Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
JackTV said:
Hey All,
Wasn't the east sector....291.625 Part of BWI's freqs? And will BWI be changing their freqs?


Yes, and I'm glad you just posted that because I entered 291.675 last night. Changed it now. I've heard nothing about BWI changing freqs Jack. (At first I was thinking you had the freq wrong and then suddenly realized it was I that had it wrong.)
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Sep 21, 2002
Northern Virginia
TinEar said:
Travis, I still haven't heard anything on that 127.325 ADIZ West freq. Like you said, perhaps just low level stuff.

At 1900 hours the ADIZ West position is combined up at the Shenandoah BARIN sector 124.65 and is simulcasting on 127.325. During periods of slow traffic the ADIZ sectors will be combined to other positions in their respective areas. Tin that's why you heard "normal" stuff on the East frequency earlier.

There is some discussion the ADIZ South frequency may change due to interference from a PHL departure freq and the East UHF may be changed as well to 307.9.

There's bound to be some more shifting of frequencies before the dust settles.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0854: DC 51 (KC-135R, 57-1487, 756th ARS Andrews) begins calling LIBERATOR and then Griffin Command but gets no reply from either. Perhaps because he's using...351.2
0859: DC 51 changes freq, calls LIBERATOR, makes contact and reports he was airborne at 1250Z...378.1

0901: Two tankers using suffix 91 and 92 chatting away on interplane freq...hooking up with each other for training requirements as they fly through the area. They were no doubt KC-10A types from the 305th AMW at McGuire and probably tails 79-1710 and 79-1949...139.875
0911: The two KC-10As mentioned East Texas and working with NY Center so were probably over PA somewhere...139.875
0911: SCARY, flight of two DC-ANG F-16s from Andrews up on interflight 143.6 and TRACON 348.725 as they climb out. From there it was over to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 where they continue to climb and mention going to 5314 (R-5314 Dare County Range NC).
0919: SCARY flight handed to ZDC-Franklin, check in there at FL 220 and request direct R-5314 when able....290.425
0925: BULLY, flight of four DC-ANG F-16s off from Andrews and follow the same route taken by the SCARY flight. Interflight for them...139.15

1000: REACH 5003 (C-5B, 85-0003, 436th AW Dover) to Dover CP....shortly after takeoff from Dover, they are having a problem, report turning back to Dover to get it fixed before they can continue their flight. Problem sounded like CTAC #2....asking Dover how long it will take for the fix (yeah, like a CP controller would know that info)...349.4
1004-11: JOSA 074 (C-21A, 84-0098, 457th AS Andrews) trying to report takeoff time to Andrews but no joy....378.1
1014: NJ-ANG F-16s from Atlantic City active on interflight in ACM activity....138.875
1021: Another NJ-ANG F-16 flight working interflight...138.425 (You can count on this freq being active if 138.875 is heard. Was sitting on it waiting. These guys are predictable...138.425 always used first and then second flight on 138.875.)
1023: MD-ANG A-10s, flight of three, active on interflight...142.3
1037: The three MD-ANG A-10s check in with FSS and report a low level flight route from Swann's Creek to Vienna to Accokeek to Dover at 500 feet, 250 knots for the next 30 minutes....255.4
1039: SUNNY 21 (RC-12N, 89-0271, 224th Aviation Regiment, Hunter AAF AL) with ACY Approach (probably for McGuire arrival)...124.6

A little earlier, around 0820, had that NATO 025 (CT-49A, tail LX-N20199) overhead the area again. He's assigned to NAEW&CF (Nato Airborne Early Warning & Control Force) at Geilenkirchen Air Base, Germany.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1802: REACH 350 (C-17A, 04-4132, 6th AS McGuire) begins calling Griffin Command without success...378.1 (several attempts made)
1812: REACH 299 (C-17A, 03-3122, 437th AW Charleston) also begins calling Andrews Command Post without success....378.1 (after several tries, still no joy)
1815: REACH 350 decides to try reaching Andrews on the VHF freq...same result...141.55
1817: Saudi Arabian Air Force (B-737, tail HZ-101) into the area...TRACON
1829: E-6B, 162784, VQ-3 coming across Virginia on a course of 90 degrees at FL 210 and descending...probably into Pax.
1834: REACH 3117 (C-17A, 03-3117, 183rd AS MS-ANG) calls Griffin Command to report "wheels off" at 30 after...141.55 (Came into Andrews as EVAC 33117)
1839: The E-6B continues his down to 11,000 feet, turning to the northeast toward Pax.
1843: SAM 1749 descending on the approach to Andrews...w/TRACON...119.3
1845: REACH (2)543 (KC-135R, 62-3543, 756th ARS Andrews) climbing out from ADW, trying to call Griffin Command....x2, no joy... 378.1
1847: REACH 290 (C-17A, 97-0043, 437th AW Charleston) lifting off from Andrews...w/TRACON...118.95
1853: REACH 2543 still trying to call Griffin Command and still no success (and he just departed Andrews so is in the local area)...378.1 (I'd bet he's heading for Europe)

