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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
Shortly after noon, the TREND flight of F/A-18 Hornets (VFMA-121, Miramar CA) is up and with ZDC-Hagerstown 227.125. They are going to meet up with BLUE 81 (KC-10A, 84-0186, 305th AMW McGuire)

Good catch Tin, Sorry they thru you a curve ball and left later than scheduled.
Guess they needed more rest or maybe ATC said local traffic is crazy heavy at 8am and how about departing when traffic is lighter like around noon?
Also I noticed with ZOB logs they took much more Northerly route than was mentioned.
Two KC-10's should be plenty of fuel to get 6 of them cross-country.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Good catch Tin, Sorry they thru you a curve ball and left later than scheduled.
Guess they needed more rest or maybe ATC said local traffic is crazy heavy at 8am and how about departing when traffic is lighter like around noon?
Also I noticed with ZOB logs they took much more Northerly route than was mentioned.
Two KC-10's should be plenty of fuel to get 6 of them cross-country.


Yes, I was expecting them to go south - I guess as everyone was and that was the real curve ball. They went way north. Perhaps that route change was the real reason they took off four hours later than planned - filing a new flight plan and doing the coordination necessary for it. Or maybe my guess that they hung one on in the 'O' club was the real reason and they just couldn't get out of bed for the 5 a.m. briefing. The other surprise was when they were handed off from Hagerstown to a VHF ZOB freq. I never would have expected them to get off UHF. I thought the tanker would go to their freq instead of them going to the tanker's freq. Live and learn.

I forgot to mention this a couple of weeks ago and it just came to my atttention again. I added the SCOUT callsign (which you may already have. I didn't) for E-3B or C types from the 552nd ACW, Tinker AFB OK. We're so used to hear them using only SENTRY. I don't know if they've changed from SENTRY to SCOUT or if they're using both. The last few I've seen have all been SCOUT.
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Jan 5, 2004
NIGHTHAWK-15 (H-60) making two practice landings at Mt WX. 241.0

1958- Quick hit with RAVAGE-2 at Pax. 354.8
2005- Air to air on 139.15, adjusting gain settings.
2044- Some AR activity on 274.45. Someone has a callsign that sounded something like FLUFF-55.
2120- BRAVE-61/62 flight active. 139.7
2127- Gave coordinates that are in the Pax area.
2129-BRAVE-61 wants to start RTB to ADW, descending to 5k. 270.8
2137- NIGHTHAWK-15 on final to Mt WX. 241.0
2139- He's there again for two more practice landings, this time in the dark. Must be new to the area.
2148- And he departs. BRAVE-62 is still flying around with TRACON 335.5, 61 has already landed.
2153- NIGHTHAWK-15 with approach 124.65 which is also TXing on 127.325.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
BTW a week or so ago Aug 31 we had a REACH 6161 Travis C-17 into McGuire
mentioned he had a Chinook on board.
The USAF website has nice tie-up to that mission....

BTW heard BLUE 81 and 91 KC-10's rtb Mcguire around 1850 local.
Severe bird condition at McGuire so talking about divert but nothing further heard.
Probably just waited it out..
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Wednesday's 1700 hour from Gravelly Point in Arlington, Virginia:
1654: -118.4 (ADW Tower)- MARINE 838 (UC-35 seen) is just northeast of the field and cleared to land 19L.
1655: -118.95 (Potomac Dep)- SAM 1731 heavy (prob. C-32) with vectors for climb.
1700: -119.85 (Potomac App)- PAT 916 (C-12 seen) crossing ELDEE. To 119.3 and 118.4 to arrive at 1712.
1725: -335.5- RAVAGE 1 climb to 5K and direct Nottingham.
1734: -118.67 (Potomac App)- NAVY JR 498 (C-20 seen) with vectors for the arrival. To 119.85, 119.3, 118.4
1735: -349.0 (ADW Tower)- RAVAGE 1 (1x F-16 seen) "Base, gear, stop."
1749: -378.1 (ADW CP)- VENUS 44 (C-37 99-0404 seen) calls in with the usual. Some annunciator was going off all flight. Caught up with him on 119.3 and then 118.4.
1817: -125.65 (Potomac Dep)- ROYAL 50 heavy vectors for climb [Grr.. must have missed it coming off Andrews]. To 121.05.
1818: -139.7- HUNTRESS, BLACKJACK 1.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mateo said:
1817: -125.65 (Potomac Dep)- ROYAL 50 heavy vectors for climb [Grr.. must have missed it coming off Andrews]. To 121.05.

