Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Jan 5, 2004
NIGHTHAWK-15 heading into Mt WX again, this time for a low approach. He was out there in the late afternoon too. Same as yesterday. Earlier he was using the VHF freq. I haven't been able to hear Bluegrass today though.

Langley fighters were active earlier, as were DC ANG freqs though I didn't catch the c/s. Those on the DC ANG freqs sounded similar to Raptors, crisp and no noise. I've aslo heard plenty of transports into ADW. Everything is just background noise for me tonight.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


Heard yesterday...

1257Z 118.675 PT DEP - SAM 1772 - to 17000' QSY ZDC-Linden 133.550 to FL270 and 290 kts. QSY ZDC-Moorefield 133.275.

1302Z 118.950 PT DEP - SAM 1766 - dir AML J149 QSY 121.050.
1303Z 118.950 PT DEP - NAVY 7C 126 (UC-12B 161203 NAS Oceana NFD) - @ 6000' for the ILS rwy 14 at Davison. QSY 126.300 @ 2000' and lands rwy 14.
1306Z 250.700 VX-23 Ops - U/I a/c with PIREP @ 10000'.
1315Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 21 (UH-60) - deps Davison QSY 118.950 @ 900' for 2000' cleared to 6000' dir GRUBY.
1320Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 126 (UC-12B 161203 NAS Oceana NFD) - deps rwy 14 QSY 118.950 @ 700' for 2000' cleared to 5000' dir GRUBY QSY 126.400.
1329Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 7104 (UC-35A 97-0104 OSACOM VA RFC) - deps rwy 32 QSY 118.950 to 11000' dir HAFNR QSY 121.050.

1648Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 7104 (UC-35A 97-0104 OSACOM VA RFC) - lands rwy 32.
1655Z 128.350 PT APP - DC 21 - inbound ADW for 1R 12000' for 7000'.
1658Z 120.050 Patuxent APP - WARLOCK 3 - TACAN 14 app.

1700Z 276.675 Langley IF - ROCKYs up here with ACM activity.

2121Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - JOSA 152 - lands rwy 1L.
2124Z 119.850 PT APP - SAM 1741 - dir Andrews QSY 119.300 @ 4000' for the vis. rwy 1L.
2132Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - SAM 1741 - 5 nms. E for the vis. to rwy 1L.
2133Z 128.350 PT APP - ARMY 10301 - reqs. ILS rwy 1L @ ADW to 9000'.
2137Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - MARINE 702 - lands rwy 1L.
2140Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - ARMY 10301 - inbound KIRBE ILS rwy 1L.
2146Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 126 (UC-12B 161203 NAS Oceana NFD) -deps rwy 32 QSY 118.950 to 7000' dir GRUBY QSY 126.400. Second day the 7C's have used the same flight number for all shuttle flights on the day.
2158Z 126.400 PT APP - NAVY 7C 126 (UC-12B 161203 NAS Oceana NFD) - 6.6 for 7000'.
2158Z 126.400 PT APP - FRTTN 06 (CH-47D Ft. Eustis/USAR) - dir Felker.

2204Z 118.950 PT DEP - PAT 194 - to 11000' QSY 121.050.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1558: SUMMIT 23 (C-130H, 96-7323, 731st AS AFRC Peterson AFB CO) calling Norfolk Command Post with arrival message...needs fuel, A-1, will RON...349.5
1610: RAVAGE, flight of four F-16s, DC-ANG Andrews up on interflight...143.6
1613: RAVAGE flight working ZDC-Calvert...281.4
1613: SCARY flight of two F-16s, DC-ANG on interflight...143.15
1614: RAVAGE flight handed off to ZDC-Irons...heading to Flat Rock and will fly VR-1759A...will cancel IFR...360.85
1617: RAVAGE flight leader mentions holding but must consider fuel...will start down (descending to VR route) in about 35 miles....360.85
1617-26: NODAK 11 (C-21A, 119th Wing ND-ANG) calling Andrews joy...141.55
1621: RAVAGE flight reports ready to descend...360.85
1621: VADER 04 (C-130H, 89-9104, 758th AS) deparing Andrews...w/TRACON...118.95
1622: RAVAGE flight handed off to ZDC-Dominion and starts descent...377.1
1626: SCARY flight has been engaged in ground attack maneuvers (must be at Pax)...143.15
1628: Coast Guard 1500 (HC-130H, CGAS Elizabeth City) calling Giant Killer...238.1 (several calls, no joy...while on this freq, on one of his calls he said he was on 337.225)
1630: AVALON 86 (C-40C, 05-0932, 73rd AS Scott AFB IL) with arrival message to Andrews....378.1
1634: VENUS 41 (C-37A, 97-0401, 99th AS Andrews) reports in the blocks at 2050Z, A-2 for previous writeups, need parking and crew trans for four...378.1
1635: NODAK 11 still calling Andrews Command Post....and still no joy (calling for 18 minutes now)....141.55
1636: NODAK 11 makes contact...reports 10 minutes out, 1 D/V on board...141.55
1647: MARINE 876 (UC-35D, 166767, VMR-2) on approach to Andrews...119.3
1649: SCARY 1 flight with Pax (confirming locataion)....281.8
1650: SCARY flight to SOF...give mission report, 10 minutes out, both are Code 1...139.9
1652: SCARY flight with ADW Approach...335.5
1654: SCARY flight to ADW Tower for the SFO...11 miles out...349.0
1654: HUSKY 56 (C-130H, Probably 90-1057, 142nd AS DE-ANG Wilmington) reports airborne at 50 past the hour...343.0

