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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: DL M80 IAD diversion


It was DL1940 enroute DCA-LGA. Followed him from 125.650 to final app. then TWR 120.100.

Best regards,


md_p97 said:
At about 7:30 this morning, just as I was arriving to work in DC, an alert was sounded at IAD (Dulles) for an MD-80 declaring an emergency. Reported nose gear problems, vibration when attempting to lower and no "lock" indicator. made repeated attempts with same results.

All fire and ops units were scrambled to the runway, last transmission i heard was 12 miles out, will overfly the filed. Two hours fuel and 30 souls on board.

I went and checked flightaware, but they did not have any MD-80's listed (or at least not as such), and I did not see any aircraft that appear to be holding in the pattern.

I have no more information past this point.



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Reach 2569

1232Z 344.600 Andrews AFB Metro - REACH 2569 (KC-135R, 62-3569, 99th ARS Robins AFB) clg here and QSYs for wx at WRB. Still clg at 1239Z evidently unable QSY.
1241Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - REACH 2569 (KC-135R, 62-3569, 99th ARS Robins AFB) - tells them he can read Metro fine on 344.600 and to go ahead with weather.

Tnxs for the details on this one Tin.

1313Z 281.400 ZDC-Calvert - RAVAGE 1 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - 17000' for FL190.
1343Z 139.700 DC ANG IP - BRAVE 61 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - up for targeting practice.

1508Z 139.875 Tanker IP - TEAM 20 (KC-10A McGuire) up here with another U/I a/c.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Unusual visitor here at Cecil County today...
DEVIL 4 self id as Oceana NAS T-34C with Dover appch uniform inbound to Cecil
with info from KILG Wilmington.0917 local.
Dover controller must have asked him if he was from New Jersey.
"No we are from Oceana and use the T-34 as a Range Spotter.
DEVIL 4 Departed Cecil around 1345 local with Dover Uniform.
I guess another DEVIL callsign to add to list of Devil named aircraft.


BTW someone sent me a nice pic of DEVIL 2 from the VFA-106 SFWSL squadron.
They have a mean look...
About a half dozen T-34C DEVILS 01 thru 06 assigned to VFA-106 or VFA-106 SFWSL=Strike-Fighter Weapons School Atlantic
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
The 1700 hour at Gravelly Point:
1655: -118.4- VENUS 42 (C-37 seen, 99-0402) on the option for 1L, will make left close and stay within 2 miles of Andrews. VENUS did 2 approaches to 1L, then the airport flipped around (wind 120@7 at DCA), and he did a full stop to 19R. There was a call on 141.55, but I didn't catch it.
1703: -118.95- NAVY 7C 749 departs, turned to 180.
1719: -125.65- NAVY 100 (C-37 white seen) departs and is vectored to the NNE for climb. To 124.65.
1734: -378.1- "DC 23, LIBERATOR. What lunches did you order?" (a KC-135 refuels on its stomach... Really!). Liberator came back with "got it, a 6-3, a 5-4, and a 5-10."
1735: -378.1- "DC 24, LIBERATOR." Didn't hear anything else.
1807: -ADW CP- (didn't note V or U) PAT 857 is 25 minutes out, tail 60088 (C-12 86-0088).
~1815: -119.85- ARMY 10301 (UC-35 01-0301) vectors to ADW. Also had PAT 857, but was handed from 119.85 to 128.35.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Early 1000 hour....Navy SALTY DOG 537 (EA-6B, 160434, VX-23 Patuxent NAS) to Leesburg Radio FSS a couple of times and then transmits in the blind....entering VR-175x, exit at Point L, flight at 500 feet, 420 knots....then tells someone, "We're 5 minutes out yet so will be 10 minutes behind you."...apparently to another flight in the military route....255.4