This was Dover's orginal C-17A wearing tail 06-6165.
Their newest, 06-6168, has been flying training missions the past couple of days and has been noted using both RIDER and ROYAL callsigns,

By the way, I haven't heard any A10s flying from MTN the past few days. They were scheduled to deploy to Iraq and that will be happening very soon. They are the first squadron of "Hogs" to be upgraded to the new A-10C model.

0721: PANAMA (F-15 Langley) flight checking into W-386 A-J with Giant Killer...changing to 16 Prime freq for their work...249.8

0855: Langley fighters still coming and going from Giant Killer's offshore controlled areas...latest is BANK 51-58 on 249.8 and then 233.7 to enter W-72 1C-2C.
freqhopping said:
2044- Some AR activity on 274.45. Someone has a callsign that sounded something like FLUFF-55.
More than likely SLUFF - one of the two callsigns used by the 121st ARW OH-ANG along with TAZZ.

Had to leave and just came back to the radios to see what's happening. And...

1057: GRAYHAWK 04 (E-2C NAS Norfolk) at Pax...entering the area to do some work at the airfiled - a couple of PARs, etc.....314.0
1100: TEAM 41 calling TEAM 51 on AR freq (KC-10A, 305th AMW McGuire)...41 tells 51 she'll be on time....295.8
1103: TRITON 21 flight (F-22A Langley) into W-386 G with Giant Killer for the next 20 minutes on mission V-0605....249.8
1103: JOSA 173 (C-21A, 84-0095, 457th AS Andrews) reports takeoff time 1500Z.....378.1 and then 141.55
1105: Langley F-22A activity on interflight freq....262.025
1111: REACH 381 to Norfolk CP with arrival message....needs Customs/Ag so is from overseas...349.5
1117: TEAM 42 (KC-10A, 305th AMW McGuire) out in AR-636 setting up AR op with two aircraft....238.9 (and also w/Giant Killer on 249.8)
1125: ROYAL 50 (C-17A, 06-6167, 436th AW Dover) off from Dover (I think)....ZDC VHF
1125: NASA 909 (T-38A, N909NA) heading for Andrews from Ft. Campbell KY....ZDC VHF
1128: NASA 909 landing ADW...118.4
1130: RANCHO 31 (Langley) into W-386 with Giant Killer....249.8
1134: ROYAL 50 talking with TEAM 40 on AR-636 secondary freq....IP time 1603Z...319.7

Below transmissions from Kuwait International audio feed. Kind of interesting listening. Local Kuwait time is GMT +3. While I was listening, the local temp there was 41C (105.8F) - just a tad warm and that was at 7 p.m. local.
1646Z: PYTHON 27 to OTBH (Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar)
1647Z: PYTHON 29 also heading to OTBH (PYTHONs are probably KC-135s)
1651Z: REACH 805 climbing to FL 200 per direction from Kuwait International
1653Z: REACH 805 handed off to freq 136.275 which the controller described as ?Ali? Control.
Controller also mentions Bahrain Control on 125.05
1655Z: REACH 969 (C-17A, 06-6162, 60th AMW Travis) reports at FL 330.
1656Z: REACH 969 IDs as a C-17 that departed ETAD (Spangdahlem AB, Germany)
1701Z: PYTHON 27 and 29 sent to Ali Control on 136.275 by Kuwait Intl. [Wasn't sure about that Ali Control/Center but just looked it up and it is indeed listed as Ali Center]
1712Z: REACH 935 IDs as a C-5 departed from ETAR (Ramstein AB, Germany) and heading for OTBH (Al Udeid AB, Qatar)
Enough of that. Interesting though.

