Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
At approximately 1455 there is someone playing on the SAM Interplane frequency 136.725. He's saying things in a long drawn out voice such as...."I'm on the company channel. I know the company channel. Call me Slim." It sounds like a ground station, was very loud and clear, and so must be nearby my location for me to be able to hear it. Probably someone got hold of a transmitter capable of this frequency. I could almost understand it if it was a kid but it's not. It sounds like a male adult. After several transmissions he says...."Okay, I'm gone"...and that was the last heard from him. I pity his sorry butt if they catch him.

1521: STOMP 11 (F-22A Langley) to Giant Killer on 238.1 to clear into W-386 at FL 230. Says they'll be MARSA with DEFT and JEDI flights who will be there in about 10 minutes. (DEFT/JEDI both listed as F-22A)
1523: NJ-ANG F-16s active on tac 138.425
1526: JOSA 118 with arrival message to Andrews on 141.55...dropping off 4 pax, picking up a Code S-4 and departing in one hour after touchdown, needs 4,000 pounds of fuel and has zero seats available on the outbound flight.
1530: DEFT 1 flight checking into area W-386 at FL 230 with Giant Killer on 238.1
1535: REACH 450 giving his flight plan on «284.9». Belive he said his destination was Kingman (Arizona) (Anyone know this freq? Have it for the airshow bank for Canada's Snowbirds which is why I even scanned it.)
1536: JEDI 31 flight with Norfolk TRACON 370.925
1537: JEDI 31 to Giant Killer on 238.1 to enter W-386...wants to know which flight levels are available.
1540: Have an A-10 with Raven Ops on 347.2 with problems...says he's going to do a "no-flap" landing...also has a problem with one engine...says as soon as he gets configured, he's going to try to land it. (RAVEN is the callsign)
1545: RAVEN to SOF on 347.2 to say he's getting ready now...and switching freqs (probably to tower)
1546: RAVEN 1, 8 miles to the east, right base, emergency landing «121.3» (he first called on 297.2 which isn't in service right now) He's got a wingman with him.
1547: STOMP 11 with Giant Killer on 249.8 to ask about the test track activity.
1548: RAVEN 1 reports gear down and heading for the runway. 297.2 (He's on the wrong freq)
1548: RAVEN 2 to SOF on 347.2 says they aren't shutting down the runway.
1549: RAVEN 2 reports full stop landing upcoming to Tower on 121.3 which probably means RAVEN 1 touched down without incident. He reports a short initial.
1551: There's also an AXEMAN flight of two A-10s coming home to Martin State with Tower on 121.3 that report they'll make a full stop landing.
1552: AXEMAN flight reports 5 miles out and coming in for full stop landing. 121.3
1552: RAVEN 2 gear down, full stop as he heads for the runway. 121.3
1554: AXEMAN 1 and 2 report left base, gear down, full stop. 121.3
(Meanwhile TROOPER 17 is yakking and yakking about what he's up to while the A-10s are all trying to land...also on 121.3)
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
1512z HUSKY 57 Del ANG C-130 with Dover appch 257.8750 arriving Dover
for airshow.

1756z ROMAN 61 flt of 2 FA/18's with Dover appch 257.8750 then later with Tower 279.8750 requesting overhead then carrier landing with a right brake.

1839z THUNDERBIRD 6 with Dover appch UHF 75 miles out a little early for airpace
reserve at 1900z.Will be 7 minutes early.
THUNDERBIRD 1 heard shortly after with Appch.
1850z T-BIRDS A/A some survey practice on CH 1. 143.8500 and 141.850
before landing.



Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2006
Cape May, NJ
4:13pm 138.1250 "Devil Ops" f-16 having complete hydrolic failure, "going as fast as I can to get to AC" "Might need to use the hook" Get .....out to the runway"


Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2006
Cape May, NJ
The comm before that was "heard a long bang right before the pressure dropped" his wingman "see fluid coming out"


Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2006
Cape May, NJ
Heard them flying north along the Del. Bay, then they got out of range or too low for me to hear anymore comms. If anyone else heard more post it please.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Sorry...can't help you wildbill. I was gone by that time but it was probably the same guys I logged on 138.425. They turned out to be a BICEP flight of NJ-ANG F-16s that went to W-107 in Giant Killer's area to work. So, he had a nice downhill trip over water to get back into Atlantic City. Hope he made it.

