Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 08202007

1210 - ongoing -- 295.8 is active
1222 - mentioned a tanker, coming up to 10000, heading 330 - 295.8
1225 - boom operator, take 10000lbs - 295.8
1236 - level at 13000' - 295.8
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Had three flights of T-38s from the 50th Flight Training Squadron (14th FTW) Columbus AFB MS leave Andrews in the 1200 hour. They appeared to be heading for Shaw AFB - or at least that was the checkpoint they requested in comms. The flights were POISON 55, then 53 and finally 51. POISON 51 was a two-ship flight with the...uhhh...wingwoman...uhhh...wingperson...oh hell, the wingman was a female. I couldn't tell if the others were two-ship flights also. They all left Andrews with TRACON on 257.2 and then switched to ZDC freqs heading south.

From 1221 until 1252, a LANCER 71 flight of two F-15s from the 333rd Fighter Squadron at Seymour Johnson AFB NC came through the area. They used interflight freq 300.725. The ATC freqs were:
ZBW-Hampton 299.7 at FL 280
ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45
ZDC-Salisbury 257.7
ZDC-Norfolk 327.8 descended to FL 240
ZDC-New Bern 272.75 where they descended to 16,000 feet and flew out of listening range probably heading for home. To get to this 272.75 freq, they said to "Push 7"

Just before noon, Air Force 1 was on its way from Texas to Ottawa (heard flying over northeast Kentucky) for the "Three Amigos" summit meeting taking place today and tomorrow. Then, tomorrow night, the schedule takes the President to Minneapolis where a Combat Air Patrol mission is scheduled from 1610-2000 CDT according to the FAA's TFR website. I would imagine it's back to Andrews after that.

Approximately 1320, REACH 321T (C-17A, 94-0070, 437th AW Charleston) departed Andrews...TRACON freqs.
About the same time I heard REACH 352T (C-5B, 87-0044, 60th AMW Travis) on TRACON but didn't hear enough to know if he was coming to or leaving from Andrews.
1337: LOBO 01 (C-9B, 160046, VMR-1 MCAS Cherry Point) arriving Andrews...119.85
1345: There have been a couple of Northrup Grumman test flight aircraft working for several hours on their regular 123.225 freq. Both just landed - the second one was N164W and is taxiing back to the company area...with BWI Tower 119.4
(While listening to that N164W land, there's a Southwest 809 flight that was ready to takeoff but is now returning to the gate. Didn't mention the nature of the problem and wasn't asked by tower - just got taxi directions back to gate.)
1355: One of the Northrup Grumman flights reported he is airborne again...123.225 (Didn't catch his tail)
1357: The Northrup Grumman flight is calling "DRAGON Ground, this is DRAGON 101"...then twice says "62W"...123.225 (Don't know if he's calling 62W or identifying himself as 62W which would be N162W, confirmed N-G aircraft)

1401: PACER 82 (C-21A, 84-0100, 457th AS Andrews) to Griffin Ops to say he was off Andrews at 1751Z but is now returning to ADW because of a GPWS failure and a wind shear failure...wants his C-21 maintenance unit called at 857-xxxx and to come up on channel 20...378.1
1404: PACER 82 with TRACON to hold at Nottingham for now....119.3
1405: Northrup Grumman asks another aircraft to come up on 122.75 while on company freq 123.2 and they do but I got there too late to hear the other callsign.
1405: PACER 82 with Maintenance on JOSA Common freq and says he's now got to test his "hold" skills while burning off gas around Nottingham....283.75 (Channel 20 I guess)
While listening to that Northrup Grumman activity and the PACER 82 stuff, I heard one of the new C-17As (06-6166 as REACH 6166) from Dover in the air but didn't note the freq.
1413: The Northrup Grumman aircraft now IDs as Kilo-4 and calls Tango-1 on the 122.75 freq. (Tango/Kilo must be events - not aircraft)
1416: Same NG aircraft now calls "DRAGON Ground, this is DRAGON 1. Tango 2 will be Kilo 1"...122.75 (I've never heard them using this freq in the past. It has always been 123.2 and 123.225. I don't believe DRAGON Ground is at their home base at BWI because I can't hear him and I can usually hear a frog fart if it's at BWI.)
1422: NG aircraft reports, "Starting run Kilo-2" which confirms Kilo/Tango are events off his test procedure card rather than flight/aircraft IDs...122.75 (DRAGON 101, DRAGON 1 and N162W are all the same aircraft it appears.)
1424: "DRAGON Ground, this is DRAGON 1. This will be a repeat of Tango 1, Kilo-4."....."DRAGON Ground, I presume you're going to the north?"...122.75 (So, DRAGON Ground is a mobile ground station apparently.)
1433: DRAGON 2 called by DRAGON 1 "on mission freq"...both are readable now....DRAGON 2 just took off and is on his way to the work area....1 says he's five miles from Vienna (MD)...122.75

Apparently, PACER 82 is still burning off gas around Nottingham before returning to Andrews. These NG guys are apparently working in the Patuxent area and lots of LBEs and transports are moving around the area. I've got to run.
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Jan 5, 2004
WYATT-1 flight of two 'Hogs' making it's way through ZDC freqs. Just switched from Montebello to Irons. Had them initially with Marlinton.
1654-They will be heading into Langley.

