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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
RGr TIN got up too late to hear them depart but did catch MAZDA 21 flt of 6 on ZNY 128.300
and GOLD 72 mention that MAZDA 16 will rtb,I assume the airspare..
Guess the PA A-10's are also overseas as well.. Could be quiet for A-10's around here.
Good luck to them all as well. Happy Hunting!


0728 MAZDA 16 on Raven OPs 347.200 after ZDC 285.400 and ZDC 127.700
mentions to OPs he has only one UHF radio.
0736 MAZDA 16 on Balt appch 124.550 vfr at 6k.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


No time to type up yesterday's log until this morning, so here it is!

1415Z 128.425 IAD TWR West - GERMAN AIR FORCE 995 (C-160) - deps rwy 30 QSY 125.050.
1417Z 126.650 PT DEP - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM VA RFC) - checking in 3.6 for 4000' off DAA 10 nms. SSW of the field - on the wrong freq switched over to 118.950.
1436Z 128.425 IAD TWR West - GERMAN AIR FORCE 967 (C-160) - deps rwy 30 QSY 125.050.
1452Z 118.850 Davison AAF GCA - BLACKJACK 1 (USCG HH-65 CGAS Washington) - multiple PAR approaches to rwy 14.

1518Z 279.575 PT APP - DRAGO 51 (sounded like 16s) - dir OTT for the hold @ 17000' EFC 1527Z. Also with DRAGO 52/53.
1528Z 143.600 121st FS IP - U/I "sitting here until 27 after". DRAGOs DC ANG birds maybe?
1531Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - NAVY JR 093 (C-20G 165093 VR-48) - ILS 19L low. app at GEEMO inbound.
1539Z 279.575 PT APP - DRAGO 51 - now with a 1549Z EFC.
1536Z 139.150 - 121st FS IP - RAVAGE 1-4 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - up with ACM act.
1541Z 118.950 PT DEP - DC 93 - deps ADW to 12000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1546Z 378.100 LIBERATOR - DC 93 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) reports off ADW @ 1541Z.
1548Z 119.850 PT APP - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM VA RFC) - this guy had freq problems today: dir OJAAY @ 6000' inbound rwy 14 at Davison. Sent to correct freq. 118.950.
1550Z 279.575 PT APP - DRAGO 51 - cleared to FL190 QSY ZDC-Calvert 281.400.
1553Z 281.400 ZDC-Calvert - DRAGO 51 - checks in FL190 req. dir Oceana 175/6 radial for a flyby at 1230. gets dir Harcum and FL200.

1822Z 128.350 PT APP - MARINE 474 (UC-35D 166474 MAW-4 VM-1 Andrews Det.) - 3000' until est. cleared for the ILS app to rwy 19L @ Andrews.
1829Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PAT 403 clg here X 2 no joy.
1838Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - NAVY 7W 259 (UC-12B NAS JRB Willow Grove) - 20 mins. out for an S-4 drop off.

1938Z 128.350 PT APP - EVAC 33118 (C-17A 03-3118 183rd AS MS ANG) - 3000' until est. cleared ILS rwy 19L QSY 118.400 and on an 8.5 nm. final.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The MAZDA 11 flight of five A-10s (MAZDA 11-15) has turned around and is heading back to Martin State. I don't know the reason for their abort. ETA back at MTN is 0930 local.

0904: MAZDA 11 flight with Ops...says they are 30 minutes out...changes it to 20 min...hear Code 2 for MAZDA 14 and then he fades...requesting direct MTN...347.2

Mark, you listening? You should be in range for this traffic. He's giving all the problems to Ops but I can't hear them well enough to copy.

