Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Guard Dog CAP

RE TIN: "1921: HARASS 35 clears 36 for a two mile trail and says he's at FL 240...36 reports at FL 210...360.15
About half the time, the fighters are calling HUNTRESS rather than BIGFOOT. Don't know for sure if HUNTRESS is just out of habit or if both he and BIGFOOT are working the freq. I think it's just BIGFOOT and the HUNTRESS call is just slipping out."

193016 local - Heard " all players, BIGFOOT is clear the freq" - 260.9
193039 - "HARASS 35 contact HUNTRESS on this freq" - 260.9

added bonus

2013 - Musical break on 360.15
2022 - different selection - 360.15 ++ come on guys, why waste the beer on your horses?
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Jan 5, 2004
I can hear HUNTRESS talking to them. He just asked them if they wanted any sports scores.

Just heard Lima Tango-621 with ZDC-Azalea, he had just switched from TRACON 257.875. Apparently nobody answered the first time or they gave him the wrong freq.

2200- ZAPPER-11 with ZDC-Elkins, handed off to ZDC-Casanova at FL230. Oceana F/A-18 I imagine.
2204- to ZDC-Montebello
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
RE TIN: "1921: HARASS 35 clears 36 for a two mile trail and says he's at FL 240...36 reports at FL 210...360.15
About half the time, the fighters are calling HUNTRESS rather than BIGFOOT. Don't know for sure if HUNTRESS is just out of habit or if both he and BIGFOOT are working the freq. I think it's just BIGFOOT and the HUNTRESS call is just slipping out."

193016 local - Heard " all players, BIGFOOT is clear the freq" - 260.9
193039 - "HARASS 35 contact HUNTRESS on this freq" - 260.9

added bonus

2013 - Musical break on 360.15
2022 - different selection - 360.15 ++ come on guys, why waste the beer on your horses?

And that settles that. Very nice catch Brian. I heard a little of the music earlier when 35 first came aboard as he was trying to contact 33. He sounds like a wild man - constantly talking and barking orders (read: nonsense) to his flying partners.

freqhopping said:
Just heard Lima Tango-621 with ZDC-Azalea, he had just switched from TRACON 257.875. Apparently nobody answered the first time or they gave him the wrong freq.

I had him a bit earlier bumping around the ZDC freqs. Around 1930, he was with ZDC-Irons on 360.85 flying fairly low at 11,500 feet. He's a P-3C from VR-62 NAS Jacksonville. His BuNo was 160290 which Scramble shows as a P-3C from VX-20 at Pax. However, since he was an LT (indicating VR-62), I guess he knows who he belongs to. Perhaps a VR-62 aircraft detailed to Pax? Or an ex Pax aircraft now assigned to Jacksonville? Dunno.

2053: REACH 187 (C-130H, 74-2134, 39th AS Dyess AFB TX) calling Dover CP, no joy...349.4
2055: REACH 187 w/TRACON...335.5
2055: REACH 187 to Dover CP again...again no joy...349.4 (In this area at just 15,000 feet which is no doubt why he's having trouble getting Dover)
2102: REACH 187, while on 335.5, is handed off to TRACON freq 124.55...he checks in there at 11,000 feet and is cleared direct Dover....then cleared to 7000 feet.
2105: REACH 187 to Dover CP with arrival message....20 minutes out, IDs as a C-130, needs 20K fuel, crew trans for 20, a power cart and is A-1...349.4
2106: REACH 187 cleared to 5000 feet and is handed off to Dover Approach 132.42(5)....124.55 (By the time I set up 132.425 he has already checked in)
2109: REACH 187 directed to park in Xray T-4...asks if there will be a "Follow-Me"...349.4
2112: Confirm REACH 187 with Dover Approach...132.425
2116: REACH 187 being vectored by Dover Approach toward the runway....132.425

And all of a sudden at 2115, HUNTRESS is loud and clear from my location. Very unusual for the 260.9 freq.

2126: REACH 362T (C-17A, 06-6167, 436th AW Dover) lifting off from Andrews....w/TRACON
2132: REACH 362T trying to contact Dover CP..gets them on second call...estimating blocks at 0145Z, A-1, 38K fuel, need crew trans for 5 and jet side tail as 167...06-6167...349.4

2322: TANKER 02 working clearance back to Seymour Johnson...135.525
2345: HARASS 35/36 cleared to head home and the CAP is done for the night...260.9/350.25
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Recent logs

Hi guys,

The last three days of monitoring...