A little earlier MACE-91 was working ZDC, heading west I think.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
After a heads up tuned in the old R-75 Icom for some HF Hurricane listening tonite..
TEAL 70 WC-130 Keesler at 2320z with PP Peurto Rico 11175 to National Miami Hurricane Ctr com number 305-229-****.
After about a 10 minute wait for link/phone patch TEAL 70 starts relaying info.
Below is just a condensed report..

We entered Northeast quadrant of Hurricane at 1918z winds were at
151 max.
Upon exiting Northeast quadrant at 2306z winds were 155 max.
Hurricane surface center winds maxed out at 163 mph.
Then TEAL 70 read line by line A-J various data numbers.
TEAL 70 says they will report again to Miami in about a half-hour.
Surprisingly half decent reception up this way...



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TEAL 70 up again with Peurto Rico for PP req to Miami Hurricane Ctr via 11175 at 0008z/2008 local.
TEAL 70 NW side surface winds max 131 knots.
Reports they will be inbound after this last report and having trouble getting Biloxi
on their radio.
Max inner eyewall winds at 156 knots at 0005z.
Sounds like a CAT 5 now!

0055z/2055 TEAL 70 up on HF 8992 with PR patch to Home base Biloxi/Keesler rtb and getting congrats on CAT 5 status and long day.
Told TEAL 71 will be up next hour to replace.
TEAL 70 had Satcom problems so that is why all the HF traffic.
Nice to see old fashioned HF radio still works when fancy satelites don't..

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I took a five minute tour of the MilAir freqs (which is all the time I had today) to see what's happening now that the rain has stopped.....

There is a bunch of activity out in Giant Killer's offshore areas - mainly W-386. There are a couple of E-3 AWACS aircraft out there - GOLIATH and DRAGNET. They and several fighter flights are primarily working GK's 249.8 to enter/exit the area and various tactical freqs for their work. DRAGNET told Giant Killer he wants all the Langley fighters he's working to come up on 391.2. Others are working 373.1.

NJ-ANG F-16s up on their usual interflight freqs 138.425 and 138.875.

Lots of transports and tankers moving around the area. One tanker, a KC-135E from the 108th ARW at McGuire (TOPCAT 2, 58-0115) had a strike on the co-pilots #1 window that resulted in a cracked windshield and is limping back to McGuire - working with TORCH Control on 303.0 but not declaring an IFE.

MD-ANG C-130J, 98-1355, CRAB 55 up on 385.9.

STEEL 64 (KC-135R, 59-1504, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh) was up with BATON Ops on 395.1 asking about the status of his receiver - BATON 20 (EC-130J, 97-1931, 193rd SOW PA-ANG Harrisburg). So they'll be on one of the AR freqs in the area.

Several other KC-135s are up in the area including ones from the 77th ARS at Seymour Johnson, the 756th ARS at Andrews and the 319th ARW Grand Forks ND (as EVAC 292, tail 61-0292.)

LBEs galore.

I was able to get on here to edit this message to note a couple of foreign flag aircraft (this site is having a problem loading tags so the Edit button is taking a very long time to load) and I probably won't be able to add anything else until Lindsay gets the problem fixed. I could add a new message for every item but that's not very productive.

Brazilian Air Force KC-137 tanker, tail 2402, in the area with TRACON 118.95. (He's using his tail number as a flight number on voice)
German Air Force GAF 341, A-310, tail 10+22, also with TRACON.

Able to sneak this one in here before having to leave...
Belgian Air Force - BAF 622, A-310, tail CA-02 from 21 Squadron into the area at noon.

