Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Airfire said:
You won't see Customs Blackhawks on scene anymore, the US Coast Guard has assumed the air interdiction portion for low speed violators of the NCR as of late September.


Correct. That's the conversation Tony and I had somewhere above about the BLACKJACK callsign now belonging to the Coast Guard replacing the OMAHA Customs birds.

Last half of the 1600 hour has a flight of two aircraft through the ZDC area using callsign SKULL 23. Everything in my database for that callsign shows fighter aircraft but they don't sound like fighters. Picked them up with ZDC-Norfolk 327.8, to ZDC-Bay 379.3 where they had comm problems, went back to Norfolk and then back to Bay once again. From there it was on to ZDC-Brooke 327.0 and then ZDC-Montebello 284.7. The first part of the flight was at FL 280-290 and they descended to 260-270 while with Bay. They are in a non-standard, 3-mile trail formation. At 1705, they are being handed off to ZDC-Marlinton on 319.0 where they fade away just as they try to check in.

Also heard a PLUTO 01 and WAMO 51 with ADW Approach 119.3 at 1646 and 1647.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
RAVEN 203 C-130 arrive Dover 2020z tail 62-1799.Female op.
Tail number list shows CA ANG but callsign could be one of many units.
REACH 7123 McGuire KC-10 depart Dover 2339z,with Wash Ctr 127.700 climbing
then NY Ctr 128.300. The usual overseas departure trail..

: update 10pm good atmospherics tonite..Getting here both ground side of Martin
tower 121.300 and Dover tower 126.350

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

At 2233Z, while @ IAD, BLACKJACK 1 checked in with IAD TWR East on 120.100 reporting 5 mis north of the field heading towards Leesburg for a possible intercept. Next held for further clearance from HUNTRESS at 1300' and QSYs to IAD TWR West 128.425.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Speaking of the USCG, since Paul asked...our US Coast Guard Wiki has the 4 widely reported freqs supposedly to be used nationwide - I would, of course, keep a few Huntress freqs handy too, such as 260.9, where CitationJet heard them a few days ago...

345.0 Operations Primary
237.9 Operations Secondary
326.15 Air-to-Ground Primary
379.05 Air-to-Ground Secondary

Someone should update our Combat Air Patrols wiki to link to the US Coast Guard page, and remove the Omaha link ... 73s Mike


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
ka3jjz said:
Speaking of the USCG, since Paul asked...our US Coast Guard Wiki has the 4 widely reported freqs supposedly to be used nationwide - I would, of course, keep a few Huntress freqs handy too, such as 260.9, where CitationJet heard them a few days ago...

345.0 Operations Primary
237.9 Operations Secondary
326.15 Air-to-Ground Primary
379.05 Air-to-Ground Secondary

Someone should update our Combat Air Patrols wiki to link to the US Coast Guard page, and remove the Omaha link ... 73s Mike

So does this mean I don't have to listen to those annoying databursts on 165.240 any more?

Does anyone know if Omaha will be retaining its name, and what its new objective/role is?



Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
It seems it won't be chasing down a/c anymore; what it's new mission will be, who knows. I would bet the callsign will stay, tho - Omaha has been used for Customs/ICE for quite a while now. It's entirely possible it will change - that's something else to which we're generally not privy, and only find out about it via monitoring.
I would keep 165.2375 (which is the real freq without the rounding...) in, but in a lower priority bank, along with the 282 mhz freq. Who knows what might show up there now?

73s Mike
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Feb 1, 2006
282.425 hasn't been active in FL. since 7/26/06.

On another note some in the Atlanta area think the FBI A/C have changed C/S's "ROSS" is now "JENA".



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
ka3jjz said:
It seems it won't be chasing down a/c anymore; what it's new mission will be, who knows. I would bet the callsign will stay, tho - Omaha has been used for Customs/ICE for quite a while now. It's entirely possible it will change - that's something else to which we're generally not privy, and only find out about it via monitoring.
I would keep 165.2375 (which is the real freq without the rounding...) in, but in a lower priority bank, along with the 282 mhz freq. Who knows what might show up there now?

