That REACH 291 (C-17A, 05-5153, 535th AS Hickam AFB HI) sure had a tough time reaching Andrews Command Post. He began calling at 1114 on both 378.1 and 141.55 but didn't make contact over a 15 minute period. Finally, at 1129, he makes contact, reports 10 minutes out (later changed to 15 minutes at 1131)...47 pax and 10 pallets to offload, needs a crew bus for 4 and a pax bus along with fleet service. Requests 120,000 pounds of fuel...gets parking on 13 Row...378.1
1134: REACH 291 over to TRACON for Andrews approach...119.85 (first heard this freq 1127)
1135: REACH 291 to TRACON (ADW Approach) descending to 2000 and requesting ILS to runway 1...119.3
1140: Have some Navy refueling (usually Pax area on this freq)...123.525 [No callsigns yet...however, since these are Navy pilots and part of their flight training consists of learning to speak with their mouths closed, callsigns will be difficult to recover.]
Sure is quiet today. Overcast skies with occasional rain will do that. Nothing in the offshore areas with Giant Killer. No fighters at all flying.
1214: REACH 556 (C-17A, 06-6159, 60th AMW Travis) with ZDC-Sea Isle...133.125
After a tip and then checking FlightAware, there's a Belgian Air Force C-130H (BAF 637) on the way to Andrews from St. John's, Newfoundland (CYYT). Due at ADW at 1457 local.
1244: Langley interflight freq active but the first couple of transmissions don't sound like fighters....358.85
At the same time, I had someone tell Giant Killer on 249.8 that he'd be using 363.9 and would give 5 minutes notice before departing. Suffix 71. Possibly PACE 71.
1247: ROCKY 81 (Langley F-15) w/Norfolk TRACON...push 7 Prime...370.925
1248: ROCKY 81 to Giant Killer into W-386 on mission V-1107 for the next 30 minutes...249.8
1249: ROCKY 81 flight leader talking to the 71 suffix guy on the 363.9 freq
1251: ROCKY flight to 17 prime...searching for it....249.8
1253: The suffix 71 flight callsign is not PACE...not sure what it is...not strong enough to really pull out their transmissions but it appears this 363.9 is a Langley interflight freq that I didn't have listed.
1256: Langley interflight freq active....276.675
Everything from Langley so far today sounds like F-15s. No F-22A activity.
1258: Langley interflight freq active....228.175
1258: DC 21 (KC-135R, 59-1469, 756th ARS Andrews) to LIBERATOR to say he'll be in the local area for new writeups...if LIB needs to get them, they'll be on UHF...378.1
1300: ROCKY 84 (and others from the ROCKY flight) in ACM activity on interflight...276.675
The 363.9 freq now sounds like it's callsign SPADE. If that's correct, they are not Langley F-15s. OTOH, they don't sound like Navy fighters which is usually associated with the SPADE callsign. It's a flight of five aircraft. Shaw F-16s use that callsign but these don't sound like F-16s. It's difficult to tell because of distance/signal strength issues.
Nahhh...not Air Force. Terminology is all wrong. Must be Navy/Marines. Could be A/V-8s from MCAS Cherry Point or wherever Marines hang out in that area.
And now I'm totally confused...the SPADE five ship flight is now using 358.85 which is a Langley freq. They still don't sound like Air Force though.
1313: DUCE 22 (KC-10A, 84-0188, 305th AMW McGuire) with arrival message to McGuire CP...ETA 25 minutes, A-3...#2 hydraulic pressure fluctuating with both pumps running and their TAS SAT indicator is inoperative....319.4 [Yes, that's the way they spell their callsign. It's not DEUCE.]
1321: DC 21 Heavy with TRACON....128.35
1323: ROCKY 81 reports ready to RTB at this time...on the border of Golf...IDs as a four ship flight...249.8
1324: BOXER 36 (C-40C, 02-0202, 201st AS DC-ANG Andrews) w/TRACON doing locals
1325: There's also a COUPE 91 flight (F-15 Langley) ready to RTB Langley as reported to Giant Killer...249.8
COUPE spelled his callsign so am replacing the COOP we've all had for a Langley callsign on our lists.
