JohnFB said:
1513Z : 295.800 DRAGO 51 w/TEAM 42 AR631. clld FORCE twice by mistake.
Later DRAGO hrd w/ZBW direct ATR OTT for hold @ Nottingham before Arlington fly-by @ 1805Z. He passed a serial #, but it was garbled, so I don't know type a/c.
DRAGO 51 = KC-135R, 62-3556, 756th ARS AFRC Andrews AFB MD
Start 0956: PRIDE 11, flight of two F/A-18s from VFA-15 NAS Oceana through the area...ZDC-Dominion 377.1 > ZDC-Irons 360.85 > ZDC-Azalea 263.1 > ZDC-Casanova 282.2. I lost them around 1006 at this point. They show up again with ZDC-Azalea 263.1 at 1031 > ZDC-Irons 360.85 at 1037 at FL 190 > Norfolk TRACON 370.925 at 1049.
1000 hour: Langley F-22A flights working offshore with Giant Killer...249.8
1000: E-6B, 164407, VQ-4 circling the Patuxent area at low altitude (6800 feet) and then finally climbs out about 15 minutes later to FL 280 and heads due west. I eventually lost him around Gordonsville.
1007: ROYAL 90 (C-17A, 06-6167, 436th AW Dover)...ZDC- VHF
1009: RAWHIDE 35 (Prob C-2A, VRC-40, USS Eisenhower) to Dover Command Post asking if they can service a C-2....Mil Spec O-27210...134.1
1012: DC 99 (KC-135R, 62-3543, 756th ARS Andrews) touch and goes at ADW w/Tower...118.4
1017: VENUS 93 (C-32A, 99-0003, 1st AS Andrews) doing touch and goes at ADW w/Tower and says after the next one he's going to leave for Atlantic City...118.4
1030: CRAB 56 (C-130J, 98-1356, 135th AS MD-ANG) up w/CRAB Ops....384.1
1035: McGuire KC-10A talking to a U/I aircraft on interplane freq...are going to try to be at the IP at 1600Z...currently at FL 250 climbing to 260...the unheard aircraft is also a tanker according to the chat...139.875 (Turns out to be TEAM 53 which is probably tail 87-0123)
1038: FLYER 1 and 2 (A-10, PA-ANG Willow Grove) with Willow Grove ANG Ops giving mission report...343.0
1041: VENUS 93 (see above) with Atlantic City Approach...will do work on runway 31 at ACY...124.6
1145: I've got 239.075 active which should belong to VFA-131 at NAS Oceana...however I've also got them working ZDC-Norfolk 327.8 to ZDC-Blackstone 235.625 as WILDCAT 21 flight. WILDCAT fits for VFA-141 NAS Oceana F/A-18s. They are now operating on the 239.075 freq as CAT 21/22/23. I also heard PRIDE on that freq one time making it look like it's a generic NAS Oceana freq rather than just for VFA-131 as I previously had listed in my database. WILDCAT 21 flight to ZDC-Gordonsville 351.9 and then ZDC-Shenandoah 270.35 at 1154 and checking in at FL 280 all along the way. Back to ZDC-Norfolk 327.8 a few minutes later. They appear to be flying in circles.
1219: NAVY SD 400 (NF/A-18D, 163476, VX-23 Patuxent) handed off from a Pax freq (wasn't paying attention to which) to ZDC-Calvert where he checked in at FL 180 on the way to 200...then was cleared to FL 260...281.4
1222: Belgian Air Force...BAF 638, C-130H, tail CH-08, 20 Squadron...calling Andrews Command Post...x2, no joy...141.55 (Still calling at 1230 and still no joy)
1238: 386 (E-6B, 164386, VQ-4) reports off the deck at Patuxent and thanks the SHADOW unit for all their help...310.15 (Airborne at 1235 and heading west)
1241: JOSA 495 (C-21A, 85-0095, 457th AS Andrews) reports takeoff time as 1732Z...378.1
1241: BAF 638 flight with ADW Tower for landing runway 19R...118.4
1314: VENUS 94 (C-32A, 99-0004, 1st AS Andrews) working w/ADW Tower reporting gear down and asking for wind check...he's doing pattern work...118.4 (Very loud squeal in his transmitter and had to repeat transmission several times. He then changes transmitters and asks how the new one is doing...this one is loud and clear.)