73s Mike

OMAHA aircraft are still operating Mike - but have apparently returned to their original mission, i.e., Customs/Immigration work. Unfortunately, Paul, that annoying (and very loud) data burst is still with us on 165.2375. I think at least part of that originates from BWI because it's so loud it just knocks me over when they transmit it.
BMT said:
On another note some in the Atlanta area think the FBI A/C have changed C/S's "ROSS" is now "JENA".

I agree Jack. We've heard JENA (or JENNA) in this area too. I wonder if the callsign has been spelled out anywhere...and also wonder if the suffix has remained the same where it identifies a specific pilot rather than aircraft?

0823: PARTY 11 flight (F/A-18C VFA-87, CVW-8 NAS OCEANA) into Giant Killer's area on 233.7, then to 249.8 and back to 233.7...climbing from 11 to 16,000 feet as he enters the area (probably W-122)
0826: TESTER 77 (USN Test Pilot School, Patuxent River NAS) with Patuxent on 354.8
0829: ?BLINK? 41 with Giant Killer on 238.1 to enter work area (prob W-72). (Not sure of the "INK" sound but couldn't pull out the first consonant or two.) His mission number is V-1105.
0835: Have a couple of U/I fighters working Giant Killer's ops freq 292.3...ACM activity operating up at 45,000 feet (loud and clear obviously)
0838: VENUS 26 with ADW on 119.3 mentions picking up his IFR to Charlotte. Looks like he's doing approaches at ADW and also working with Tower on 118.4
0847: MAI TAI 11 (F-22A Langley) with Giant Killer on 238.1 to enter the area and requesting area 1C (W-72). On mission number V-1108.
0853: ???? 21 flight entering warning area W-72 1C with Giant Killer on 233.7 (Can't pull out his callsign)
0857: VENUS 26, while with ADW on 119.3, mentions doing his last approach and then picking up his flight plan to Charlottesville. (Last time he just said Charlotte)

0900: Giant Killer's ops freq 373.1 is active.
0905: BUGSY 21, flight of four, (F-22A Langley) to Giant Killer on 233.7 to entere W-72
0906: Two aircraft chatting about refueling (one a female) on 143.825 which should make at least one of them a tanker from McGuire (female is suffix 33, male is 34)
0907: BUGSY 21 requesting FL 290 «233.7»
0912: ?RISKY? 11 enters GK's area W-386 at FL 230
0913: The two aircraft on 143.825 begin the refueling op...33 cleared in for contact.
0917: Couple of aircraft chatting on 142.75 - Venus Control freq. One of them is probably the VENUS 26 heard earlier.
0918: MICRO 71 (F-15 Langley) flight leaving GK's area for HEELS, direct Langley. «233.7 or 238.1...didn't look in time»
0920: The tankers on 143.825 mention being with Washington Center on 120.975 (ZDC-Salisbury) (33 is now a male speaker)
0924: BIKER 21 flight (F-22A Langley) with Norfolk TRACON 370.925
0924: MICRO 71 also with TRACON on 370.925 heading for home.
0928: TITUS 01 in the pattern at Andrews on 119.3. Heard him a few minutes earlier but wanted to confirm the callsign. U/I in my database other than B-1B and I don't think that's what this is.
0939: U/I fighters on tac 143.75...possibly A-10s from Willow Grove or possibly an F-16 flight cross country and heading for Europe which was due through here about now
0943: CADE 1 flight (A-10 Willow Grove) with Philadelphia TRACON on 317.55
0943: CADE (maybe) flight on tac 143.25. They're going to Patuxent
0948: U/I flight to Giant Killer on 238.1 for permission to head for AR-636 to refuel with TEAM 33 (KC-10A McGuire)
0949: CADE 1 flight with ZDC-Kenton 354.15
0952: BANGER 21 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with ACY on 327.125 and then with GK on 255.0 to enter W-107
0952: The flight heading for AR-636 to refuel with TEAM 33 is RADAR 71 (U/I but probably from Langley) He's at 25,000 heading for the tanker....then says he's switching to boom freq
0953: BUGSY 21 (F-22A Langley) with GK on 233.7 descending.
0957: BANGER 21 with GK on 255.0 to say his event number is A-1103 and will be MARSA with DEVIL 11 flight
0958: DEVIL 11 flight checking in with GK on 255.0 also for entry to W-107.
0959: Both 143.25 and 143.75 are non-stop chat by fighters....I'm still not sure which one is the CADE flight and who belongs to the other one.
0959: DEVIL flight is working 138.425's a flight of three.
0959: DEVIL 11 flight tells GK on 255.0 they're pushing HUNTRESS freq 254.2 and change there.

