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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
JohnFB said:
Tin, I held off posting anything ..... wanted to see if you'd show up. ;)

Only thing I can add [for peoples' records] is that HURON 31 A2A was 138.875 and HURON 41 was 139.825.

John, please don't wait for me if you have something interesting. I'm having a difficult time getting to post during the daytime recently just because of some other projects. At night, this site has gone to hell in a handbasket (whatever that means.) It appears there are just too many people overloading the server and so posting, or even moving around the site, becomes next to impossible. Logging and then editing can't be done the way I've always done it. I wonder if it has anything to do with the new program? Anyway, no matter the conditions of the site, I'd rather read what you've experienced from your location. And thanks for posting those interflight freqs for the HURON A-10s. I completely forgot about those in the 16 hours between hearing the flight and finally getting to post late last night.

I heard one of the two Spangdahlem A-10 flights departed Westover this morning (HURON 31) along with their CAFE 81 KC-10A tanker departing from Bangor. The other flight (HURON 41) is probably scheduled for tomorrow morning.

1300: WILD flight of two F-16s, DC-ANG Andrews airborne on interflight 143.6, TRACON 348.725 for climbout, ZDC-Calvert 281.4, Patuxent 305.2 and Patuxent BayWatch 270.8 to use the south spin area from 3500 to 20000 feet.
1303: SCARY flight of two F-16s off from Andrews on interflight 139.15, TRACON 348.725 to climb, ZDC-Swann 360.7, ZDC-Coyle 254.3, ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 and then to Giant Killer on 255.0 to enter W-107 for their work. They switch to 337.225 for their ACM work.
1318: ANGRY flight of two F-16s in the air from Andrews on interflight 143.15, TRACON 348.725, ZDC-Calvert 281.4, Patuxent 305.2 and Pax BayWatch 354.8 where they announce they'll be MARSA with the WILD flight in the south spin area and R-6609 until 1900Z.
Short flights...WILD is coming home from Pax about 30 minutes after arriving....SCARY is on the way back from W-107 about 1345 and ANGRY returning from Pax at 1353. The SCARY flight has some maintenance problems...#1 has inoperative KY-58 and SADL crypto functions, #2 has TACAN and autopilot problems.

1400: PACER 99 (probably a C-21A) said he took off from Andrews at 1836Z. He reported a total transponder failure as soon as he left the ground (first reported at 1343). He's orbiting at RATTA to burn off enough fuel to safely land back at Andrews and expects to plop down at 1430. (378.1/119.3)
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


A few heard this morning and this afternoon...

1227Z 118.950 PT DEP - MARINE 101 - deps ADW to 11000' dir HAFNR.
1259Z 118.950 PT DEP - ARMY 1778 - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY ZDC-Linden 133.550.

2052Z 119.300 PT APP - VENUS 23 - working the pattern at Andrews.
2054Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1268 (C-12T 85-1268 OSACOM/VA RFC) - short of DAVEY inbound on the ILS rwy 32, cleared for the option and takes the low approach. QSY Davison GCA 118.850 for PAR work, gets vectors to between STEAD and AMOKY @ 2000' and sets up for the GPS app to rwy 14 cleared to X STEAD at or above 1700'. Back to TWR for the landing (right over the car as it happened...:cool: ) ).
2058Z 118.950 PT DEP - EASY 624 - QSY PT DEP 121.050.

2110Z 128.350 PT APP - TITUS 99 (C-130T VR-53) - vis. app to rwy 19R then takes the ILS.
2128Z 128.350 PT APP - REACH 687 - checks in @ 16000' dir OTT.
2140Z 118.950 PT APP - PAT 2402 - @ 6000' for rwy 32 at Davison.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
It appears another new C-17A, 07-7170 arrived at the 436th AW Dover this evening using callsign RIDER 85 in the last half of the 1900 hour. I know it flew in the Phoenix area on the 9th of the month but this is the first I've seen of it here. I believe this is the first one coming in with the RIDER callsign which I think belongs to the AFRC unit at Dover. Regular Air Force uses callsign ROYAL for training missions - or at least that's what I've deduced so far.
Edit: To answer an emailed question I got on this callsign issue...I don't mean that some of the C-17s are assigned to AFRC and some to the regular Air Force unit at Dover. It's the same pool of aircraft but the callsign depends on the affiliation of the crew.

