route is bizzare like you said..Must be comp error. I hope!
I see Connie 9712 also on KDOV flightaware.Dover probably does more freight on Civilian charters than their own aircraft.
Supposedly ranked #1 in the DOD for freight.

>Nice hat! Be sure to send back a Andrews or Dover AF hat! :)

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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
TinEar said:
2055: CONNIE 9712 with Potomac TRACON descending to 15,000 feet....123.825
Not a clue who he might be...registration just shows a leasing company as the owner.
This is Kalitta Air, flying heavy freight on their fleet of 747 Classics. [EDIT: A little late on the answer - 9712 is a standard ferry flight number for N712CK - probably some old data left in the system from a flight that didn't close {i.e. headed overseas}. This is a common Flightaware glitch. You see it a lot on flights between Europe and Mexico. You get position reports while in US airspace, but there's no departure or arrival message placed into the system to separate one flight from another, so according to the computer, there are multiple Atlantic crossings on one flight number, with the data points displayed chronologically.]

From --Wednesday-- at Gravelly Point.
1655: -257.2- MACE 91 with a climb
1659: -119.85- SAM 1653 (C-20 in USA c/s seen) vectors from ELDEE to the ADW 19R approach. To 119.3 and 118.4.
1730: -118.4- "?? 66, landing check in progress." I saw a King Air on final at the same time - would this have been FLIGHTCHECK 66 (N66), which is indeed an FAA King Air?
Right after had a JOSA and a NAVY 7W### departing and using the usual freqs.
Then, around 1800: -119.85- JENA 622 (G-V N596GA seen) with vectors for the River Visual 19 to DCA. To 124.7 and 119.1.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Sad news...,15240,146117,00.html

Seems one of our local Navy E-2C training crews we hear from time to time here has crashed.
Usually I hear them here doing locals at Dover/Atlantic City etc as GREYHAWK # flights from VAW-120 out of Norfolk.
Always see them at local airshows as well like Andrews.
Our condolences and prayers go out for them and their families.
Sometimes the routine we hear is not always that..A dangerous job for sure sometimes.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0941: DC 52 (KC-135R, 756th ARS Andrews) reports airborne from Andrews at 1338Z...378.1 (DC51, 57-1512, took off from ADW at 0855)
0945: REACH 307T (C-17A, 03-3123, 62nd AW McChord) climbing out from Andrews as reported to TRACON...118.95
0945: ROPER 94 (C-130H, 86-0412, 758th AS Pittsburgh) to CRAB Ops at Martin State...reports airborne at 0934 local and says he picked up his passengers in Hagerstown...385.9
0950: GOLIATH (E-3C, 552nd ACW, Tinker AFB OK) calling Giant Killer for a radio check....238.1
0952: MARINE 374 (UC-35D, 166374, MAW-4) with ADW Tower climbing out...118.4 and then to TRACON 125.65 continuing the climb.
0959: MD-ANG A-10s up on airborne at 0958...142.3

1001-14: ROYAL 90 (C-17A, 06-6167, 3rd AS/436th AW Dover) calling STEEL 11 (KC-135R, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh)...x7, no joy...352.6 (I haven't heard any PA-ANG KC-135s up this morning yet.)
1003: GOLIATH talking to IRON Ops (71st FS Langley) asking when the fighters are coming up and whether they'll refuel before or after the activity...357.1
1006: CHAMPION 9650 (B-727-200, Champion Air. flight CCP 9650 *Thanks Tony*) to McGuire Command Post...several calls, no joy...134.1 (Flight route: depart Langley, JAMIE, Snow Hill, Sea Isle 4 arrival route into McGuire)
1009: MARINE 374 (ID above) to Atlantic City Approach...124.6
1011: JEDI 62 (C-17A, 04-4128, 6th AS McGuire) departs McGuire and flies overhead this area...ZDC freqs
1013: ROYAL 90 gave up...he's now calling STEEL joy here either....311.0
1015: Belgian Air Force, BAF 636 (C-130H, tail CH-10, 20 Squadron) with TRACON...125.65
1017: ROYAL 90 finally makes contact with STEEL 11 and says he'll be on time to the IP...352.6 (I can't hear STEEL 11 and ROYAL 90 now almost out of range too)
1019: Another McGuire C-17A, JINX 61 (04-4129), off from McGuire and overhead the area...ZDC
1023: Coast Guard 1501 (HC-130H, tail 1501, CG Air Station Elizabeth City NC) to unknown station saying he's 15 minutes out...345.0 (Must have been directed to Coast Guard Station Atlantic City per log item below at 1031.)
1024: COLT 1 (A-10, MD-ANG MTN) reports to Ops they were off the deck at 23 past the hour....347.2 (Must be on low band for VHF noted)
1025: A pair of NJ-ANG KC-135E types from the 108th ARW (58-0040 and 58-0087) apparently just off from McGuire and overhead this area...ZDC
1031: Coast Guard 1501 with ACY Approach descending to runway 31 for full stop...cleared down to 3000 feet...124.6
1037: SPAD 01 (F-22A Langley) to Giant Killer to check into W-386...249.8
1039: RAVEN 1 flight (A-10 MD-ANG) to Harrisburg A/D check in at 7000 feet on the way to R-5802 (Bollen Range in the Kiowa MOA)...281.525
1041: SPAD 01 flight leader tells GK when it's time to RTB, they'll combine into a 10-ship flight...249.8

And that's one hour of MilAir heard from my QTH. Back sometime later in the day.

Most often asked question in PM and email: Tin, how do you get all those IDs and tail numbers? Answer coming soon.

Ref below: Thanks Tony...added info up above. Once you provided the flight number, flightaware provided the rest.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 08172007

1056- 1059 -- REACH 8225 calling metro - 344.6
1115 - USAF on vhf guard advising 1200 squawker to leave restricted airspace - 121.5
1210 - GOLIATH ALPHA active - 364.2
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
A few logged late today...

BRILO 22 req wx for KWRB at 1900z we are B-703 aircraft.

REACH 476 with Dover CP C-17 #92-3292 ppr to KCHS eta there
2110z,req c/ag.

REACH 489 depart Dover 2000z

EVAC 33118 C-17 arrive Andrews 2020z,offload patients.

REACH 2542 KC-135 916th ARW arrive Dover 2230z,prob enroute the Hall
this weekend.
Also in contact with Dover CP 349.400 relaying A/A for
ASCOT 6856 C-17 RAF who is inbound right behind him.
ASCOT 6856 dropping off cargo and req customs/ag.

RY-520 Navy C-40 #5830 VR-59 Fort Worth NAS arriving Andrews,drop off 80 ADW based pax inbound from Canada,crew ron overnite.



Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 08182007

1519 - HUNTRESS asking BLACKJACK 1 if the is an LEA onboard - 139.7
1522 - BUD 1 to Martinsburg tower, inbound from the NE to work the area this afternoon - 124.3
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
1502 PRIDE 31 heard level at 10k climbing to 12k sw to 354.150 ZDC Kent.
Probably FA/18 from VFA-15 going from Willow Grove NAS back to NAS Oceana.
1545 REACH 3127 C-17 arriving Andrews 1630 local.
1550 COBB 30 C-130 arriving Andrews,offload 20 pax.
1550 REACH 6005 C-17 calling McGuire on 349.400. bad choice.
1602 EVAC 6163 C-17 arriving Andrews on 141.550,offload patients.
1608 REACH 1819 C-17 arriving Andrews,req c/ag.

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