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Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
10-18-2006 Logs (continued)

:............................................................................................................................................................... ..... .. .. .
10-19-2006 HF Hits
1209z/ Andrews announcement heard on 11175 kHz. This is Andrews calling on GHFS maintaining listening watch on frequencies:
4724, 6739, 8992, 11175, 13200, 15016 I say again <repeat> Andrews Ouuut. (I guess it doesn't hurt to have a little humor).

1214z/ 11175 - REACH 7464 to OFFUT; Req. patch to DSN 650-XXXX; Now Speaking to Torch Control
...................... (( Could have been DILIGENT ))
1647z/ PAT 946
118.4 [KADW TWR] < 118.95 < 121.05 < 121.675 < 133.575 < ...
1742z/ 118.4 - DC 41
1743z/ 118.4 - PACER 14 lands RWY 1L


10-18-2006 Logs (continued)

141.825 - Brief Chatter (Faint Signal) Late afternoon

1432z/ 141.55 - PACER 21 w/ ADW CP (caught the tail end)
1818z/ 120.75 - BLACKJACK 2
1829z/ 120.75 - PAT 26; Freq. change approved Ft. Washington (switched to MULTICOM 131.95 ?)
1835z/ 120.75 - COAST GUARD 101 (Might have been on 119.1 side)
~1839z/ 120.75 - BLACKJACK 1
1839z/ 120.75 - GUARD 1 (FLT of 2)

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Rgr Tin CUTLASS is T-38's out of Columbus AFB in Missisppi.
There was one at the Dover airshow last week and used same callsign for arrival.
Maybe some future F-16 pilots arriving Andrews?


Thanks Mark. There were also the RANDY 51 and 52 T-38s that came in the evening before last.

COBRA 51 flight of F-22As with Giant Killer in W-386 on 238.1 at noon. Monitoring HF at the moment but just happened to pass that freq and heard them.

And at 1344, heard a BK 194 (Bravo Kilo One Niner FOW-er) calling Giant Killer on 271.5. I've never heard that freq used in this area (at least that I can remember.)
A minute later, I hear what sounds like the same voice using TRITON 43 calling Giant Killer on 338.1 and then 238.1. No joy on any of the freqs. (I have nothing for that callsign.)
1347: DC 41 Heavy (KC-135R Andrews) with ADW Approach 119.3 and then with Tower on 118.4 (Appears to be doing approaches or touch and goes)
1351: MARINE 206 and PAT 241 and PACER 14 with ADW Approach 119.3
1355: TEAM 41 Heavy (KC-10A McGuire) with Atlantic City Approach descending to 8000 for approach to McGuire.
1355: TRITON 43 makes contact with Giant Killer on 249.8 to report he's down to 17.5 (17,500 feet is what I think he meant)...then gives his Event Number as V-1923.

1400: DC 41 Heavy with ADW Tower 118.4 to report full stop landing this time.
1402: PAT 391 calling Andrews Dispatch on 139.3
1402: EXPERT 01 (F/A-18 VFA-122 FRS, NAS NORTH ISLAND CA) with ZDC-Tech 377.2 reporting at FL 430. He reports that six times so far and is apparently not getting a reply.
1405: U/I aircraft with HUNTRESS on 234.6 giving his position in lat/longs but the rest of the message is too weak to copy.
1408: EXPERT 01 gives that flight level a couple more times and is finally heard...377.2
1409: The aircraft on 234.6 is giving more lat/longs but it's a female voice this time...sounds like either an AWACS or JSTARS aircraft giving positions of what is seen on her datalink screen.
1412: WAVER 23 calling Giant Killer on 238.1 (I have nothing on this callsign either. Where are all these strangers coming from today?)
1413: Fighters on Potomac TRACON's CAPS 91 (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews--cross country callsign) who then goes to Tower on 349.0 and is given TRACON freq 343.7 where he goes and mentions FL 270 but is only at 5,000 at this time....mentions he's "Popeye" (reduced visibility...blind)
1414: WAVER 23 again with GK on 238.1 at FL 240. He mentions something about chat freq 123.45 but I missed the context.
1415: Meanwhile, the female on 234.6 is still spouting info and I still haven't heard a callsign.
1417: Now a male voice on 234.6...he's CHALICE FOXTROT (E-3, Tinker AFB OK) talking to NORTHERN LIGHTS (NEADS)...he's reading info on tracks from his datalink.
1421: CAPS 91 handed to ZDC-Montebello 284.7 where he checks in climbing to FL 240...then 230.
1422: CHALICE-F to Northern Lights to stand by because he's having a problem and has to restart some piece of equipment...234.6
1424: U/I activity on 365.7 (Refueling on this freq in the past and also just Navy fighters chatting. Not sure what this is but one mentions "at least we'll have a radar that works." They continue with just general chat.
1426: Yup...Naval fighters on 365.7. they are DOG 1 and 2 beginning ACM activity. Probably F/A-18 VF-143 CVW-7 Oceana NAS...but since half the Naval fighters use DOG, including SALTY DOGS from Pax NAS in ACM, it could be many others.
1426: CHALICE-F back to reading off various track info from his datalink to Northern Lights on 234.6
1427: CAPS 91 requests FL 260...284.7
1429: CAPS 91 now going to FL 270...then 280...284.7
1431: CAPS 91 handed off to ZDC-Gordonsville 351.9 and checks in at FL 270.
1433: PART 71 with ADW Approach 119.3 (Not enough info to put an ID on him)
1440: SAM 782 with ADW Tower 118.4