Some of the current F-22A flights from Langley out in W-386 with Giant Killer at noon are: DAGGER, MALL, SPAD, CYCLONE
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 08222007

1337 - ongoing -- 2 ac talking about Quantico, 40 minutes out, presumed Nighthawks - 273.95
1346 - Thunderbird 4 calling metro X2 with no response - 344.6

1712 Edit - unable to add the 1346 entry before now as the site was down/slow etc
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Jan 5, 2004
IRON (Eagles) from Langley doing some late work on 292.3

Earlier tonight I caught a BULLY flight chatting on their way back home. One pilot was a female. I think I may have heard a RAVEN flight too, wasn't really paying attention. Also caught a ROMAN-99 flight heading back to Oceana and SALTY DOG-400 (I think that was the number) going back to Pax. Off to bed now.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 08232007

0956 - WOLF 11 with "ready to rtb to Langley at this time" - 249.8
1313 - activity on 373.1
1319 - Coast Guard 2004 calling maintainence - 379.05
1323 - somebody talking about a BULLY flight checking in in 10-15 minutes - 354.8
1324 - RAMROD xx talking about as fragged - 373.1
1333 - 15 minutes out, landing with 20000lbs of fuel - 379.05
1357 - GOLIATH BRAVO telling Leesburg radio that they were loud & clear - 243.0

Edit to add - 1300ish -- Kind of hard to hear but I think I heard an OSPREY 44 reporting in the pattern at Winchester - 122.7
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Offshore areas have been busy again today with Giant Killer and Langley fighters. There has also been an E-3C working out in that area with the fighters. It was GOLIATH (E-3C, 77-0355, 964th AACS/552nd ACW, Tinker AFB OK). GOLIATH, at 1338 on 249.8, thanked GK for the work and said he's departing to the west. On the ATC freqs, he'll be known as SENTRY 06 Heavy.

At the same time, there are three flights of DC-ANG F-16s in the air. At least two of them are working in the Pax area. Interflight freqs are 139.15/143.15/143.6. They should be starting for home around 1400.

1520: NAVY WB-509 (WATERBUG aircraft from Patuxent) leaving Giant Killer's offshore area on freq 118.125. He is handed off to Patuxent on either 127.95 or 314.0 (and selects 314.0)
1520: MD-ANG A-10s flight from Martin State active on interflight...142.3
1523: The above is a RAVEN flight and currently with Raven Ops...347.2
1530: The RAVEN flight is a three-ship working at Patuxent on 256.5
1541: RAVEN is asking BayWatch where the Global Hawk is...tells BayWatch they can't see it and need to know if/when it's crossing their airspace...256.5

1600: If anyone see a strange helicopter thump-thump-thumping around their neighborhood, it's from ICE. It s a Eurocopter with registration N4043L and currently at 500 feet.
1602: REACH 02 reports airborne at 1957Z. It's a C-21A, tail 84-0140 with Andrews CP...378.1
1605: Refueling op in the block 250-270...tanker is talking to THUNDERBIRD 1...(Can only hear the tanker, can't hear TBIRDs)...319.7
1607: Tanker from 319.7 is now with ZNY-Middletown and says he has the THUNDERBIRDs in tow....322.4
1607: Tanker gives TBIRDs the ZNY freq he's currently working...319.7
1608: SPACE 01 to Griffin Cmd at Andrews to report takeoff time 2004Z...says he's also known as JOSA 036 (C-21A, 84-0075)....378.1
1610: Tanker working TBIRDs IDs as OPEC 76 (KC-10A, 79-0434, 305th AMW McGuire)...tells ZNY they're at FL 250....322.4
1611: THUNDERBIRDs working interflight...141.85
1611: THUNDERBIRD 1 with ZNY...says he's on the Harrisburg Arrival but is landing at McGuire....322.4
1611: TBIRD 3 with OPEC 76...78 tells her that 1 is now with Center and she should change over to that freq...319.7
1613: TBIRD 1 reports descending from FL 250 to 210 (the entire flight operating under a single squawk - 2104)...322.4
1614: OPEC 76 handed off by ZNY to 133.175 but I'm not following since he's apparently done with the TBIRD flight...322.4
1615: TBIRDs doing their own navigation now with Center...285.65
1616: TBIRDs handed off to ZNY-Lancaster (Alternate) and check in there....285.65
1616: TBIRD 1 giving instructions to the flight for how they'll split up on approach to McGuire....141.85
1619: TBIRDs cleared down to 10,000 feet....285.65
1619: OPEC 76 going into Mcguire and currently with ACY Approach descending from 10 to 8000...then 7000...then 5000 feet...124.6
1620: TBIRD 1 breaking flight of seven F-16s into two groups in trail with each other...141.85
1621: TBIRDs cleared to 9000....then back up to 12,000 a couple of minutes later...285.65
1622: Female TBIRD with TBIRD leader discussing why they descended so early and are now going back up a bit...she says she thought it was because of all the major airports around but it was just traffic in their area that forced them lower than normal...141.85
1623: OPEC 76 [female] to McGuire CP...makes contact and gives her tail as 79-0434 (but we already knew that)....ETA 2032Z, A-2 for boom maintenance required light is on, have one pax on board.
1625: Female TBIRD comments that this approach to McGuire might take longer than the flight from Pittsburgh to Ireland...141.85
1626: TBIRD flight handed off to ZNY-Pottstown and checks in at 12,000....a minute or so later they begin a descent and that's probably the last I'll hear from them...278.3
Somewhere from 1610-15, while I was following TBIRDs/OPEC 76, there was a MTN AXEMAN flight buzzing around also. Didn't try to catch their freq/s.