Also have an AR op setting up on of the aircraft is suffix 20....he asked an unheard aircraft, "Have you heard from the BLADEs yet?"
1027: Tanker w/suffix 20 says he has BLADE 21 on the tanker...will be done in 5-10 minutes (He's talking to someone I can just barely hear)...heard partial transmission, "...with dash 2, TBD 30 minutes"
Too many units use the BLADE callsign to firmly ID this one yet.
1033: Tanker is OTIS 20 (KC-130J, BuNo. 165738, VMGR-252, MCAS Cherry Point NC) says he still has BLADE on the tanker. (Still not sure who he's talking to but it's starting to sound like it may just be fighters after all.)
1034: "BLADE Control, this is BLADE 21...I'm with the tanker OTIS 20. Understand you were trying to reach us."....and a bit of chat...339.6
1036: "BLADE Control, this is BLADE 21...done with the AR at this time, request to switch to the FAC at this time."....then he identifies as a single F-18, heading to CHEVY at angels 13...mentions some weapons, including 3 Mark-82 and 40 minutes on station (along with other stuff I couldn't write down fast enough)....says he's looking at a solid undercast from 13K...339.6

CHEVY: I believe when they say they're going to or at CHEVY, they mean CVI - the Cofield NC VORTAC.
ANGELS= Navy talk for flight level

1042: BLADE 21 tells someone he's got them on 346.25 (setting up a radio there also)....says he's now IMC..(now getting very weak)...339.6
That seems to be the end of the BLADEs and OTIS 20. Fun while it lasted. Something different. Never did hear anything on 346.25. Must have been out of range.
Early in the AR op, I was thinking the receiver was spending too much time at the tanker to be a fighter. But, since it's Navy, they were using the hose/drogue method of refueling which is much slower than using the boom - can't pass nearly the amount of fuel the boom can deliver. The boom delivers 6,000 pounds per minute versus hose/drogue 1500-2000 pounds per minute. Only the Air Force uses the boom. Marine/Navy and all NATO allies use hose/drogue. If they used hose/drogue, a C-5 would be at the tanker for an hour and a half getting refueled. Not gonna happen.

1025: DC-ANG F-16s working interflight....139.15
1050: More DC-ANG F-16s on interflight...143.6

1102: CRAB 56 (C-130J, 98-1356, 135th AS MD-ANG) takes to the skies....385.9
1104: Navy JR-840 (C-20G, 165093, VR-48) off from Andrews (arrived at ADW just before 0800 this morning)....TRACON (didn't note which)
1109: ROYAL 50 (C-17A, 06-6167, 436th AW Dover) up...believe he's working locally only...w/Dover Tower....126.35
1110: OTIS 20 now up on that 346.25 freq...mentions someone/something (thought I heard him say "carrier") being 30 miles away...346.25
1114: OTIS 20 to U/I...".roger, ____ 11, flight of two"...346.25 (missed the callsign...just call me TinEar) (turns out it should be SPADE...see below)
1115: CRAB 55 (C-130J, 98-1355, MD-ANG) also up...385.9
1117: OTIS 20, "Negative, we haven't had contact with them yet. Roger, we'll be waiting for them."....346.25
1118: Another voice - not OTIS 20 - talking to someone on same freq...talking about comm channels..."26, comm 1"...346.25
1123: A BLADE aircraft on the freq now but too weak from here to pull out the gist of what he's saying....346.25
1124: "OTIS 20 has traffic in sight and I have Harriers in tow."....346.25 (Guess it was 'Harrier' I heard him say above rather than 'carrier')
OTIS 20 is talking to the Harriers on this freq but they're apparently answering him on a different freq (not the 339.6 freq) since I've heard nothing from them.
1126: BLADE 21 talking to BLADE Control...346.25
1129: BLADE 21 to BLADE Control...says he's going to get some gas from OTIS 20 and wants him to work the clearance...346.25
1129: OTIS 20 says he wants an aircraft coming in at 14,000 because he has the Harriers in tow at 15....346.25
1133: U/I tells Quantico to go ahead...346.25
1133: SPADE 11 says he's on mission 700 at CHEVY at angels 11...IDs as flight of two 88s (Edit: or A/V 8s probably)....339.6
After a tad of research, I'm assigning the SPADE callsign to A/V-8B aircraft at VMA-223 at MCAS Cherry Point in my callsign database.
1135: BLADE 21 to BLADE Control...says he's ready...346.25
1135: BLADE 21 passing 14 for 13 and talking to Quantico...looking to pick up my clearance back to Beaufort....346.25
1139: One of the CRAB C-130J aircraft is talking to Phillips AAF on 126.15 saying he's going to do a drop on the hour another an hour after that....126.15
1147: OTIS 20 talking to U/I station...346.25 (thought it had gone dead)
1148: OTIS 20 cleared to Cherry Point via Brooke, Hopewell, CVI (Cofield NC VORTAC), etc at 15,000....looks like it's over and done with for sure now....346.25
1151: Langley F-22A activity on interflight....ACM activity...252.775
1156: THUG 01 reporting to McGuire CP arrival of THUG 01/02/03...ETA 20 minutes, no pax or cargo, need parking...(all C-17A types from the 437th AW Charleston)....134.1
Tails for the three should be 01-0192/92-3292/96-0005.