That's it for now...back in a bit.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1331Z 119.300 Potomac APP - TITUS 01 (???) - multiple apps including ILS circle to 1R.

1409Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 535T () - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1414Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPAR 65 (C-37A 01-0065 15th AS Hickam) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 120.650.
1417Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - SPAR 65 - please pass t/off time of 13 after the hour to Hickam.
1419Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 536T () - deps ADW to 15000' dir HAFNR.
1430Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JT 527 (VR-52 NAS JRB Willow Grove) - deps ADW dir HAFNR to FL210 QSY 121.675.
1437Z 119.300 Potomac APP - VENUS 44 () - maintain 2000' cleared for the ILS 1R QSY 118.400.

Off to a meeting now, back in three hours...8-(
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Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
Wed Oct 11, 2006 Logs ...

Wed Oct 11, 2006 Logs (in progress)
Washington Center (ZDC)
Potomac Consolidated TRACON (PCT)
Andrews AFB @ airnav

1648z/ 120.65 [ZDC-Linden] // REACH 544T (C-130E #64-0544/198th AS?); hit on freq.
..133.275 [ZDC-Moorefield] // checking in
...1655z/ 118.025 [ZDC-Bryce] // checks in; cleared for the 'OX' 3 ARRIVAL [TO/OR DIRECT] Fort Wayne (FORT WAYNE VORTAC (FWA) ????
... OR Fort Wayne Int. Airport (KFWA)
"A secure area at the Fort Wayne International Airport (formerly known as Baer Field) houses the Indiana Air National Guard's 122nd Fighter Wing, which flies the F-16 fighter." ?

1950z/ 118.4 [KADW Tower] // TAHO 81; lands Andrews AFB
1956z/ 118.4 [KADW Tower] // EVAC 3315; lands Andrews
2002z/ 118.4 [KADW Tower] // JOSA 094; Departs Andrews then QSY departure on 118.95

If anyone knows the answer please correct me because I'm curious for the future... Thanks!

callin'em as I hear 'em

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: OX3

Hi Jay,

I'll bet the controller actually said "KNOX3" which is one of the STAR (Standard Terminal Arrival Routes) into Chicago/O'Hare International.

Direct "Fort Wayne" would be direct to the FWA VORTAC.

Best regards,


dehm said:
Wed Oct 11, 2006 Logs (in progress)
Washington Center (ZDC)
Potomac Consolidated TRACON (PCT)
Andrews AFB @ airnav

1648z/ 120.65 [ZDC-Linden] // REACH 544T; hit on freq.
..133.275 [ZDC-Moorefield] // checking in
...1655z/ 118.025 [ZDC-Bryce] // checks in; cleared for the 'OX' 3 ARRIVAL [TO/OR DIRECT] Fort Wayne (FORT WAYNE VORTAC (FWA) ????
... OR Fort Wayne Int. Airport (KFWA)
"A secure area at the Fort Wayne International Airport (formerly known as Baer Field) houses the Indiana Air National Guard's 122nd Fighter Wing, which flies the F-16 fighter." ?

If anyone knows the answer please correct me because I'm curious for the future... Thanks!

callin'em as I hear 'em



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
10/11/2006 pm

1757Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - LOBO 589 (C-9B MCAS Cherry Point) - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 118.675.
1757Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 06 (UH-60 Davison) - deps DAA to 4000'. Potomac informs them to contact Davison Base
Ops for a msg. Then gets direct Harcum.

1824Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JESSE 91 (C-130H 180th AS MO ANG) - deps ADW to 9000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1836Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 094 (C-21A 84-0142) - i/b ADW 20 mins out tail #40142.
1836Z 119.850 Potomac APP - JOSA 094 (C-21A 84-0142) - vectors for the ILS 19L @ ADW to 3000' QSY 128.350.
1838Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 10301 (UC-35B 01-0301) - deps ADW dir HAFNR to FL210 QSY 121.050.
1845Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 754 () - deps ADW to 13000' QSY 118.675.
1852Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 108 () - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.