PT = Potomac Consolidated TRACON
ZDC = Washington ARTCC


1304Z 119.850 PT APP - PAT 1204 (C-12T OSACOM/VA RFC) - 6.6-6000' req. vis app.
to rwy 32 @ DAA QSY Davison AAF TWR 126.300 lands rwy 32 and parks Hotspot 1.
1305Z 118.950 PT DEP - JOSA 677 (C-21A JOSAC) - @ 17000' cleared to FL270 QSY ZDC-Moorefield
1319Z 281.400 ZDC-Calvert - NAVY TP 22 (unk. NTPS) - checks in @ 16000'.
1319Z 125.650 PT DEP - DC 31 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - deps ADW 1500'-3000' cleared dir PALEO 17000'.
1320Z 125.650 PT DEP - N3 (Ce560XL N3 FAA) - deps DCA 900' for 5000' cleared to FL190.
1323Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ANVIS 20 (YEH-60B 78-23013 NVESD Davison AAF) -
deps DAA and freq. change to Potomac approved.
1330Z 118.950 PT DEP - REACH 339T - QSY PT DEP 118.675 15.3 for 17000' 300 kts
assigned QSY ZDC-Linden 133.550.
1333Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 7104 (UC-35A 97-0104 OSACOM VA RFC) - deps
rwy 32 QSY PT DEP 118.950 to 17000' dir GINYA QSY PT DEP 118.675 then ZDC-Linden

1524Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PACER 66 (C-21A 457th AS) - dep msg off @
1528Z 123.825 PT DEP - PACER 66 (C-21A 457th AS) - @ 17000' dir JERES.
2120Z 143.600 121st FS IF - RAVAGE 1-4 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) flight with
operational comms.
2128Z 290.425 ZDC-Franklin - RAVAGE 1 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - going dir
2130Z 139.900 121st FS DC ANG SOF - RAVAGE 1 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) -
reporting 1-4 inbound with maintz. codes.
2133Z 128.350 PT APP - ARMY 1944 (C-37A 97-1944 OSACOM/PAT) - 12000' for 11000'.
2138Z 335.500 PT APP - RAVAGE 1 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - 8000'-4000' for the
vis. app. to rwy 1R @ Andrews.
2141Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - ARMY 1944 (C-37A 97-1944 OSACOM/PAT) - ILS rwy
1L full stop.
2144Z 307.025 ZDC-Potomac - DOOM 96 (B-52H, 96th BS/2nd BW) - checking in @
2150Z 284.700 ZDC-Montebello - DOOM 96 (B-52H, 96th BS/2nd BW) - FL240 and then
has repeated comms issues with ZDC. Calls them at least four times further
asking "did you call?".
2158Z 133.550 ZDC-Linden - NODAK 11 (C-21A 119th Wing/177th AS ND ANG) - 16.6
for 17000' cleared to FL200 QSY ZDC-Moorefield 133.275 later.

2209Z 125.650 PT DEP - OPEN SKIES 33F (pres. Tu-154) - to 14000' QSY sequence
was PT 118.950>PT 118.675>ZDC-Linden 133.550 and finally over to ZDC-Blue Ridge
2219Z 119.850 PT APP - PAT 2404 (C-12T OSACOM/VA RFC) - @ 6000' dir OJAAY for
the vis. to rwy 32 @ Davison.


1303Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1204 (C-12T OSACOM/VA RFC) - extended left
base for rwy 32.
1305Z 306.800 NXX Navy Ops - WOLF 01 (E-2C VAW-77 NAS Atlanta) - 35 mins. out req. 6000K fuel.
1314Z 270.800 BayWatch Pax Advisory - TESTER 14 - working in Patuxent Advisory
1315Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - PAT 399 (C-12U 86-0084 OSACOM/VA ArNG) - C-12
tail #60084 i/b for pax drop req. fuel and have a 2pm departure.
1321Z 133.550 ZDC-Linden - FUZZY 99 (KC-135R 107th ARW/136th ARS NY ANG) -
rcving clnc to Niagara Falls via Hancock then as filed QSY ZDC-Hagerstown
1328Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - REACH 362T - dep msg off Andrews.
1328Z 118.950 PT DEP - MARINE 515 - deps ADW to 15000' dir LDN.
1330Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ANVIS 20 (YEH-60B 78-23013 NVESD Davison AAF) -
deps DAA rwy 32 QSY PT DEP 118.950.
1331Z 118.950 PT DEP - REACH 362T - to 11000' QSY PT DEP 121.050.
1337Z 292.200 MUSSEL Control - MUSSEL 7 (UH-1N 1st HS) - Brandywine ops normal.
1337Z 270.800 BayWatch Pax Advisory - TESTER 37 (C-12C NTPS) - @ 7300' proceed via PINEY for

