Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1745: TIGER 81, flight of two, with ZNY-Modena 335.6 climbing
1746: TIGER 81 flight working tac 138.25
1749: TIGER 81 flight handed to ZNY-Westminster 323.3 where they report climbing from FL 180 to direct Greensboro.
1751: TIGER 81 handed off to ZDC-Potomac 307.025 where they check in.
These are either F-16s from the 79th FS at Shaw or A-10s from Pope. Talking about changing "to the front radio" so indications are they're A-10s. The "back" radio has the low and hi VHF freqs in it. They're having trouble hearing each other for some reason. Flight leader tells his wingman to change to 143.75...he goes there and calls a couple of times at 1758 but is not being heard by the wingman. Flight leader thinks it's the wingman with the problem but it's really his receiver that has the problem. Both loud and clear all transmissions here.
1759: TIGER on 138.25 again but he's not getting a response here either.
I lean toward A-10s from Pope in light of the "direct Greensboro" report given earlier which is close enough to Fayetteville NC, the home of Pope AFB.

1801: TIGER comes up on ZDC 307.025 and tells his wingman to go to "Squadron Vic(tor)" and they come up on 140.4. They manage to talk to each other here and say they'll stay on this one. They're also talking about doing a flyby (past tense). Apparently, they managed to program the radios differently in each jet.
1803: TIGER 81 handed off to ZDC-Montebello 284.7 where they check in at FL 260. Say they are doing the flyby in Charlotte. They say when they get just north of there, they'll hold with Charlotte Approach.
I show Charlotte Approach freqs to be 307.8 from the east (as these guys will be) and 257.2 from the west.
1810: After mentioning their bingo number will be 4.2 (4200 pounds) while at Charlotte, the wingman says they'll land at Seymour (Johnson AFB) with more fuel than that. «140.4»
1813: TIGER 81 tells ZDC-Montebello on 284.7 they're a flight of two.
1814: TIGER 81 flight leader tells ZDC controller he should be able to see them on NBC at 7:05. «284.7»
By the way, the flyby they're going to do will be at Charlotte's Lowe's Motor Speedway for the Nextel Cup race there. I'll be watching. It'll be neat to watch them while listening (if they're still in range which is doubtful since they'll drop down low for the flyby. Tonight's race is being carried by the NBC stations rather than TNT...11 in Baltimore, 4 in D.C.)
1822: TIGER 81 flight cleared to descend to FL 220 «284.7»
1822: Still chatting on 140.4 but now one of them is out of range and I'm just hearing the flight leader....unless he's talking to someone else like a ground station at their destination. That last transmission to ZDC was getting weak also.
It seems they've now driven out of listening range for me. Nothing heard for next 10 minutes.

1827: UGLY 1 flight (A-10 PA-ANG Willow Grove) (heard earlier as flight of three heading to Richmond) on 281.4 with ZDC-Calvert and mentions not hearing any ELTs on 243.0 [ELT=Emergency Locator Transmitter]
They can't hear it but I hear it loud and clear on 243.0 from here.
1830: UGLY flight using 142.25 for tac just as they did when heading south earlier.
1833: T-BIRD 7 to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 reports leaving 16 for 17,000 feet. (he uses T-BIRD, not THUNDERBIRD)
1833: So the UGLY flight, over on tac 142.25, wonder out loud if that guy was really a THUNDERBIRD and if they're still flying shows this late in the year. No one mentions the DC flyby today.
1834: T-BIRD 7 leaving 17 for FL 260. «281.4»
1835: UGLY 1 told to descend from 15 to 13,000 feet. «281.4»
1836: T-BIRD 7 now given FL 240. «281.4»...and a minute later again given FL 260 and says that altitude works good for him.
1839: UGLY 1 flight handed off to ZDC-Casino on 285.4 and check in as three A-10s at 13,000 feet.
1841: T-BIRD 7 handed off to ZDC-Norfolk 133.825
1846: UGLY 1 flight climbing to FL 230 «142.25» (Got that command from ZDC I believe but I was out of the room and wasn't sure what they said on 285.4)
1849: UGLY 1 reports direct DuPont and having traffic in sight. «285.4»
1850: UGLY 1 flight handed off to Philadelphia TRACON 269.25 and check in as three A-10s at 12,000 direct Modena, direct "The Grove"
1852: UGLY flight leader sends wingman to see if he can get comms with Willow Grove Ops. «142.25»
1852: UGLY 1 flight handed off to Phil TRACON 319.15 and check in as three A-10s at 6500 flight heading for 5000 feet. (They're maneuvering around on tac 142.25 and descending down to 3000 and starting to get weak. Say it would be a good night to go "goggle" flying.)
1853: UGLY 1 descends to 3,000 feet «319.15»
See ya' UGLY flight...out of listening range a minute or so later. (Just in time to turn on the TV to channel 11 for the race and watch the TIGER 81 flight do the flyover.)
1857: PITMAN 35/36 on the way to the CAP with ZDC-Irons 360.85 descending from FL 320 to 250...change to ZDC-Brooke 327.0 at 1858. They're using 139.925 for air-to-air.

