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Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
ZDC sector question

I can't find navaid codes for Yorktown [Sector 50], Casino [Sector 51], and Kenton [Sector 53].

I presume Yorktown is in Virginia, but where are Casino & Kenton?

TIA .....


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Hi Mark,

07-2007 and 07-2008 are based out of Felker AAF, and duties are as mentioned in the article:

"Other UH-72As are performing VIP airlift and transport duties at Ft. Eustis/Ft. Monroe in Virginia’s Hampton Roads region."

I've seen these in/out of Davison as well so they are already keeping them very busy.

Best regards,


Mark said:
Interesting ads/articles on that latest chopper being bought by the US primarily Army
so far.
Must be showing one off for the DC Brass I assume.
Soon to be cranking them out at 3-5 per month according to company press releases.
Guess they could replace or augment CG Choppers from Atlantic City from DC security.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
JohnFB said:
I can't find navaid codes for Yorktown [Sector 50], Casino [Sector 51], and Kenton [Sector 53].

I presume Yorktown is in Virginia, but where are Casino & Kenton?

TIA .....

It's difficult to lay out the sectors without presenting them on a map because of their weird shapes but let me give it a try...

Kenton and Casino are Low Sectors. Both are located in the northeastern part of Washington Center airspace.
Casino is over the Atlantic City area and SIE (Sea Isle) and the area just to the south and west of those places. (The Sea Isle Sector is a High Sector and overlays part of Casino.)
Kenton Sector is just to the west of Casino Sector. Look up ENO (Smyrna) and you'll have the center of it.
Yorktown is one of three Super High Sectors within ZDC. It falls over the eastern shores of both Maryland and Virginia. In the north part of the sector is SBY (Salisbury), SWL (Snow Hill) in the center, and CCV (Cape Charles) toward the southern part of this sector.

Now John, just take a big dose of imagination and your map and you should have a good idea where those three Sectors live.

CRAB 56 (C-130J, 98-1356, 135th AS MD-ANG MTN) is up on the new CRAB Ops freq 384.1 so they have indeed made the change from 385.9 as I posted a couple of days ago.
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
TinEar said:
It's difficult to lay out the sectors without presenting them on a map because of their weird shapes but let me give it a try...

Kenton and Casino are Low Sectors. Both are located in the northeastern part of Washington Center airspace.
Casino is over the Atlantic City area and SIE (Sea Isle) and the area just to the south and west of those places. (The Sea Isle Sector is a High Sector and overlays part of Casino.)
Kenton Sector is just to the west of Casino Sector. Look up ENO (Smyrna) and you'll have the center of it.
Yorktown is one of three Super High Sectors within ZDC. It falls over the eastern shores of both Maryland and Virginia. In the north part of the sector is SBY (Salisbury), SWL (Snow Hill) in the center, and CCV (Cape Charles) toward the southern part of this sector.

Now John, just take a big dose of imagination and your map and you should have a good idea where those three Sectors live.

I know this is not perfect since it is a document for VATSIM (aka not real life), but it shows a breakdown of sectors that may be helpful to you. It helped me when I compared it to other information to make a bigger picture.

You can also hunt around Google Earth for ATC related files and/or install the free version of, I believe, Flight Explorer. While Flight Explorer doesn't list the secotr names, I think it does show the number for each sector which can then be cross referenced to other lists. You can look at high and low sectors seperately. Again, not a perfect solution, but each little bit helps in forming the giant 3D picture over your head.

My apologies if I have the software name incorrect. I have it on my home computer, but I'm at work right now enjoying my 30 minutes of internet time during lunch!
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Jan 5, 2004
Checking my recording from last night for Falcon Virgo. BLACKJACK-3 was first heard at 0039. At 0043 reported intercepting a Cessna-172 with the same registration as last and will headbutt north. At 0046 he called himself BLACKJACK-1, it was clearly the same guy and a second later he was 3 again. RTB at 0050. 0113 someone reports on station. 3 is barely audible then reports an intercept that is non-compliant. At 0146 3 is much louder and now I can hear HUNTRESS. 3 is bugging out to the west and in clouds. 0152 he asks if he should RTB, will RTB via Rt1. 0154 asks HUNTRESS if that's it or will they do that sequence again, he's low on fuel.

1636- COPPER-3 (57-1486) inbound to ADW, has 38 pax and 7 crew. 378.1
1646- DUKE-01 inbound to ADW. 257.875
1650- DUKE-01 crossing AML at 250kts.
1658-COPPER-3 on 119.3
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
DECOY 17 C-5A all over the area this late afternoon.
Talked about landing Dover then back to Westover,
then now with Andrews on ops 351.200 but gets DC tanker instead.
Sounds like the lost patrol all day.
1758 local DECOY 17 talking to DC-32 who is on ground at Andrews 238.900 about AR in 20 minutes
when you get airborn.