1755Z 125.650 PT DEP - HAWK 30 - (UH-60A/L Ar RDECOM Felker AAF) - @ 4000'.
1759Z 119.300 PT APP - MARINE 515 - back again 4000' for 3000' visual rwy 19R @
Andrews to 2000' QSY Andrews TWR 118.400.

1803Z 118.950 PT DEP - SWIFT 20 (C-21A 458th AS) - deps ADW to 17000'.
1804Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - CATBIRD (C-20A 830500 VR-1) - clg no
joy x 2.
1809Z 354.800 BayWatch Pax Advisory - WATERBUG 686 (Naval Force Aircraft Test Sqdn (NFATS)-VX-20) - heading for rwy 14 at NAS
1809Z 128.350 PT APP - JOSA 907 (C-21A JOSAC) - heading for ADW QSY Andrews TWR
118.400 for the vis. app. to rwy 19R.
1810Z 128.350 PT APP - CATBIRD (C-20A 830500 VR-1) - @ 6000' for the vis.
app to rwy 19R.

2135Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 2403 (C-12T OSACOM/VA RFC) - deps rwy 14 QSY
PT DEP 118.950 then over to PT APP 126.400.
2137Z 125.650 PT DEP - NAVY JS 294 (C-9B VR-46 NAS Atlanta) - QSY ZDC-Calvert 133.900.
2139Z 128.350 PT APP - NAVY 400 - inbound for rwy 19L @ Andrews QSY Andrews TWR
2140Z 349.500 NS Norfolk Base Ops - U/I with arr. msg. Did anyone in the area catch this?
2156Z 118.950 PT DEP - NAVY 7B 009 (UC-12B NAS Atlanta) - deps ADW 800-3000' cleared to 5000'.

2200Z 128.350 PT APP - NAVY JV 022 (C-40A VR-58 NAS Jax) - to 12000' descending dir OTT for the vis.
app to rwy 19R @ Andrews.
2210Z 125.650 PT DEP - SPAR 86 - dir DAILY QSY 124.550.
2219Z 125.650 PT DEP - DC 43 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - deps ADW @ 5000' for
6000' to block 16-17000'.
2220Z 128.350 PT APP - NAVY 103 - checking in at 14.6 for 13000' dir OTT req
vis. app. to rwy 19L.

09.14.2007 - am

1255Z 118.950 PT DEP - PAT 1204 (C-12T OSACOM/VA RFC) - cleared for the vis. app
to rwy 32 QSY Davison AAF TWR 126.300 lands rwy 32.
1257Z 118.950 PT DEP - FLIGHTCHECK 70 (Be300 N70 FAA Calibration) - 3000' for
2000' heading for Davison AAF QSY Davison AAF GCA 118.850. Sent to Davison AAF
RDR 119.950 for four PAR apps to the ILS rwy 14. Finishes his work and heads
back to PT DEP 118.950 for IFR clnc back to Manassas/Regional (HEF) @ 3000'.

1312Z 119.300 PT APP - VENUS 27 (?) - vects. back to 19L.
1333Z 128.350 PT APP - ARMY 1944 (C-37A 97-1944 OSACOM/PAT) - descending for the
ILS 19R @ ADW.
1338Z 125.650 PT DEP - PAT 635 - QSY 124.550.
1339Z 125.650 PT DEP - DC 52 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - deps ADW 2000' for 3000'
cleared to 11000'.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
REACH 362T arrive Dover/Andrews? C-17 #06-6167.
Sounds like Dover C-17 got a tango mission.

REACH 6168 C-17 #06-6168 with Huntress 364.200 at 0220z.
Dover's newest C-17 has a mission already.Web site says that this latest C-17
was mission exclusive.Guess that means no routine training stuff with this bird.



Jan 5, 2004
Back to the music. I could hear some lyrics with 'baby don't you want to go' on 260.9 Kind of fitting.:lol:

Then on interflight one of them was playing some other song for about a mintute.
Now commenting on their seat cushions. One says he wrote it up once because it was so bad.