RIDER 85 went back out from Dover early in the 2100 hour.

There should be a picture of it at that was taken on the west looks like every other C-17A.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
A few caught this evening..
Good catch Tin on that new Dover C-17 #07-7170.
Hard to believe the Air Force has 170 of those great cargo jets with a few more to come.
Wouldn't surprise me if they add more later to production run.

REACH 6017 C-5 arrive Dover 2350z with IFE for #2 engine shutdown due to some
indicator light showing lockout.

FENDY 43 C-20H? arrive Andrews 0120z.

REACH 6168 C-17 arrive Dover 0130z

REACH 394 depart Dover 0158z.

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Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
TinEar said:
I heard one of the two Spangdahlem A-10 flights departed Westover this morning (HURON 31) along with their CAFE 81 KC-10A tanker departing from Bangor. The other flight (HURON 41) is probably scheduled for tomorrow morning.

Yes, HURON 31 left before the crack of dawn ...... out of range by 0615L [just after I got out of work.]

One interesting thing: I heard the usual 'good luck, good hunting ... thanks for all the help' comms over HURONs interflt freq. In the past, there has usually been an entity called SWITCHBLADE [on 304.5 or something like that] that co-ordinated the departures/arrivals of big flts. This time it was someone called YANK .... and they were using the interflight.

I may sneak out around 0500L to see if I hear anything Thursday.

And yes, I won't wait for your pokey-posts in the future ........ site works great for me on the overnight shift ;)

PS: If you haven't already, go to and follow the links to the "Bomber" section. There's some great 'home videos' of TU-16s @ Severemorsk-3 in the '90s.
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Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
Vacation or Post-storm help?


1245Z : 11175.0khz RCH 5981 wkg/Lajes. Rqst WX for TXKF [Bermuda Intl] for 1630Z.
also two P/P .... one I couldn't heard, the other DSN 460-7155 [Moody AFB?]. So possibly a C-130 ...


Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
315.900 for AR

Question: do you folks down south consider 315.900 as a generic 2ndry AR frq, or do you associate it with a specific AARA?

I heard OPEC 38 use it Wed nite while trying to coordinate with PACK 22 for AR204. He didn't stay on it long. I only spotted it because I have it plugged into one of my "what-the-heck-is-this-frq-used for?" banks.


Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass
HURON 41 - WX update

@ 0345L and it is absolutely pouring right now and 80-100% chance of percipitation all-day ........ betcha they don't leave today.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
JohnFB said:
@ 0345L and it is absolutely pouring right now and 80-100% chance of percipitation all-day ........ betcha they don't leave today.

Betcha they do. In fact, HURON 41 flight left around 0530 from Westover - as did their KC-10 tanker CAFE 91 from wherever he was RON-ed.

There was another Coronet mission heading east across the pond in the second half of the 0800 hour. Tankers were a KC-10A (86-0027 from McGuire) and a KC-135R (58-0019 from McConnell) as BLUE 41 and 42. It should have been an F-16 flight moving as RETRO 91. They were over Nantucket around 0840. BLUE 42, the KC-135, did his refueling and then turned around heading for home. He came through here at 0922.