1701: After a couple of low approaches, SCARY flight 3 miles out, gear down for full stop...349.0
1701: TESTER 10 (USN Test Pilot School, Patuxent NAS) reports 15-20 minutes out...says outbound was 2.1 (not sure what that's in relation to)...on TESTER freq at Pax...264.15
1705: HUSKY 56 mentions problem with #3 throttle...will RTB...343.0
1711: A C-17A lifts off from Andrews...tail 00-0175, 62nd AW McChord AFB WA, probably REACH 298...TRACON

Can't let this one go without logging it...
1721: DOOM 96 (B-52, 2nd Wing, Barksdale AFB LA) with ZNY-East Texas...350.3
DOOM 96 was also heard in New England in the 1400 hour today.
1727: Believe it's DOOM 96 again with ZNY-Yardley...cleared direct Westminster... 290.2 (Yes, it is.)
1732: DOOM 96 handed off to ZNY-Westminster...checks in at FL 240...323.3
1742-44: DOOM 96 calling NY Center with no joy...he wants a UHF freq for Washington Center but is getting no reply to many calls...finally repeats 307.02(5)...323.3
1744: DOOM 96 to ZDC-Potomac...checking in at FL 240...307.025
1746: DOOM 96 handed to ZDC-Linden and checks in at FL 240...322.55
1749: DOOM 96 handed to ZDC-Casanova and checks in at (you guessed it) FL 240...282.2
1750: DOOM 96 handed to ZDC-Montebello and checks in at level 240...4 calls, no joy...284.7 (got a reply on the last call)
1755: DOOM 96 calls Washington Center joy....284.7
This transmitter certainly has that BUFF sound to it.
1757: DOOM 96 calls Washington Center..".checking in on 284.7" (calls himself DOOM 94 this time...not getting a reply to his calls)
Starting to pick up some static in his transmissions now...getting out of range
1800: DOOM 96 gets a reply and gets handed off to ZDC-Shenandoah where he checks in at level 240...270.35

Guess that's it. Now...back to that dinner. Lots of transports in and around the area now - including Dover's newest C-17A (06-6168) and one from Charleston (95-0107)

Ref Below: Mark the LOBOs are from VMR-1 at MCAS Cherry Point. Those 3-digit suffixes are a sure giveaway. If it was around 1245, it was a C-9B, BuNo 160046.
Added: The Air Force dumped its C-9A fleet in 2003 onto the AFRC guys. AFRC got rid of them in 2005. AF does have C-9C models at the 73rd AS for one. They fly them under the SPAR and AVALON callsigns. Tails are 73-1681/1682/1683. I'm not sure if anyone else has them but don't believe so. We still see plenty of C-9B types flying around here by Navy/Marines.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Had a LOBO 851 with arrivial message at Andrews today self id as Marine Corp C-9
with 45 pax and had room for 50 on outbound.
Any id where from?