1919: RIPPER 11 flight w/Philadelphia TRACON....323.1 (Probably F/A-18s from Oceana) (Tipoff from Mark...he heard them taking off from Willow Grove)
1921: RIPPER 11 flight handed off to Philly TRACON and check in direct Woodstown...climbing to 10,000 feet...269.25
1922: RIPPER 11 cleared to 12,000 feet...269.25
1923: RIPPER 11 handed to ZDC-Kenton and check in at 12,000 feet...x2, no joy...354.15 (Back to 269.25 to report no joy and sent right back to 354.15)
1924: RIPPER 11 tells controller they don't have to take FL 210, they'll take whatever is best for the controller...request direct Salisbury...cleared to 16,000...354.15
1928: RIPPER 11 cleared to 17,000 feet...then to 200...354.15
1930: RIPPER 11 handed off to ZDC-Salisbury and check in at 17,000 heading for FL 200....cleared direct "home"...257.7
1935: RIPPER 11 cleared down to 12,000 feet from FL 200....257.7 (That would be about the right time to descend for an NAS Oceana recovery.)
Probably F/A-18s from VF-11/CVW-7 at NAS Oceana, the "Red Rippers"...had a couple of scanners searching for an interflight freq but found nothing. Someone on another board caught them air-to-air on 265.75. That's a new one for me.

2000: Coast Guard 6576 (HH-65) calls Potomac ADIZ East...controller tells him he's not in his area to and to switch to 124.55....126.75
2001: CG 6576 calls Potomac a couple of times but controller tells him he's completely unreadable....124.55 (very weak here too)
My Coast Guard list shows 6576 as an HH-65B based at CG Air Station Los Angeles. He's a long way from home in a helo.
2004: Potomac controller now has contact with CG 6576...asks for his position since he doesn't have him on radar...6576 gives it and controller says he now has him....124.55
2008: Potomac tells CG 6576 to enter the ADIZ but stay out of Class B airspace...124.55
I tried to get rid of him by turning off Potomac but he came back to haunt me...
2023: CG 6576 calling Coast Guard Delaware Bay...mentions landing at Davison and then will be back in the air in (BZZZZZZ and the rest is blocked)....Marine Channel 81A...157.075

New Airspace Fix:
Washington Center Airspace
Offshore Atlantic
Latitude: 35-24-43.00 North (Decimal would be 35.411944 North)
Longitude: 075-04-20.00 West (Decimal would be -75.07222 West)
Fix Type: RNAV-WP
Charting: Enroute High
Effective Date: 10/25/07

Ref Below:
Tony said:
Just for the record, probably a departure - BBJ HZ-101 was noted this morning and this afternoon around 4pm still on one of the ramps at IAD.

Well, he did come into MY area. :lol:

Reminds me of something for you 1040 this morning, had an Irish flagged B762, registration EI-DMH overhead at FL 370. Only unusual thing was that he was flight KJC 7764 from Krasnojarsky Airlines (Krasair) in Russia. That's British transliteration of the airline name from the Cyrillic alphabet (from the Airframes website)...I prefer Krasnoyarskij.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: HZ-101

Hi Tin,

Just for the record, probably a departure - BBJ HZ-101 was noted this morning and this afternoon around 4pm still on one of the ramps at IAD.

Best regards,


TinEar said:
1817: Saudi Arabian Air Force (B-737, tail HZ-101) into the area...TRACON


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
REACH 8212 C-5A departed Dover 2205 local probably overseas.
Came into Dover as REACH 9023 but last minute tail swap replaced with C-5A
Now there is an oldy but goody!



Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
TinEar said:
Yes, and I'm glad you just posted that because I entered 291.675 last night. Changed it now. I've heard nothing about BWI changing freqs Jack. (At first I was thinking you had the freq wrong and then suddenly realized it was I that had it wrong.)

This one's making me dizzy. What's the story on 291.625 vs. 291.675. I'm scouring the thread now....

73/Allen (N4JRI)
...getting lonely in Richmond with 149 FS moving out...


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
n4jri said:
This one's making me dizzy. What's the story on 291.625 vs. 291.675. I'm scouring the thread now....

73/Allen (N4JRI)
...getting lonely in Richmond with 149 FS moving out...

Simple answer to this one Allen. The freq should be 291.625. I was saying I entered it incorrectly as 291.675 but fixed it.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
TinEar said:
1440: Refueling freq 252.8 has two tankers...suffix 51 and 52 deciding on altitudes.
1442: Tankers 51 and 52 decide to go to freq 266.4, Comm 1 where they do indeed go and check in with each other.
1444: 51 and 52 go back to freq 252.8 and decide 1 will maintain 340 knots and the other 330 knots.
1445: 51 tells 52 to begin his descent down to within 500 feet of 51 as long as he's got visual (contact). 52 affirms. «252.8»
1447: 51 tells 52 he's squawking 4017 and wants 52 to squawk standby and begin the descent to 26,500....52 confirms he's got visual contact with 51. Looks like 51 is going to refuel 52 or just practice doing so. «252.8»

TinEar, this is an old entry from 9/11/06 but I noticed the association with 252.8 and 266.4. As I slowly move through this thread, I think you're in the BWI area and am wondering if you would expect to hear activity on your setup from the Kiwi Track, which I think is down by Cherry Point. This is where I'm used to hearing 266.4. Using a handheld most of the time, I don't hear much from Richmond. I was very surprised to hear this freq mentioned by planes audible in your area.

73/Allen (N4JRI)


Aug 24, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
TinEar said:
1919: RIPPER 11 flight w/Philadelphia TRACON....323.1 (Probably F/A-18s from Oceana) (Tipoff from Mark...he heard them taking off from Willow Grove)

Your right Tin, they are VFA-11 Red Rippers from Oceana. Although these guys didn't depart from Willow Grove they came up from Oceana and then RTB'd heard them w/ZDC 256.8/285.4, prior to the fly-by for the Temple v. Navy game.

A few other things from today:

Poison 21 - (T-38; Columbus) - w/ZNY 306.2/269.1, FL270 looking for a descent
Victory 41 - (F/A-18F; VFA-103) - w/ZDC 281.45, ZBW/299.7/277.4
Rippers - (F/A-18F; VFA-11) - freq's listed above, also discussing a quick climb and a turn towards woodstown w/PHL 317.55 so they can show some afterburner on the flyby.

Also saw a C-17 flying over, snapped a pic and it was Travis AFB. Must have departed McGuire AFB


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Bobcat091 said:
Also saw a C-17 flying over, snapped a pic and it was Travis AFB. Must have departed McGuire AFB

Rgr that there was a REACH 6161 C-17 #06-6161 into Mcguire the other day from Travis.

Also overnite last night had a REACH 0535 C-17 #90-0535 arrive McGuire at 0615z.
Thats an oldie C-17 last with 97AMW from Altus I think but could be with another Wing
by now.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
n4jri said:
TinEar, this is an old entry from 9/11/06 but I noticed the association with 252.8 and 266.4. As I slowly move through this thread, I think you're in the BWI area and am wondering if you would expect to hear activity on your setup from the Kiwi Track, which I think is down by Cherry Point. This is where I'm used to hearing 266.4. Using a handheld most of the time, I don't hear much from Richmond. I was very surprised to hear this freq mentioned by planes audible in your area.

73/Allen (N4JRI)

Allen, I wouldn't expect to hear activity from the Cherry Point area unless a couple of conditions are present - good atmospherics and aircraft high enough to provide line of sight. For instance, just a couple of days ago I logged the OTIS 20 tanker from Cherry Point working SPADE Harriers and BLADE F/A-18s from Beaufort SC. That's not a normal incident though.

