0822: Langley F-22s operating offshore with Giant Killer...249.8 and 292.3
0825: REACH 391T (C-17A, 04-4132, 305th AMW McGuire) calling Quantico Base Ops...no joy to several calls...355.3
0827: Hearing Oceana Tower traffic this morning...360.2
0829: REACH 391T to Quantico Base Ops...reports 15 minutes out, A-1, needs parking and wants a message passed "to the user" that they want to upload upon arrival...355.3
0846: GINZU 21 (F-22A Langley) tells Giant Killer his 3-ship flight is ready to RTB Langley...249.8
0856: BLACKJACK 1 (HH-65 USCG) to Andrews Tower to let them know there will be a two ship flight working in the area...118.4
0857: NAVY SD-121 [female] (F/A-18F, 166449, VX-23 Patuxent NAS) with ZDC-Irons...checks in as a two-ship flight at FL 220...360.85
0901: NAVY SD-121 handed off to ZDC-Montebello and checks in at FL 220....requests lower (altitude)...284.7
UHF simulcasts of Potomac TRACON ground controllers VHF transmissions loud and clear this morning on 257.2 and 270.275.
0911: VENUS 24 (C-20B, 86-0204, 99th AS Andrews) to Andrews CP reports they'll be going to Patrick Henry and Richmond after playing in the pattern at ADW for a bit...378.1
0916: VENUS 24 doing an approach at Andrews with the option and will depart...118.4
0916: MARINE 474 (UC-35D, 166474, MAW-4) departing Andrews...118.95 (I think - didn't look fast enough)
0918: ROYAL 50 (C-17A, 06-6167, 436th AW Dover)...(heard on one of the Dover freqs...talking on the phone while listening to the radio are not compatible activities

0920: NAVY AX997 (C-130T, 164997, VR-53) departs Andrews w/TRACON....118.95
0930: NAVY 299 departing Andrews (no idea who/what this one is)...w/TRACON...118.95
I thought it was going to be a busy day. It started out with the Raptors from Langley. False signal. 'Tis not a busy day....so far. I'll check back in a bit to see if it picks up. Almost 100% LBE activity at the moment.
0955: BOGEY (sounds like but not in my database) 99 with Philadelphia TRACON climbing (from Willow Grove?)....mentions he's got to maintain a speed of 320 - below that is not safe...291.7
0956: BOGEY 99 cleared from 8 to 10,000 feet and direct Modena...291.7
0957: BOGEY 99 handed to Philly TRACON and checks in passing 9 for 10,000 feet, requesting higher...319.15
1000: BOGEY 99 handed to ZNY-Modena and checks in at 10K requesting higher...cleared to FL 210 and then 260...335.6
1003: BOGEY 99 handed off to ZNY-Harrisburg and checks in at FL 240 climbing to 260...270.3
1004: BOGEY 99 requests direct FFO (Wright Patterson)....270.3
1009: BOGEY 99 cleared direct Wright-Patt...270.3
1011: BOGEY 99 handed to ZOB-Altoona RCAG and checks in at FL 260....363.075
And that was apparently the last heard transmission from BOGEY 99
Anyone from the Willow Grove contingent see that aircraft so we can slap an ID on him????
And now it's time to go back to the "I'll check back in a bit to see if it picks up" mode.
1049: A pair of KC-10A tankers from the 305th AMW McGuire on interplane chatting. They are 79-1947 (HOIST 93) and 79-1949 (HOIST 94)...139.875
1053: HOIST 94 to ZDC-Norfolk reporting at FL 240...133.825
1055: HOIST 94 to 93 to say they should call Dispatch since they're 30 minutes out...93 asks for the freq and 94 gives him 372.2...139.875
1056: HOIST 93 calls Dispatch...is answered by Andrews but says he wanted Seymour Johnson....SJ answers him and HOIST 93 says they are two KC-10s 30 minutes out...gives his own tail as 1947 and is A-1...then says HOIST 94 is right behind him, also A-1 and his tail is 1949....372.2 (Wish they'd all give their IDs so completely...wishful thinking.)
1102: BANK 51 flight (F-22A Langley) to Giant Killer to report RTB...249.8 (entered W-386 at 1028, same freq)
1111: COSMIC 41 flight (F-16, NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with Giant Killer to work in W-107..255.0
1112: COSMIC 41 reports switching to 312.3 for their work...255.0
If you hear a fixpoint in Virginia that you can't find at your favorite lookup site, there's a new one announced today:
37-09-28.44 N
076-07-57.63 W
Fix Type: MIL-WP
(I converted it to decimal which gives me 37.1579 / -76.132675 and plotted it in the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, roughly about halfway between Langley and the southern tip of VA's eastern shore. We may start hearing this one used by Langley jets coming in from the offshore areas although it's much closer to Langley than the other four fixpoints I hear them using - HEELS/RAPTR/TURET/ATLIC - all of which are out in the ocean.)