0000-Finishing out the night with some 'Sweet Home Alabama' for Ops on 257.1. Then relayed their problems which included inlet ice.
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Jul 24, 2005
Has anyone heard JA-293 working out of Pax? Should be a P-3. I'm just trying to figure something out that was heard here in the west.

Antennas & Accessories for the RF Professional & Radio Hobbyist


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
DPD1 said:
Has anyone heard JA-293 working out of Pax? Should be a P-3. I'm just trying to figure something out that was heard here in the west.

Antennas & Accessories for the RF Professional & Radio Hobbyist

Can't help you Dave. The only one I've got logged is 290 (160290) out of Pax. I have nothing for 293.
CAP Recap for Saturday:

I believe the CAP got started late this morning - probably around 10 or 10:30 because of the weather. HARASS 23/24, Langley F-15s, had the first shift as far as I know. They had a KC-135R from the 136th ARS NY-ANG Niagara Falls to support them, operating as TANKER 03.

They were followed by HARASS 25/26, supported by TANKER 05 (KC-135R, 58-0072, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh.) There was no TANKER 04 used - probably because of the late start so was skipped.

The last shift of the day - running until a few minutes after 2300 - was manned by HARASS 31/32 and TANKER 06 (KC-135R, 58-0038, 77th ARS AFRC Seymour Johnson AFB.) HARASS 31 was that same young man we had last night acting like a teenager with his iPod playing it across the various channels.

Primary freq for HUNTRESS control was 260.9 which was also the boom freq. The fighters used the standard Langley CAP interflight freq 360.15. Potomac TRACON controlled entry/exit to the CAP area on 135.525 and 350.25. The fighters were also heard with IRON Ops back at Langley on 357.1 and, of course, with ZDC along the Langley-Guard Dog CAP flight path.

The CAP should resume at 0600 as long as the weather cooperates and the forecast says it will.

Travis, that Navy LT-621 P-3C from NAS Jacksonville we heard last night in this area, apparently made it home. He was heard today working the offshore areas off the Florida coast with SEALORD (the Giant Killer of that area.). He was also noted with HUNTRESS getting a modes and codes check on 364.2 today.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: CAP recap

Hi Tin,

Had HARASS 21/22 up around 1335Z working HUNTRESS on 260.900 with a TOI.

Best regards,


TinEar said:
Can't help you Dave. The only one I've got logged is 290 (160290) out of Pax. I have nothing for 293.
CAP Recap for Saturday:

I believe the CAP got started late this morning - probably around 10 or 10:30 because of the weather. HARASS 23/24, Langley F-15s, had the first shift as far as I know. They had a KC-135R from the 136th ARS NY-ANG Niagara Falls to support them, operating as TANKER 03.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
BURSA 54 C-21 #84-0081 arrive Andrews 1850z from Ramstein 86th AW,req overnite parking.
Rare callsign this side of the pond but popular in Europe.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
BURSA 54 C-21 #84-0081 arrive Andrews 1850z from Ramstein 86th AW,req overnite parking.
Rare callsign this side of the pond but popular in Europe.


And BURSA 54 departed Andrews at 0805 this morning.

Just before the C-21, one of Andrews' KC-135Rs (58-0075, 756th ARS) left on a REACH 8075 mission with liftoff at 0755.

Guess no one listened to the end of the CAP yesterday. I know the two KC-135s that had the duty were TANKER 07 from the 126th ARS at Milwaukee and TANKER 08 from the 136th ARS at Niagara Falls. For whatever reason, the 136th doesn't seem to get Guard Dog CAP duty very often but this time they had two of the seven shifts.

0909: SAM 1775 (C-40B, 01-0041, 1st AS Andrews) reports to ADW CP that he departed Andrews at 1251Z, his ETA is 1945Z with a D/V-2 plus 7...378.1 (Must be heading for Europe considering his 7 hour flight time)
0925: VENUS 21 (C-20B, 86-0201, 99th AS Andrews) reports he was airborne at 10 past the hour...also reminds Andrews CP that he's the alert bird...378.1 (also w/TRACON 126.55)
0933: TESTER 964 (T-6 II Texan, 165964, USN Test Pilot School) to Pax BayWatch asking the status of the spin areas...354.8
0935: REACH 3123 (C-17A, 03-3123, 62nd AW McChord) zipping overhead at FL 280...ZDC VHF
0947-51: REACH 3123 calling Cherry Point Dispatch...x3, no joy....305.7
0951: Air Force 2 (C-32A, 99-0003, 1st AS Andrews) climbing out from ADW...w/TRACON...118.95