With a handheld, it would be difficult to get much beyond your local area. Sure, there will be occasional hits out to some distance but that will be the exception rather than the rule. Handhelds allow you to be on the move when listening but the antenna is the limiting factor that prevents the necessary range for wide area listening. If at all possible, I'd go with a base/mobile unit in the car and a rooftop antenna which should double or triple your listening range.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Andrews CP 08312007

Same old story with Andrews yesterday -

1616 - VIKING 41 calling Andrews CP with no response - 378.1
1617 - ditto
1618 - ditto
1622 - VIKING 41 saying that nobody's home on 378.1 - 372.2
1623 - back to calling Andrews - 378.1
1628 - ditto

Never did hear him get a response from Andrews


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
Same old story with Andrews yesterday -

1616 - VIKING 41 calling Andrews CP with no response - 378.1
1617 - ditto
1618 - ditto
1622 - VIKING 41 saying that nobody's home on 378.1 - 372.2
1623 - back to calling Andrews - 378.1
1628 - ditto

Never did hear him get a response from Andrews

Like so many others recently, the first contact they made was with TRACON and then Tower - all the while calling Command Post with no response. That's really a bother to them since they need CP to assign a parking spot and if they have passengers, need transportation, baggage loaders, etc. By the way, VIKING 41 was a C-130H, tail 91-9141, from the 96th Airlift Squadron in Minneapolis.

NASCAR fans:
N71761 Jack Roush (Premier 1) (among others he owns but he was on this one this morning)

N24JG (give you just one guess on this one) (Hawker 800)
N480JJ (his team mate) (Lear 31) (He coulnd't get N48JJ since someone else has it)
N508RH (their boss and he owns several) (Saab 2000)
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Jan 5, 2004
Can someone confirm 138.7 being range control for Quantico or another base in that area? Yesterday I heard Aircare heading to a scene and talking to Quantico approach. He was saying how his VHF radio won't go that high and he needed to work out comms.

1207- DOLLAR-71 with ZDC-Dominion
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
*Friday* afternoon's 1700 hour at Gravelly Point (0.2mi N of DCA, 9.3mi WNW of ADW):
1656: -141.55 (ADW CP)- REACH 5145 with his in-range message.
1658: -118.67 (Potomac App)- REACH 5145 vectors to ELDEE.
1700: -119.85 (Potomac App)- REACH 5145 requests the ILS 1L, and is told to expect some vectors due to a ramp freeze. He's eventually vectored to the SE of Andrews and to 128.35 (maybe holding at OTT, but I didn't hear that part).
1705-1710: -141.55 and 378.1- Various test counts.
~1719:45: -128.35- REACH 5145 (C-17 seen) cleared for a visual 1L. And about that ramp freeze...?
1720: -118.4 (ADW Tower)- AIR FORCE 2 (C-32 seen), with you out of 2000, runway heading. (Guess everyone forgets to hit the button at one point or another). He eventually called up on 125.65, went on a 330 heading and handed to 123.82.
1722: -378.1- VENUS 44 (C-37 USA c/s seen)wondering if CP has heard anything about a ramp freeze. Now that it's lifted, he wants an NDB 1L and an RNAV 1L. He eventually flew the NDB 1L, and an ILS 19R. 128.35, 118.4, 119.3, 118.4 on the handoff sequence.
1746: -378.1- "...141.55 Victor. Uniform is inop today."
1815: -378.1- REACH 299 calling and calling.
1820: -118.4- REACH 299 (C-17 seen) cleared to land 1L (so I'm guessing he was calling on the CP for a lot longer than just the five minutes ago).
Also seen was MPD helo 911DC and a C210 as JENA 043.
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Jan 5, 2004
Unknown-1 (sounds similar to SENATE) with ZDC-Dupont <307.25> trying to get to McGuire with low fuel, not yet an emergency situation.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: CG 6576

Hi Tin,

Missed this one from last week - HH-65B 6576 is now based out of Atlantic City and has been assigned to CGAS Washington in recent months. If I recall correctly, I last saw this one myself at DCA in late July.

Best regards,


TinEar said:
2000: Coast Guard 6576 (HH-65) calls Potomac ADIZ East...controller tells him he's not in his area to and to switch to 124.55....126.75
2001: CG 6576 calls Potomac a couple of times but controller tells him he's completely unreadable....124.55 (very weak here too)
My Coast Guard list shows 6576 as an HH-65B based at CG Air Station Los Angeles. He's a long way from home in a helo.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The British Are Coming, The British Are Coming!