Actually, there's a ton of activity up this afternoon. I'm just too tired to log it all.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1800: OMAHA 43 (Eurocopter, N4043L, ICE) takes off from BWI with Tower 119.4...he turns to Route 12 and starts to cross runway 10. Tower jumps in to put him on the correct course since there's an aircraft on final for runway 10. Oops. Handed off to TRACON 119.7 where he's cleared to 1500 feet. He mentions he was going to DCA but the plans have changed and just asks to be vectored to a course of 265 degrees. AT 1817, he's handed to TRACON freq 126.1 in the DC area and that's where I'll drop him.

1805: COLT flight of two (A-10, MD-ANG MTN) landing at MTN on runway 15 with Tower. By 1808 both are on the ground...297.2
1805: CRAB 55 (C-130J, 98-1355, 135th AS MD-ANG) off from Martin State...385.9
1809: WILDCAT 31 (Prob F/A-18, VFA-131, NAS Oceana) with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 at FL handoff to ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 at 1811 and he's still at FL 270. Believe he asked for direct Kennebunk. Next handoff is to ZBW-Hampton 299.7 at 1821 where he again checks in at FL 270
1825: U/I ground controller directing low level commercial flights (2-7000 feet)...302.075 (New to me. After a few very loud transmissions, the signal started to fade and in the middle of a transmission went from full bars to nothing. Must have been a short tropo effect and probably a simulcast of a VHF freq since I wasn't hearing the aircraft - just ground.)
1847: There's a C-5B (85-0004, 436th AW Dover) with Dover Tower preparing to land on runway 19....126.35
1850: There are three KC-10A tankers in the area - 79-0433/86-0028/84-0192 - probably all heading back to McGuire after a hard day's work. Both 79-0433 and 84-0192 have been up at least since the 1000 hour. I don't remember hearing the other one this morning but, then again, I don't remember what I had for dinner an hour ago either.
1856: HAGAR 01 (C-5B, 85-0001, 436th AW Dover) calls Langley Metro several times before making contact...says he's enroute to Langley (ETA 15 minutes) and asks for current LFI weather....repeats ceiling broken at 2000 feet...239.8

1903: MTN A-10s active on interflight...callsign RAVEN...142.3
1911: RAVEN flight checking onto Pax with Approach...asking about a STEEL flight (PA-ANG KC-135R)...wants to know where they are...314.0
I haven't heard a STEEL flight coming this way yet. Only KC-135R I've got in the area is one from the 63rd ARS (63-8044) at Selfridge but he's just overflying the area at FL 330.
1913: RAVEN to BayWatch and IDs as a flight of three...says they're waiting for STEEL 71 to show up...will be in the area for 35 minutes...354.8
1921: Here he comes....STEEL 71 (KC-135R, 59-1504, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh) approaching the area at FL 230.
1928: RAVEN 1 asking BayWatch how far out STEEL 71 is...354.8
1929: STEEL 71 flight with Patuxent Approach says he's working a descent down to FL 180 with Washington (Center) now (but is still at FL 230)...281.8
1930: RAVEN leader says they should start their climb to 15(000)...142.3
1933: STEEL 71 tells BayWatch they're now leaving FL 220 for 180...he questions the requirement to cancel IFR to enter Patuxent airspace but goes along with it (he better!)...354.8
1935: STEEL 71 says first fighter is supposed to be to him at 50 past the hour and they'll be here until 30 past the next hour....says he's expecting a RAVEN, AXEMAN and COLT flight...354.8
1937: Apparently RAVEN and STEEL will meet up on 256.5 for a boom freq, as heard on 354.8. STEEL 71 at FL 180 as of 1938.
1938: For the past several minutes there has been a HORNET 1 working ZNY-East Texas on 350.3 but I'm sticking with the RAVEN/STEEL flights and not paying much attention to this one.
1940: RAVEN-STEEL still 30 miles apart...142.3
1941: A second MTN A-10 flight active on interflight...140.025 (AXEMAN or COLT)
1942: STEEL 71 and RAVEN 1 meet up on 354.8 to start comms.
1950: STEEL 71/RAVENs checked comms on 256.5 but then haven't said anything since.
1950: AXEMAN 1, flight of two, checking into Pax looking to work with STEEL for the next 45 minutes....asks for a freq to work STEEL and gets 354.8...270.8
1953: Monitoring both 256.5 and 354.8 which are the only two freqs mentioned for the AR work but I'm not hearing AR on either - unless they just haven't started yet. STEEL 71 is still at FL 180 so should be easy enough to hear.
1955: AXEMAN 1 says he has all players in sight...they're at 15,000 feet....COLT 1 flight also just showed up...all on 354.8
1957: Finally figured it out....RAVEN flight on the boom intercom for all comms during AR op which is why I wasn't hearing them....they are now off and AXEMAN flight is going in...354.8
1958: AXEMAN flight cleared onto the boom by STEEL 71...354.8