ref above: Thanks TIN.That was it....Guess Navy and Marines only ones left using C-9B's?
AF retired theirs I heard.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0907: WOLF 01 (U/I) calling Willow Grove Base Ops...says he's 35 minutes out, needs 6,000 pounds of fuel...reports he hears WG responding on VHF, then on UHF...306.8
0915: PAT 399 (C=12T, 86-0084, VA RFC) calling Davey Ops (DAA) with arrival message, IDs as a C-12, tail 60084, dropping off a pax, needs fuel and will leave at 2 o'clock...139.4
0915: REACH 1401 (C-17A, 96-0006, 437th AW Charleston) with arrival message to Dover CP...needs Customs/Ag and 60K fuel...349.4 (I heard this one leaving for Europe on the 10th)
0920: RIDER 75 (C-17A, 06-6166, 436th AW Dover) departs Dover...(missed freq)
0925: WOLF 01 calling RAWHIDE on Willow Grove freq...gets a message from Base Ops that RAWHIDE was calling him. WOLF 01 tells Base Ops that he'll call RAWHIDE on his tactical freq 285.1....306.8
0928: WOLF 01 calls reply so transmits in the blind that he'll be on the deck at Navy Willow Grove in 20 minutes...285.1
0928: REACH 362T (C-17A, 06-6167, 436th AW Dover) to Andrews CP to report airborne at 29 past the hour (his clock is obviously wrong)...378.1
0929-43. Two U/I aircraft chatting on their tac freq....275.35 (These guys are chatting but not a word that sounds like military chat. No telling who they might be. Finally flew out of range. This freq was noted elsewhere with Blue Angels air-to-air today.)
0947: A-10 activity on interflight ...143.75 (PA-ANG freq but not sure who these guys are since PA-ANG A-10s are in the giving a tour of a marshy area/shoreline to the other. They're setting up for some CAS work. Everything points to Patuxent for their work area.)
0957: DC 41 (KC-135R, 62-3543, 756th ARS Andrews) calling Tiger Ops...351.2
0959: DC 41 calling joy here either...378.1
0940-0959: While listening closely to all the strange stuff above, other aircraft were in the area that I noted for ID only:
...KC-10A, 79-1710, 305th AMW McGuire (off from McGuire)
...C-9B, 159116, VR-61 (with Andrews)
...C-5B, 85-0021, 337th AS Westover (with Dover)
...C-130T, 165159, VR-54 (TITUS 99 with Andrews)
...C-5B, 87-0027, 436th AW Dover (with Dover)
...C-17A, 06-6156, 60th AMW Travis (REACH 361T off from Andrews)
...C-38A, 94-1569, 201st AS DC-ANG Andrews (BOXER in pattern work at ADW)

Anyone in Willow Grove area that can ID the WOLF/RAWHIDE aircraft or the 285.1 freq? CJ?

1010: FAA Flight Check 58 (N58, Learjet 60) working at Wilmington w/Tower...126.0
1012: Navy SD 323 (SALTY DOG, F/A-18B, 161947, VX-23 Pax NAS) with area to work next 35 minutes...270.8
1013: Two aircraft setting up for an AR of them is DC 41...238.9
1015: JOSA 907 (C-21A, 84-0098, 457th AS Andrews) reports airborne at 1415Z...378.1
1015: U/I flight from ZDC-Blackstone 235.625 to ZDC-Brooke 327.0...talking about dropping down at MQS (Chester County) to pick up another player and then continue. Thought I heard a DEVIL callsign in there somewhere. There was also mention of DQO (DuPont VORTAC-Wilmington DE)
1025: TESTER 37 (C-12C, USN Test Pilot School, Pax NAS) reports to Pax his work is complete...270.8
1057: REACH 7354 (C-130J, 97-1354, 135th AS MD-ANG Martin State) off from MTN...385.9
1058: STEEL 11 (KC-135R, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh) talking to BATON 20 (EC-130J, 193rd SOW PA-ANG Harrisburg) setting up an AR op...295.8
1059: KC-135E, 62-3527, 108th ARW NJ-ANG McGuire) overhead the area...ZDC VHF
1059: EVAC 23287 (C-130H, 92-3287, 328th AS) reports airborne from ADW...378.1

1107: JOSA 925 (C-21A, 84-0077, 457th AS Andrews) reports off the ground at 1502Z...378.1
1108: Belgian Air Force, BAF 637 (C-130H, CH-08, 20 Squadron) off from Andrews...w/TRACON...125.65
1110: BAF 637 handed off to ZDC-Swann and checks in at 12000 feet...controller clears him to FL 230...then tells him to hold at 14000 for now, she'd have higher later...134.5
When he came into Andrews, he said he'd be departing 13 September at 1500Z. He did.
1111: E-6B, 163920, VQ-3 off from Pax and then heads east...310.15
1114: BAF 637 cleared to 16,000 feet....134.5
1114: TOPCAT 2 (KC-135E, 58-0115, 108th ARW PA-ANG McGuire) calling TORCH Control....303.0
1115: HOSER 52 (perhaps this is the 62-3527 tail) calling TORCH Control...303.0
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Nov 3, 2005
Thanks for the heads up TIN and BM.