0907: MAZDA 11 flight with ZDC-Kenton 354.15 at 14,000 feet...cleared up to 17,000 now
0910: MAZDA 11 flight just coming into range on interflight...still using 142.3
0917: ZDC clears MAZDA 11 for the altitude block 10-12,000 feet...354.15
It is the entire flight of five returning to MTN. They're in a one mile trail. Active runway at MTN is 15. They will have spent 3-plus hours in the air by the time they get back to Martin State. Lot of wasted flight time. The tanker doesn't appear to be with them so perhaps that was who had to abort. No tanker, no flight.
0921: MAZDA 11 reports 10 minutes out to Ops...controller tells them 3 will park in Alpha and three in Bravo...347.2 (Six????)
0924: Chatting on interflight 142.3...saying they wish they had been able to spend the day in the Azores.
0925: MAZDA 11 cleared from 10,500 down to 2,000? feet...354.15
0925: MAZDA 11 flight handed off to Potomac TRACON...cleared to 6500 feet...controller had to ask several times how many were in the flight....each time, same answer: five...317.425
0928: MAZDA 11 flight handed off to MTN Tower and check in there....14 miles to the east for straight in to runway mile trail for the five aircraft...297.2
0932: MAZDA 11 "base, gear, stop"...12 reports the same....and 13...and 14...and finally 15 at 0934:35...297.2

Reason for the MAZDA 11 flight abort and return to MTN was a problem aboard the KC-135 tanker from Pease. The flight was past DOVEY at the time it happened.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
The MAZDA 11 flight of five A-10s (MAZDA 11-15) has turned around and is heading back to Martin State. I don't know the reason for their abort. ETA back at MTN is 0930 local.

TIN I got GOLD 61 KC-10 #83-0082 rtb McGuire due to malfunction.
Said they ran the checklist and was no go.
and I think that was problem with MAZDA 11 flight scrub.
GOLD 61 called it the A-10 flight Coronet East #136.
Guess they will try again tommorow.

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
1050 local Have STEALTH 91 on ZDC Salisbury 257.700 direct Sea Isle on 281.450 talking about a flyby.
Probably F-117's from Oceana airshow doing side trip to New York?
Mentions JFK.Maybe for US Open Tennis tournament going on there or football game.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
TIN I got GOLD 61 KC-10 #83-0082 rtb McGuire due to malfunction.
Said they ran the checklist and was no go.
and I think that was problem with MAZDA 11 flight scrub.
GOLD 61 called it the A-10 flight Coronet East #136.
Guess they will try again tommorow.


You're right. At first, I didn't realize we also had two KC-10s in the mix - GOLD 61 and 71. All I heard here were the two KC-135s from Pease - GOLD 62 and 72. Yes, I've now confirmed it was GOLD 61, one of the KC-10s with the problem that returned to WRI. The KC-135 (GOLD 62) that was with that flight continued on to Lajes.

The second flight (MAZDA 21) also needs a correction. They left from MTN as a flight of six and two were airspares and returned to MTN rather than just one of them. So...five in MAZDA 11 and four in MAZDA 21 was the makeup of the two flights. No idea at all when the MAZDA 11 flight will reschedule. I hope I get a call or something because I'm not going to sit by the scanner and wait. :D

Mark said:
1050 local Have STEALTH 91 on ZDC Salisbury 257.700 direct Sea Isle on 281.450 talking about a flyby.
Probably F-22's from Oceana airshow doing side trip to New York?
Mentions JFK.Maybe for US Open Tennis tournament going on there or football game.

STEALTH 91 should be a flight of two F-117s from the 49th FW.

1132: Just heard those guys...STEALTH 91 with ZNY-Dixie at FL 180...307.8 (Wish I hadn't turned the radios back on. :))
At the same time, I heard a TRINIDAD 20 with McGuire A/D on 124.15. Don't know if that's commercial or a new military call...probably commercial.

Second half of 1100 hour...been following COLT 1 (A-10 MTN...they have at least one left)...heard first with ZDC-Hagerstown 227.125 and then to 124.4 and now on 121.2 at 1157. Guess those last two are ZNY VHF freqs. He just requested direct EWC (in PA)
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Dec 19, 2002
San Francisco
AF1 feet dry

Coming back from Australia, AF1 [92-9000] goes feet dry with Oakland Center around 21:30/PT ... backup SAM 28000 [82-8000] about 5 minutes behind.


Jul 10, 2004
Bloomingdale, NJ
0645: GOLD 62 (McGUIRE KC-10) working MAZDA Flight 15 & 16 (A-10's) on 396.200.
0645: MAZDA Interplane on 142.300.
0645: NY CENTER working GOLD 62 on 128.300.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
jerseymilair said:
0645: GOLD 62 (McGUIRE KC-10) working MAZDA Flight 15 & 16 (A-10's) on 396.200.
0645: MAZDA Interplane on 142.300.
0645: NY CENTER working GOLD 62 on 128.300.