In spite of the rain and low ceilings, SCARY, WILD and ANGRY flights of DC-ANG F-16s are up. The flights are on their way home early in the 1000 hour. Interflight freqs are 139.15, 143.6 and 143.15 respectively. All three are two-ship flights.
1011: WILD w/TRACON for radar trail recovery...heading for Andrews runway 1R...270.275 (Ceiling at 1800 feet currently)
1012: WILD flight to ADW Tower for landing 1R...349.0
1017: BANGER 21/22 flight of NJ-ANG F-16s from Atlantic City also working...interflight...138.875 (And this no doubt means there's a DEVIL 11 flight on 138.425 interflight but I haven't heard them yet)
1020: SCARY flight w/TRACON for approach to Andrews....270.275
1025: SCARY flight over to ADW Tower for radar trail recovery on runway 1R...349.0
1030: SNIPER 21 flight of Langley F-22As with Giant Killer....233.7 (W-72 freq)
1030: One of the NJ-ANG flights calling themselves COSMIC 41 and 42 is working 138.2, the HUNTRESS freq....calling United 231 Heavy...says they have unruly passengers and they've tried to breach the cockpit. The air marshall on board calmed everything down. (This appears to be practice)
1034: COSMIC flight calling DARKSTAR but it's simulated which should prove the above is practice only....138.2 (I feel sure it's the BANGER flight that turned into COSMIC once they went on alert for the simulated intercept of the United Airlines flight and changed to NORAD control on this freq)
1034: ANGRY flight w/TRACON...270.275
1035: TRITON 11 flight of Langley F-22s with GK...233.7
1038: ANGRY flight w/ADW Tower for landing...349.0
1040: WOLF 31 (F-22A Langley) to Giant Killer...asks if there's anything going on in W-386 "or is the test flight still going on?"....then says they're proceeding to W-72...249.8
1041: WOLF 31 flight to GK to say they're heading for area 1C (in W-72)....checks in at FL 230...233.7
1048: There's a ROCCO 61 KC-135E from the 108th ARW at McGuire working out in W-107. Mentions that he's on the 124/67 radial from Atlantic City and that he's going to try the 288.0 freq again...he's talking with Giant Killer on the usual W-107 freq...255.0
1051: ROCCO 61 calling BANGER 21 on AR freq...288.0 (He makes contact but I can't hear the fighters, just ROCCO)
1052: ROCCO 61 asking BANGER to confirm they're on the 097/80 radial from Atlantic City...288.0
1052: VENUS 26 (C-20B, 86-0206, 99th AS Andrews) calling Griffin Command...x2, no joy...then contact to say they're on a local flight and will terminate early due to weather...looking for a parking spot...378.1
1055: EVAC 60412 (C-130H, 86-0412, 758th AS Pittsburgh) with TRACON climbing out of Andrews...missed freq - twice! it...118.95
1055: ROCCO 61 now with the DEVIL 11 flight also out in W-107...288.0
1059: VENUS 26 asking Griffin Command to confirm a crew bus will be there to meet them at 1115...378.1

1100: VENUS 26 with ADW Tower....6 miles out, TACAN for full stop on runway 1L...gear down...118.4
1100: Missed callsign - possibly SUMMIT 25...(C-130H, 96-7325, 731st AS Peterson) climbing out from Andrews....TRACON
1104: ROCCO 61 says he's going to the northern part of the area and do a couple of turns...altitude 10,000 feet (no wonder it's difficult hearing them!) of the DEVIL flight just finished taking 4,000 pounds of fuel...288.0
1107: Langley SOF freq active with F-22A...383.2 (This freq has remained constant in spite of so many others clearing out of this LMR freq range.)
1110: ROCCO 61 now trying to work with Giant Killer on VHF....135.725
1110: SNIPER 21 flight tells Giant Killer they have no contact w/Washington Center...233.7
1113: ROCCO 61 to GK to clear out of W-107 but he's too weak to copy details of flight route...255.0
1111: SNIPER 21 then shows up with ZDC-Valley and checks in at FL 210....317.7
1115: Believe it's the SNIPER 21 flight with Norfolk TRACON saying he's going to have to divert toward Seymour (Johnson) and asks for vectors toward there...370.925
1117: Langley interflight freq active...257.075

And then it got quiet.