And break time.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Good catch on those KC-130 Otis Jarhead freqs Tin! Seems we don't get many of them up this way.They seem to stick mostly in their own backyard down that away.

REACH 7029 C-5 #87-0029 arrive Dover around 1830z.
"We Cleared Customs at Elmendorf"
Sounds like the end of a long mission...

PACER 99 off Andrews and heard with Norfolk ATOC 349.500 coming there and
dropping off 2 pax for overseas duty.



Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 08292007

Not milair but interesting --

1458 - "Willow, Willow, this is Boxelder with a local radio check. How copy? Over" - 375.000
1502 - Cactus with a local radio check - 375.000
1520 - "Willow, Willow, this is Boxelder. Have you broken. How me? Over." - 375.000
1523 - same as 1458 - 375.000

Signal strength was low, distinct hum to the transmissions.

Any ideas?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Good catch on those KC-130 Otis Jarhead freqs Tin! Seems we don't get many of them up this way.They seem to stick mostly in their own backyard down that away.

REACH 7029 C-5 #87-0029 arrive Dover around 1830z.
"We Cleared Customs at Elmendorf"
Sounds like the end of a long mission...

PACER 99 off Andrews and heard with Norfolk ATOC 349.500 coming there and
dropping off 2 pax for overseas duty.


I don't know where that Dover based REACH 7029 was. From the 15th through the 18th, he was all over Europe as REACH 152 but hasn't been noted again until today. He came through my listening area at 1410 local.

Yes, that Navy/Marine activity on 339.6/346.25 sure was interesting. I already had the 339.6 freq in my scan rotation but not the other one. It will be there now. Based on a couple of calls, I was almost ready to call it Quantico Mission Control or something along those lines. However, the BLADEs also contacted BLADE Control on the same freqs so perhaps they were just generic refueling freqs. It'll take more activity before I can pin it down unless, of course, someone from that area pipes up and let's us know for sure what the function is.

BM82557 said:
458 - "Willow, Willow, this is Boxelder with a local radio check. How copy? Over" - 375.000
1502 - Cactus with a local radio check - 375.000
1520 - "Willow, Willow, this is Boxelder. Have you broken. How me? Over." - 375.000
1523 - same as 1458 - 375.000

Interesting Brian. Almost sounds like it could be mobile National Guard units or something along those lines. I've heard basically the same type traffic from Coast Guard and Civil Air Patrol auxilliary units. In fact, I'd maybe lean toward the Civil Air Patrol except that that's not a known freq for them.
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Sep 21, 2002
Northern Virginia
Washington DC ADIZ and Potmac Frequency changes

Later this evening, actually early tomorrow morning August 30th at 0100 local, the revised Metropolitan Washington DC ADIZ airspace changes take effect. As part of the changes Potomac Tracon has realigned monitoring of ADIZ traffic and created three new sectors specifically for that purpose. They are ADIZ East operated by the Chesapeake Area, South operated by Mt. Vernon and West operated by the Shenadoah Area.