Ref Below: For info's sake Tony, GASSER 01 was tail 60-0321.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1559Z 118.675 PT DEP - NAVY 7N 003 (UC-12B NAF Washington) - 14000' for 17000' QSY ZDC-Linden 133.550.

1613Z 118.675 PT DEP - GASSR 01 (KC-135R 55th ARS/97th AMW) - FL180-15000' dir DOCCS then dir MANNE to resume arr., then cleared to 14000' X MANNE @ 11000' X AML @ 8000' QSY 119.850.
1631Z 119.850 PT APP - VENUS 44 (C-37A 99-0404 89th AW) - req. TACAN 19L @ Andrews then tower pattern after that.
1649Z 118.675 PT DEP - YANKEE 29 - X ELDEE @ 8000' QSY 119.850 req. GPS 19R @ ADW QSY 128.350 cleared dir DUBYA.
1656Z 118.675 PT DEP - JOSA 310 (C-21A JOSAC) - 15000' for 17000' QSY ZDC-Linden 133.550 then cleared to FL270 QSY ZDC-Moorefield 133.275.

1723Z 119.850 PT APP - NAVY 7C 241 (UC-12B NAS Oceana NFD) - 8000' for the ILS app to rwy 19R @ ADW. Dir OTT QSY 128.350 @ 3000'.

1802Z 270.800 BayWatch - WAMO 3 (sounds like) - req.entrance into a/s.
1813Z 118.950 PT DEP - MARINE 206 - 5000' for 8000'.
1818Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - GASSR 01 (KC-135R 55th ARS/97th AMW) - t/off time 1813Z pass to GASSER Ops DSN #866-XXXX.
1821Z 128.350 PT APP - ARMY 1944 (C-37A 97-1944) - 15.2 for 12000' OJAAY req. vis. rwy 19R.

1919Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - ELVIS 12 (C-5A 164th AW/155th AS TN ANG) - arr. msg 110K fuel and power cart.
1924Z 118.675 PT DEP - ELVIS 12 (C-5A 164th AW/155th AS TN ANG) - X ELDEE @ 8000' QSY 119.850.
1935Z 133.550 ZDC-Linden - ARMY 24379 (C-12 84-24379) - cleared dir MDT QSY ZDC-Blue Ridge 133.650 checking in @ FL270 QSY ZDC-Hagerstown 134.150.
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Jan 5, 2004
RAVAGE-1 flight departing, will pick up J61, now requesting HUBBS or something like that. 348.725
1602- Pushing to ZDC-Calvert
1608- to ZDC-Franklin

1613- SCARY flight going to do some work at Pax. With ZDC-Calvert, asking if he is to switch to 354.8
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Jan 5, 2004
STEALTH-91 just pushed from Montebello to Marlinton. Had no joy with Montebello. Flight of two. Back to Montebello.
1916- FL250 to 190
1918- To ZDC-Irons, must be coming to ADW

2048- RAVAGE-1/2/3 on V6 out at Pax. Heard a BULLY flight up earlier, they could still be out there.
2056- Someone on 143.6
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Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
Hey Guys:

VENUS44 back at CHO yesterday doing practice ILS and patterns, departed at 12:15 back to Andrews. You can always spot that large Gulfstream in the air around here!


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Here's just some of what was in this area today. It's my short format log without callsigns or freqs - just a recap of what was flying overhead and just for part of the day.