2004: AXEMAN flight done with the AR....COLT going in....354.8
2005: AXEMAN tells BayWatch they're done with the tanker and going over to Whitehaven...354.8
2008: COLTs switching to 256.5 for comms with STEEL 71....they make contact there...71 asks if he can do a practice separation with COLT 2 after they take gas.
2014: COLT 1 asking STEEL 71 to head toward the north for the work with COLT 2....1 will go down to 17,000 feet while the others work at FL 180...256.5
2016: STEEL 71 tells BayWatch he's going to finish up with COLT 2 and then RTB...354.8 (he keeps getting confused on the radios...answering COLT on 354.8)
2021: COLT 1 is going to do the will be a radio silent exercise with breakaway 10 seconds after connecting to the boom....256.5
2022: COLT 1 cleared to contact the boom when ready...256.5
2024: COLT 1/STEEL 71 done with the practice breakaway....256.5
2024: STEEL 71 tells Pax he's ready to RTB...COLT flight reports they're monitoring this freq...354.8
2026: STEEL 71 cleared to FL 220 and up he goes...heading direct Richmond, Flat Rock...354.8 (Uhhh, Pittsburgh is in the other direction - or so it would seem. But the southern end of the Pax areas put them almost due east of Richmond.)
2029: STEEL 71 clears off BayWatch freq 354.8 but then calls Washington Center on that freq. Oops. He's now at FL 220, squawking 5662.

Thought I was going to quit the log but...
2041: CARMEN 1 (C-130H, 84-0206, 142nd AS DE-ANG) to CB Ops...with one engine out...declaring an emergency at this time...15 minutes out...343.0
2050: CARMEN 1 with Wilmington Tower getting ready to land...126.0

2107: MTN A-10s coming home...AXEMAN flight with Tower preparing to land...2 landing, 1 doing low approach...297.2
2127: COLT flight with MTN Tower for landing...still a few minutes out...297.2
2140: BATON 52 (EC-130J, 193rd SOW PA-ANG Harrisburg) with arrival message to BATON Ops...20 minutes out, 10.5K on the fuel, A-2 for standby instrument lights...395.1

2217: DC 43 (KC-135R, 59-1469, 756th ARS Andrews) calls TIGER Ops (756th Squadron Ops) with arrival message...20-25 minutes out (he hopes), A-2 for left underwing light burned out, 25K on the fuel...351.2
Kind of interesting they're using their old 351.2 freq and contacting TIGER Ops rather than LIBERATOR.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
2340z REACH 0456 C-5A 70-0456 Kelly AFB currently up on 11175 with Offutt for phone patch to Robins AFB asking about parts.
If Robins doesn't have them will divert to Dover.
2350z After long wait REACH 0456 terminated phone patch and mentioned they have UHF phone patch instead.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Lots of activity today but there is one flight in particular worth mentioning and only because of one freq they're using. CAPITOL 91 flight of four F-16s off the deck at Andrews around 1045. They are using interflight freq 139.15. TRACON 257.2 sent them to ZDC-Linden 319.1 where they couldn't make contact with the controller so went back to 257.2. From there, they were sent to the new ZDC-Linden freq that I previously had posted - 322.55 where they immediately were able to make contact. This is the first time I've had this freq active and obviously ZDC is now monitoring it/using it. Fortunately, I also programmed it the day it appeared in the FAA document I quoted on this thread.
At 1056, CAPITOL 91 flight is handed off to ZDC-Blue Ridge on 285.6 where they check in at 16,000 feet and are ready to cancel IFR.
1057: CAPITOL 91 through 94 check in on FSS freq 255.4 and try to contact Elkins Radio. After a couple of calls with no reply, CAPITOL 91 transmits in the blind..."CAPITOL 91, a flight of four F-16s is entering VR-43 at Point Alpha through Point Golf. Entry will be at 1459Z, exit at 1517Z. We will be at 500 feet at 480 knots."
By using the CAPITOL callsign, it indicates they're travelling somewhere beyond the VR route. No telling where.
Edit: I was advised in an email that the 322.55 freq was active as early as this past Tuesday night. [Thanks Joe.]
The new VHF side of the Linden pair was posted as 133.55 (replacing 120.65) and I note that's very active today.