Heading out...back later.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
A little late getting this out due to a complex-wide fire alarm earlier and work...


1329Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 998 (C-21A) - deps ADW @ 1400' for 3000', then quicklre requests 3000' dir RATTA for a hold
due to gear problems. Gets dir OTT QSY 119.300 and proceeds to the hold, 360 on the 180r EFC 1350Z. Mistakenly IDs as PACER 02 at one point.
1348Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - GOPHER 05 (C-130H 109th AS MN ANG) - deps ADW to 5000' QSY 125.650.

1410Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BOXER 99 () - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 118.675.
1420Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - TITUS 01 () - here comes the fire alarm no further details copied...:cool:

1628Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AIREVAC 85308 (WC-130J 98-5308 53rd WRS AFRC) - deps ADW dir CSN change of routing: to dest. AGS FLUKY-PAUKI-MOL rest of route as filed QSY 121.050.
1631Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 203 (C-21A) - deps ADW to 11000'. Also with GRIFFIN CP on 378.1 @ 1632Z rpting dep. time off ADW.
1632Z 119.300 Potomac APP - PAT 357 () - 5300' for 4000' cleared for the ILS 1R.
1631Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - DC 97 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - deps ADW to 13000' dir GINYA then to 17000' QSY 118.675.
1649Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 946 () - to 15000' QSY 121.050.
1653Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - DC 97 here clg LIBERATOR passing t/off time of 1650Z.

1730Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - ARMY 10301 (UC-35C 01-0301) - deps ADW 1R.
1735Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - PAT 357 () - deps 1R QSY 118.950 to 12000' dir AML QSY 118.675.
1739Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - DC 99 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - deps ADW to 11000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1741Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 421A (C-23B) - deps DAA to 5000' QSY 125.650.
1747Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 241 () - i/b ADW down to 5000' then 2000' given QSY 119.700 comes back as wrong freq then QSYs to correct 119.300 cleared for the ILS 1R.

1844Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 2401 () deps DAA 1200' to 3000' requesting ILS 19L at ADW QSY 119.300.
1855Z 319.400 McGuire AFB CP - FORCE 05 (KC-10A 2/32nd ARS McGuire) - w/arr msg no pax no cargo no writeups.

1915Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 241 () - deps ADW to 15000' dir GINYA J149 QSY 118.675.
1920Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 391 () - deps ??? to 15000' dir GINYA J149 QSY 118.675.
1937Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 487 - expect the ILS rwy 32 @ DAA QSY 126.300.
1950Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AVALON 95 - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 120.650.