End of log...gotta watch the race.
Can't believe race for Baltimore TV watchers...I'm pissed. They're putting on political debates and say they'll join the race in progress later. SOBs!!!! Can't get the DC station from here. And to make matters worse, the world's ugliest woman is introducing the debate. Sheesh!
Someone please confirm for me the TIGER flight is indeed a pair of A-10s.
Mumble...mumble...mumble <Steam coming out of ears>

Travis, thanks very much for the pictures.
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Jan 5, 2004
The rest of the pictures.










Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Travis. I was pretty sure of it when they talked about the "back" and "front" radios but wanted to make sure. I'm just sorry I couldn't get to see the flyover myself.

2253: PITMAN 35/36 cleared to request clearance back to Shaw. They're finishing at the usual 2300 again tonight. PITMAN 35/36 with Guard Dog 135.525 to make the request for 5 minutes from now.
2255: TANKER 06 is released by HUNTRESS on 260.9 and also goes to Guard Dog 135.525 to pick up a clearance back to Milwaukee. Guard Dog sends him to 133.96 for his clearance. I have no idea who 133.96 belongs to. It's not even a valid freq. TANKER 06 comes back a couple of minutes later to say the 133.96 was a bad freq. He's given 133.275 ZDC-Morefield and goes there trying to check in. He does and requests FL 340.
2258: HUNTRESS clears PITMAN 35/36 to head home. 260.9
They go to Guard Dog 135.525 to get their clearance.

2302: Guard Dog hands PITMAN 35/36 to Potomac TRACON 269.5 and they check in there.
PITMAN 35/36 decide on V-12 for air-to-air - 139.925
2303: TANKER 06 comes back to Guard Dog on 135.525 after apparently have no one answer him on one answering from Guard Dog after several calls.
1104: PITMAN 35/36 handed to ZDC-Montebello 284.7 where they check in
1104: Guard Dog sends TANKER 06 to ZDC-Potomac 133.975 this time for the handoff.
And that's it for the CAP until 0600 in the morning.
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Jan 5, 2004
PITMAN-42 flight of two requesting clearance RTB Shaw direct at 15 or 16k if able, will take Durham then Shaw if not. 135.525

1000- One of the guys is pointing out the Air Force memorial to the other guy. 143.8

1007- They got their requested clearance, went to Montebello, now with Irons requesting lower, 14-16k.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I've was trying out my new Icom R8500 this evening and hadn't heard anything on Andrews CP 141.55 so put it up on my scanner and have not heard a word on the freq in the past three hours. I don't know if the freq is out of service or if the airfield could really be that quiet.
(Spoke too really was that quiet....heard a transmission at 1959 logged below.)
I could tell the ground station was transmitting on the scanner but he was unreadable. On the R8500 he was very clear. I'm liking this.

1940: Have a couple of aircraft on tanker interplane 139.875. One of them is a KC-10A from McGuire - TEAM 15 (female driver).
1942: TEAM 15 says she's heading back to McGuire because of "a weird smell." «139.875»
1943: NIGHTHAWK 7 with Andrews Tower 118.4
1959: JOSA 332 to Griffin Command on 141.55 to report wheels up at 2354Z...wants TACC notified of that and gives tail number as 40122.

2030: REACH 2112 Heavy with Andrews Approach 119.3 for ADW arrival.
2033: REACH 2112 Heavy with Andrews Tower 118.4 for landing
2035: BOLAR 70 (C-5 Dover) with a tanker on refueling freq 315.9
2045: BOLAR 70 and the tanker (believe I heard a TEAM 16 callsign in there) talking about getting to the IP on time. «315.9»
2047: Air Force 2 with ADW Approach 119.3...approaching runway 19L for full stop landing.
2052: Air Force 2 over to ADW Tower 118.4 to report gear down for full stop landing.
2052: JOSA 783 to Griffin Command on 141.55 and then 378.1 to pass arrival message...a C-21, tail 40117, 20 minutes out, A-1, dropping off an A-4 plus 5...needs a fuel topoff and will be on the ground for 45 minutes.
2052: Confirm it's TEAM 16 working with BOLAR 70 on 315.9