1125: STEEL and BATON still practicing their refueling. BATON 20 is 96-8154. There are actually two tankers, STEEL 11 and 12. BATON 20 just went over to work with STEEL 11. STEEL 11 has some reporters on board, they got some pictures with BATON 20 going to STEEL 12 and they'll probably get more pics as they come up to the boom. STEEL 11's boom interphone is not working, he can hear BATON 20 but cannot transmit. 295.80.

1131: They are taking both video and regular photos. I believe he said the reporters were from the Pittsburgh Tribune Review newspaper.
1147: SLUFF calls for BATON 20 on 295.80. They will be working as well. Sounds like everyone wants to play with BATON 20.
1232: Must be public relations day. It sounds like two SLUFFs (62 and 63) are working with BATON 20. They are carrying local employers of the guard members.
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Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
Got a message from a friend that an E-2 and C-2 came into Grove this morning, so I'm guessing that's WOLF and RAWHIDE....but could be something else. Supposed to leave for Brunswick around 230 pm. I will be there and listening....

PA A-10s are still flying, they have some jets and a few pilots, only Wed. and Thursday. FLYER is up today as we speak, so that could of been them Tin.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Waltz41 said:
Got a message from a friend that an E-2 and C-3 came into Grove this morning, so I'm guessing that's WOLF and RAWHIDE....but could be something else. Supposed to leave for Brunswick around 230 pm. I will be there and listening....

PA A-10s are still flying, they have some jets and a few pilots, only Wed. and Thursday. FLYER is up today as we speak, so that could of been them Tin.

Thanks Brian. Thought I heard FLYER once with Pax but wasn't sure so didn't log it. Appreciate the confirmation.

WOLF now makes sense since you identified an E-2 as one of them. I've got that callsign listed for E-2C types from VAW-77 in Atlanta but, at the time, I had nothing at all to pin that designator on WOLF 01 when I heard him heading for Willow Grove. RAWHIDE shows as belonging to VRC-40 from the USS Eisenhower. WOLF 01 did say he was going to Navy Willow Grove so those IDs might fit for both of them after all.
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Jan 5, 2004
RETRO-97 now with ZDC-Montebello coming from Irons.
SD-123 is with Irons too. Heading back to Pax. Flight of two
1542- RETRO-97 >ZDC-Gordonsville at FL260
1550- DOG-31 ZDC-Casanova, descending.
1555- BULLY flight heading to PAX. 348.725>ZDC-Calvert
1600- SCARY with Calvert too.
1603- Maybe BULLY isn't going to Pax, now with ZDC-Norfolk at FL240
1604- Confirmed they're going to Cherry Pt. R-5306A and W-122 I believe are what he said.
1607- SCARY-1 must be heading there too. Now with ZDC-Norfolk
1615- Both flights now with ZDC-Cofield
1619- WILD-1 now departing. 348.725 Direct to Pax he says.

2130- BULLY, SCARY, and RAVAGE flights are currently returning to ADW. SCARY and BULLY are telling ADW Tower that they currently don't have any comms with Potomac. Squawking emergency code.
2133- BULLY-4 Must've gotten it straightened it out, now cleared to land. 317.425 BULLY-1 through 3 pushing to U-4 (ADW tower)
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Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
Well some of the info was right, some wrong, and some mis-typed. Heard them with WG metro, ground and tower (344.6, 340.2). Guess they weren't going to NAS Brunswick for the airshow unless I heard something wrong.....

RAWHIDE (missed #) was cleared back to Norfolk

WOLF 01 cleared back to Atlanta


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Brian. I guess there's little doubt that WOLF 01 was an E-2C and RAWHIDE (no number used when I heard him being called either) is a C-2. You know that old saying about a picture being worth 1000 words. It fits here.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Short form log for this evening's activity:

1900 Hour:
E-6B, 163920, VQ-4 Tinker/Patuxent NAS
C-17A, 01-0195, 437th AW Charleston
C-5B, 87-0027, 436th AW Dover
C-38A, 94-1569, 201st AS DC-ANG Andrews
C-12R, 92-3328, 228th Aviation Rgt
C-130H, 84-0209, 142nd AS DE-ANG Wilmington
C-130H, 84-0206, 142nd AS DE-ANG Wilmington
T-38, N956NA, NASA
KC-135R, 62-3543, 756th AS AFRC Andrews
C-130J, 98-1357, 135th AS MD-ANG Martin State