Good catch Steve. After a very late Saturday night, I couldn't make it to the radios by 6 a.m. this morning and was wondering if they left. Looks like they left all the details in place from yesterday as far as freq usage for the flight. There were probably seven A-10s at the start of the flight with one or two returning to MTN.

GOLD 61 and 62 were with the flight. GOLD 61 was the KC-10A and 62 was the KC-135 that probably did the first refueling or two. Don't know if both tankers went across the pond with them or if the KC-135 returned to base after the initial AR op(s).
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Saturday, September 8

A couple of sounds from a journey through Southern Virginia yesterday:
~1115: -124.3 (NGU Tower)- CHAMBERS TOWER, NAVY RY 501 (C-40A 165831 VR-59 Fort Worth seen) 10 out for the visual 10. He was waiting for a North American 767 (768NA, about to depart to Wheeler-Sack) to push off of his gate and got impatient on the frequency asking "is there somewhere else we can park, since we're on a time schedule." Also heard was (GRIFFIN?) 555 (MH-53E from HM-14 seen / Scramble db lists as 163069) getting permission to cross midfield on the way to the Squadron area on the north side of the airport.

~1520: Didn't do any monitoring at the show itself, but on the drive out of Oceana, I did catch the Blues on 275.35 and 284.25.

and, without the SHREKs to do the flyover at the Richmond race, the duty fell to...
~1945: -126.4 (Richmond-area Approach [is this a Potomac facility also?])- RHODY 11 (C-130J seen) getting a clearance back to OQU. To ZDC on 133.9.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mateo said:
~1945: -126.4 (Richmond-area Approach [is this a Potomac facility also?])- RHODY 11 (C-130J seen) getting a clearance back to OQU. To ZDC on 133.9.

Yes, 126.4 is a Potomac TRACON (James River area) freq. It's supposed to be paired with 282.375.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 09092007

1258 - ARMY 080204 reporting 10 miles south of Linden, working Leesburg radio to change destination from Charlottesville to Roanoke. Lessburg confirms flight plan is now Philadelphia to Roanoke - 255.4


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
1445 STEALTH 91 on the move/decent to Reading Pa 362.300>ZNY Modena 335.600>ZNY Lancaster239.050>281.520>Reading 257.900..
There was some sort of flyover at the US Open tennis in New York but camera/director missed it as they were too busy on Liza Minnelli
doing Anthem.....Ugh! Rather have seen flyover for sure...LOL
Heard sound on TV but as usual TV director missed it...DOH!

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Dec 19, 2002
San Francisco
Sam 50049

85-0049 into Travis around 2130Z from the (Pacific) ocean ... "V93" scooted past last night after the two big brothers went by.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
WV-ANG C-5's at Martinsburg

Just a follow up on the status of the 167th's C-5's. 70-0462, which arrived in July, did not go to Westover with the rest. It's still parked on the ramp & won't be going anywhere soon as 4700' of runway 08/26 is closed for construction leaving 2300' available. I've heard the tower tell civilian traffic that the runway is supposed to be back open in 60 days.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 09102007

1350 - someone's active on 257.7 but I can't get a good copy as he's pretty faint. Maybe one of you guys will have better luck.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


Yesterday's log for you...

1213Z 133.550 ZDC-Linden - JOSA 351 - to FL270 will get FL280 as a final QSY ZDC-Moorefield 133.275.
1215Z 125.650 PT DEP - NAVY 541 - dir COLNS to 8000' QSY ZDC-Calvert 133.900.
1222Z 133.550 ZDC-Linden - MARINE 101 - to FL270 QSY ZDC-Moorefield 133.275.
1247Z 118.950 PT DEP - NAVY 7C 555 - dir Davison @ 6000' cleared for the vis. app. to rwy 32 QSY Davison GCA 118.850.
1250Z 118.950 PT DEP - REACH 279 - deps ADW.