That's all for now...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1145: DARKSTAR (E-3B/C Tinker AFB OK) with Giant Killer on 238.1 requesting higher altitude in W-386 G-J...he is cleared up to FL 500.
1146: IRON 41 flight (F-15/F-22A Langley) with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 climbing out.
1146: IRON 41 handed to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 where they check in at FL 180 climbing to 230 direct Snow Hill.
1147: WOLF 11 flight of three (F-22A Langley) with Giant Killer on 238.1 to enter W-386 and climbing to FL 230 from 210.
1148: IRON 41 with Giant Killer on 238.1 to enter W-386 at FL 230.
1153: IRON 41 flight requests area W-386, the western half. 238.1
1154: IRON 41 changes to 15 Prime as an ops freq while on 238.1....searching.
1155: IRON 41 flight to ops freq 373.1 to work with DARKSTAR...they are working up above 40,000 feet.
1155: HUNTRESS freq 228.9 active...don't know the players yet. (Never heard anything else over the next 15 minutes...moving on)
1158: GIant Killer's ops freq 292.3 also active...might be the WOLF flight.

1200: It is the WOLF flight working with DARKSTAR on 292.3 in ACM activity.
1202: SPAD 51 (Langley flight) with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 requesting FL 290
1203: SPAD 51 flight cleared to FL 270. 256.8
1204: Part of the IRON flight is on GK's ops freq 391.2
1205: DEFT 21 flight from Langley into GK's area W-386...mentions a 1st Fighter Wing exercise that he's part of.
1205: SPAD 51 fllight handed off to ZDC-Salisbury 257.7 where they check in at FL 270.
1206: SPAD 51 flight handed off to Giant Killer while on 257.7..."Push 7"
1206: SPAD 51 to GK on 238.1 to check into W-386 for A-J
1213: SPAD 51 flight reports being established in W-386... 238.1
1214: DEFT 21 flight reports established in the airspace (W-386)...238.1
1215: SPAD flight working GK's ops freq 312.3
1217: DARKSTAR tells Giant Killer a couple from the WOLF flight are going to RTB...238.1
1219: JOSA 042 calls SAM Command on joy.
1222: WOLF 11 to GK to say WOLF 1 & 2 will RTB, 3 & 4 will remain....238.1
1222: WOLF flight working tac freq 233.525 and sound very much like F-22A aircraft there.
1223: WOLF 11 reports leaving FL 420 for 11,000 feet, direct HEELS...238.1
1223: WOLF 13 reports wanting to RTB....238.1
1224: COBRA 61 flight (Langley) to GK on 238.1 descending through FL 280 for 14,000 (They must have already been in W-386 before I began monitoring.) Reports 10 miles northeast of HEELS and heading home.
Turned on the new R8500 radio a few minutes ago and am picking up transmissions on 238.1 with Giant Killer that my 785s are not even detecting...well, the 785 stops on the freq but the signal is not PRO-2042 doesn't even recognize a signal is there. The R8500 has something called an "Audio Peak Filter" that allows static and noise to be tuned out of the transmissions which is especially useful when the aircraft are low and weak. I love it but have a whole lot more to learn about that radio.
1227: IRON 41 flight heading home....238.1
1228: IRON 41 with Giant Killer gets descent order down to 14,000 feet, heading for HEELS...238.1...they "Push 5" and come up on 370.925 with Norfolk.
1230: DARKSTAR tells Giant Killer that SPAD 51 needs to RTB due to flight control...238.1
1231: SPAD 51, flight of two, tell GK they want to RTB and cut across the area for the shortest route home...238.1 (SPAD sound like F-22A aircraft and fits the callsign list)...WOLF has also previously been noted as F-22A)
1232: SPAD flight on tac 276.675 talking to ground about his status...says he's Code 3 for flight control.
1234: DARKSTAR to Giant Killer to report in W-701 & 2 at 9000 feet....238.1
1234: Leesburg Radio on FSS 255.4 gives a hazardous weather warning for aircraft and tells them to contact Flight Service for info.
1235: SPAD 51 reports to GK that he's leaving W-386 in the south....238.1
1239: DARKSTAR tells GK that all he's got left is DEFT 21 and 22...238.1
1240: SPAD 51/52 are with GK on 238.1 but are now too distant and low to be readable...238.1
1244: DEFT 21 flight to GK on 238.1 to report RTB at this time.
The SPAD, WOLF, DEFT, COBRA flights were all F-22A aircraft...not sure about the IRON flight but will tentatively place it in the F-22A column.
1246: DEFT 21 reports direct HEELS to GK...238.1