It just dawned on me that when I heard that RAVEN 1 flight making the emergency landing at Martin State Airport (see above log at 1540 entry), it was the first time I ever heard that unit calling "SOF" on 347.2. They normally either call "Ops" or "Raven Ops" but never SOF. Guess when you get excited/scared you revert back to your training.
SOF=Supervisor Of Flying

For Andrews AFB: (All times Zulu)

Also for Andrews (Tony & Mateo)
(I've always wondered why NOTAMs use the redundant term "UNTIL UFN" since UFN means "Until Further Notice")

This was posted for McGuire AFB today and although it's already expired, it proves dispatch freq 372.2 is also in use at McGuire:

For Langley:

No ATIS at Patuxent:
ATIS OTS UFN. 05 OCT 15:44 UNTIL 19 OCT 12:00

Dover AFB still has three NOTAMs in effect (which I posted in previous messages) for airshow activity October 6/7/8.

At Martin State Airport, Tower freq 297.2 is still out of service until further notice. Use 121.3

There is also a probable CAP for 7 October around Newport News VA as described in this published TFR:
NOTAM Number : FDC 6/2417
Issue Date : October 04, 2006 at 13:05 UTC
Location : Newport News, Virginia
Beginning Date and Time : October 07, 2006 at 13:00 UTC
Ending Date and Time : October 07, 2006 at 16:40 UTC
Reason for NOTAM : Temporary flight restrictions for VIP (Very Important Person) Movement
Type : VIP
Replaced NOTAM(s) : N/A
Affected Area(s)
Area A
Airspace Definition:
TFR Center: 13 nautical miles from NORFOLK VORTAC(ORF) on the 310 radial (Latitude: 37º00'35"N, Longitude: 76º25'36"W)
Radius: 30 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including FL(180)
Effective Date(s):
October 07, 2006 at 13:00 UTC (October 07, 2006 at 9:00 EDT) - October 07, 2006 at 16:40 UTC (October 07, 2006 at 12:40 EDT)

And here's the reason for the expected CAP:
The U.S. Navy Will Launch Its Newest Aircraft Carrier, the Last of the Nimitz Class, Oct. 7 at Northrop Grumman`s Newport News Shipyard in Newport News, Va.

The Navy Newstand reported Oct. 4 that President George W. Bush would deliver the principal address at the christening ceremony of the USS George H.W. Bush.

The 41st president of the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush, served in the U.S. Navy in World War II as an aviator. Former President Bush joined the Navy on his 18th birthday as a seaman and became the youngest navy pilot at the time, receiving his commission and naval aviator wings before his 19th birthday.

Bush flew Avenger torpedo bombers from the carrier USS San Jacinto. During an attack on enemy installations near Chichi Jima in September 1944, his plane was hit by the enemy and Bush bailed out. He was later rescued by the Navy submarine USS Finback. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross and three Air Medals for his Navy Pacific service.

Doro Bush Koch, daughter of the former president, will serve as sponsor of the ship, breaking a bottle of American champagne across the ship`s bow to formally christen the vessel. Former President Bush and his wife Barbara are scheduled to attend the ceremony.

The prospective commanding officer of the USS George H. W. Bush is Captain Kevin O`Flaherty.

