nightwatch said:
braves 61 62 cap 139.700 with huntress block 21 to 23 510pm
Yup...they went airborne at 1705 with TRACON 348.725 and were handed off to Potomac's Guard Dog freq 350.25 when they got to altitude. They had to ask CAPITOL to call HUNTRESS and wake him up since they weren't getting replies at first on 139.7. Currently in Guard Dog awaiting a mission.
1713: BRAVE 61/62 get the block 210-250, say both pilots are NVG qualified...they have 90 minutes playtime...asking for tanker data...asked for callsign and type but I can't hear HUNTRESS so don't know what the reply was...I can guess TANKER 01, a KC-135R...139.7
Washington Center , Hagerstown/Thurmont, Maryland near MARTINSBURG VORTAC (MRB)
Beginning Date and Time : November 02, 2007 at 2240 UTC
Ending Date and Time : November 04, 2007 at 1800 UTC
Reason for NOTAM : Temporary flight restrictions for VIP (Very Important Person) Movement
Type : VIP
The CAP started earlier than the scheduled time which should be why the DC-ANG is covering the first shift between now and 1840.
1729: Dover's newest C-17A (07-7169) is on the way into Dover as REACH 512 [fem driver]. She had to explain she's a home station C-17 and give her tail. Almost sounds like Dover doesn't have them on the schedule. Then she keeps the mic open while talking to someone aboard the plane explaining that Dover sounded like she had a mouth full of marbles and that she couldn't understand any of the transmission which is why 512 kept repeating info. ..349.4
1733: BRAVE 61 to 62 to say First Family has landed...139.7 (That must be at Camp David. They came into Andrews on a C-40B (01-0041) as EXEC 1 FOXTROT about 1630 and Air Force 1 right behind it.)
1736: BRAVE 61 asking HUNTRESS to confirm the bullseye is Thurmont or otherwise...then they reset bullseye to 18...139.7
1747: BRAVE 61 asks HUNTRESS for station time on ?Eglin?...139.7 (If he really said Eglin, look for ARROW F-15s coming in at the scheduled time)
1758: BRAVE 61 starts to ask HUNTRESS a question and then asks to go secure....139.7 (no encrypted transmissions heard on this freq though)
Earlier this afternoon in the 1300 and 1400 hours, I had two C-17A transports from the MS-ANG call Wilmington Command Post on the DE-ANG CP freq 343.0 with arrival messages. They were RULER 50 and 60 (03-3119 and 03-3113). Currently I have a C-130J (05-1465) from the 115th AS CA-ANG also about to arrive at Wilmington. He is OCEAN 81 and at 1747 reports on 343.0 he's about 20 minutes out, A-1 and will land with 13K fuel...will refuel in the morning. They, along with a C-130H from Wilmington, are going to haul 375 people from the DE-ANG to Gulfport MS for an ORE in preparation for a full blown ORI next year.
1801: BRAVE 61 tells Potomac they'll be RTB to Andrerws...350.25 (he means when they're done, not now)
1801: BRAVE 61 to CAPITOL for secure transmissions....139.7 (again, not on this freq)
1803: BRAVE 61 tells 62 he's back on freq and tells 62 to monitor that...139.7 (I then hear what sounds like the start of an encrypted transmission on 350.25...guess he pushed the wrong button)
1803: BRAVEs given a TOI by HUNTRESS...139.7
1806: BRAVE 62 reports "tally TOI"...139.7
1807: BRAVE 61 asking Guard Dog if he has any idea where Emmitsburg is...says he doesn't have any idea where it is but that's where his TOI is...told near Frederick...350.25
1825: Believe I have ARROW 23 flight with ZDC-Montebello...284.7 (Confirmed ARROW 23....F-15 from Eglin)
1828: ARROW 23 flight handed to ZDC-Casanova and check in descending to FL 230....282.2
1829: ARROW 23 handed to Guard Dog and check in passing 25 for 23...350.25
1830: ARROW 23 and 24 check in on 260.9 and try calling HUNTRESS...two calls, no joy...260.9....changing to 228.9 and try to check in joy there either so go to Guard Dog to ask for the HUNTRESS freq...are given 228.9 so they go back to that one again.