2010Z 120.050 Pax App - LOBO 715 - req. dir Cambridge for a GPS rwy 32 app then over to Easton for the same. From 9000' to 7000'.
2011Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - ANVIS 21 - reqs. fuel on Night Vision Ramp.
2017Z 143.150 121st FS IF - RAVAGE 1-3 - ACM ops 1 and 2 will be at 16000' - above, 3 will remain 16000' - blo.
2024Z 118.675 PT APP - JOS 669 - dir JASEN and resume the arrival.
2034Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 555 - on final for rwy 32 gear down full stop.
2042Z 118.950 PT DEP - PAT 108 - dir LDN 17000' QSY 118.675 QSY ZDC-Linden 133.550 to FL270 QSY ZDC-Moorefield 133.275.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 09112007

1118 - sounds like refueling ops on 276.5
1120 - REACH 291 to cp - 141.55
1131 - "you are cleared to Patuxent River, maintain block 500 to 600" - 249.8 __ Anybody copy the ac type?
1302 - multiple ac with presumed practice intercepts - 276.675
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
That REACH 291 (C-17A, 05-5153, 535th AS Hickam AFB HI) sure had a tough time reaching Andrews Command Post. He began calling at 1114 on both 378.1 and 141.55 but didn't make contact over a 15 minute period. Finally, at 1129, he makes contact, reports 10 minutes out (later changed to 15 minutes at 1131)...47 pax and 10 pallets to offload, needs a crew bus for 4 and a pax bus along with fleet service. Requests 120,000 pounds of fuel...gets parking on 13 Row...378.1
1134: REACH 291 over to TRACON for Andrews approach...119.85 (first heard this freq 1127)
1135: REACH 291 to TRACON (ADW Approach) descending to 2000 and requesting ILS to runway 1...119.3
1140: Have some Navy refueling (usually Pax area on this freq)...123.525 [No callsigns yet...however, since these are Navy pilots and part of their flight training consists of learning to speak with their mouths closed, callsigns will be difficult to recover.]
Sure is quiet today. Overcast skies with occasional rain will do that. Nothing in the offshore areas with Giant Killer. No fighters at all flying.

1214: REACH 556 (C-17A, 06-6159, 60th AMW Travis) with ZDC-Sea Isle...133.125

After a tip and then checking FlightAware, there's a Belgian Air Force C-130H (BAF 637) on the way to Andrews from St. John's, Newfoundland (CYYT). Due at ADW at 1457 local.

1244: Langley interflight freq active but the first couple of transmissions don't sound like fighters....358.85
At the same time, I had someone tell Giant Killer on 249.8 that he'd be using 363.9 and would give 5 minutes notice before departing. Suffix 71. Possibly PACE 71.
1247: ROCKY 81 (Langley F-15) w/Norfolk TRACON...push 7 Prime...370.925
1248: ROCKY 81 to Giant Killer into W-386 on mission V-1107 for the next 30 minutes...249.8
1249: ROCKY 81 flight leader talking to the 71 suffix guy on the 363.9 freq
1251: ROCKY flight to 17 prime...searching for it....249.8
1253: The suffix 71 flight callsign is not PACE...not sure what it is...not strong enough to really pull out their transmissions but it appears this 363.9 is a Langley interflight freq that I didn't have listed.
1256: Langley interflight freq active....276.675
Everything from Langley so far today sounds like F-15s. No F-22A activity.
1258: Langley interflight freq active....228.175
1258: DC 21 (KC-135R, 59-1469, 756th ARS Andrews) to LIBERATOR to say he'll be in the local area for new writeups...if LIB needs to get them, they'll be on UHF...378.1

1300: ROCKY 84 (and others from the ROCKY flight) in ACM activity on interflight...276.675
The 363.9 freq now sounds like it's callsign SPADE. If that's correct, they are not Langley F-15s. OTOH, they don't sound like Navy fighters which is usually associated with the SPADE callsign. It's a flight of five aircraft. Shaw F-16s use that callsign but these don't sound like F-16s. It's difficult to tell because of distance/signal strength issues.
Nahhh...not Air Force. Terminology is all wrong. Must be Navy/Marines. Could be A/V-8s from MCAS Cherry Point or wherever Marines hang out in that area.
And now I'm totally confused...the SPADE five ship flight is now using 358.85 which is a Langley freq. They still don't sound like Air Force though.