Nimitz-class aircraft carriers are the largest warships in the world. The nuclear-powered vessels can travel at a speed of more than 30 knots while deploying an air wing of about 75 aircraft.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1944: Have a U/I aircraft on 295.8...says his tail number is 1933 and he'll see what he can do about getting lower. (BATON 20)
1945: On 295.8 it's BATON 20 (EC-130J 193rd SOG PA-ANG Harrisburg) talking to DC 44 (KC-135R 756th ARS Andrews AFB). They're getting ready for a refueling operation. This is the first time I've ever heard a DC tanker actually refueling. Always just hear them coming and going. (they went lower as mentioned and dropped out of listening range)

2000: CRAB 56 (female driver) (C-130J MD-ANG Martin State Airport) on Crab Ops freq 385.9 talking about doing drops. She says the drogue chute is still hanging. (Not sure if she's talking with drop controller AEGIS on this freq or over on 148.925...will check both. She should also be working with Phillips AAF Tower on 126.15)
2007: CRAB 56 with Phillips AAF on 126.15 and then with AEGIS on 385.9 saying she's getting ready to drop.
2010: CRAB 56 tells Phillips AAF she's finished with that drop and is flying the track on a short 20-minute route before returning. «126.15»
2012: CRAB 56 talks to AEGIS drop controller on 385.9 and repeats 1-7-3 (which is probably her drop score from that last drop.)
2025: CRAB 56 (male speaker now) to Phillips AAF on 126.15 to report 10 miles out from "the bridges" and will report when at the bridges. (He also said something to AEGIS on 385.9 a couple of minutes earlier but was too weak to copy.)
2031: CRAB 56 (Male) says he'd like to go back out to the bridges and start his last run. «126.15»
2036: CRAB 56 with AEGIS on 385.9 for final drop prep and with Phillips AAF on 126.15 to announce they're coming in for the drop.
2047: CRAB 56 (male) tells AEGIS he'll see him again tomorrow and thanks him for coming out in the rain tonight. «385.9» Should hear the aircraft now switching to MTN Twr 121.3 for landing and that should do it until tomorrow night. (Not sure where his drop zone is but it's not raining here.)

I'm hearing a bunch of commercial airliners using Pax River freq 281.8 tonight. They are all at very low altitude - generally around 1600 feet - and reporting their climb to 4000. It sounds like a departure freq from one of the major airports but I have no idea why they'd be using this freq for that activity. I guess it's possible I'm hearing mixed freq transmissions but it's a first for me - especially on this freq since the commercial aircraft are no doubt using VHF for their transmissions - or should be.
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
I'm hearing a bunch of commercial airliners using Pax River freq 281.8 tonight. They are all at very low altitude - generally around 1600 feet - and reporting their climb to 4000. It sounds like a departure freq from one of the major airports but I have no idea why they'd be using this freq for that activity. I guess it's possible I'm hearing mixed freq transmissions but it's a first for me - especially on this freq since the commercial aircraft are no doubt using VHF for their transmissions - or should be.

A few times I heard all radio traffic for a distant field, both ground and air (including VHF), coming out on a UHF freq. Two times it turned out to be E-2s that had the repeat capability of their equipment going by accident while airborne, and they were repeating all their ATC stuff back out onto a UHF. One time it was when I believe the FAA techs must have been checking stuff, because they were repeating stuff from certain fields, back through on UHF freqs. I can only guess they were just using it as a constant signal to tweak the UHF channels on a transmitter. All I know is I loved it while it lasted, because I could hear ground and air at a mil field that's 100 miles from me. I also get clear VHF stuff on a few UHF freqs as well, from bleed.

- Custom Scanner, Aviation, MURS, GMRS, Marine & Ham Antennas -


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Dave, considering the activity was on a Pax freq, I suppose it could have been some kind of testing being done by one of the very many airborne test beds active there. I guess I should have noted the flight numbers and checked it against to find the airport it belonged to. However, at the time, I was just considering it a pain in the backside rather than a new challenge.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1255Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 600 () - deps ADW to 11000' then QSYs ZDC-Linden 120.650.

Slammed at work so far but now at the radio:

1432Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JU 211 (C-9B VR-56 NAS Oceana) - deps ADW QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650 from 11000' to 17000'.
1446Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 474 (166474) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1452Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 318 () - deps ADW to 13000' QSY 120.650.