0900 Hour:
KC-10A, 86-0028, 305th AMW McGuire
C-9B, 160047, VMR-1 MCAS Cherry Point
C-17A, 01-0195, 437th AW Charleston
C-130H, 84-0206, 142nd AS DE-ANG Wilmington
C-37A, 02-1863, PAT
T-45C, 165086, VT-7
KC-135R, 58-0117, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh
KC-135R, 58-0074, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh
C-5A, 69-0017, 164th AW TN-ANG
C-21A, 84-0075, 457th AS Andrews
KC-135R, 57-1487, 756th ARS AFRC Andrews

1000 Hour:
UC-35A, 00-1053, PAT
KC-135E, 59-1485, 108th ARW McGuire
C-9B, 160047, VMR-1
C-130J, 99-1433, 143rd AS RI-ANG
C-32A, 99-0004, 1st AS Andrews
UC-35D, 166767, VMR-2 NAS Oceana
C-5A, 70-0461, 89th AS Wright-Patterson
KC-10A, 84-0188, 305th AMW McGuire
C-5B, 86-0020, 436th AW Dover
C-160D, 50+62, German Air Force LTG 62
T-45C, 165082, VT-7
RC-12N, 89-0269, 224th Mil Intel Btn Hunter AAF
KC-135R, 57-1479, 756th ARS AFRC Andrews
C-20G, 165093, VR-48
C-160D, 51+13, German Air Force
C-130H, 84-0210, 142nd AS DE-ANG Wilmington
C-130H, 84-0206, 142nd AS DE-ANG Wilmington

1100 Hour:
KC-10A, 86-0038, 60th AMW Travis
UC-35D, 166767, VMR-2
C-37A, 99-0404, 99th AS Andrews
UC-35D, 166474, MAW-4
KC-135R, 62-3543, 756th ARS AFRC Andrews
KC-10A, 79-0434, 305th AMW McGuire
C-130J, 97-1353, 135th AS MD-ANG Martin State
LC-130H, 73-3300, 139th AS NY-ANG
C-17A, 04-4130, 6th AS McGuire
C-32A, 99-0004, 1st AS Andrews
Two flights of F-16s from the DC-ANG Andrews off the deck and headed south out of the area. (BULLY/RAVAGE...143.6/139.15 interflight freqs)
Flight of F-16s from OH-ANG through the area (LOMA 91 flight, 138.25 interflight)

1200 Hour:
C-20D, 163692, VR-1
KC-10A, 79-1710, 305th AMW McGuire
C-5A, 70-0459, 167th AS Martinsburg WV (temp at Westover)
Tristar KC-1, ZD952, 216 Squadron, Royal Air Force
KC-135R, 58-0117, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh
C-5B, 85-0002, 436th AW Dover
KC-135R, 58-0074, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh
C-9B, 160048, VR-52
C-21A, 84-0098, 457th AS Andrews
C-9B, 160047, VMR-1 MCAS Cherry Point

1300 Hour:
C-130J, 97-1353, 135th AS MD-ANG
C-17A, 02-1100, 437th AW Charleston
E-6B, 163920, VQ-4, Patuxent Detachment
UC-35A, 00-1053, PAT
C-21A, 84-0075, 457th AS Andrews
C-20G, 165153, USMC HQ
C-20D, 163692, VR-1
C-130T, 165313, VR-62

1400 Hour:
UC-35D, 166474, MAW-4 Andrews
HC-130H, 1711, USCG Elizabeth City
C-26B, 94-0259, Det 4 DC-ArNG
C-130K/C3, XV209, Lyneham Transport Wing Royal Air Force
C-21A, 84-0118, 458th AS Scott
C-21A, 84-0094, 375th AW
UC-35B, 03-0016, 2-228th Aviation Regiment
T-1A, 94-0139, 48th FTS
C-9B, 159114, VR-46
C-20B, 86-0201, 99th AS Andrews
KC-135R, 57-1479, 756th AS AFRC Andrews
C-5A, 69-0008, 105th AW NY-ANG
P-3C, 160290, VX-20 Patuxent NAS

P.S. According to the Wing Commander of the 104th FW at Barnes MA, their last three A-10s are leaving tomorrow (Saturday the 8th) and the first two F-15s for their new mission will arrive. They'll probably shoot for something sentimental like all five aircraft doing a pass over the airfield and then the A-10s flying off into the sunset while the F-15s land.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
jmhayes said:
70+ aircraft in 5 hours? I hate you! :-/

Trust me Jordan when I say that was probably only half of what was "heard"...those are the ones I managed to log with full details. You don't get that many out your way? I know, I know, I'm rubbing salt in the wound.