Royal Air Force today...
0848: C-130/C3, tail XV305, RAF Lyneham, ASCOT 5100
1007: C-130/C3, tail XV197, RAF Lyneham
1052: Tristar KC-1, tail ZD952, 216 Squadron, ASCOT 3601
1146: C-130/C4, tail ZH870, RAF Lyneham, ASCOT 6542
1404: C-130/C4, tail ZH874, RAF Lyneham
Some or all of these aircraft are heading to Belize. ZH870 landed at Patrick AFB FL and took off for Belize. ZH874 was heard passing over Savannah GA after flying through this area.

And one from the Belgian Air Force...
1137: A-310-222, tail CA-02, 21 Squadron, BAF 623

And one from NATO registered in Luxembourg...
1518: E-3 AWACS, tail LX-N90456, NAEW&CF Geilenkirchen AB, NATO 08

Not really listening today but in the background early 1200 hour there was a C-5B, 85-0004, from the 436th AW at Dover in the area. Not sure if he was coming from or going to Dover.
And about 1215, CRAB 54 (C-130J, 97-1354, 135th AS MD-ANG) up with CRAB Ops...385.9

1254: REACH 8023 (KC-135R, 58-0023, 136th ARS NY-ANG NIagara Falls) to Andrews CP...IDs as a KC-135 from Niagara with 8 SOB that will RON. Says he'll be leaving for Germany tomorrow as an Aeromed flight. Needs 75K gas and parking, no fleet service needed...of the 8 crew, 5 will depart immediately and 3 later...personal baggage only...gets parking spot 11A....378.1

1400: EVAC 61437 (C-130J, 06-1437, 143rd AS RI-ANG Quonset) to Andrews CP...20 minutes out, A-1, no pax or cargo, no fuel needed, have 3 aeromed personnel aboard - call their squadron for transportation....need crew trans and parking spot....378.1 (This is their newest C-130J that was on display at the Andrews show.)

1534: REACH 9469 (KC-135R, 59-1469, 756th ARS Andrews) to LIBERATOR...about 30 minutes out, no cargo, 8 pax and need airstairs for them, will land with 31K on the fuel, need Customs and AG...A-2 with three problems..(1)#4 oil pressure gauge reads 20 psi or less in all phases of flight, (2) Nav wing and tail circuit breaker popped, was reset and popped again, (3) HF radio aircrew transmitters on three interphone stations could not be heard by crew when transmitting but could be heard by various ground and airborne receivers....378.1 (About 6 1/2 hours ago this aircraft was heard in the U.K. and various points in Europe prior to that. I had him leaving Andrews on 08/27 at 1139Z and he was first heard in the U.K. at 1703Z that day.)

1537: EVAC 66163 (C-17A, 06-6163, 60th AMW Travis) to Andrews....30 minutes out (then changed to 15 minutes)...need parking...has 19 litter and 19 ambulatory patients and 7 airevac baggage pallet so need forklift or K-Loader....378.1 (Heard 7 hours ago in the U.K. He departed here on 08/31 in the 0400Z hour heading to Europe and was next heard in the U.K. six hours later.)

While I was writing notes from the two aircraft above, another radio had REACH 6160 (C-17A, 06-6160, 60th AMW Travis) yakking in the background but I didn't note the freq.

Yesterday afternoon in the 1600 hour I heard a DUKE 71 with Harrisburg A/D 273.525, then to Potomac TRACON Chesapeake area 291.625 (not simulcast on the 126.75 side of the pair for ADIZ East) and then a few minutes later with Norfolk TRACON (West) 360.6. He was probably sent to a couple of other freqs between Baltimore and Norfolk but I didn't lisen closely enough to catch them. Not sure where he was going or even which unit he was from. Several choices for that callsign. Anyone hear him that can put an ID on him?
CitationJet/Tony said:
Missed this one from last week - HH-65B 6576 is now based out of Atlantic City and has been assigned to CGAS Washington in recent months. If I recall correctly, I last saw this one myself at DCA in late July.

Thanks Tony. Made the change in my database.

And for the first time this year, ESPN put up the correct aircraft type on the graphic during the flyby of two F-117s before the race.
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