There has also been a DC-ANG BULLY flight working at Pax in the second half of the 1000 hour and into the 1100 hour. Their interflight freq is 143.6 and coordinating with Patuxent on 270.8.
BULLY flight on the way home at 1116 - with SOF on 139.9, both Code 1, 30 miles to the south for initial. With TRACON 335.5 at 1120. Landing with ADW Tower 349.0 at 1129.

1100: COBRA 1 (sounds like CLOVER at times), flight of two, with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8...1103 over to ZDC-Salisbury 257.7...interflight is 142.375....wingman sent to 239.8 Metro to get the weather for Otis but no joy....then ask ZDC-Salisbury for the FMH (Otis Air National Guard Base) wx....1111 handed to ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45....1119 handed to Boston Center (ZBW-Hampton) 299.7

1121: SAM 1710 (C-37A, 99-0404, 99th AS Andrews) landing at ADW w/Tower...118.4
1134: SD 323 (SALTY DOG...F/A-18B, 161947, VX-23) with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 and then at 1137 to ZDC-Irons 360.85 at FL 200. Over to TRACON 257.2 at 1140 at same altitude.
1140: Mumble mouth (possibly SPIDER 1 or WILDCAT something or who knows what?) with ZDC-Salsibury 257.7, then at 1143 to ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 at FL 270. (Not the WILDCAT 91 from below...this is a different aircraft)
1145: WILDCAT 91 (F/A-18 VFA-131 NAS Oceana) with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8...over to Norfolk TRACON at 1147 on 370.925
1150: Naval aircraft at Pax working 256.5. One of them has a British accent and one of them is having a problem with vibrations. The Brit advises him he may have to shut down the engine. They are testing something or other. It's TESTER 15 now declaring an emergency...two SOB (souls-on board). Not a lot of chat...TESTER 15 heading for the runway.
TESTER 15 should be a T-38C, tail 59-1604 from the USN Test Pilot School at Pax.
1159: Coast Guard 6585 (HH-65 helo) has been calling Andrews Dispatch for the past several joy...372.2

NOTE: I get a lot of email from people that monitor this thread. I've had an email problem that erased all my saved messages - several of which that weren't answered yet. So, if I haven't replied to your message, please resend. I'm not deliberately ignoring you.
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Nov 3, 2005
As of about 1345 have an AXEMAN 1 flight of 3 and HOSER 11 flight of 2 up in the DUKE MOA refueling on DUKE Primary Freq. 259.40. AXEMAN into the DUKE using ZOB Freqs 291.65 and 353.85.

One of the A-10s is carrying a JDAM (albeit a practice version) GBU-31. Must be a recent development, AXEMAN 1 is pretty stoked about it. With the JDAM, the A-10 becomes even more scary.

At 1402, the refuelling is wrapped up and the AXEMAN flight is headed South.

TinEar said:
Dave, glad to hear you got some action up your way. I heard the MTN A-10s heading north but didn't know if they were going up there or just to Bollen. They used the 273.525 freq with Harrisburg which might be the difference on their routing. Usually, for Bollen, they use 281.525 with Harrisburg as a jump-off freq.
Yeah, they must have used some funky route or altitude getting up here. Usually the handoff is ZNY 338.30 then ZOB 353.85. The HOSERs from McGuire were an interesting change of pace as well. Have a great weekend.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Dave, glad to hear you got some action up your way. I heard the MTN A-10s heading north but didn't know if they were going up there or just to Bollen. They used the 273.525 freq with Harrisburg which might be the difference on their routing. Usually, for Bollen, they use 281.525 with Harrisburg as a jump-off freq.

1400: COSMIC 41/42 (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with HUNTRESS...ask if they can change to one of HUNTRESS' Victor freqs or one of their own discretes....138.2
1401: COSMIC 41/42 flight changes to HUNTRESS freq....139.7
There is no CAP scheduled to start today per the FAA's TFR website so this must just be general training. No sooner did they set up on the 139.7 freq when they went silent. Nothing heard the past dozen minutes or so.