2018Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - RUBY 111 ? - deps ??? to 11000' QSY 121.050.
2022Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - BLACKJACK 1 - self-IDs as a "USCG helo" requesting closed tfc then gets Special VFR.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Tony, just had a strange happening. I went to edit my message but your message came up for me to edit. Good thing I'm a nice guy. :)

1505: FORCE 05 (KC-10A McGuire) with Atlantic City Approach 124.6...descending from 10,200 to 8000...then to 7000...with info at McGuire for full stop.
1509: And here comes the ELT signal on HUNTRESS freq 324.0 again that was heard twice yesterday.
1511: Guard Helicopter 26972 calling Washington Center (ZDC)-Hagerstown on 227.125. He calls several times before making contact and then reports at 6,100 feet.
1513: GRAYHAWK 8 (E-2C VAW-120, Norfolk NAS) with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8
1515: GRAYHAWK 8 handed to ZDC-Casino 285.4 where he checks in at 11,000 (this must be the standard Norfolk to Atlantic City milk run.)
1516: Guard Helo 26972 reports leaving 6000 for 5000 (feet)...227.125 (Can't say I've ever heard the Army Helos using UHF for ZDC before this.)
1517: U/I with Cherry Point Base Ops on 305.7 with arrival message...has 2 pax that need transportation and 6 pallets to drop off...also needs Customs and Ag.
1520: SAM 94 calling (2)9000 (Air Force 1) on SAM Interplane 136.725 (Can only hear 94 so AF1 must still be at some distance...94 refers to AF1 as "boss")
1522: GRAYHAWK 8 handed off to 124.6 by ZDC-Casino 285.4
1522: GRAYHAWK 8 calls ACY Approach on 124.6 and checks in.
1527: U/I fighters at Warren Grove Range on 283.1...just getting there and laying out the targets they'll attack.
1527: Also have U/I fighters with ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 descending from FL 200 to 190...maybe another flight going to WGR...or coming from the range headed home to New England...they get handed to ZNY-Dixie 307.8 at 1530 so they're going to, not coming from...missed callsign. Must be the same flight heard on 283.1 giving pre-arrival target info.
1531: ____ 11 flight tells Warren Grove they're still about 5 minutes out...283.1
1537: PAT 487 calling Davison AAF on 139.4
1538: PAT 497 says he's 10 minutes out, needs 310 gallons of fuel and has 2 pax to drop off...139.4
1538: TESTER 25 (T-2C, USN Test Pilot School, Patuxent NAS) to Pax on 270.8 to say he's going to continue to maneuver but move it up north. He's also got a U/I wingman.
1543: BANDSAW (E-3 AWACS, 964th Airborne Air Control Squadron, Tinker AFB OK) to Giant Killer on 233.7 to ask if he has a strip yet on RAGIN 61 and 71 (RAGINs are probably F/A-18s from VFA-37 CVW-3 NAS OCEANA) BANDSAW should have a front end callsign of SENTRY 4X.
1549: GRAYHAWK 8 with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 (heard him a couple of minutes earlier with ZDC-Casino 285.4)
1549: CAPITOL 21 (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews) flight with ZDC-Casanova 282.2
1554: CAPITOL 21 reports at 19,000 feet....282.2 (His transmission blocked out a flight with Norfolk TRACON 370.925....maybe someone coming out of Langley or Richmond or maybe even the RAGIN flight expected by BANDSAW.)
1556: CAPITOL 21 handed off to Potomac TRACON 270.275 where he checks in ...he also makes a call to CAPITOL on 139.7.
1557: BANDSAW to Giant Killer on 233.7 and says he has RAGIN 61 and 71 and will work W-72 A/B...says he's early..sked to start 2015Z...asks for Mode 3s for RAGINs.
1558: CAPITOL 21 flight descending through 12,000 feet....270.275
Wonder if this is the CAP 91 flight that went out earlier?