1131: TRITON 11 flight (F-22A Langley) working ZDC-Norfolk...cleared to FL 240...327.8
1133: TRITON 11 requesting direct to Seymour Johnson...wants to pick up IFR...says weather prohibits landing at Langley...cleared on a heading of 310 for Seymour Johnson...IDs as a flight of two...327.8
1135: Langley interflight active...233.525 (Think this is the TRITON flight)
1135: REACH 3125 (C-17A, 03-3125, 305th AMW McGuire) overhead the area at FL220....then cleared to FL 260 where he is as he flies out of range...ZDC VHF
1137: YODA 41 flight (F-22A Langley) requesting to RTB w/Giant Killer...233.7 (Guess they're all working down in W-72 today instead of W-386)
And it looks like all the Langley F-22A flights from W-72 are going to Seymour.
1148: WILDCAT 51 with Willow Grove (possibly...this is also an Oceana freq and that's who I think it is based on subsequent traffic) asking for a handoff to Washington Center...266.8
1150: WILDCAT 41 flight with ZDC-Cofield...323.0 (also mentions a WILDCAT 51 flight)
The "Wildcats" are F/A-18s from VFA-131 at NAS Oceana.
1154: WOLF 31 flight (F-22A Langley) checking in with ZDC-Franklin...290.425
1155: One of the WILDCAT flights is now with ZDC-New Bern...272.75

Done for now.
JohnFB said:
1245Z : 11175.0khz RCH 5981 wkg/Lajes. Rqst WX for TXKF [Bermuda Intl] for 1630Z.
also two P/P .... one I couldn't heard, the other DSN 460-7155 [Moody AFB?]. So possibly a C-130 ...
John, my DSN list shows DSN 460 as Jacksonville when the next number is a 7. It's Moody for anything else....except when in Europe - and then it's for Nuernberg. And your guy was working Lajes, so it might very well have been to Nuernberg. However, when we look at the REACH 5981 callsign, that fits for 65-0981, an HC-130P from the 71st RQS at -- Moody. The circle is squared.
JohnFB said:
Question: do you folks down south consider 315.900 as a generic 2ndry AR frq, or do you associate it with a specific AARA?

I heard OPEC 38 use it Wed nite while trying to coordinate with PACK 22 for AR204. He didn't stay on it long. I only spotted it because I have it plugged into one of my "what-the-heck-is-this-frq-used for?" banks.
I've had that freq programmed forever and think I've heard it no more than once or twice over the years. It's listed as primary for AR505 E/W (not in our neighborhood) and I saw it listed one time by someone claiming it was used during a Coronet mission but it's not on the lastest published Coronet AR freq list. I have no other information for it.

1250: Popping in long enough to log RAZZ 07 who is working with ZDC-Sea Isle on 281.45 and heading to WARNN (in NJ), then cleared to Snow Hill so he's heading south. I have no ID for that callsign that looks valid
1255: And, while here, VENUS 30 (C-40C, 01-0040, 1st AS Andrews) reports airborne at 1755Z....378.1 (This is the only VENUS aircraft that doesn't build his suffix from the tail number the way all the other VENUS aircraft do.
1258: RAZZ 07 handed off to ZDC-Salisbury and checks in at FL 190...257.7 (No joy here so goes back to 281.45 and is sent right back to 257.7, presumably after the controller wakes up the Salsibury desk operator. RAZZ 07 makes contact this time and repeats he's at FL 190.)
1301: RAZZ 07 asks for lower altitude because he's starting to get cleared down to 8000 feet...257.7
1302: RAZZ 07 cleared direct Salisbury, direct Patuxent...257.7
1306: RAZZ 07 handed off to Pax Approach freq 127.95 but asks for UHF and gets 314.0 where he checks in passing 11,000 for 8,000...asks for RNAV and runway 32 full stop...cleared down to 2,500 feet...314.0
1310: RAZZ 07 vectored to heading 240...314.0
Okay....I've got an ID on RAZZ 07. It's an E-6B, 164388 from VQ-4. I should have known although the E-6s generally prefer to work VHF when with ARTCC. Occasionally, I see one that likes UHF for whatever reason - and this was one of them.

Gone again.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Hi Tin,

Can confirm the callsign is SUMMIT 25 - checked on with PT DEP 125.050 @ 1607Z from 118.950 looking for dir MOL.