1003: Royal Air Force...ASCOT 2100 (VC-10, XV104, 101 Squadron Brize Norton) in the area w/TRACON climbing out.
1006: REACH 241T Heavy (KC-10A, 79-1951, 60th AMW Travis) w/ADW Approach (TRACON)....119.3
1015: REACH 241T Heavy w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1015: US Coast Guard 1711 (HC-130H, 1711, CGAS Elizabeth City NC) w/TRACON
1020: JOSA 376 (C-21A, 84-0131) reports to ADW CP he departed at 1416Z.....378.1 (ex-Yakota, Japan bird)
1021: BIGGY 71 (C-32B, 00-9001, 227th SOF NJ-ANG McGuire) overhead the area at FL 240...flying from southwest to northeast heading toward home...ZDC VHF (New callsign..adding to database)
1032: EVAC 166 reports airborne (from Andrews) (EVAC 66166 is full callsign - C-17A, 06-6166, 436th AW Dover)....378.1
1041: BIGGY 71 with Atlantic City Approach heading for McGuire...descending to 8000 feet....124.6

1108: PACER 98 (C-21A, 84-0094, 457th AS Andrews)...reports takeoff at 1502Z, late due to maintenance...378.1 (tried calling several times on this freq and 141.55 before being able to make contact)'
1121: JOSA 864 (C-21A, 84-0075, 457th AS Andrews)...reports takeoff time 1510Z...378.1
1122: SALTY DOG 222 (F/A-18E, 165170, VX-23 NAS Patuxent) reports complete, RTB...270.8
1123: VENUS 21 (C-20B, 86-0201, 99th AS Andrews) w/ADW Tower...118.4 (Has been doing pattern work)
1130: EPIC 61 (C-130H, 93-1561, 156th AS NC-ANG) overhead at FL 210...ZDC VHF
1135: TP 38 (Tango Papa 38) (C-12C, 76-23132, USN Test Pilot School, NAS Patuxent) w/Pax Approach heading for runway 6....127.95
1138: ROMAN 21 (F/A-18 VFA-106, NAS Oceana VA) reports at FL 280 w/ZDC-Gordonsville...351.9
1141: ROMAN 21 requests RTB Navy Oceana when possible...351.9
1144: EPIC 62 (C-130H, 93-1562, 156th AS NC-ANG) overhead at FL 210...ZDC VHF
1146: Navy SD 405 (F/A-18A, 163093, VX-23 NAS Patuxent) w/Pax being handed off to ZDC....354.8
1147: Navy SD 405 checks in as a flight of two, FL 210...ZDC-Calvert...281.4
1149: VENUS 21 tells ADW CP he'll be blocking at 10 after the hour, requests parking and crew bus....378.1
1150: SD 405 requesting direct NBC (Beaufort MCAS)...handed off to ZDC-Norfolk 327.8...281.4
1157: TESTER 880 (ID shows as a helicopter but sure doesn't sound like one - USN TPS) with Patuxent...354.8