1329: SAM 1741 (C-20B, 86-0203, 99th AS Andrews) climbing out of Andrews...w/TRACON...125.65
1331: SPADE flight leader tells flight to switch to Squadron Ops on 357.1....249.8 (And they come up on that freq which should now confirm they're Langley F-15s - that talk funny. This also requires adding the SPADE callsign to the Langley list. Of course, there's always the possibility I blew the callsign since they were weak throughout the flight. And we can't forget that it could also be a TDY unit operating from Langley which could account for their strange terminology.)
1336: DC 22 (KC-135R, 756th ARS Andrews) to LIBERATOR to report 30 minutes out, A-1, 40K (fuel)....378.1
1355: DC 21 Heavy still in the pattern at Andrews...switching between Tower and Approach....118.4/119.3
1345: DC 22 doing the same.
1407: Belgian Air Force (BAF 637, C-130H, tail CH-08, 20 Squadron) (with heavy Germanic accent) says his departure will be 13 September at 1500Z (guess this was last part of arrival message to Andrews)....378.1
1410: SAM 1772 (C-40B, 01-0040, 1st AS Andrews) with TRACON...(Missed freq)
1412: Marine 767 (UC-35D, 166767, VMR-2) landing at ADW w/Tower...118.4
1414: SAM 1765 (C-32A, 98-0002, 1st AS Andrews)...with TRACON...(Missed freq)
1414: SAM 1766 (C-32A, 99-0004, 1st AS Andrews) w/ADW Approach (TRACON)...119.3
1416: SAM 1766 w/ADW Tower for full stop landing....118.4
1419: SAM 1765 w/ADW Approach (TRACON)....119.3
1419: SAM 1765 wADW Tower, gear down...cleared to land runway 1L...118.4
SAMs all over the place.
1419: WARLOCK 7 (U/I) with Patuxent Check-In...climbing to try to get above the weather...305.2
1421: WARLOCK 7 with BayWatch...says he's VMC and will stay around 12,500 feet today...270.8
1423: Belgian Air Force 637 with ADW Approach at 4000 feet heading for runway 1L at ADW...119.3
1423: Navy TP 18 (Tango Papa 18) with Patuxent...281.8 (Heavy Hispanic accent...should be a TESTER T-38 aircraft from USN Test Pilot School at Pax)
1429: Belgian Air Force 637 w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1430: SAM 1771 (C-20B, 86-0202, 99th AS Andrews) w/ADW Approach...119.3
1431: CAJUN 11 (Langley F-15s) flight to Giant Killer to enter W-386 A-J for the next hour...will work with KANG flight...249.7
1432: REACH 8107 (KC-135R, 58-0107, 116th ARS WA-ANG) calling Andrews....x2, no joy...378.1
1437: REACH 8107 now trying to get Andrews Ops on VHF...same result...141.55
1437: SAM 1771 w/ADW Tower for landing....118.4
1438: E-6B, 162784, VQ-3 appears to be climbing out of Patuxent...310.15
1442: REACH 8107 gets Andrews, reports 30 minutes out, A-1, 37K on the fuel and will need 50K upon landing....378.1
1442: JAKE 21 flight (F-15 Langley) into W-386 w/Giant Killer...249.8
1445: SALTY DOG 405 (F/A-18A, 163093, VX-23 Patuxent NAS) calling Giant FL 15,500, will work test track, requesting heading...249.8
1447: CHAP 81 (F-15 Langley) to Giant Killer to work 1B (W-72 area)....249.8...then sent to 233.7 where he should be to enter W-72
1451: KANG 21 to enter offshore area w/Giant Killer...wants confirmation test track is open...249.8
1454: SALTY DOG 405 reports RTB at this time to Giant Killer...249.8
Break time.