1513Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JS 233 (C-9B VR-46 NAS Atlanta) - deps ADW initial alt. 3000' then to 17000' QSY 118.675.

1604Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPAR 29 (C-37A 01-0029 301st AS MacDill) - deps ADW dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1607Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JT 219 (C-9B VR-52 NAS JRB Willow Grove) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1639Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - TROUT 99 (C-135E 57-2589) - deps ADW dir AML to 17000' then cleared dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1644Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 478 (C-12) - deps DAA 500' for 5000' initial then cleared to 12000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1646Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 889 (C-12) - deps DAA 700' for 4000' initial QSY 125.650.

NOTE: as Tin just pointed out, the BLACKJACK 1 callsign I posted yesterday should probably now be USCG HH-65s as opposed to US Customs Ce550s.

1819Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AVALON 74 (C-9A 932nd AW AFRC, Scott AFB) - deps ADW dir LDN to 17000' QSY 120.650 and checks in there climbing to 17000'.
1824Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 955 () - deps ADW to 17000' dir GINYA join J149 QSY 118.675 then QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650.
1826Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 955 () - t/off time ADW 1820Z.
1838Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 0747 () - deps ADW initial alt. 3000' for 5000' then to 17000' QSY 123.825.
1852Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 851 (C-21A) - deps ADW QSY 121.050 then cleared to FL210.

1900Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 615 () - deps ADW to 11000' QSY 121.050 then cleared dir HAFNR QSY 121.675.
1900Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPAR 28 (C-37A 01-0028 301st AS MacDill) - deps ADW to 16000' dir AML join J149 QSY 118.675.
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Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
Fri Oct 6, 2006 Logs

Fri Oct 06, 2006 Logs
Potomac Consolidated TRACON (PCT)
Andrews AFB @ airnav

1721z/ 118.675 [PCT APP/DEP] // PAT 615; checks in (dst: KADW req: ILS RWY 1R)
.. 1729z/ 119.85 [PCT APP] // ..checking in 10.8 for 8k
... 1740z/ 124.7 [PCT] // ..checking in 6 for 3k
.... 1743z/ 119.3 [PCT] / ..checks in
..... 1748z/ 118.4 [KADW TWR] // ..checks in w/ Tower; clear to land RWY 01R

1736z/ 119.85 [PCT APP] // VENUS 31; checks in (dst: KADW req: ILS RWY 1R full stop)
..1754z/ 118.4 [ADW TWR] // ..checks in w/ Tower; clear to land RWY 1R full stop
1740z/ 124.7 [PCT] // PAT 45; checking in
1758z/ 118.4 [KADW TWR] // SAM 733; clear to land RWY 1R full stop
1801z/ 118.4 [KADW TWR] // DC 52; for landing RWY ??
1802z/ 118.4 [KADW TWR] // SAM 0715; checks in to land RWY 1R full stop
1816z/ 118.4 [KADW TWR] // DC 51; clear to land RWY 1R full stop
1823z/ 118.4 [KADW TWR] // REACH 955; departs KADW
1840z/ 118.4 [KADW TWR] // MARINE 474; clear to land ILS RWY 1R
1845z/ 118.4 [KADW TWR] // MARINE 364; departs KADW
..1845z/ 125.65 [PCT DEP] // ..checks in
1925z/ 118.4 [KADW TWR] // REACH 990 (Heavy); cleared to land RWY 1R
1929z/ 118.4 [KADW TWR] // CANFORCE 364 (Heavy); cleared to land RWY 1R
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
dehm said:
Fri Oct 06, 2006 Logs

1721z/ PAT 615 checks in (dst: KADW req: ILS RWY 1R)
.. 118.675 < 119.85 (1729z/ checking in 10.8 for 8k) <

Hope to see more posts from you Jay. Thanks for joining in.