And that's an hour's worth of MilAir for the area (minus transports)....break time.
For those listening to 238.1, there's a VOODOO 31 flight of F-22As on the way to W-386 climbing out of Langley.
By the way, that DARKSTAR AWACS aircraft was using SENTRY 50 for a front end callsign with ATC.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1400: BOXER 78 (201st AS Andrews) with ADW Approach 119.3
1400: REACH 1390 with Dover CP for arrival message...20 minutes out, 4 pallets to offload, zero pax, A-1, needs 24K fuel and parking spot...349.4
1404: Refueling freq 303.125 callsigns heard
1406: DC 22 (KC-135R 756th ARS Andrews) in pattern with Andrews Approach/Tower...119.3/118.4
1407: JOSA 568, C-21, tail 40142 to Andrews on 378.1 with arrival message...arriving 1830Z, A-1, needs 3K fuel.
1412: BOXER 78 with ADW Tower 118.4 (He's got a strange accent I can't place...maybe German/Dutch)
1413: JOSA 542 to Griffin Command at Andrews...C-21, tail 40080...378.1
1416: DC 22 Heavy...full stop landing at Andrews with Tower 118.4....cleared to land.
1423: REACH 995 landing Andrews with Tower 118.4
1427: JOSA 542 in the pattern at Andrews with Approach on 119.3...and then to Tower on 118.4 for landing at 1430.
1436: A RAVEN flight of A-10s is returning home to Martin State...landing with Tower on 121.3 (They went airborne at 1311)
The UHF Tower freq 297.2 at MTN is out of service until further notice per NOTAM
1443: VENUS 42 to Griffin Command on 378.1 to report airborne at 1838Z...says he'll be working a 3 hour mission and will be working at Charleston today.

1500: And it sure got quiet in the MilAir world....rain, low ceilings, poor visibility probably have something to do with that
1501: There is a flight of fighters on Giant Killer's ops freq 312.3. Not sure where they came from. I haven't heard anything coming out of Langley.
Turns out the 312.3 activity is a BICEP flight of F-16s from the NJ-ANG at Atlantic City. They are working DARKSTAR but I'm not sure yet if that's simulated or real. They must be up in W-107. Didn't catch them entering with Giant Killer on the 255.0 freq and, because of lack of activity, turned off the 138-144 search radio so missed them on tac too.
1519: BICEP flight with Giant Killer on 255.0 to announce RTB to Atlantic City.
1520: BICEP flight working 138.425 for tac
1520: BICEP gets no answer from GK so transmits his message again "in the blind" about RTBing to ACY...255.0
1529: Evac 33115 to Griffin Command on 378.1 with arrival message...45 minutes out, A-2 and for offload has 9 litter patients, 14 ambulatory patients and 4 attendants, 1 baggage pallet. Needs a fire truck for refueling for 110,000 pounds of fuel and needs Customs and parking (gets Row 13). Has 3 litter patients travelling to next destination. Will release 5 seats for Space A pax on the outbound flight.
1536: NIGHTHAWK 32 (CH-53E HMX-1, MCAF Quantico, VA) calling Andrews Metro joy to a few calls
1537: NIGHTHAWK 32 calls Leesburg Radio on FSS 255.4...same result there.
1539: NIGHTHAWK 32 makes contact with Leesburg to report he's on the 346 radial from Baltimore at 26 miles, at 6000 feet IFR and wants the weather for Quantico in VA. He gets it...same as here--rain, low ceilings (1400 feet) etc....255.4 (Bet he was at Mt. Weather)
1548: JOSA 995 calling SAM Command at Andrews on joy x2.
1554: Evac 33115 preparing to land at Andrews with Tower on 118.4...reports cleared to land and gear down.
1554: JOSA 995 came up on the Langley SOF freq 383.2 but it appears to be a mistake.

1600: It's quitting time...back sometime later...but first...
1604: PAT 882 to Atlantic City Approach on 124.6 descending from 11 to 8,000 feet...then to 7,000 Coyle, direct McGuire.
Now it's quitting time.

There was an AWACS aircraft at the Dover was the CHALICE aircraft (SENTRY 30/E-3B/C from Tinker AFB OK) that we heard in this area. It's the same type aircraft from the same base as the DARKSTAR logged in the message above. For a good picture of it go here:
And this is the cockpit from the same aircraft:
He has about 20 extremely good pictures from the airshow there. Click on slide show to get them all.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Back at it again this afternoon for a little bit. Busy at work with an upcoming deliverable deadline so not much time to listen until now.