1419: Irish Air Corps: Gulfstream 4 (tail 251 from 102 Squadron) overflying the area at FL 410....ZDC VHF

1425: AXEMAN A-10 flight now at Bollen Range...ID as a 3-ship flight...237.2 (Interflight 142.3 active which may be them...nope, this is another MTN A-10 flight heading back to's RAVENs)
1429: U/I flight of two with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8....over to ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 at 1431...destination is Madison (WI?)....interflight on 339.5 which has been used by VFA-122 at Beaufort in the past. I'm having trouble copying the callsign...sounds like ?BRAKE? 21.
1436: RAVEN flight with MTN Tower for landing...297.2 (142.3 interflight)
1437: VENUS 22 (C-20B, 86-0202, 99th AS Andrews) reports off the ground at 1834Z to Griffin Ops at Andrews...378.1
1442: EVAC 113 (C-17A, 03-3113, 183rd AS MS-ANG) with arrival message to Andrews...17 litter and 21 ambulatory patients on board, 9 attendants...need 40K gas and a forklift for patients' baggage which must be done before they can unload the patients....378.1 (Full callsign would be EVAC 33113)
1445: Coast Guard Copter 6581 (HH-65) with Coast Guard STation Baltimore to have them assume guard on their flight to Air Station Atlantic City...current position 39.02 north, 076.36 west...4 SOB...Marine Channel 23A - 157.15
1447: ARMY 01053 (UC-35A, 00-1053) with ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1451: STUMP 81, flight of two, (F-15 Langley??) with ZNY-Harrisburg 270.3 and then over to ZNY-Philipsburg 306.2 where they check in at FL 270
1455: DC 51 (KC-135R, 756th ARS Andrews) w/ADW Tower for landing runway 19L...118.4

1501: STUMP 81 flight handed to ZNY-Parke and check in at FL 270...339.8
1504: RHODY 37 (C-130J, 06-1437, 143rd AS RI-ANG) calling RHODY Ops...383.3
1505: EVAC 33113 landing ADW w/Tower...118.4
1505: WARDOG flight of A-10s from MTN now with Bollen Range...237.2
1508: STUMP 81 cleared direct Providence...339.8
1509: TESTER 963 (T-6 II, 165963, USN Test Pilot School at Pax) to Pax to announce done in the south spin area, RTB to Webster, high key...270.8 (Had TESTER 964 about 30 minutes ago also)
1512: AXEMAN flight of three preparing to land runway 15 at MTN w/Tower...297.2 (Working interflight freq 140.025)
1513: CRAB 55 (C-130J, 98-1355, 135th AS MD-ANG) up from MTN...385.9
1517: COLT flight of three now with MTN Tower for eventual landing...297.2

Break time...back later.

NOTE: Concerning the 104th Fighter Wing of the MA-ANG at Barnes. They are down to just three remaining A-10s - and those will all be gone in September. The first two F-15s for their new mission aircraft will arrive there on September 8th. Info comes directly from Colonel Kerdavid, the unit commander, so I guess it's valid. Will they use new callsigns? I expect so - and of course new interflight freqs for the F-15s is to be expected.

dparana said:
The HOSERs from McGuire were an interesting change of pace as well.
Dave, the HOSER 11 and 12 KC-135E tankers from the 108th ARW were tails 57-1445 and 57-1507 if you want them for your notes.
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Aug 24, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
TinEar said:
1451: STUMP 81, flight of two, (F-15 Langley??) with ZNY-Harrisburg 270.3 and then over

Hey Tin,

This was Stealth 81 flight of two, they were headed up to Otis ANGB for the airshow up there.

TinEar said:
1100: COBRA 1 (sounds like CLOVER at times), flight of two, with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8...1103 over to ZDC-Salisbury 257.7...interflight is 142.375....wingman sent to 239.8 Metro to get the weather for Otis but no joy....then ask ZDC-Salisbury for the FMH (Otis Air National Guard Base) wx....1111 handed to ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45....1119 handed to Boston Center (ZBW-Hampton) 299.7

This was Cuervo 1 flight of two, also headed to Otis for the airshow. They are CA ANG F-16s from Fresno.


Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Just a couple heard during the 1700 hour from Gravelly Point:
1655: -119.1 (DCA Tower)- SKYFOX, GILLY 1, FETTER, coming at you off of Andrews (never heard anything on 125.65 - the traffic reporters would have been over the closed section of the B-W Parkway)
1705: -119.85- REACH 4138 (C-17 04-4138 March seen) arriving. To 119.3 and 118.4
1717: -118.95- REACH 3113 (C-17 03-3113 Jackson) departing. Vectored NW and to 121.05.
~1730: -118.95- NAVY AX 122 (C-130T Andrews) departing.
1800: -119.85- VADER 23 (C-130 seen) arriving. To 119.3 and 118.4 for the NDB 19R. [Was this Youngstown 92-3023?]
Also a couple of JOSAs that I didn't take down since I wouldn't have had a chance of seeing them through the very thick haze, anyway.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mateo said:
~1730: -118.95- NAVY AX 122 (C-130T Andrews) departing.
1800: -119.85- VADER 23 (C-130 seen) arriving. To 119.3 and 118.4 for the NDB 19R. [Was this Youngstown 92-3023?]
Also a couple of JOSAs that I didn't take down since I wouldn't have had a chance of seeing them through the very thick haze, anyway.