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Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
benrussellpa said:
I know this is not perfect since it is a document for VATSIM (aka not real life), but it shows a breakdown of sectors that may be helpful to you. It helped me when I compared it to other information to make a bigger picture.

10Q Ben & also Tin ..... my map is almost complete now and ready for framing ...... would you like 10x8 or 14x12 .......... HA!!!!!!! kidding ..........


Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
C/S help


SEA-CORE 17 [snds like]

w/CASINO ROYALE [Westover] rqsting p/p to ADW DSN 857-555X to tell DC 31 their ETA @ Andrews.

............................... wait ......

crap, I just read the post above ...... I bet the guy was trying to say DECOY, but was having extremem difficulties with the English language. He said 'sea-core' at least three times .............

never mind
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 10252007

1028 local - STEEL 12 with McGuire command post reporting 20 minutes out with code A1, 39 pax, requesting parking and transportation for the pax - 319.4


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
REACH 9022 our WV/Westover C-5 #69-0022 arrived back at Dover this morning 1300z
and Marine General on board wanted first plane out of Dover to West Coast to check on
his house.Being he is a Marine I'm guessing San Diego.
"OK guess he will have to fly commercial" was reply.

REACH 9022 departed Dover 1624z.



Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
freqhopping said:
VT ANG interflight 138.0 is currently active.

I'm pretty sure that was MAPLE 81 x2 [heading to AR609 for FUZZY AR] talking to a JAWS flight that was headed for VR1908 or VR1809 ...... I left my log book out in the car, so I'm trying to remember off the top of my head.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
Are they still at Langley?


Yes, they sure are. least as of yesterday they were still there.

1153: COBRA 672 (Open Skies OC-135B, 61-2672, 45th RS) on the way into Andrews...30 minutes out, needs transportation for 10, airstairs and a power cart...he's concerned about parking next to COBRA 670 (61-2670) so they can load and unload equipment between them....378.1
1216: COBRA 672 Heavy w/TRACON on the approach to ADW...128.35

1236: Dover's newest C-17A, tail 07-7169, has been put to work as REACH 7169. He's overflying this area at FL 320 after arriving from Europe. He came in over Nantucket and I thought he was going back to Dover but he's scooting right past them...and us apparently.
And that reminds me...yesterday, one of Dover's other C-17s, tail 06-6168, departed home around 1400 and then was heard an hour or so later a couple of states to our west. He was flying under callsign ROYAL 01 which should indicate the commander as pilot or aboard the flight. I heard nothing further from them and they haven't returned yet - as far as I can determine. If anyone hears him coming back to this area, please make a note of it.
One of their other new C-17s, 06-6166, was flying earlier today as RIDER 75. He might have diverted into McGuire when done with his training mission.
Dover's 06-6165 is in Europe and was last logged in the U.K. in the 2100Z hour as REACH 490. All we're missing now is 06-6167 who was last heard yesterday and the day before that flying as RIDER 75.

1453: CRAB 56 (C-130J, 98-1356, 135th AS MD-ANG) calling CRAB Ops. He first called on the old 385.9 and then on the new 384.1. No reply on either yet.

1510: EVAC 33116 (C-17A, 03-3116, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) arriving Andrews in a few minutes with litter and ambulatory patients, their attendants and all that goes with this type flight....378.1
As many of these flights as I've heard arriving here, I feel crappy each and every time thinking of their pain and suffering. I wish them all a speedy recovery and salute their service.
1520: EVAC 33116 with TRACON descending for the approach to runway 1L at Andrews....128.35
And, at 1730, that aircraft leaves Andrews as REACH 3116...w/TRACON 121.05.

Ref Below: Thanks Mark. That's what I was trying to determine - whether he went to the tanker conference in Nashville. I have a friend there that I'm hoping will send me a list of everything he saw there once he gets home in a day or two. If so, I'll post it.
That C-5 (87-0040) doesn't have much of a flight record around here. Other than the 2nd of the month you mentioned, I logged him on the 5th, 6th and 10th. But going back for the rest of the year, I only had him a couple of other times. His last European flight logged was way back in January. Sounds like it's one they don't trust. The hydraulic fluid bath might just be a symptom of why.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
And that reminds me...yesterday, one of Dover's other C-17s, tail 06-6168, departed home around 1400 and then was heard an hour or so later a couple of states to our west. He was flying under callsign ROYAL 01 which should indicate the commander as pilot or aboard the flight. I heard nothing further from them and they haven't returned yet - as far as I can determine. If anyone hears him coming back to this area, please make a note of it.