1418Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 10301 (UC-35C 01-0301) - deps ADW dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1427Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 789 () - deps ADW to 15000' normal rate of climb.

1512Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 2112 (C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG) - deps ADW QSY 118.675.

1855Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - HUSKR 15 (KC-135R 173rd ARS NE ANG) - deps ADW to 15000' dir GINYA QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650.

1904Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 617 (UC-12B afternoon shuttle NAS Oceana) - deps DAA to 5000' dir GRUBY QSY 126.4.

2018Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SUNNY 556 (UC-12B) - deps ??? to 14000' dir CSN.
2022Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 01 () - deps ADW to 15000' dir PAUKI QSY 121.050.
2043Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 617 (UC-12B) - cleared for the GPS rwy 14 app to DAA at 7 nms out QSY 126.300.
2046Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PACAF 01 () - deps ADW to 17000' dir BUFFR QSY 123.825.
2053Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 0764 () - deps ADW to 15000'.

2118Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 23128 (C-12C 78-23128) - expect vects for the GPS rwy 14 @ DAA.

2236Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - ARMY 01052 (UC-35B 00-1502) deps rwy 1L.

C-12U 84-24378 landed IAD 19R with a PAT 177 c/s, but I did not record a time.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Good article on AF web page about A-10 upgrades to a new A-10C model.
Seems MD ANG 175th will be the first unit to get this upgrade.
Good sign that the Ravens will be around for a few years longer than expected hopefully.
Actually that Lockheed Martin got the contract is probably why 175th is first.
They can check out any problems locally here and of course being a Hometown contractor helps.

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Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
Logs (10-18-2006)

Milcom logs this morning (10-18-2006)

1336z/ TIGER 01 (sounds like it could be PAT. Pretty sure he said TIGER because I heard him say it at least 8 times); clear to land ADW RWY 1R
.. 118.95 < 126.3 < 124.7 < 119.3 < 118.4

1337z/ NIGHTHAWK 12
.. 126.3 [Davison TWR]

1342z/ PAT 1204; Clear to land ILS RWY 1R
.. 124.7 < 119.3 < 118.4

1351z/ PAT 545
.. 120.45

1357z/ PAT 305
.. 120.45

1357z/ PAT 375
.. 120.45

1357z/ PAT 1264
.. 120.45

1358z/ JOSA 348
.. 118.95

1359z/ PAT 8009
.. 118.95 < 118.675

1403z/ SAM 0789
.. 118.675 < 119.85

that's the fastest I've ever heard PAT's checking in. One of them mentioned something about they're trying to get out before the ramp freeze at Andrews, AFB.

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Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
Cap Up???

A/A active on 141.825 (chat frequency) loud and clear from Wash, DC area..

Edit: And now I hear them flying around my house @ 1441z (10:41am EDT)

also unrelated.

PACER 21 with Andrews CP 141.55 req accommodations for them

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1500Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AIR FORCE 1 (VC-25A 89th AW) - deps ADW dir HAFNR QSY 121.050.
1512Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JT 462 (C-9B VR-52 NAS JRB Willow Grove) - deps ADW to 11000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1514Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - JOSA 238 (C-21A) - arrs ADW.
1532Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 601 (UC-12B shuttle NAS Oceana) - @ 6000' req. vis. to rwy 32 @ DAA.
1544Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 207 () - deps DAA @ 800' for 2000' init. alt. then cleared to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.

1609Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 305 () - deps ADW to 12000' QSY 123.825.
1615Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EASY 534 (UC-35 MASD NAS JRB New Orleans) - deps ADW dir FLUKY.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1225: Just a quick note to mention something just heard...there are F-22A aircraft from Langley going into W-386 with Giant Killer. VOODOO 31 is one of the flights. They are also working tac freq 233.525 where I just heard them mention changing to "secure comms." We knew they had that capability but I don't think I've ever heard the F-22A aircraft using it. When they changed to secure, they disappeared from the tac freq so I'm not sure where they are operating. (Insert: They came back to 233.525 several minutes later in the clear.) I'm searching but not finding anything that sounds like encrypted comms...yet. They are also using normal, clear comms on GK's ops freq 391.2 and 292.3. There is more than one flight of F-22As operating in W-386 at the moment, including SPAD 71 and DEFT 21.