Matt, the Navy C-130T was 164997.
Yes, VADER 23 was 92-3023, a C-130H from the 773rd AS.
One of the JOSAs I caught around that time was 84-0077.

Bobcat091 said:
This was Cuervo 1 flight of two <snip>
This was Stealth 81 flight of two <snip>

Many thanks. CUERVO most definitely was it although I never would have pulled that out without your hint. The STEALTH I'm not so sure about. I didn't have any question about the STUMP callsign because they were so loud and clear passing through the area. Of course, I wouldn't place a bet on it either. Appreciate the input.

There was a constant stream of aircraft on the ZDC UHF freqs all day yesterday - some heading to Otis and others to various bases around the country. It might well have been the busiest I've ever heard the UHF Center freqs. There were often multiple flights at the same time on those freqs which is a rare happening.

Yesterday, in the 1700 hour, there were three C-17A transports from the 437th AW at Charleston that came into the area and I believe landed at McGuire although I'm not sure of that because I was doing something else at the time and they were just background noise. They were using callsigns VOLT 41, 42 and 43 and were tails 95-0103, 95-0105 and 94-0070 respectively. They departed around 0400 this morning. (I didn't hear departure. That came from a source.) That's not a new callsign but it's also not one heard very often in this area.

1111: VENUS 44 (C-37A, 99-0404, 99th AS Andrews) reports airborne from ADW at 1510Z...378.1.....with TRACON for climbout after departing on runway 19...125.65
1130: VADER 23 (C-130H, 92-3023, 773rd AS) off from Andrews....w/TRACON
1132: PAT 657 (C-12T, 85-1267) to "Davey Ops" reports 7 minutes out from DAA....139.4.....also with TRACON descending...field in sight at 1137...119.85

What a dead morning for MilAir...will try again later.

Forgot to mention that at 1000, an Egyptian Air Force C-130H, EGY 1117, tail 1293/SU-BKS came into the area - a regular visitor.
Another "forgot to mention" item...I added a callsign I didn't previously have for 62nd Airlift Wing McChord C-17A types yesterday....TOGO. They've been using that one and COHO recently but COHO was already in my callsign database.

1310: REACH 4128 (C-17A, 04-4128, 6th AS McGuire) calling Oceana joy...284.9 (I've been hearing this freq often recently.)
1318: Two MD-ANG C-130Js are up...97-1354 and 98-1356. Today they are using callsigns TERP 54 and TERP 56 and are on both 148.925 and 385.9. I came into the middle of discussion they were having about some runway being too dangerous....56 told 54 they'd be okay as long as 54 didn't hear an ELT after they tried whatever it was they were contemplating. It was said in jest and they laughed about it.
1324: TERP 54 now with Martin State Tower for landing...121.3
1325: And here comes an E-6B (164386, VQ-4) departing from Patuxent on a southerly heading (for now). (310.15 for SHADOW Ops/Mantenance)
Can't find the E-6B on ZDC to ID his callsign...they use last three of serial when with Pax and then switch to callsign once with ATC.
1330: TERP 56 with ZDC-Calvert and handed off to TRACON 124.55....133.9
1338: CRAB 56 (he forgot he was TERP) calling CRAB joy...385.9
1341: TERP 56 touching down at MTN...121.3
1343: VENUS 44 (C-37A, 99-0404, 99th AS Andrews) reporting he'll be in the blocks at 5 past the hour (at ADW)...378.1
1348: COWBOY 21 with that 257.875 freq that isn't Dover at 15,000 feet...then descending to 12,000
1350: COWBOY 21 down to 8000 feet and being handed off to TRACON...257.875
1351: COWBOY 21 to Potomac TRACON checking in on the way to 8000 feet at ARMEL...cleared to 3000 feet at course 110 at 1355...322.3
Lots of choices for the COWBOY callsign...think I'll go with F/A-18 from VMFA-112 NAS Dallas.
1357: COWBOY 21 cleared to 2000 feet and handed off to Andrews Tower...322.3
1357: COWBOY 21 calls Tower and IDs as a single F-18 for the overhead...stop...Navy....cleared to runway 19L...has other traffic in sight (VENUS 44 also landing but on 118.4)...349.0 (Should confirm my ID choice)
1358: VENUS 44 has the other traffic in sight (COWBOY 21)...118.4

1400: COWBOY 21 reports gear down, cleared to land on the left...349.0
1405: CAP Flight 1841 (Civil Air Patrol, Cessna 182, N741CP) calling Martin Base a few times with no reply...148.1375 (I mention it only because I've never heard them using Channel 3 before in this area. They usually stay on Channel 1 - 148.15 - or on Channel 4 - 149.5375.) He then landed at MTN.
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