Midway through the 1400 hour, I've been following a PAT 608 flight from ZDC-Salisbury 257.7 to ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 and then to ZNY-Manta 353.5 (which she read back as "thirty five thirty five" and had me confused for a moment.) Female jockey that's flying a very, very slow aircraft. Kind of unusual that she's requesting UHF freqs only. I think she's breezing along at a nifty 45 mph.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr TIN that 35/35 read back used to stump me as well and also they like to say
30/30 for 303.000 freq.
The lingo seems half the battle on Milcoms..

A couple more aircraft into Dover today on UHF appch/tower freqs.

MOON 44 T-1 from Columbus AFB in Missisippi arrive 1106 local
YANKEE 18 sounded like a fighter type,maybe A-10 from Bradley 1357 local.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Should be busy in your backyard Mark as the airshow progresses at Dover.

Anyone have an idea who among the 10,000 freight carriers might use callsign TRANSPORT? Just heard "TRANSPORT 520 Heavy" with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6.

1530: EVAC 33116 giving arrival message to Andrews on 378.1. Once again I ache upon hearing the flight list the numbers of litters and other patients they bring to fill the military hospitals of this area. I don't care what anyone thinks of the war, these guys are suffering for their duty to country - your country, my country.

1605: PAT 452 calling "Navy Ops at Andrews" on 386.8. No joy. (And he's still calling as of 1618 and still getting no reply.) Navy Ops should be on duty even considering their new hours per NOTAM:
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr TIN weather forecast looks rough next couple days but Sunday should be good.

BTW next weekend is dedication of new USAF Memorial near the Pentagon.Lots of flybys scheduled and that must
tie in with flybys scheduled for Delaware ANG open house the 14th.Look for B-2 etc to zip over Maryland between the 2 shows.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
TinEar said:
Anyone have an idea who among the 10,000 freight carriers might use callsign TRANSPORT? Just heard "TRANSPORT 520 Heavy" with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6.

The "Lurkers" strike again....I'm advised that callword TRANSPORT is used by Transport-Canada (TGO). Thanks Joe for the FAA site confirming that.

(Thought I was doing an edit to my above message but wound up with a new entry. Sigh.)

1644: REACH 990 Heavy (male) with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6 descending to 9000 feet.
1646: REACH 990 Heavy (female) with McGuire Command Post on 319.4 giving arrival message...heard her say 75,000 on the fuel and zero pax or cargo before being blocked by...
1646: REACH 990 Heavy (male) with ACY App for further descent. (His transmitter is booming and hers is weak and choppy but that's probably more a result of the unusual reception I get on 124.6 where it's generally as loud or louder than aircraft at BWI Airport 3 miles away.)

1650: Hearing a couple of choppers on the helo air-to-air freq 123.025 talking about a K-9 officer shooting someone and saw the perp fall but haven't seen him since so the officer isn't sure he really hit him. Don't know where this is since I'm not monitoring public safety. They mention being off Route 95 so it's somewhere between Maine and Flordia --- but probably closer.
1655: REACH 313, a C-5, giving arrival message to Dover Command Post on 349.4...says he's 20 minutes maintenance status as A-2 due to the lateral axis of the auto-pilot being inoperative. Asks Dover if they got his offload message through STATCOM.

1719: OCEAN 64 (C-130) to McGuire Command Post 319.4 with arrival message. Gives tail number as 48152.
1720: And a U/I Travis AFB CA C-5 with arrival message to Dover CP on 349.4...about 20 minutes out and needs crew bus for 4 to Base Ops. (Didn't get on freq in time to catch callsign...could be REACH 6022) Status is A-2 for pressurization problems and other minor writeups.
Confirmed callsign REACH 6022 at 1731. He identified himself as a Travis C-5 in his arrival message.
1732: A couple of police helos (one of them is TROOPER 1) still circling over the area where the search is ongoing for the guy that was possibly shot by the K-9 officer. 123.025
They mention a very tight perimeter. And of course Chopper 13 (TV channel 13 CBS) is in the area.
1742: REACH 436 calling Dover Command Post x4, no joy. 349.4
1746: REACH 436 makes contact with Dover on arrival msg...due in at 2215Z, IDs as a C-5, wants to know if ATC contacted Dover with their diverting to Dover because of a bad ALDCS computer and needs a new one...they want quick turnaround (of course) and need a new flight plan from Dover to Rota, Spain.
1758: REACH 436 tells Dover he has 10 pax that need to be sent to the terminal while repairs are being made to the aircraft. 349.4
1759: REACH 436 talking about the need - or not - to AR (Aerial Refuel) along the way to Rota. He doesn't have the info but if they say he must, then he must. 349.4 The question came from Dover - I guess while in the process of working up his new flight plan.