2000 Hour:
KC-10A, 87-0124, 305th AMW McGuire
KC-135E, 58-0044, 108th ARW NJ-ANG McGuire
KC-135E, 58-0115, 108th ARW NJ-ANG McGuire
C-21A, 84-0118, 458th AS Scott
C-21A, 84-0095, 457th AS Andrews

2100 Hour:
T-39G, 158844, VT-86 NAS Pensacola
UC-35A, 01-0301, Priority Army Transport
C-17A, 02-1110, 62nd AW McChord
C-130J, 98-1357, 135th AS MD-ANG Martin State
C-21A, 84-0077, 457th AS Andrews
C-17A, 97-0045, 437th AS Charleston
KC-10A, 87-0124, 305th AMW McGuire
C-40A, 165831, VR-59 NAS New Orleans
C-5B, 86-0018, 60th AMW Travis

2200 Hour:
C-21A, 84-0118, 458th AS Scott
C-17A, 06-6163, 60th AMW Travis
KC-135E, 58-0115, 108th ARW NJ-ANG McGuire
KC-135R, 61-0295, 91st ARS MacDill
KC-135E, 58-0044, 108th ARW NJ-ANG McGuire
C-17A, 99-0061, 62nd AW McChord
C-17A, 04-4133, 305th AMW McGuire
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Seems to be a normal Friday for MilAir activity in this area. Lots of tankers (KC-135 types) overhead today. However, early this morning, there were three KC-10A tankers up for what had to be a deployment going east across the Atlantic based on their GOLD callsigns...

0432...GOLD 01: 84-0187, 305th AMW McGuire
0455...GOLD 11: 83-0075, 60th AMW Travis
0541...GOLD 21: 79-0433, 305th AMW McGuire

Three KC-10A support tankers would seem to indicate a good sized deployment - probably a dozen or so fighter types.

Added: The early morning deployment supported by the GOLD tankers consisted of a dozen or so F-15s from the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson AFB according to news reports. Too bad they had to leave at that time of the night. Flights were MAZDA 51, 61 and 71 - probably five aircraft each with three of them being airspares that returned home at some point about the time they headed out over the Atlantic.

Ref Below: Good catch Travis. TANKER 01 is a KC-135R, tail 58-0077 from the 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh.
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Jan 5, 2004
Combat air patrol with HARASS-33/34 and TANKER-01. HARASS says they're operating off a new ACO. Primary is 260.9
Potomac is using 350.25

1532- HARASS requesting that their block be changed to 250-290 due to weather.
1558- TANKER-01 wants to discuss the airspace (the changes, I imagine). He wanted to talk to HUNTRESS but HUNTRESS can't go secure, so he asked HARASS. These guys are smart enough to do it encrypted. However, they didn't have any luck hearing each other.

AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 14 SEP 22:30 2007 UNTIL 14 SEP 23:00 2007
TFR 7/7069 in effect for Thurmont EFFECTIVE 0709141900 UTC (1500 LOCAL 09/14/07) UNTIL 0709161700 UTC (1300 LOCAL 09/16/07)
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 09142007

1458 - TANKER 01 with HUNTRESS - 260.9
1501 - MUSSEL 06 calling BLUEGRASS OPS - 241.0
1503 - ditto
1505 - ditto
1505 - MUSSEL 06 to MUSSEL OPS reporting operations normal at destination - 287.6
1506 - MUSSEL 06 calling BLUEGRASS OPS - 241.0
1514 - HARASS 33 with Potomac - 350.25


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1844: TANKER 02 (KC-135R, 62-3577, 77th ARS Seymour Johnson) calls TANKER 01 (ID above) and reports that he's 130 miles out, 20 minutes early. He then asks 01 if they're working with HUNTRESS. TANKER 01 replies that it's BIGFOOT...260.9
1846: TANKER 02 reports his boom is in the green...260.9
1852: TANKER 01 calls BIGFOOT, right after he offloads 2000 pounds of fuel to HARASS 33, and requests RTB...260.9
1853: TANKER 01 to Potomac to request direct Indianhead at level 250...350.25