1914Z 288.350 ZDC-Guard Dog - BRAVE 61/62 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - cleared into the Guard Dog area @ block alt. FL210-250. Also heard controller side on 135.525.
1916Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 2401 (C-12T afternoon shuttle) - deps rwy 14 QSY 118.950 @ 1100' for 2000' init. alt. to 5000' dir GRUBY QSY 126.400.
1919Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 2102 (C-17A 02-1102 62nd AW) - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 123.825.
1930Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - BRAVE 61 up here now.
1931Z 135.525 ZDC-GUARD DOG - BRAVE 61 - with rx check here.
1932Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - BRAVE 62 requests 61 that he might want to send him down at some point to get the spare a/c because neither MFD is operational. Has 4700 lbs of gas so need to burn it down a bit before going.
1938Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - BRAVE 61 discussing w/PIREP and planned endurance in the MOA. Requests 62 push to V-9.
1941Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - ROCCO 61 (KC-135 108th ARS NJ ANG) - ready for work.
1943Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - BRAVE 61/62 - plan is to refuel in 30 mins. Capitol talking about sending a replacement up soon.
in 15 mins can take 4000 lbs apiece.

2011Z 139.700 121st FS CAPITOL Ops - BRAVE 61/62 w/operational chatter re: refueling.
2015Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - ROCCO 61 (KC-135 108th ARS NJ ANG) - req is fuel avail should I drop in there in case of fuel emergency?
2039Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ANVIS 20 (DHC-6 76-22565 Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate Davison) - on an extended R base for rwy 14.
2040Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - BRAVE 61 Informs HUNTRESS that BRAVE 63 is just getting airborne now...
2044Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - BRAVE 62 on the way down now from FL240 for FL210...thinks 63 is just being handed off now to enter the GUARD DOG CAP.
2046Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 2402 (C-12T shuttle) - on the GPS app to rwy 32.
2047Z 288.350 ZDC-GUARD DOG - BRAVE 63 checks in here looking for BRAVE 61/62 - here or with HUNTRESS? QSYs 228.900.
2051Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - BRAVE 61 to BRAVE 63: 63 has altitudes FL230-250, 61 has FL225-blw.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The plane crash into an apartment building (50 story BelAir Condominiums) in New York City has apparently caused emergency plans to be put into effect....BRAVE 61/62 flight scrambled from Andrews and working HUNTRESS on 228.9. ROCCO 61 (KC-135, 108th ARW McGuire AFB NJ) also heading toward the area as a refueler for the fighters. ROCCO 61 says he got no info for boom freqs or anything else. Apparently, he is expecting the mission to be cancelled shortly but is coming in anyway although he says he'll be bingo fairly shortly. This is all from 1515-1530 local time.

1533: BRAVE 62 having a problem so he's switching to V-9 (139.7) to get advice from LC (redacted) on how to possibly fix it.
1541: BRAVE fighters go to V-5 (143.6) for chat.
1541: ROCCO 61 trying to get his altitude block set from HUNTRESS on 228.9....61 also reports he has 12,000 pounds of fuel available. (plenty for the next couple of hours for the fighters.)
1543: BRAVE 61 says they'll refuel in about 30 minutes taking 4500 pounds apiece. BRAVE 62 is going to be replaced by another jet apparently due to his problem.
1545: ROCCO 61 says the fighters should come for fuel now and they can have 6,000 pounds each...if they wait 30 minutes, he won't have enough for them. So BRAVE 61 decides they can take 4000 pounds each in about 15 minutes. «228.9»
1549: ROCCO 61 calling TOPCAT 3 (also a KC-135 from the 108th ARW McGuire) (probably his replacement) and gives his altitude. 228.9
1557: ROCCO 61 telling HUNTRESS he's checking about diverting to Dover. BRAVE 61 jumps in to say they should remind ROCCO 61 they have KC-135s in a reserve unit at Andrews. ROCCO 61 tells him the fuel to Dover or Andrews from their present positions would be about the same but BRAVE 61's argument is that he could get KC-135 support at Andrews. 228.9