Speaking of lurkers...for any of you down Macon GA way, there's a CAP on the horizon for these times in the Atlanta Center area:
October 10, 2006 at 19:55 UTC (October 10, 2006 at 15:55 EDT) - October 10, 2006 at 23:30 UTC (October 10, 2006 at 19:30 EDT)
Good luck catching it.

And there are flight restrictions around Seymour Johnson AFB on the 14th and 15th for an airshow including the Thunderbirds. Check the FAA's Graphic TFR site for details for both this and the probable CAP.

Okay...that's it for logging for now. Till later....
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
TinEar said:
Anyone have an idea who among the 10,000 freight carriers might use callsign TRANSPORT? Just heard "TRANSPORT 520 Heavy" with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6.

The "Lurkers" strike again....I'm advised that callword TRANSPORT is used by Transport-Canada (TGO). Thanks Joe for the FAA site confirming that.

Transport Canada is mostly Citations used on the same missions as the FAA fleet - nothing in the inventory that would be called heavy. You heard AIR TRANSPORT 520 heavy, the ATI DC-8 that runs the weekly BGTL (Thule)-BWI-WRI trip. 510/520 is the typical flight numbers for the pair.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
New Washington Center Frequency:

Sector 54 Salisbury:
Change 128.525 to 120.975 for the VHF side. UHF 257.7 has not changed (as of yesterday).

I'm not sure how long the VHF side of the frequency pair has been changed since I don't normally follow activity on them due to the commercial air overload. This freq was found when BLUE 77, a tanker accompanying a flight of F-16s from Europe to Shaw AFB changed to it. I set up radios on both the old 128.525 and the new 120.975 and confirmed the old one is dead and the new one is full of aircraft calling Washington Center and reporting over or around Salisbury.

Submitted it to the database.

Not really monitoring MilAir today but happened to hear BLACKJACK 1 (Coast Guard HH-65) describe himself as a flight of two landing at Andrews with Tower on 349.0 at 1418. As mentioned elsewhere above, these are the replacements for the OMAHA Customs aircraft that did the air interdictions by themselves or with scrambled fighters in this area under NORAD/NEADS (HUNTRESS) control.

1502: BLUE 76 (female) calling McGuire Command Post on 319.4 (no joy)
This might be the tanker accompanying a flight of EA-6B aircraft due to arrive at Andrews today from Iraq via Europe....but I haven't heard the Prowlers yet.
BLUE is westbound from Europe to U.S. or westbound in general -- GOLD is eastbound.
Last flight of EA-6B aircraft from Iraq to Andrews used CUBE 9X for callsigns.
1503: BLUE 76 makes contact with McGuire for arrival message....30 minutes out, A-2 for three writeups...#3 INU will not align, #2 INU screen flickers (and I missed the third one). She reports no cargo. «319.4»
1507: BLUE 76 Heavy (male) with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6 reports direct Sea Isle and descending to 5,000 feet. (Meanwhile, on 319.4, the female is reading off her writeups again.)
1511: BLUE 76 Heavy descending to 3,000 feet. «124.6»
1531: REACH 3079 to McGuire CP on 319.4 with arrival message....30 minutes out, A-2 for four minor writeups and has 16 pax. (8 minutes later he gets his parking spot as K-4)
1555: VIRGIN 73 (VIRGIN ATLANTIC) calling a SONGBIRD flight (SKY KING INC. (SACRAMENTO, CA) on Guard freq 121.5
1556: REACH 553T reports off the deck at Andrews. «378.1»