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1844: TANKER 02 (KC-135R, 62-3577, 77th ARS Seymour Johnson) calls TANKER 01 (ID above) and reports that he's 130 miles out, 20 minutes early and is coming in at FL 250. He then asks 01 if they're working with HUNTRESS. TANKER 01 replies that it's BIGFOOT...260.9
1846: TANKER 02 reports his boom is in the green...260.9
1852: TANKER 01 calls BIGFOOT, right after he offloads 2000 pounds of fuel to HARASS 33, and requests RTB...260.9
1853: TANKER 01 to Potomac to request direct Indianhead at level 250...350.25
1856: TANKER 02 to Potomac to report in at FL 250...135.525
1856: TANKER 01 gets clearance for his flight route back to Pittsburgh...cleared to FL 330...350.25
1857: HARASS 33 calls BIGFOOT to request the weather at Langley for the next hour...260.9
1857: TANKER 02 gives his Mode 3 as 2142 and asks for the fighters' Mode 3s...33 is 5303 and 34 is 4333...260.9
1858: TANKER 02 cleared into the CAP at FL 210-250...135.525
I wonder if BIGFOOT is a permanent change replacing HUNTRESS considering the changes they've alluded to about the CAP?
1859: TANKER 02 to BIGFOOT to report in the area at FL 250, descending to 240...says his total offload tonight is 80K with 51k frag...260.9

1901: Fighters with ZDC-Franklin at 16,000 feet (probably replacements for HARASS 33/34)...290.425
1901: TANKER 01 handed off to ZDC-Hagerstown and checks in at FL 240....134.15
1902: HARASS 33 tells Potomac they'll be in the area until replacements show up...scheduled for 2330Z...350.25
Logging is difficult tonight. Site is working very, very slowly which it seems to do most nights recently.
1904: HARASS 33 tells 34 to come up Man Prime and tries to contact 34 on joy, goes back to 260.9 and gives him the freq...34 tells him he's unreadable...after a couple of tries, they get together on 360.15 for chat. 33 says he sees 36 airborne right now at 107 miles out...34 says he'll stay and 33 can go...apparently only one fighter on the way right now.
1907: HARASS 35 tries to contact HARASS 33 on Man joy, x2...360.15
1909: HARASS 36 handed to ZDC-Calvert and checks in at FL 210....281.4
1909: HARASS 35 still trying to talk to 33...have some trouble making contact...finally go to 360.15 and chat about weather and not being able to see the tanker until within 4000 feet of him (just a general ***** session taking place).
1914: HARASS 34 is taking on fuel from TANKER 02 who has a female boomer...takes 4K...260.9
1915: HARASS 36 handed to ZDC-Irons...360.85
1916: HARASS 36 with Potomac for clearance into Guard Dog CAP....350.25
1917: HARASS 35 heading for TANKER 02...has radar contact, reports weapons safe...260.9
1918: HARASS 33 tells 34 he can join up in a 2 mile trail...260.9
HARASS 35 and 36 are both coming into the CAP but are not together. 36 is a few minutes behind.
1919: HARASS 36 reports in as a single ship...260.9
1919: HARASS 33/35 chatting on Man Prime...33 explains he's been trying to get cleared all day for higher altitudes without is a problem in the 210-250 block...360.15
1921: HARASS 35 clears 36 for a two mile trail and says he's at FL 240...36 reports at FL 210...360.15
About half the time, the fighters are calling HUNTRESS rather than BIGFOOT. Don't know for sure if HUNTRESS is just out of habit or if both he and BIGFOOT are working the freq. I think it's just BIGFOOT and the HUNTRESS call is just slipping out.

1922: There's a VADER 41 (C-130H, 85-0041, 757th AS Youngstown-Warren OH) reporting 15 minutes out from Willow Grove....306.8
Actually, there are several transports in the area but I'm not going to log them.
1924: HARASS 35 gives his tail number as 83010 (83-0010) to TANKER 02....260.9
1928: HARASS 35 completes AR after taking 7000 pounds....260.9
1929: HARASS 36 gives his tail as 83-0026 and requests topoff from TANKER 02....260.9
1930: HARASS 35 calls BIGFOOT to ask him to try to work a different altitude block for their shift....260.9
1931: HARASS 35 tells 33 his flight is cleared off...260.9....HARASS 33 to Potomac to report leaving for Harcum at this time....350.25
1932: HARASS 36 off the boom after taking 8000 pounds....360.9
And so...HARASS 35/36 are refueled and, along with TANKER 02, are on station. HARASS 33/34 and TANKER 01 are on the way home and we should be good until the CAP is suspended somewhere around 2300.
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