The corresponding UHF frequencies for the sectors are East 291.625, South 291.775 and West 236.775.

Attached is a map (not to be used for navigation) showing the basic areas of responsibility along with the ADIZ gates pilots will be filing for ingress and egress.



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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Many, many thanks Jim. I was stumbling around looking for those without success. Do you happen to know if any of the current TRACON freqs are going to be dropped since they'll be using these new gates? I guess we'll eventually figure it out if freqs go quiet. It would just help to realign the scan rotation if we know earlier rather than later. Appreciate you posting these. Thanks again.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I had typed in some info I'm hearing on the Potomac ADIZ East freq 126.75 but now I think it's just "old" type activity. Is this the only freq that was carried over from the old system to this new one? It appears to be. I'm not hearing activity on any of the others. And I thought I just heard a controller telling a pilot that the new system is starting tomorrow. Will revisit this later in the day to see if anything shows up on these new Potomac ADIZ freqs.
At 0943, a private pilot asks the controller on 126.75 about the new line of demarcation for the ADIZ and then expresses his happiness at the new system. So, they're talking about it at least on this freq and seem to be following the procedures. But it's still the only one of the new freqs I'm hearing activity on. And they are not simulcasting on the new East UHF freq.

0918: SCARY 1 flight of F-16s from Andrews takes to the air...TRACON 348.725 for climbout, over to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 to continue the climb to 17,000 at 0920.
0922: Interflight for SCARY 1 flight....143.6
0925: U/I fighter activity on interflight....141.7 (Not MUSSEL helos although this is also their VHF Ops freq)
0926: SCARY 1 flight handed off to ZDC-Franklin where they check in and request direct Cofield at 157/40....290./425
0928: Three FAA flights overhead this area presently...registrations N3, N35, N39...various TRACON freqs
0931: SCARY 1 flight handed off to freq 269.425 and check in there at FL 220. (This is a Norfolk TRACON-Approach freq. They were almost immediately handed off again after requesting something. They faded out at this point.)
0933: Langley interflight active...315.85
0937: Another Andrews F-16 flight up on interflight....139.15
0938: Four ship F-22A flight into W-386 with Giant Killer....249.8 (not on freq in time to catch callsign)
0940: BULLY flight (139.15) now with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 requesting direct HUBBS
0941: BADGER 51 (F-22A Langley) to Giant Killer requesting RTB Langley....249.8
0945: Hearing activity on the bomber interflight freq but it's too weak to pull anything out from my location...388.85 (someone in another area perhaps could hear this)
0948: BULLY flight handed off to ZDC-Norfolk and check in there....327.8 (SCARY, and now BULLY, appear to be going south of the Dare County Range - perhaps down to Avon Park Range in Florida.)
0948: RATS flight of Langley F-22As checks into W-386 with Giant Killer and mentions they'll be MARSA with a DEVO flight and one other that I missed....249.8
0951: Navy WB 509 relaying for WB 204 (very weak) something about WB 204 is ready to start and will be in touch in 5 hours, 30 minutes....249.8 (WATERBUG aircraft from Patuxent NAS)
0959: Langley interflight active with F-22A types...233.525

In the 1100 hour, I'm hearing Potomac ADIZ South on 125.125 also but haven't been able to tell for sure just what the activity is. What I'm hearing on that freq doesn't even sound local to the D.C. area. The 126.75 East freq is still constant activity and with talk about the new ADIZ areas but that's the only one. None of the UHF freqs has had any activity yet which is kind of unusual since there have been so many flights departing Andrews that should have used them but used the old TRACON freqs instead. Maybe the answer is as simple as not everyone getting the word yet.
And at 1115 I'm finally hearing D.C. area flights on the South freq 125.125. So...two out of three are now active on VHF. Nothing on West 127.325.
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Aug 25, 2007
Fairfax, VA