I heard ROYAL 01 arriving Dover yesterday Tin but can't remember time.
I think it was early evening after he was supposedly at Tanker/Lifter conference
in Tennesee.Guess he didn't stay long..

REACH 594 C-5 #87-0040 arrived Dover early this morning 0905z alpha 3
as hydraulic leak in cargo comprtment misted and exposed the 19 pax.
All 19 pax will be transported to the hospital and we are declaring an IFE.

Bet that was fun for pax getting hosed with hydraulic fluid.
If you have ever taken a tour of C-5 you see all those exposed hydraulic lines on ceiling and walls so not surprised this can happen.
Less chance of that happening on fly by wire C-17.
No wonder they never use C-5's for Med-Evac missions..

Checking past logs had this same tail in and out of Dover Oct 2nd as ROGUE 40 as the Lockheed guys were working on it.
Guess it needs some more work.

1545 local REACH 7169 C-17 arriving Dover req parking etc.Guess you were right Tin,he must have dropped his cargo elsewhere.
Pope AFB has been busy with C-17's lately.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I meant to log something last night and then completely forgot about it. There was a lot of chatter on different boards about EDGE 69. That was an E-4B, tail 75-0125. It went to Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands, reportedly carrying Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to the NATO/ISAF meetings. It arrived back at Andrews last evening around 2200 and departed around 0030.

Even with the awful flying weather today, there has been fairly constant transport/tanker/LBE activity for most of the day. Fighters stayed home though since there wasn't much they could do in this weather. Radio conditions have been very good today on both the VHF and UHF bands with a very low noise level present. Too bad there wasn't more to listen to.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: ATA Nashville

Hi Tin,

I had been planning to head to Nashville this weekend for the Sunday pickups at BNA as part of a three-day spotting trip to TN/KY/WV, but I had to cancel due to work commitments [the reason why I have been so quiet lately].

Oh well, hopefully I'll be able to do the next Convention which will hopefully return to Orlando for some warmth!

Best regards,


TinEar said:
Ref Below: Thanks Mark. That's what I was trying to determine - whether he went to the tanker conference in Nashville. I have a friend there that I'm hoping will send me a list of everything he saw there once he gets home in a day or two. If so, I'll post it.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
CitationJet said:
Hi Tin,

I had been planning to head to Nashville this weekend for the Sunday pickups at BNA as part of a three-day spotting trip to TN/KY/WV, but I had to cancel due to work commitments [the reason why I have been so quiet lately].

Oh well, hopefully I'll be able to do the next Convention which will hopefully return to Orlando for some warmth!

Best regards,


Not much there yet as of this evening. I've gotten one short message form my correspondent there...a bunch of T-6s, T-1s, a couple of C-21s and a handful of C-130s. Not a single tanker there.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

That's because they all "kicked and went" Thursday...:cool:)

Sunday will be the pickup day, until then there won't be much around...

TN ANG C-130Hs have been reported at Smyrna.

TinEar said:
Not much there yet as of this evening. I've gotten one short message form my correspondent there...a bunch of T-6s, T-1s, a couple of C-21s and a handful of C-130s. Not a single tanker there.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Maybe something to listen to Monday:

NOTAM Number : FDC 7/2034
Issue Date : October 26, 2007 at 1644 UTC
Location : Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Beginning Date and Time : October 29, 2007 at 1600 UTC
Ending Date and Time : October 29, 2007 at 1945 UTC
Reason for NOTAM : Temporary flight restrictions for VIP (Very Important Person) Movement
Type : VIP
Replaced NOTAM(s) : N/A

Jump To: Affected Areas
Operating Restrictions and Requirements
Other Information

Affected Area(s) Top

Area A
Airspace Definition:
Center: 15.8 nautical miles from POTTSTOWN VORTAC(PTW) on the 148 radial (Latitude: 40º01'29"N, Longitude: 75º20'00"W)
Radius: 30 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including FL(180)
Effective Date(s):
From October 29, 2007 at 1600 UTC (October 29, 2007 at 1200 EDT)
To October 29, 2007 at 1945 UTC (October 29, 2007 at 1545 EDT)

Area B
Airspace Definition:
Center: 15.8 nautical miles from POTTSTOWN VORTAC(PTW) on the 148 radial (Latitude: 40º01'29"N, Longitude: 75º20'00"W)
Radius: 12 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including FL(180)
Effective Date(s):
From October 29, 2007 at 1600 UTC (October 29, 2007 at 1200 EDT)
To October 29, 2007 at 1945 UTC (October 29, 2007 at 1545 EDT)
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