1313: DUCE 22 (KC-10A, 84-0188, 305th AMW McGuire) with arrival message to McGuire CP...ETA 25 minutes, A-3...#2 hydraulic pressure fluctuating with both pumps running and their TAS SAT indicator is inoperative....319.4 [Yes, that's the way they spell their callsign. It's not DEUCE.]
1321: DC 21 Heavy with TRACON....128.35
1323: ROCKY 81 reports ready to RTB at this time...on the border of Golf...IDs as a four ship flight...249.8
1324: BOXER 36 (C-40C, 02-0202, 201st AS DC-ANG Andrews) w/TRACON doing locals
1325: There's also a COUPE 91 flight (F-15 Langley) ready to RTB Langley as reported to Giant Killer...249.8
COUPE spelled his callsign so am replacing the COOP we've all had for a Langley callsign on our lists.
1329: SAM 1741 (C-20B, 86-0203, 99th AS Andrews) climbing out of Andrews...w/TRACON...125.65
1331: SPADE flight leader tells flight to switch to Squadron Ops on 357.1....249.8 (And they come up on that freq which should now confirm they're Langley F-15s - that talk funny. This also requires adding the SPADE callsign to the Langley list. Of course, there's always the possibility I blew the callsign since they were weak throughout the flight. And we can't forget that it could also be a TDY unit operating from Langley which could account for their strange terminology.)
1336: DC 22 (KC-135R, 756th ARS Andrews) to LIBERATOR to report 30 minutes out, A-1, 40K (fuel)....378.1
1355: DC 21 Heavy still in the pattern at Andrews...switching between Tower and Approach....118.4/119.3
1345: DC 22 doing the same.

1407: Belgian Air Force (BAF 637, C-130H, tail CH-08, 20 Squadron) (with heavy Germanic accent) says his departure will be 13 September at 1500Z (guess this was last part of arrival message to Andrews)....378.1
1410: SAM 1772 (C-40B, 01-0040, 1st AS Andrews) with TRACON...(Missed freq)
1412: Marine 767 (UC-35D, 166767, VMR-2) landing at ADW w/Tower...118.4
1414: SAM 1765 (C-32A, 98-0002, 1st AS Andrews)...with TRACON...(Missed freq)
1414: SAM 1766 (C-32A, 99-0004, 1st AS Andrews) w/ADW Approach (TRACON)...119.3
1416: SAM 1766 w/ADW Tower for full stop landing....118.4
1419: SAM 1765 w/ADW Approach (TRACON)....119.3
1419: SAM 1765 wADW Tower, gear down...cleared to land runway 1L...118.4
SAMs all over the place.
1419: WARLOCK 7 (U/I) with Patuxent Check-In...climbing to try to get above the weather...305.2
1421: WARLOCK 7 with BayWatch...says he's VMC and will stay around 12,500 feet today...270.8
1423: Belgian Air Force 637 with ADW Approach at 4000 feet heading for runway 1L at ADW...119.3
1423: Navy TP 18 (Tango Papa 18) with Patuxent...281.8 (Heavy Hispanic accent...should be a TESTER T-38 aircraft from USN Test Pilot School at Pax)
1429: Belgian Air Force 637 w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1430: SAM 1771 (C-20B, 86-0202, 99th AS Andrews) w/ADW Approach...119.3
1431: CAJUN 11 (Langley F-15s) flight to Giant Killer to enter W-386 A-J for the next hour...will work with KANG flight...249.7
1432: REACH 8107 (KC-135R, 58-0107, 116th ARS WA-ANG) calling Andrews....x2, no joy...378.1
1437: REACH 8107 now trying to get Andrews Ops on VHF...same result...141.55
1437: SAM 1771 w/ADW Tower for landing....118.4
1438: E-6B, 162784, VQ-3 appears to be climbing out of Patuxent...310.15
1442: REACH 8107 gets Andrews, reports 30 minutes out, A-1, 37K on the fuel and will need 50K upon landing....378.1
1442: JAKE 21 flight (F-15 Langley) into W-386 w/Giant Killer...249.8
1445: SALTY DOG 405 (F/A-18A, 163093, VX-23 Patuxent NAS) calling Giant FL 15,500, will work test track, requesting heading...249.8
1447: CHAP 81 (F-15 Langley) to Giant Killer to work 1B (W-72 area)....249.8...then sent to 233.7 where he should be to enter W-72
1451: KANG 21 to enter offshore area w/Giant Killer...wants confirmation test track is open...249.8
1454: SALTY DOG 405 reports RTB at this time to Giant Killer...249.8

Break time.
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