You have GOT to check and save the new USIFR supplement from

For two or three years, the USIFR has shown mil freqs for every other ARTCC but not for ZDC. Now that this is the last USIFR that will be available on the web, they've apparently given us a gift! The new Linden 322.55 is NOT listed, however.
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Aug 25, 2007
Fairfax, VA
The NGA site shows "NOTICE: The NGA Aeronautical Information (USFIF and FLIP Products) hosted on this Web site will be removed on 1 October 2007. Access to NGA?s Aeronautical Information on NGA?s unclassified Web sites will be through the NGA NIPRNet Web site. The NGA NIPRNet site, in accordance with a number of DoD directives, is Public Key Enabled (PKE); meaning that the site is encrypted using the DoD Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)."

So maybe that's not so much a big deal.

But it goes on to say "Notice: To access the NGA NIPRNET/Extranet, you will need a PKI certificate and additional access privileges granted by NGA. Register for access by going to To begin the registration process, you will be required to login using an existing valid Common Access Card (CAC) and pin. Fill out and submit the request form. You will be notified by email when you have been granted access. If you require assistance with the registration process, please send an email to"

I took that to mean (as have Larry van Horn and others) that the IFR and VFR supplements will no longer available for free on the web. I guess we'll find out for sure on October 1.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
jethunder said:
I took that to mean (as have Larry van Horn and others) that the IFR and VFR supplements will no longer available for free on the web. I guess we'll find out for sure on October 1.

No longer available......that is, unless you register to get access to them. I went through the process and was given access and a password. Of course, I suppose they could change their mind on a whim. We'll see.


Aug 25, 2007
Fairfax, VA
Was there special consideration for being current or former military? Or can any civilian apply and get access? I'm sure they would get REAL tired of being swamped with requests for access from scanner listeners and begin consistently to "just say no".

It was my assumption -- and I hate making assumptions -- that it would be accessible for those who NEEDED access, not just those who would LIKE access. I hope I'm wrong!


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
jethunder said:
Was there special consideration for being current or former military? Or can any civilian apply and get access? I'm sure they would get REAL tired of being swamped with requests for access from scanner listeners and begin consistently to "just say no".

It was my assumption -- and I hate making assumptions -- that it would be accessible for those who NEEDED access, not just those who would LIKE access. I hope I'm wrong!

I'm not sure what they considered Joe before nodding their heads up and down rather than from side to side. I would rather not say on an open forum exactly what I listed in my background that they MAY have considered. I have no way of knowing what they do or how they do it. There was no "Welcome to our secrets" letter in return - just an email with a password and user ID and they presumed I knew what they were for.

P.S. Like the new Linden freqs, I'll post what I know as a result. When I croak, someone else can get cleared.


Jan 5, 2004
I'm hearing activity including the ground side on 127.325. It was actually the first freq my scanner stopped on when I got home a few minutes ago.

1622- So far it's all be general aviation at low level.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1804: REACH 7030 (C-5B, 87-0030, 60th AMW Travis) couple of calls to Command Post (Didn't say McGuire or Dover)...has 53 pax, 95,700 pounds of throughload cargo (none of it hot) on 13 pallets, needs pax rep, crew bus, fleet service and is A-2 for Comm 1 radio...134.1 (Let's make a call that he's going to Dover)
1830: There's a JENA pilot (FBI) cruising around the area at 4000 feet in his trusty little Cessna 210, registration N5315U....TRACON
1846: DC 43 (KC-135R, 57-1479, 756th ARS Andrews) reports airborne at 2245Z to LIBERATOR....378.1
1853: E-6B, 164406 from VQ-3 apparently took off from Pax and headed northeast out to sea....looking for him on the ZDC VHF freqs but again can't find him. I always seem to catch them with SHADOW Ops or Maintenance at Pax on 310.15 and then they disappear.
1859: DC 43 meets up with JEDI 52 (C-17A, 04-4135, 514th AMW AFRC McGuire) on AR primary freq 238.9. They swap squawks - 2715 for 52 and 4625 for 43 - and tail numbers and both agree with what I posted here and above for DC 43. JEDI 52 says the other ship broke and is not going to be with them. They are preparing to meet up at FL 250.