Feb 1, 2006
Jordan, He would of logged alot more. The problem was his can of both prop wash and squelch were empty!!



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Good logs TIN,I had those GAF's also with McGuire CP.Thick German accents.
A few I caught today...

GAF-995 and GAF 967 with McGuire CP 319.400 at 1445z and 1520z.

REACH 431 C-5 #87-0028 arrive Dover 1610z,req customs.

REACH 3119 C-17 arrive Andrews 1630z,req 110k fuel.

REACH 9008 C-5 arrive Dover,1910z,uploads.

EVAC 33118 C-17 arrive Andrews 1945z,ero offload some patients
and the rest thruloads.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Here's the three quiet afternoon hours of my logs:

1500 HOur:
C-17A, 04-4130, 6th AS McGuire
RC-12N, 89-0269, 224th Mil Intel Btn Hunter AAF
T-1A, 91-0101, 99th FTS
C-32B, 00-9001, 227th SOF NJ-ANG McGuire
C-17A, 03-3118, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson
C-5B, 87-0028, 60th AMW Travis
C-21A, 84-0118, 458th AS Scott
C-37A, 02-1863, PAT
C-130H, 89-9104, 758th AS Pittsburgh
C-40B, 05-0932, 73rd

1600 Hour:
UC-35B, 03-0016, 288th Aviation Rgmt:
UC-35D, 166767, VMR-2
T-45C, 165469, VT-9 NAS Meridian MS
T-45C, 165092, VT-9 NAS Meridian MS
T-45C, 165091, VT-9 NAS Meridian MS
UC-35D, 166715, VMR-1
C-21A, 84-0118, 458th AS Andrews
HC-130H, 88-2101, 102nd RQS NY-ANG
KC-135R, 57-1479, 756th ARS AFRC Andrews
C-17A, 06-6161, 60th AMW Travis
C-21A, 84-0140, 458th AS Scott
C-17A, 05-5142, 729th AS March
C-17A, 01-0194, 437th AW Charleston

1700 Hour:
UC-35D, 166715, VMR-1
C-12T, 85-1268, PAT
E-6B, 163920, VQ-4
C-21A, 84-0140, 458th AS Scott
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
What just happened? My entire post disappeard and is now blank?

If you've still got it on your screen Mark, copy it please and PM it to me. You probably don't though because to see this you'd have to refresh your screen and it would be gone. I replied to your message below and when I hit "save" for that message it all went away. Gremlins.

Here's a general recap of what I had typed in here but all the times will be missing....

MAZDA 11 flight on interflight freq 142.3 and 140.0 for aux...flight of five. Airborne from MTN at 0610. The KC-135R NH-ANG is the tanker (no tail recovered)
MAZDA 21 flight on interflight freq 140.05 and 143.8 for aux...flight of five. (six now and one to be cleared off soon) Airborne at 0640.
Tanker for the second flight is identifying as GOLD 72 and they are using 391.0 for AR with the A-10s. GOLD 72 is a KC-135R, 58-0008, also from the 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease.
At 0700, MAZDA 21 mentions MAZDA 11 flight is over Nantucket at this time.
At some point, the MAZDA 21 flight leader told his crew that if they put their datalink on 160 mile range, they could see the other flight.

0728: The airspare A-10 from MAZDA 21 flight on his way home...was with ZDC-Casino 285.4 and now with SOF on 143.8

And so the 104th Fighter Squadron of the MD-ANG is gone to the desert. Be safe and we'll see you when you return.

Just heard one of the Skytypers airshow pilots crashed....,0,1154496.story?coll
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