1240: TEAM 33 (KC-10A McGuire) with Atlantic City (ACY) Approach 124.6 descending to 8000 feet....and then to 5,000 feet as he heads for McGuire.
1243: IRON 41 (F-15 or F-22A Langley) with GK on 249.8 (Still not sure of the aircraft type on this callsign...not hearing enough operational traffic to form an ID.)
1244: WOLF 11 (F-22A Langley) flight of two with GK on 238.1 to report RTB via HEELS
1250: VOODOO 31 flight reports ready to RTB in 5 minutes....then 30 seconds later says his flight is ready...descending to 14,000 and heading for HEELS...238.1
1259: VOODOO flight using 257.075 for tac. (this is a VOODOO 32 speaking in a flight that's heading back into W-386)

1304: VOODOO 32 reports entering W-386 to Giant Killer...238.1
1311: Coast Guard 101 with ACY App on 124.6 doing touch and goes on runway 31.
1314: VOODOO 32 flight reports ready to RTB in 5 minutes to GK on 238.1
1328: A-10 flight from Martin State active on tac 142.3....sounds like they're at a range currently dodging MANPADs.
1340: For the past 10 minutes or so, I've been picking up an ELT signal on 324.0...I don't have a clue why it would be on this freq rather than 121.5/243.0/406.0

1403: BASH 21 flight (F-16 VA-ANG Richmond) climbing off the deck up to FL 210 with Norfolk TRACON on 370.925. They're heading for W-386
1405: BASH is a flight of four F-16s and are working tac 141.875
1408: BASH 21 flight to Giant Killer on 238.1 to report heading for W-386 on mission V-1807. FL 230 for areas G-J in W-386.
1412: BASH tells GK they'll be "working on freq 292.3 if anyone needs to get ahold of us."...238.1 (And a minute later they're heard on 292.3 along with 141.875)
1419: VA-ANG tac freq 141.825 is also active...not sure yet if it's the BASH flight operatig two here and two on 141.875 in a red/blue ACM scenario or if it's a new flight. (Turns out that's exactly what they'e done...two in the north and two in the south in red/blue fight utilizing the two freqs to keep strategy from each other. All of them get together on 292.3 for coordination.)
1421: BLACKJACK 1 with HUNTRESS on 139.7 going after a TOI Heard a couple of transmissions that were fairly weak and then BLACKJACK disappeared down low.
1425: Have a CUTLASS 51 headed for Andrews runway 1R and with Potomac TRACON on 322.3. Leaving 8 for 6000 feet at 1429...out of 6 for 3000 at 1432...out of 3 for 2000 at 1434 and switching to tower
Callsign shows as "Unknown fighter" in my database.
1435: CUTLASS 51 is a flight of four as they check in 5 miles out with ADW Tower on 349.0...3 miles out at 1437 for initial to 1R.
During the time monitoring the CUTLASS 51 flight, I never heard them use a tac freq in the 138-144 range so they may be something other than F-16 or A-10 types...or just don't talk to each other.
1443: BASH 23 reports to GK on 249.8 that he's 20 miles east of HEELS and RTB at this time....that was followed by BASH 21 reporting on same freq that he's now a 3-ship flight in 20 mile trail of BASH 23 also RTBing to Richmond. There was no indication heard why 23 is going by himself. BASH 21 also reports seeing a C-130 in his area.
1448: BASH 23 flight with SOF on 142.175 to report Code 1 for his aircraft. (Since he's Code 1 indicating no problems with the jet, he must have headed home first for fuel reasons would be my guess.)
1448: BASH 21 with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 (East) descending toward Richmond.
1450: BASH 23 reports as a single ship to Norfolk TRACON (West) on 360.6 as he descends into Richmond.
1451: BASH 21 with SOF on 142.175 to report BASH 1 and 2 are Code 1, BASH 4 is Code 2 for broken glass on the trim package (huh?) and a light out on the servo panel

1523: Fighter tac freq 138.825 active (normally used by A-10s of the CT-ANG Bradley)
1525: Also have fighter tac freq 138.55 active...nothing that can ID the fighters heard yet.
1537: Heard some fighters (weakly) with ZNY-Dixie 307.8 which might be the CT-ANG A-10s suspected above heading for home.

I didn't log this last night but should have...heard a RANDY 51 following by RANDY 52 a couple of minutes later through the ZDC freqs, to Potomac TRACON 270.275 and then to ADW Tower for landing on 349.0 around 1730 local. I show them to be T-38s from Randolph AFB TX.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Jay said:
A/A active on 141.825 (chat frequency) loud and clear from Wash, DC area..
Jay, that was a BASH flight of VA-ANG F-16s from Richmond. They also used 141.875 and SOF freq 142.175 on that flight.

1850: PAT 2404 with Andrews Dispatch on 139.3 talking about coming into Andrews to pick up "our air crews."
1855: PAT 2404 with Andrews Approach 119.3 heading for runway 19L.
1858: CRAB 53 (C-130J MD-ANG Warfield ANGB) with Martin State Airport Tower 121.3 for landing.