1903: JEDI 52 asks something of DC 43 (not sure what it was) and 43 replies with a time of 2350(Z)...238.9
1913: DC 43 asks JEDI 52 if he's going to need an offload tonight...couldn't quite hear what JEDI 52 said but took it to mean no he doesn't. DC 43 said he needs some boom mic contacts and practice breakaways on his end. Guess JEDI 52 just has a mission requirement to make boom contacts....238.9
1932: CRAB 57 (C-130J, 98-1357, 135th AS MD-ANG) airborne and squawking 1200 so must be on a VFR mission...385.9
1933: CRAB 56 (C-130J, 98-1356, etc) also up...385.9
1937: REACH 290 (C-17A, 98-0057, 62nd AW McChord AFB WA) to Andrews CP with arrival message....25 minutes out, has 1 baggage pallet, 26 pax, is A-1, needs crew and passenger transportation, fleet and lav service....378.1 (he began calling about 5 minutes prior to this)
1939: REACH 290 repeats message after getting no reply to last arrival 20 minutes out....repeating yet again because ADW is either not responding or asking for repeats...378.1
1942: PETRO 61 (KC-10A, 83-0082, 305th AMW McGuire) to McGuire CP...30 minutes out, A-2, no cargo, 5 pax...problems are air temperature indicator inop and runway turnoff indicator lights inop....319.4 (Not sure where he went but was in the North-Central states an hour or so ago.)
1945: REACH 290 repeating his arrival message yet again to Andrews CP....378.1
1948: PETRO 61 to ACY Approach at 8000 feet....looking for ILS to runway 24 at Mcguire...says he's probably going to have to hold....124.6
1957: REACH 290 to ADW Tower...cleared to land on runway 19R...gear down...118.4 (Wonder if Command Post has his message yet. He was repeating it until he was almost at the field and CP was still having trouble copying him. Guess no one has bothered radio maintenance with this problem yet. Let's see....857-xxxx....dialing....)

2001: CRAB 10 (not sure if this is 56 or 57) to Phillips AAF to announce 10 minutes out from CDS drops at Swann's Creek....126.15
2004: THUG 04 (C-17A, 95-0106, 437th AW Charleston) with ACY Approach descending to 8000 (heading into McGuire)....124.6
2007: CRAB 10 reports abeam of Susquehanna (sp?)...then that he's cleared to drop...126.15
2013: CRAB 10 tells Phillips he's going off to the west and will return in 30 minutes for a low level approach to runway 22 and the next drop will be an hour from now....126.15
Although I'm only hearing one of the CRAB C-130s, I have reason to believe both of them (98-1356 and 1357) are flying together. I can't seem to find an interflight freq though since they should be talking to each other. Checked both CRAB Ops freqs - 385.9 and 148.925 - but haven't managed to catch anything yet so they may be using something else.
2015: ROYAL 50 (C-17A, 06-6166, 436th/512th AW Dover) flying somewhere in the area - currently at FL 300 (missed freq)
2016: The E-6B, 164406 from VQ-3 is coming back into the area from off the Delaware coast...currently at FL 250....heading toward Pax...310.15
2025: FOUND HIM!!!...GAGE 76 (our E-6B, spelled callsign but is pronouncing it like GAUGE) on 364.2 looking for a Modes & Codes check...IDs as a Navy E-6 and gives position as 80 miles northeast of Norfolk at FL 240
2027: JEDI 52 to someone (presumably DC 43 again) saying after they're done, they should be with Washington Center on "3382" (meaning 133.825 ZDC-Norfolk)....238.9
2032: BLACKJACK 1 (USCG HH-65) on HUNTRESS freq....260.9 (Unusual...they normally stay on VHF 139.7)
2033: And here's BLACKJACK 1 on....139.7
2034: DC 43 to Washington Center (ZDC-Norfolk)...says they just finished their FL 250 and would like 260...says JEDI 52 is down at FL 240 and will call in just a minute....133.825
2034: JEDI 52 and DC 43 thank each other for the work...and the female boomer pipes in with her thanks too. Says she needed the work....238.9
2035: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 working 260.9 for practice intercepts.
2037: CRAB 10 tells Phillips AAF they'll do another drop in about 30 minutes....126.15
2039: Guess GAGE 76 is not going back into Pax, at least not yet. He's currently about 10 miles due east of Langley and still at FL 240....course of 200 degrees.
2040: Think it was CRAB 10 talking to someone, perhaps the drop controller (but he's very weak since they are flying at 2600 feet)....148.925
2044: Another AR op setting up but this time of the aircraft has a suffix of 42...can't hear the other guy...42 asks him for his requirements tonight and says he needs practice separation.
2047: And someone on AR freq 238.9...don't know if it's still DC 43 or the guys from 228.0.
2049: REACH 7045 (C-5B, 87-0045, 436th AW Dover) to Dover CP....20 minutes out, A-3...problems are anti-ice valve won't close, CSB disconnected, PTU doesn't cargo, 3 pax, needs short stairs for the pax and transportation for them and crew bus for 12 crew members, need parking spot...get Spot Oscar....349.4
2054: The players on 228.0 are FUZZY 42 (KC-135R, 136th ARS/107th ARW NY-ANG) and MOVER 45 (KC-10A, 305th AMW McGuire)
2057: HUSKY 5x to his Base Ops at Wilmington...343.0
2058: ARMY 01053 (UC-35A, 00-1053) calling Andrews....several calls, no joy...141.55
2059: DC 43 was descending to the Andrews area and currently at 10,000 feet...apparently ready to come home.
2059: BLACKJACK 1 & 2 still doing their practice intercepts....260.9