1200: Break time

NOTE: Some of my MilAir scanners and equipment are going up for sale - as soon as I can take some pictures of them and check for prices. Among them will be three Uniden 780s, Radio Shack PRO-2045, 2042, and 2005, a Yaesu VR500 handheld scanner, a military R390 w/sideband converter, an Ortronics 2-foot x 2-foot rack with glass door (holds standard 19 inch equipment racks), a classic Tennelec scanner (the first and original programmable scanner as a collector's item - works fine) along with various parts and pieces including a GRE Base Super Amp (maybe two of those), co-phased 3-element Yagi antennas for 800 mHz and whatever else I can find. I haven't put prices with any of this stuff yet but if anyone wants a holler when I get it ready for sale, give me a shout. I figured I'd give first dibs to readers of this thread before putting them on the For Sale thread or over on Ebay. I mentioned the 780s previously but never took pics or got them ready for sale. Those three scanners have the original equipment and boxes that came with them.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1254: ANIMAL 01 flight (F-16, 176th Fighter Squadron, WI-ANG) working interflight....138.45 (two ship flight)
1304: ANIMAL 01 w/TRACON 322.3 direct Andrews...322.3
1306: ANIMAL 01 descending from 6 to 4000 feet...field in sight...322.3
1307: ANIMAL 01 handed to TRACON 270.275, no joy, back to 322.3 and sent right back to 270.275 where they check in and request initial to runway 01R.
1309: ANIMAL 01 handed to Andrews Tower and check runway 01R (base, gear, stop, right)...349.0
1309: ANIMAL 21 flight now with ZDC-Linden...322.55 (two ship flight)
1310: ANIMAL 21 flight working interflight....139.8
1310: ANIMAL 21 flight handed to TRACON where they check in at 15,000 feet...257.875
1311: ANIMAL 21 reports heading for Andrews...257.875
1316: ANIMAL 21 reports leaving 11,000 for 8,000 feet...257.876
1316: ANIMAL 21 flight chatting about being right over Reagan but then say Andrews is off their nose at 30 miles (think they might have been over Dulles instead of Reagan)...139.8
1318: ANIMAL 21 handed off to TRACON freq...check in at 8000 feet for initial to Andrews...looking for runway 1R...322.3
1321: ANIMAL 21 wingman says.."looks like that's it on the right, huh?" (as he spots Andrews)...139.8
1323: ANIMAL 21 out of 5000 for 2500....322.3
1323: ANIMAL 21 handed to ADW Tower...out of 3500 for 2500...from the southwest, initial 1R...break for 1R...349.0
1325: ANIMAL 21..."Looks like Air Force 1 taxiing down there to the right"....139.8
1326: ANIMAL 21 and then ANIMAL 22 report gear down, base, stop on the right....349.0
All four of these F-16 drivers appeared to be coming into Andrews for the first time. One of them remarked that from the air it's hard to miss it since it's so f*****g large. Guess it is compared to Truax Field - their home base.

1333: GOLD 23 to LIBERATOR...reports 30 minutes out, A-1, 35K on the fuel, need Customs and pax....378.1 (will get full ID on him shortly but believe it's KC-135R, 59-1469, 756th ARS Andrews that left Andrews at 2155 local on 09/ confirmed - that's exactly who it is.)
(I think GOLD 23 was tanker support for the F-15s that left Seymour Johnson a few days ago heading to Europe on their first flight leg.)
1344: ROCCO 61 Heavy (KC-135E, 108th ARW NJ-ANG McGuire) w/ACY Approach in a descent, heading for McGuire....124.6
1359: GOLD 23 to ADW Tower for initial, ILS to runway 1R...118.4
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1525: Just want to quickly note that Langley F-22A flights are heading out to W-386 to work in Giant Killer's area on mission V-1807. So far I've heard RANCHO 11, SNIPER 21, KNIFE 31 and BOBCAT 41 flights all heading in. Hearing them with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 as they climb out from Langley, then it's "Push 7" and they come up with Giant Killer on 249.8. SNIPER flight is working 262.025 interflight, BOBCAT is on 257.075 interflight, RANCHO on 233.525 interflight.
[That RANCHO callsign had me stumped for a bit. Flight leader is pronouncing it as "RAIN-cho" but the other flights are calling it RANCHO when they announce MARSA with that flight.]

There is also a Royal Air Force E-3, tail ZH105 operating as ASCOT 7030 in the area but I've had no indication yet he's working with the Langley F-22s.

1540: FENDY 06 (C-20H, 92-0375, 76th AS USAFE) departing Andrews w/TRACON...125.65
1545: BULLY, flight of three F-16s, DC-ANG Andrews airborne...on interflight...143.6
1546: ASCOT 5649 (C-130J/C4, ZH874, Lyneham Transport Squadron) calling unknown station on dispatch freq....372.2
1553: BULLY flight with ZDC-Woodstown...362.3
1557: BULLY flight with FSS (got there too late to hear which VR route they're going to use)...255.4
1557: ASCOT 5649 calling Dover Dispatch....372.2
1558: Another DC-ANG F-16 flight of two working interflight....143.15.....and with TRACON to climb out from ADW....348.725....callsign RAVAGE

1600: RAVAGE flight handed to ZDC-Calvert and check in....281.4
1602: RAVAGE 1 flight handed to Pax Check In...and do...305.2
1603: RAVAGE over to BayWatch and check in there at 15,000 feet....for R-4006 from 3500-25000....put R-4005 on request...270.8
1604: BULLY flight to Giant Killer to enter W-107, MARSA all flights....say they'll be working 337.225...255.0
1610: BULLY flight working DARKSTAR but don't know if it's simulated or there really is an AWACS out there...think it's simulated....337.225

