Mateo said:
~1730: -118.95- NAVY AX 122 (C-130T Andrews) departing.
1800: -119.85- VADER 23 (C-130 seen) arriving. To 119.3 and 118.4 for the NDB 19R. [Was this Youngstown 92-3023?]
Also a couple of JOSAs that I didn't take down since I wouldn't have had a chance of seeing them through the very thick haze, anyway.
Matt, the Navy C-130T was 164997.
Yes, VADER 23 was 92-3023, a C-130H from the 773rd AS.
One of the JOSAs I caught around that time was 84-0077.
Bobcat091 said:
This was Cuervo 1 flight of two <snip>
This was Stealth 81 flight of two <snip>
Many thanks. CUERVO most definitely was it although I never would have pulled that out without your hint. The STEALTH I'm not so sure about. I didn't have any question about the STUMP callsign because they were so loud and clear passing through the area. Of course, I wouldn't place a bet on it either. Appreciate the input.
There was a constant stream of aircraft on the ZDC UHF freqs all day yesterday - some heading to Otis and others to various bases around the country. It might well have been the busiest I've ever heard the UHF Center freqs. There were often multiple flights at the same time on those freqs which is a rare happening.
Yesterday, in the 1700 hour, there were three C-17A transports from the 437th AW at Charleston that came into the area and I believe landed at McGuire although I'm not sure of that because I was doing something else at the time and they were just background noise. They were using callsigns VOLT 41, 42 and 43 and were tails 95-0103, 95-0105 and 94-0070 respectively. They departed around 0400 this morning. (I didn't hear departure. That came from a source.) That's not a new callsign but it's also not one heard very often in this area.
1111: VENUS 44 (C-37A, 99-0404, 99th AS Andrews) reports airborne from ADW at 1510Z...378.1.....with TRACON for climbout after departing on runway 19...125.65
1130: VADER 23 (C-130H, 92-3023, 773rd AS) off from Andrews....w/TRACON
1132: PAT 657 (C-12T, 85-1267) to "Davey Ops" reports 7 minutes out from DAA....139.4.....also with TRACON descending...field in sight at 1137...119.85
What a dead morning for MilAir...will try again later.
Forgot to mention that at 1000, an Egyptian Air Force C-130H, EGY 1117, tail 1293/SU-BKS came into the area - a regular visitor.
Another "forgot to mention" item...I added a callsign I didn't previously have for 62nd Airlift Wing McChord C-17A types yesterday....TOGO. They've been using that one and COHO recently but COHO was already in my callsign database.
1310: REACH 4128 (C-17A, 04-4128, 6th AS McGuire) calling Oceana joy...284.9 (I've been hearing this freq often recently.)
1318: Two MD-ANG C-130Js are up...97-1354 and 98-1356. Today they are using callsigns TERP 54 and TERP 56 and are on both 148.925 and 385.9. I came into the middle of discussion they were having about some runway being too dangerous....56 told 54 they'd be okay as long as 54 didn't hear an ELT after they tried whatever it was they were contemplating. It was said in jest and they laughed about it.
1324: TERP 54 now with Martin State Tower for landing...121.3
1325: And here comes an E-6B (164386, VQ-4) departing from Patuxent on a southerly heading (for now). (310.15 for SHADOW Ops/Mantenance)
Can't find the E-6B on ZDC to ID his callsign...they use last three of serial when with Pax and then switch to callsign once with ATC.
1330: TERP 56 with ZDC-Calvert and handed off to TRACON 124.55....133.9
1338: CRAB 56 (he forgot he was TERP) calling CRAB joy...385.9
1341: TERP 56 touching down at MTN...121.3
1343: VENUS 44 (C-37A, 99-0404, 99th AS Andrews) reporting he'll be in the blocks at 5 past the hour (at ADW)...378.1
1348: COWBOY 21 with that 257.875 freq that isn't Dover at 15,000 feet...then descending to 12,000
1350: COWBOY 21 down to 8000 feet and being handed off to TRACON...257.875
1351: COWBOY 21 to Potomac TRACON checking in on the way to 8000 feet at ARMEL...cleared to 3000 feet at course 110 at 1355...322.3
Lots of choices for the COWBOY callsign...think I'll go with F/A-18 from VMFA-112 NAS Dallas.
1357: COWBOY 21 cleared to 2000 feet and handed off to Andrews Tower...322.3
1357: COWBOY 21 calls Tower and IDs as a single F-18 for the overhead...stop...Navy....cleared to runway 19L...has other traffic in sight (VENUS 44 also landing but on 118.4)...349.0 (Should confirm my ID choice)
1358: VENUS 44 has the other traffic in sight (COWBOY 21)...118.4
1400: COWBOY 21 reports gear down, cleared to land on the left...349.0
1405: CAP Flight 1841 (Civil Air Patrol, Cessna 182, N741CP) calling Martin Base a few times with no reply...148.1375 (I mention it only because I've never heard them using Channel 3 before in this area. They usually stay on Channel 1 - 148.15 - or on Channel 4 - 149.5375.) He then landed at MTN.