2100: Time for a break...gonna sit outside in the nice cool night air and talk to the neighbors.
Before I go, there's a "286" on VX-1 freq 341.1 at Pax saying he's going to need some ground help and then tells them they're the best. Now I'm gone for a bit.
2211: Back and not much going on. DC 43 is still in the pattern at Andrews doing ILS approaches to runway 19. Says he's going to do this one and then one more at least...118.4
Let's call the night done.

Had a bunch of foreign flag aircraft into and through the area today....
1225: Canadian Air Force CC-144, tail 144615, 412 Squadron
1327: NATO 025, a CT-49A (B-707), tail LX-N20199
1522: German Air Force C-160D, tail 50+34
1557: German Air Force C-160D, tail 51+13
1606: Canadian Air Force CC-177, tail 177701, 429 Squadron
1610: German Air Force C-160D, tail 50+62, LTG 62

Yesterday, around noontime, I logged those three THUG C-17As (01/02/03) coming into the area. Today, had THUG 01/02/03/04, 89-1192/92-3292/96-0005/95-0106, all from the 437th AW at Charleston going out. Actually, THUG 04 came first in the 0900 hour and then 01/02/03 late in the 1000 hour. THUG 04 was apparently not part of the other THUG pack.

Travis, I still haven't heard anything on that 127.325 ADIZ West freq. Like you said, perhaps just low level stuff.
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Mar 1, 2003
Airfire said:
Later this evening, actually early tomorrow morning August 30th at 0100 local, the revised Metropolitan Washington DC ADIZ airspace changes take effect. As part of the changes Potomac Tracon has realigned monitoring of ADIZ traffic and created three new sectors specifically for that purpose. They are ADIZ East operated by the Chesapeake Area, South operated by Mt. Vernon and West operated by the Shenadoah Area.

The corresponding UHF frequencies for the sectors are East 291.625, South 291.775 and West 236.775.

Attached is a map (not to be used for navigation) showing the basic areas of responsibility along with the ADIZ gates pilots will be filing for ingress and egress.


Hey All,
Wasn't the east sector....291.625 Part of BWI's freqs? And will BWI be changing their freqs?

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