1316: PACER 66 (C-21A, 84-0092, 457th AS Andrews) doing touch and goes w/ADW Tower (he's been at it for almost two hours now)...118.4
1322: COPPER 2 (KC-135R, 62-3550, 197th ARS AZ-ANG) overflying the area at FL 360....ZDC VHF
1329: WARPIG 1 flight (A-10) with ZDC-Blue Ridge requesting descent to 15,000 feet....285.6
1330: REACH 425T (C-17A, 06-6164, 60th AMW Travis) to Andrews CP reporting 10 minutes out....378.1
1333: WARPIG 1 reporting out of FL 250...285.6
1335: WARPIG 1 handed off to Potomac TRACON 254.25 and tries to check in but no joy so goes back to Blue Ridge on 285.6
1337: WARPIG 1 sent back to TRACON and tries to check in at 15000 feet...has info Q (ATIS report) at Martin...254.25 (so...headed to MTN)
1337: REACH 425T w/ADW Tower for landing....118.4
1338: WARPIG 1 trying to contact RAVEN Ops at joy...143.8
1340: WARPIG 1 handed off to TRACON (BWI area) freq but was given a VHF freq apparently and keeps calling asking for a UHF freq but is not being heard by the controller...eventually gets 291.625...254.25
1342: WARPIG 1 to TRACON and checks in...cleared down to 7000....291.625 (This controller is apparently having difficulty hearing him also....loud and clear here)
1344: WARPIG 1 cleared to 4000 feet....291.625
1344: WARPIG still trying to contact RAVEN Ops but no joy....143.8
1346: WARPIG 1 handed off to TRACON and checks in at 4000 feet...cleared to 2500 for the localizer...282.275
1346: Again to RAVEN Ops for WARPIG 1 but gets the same result...nothing...143.8
1349: TRACON sends WARPIG 1 to 119.0 because his UHF transmitter is cutting out...WARPIG goes to that freq and is reported to be loud and clear....119.0 (Always was l/c here)
1350: WARPIG 1 handed off to MTN Tower and checks in there....297.2
1352: WARPIG 1 reports gear down, full stop...297.2 (This was apparently a single ship flight)
1345-1354: MADHOG flight of three A-10s from Willow Grove first heard with ZOB-Altoona 363.075...then found again on ZNY-Harrisburg 270.3 where they start stop with ZNY-Middletown 322.4....MADHOG 3 calls Ops on 343.0 and lets them know they're 15 minutes out and all three are Code 1...3 gives his tail as 647....interflight freq for them is 143.75
1357: MADHOG flight handed to ZNY-Lancaster and check in passing FL 190 for 180...239.05
1402: MADHOG cleared to descend from FL 180 down to 8000 feet...later ask forlower and get 7000...239.05
1406: MADHOG handed off to Philadelphia TRACON and check in descending to 7000 with Zulu (WG ATIS)...two calls, no joy...get them on third...request lower for weather, get 6000...announce direct Willow Grove...273.575
1409: MADHOG requesting still lower for wx...instead, are handed off to another Phil. TRACON freq where they again request lower to get under the weather...get 5000...291.7
And, as they go lower still, they disappear from my listening range. The end.
1400: Belgian Air Force 638 (see above for ID) departs Andrews...TRACON (only stayed at ADW for about an hour)
1420-24: (PAT 148 (an Army C-26D) with TRACON 119.3 and then ADW Tower for landing runway 19L...118.4
1434: KANZA 91 (KC-135R, 22nd ARW McConnell AFB KS) calls McGuire CP...20 minutes out, have 6 crew and 3 crew chiefs, no pax or cargo...will need about 12K fuel for the mission tomorrow...319.4
1444: KANZA 91 w/ACY Approach descending to 7000 feet for the approach to McGuire...124.6
1444: SALTY DOG 205 (T-45C, 163635, NAS Patuxent) with ZDC-Calvert for descent to Pax...281.4
1446: SD 205 handed off to Patuxent Advisory and continues his descent...281.8
1450: VENUS 94 announces he's finally going to go around and then do a full stop landing...118.4/119.3
1455: WORLD Airways 8003 (Flight WOA8003, DC-10, N303WL) to Dover CP announces arrival with 3 crew...134.1 (Departed ETAR - Ramstein AB Germany - at 0722 this morning)
1504: JOSA 273 (C-21A, 84-0131, 457th AS Andrews) to Griffin Command at the blocks at 2030Z, A-1, no pax, mission terminates upon landing, need crew trans to Building 1420...378.1
1516: JOSA 495 to Griffin Command to report takeoff at 1935Z...378.1 (Well..that only took him 41 minutes to report.)
1517: U/I fighters on interflight freq but very weak...141.5 (Getting louder as they get closer....sounds like the usual A-10 transmitters but not close enough yet to know for sure)
1519: Same guys from 141.5 with ZDC-Casanova...282.2 (Weak here also)
1522: NJ-ANG F-16s from Atlantic City active on interflight freq...138.425
1529: Guys from 141.5 interflight are now calling TRACON on 257.2...sounded like BOXCAR or HOTCAR 1 reporting at 6000's a flight of two and both tried calling TRACON and neither got a response.
1532: So...they switch to TRACON on 322.3 and get a at 4000 feet...going to call it HOTCAR 1
1533: HOTCAR 1 handed to TRACON and check in...course 120...270.275
1535: HOTCAR 1 says they are right at the ragged edge (of the wx) at 2500 feet so request lower...cleared to 1700...270.275
They've been chatting up a storm on interflight 141.5 but haven't used their callsigns on that freq.
1537: HOTCAR 1 to Andrews Tower and request straight in approach for both of them...349.0
1538: HOTCAR reports gear down...349.0 (It sounds more like HOCKER than HOT CAR as they got closer but neither computes in my database)
And I'm about logged out for now. Back sometime later.
BM82557 said:
C5's of 167th WV-ANG at Martinsburg
1339 local - Still on the ramp is 70-0462 which has been there since July. Back from Westover is 70-0463 along with new (to me) t/n 69-0027 (ex-Westover). Haven't had 90027 there before.
Brian, that 70-0463 just returned from Europe on 11/7 as a REACH 682 mission. The 69-0027 I haven't noted flying since 10/24 as DECOY 17. And, as you noted, 70-0462 has been stuck on the ramp since July. Last log I have for him flying is July 20th.
When sending Christmas cards this year, how about sending a couple to this address:
A Recovering American Soldier
C/O Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue NW
Washington DC 20307-5001