1832: BRAVEs talking about the ARROW flight coming in and being sent to 228.9
1832: ARROW 23/24 check in w/HUNTRESS and get a response...228.9
1833: BRAVE and ARROW flight leaders get together on 350.25...BRAVEs will stay at FL 220 and ARROW at 230 and above...350.25
I still haven't heard a tanker anywhere in here.
1835: BRAVE 61 tells Guard Dog he'll orbit at Nottingham and will send 62 home first once they're released...350.25
1836: ARROW 23 has lost comms with HUNTRESS...several calls, no joy....asking about tanker....HUNTRESS tells him 120 miles out (didn't he say 1 hour about 90 minutes ago?)...ARROW says they only have about 20 minutes fuel left...wants to know where the tanker will be coming in so he can position in that part of the CAP and be ready for him...228.9
1838: HUNTRESS releases BRAVE 61/62 to RTB...139.7....they then go to Potomac on 350.25 where he again says 62 will RTB and 61 wants to hold at Nottingham for a bit.
1839: BRAVE 61 to CAPITOL to say he's Code 1 and will hold for about 20 minutes....62 will be in in about 5 minutes and is also Code 1...139.7
Funny that HUNTRESS is loud and clear from here when on 228.9 but can't be heard at all on 139.7 or 260.9 from here.
1840: BRAVE 61 cleared to NOttingham, 62 cleared down to 5000 feet for his approach to Andrews....350.25
1842: ARROW flight leader says they have 30 minutes fuel and then will divert to Andrews...228.9
They're still asking HUNTRESS about the tanker...asking if it's delayed.
1842: BRAVE 62 over to TRACON 270.275 as he approaches ADW...61 still on 350.25 but then also goes to 270.275
1847: BRAVE 62 reports field in sight...270.275
1848: ARROW 23 asking Guard Dog if they can be vectored to the tanker since they're low on gas...350.25
1850: HUNTRESS giving the ARROW flight new coordinates for the bullseye...apparently it isn't at Thurmont just yet...228.9
1851: ARROW 23 again asking for a point out to the tanker so they can go meet it...250.25
1851: Looks like they had to get the alert tanker up here...SKATER 07 is calling Potomac on 135.525 (TANKER 01 must have been delayed or aborted)
1853: ARROW 23 says he has the tanker on radar 095/18...they're heading directly to it even though HUNTRESS hasn't established contact with the tanker yet....just prior to this 23 said they were going to divert...228.9
1855: ARROW 23 tells Guard Dog to have the tanker come up on 228.9...350.25
1855: Believe I've got the ARROW interflight freq working on...302.075
1855: ARROW 23 and SKATER 07 establish comms on 228.9...23 calling him SCOOTER...232 says 24 is lowest on gas and requests he go straight to contact...approved by SKATER 07...says he wants tanker to southern part of CAP...too low on gas and will have to divert to Andrews...228.9
1856: Tanker will give 24 2000 pounds to get him going...228.9
SKATER 07 is a KC-135E, tail 57-1445 from the 108th ARW, NJ-ANG McGuire.
ARROW 23 is an F-15C, tail EG 80-0020
ARROW 24 is an F-15C, tail EG 79-0081
Both fighters are from the 60th FS, Eglin AFB FL
1901: ARROW 24 cleared to contact boom...23 tells the tanker to give 24 about 5000 and then he needs to get on the boom...228.9
1903: ARROW 23 tells 24 to get on the left wing...23 will top off and then 24 can get back on....23 cleared for contact and asks for top off....228.9
So, here we go with the normal F-15/KC-135 matchup...they don't match up.
1906: BRAVE 62 landed earlier...BRAVE 61 is now w/ADW Tower for his landing...349.0 (And we're done with the BRAVEs for tonight)
1909: ARROW 23 off the boom...24 going back in to top off now...228.9
1910: ARROW 23 tells HUNTRESS he's now established in the CAP and will stay at FL 210...24 will stay at 220...HUNTRESS acknowledges...228.9
1910: VADER 24 (C-130H, 92-3024, 758th AS Pittsburgh) giving arrival message to Willow Grove...306.8
1915: ARROW 23 and 24 established now in the CAP so we should be good to go until they close it down in the 2300 hour tonight. This will end the log unless I hear something spectacular happening.