Also, C-130H 86-0412 is now with the 440th AW/95th AS AFRC at Pope ex-PIT.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
1505 DRAGNET UNIFORM signal check first on 251.250,same as Langley CP and then on
311.000 for Robins AFB signal check.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Could be interesting Holiday coming up.. I wonder if they will have GK controllers or
just hand off airspace to ZDC and ZNY controllers in our area?
Radar map on flight aware could be interesting

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military will open up more air space for civilian airlines to help alleviate congestion during the Thanksgiving holiday period that starts next week, the White House said on Thursday.

President George W. Bush was going to announce that step and others the administration plans to take later on Thursday.

"The U.S. military is going to make more air space available for civilian airliners this holiday season by opening up a Thanksgiving express lane," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said.

The Federal Aviation Administration and the Defense Department have worked together to open up air space along the East Coast from Florida to Maine over the five busy days of Thanksgiving holiday travel, Wednesday through Sunday, Perino said


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Long Thanksgiving CAP

NOTAM Number : FDC 7/4450
Issue Date : November 15, 2007 at 1830 UTC
Location : Hagerstown/Thurmont, Maryland near MARTINSBURG VORTAC (MRB)
Beginning Date and Time : November 20, 2007 at 1600 UTC
Ending Date and Time : November 25, 2007 at 1800 UTC
Reason for NOTAM : Temporary flight restrictions for VIP (Very Important Person) Movement
Type : VIP
Replaced NOTAM(s) : N/A

Jump To: Affected Areas
Operating Restrictions and Requirements
Other Information

Affected Area(s) Top

Airspace Definition:
Center: 23.7 nautical miles from MARTINSBURG VORTAC(MRB) on the 055 radial (Latitude: 39º38'53"N, Longitude: 77º28'00"W)
Radius: 10 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including FL(180)
Effective Date(s):
From November 20, 2007 at 1600 UTC (November 20, 2007 at 1100 EST)
To November 25, 2007 at 1800 UTC (November 25, 2007 at 1300 EST)


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
NOTAM Number : FDC 7/4450
Issue Date : November 15, 2007 at 1830 UTC
Location : Hagerstown/Thurmont, Maryland near MARTINSBURG VORTAC (MRB)
Beginning Date and Time : November 20, 2007 at 1600 UTC
Ending Date and Time : November 25, 2007 at 1800 UTC

Wow! Assuming they run the normal schedule from 0600-2300 on the middle days, they'll wind up flying 87 hours of mission time. If it's with F-15s and a KC-135, they'll use 30,000 pounds of fuel per hour (running conservatively) or 2,610,000 pounds over the course of the mission. That's not counting flight time to and from the Guard Dog area. Just imagine if it's Eglin that gets the call again!


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 11/15/2007

1613 -1615 local -- 2 C5's on final to runway 08 at Martinsburg in the course of 2 minutes. My current location is directly under the flightpath so I had a visual on them but personal electronics are not allowed so the t/n's were not copied. Maybe one of you guys heard them.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Nope....nothing heard here Brian.

However, I did just have a Japanese Air Force...JAF 001, a B-744, tail 20-1102 arrive a few minutes ago. I'm not sure if he went into Andrews or Dulles. Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda is due in to meet with the President but, according to news reports, he shouldn't have been due in just yet so this might be the advance team. However, the JAF 001 flight number sure makes it look like it's the top guy.

ref below: The second Japanese aircraft arrived as mentioned as JAF 002 late in the 1600 hour. It was also a B-744, tail 20-1101, 701 Hikotai.

And at 1651, a German C-160D, tail 50+34 was also in the area.

Also below: Mark, I got STORK 41. That one was a C-17A, 00-0179, from the 62nd AW McChord. I never heard that AR you mention with BULL 40.
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Jan 5, 2004
Japanese Air Force-002 is also arriving. 119.3 >118.4 for Rwy 1R.
1703- JULIET ROMEO-151 side-stepping to the left for 1L. 118.4

And a ramp freeze 16 NOV 23:45Z 2007 UNTIL 17 NOV 00:15Z 2007
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