1603: ROCCO 61 calls Andrews Metro on 344.6 to requests wx for Dover in one hour. He gets it and then decides to ask for Andrews wx in one hour also. (Getting his ducks in order) On 228.9, he tells HUNTRESS that wx is bad all over.
The BRAVE pair of F-16s is chatting on 143.6 and talking with CAPITOL back at their squadron on 139.7 about plans and problems.
1609: BRAVE 61/62 report picking up icing. 228.9...BRAVE 62 is going to move his track to the western side of the CAP where there's no weather.
1610: BRAVE is going to refuel according to words on 228.9 but changes to 139.7 with CAPITOL to find out the status of BRAVE 63 as a replacement for 62 before deciding who will refuel and how much they'll take on. 62 will get 2000 and 61 will take the remainder of available fuel.
1613: BRAVE 61 tells HUNTRESS their refueling plans. 228.9 They are joining up to go to the tanker.
1615: BRAVE 62 going to the tanker first for his two grand. 228.9
1620: ROCCO 61 clears BRAVE 62 onto the boom. 228.9... BRAVE 61 is in a two mile trail...he tells ROCCO 61 to give 62 just 2000 pounds.
NOTE: ROCCO 61 says his boom interphone is not working so they restrict comms to the boom freq 228.9. BRAVE 62 says he can hear ROCCO 61 over the boom interphone but apparently he's not being heard. By the way, I've been talking with someone about this boom interphone that told me it doesn't exist. Methinks it does and this proves it.
1622: BRAVE 62 gets his fuel, breaks away and BRAVE 62 goes to the boom. 228.9
1623: BRAVE 61 also tries talking on the boom interphone (based on ROCCO's transmission) and the tanker tells him it's not working so they also go to comms on the boom freq 228.9.
1624: ROCCO 61 to Guard Dog on 135.525 to say he'll be clearing out in about 5 minutes and requests clearance to Sea Isle...says he'll be minimum fuel but not in emergency situation.
1625: BRAVE 61 gives tail as 86-243 and 62 starts to give his as 85-4, stops and ROCCO says he's got it.
1625: There is another CAP going with HUNTRESS on 260.9...aircraft suffixes are 41 and 42...there is also a tanker there but the noise from our CAP has been blocking it all out. Turns out to be COSMIC 41/42, F-16s from Atlantic City. Not sure yet where they're going.
1627: ROCCO 61 to Guard Dog 135.525 to get his clearance and departs the area.
1630: ROCCO 61 handed off to ZDC-Swann 134.5 where he checks in and scoots away
1631: COSMIC 41/42 with HUNTRESS on 260.9 talking about getting a tanker to their area. SKATER 01 comes up on freq and says he's on the way. They are fairly loud so can't be too far away but I have no idea where their CAP is centered.
1637: TOPCAT 3/ROCCO 61 and one other tanker (Probably SKATER 01) all talking on 303.0...ROCCO 61 jokes about making it home. ROCCO 61 reports Blackjack at 1638.
1637: the COSMIC pair is refueling with SKATER 01 on 260.9
1640: BRAVE 61 tells HUNTRESS that BRAVE 63 is rolling and should be airborne (he's to replace the faulty BRAVE 62) 228.9
I'm thinking the COSMIC pair is probably guarding the NYC area.
Looks like we've got SLAM 31/32 working the Boston or New York area also on 228.9 but not interfering with our traffic.
1644: BRAVE 62 leaving the CAP to go home to Andrews 228.9
Reports from NYC indicate the plane that crashed might belong to a NY Yankees pitcher - Cory Lidle.
1648: BRAVE 63 is in the CAP with HUNTRESS on 228.9
1650: BRAVE 61 says he's got about 90 minutes of playtime...63 about 2 hours since they have no tanker support. 228.9
1650: SKATER 01 talks about refueling SLAM 31/32 on 260.9
I'm surprised the BRAVE pair is not getting interference from the COSMIC/SLAM pair over NYC on the same freq.
1655: BRAVE 62 from Guard Dog on 135.525 to TRACON on 269.5 as he heads back to Andrews.
1657: BRAVE 61/63 to V-5 (143.6)
1657: SKATER 01 reports topping off COSMIC 41 and 42. 260.9
1657: BRAVE 62 descending toward Andrews on 269.5
1659: BRAVE 62 handed to TRACON freq 335.5 for approach to ADW.

