VHF extremely noisy today from my location. UHF isn't much better.
1040-55: REACH 44133 (C-17A, 04-4133, 305th AMW McGuire) calling McGuire Command Post but using the wrong freq...349.4
1049: REACH 371 (KC-10A, 85-0033, 305th AMW McGuire) w/ZDC-Sea Isle...133.125 (Coming in from Europe...heard in the UK in 0900Z hour)
1052: EVAC 67325 (C-130H, 96-7325, 731st AS) w/TRACON...125.65 (departed Andrews)
1053: REACH 371 calling Andrews Command Post....no joy...378.1
1056: REACH 44133 finally switches to correct freq and gives arrival message to McGuire Command Post....believe he said he was going to Ramstein AB or that part of the crew was (this aircraft just came in from Europe yesterday)...319.4
1102: ENERGY 12 w/TRACON heading for Andrews....119.3 (Unknown aircraft)
1102: REACH 371 to Andrews Tower to say he's still 20 minutes out and wants to know if they will be landing on runway 19R today...118.4
1103: REACH 371 to Andrews CP...now says 30 minutes out and has 30K fuel, is A-1, no cargo, 3 passengers, needs airstairs, hi lift truck, Customs and AG...378.1
1109: REACH 371 to ADW Tower...says still 15 miles out, asking again about runway 19R and the status of the cable...118.4
1110: VDA 4310 (AN-124, RA-82079, Russian Federation) through the area at FL 340...ZDC VHF (Flightaware is now showing this giant aircraft departing Goose Bay Labrador (CYYR) and heading for Leipzig Halle (EDDP). The problem with that is that he's going through this area and we sure aren't on that flight route. At first, I thought this was the same one I logged yesterday but that one was tail RA-82078.)
1116: SAM 1991 (C-20B, 86-0203, 99th AS Andrews) w/TRACON...125.65
1117: REACH 454T (C-17A, 06-6165, 436th AW Dover) to Dover CP with arrival message...349.4
1117: At the same time as the above transmission, I also heard ROYAL 90 (C-17A, 06-6167, 436th AW Dover) but I have no idea which freq he was on.
1119: REACH 371 Heavy w/TRACON for approach to runway 19R at ADW....128.35
1126: REACH 371 Heavy w/ADW Twr on the TACAN for runway 19L....cleared to land....118.4
1130: There's a World Airways DC-10 (N303WL) on the ramp at BWI currently w/Clearance Delivery..118.05 (This aircraft is often used for charters for military cargo. I heard him flying in the area a couple of days ago but didn't realize he had gone into BWI. I believe he was flight WOA 9088 if I remember correctly.)
1150: MARINE 374 (UC-35D, 166374, MAW-4) w/TRACON for approach to Andrews....128.35
1156: MARINE 374 w/ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1305: REACH 8054 (C-17A, 98-0054, 62nd AW McChord)) overhead this area....ZDC BHF
1318: REACH 371 off from Andrews....TRACON (see above for ID)
1329: REACH 371 to McGuire CP...30 minutes out, A-1, no pax or cargo, requesting Dash 21 for IAU download and detox for Silver Bullet download...319.4
No telling whether this KC-10A was carrying the Silver Bullet from overseas on his flight into Andrews or if he just picked it up at Andrews and is returning it home to McGuire where it lives.
1333: REACH 371 descending to 7000 feet and requesting direct McGuire...with Atlantic City Approach...124.6
1347: DC 92 (KC-135R, 61-0307, 756th ARS Andrews) calls Griffin Command at Andrews...says he's a KC-135 assigned to the 459th (ARW), is 20 minutes out, has 30K fuel, will park on the Reserve ramp and no one is working their unit today to meet them, has no pax or cargo and needs fleet service for his latrines...378.1 (Latrine is an interesting term to use for the lav aboard a KC-135)
This aircraft left Andrews on November 8th. I have no idea where he's been for the past four days.
1355: HIRE 08 (C-17A, 98-0057, 62nd AW McChord) reports off the deck (at Andrews) at this time to Griffin Command...378.1 (And, yes, it is HIRE, not HIGHER)
1359: HIRE 08 w/TRACON as he climbs out of Andrews...118.95
1443: Coast Guard 2139 (HU-25C, 2139, CGAS Cape Cod) lands at BWI w/Tower on short runway 15L...119.4...Handed over to Ground Control and motoring along taxiway Papa and P1 where he's being held to let commercial aircraft pass...then cleared to Alpha, left turn on Bravo and hold short of November taxiway...then cleared for right turn on November, right on Sierra, left on Kilo and hold short of runway 33R...at 1450 he has reached that last point...a minute later he's cleared to cross runway 33R at Kilo and reports in when he has done that...at 1452:05 he has reached his parking spot...w/Ground Ctl...121.9
Sure wish I could hear Andrews with the same signal strength I hear BWI controllers and aircraft on the ground.
This aircraft departed BWI about an hour later.
I'm leaving but if you want to hear Air Force 1 arriving at Andrews, he should be in around 1540 or so. (Actually into the area about two minutes later than that educated guess)
Ref below: Jack, I put a radio on that freq as soon as you posted and haven't heard anything on it. (Time now 1232)