Well, it was supposed to be just a quick note about the Langley F-22A aircraft but then other things started popping. Really have to run for a bit. Later.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1751: There's a B-52 from Barksdale (DOOM 96 Heavy) in the area at FL 260. Currently with ZDC-Montebello, heading direct Montebello. He came over from ZDC-Blackstone 235.625 where he was for about 15 minutes. He's heading back to Barksdale with a stop in AR-203 along the way. He's having trouble establishing comms with Montebello controller at the far 7 calls, no joy.
1755: OPEC 76 Heavy (KC-10A, 79-1710, 305th AMW McGuire) with ACY Approach, descending while heading for McGuire...124.6
79-1711 is also a few minutes behind him.
1758: DOOM 96 Heavy again calling ZDC-Montebello "with a request" but still no contact there...284.7 (He might have switched over to ZDC VHF freqs. I'm not hearing him on any other UHF ZDC freq)

Ref below: Thanks Travis. Guess he got out of my range. That AR-203 refueling track uses the same freqs as AR-636 (238.9 primary, 319.7 secondary). It runs from southwest WV, through Kentucky and to southwest TN (for those that aren't familiar with it.)
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Jan 5, 2004
I had DOOM-96 with ZDC-Marlinton UHF and he's now on 238.9 for AR, tail #600013. He can take 0 to 30000, whatever the tanker is good for.

1959- RAVAGE-1 two-ship ascending with ZDC-Swann. Someone else descending with Montebello. Maybe DOG-16.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: XV105

Hi Tin,

XV105 is a VC-10 c/n 835, I'm sure you meant to type ZH105?

Best regards,


TinEar said:
There is also a Royal Air Force E-3, tail XV105 operating as ASCOT 7030 in the area but I've had no indication yet he's working with the Langley F-22s.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
CitationJet said:
Hi Tin,

XV105 is a VC-10 c/n 835, I'm sure you meant to type ZH105?

Best regards,


Yes, I sure did mean ZH105. I've corrected it above. Thanks. Guess my eyes were crossed or something and I combined parts of two lines from my notes.

Had a couple of other foreign flags today also...
German Air Force C-160D, tail 50+72 at 1423
German Air Force C-160D, tail 50+78 at 1622

2037: NACHO 11 (Langley F-22A) flight out in W-386 with Giant Killer...249.8
GK's 292.3 and 373.1 both active also
2043: AR freq 238.9 active. One of them mentions working at FL 240 and that he's with ZDC-Norfolk on 133.825....believe I heard a MAINE callsign there which would be a KC-135 from Bangor.
2050: MAINE 24 reports he just finished AR in 636...133.825
2050: Bomber interplane freq 388.85 active but too weak to copy from my location.
2050: E-6B, 164404, VQ-4 operating in the area...course 270....310.15 (SHADOW Maintenance)
2057: BULLY 1 (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews) with BayWatch at Pax saying they'll do just a couple more spins...354.8 (143.6 interflight freq)
2059: BULLY requesting non-standard 1.5 mile trail for the RTB to Andrews through Nottingham...354.8
2059: AR op on 295.8...tanker gives his tail as 79-1711 (KC-10A, 305th AMW McGuire)

2104: BULLY flight with TRACON on approach to ADW...335.5
2107: DC 23 (KC-135R, 62-3543, 756th ARS Andrews) to LIBERATOR to advise he'll be plopping down in 8-10 minutes (been doing some pattern work)...378.1
2107: There's also a RAVAGE F-16s flight from Andrews working interflight...139.15