Ending log for now............

(Report on CNN is talking about NORAD scrambling fighters, the Northern Command, how they get authority to shoot down intruders, etc. Pictures from the scene are difficult to see due to haze in NYC. The NORAD commander, Admiral Tim Keating, is on CNN explaining why he scrambled the fighters...just as a precaution. Fighters are up in CAPs over several cities according to news reports...saying just "numerous cities.")

Small aircraft crashes into NYC high-rise
By Associated Press And Staff | October 11, 2006

NEW YORK (AP) -- A small aircraft crashed into a high-rise on the Upper East Side, raining down debris on Manhattan and unleashing what witnesses reported was a gigantic fireball, police said.

* Breaking News Alerts

Two people are reportedly dead and others are trapped in the burning building, according to fire department officials.

The aircraft struck the 20th floor of a building on East 72nd Street, said Fire Department spokeswoman Emily Rahimi. Witnesses said the crash caused a loud noise, and burning and falling debris was seen. Flames were seen shooting out of the windows.

"There's huge pieces of debris falling," said one witness who refused to give her full name. "There's so much falling now, I've got to get away."

The Federal Aviation Administration said it was too early to determine what type of aircraft was involved, or what might have caused the crash in the middle of a hazy October afternoon.

By the way, a CHALICE AWACS (SENTRY 30 on ATC freqs) has been working with Giant Killer most of the day down in W-386/W-72. His work was with F-15s and F-22As from Langley. He just inquired (1600) about STOMP and COWBOY F-22A flights that he was supposed to be working with. Apparently, they were held on the ground. (Possibly due to the situation with NORAD) STOMP and COWBOY both airborne now at 1610.
CHALICE tells Giant Killer he'd done controlling aircraft in the area and he's releasing the freqs. 1647 on 249.8

Log ended.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr Tin apparently NORAD requested CAP's as ROCCO 61 was on his way home
but told to report to D.C. CAP.
Hopefully just a precaution till further known.
Haven't copied anything up New York way yet.

SENTRY 30 with Wash Ctr Sea Isle 133.125 mentions he will be in AW-712 till at
least 2200z.Sounds like AWACS is up.Could be working offshore range.
Activity on GK range 249.800 with CHALICE,STOMP and B-52 SKULL 02 on 238.100
SKULL 02 bugging out direct Sea Isle then switching to 257.700 Salisbury ZDC
Another McGuire tanker TOPCAT 3 with McGuire on 303.00
1651 local BRAVE 62 rtb replaced by BRAVE 63.
COWBOY 1+2 on 389.100
Also getting A/A fighters weak on 138.200 could be COSMIC F-16's NJ ANG headed to CAP.
SKATER 02 bugs out rtb Alabama on 364.200 at first calling OAKGROVE then Huntress.
Down South OAKGROVE is SEAD callsign,HUNTRESS is NEAD up North.

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Just heard owner of the plane is a Yankee's player
1609 Huntress Activity on 228.9
1615 Law enforcement helos were coordinating on 123.1
Sorry Tin didn't see your earlier post
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Jan 5, 2004
A little while ago SKATER-02 was calling HUNTRESS on 364.2. No answer for a while, but apparently they did, however I couldn't hear HUNTRESS.

Just now one of the BRAVEs was wondering about their relief, stating he has already exhausted his one jerry rig. :lol: Still on 139.7 and 143.6.

SKATER-02 will be taking over the Guard Dog CAP refueling responsiblities. 288.35 and 228.9

Anybody able to hear HUNTRESS? Normally I can, but not with this unexpected CAP.

1747- I'm under the impression one of the pilots relieved himself on the floor of his cockpit.

1758- Fighters RTB, expecting to land around 1810. BRAVE-61/63 Single element, two-mile trail.

1802- BRAVES with TRACON 348.725.
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 8, 2002
Boston, Ma

Picking up some good milair here in the Boston Area. Sad about the reason for it.

One question you experts may be able to answer, what is at Pittsburg? I had an a/c say he was with the 91xthAW (did not catch the last number) out of Pittsburg. It seems not to be related to the CAP because it looks like only C130H are there in Pittsburg.

324.6 is active as I write this.

73 Eric
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