1600: NAVY 101 calling Any Radio on FSS freq 255.4. He says..."This is a little unusual but can you give me the Navy score?" Not sure what he got for an answer but he sounded disappointed when he signed off.
1601: NIGHTHAWK 2 with Andrews Tower 118.5 (earlier heard MARINE 2 choppering his way around the field)
1611: Also have a LOBO 02 and EAGLE 1 (USPP helo) with ADW Tower 118.4
Not sure who these LOBO guys are...have heard them several times flying around the Aberdeen Range on 248.4 also. Have heard them with both 2 and 3 digit suffixes there. Usually, the 3-digit suffix is a C-9B from Cherry Point when on ATC freqs - or so I've been told.

1620: ARMY 10301 reports direct OJAAY on 132.95 (Mostly commercial aircraft calling Washington and Washington Center on this freq.) Found it because it's in my Airshow bank for the Heritage Flight and just suddenly started squawking as of 1600. After listening a bit, it seems to be aircraft along the Richmond, Hopewell, Norfolk route. I'm beginning to think this is a new Hopewell VHF freq for ZDC Sector 16 replacing 134.025 which seems to be dead. The UHF freq changed recently to 323.225 from the old 269.3 as I'm sure you remember.
Add: Nope...the 134.025 freq is not dead. Now hearing a few transmissions on it so the 132.95 freq is something other than Hopewell within ZDC.
Another add: We went through this exercise as freqhopping points out below and determined 132.95 was ZDC Sector 14 Irons. The change has already been made in the database. Sorry for the confusion.

And suddenly have a bunch of aircraft using ADW Tower freq 118.4 for ATC work. What's going on here? Have commercial aircraft calling "Approach" here. (That only lasted for about 15 minutes and then died off. Perhaps it was just a tricky propagation issue.)

1656: EVAC 61006 to Andrews on 378.1 to report arrival...25 minutes out, needs 14,000 pounds of fuel, wants the deck notified at (commercial number at Andrews) that they're arriving with medical creq and equipment. They're told to park on spot 11-D.

NOTE: I've learned the Prowler flight to Andrews was cancelled. BLUE 76 was supposed to be a mission to accompany some F-16s from Shaw back to Hill AFB Utah that came in yesterday from Europe. It's suggested that flight may have cancelled also due to weather.

Ref below: Tony, that's interesting (well, to me it is) that Potomac Director jumps onto the freqs. I've never experienced that happening before up this way.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
A couple of IAD non-mil notes while listening to and watching arrivals this afternoon. Nominal Potomac Dep freq of 125.050 is back in service; 120.825 must have been a temporary spare. Also of interest, and I've heard this happen many times for the past few years, but never thought to mention it. During periods of traffic saturation when operating simultaneous ILS approaches, Potomac Director (has IDed as such) can be heard cutting in and fine tuning (modifying/canceling speed restrictions, canceling landing clearances, vectoring for resequence, etc.) inbound traffic flows on IAD Tower freqs 120.100 and 128.425.
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Jan 5, 2004
TinEar said:
Another new Washington Center freq:
1620: ARMY 10301 reports direct OJAAY on 132.95 (Mostly commercial aircraft calling Washington and Washington Center on this freq.) Found it because it's in my Airshow bank for the Heritage Flight and just suddenly started squawking as of 1600. After listening a bit, it seems to be aircraft enroute to Richmond, Hopewell, Norfolk. I'm beginning to think this is a new Hopewell VHF freq for ZDC Sector 16 replacing 134.025 which seems to be dead. The UHF freq changed recently to 323.225 from the old 269.3 as I'm sure you remember.
Add: Nope...the 134.025 freq is not dead. Now hearing a few transmissions on it so the 132.95 freq is something other than Hopewell within ZDC.

Actually we discussed this freq back in March.
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