Site is impossibly slow again tonight. Can't log and put up with it.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0945: ANIMAL 01 flight (F-16 WI-ANG) climbing out from Andrews w/TRACON...257.2
0946: ANIMAL 01 flight working interflight freq....138.45 (It's a flight of four - probably combines ANIMAL 01 and 21 flights that came in yesterday)
0953: ANIMAL 01 flight handed off to ZDC-Linden where they try to check in several times at 16,000 with no joy....319.1 (This is old Linden freq)
0955: ANIMAL 01 back to 257.2 and are cleared to 17,000 (TRACON controller trying to find another ZDC freq for them - he apparently isn't aware of the new Linden freq)
0956: ANIMAL 01 flight handed off to ZDC-Linden and check in there at 17,000 feet...cleared to FL 270...322.55
1000: ANIMAL 01 request direct MSN (their home base at Truax Field in Wisconsin)...322.55
1001: ANIMAL 01 handed to ZDC-Moorefield and check in at FL 240 on the way to 270...371.9
1003: ANIMAL 01 requesting final altitude of 260...cleared to 260...371.9
1007: ANIMAL 01 flight has been constant chatter on interflight. One of them has some kind of problem - but not serious enough to make him divert back to ADW. They are starting to fade out at this point as they head northwest (my weakest listening direction)...138.45
1009: ANIMAL 21 flight climbing out of Andrews w/TRACON...257.2 (Okay, yesterday ANIMAL 01 and 21 were both two ship flights. ANIMAL 01 took off as a four ship so they obviously picked up some company while at Andrews.)
1012: ANIMAL 21 flight told to expedite to 17,000 feet...257.2
1012: ANIMAL 21 flight working same interflight as yesterday....139.8 (appears to be a two ship flight)
1015: ANIMAL 21 handed off to another TRACON freq and check in at 17,000 feet...257.875
1017: ANIMAL 21 handed off to ZDC-Linden...try to check in at 17,000 with a request...319.1 (You know what's going to happen!)
1018: ANIMAL 21 has no reply on 319.1 so right back to TRACON on 257.875 where they get the correct freq of 322.55
1019: ANIMAL 21 to ZDC-Linden and check in at 17,000....cleared to FL 270...322.55
1021: ANIMAL 21 handed to ZDC-Moorefield....check in at FL 270 with a request....cleared to 280...371.9
1027: ANIMAL 21 wingman has a small problem with his auto-pilot, apparently nothing serious...139.8 (and they're starting to fade out here)

1013: BATON 51 (EC-130J, 97-1931, 193rd SOW PA-ANG Harrisburg) calling Andrews CP...x2, no joy...141.55
1021: EVAC 71464 (KC-135E, 57-1464, 108th ARW NJ-ANG McGuire) reports ADW takeoff time 1417Z...late due to ATC and wants that passed on to TACC...378.1
1025: BATON 51 with ADW Approach (TRACON)...119.3
1027: BATON 51 to ADW Tower for landing runway 1L...118.4
1040: REACH 493 (C-17A, 01-0197, 437th AW Charleston) reports airborne from ADW at 1439Z....378.1
1048: Have a pair of A-10s up from Martin State on interflight...callsign RAVEN...142.3 (Guess the entire unit didn't deploy last week)
1049: RAVEN flight to TRACON reporting passing 4 for 5,000 feet...cleared to 7,000...317.425 (Button 5)
1055: RAVEN flight handed off to Patuxent Approach...check in at 7,000...314.0

1145: RAVEN flight on the way home to MTN...142.3
1148: RAVEN flight reports to Ops...RAVEN 1 is Code 2 for right generator, RAVEN 2 is Code 1...347.2
1157: RAVEN flight with MTN Tower for straight in approach...297.2
1159: RAVEN flight for full stop landing on runway 33 in one mile trai (setting course to 326)l...297.2
1201: RAVEN 1 reports gear down, full stop..297.2

1149: Have encrypted voice traffic...141.675

1200: DC 31 (KC-135R, 57-1487, 756th ARS Andrews) descending on the approach to Andrews...w/TRACON (departed Andrews at 0930 this morning)
Yes, they're still using DEECEE (DECEE for flight plan) as their callsign. And it still looks awful. I always shorten it to just DC for the logs.
1215: BATON 51 (EC-130J, 97-1931, 193rd SOW PA-ANG Harrisburg) lifting off from Andrews....TRACON (Arrived at ADW around 1030)
1219: LION 21 (Prob F-15) from ZDC-Irons 360.85 to ADW Approach (TRACON) 335.5 where he checks in at 12,000...says he wants PAR at Navy side of Andrews.
LION callsign used by F-15s at Langley, Seymour Johnson and Eglin so difficult to tell which this one might be from.
1223: LION 21 reports field in sight...cleared for visual...335.5
1225: LION 21 over to ADW Tower for the Navy land on the right...standby gear....349.0

Was listening for MARINE 1 taking the President to NSA but never did hear him.
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Mar 22, 2007
Hatboro Pa
Trend 81 Flight Of 6 To Willow Grove Tower, A-10's Coming Home From There Deployment All For The Break And Landed, With Out Incident The Only Thing Left Is The C-17's And Maybe The 757 With The Rest Of There Personal.
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