1904: RAVEN 1 (A-10 MD-ANG Warfield ANGB) with MTN Tower 121.3...reports he's a single ship over the Eastern Shore and wants an approach to runway 33.
1906: RAVEN 1 reports gear down...121.3
1914: We've got a FLIGHT CHECK aircraft working at Martin State with Tower on 121.3
1915: Have a U/I flight (sounds like fighters) with ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 at FL 190 and then handed to ZNY-Dixie 307.8 at 1916 where they check in in non-standard formation. Ref for 307.8 was "Push 18"
1919: The flight from the ZNY freqs is now checking in with Warren Grove Range on 283.1
1922: Fighters to Warren Grove report descending to 12,000 feet...then 10,000 with ZNY-Dixie 307.8 as they prepare to change over to the WGR freq. (Can't seem to pull that callsign may be MAKO. They dropped out of listening range when they descended to 10,000 feet and I no longer hear them.)
1923: JOSA 051 reports airborne from Andrews at 2315Z...141.55 (Ground station at Andrews is booming tonight. Never heard her so loud and clear on this freq.)
1924: PAT 509 approaching Andrews on 119.3
1926: PAT 509 calls ADW CP on 141.55 to let her know he's preparing to land. She asks if he needs crew transportation...he says that would be great and needs trans for six people to Base Ops. A minute or so later she asks for his tail number but he's already gone.
I think they've got a new transmitter on the 141.55 freq at Andrews. It makes a telephone like connecting sound - 3 or 4 quick tones - when she keys the mic. They may have added the LPA they're authorized to run and increased the power from 10 to 50 watts based on her signal strength.
1928: PAT 509 now with ADW Tower 118.4
1931: REACH 3116 calling Griffin Command on joy.
1942: NAVY 400 to ADW Tower 118.4 to report gear down and locked as he prepares to land.
1947: NAVY 342 landing runway 19L at ADW with Tower 118.4
1949: Fighters off the range at Warren Grove and over to ZNY-Dixie 307.8 to pick up their IFR course for home....currently passing 13,500 for 19,000 feet. At 1954 they go over to ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 and check in at FL 180 climbing to 190 (and I still haven't been able to pull the callsign out for sure)
1951: REACH 3116 Heavy to ADW Approach 119.3 heading for the runway at Andrews.
1953: INVADER JACK (Lear jet, Flight International) with Giant Killer on 233.7 to report descending from FL 270 down to 12,000 feet.
1955: REACH 3116 Heavy to ADW Tower for landing on runway 19L...reports gear down.
1958: The A-10 flight that came off the Warren Grove Range was handed from ZNY-Kennedy to freq 306.3. I'm hearing them there checking in at FL 190 but didn't hear who they called. We have that as a Potomac TRACON freq in the DCA area but this is not Potomac TRACON. It's almost got to be a New York TRACON or New York Center freq. That was last heard from them.

2000: SAM Interplane freq active (big guy coming home?)...136.725
For Andrews: (Zulu times)
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 19 OCT 23:20 2006 UNTIL 19 OCT 23:50 2006
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 19 OCT 15:45 2006 UNTIL 19 OCT 16:15 2006
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 19 OCT 00:30 2006 UNTIL 19 OCT 01:00 2006
Third one looks about right for an upcoming return of AF 1...2030-2100 local
2006: CODY 01 to Dover Command Post on 349.4 with arrival messsage...IDs as a C-130, 15 minutes out, will RON, has 28 pax and 4 pallets to offload and needs crew trans for 6 plus bags...gets parking spot C-3.
2009: SAM 94 talking with (2)9000 (AF1) on SAM Interplane 136.725...talking about ops taking them to runway 1R at Andrews for landing
2011: SAM 94 for landing on runway 19L to ADW Tower 118.4...says primary (Air Force 1) behind him wants to land on 1R...reports gear down for full stop runway 19L.
2024: He finally made it...Air Force 1 with ADW Tower for landing on runway 1R...reports gear down and cleared to land...118.4
2025: Fighter tac freq 140.2 active and heard them a couple of minutes earlier on ZNY-Dixie 307.8. Must be another A-10 flight from CT-ANG Bradley (since that's one of their tac freqs.) They're working at Warren Grove on 283.1
2056: Helos on 123.025 freq talking about a hostage situation in Chillum for anyone in that area that might want to listen in.

Per a midwest poster, there was a HAWKEYE 91 flight (F-16 from the Iowa ANG) heading for Andrews today at some point. Did anyone hear it? I also logged that CUTLASS 51 flight of four fighters that arrived in the 1400 hour to ADW today but don't know who they were. Anyone have a clue about them?
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2145: Thought we were done for the night, however, WOLF 01 flight (F-22A Langley) into W-386 K on mission V-1807 with Giant Killer on 238.1...says he'll stay above 10,000 feet.
2153: And now a SPAD 41 flight (F-22A Langley) into W-386 with Giant Killer on 238.1 at FL 230.
2154: Langley tac freq 358.85 active. No callsigns heard yet.
2157: Langley tac freq 228.45 callsigns heard yet.
2158: Langley SOF freq 383.2 active.

2200: VOODOO 31 flight (F-22A Langley) into W-386 for the next 25 minutes...IDs as a flight of two F-22s to Giant Killer on 238.1
2203: VOODOO flight leader says to push 39 Prime....238.1
2204: U/I F-22A on 238.1 says he's waiting for MAD DOG (MAD DOG valid Langley callsign but hasn't been identified as F-22A yet.)
2206: One of the F-22As on 228.45 says "they won't let me go supersonic." His wingman says he'll maintain .9 (mach). They mention callsign VOODOO.
2211: Langley tac freq 257.075 active.
2211: DEFT 21 (F-22A Langley) to Giant Killer on 238.1 to report 5 minutes to RTB.

The players:
Should be a ???? 11 in here somewhere but not heard. Perhaps the MAD DOG flight that was referenced but never heard. Don't think they ever got airborne.
DEFT 21 (x2)
VOODOO 31 (x2)

2215: DEFT 21, reports as a flight of two, RTB...238.1
2215: SPAD 41 reports RTB....238.1...says he'll fall in behind DEFT
2216: VOODOO 31 says he has radar contact with DEFT...also RTB, a flight of two and will fall in behind SPAD...descending to 14,000
2217: SPAD 41 descending to 14,000
2219: VOODOO reports radar contact with SPAD...238.1
Don't know what this was all about. They came up at a very unusual time for them, went to W-386, stayed just a few minutes and turned around for home. Almost looks like a practice scramble to go up and meet an offshore "enemy."
2219: DEFT to Norfolk TRACON 370.925 (Push 5) descending for Langley
2222: VOODOO flight refs freq 353.7 (Norfolk Approach)....238.1
And it looks like that's it for this mission. Done.

For Andrews:
RUNWAY 01L/19R CLOSED. 14 OCT 10:00 2006 UNTIL 30 NOV 23:59 2006
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
A bit of after work playtime with the binoculars and radio at Gravelly Point.
1705: -118.4- ARMY 1778 (C-37 04-1778 seen) visual 19L
1709: -378.1- JOSA 266 (C-21A 84-0079 seen) passed his tail#, and is a home station returning early.
1720: -119.85- BOXER 606 (C-38 seen) vectors for arrival. To 119.3 and 118.4.
1723: -119.85- and here's JOSA 266 arriving. Handoffs as above.
1728: -118.95- PAT 2403 is off DAA and going -D> GRUBY. To 134.7
1747: -119.85- PAT 207 depart ELDEE heading 060, vectors 19L at ADW. Never caught a visual.
1752: -378.1- VENUS 42 (C-37 99-0402 in the white scheme seen) will need a crew bus for 3. On the ATC side, flew a TACAN 19L.
1758: -335.5- KAPPA? 91 on the initial. To 349.0, but I never saw it or heard a definitive callsign.^^^
1807: -119.85- BRS 2451 (Brazilian Air Force 2451 C-130 seen) direct Nottingham, coupla turns, and a visual to 19L.

^^^I think I found your HAWKEYEs. I also had SOCCER written, since it was a really garbagey mask mic.
Also, reffing below, I rarely hear ADW ground from Gravelly Point, but I was hearing a number of ground-side coms today, occasionally better than the ones in the air!


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2308: BLACKJACK 1 (Coast Guard HH-65 Interdiction) with HUNTRESS on 139.7 for radio check. HUNTRESS has him loud and clear and BLACKJACK 1 reading HUNTRESS broken and unreadable. (BLACKJACK is obviously in the air.)
2315: That ELT just came back up on the 324.0 freq. Again, I have no idea why it would be on this freq which is used by HUNTRESS. (Logged the same thing at 1340 this afternoon.)
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr Tin CUTLASS is T-38's out of Columbus AFB in Missisppi.
There was one at the Dover airshow last week and used same callsign for arrival.
Maybe some future F-16 pilots arriving Andrews?

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