1601: CAPITOL 21 leaving 12 for 9(000)...270.275...then down to 3000 at 1602
1602: CAPITOL 21 still calling CAPITOL on 139.7 and still no joy....calls again at 1606 with same result.
1606: CAPITOL 21 heading for runway 19L...270.275...switching to tower
1607: CAPITOL 21 to ADW Tower on 349.0...8 miles out ILS 19L, full stop.
Appears to be a single ship flight.
1608: CAPITOL 21 reports gear down, 19L, full stop....349.0
1612: BANDSAW again with Giant Killer on 233.7 but now too weak to copy
1612: Have a possible FAST 51 (F-16 NY-ANG Syracuse) flight with ZDC-Montebello 284.7 (Weak and spoken very fast)
1613: Langley tac freq 228.45 active with F-22A least two of them...callsign DEFT.
1619: DEFT flight mentions being at 40,000 feet....228.45
1621: ARMY 10301 landing Andrews 118.4
1621: A couple of helos on helo interflight freq 123.025 have been talking about a small plane - possibly a Cessna 172 that might have crashed. Haven't had a reference to a specific airport though...they mentioned seeing him go down hard and fast to the runway and bouncing hard...mentioned airport closed...possibly aircraft upside down...happened a little before 4 o'clock...white and maroon with black stripe...give tail as 5930R which shows as a Cessna 172 in the Landings Database...mention a couple of speaker now confirms it was a Malibu Meridian and it's a male and female from Illinois which doesn't match the tail number he gave however. Piper Malibu Meridian according to one that had stopped for fuel but they still aren't mentioning where the accident mention it happend at Tipton Airport at Fort Meade...say they are now covering up the bodies. One of these guys talking is a Channel 13 TV helo. Story just up now on the Channel 13 website:
Helo pilot says he barreled it in upside down at Tipton.
1633: DEFT 21 and 22 still on 228.45 and also with Norfolk TRACON on 370.925 mentioning going back to Langley for fuel. 21 says 22 will land first.
1636: DEFT flight says to change to 284.0 and I pick them up there...DEFT 22 says he has Langley in sight...21/22 still chatting also on 228.45 where 21 tells 22 what's going to happen with whatever problem he now has.
284.0 is Langley Radar according to Airnav.
Last heard DEFT F-22s talking about landing while on 284.0

All quiet other than the gaggle of helo pilots talking shots of the plane crash at Tipton. Back later....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1833 SAM 94 talking to SAM 29000 (Air Force 1) on Interplane 136.725. SAM 94 is over Nottingham at 5000 feet, says visibility as about 4 miles.
There was a ramp freeze for Andrews that I posted last night for 1920-1950 this evening.
1838: SAM 94 still talking to 29000 although only SAM 94 can be heard at this time. Talking about the visibility as SAM 94 approaches Andrews...136.725
1839: SAM 94 with Andrews Approach 119.3
1846: SAM 94 to Andrews Tower on 118.4 for landing on runway 19L.
1848: SAM 94 reports he's cleared to land and gear is down...118.4
1851: SAM 94 giving a wx report from on the runway to 29000 (AF 1) and 29000 is within listening range this time...136.725
1855: REACH 4129 with Atlantic City Approach 124.6 descending from 9700 to 8000 feet...then to 7000. (Think I'm hearing him at the same time with McGuire CP on 319.4 giving his arrival message)

1900: Air Force 1 to Andrews Tower on 118.4...cleared to land, gear down for runway 19L, full stop.
1901: Air Force 1 repeats his gear down, cleared to land message...118.4
Air Force 1 just bypasses the approach freq 119.3 and goes straight to Tower when he arrives at Andrews.
1903: Evac 85308 with Andrews Approach on 119.3
1904: Have some activity on tac freq 142.3 indicating we've got MTN A-10s in the air...appears to be a flight of two that has just taken off....say they were off (the deck) at 09.
1907: RAVENs report off the deck at (19)09 to Raven Ops on 347.2 (But his clock is broken since it's not yet 1909.)
1908: Both RAVENs report having 9 bombs each...142.3 (Guess that means they're going to one of the ranges.)
1909: Now the wingman asks about that reported takeoff time. He says it's just now 1909 so the flight leader decides they'll make their airborne time 05. Well okay....142.3
1911: RAVEN flight to ZDC-Kenton 354.15 where they report in at 11,000 feet...says they'd like to go direct to the range or Atlantic City if possible....they get direct ACY. (Sounds like a trip to Warren Grove Range.)
1912: REACH 457 to Dover CP on 349.4 with arrival message...20 minutes out, A-2, 7 Space A pax and need parking. Mention their maintenance problems are small and nothing that would prevent them going on to Mildenhal tonight. Parking in spot Golf.
1914: RAVEN 1 flight of two A-10s handed off to ZDC-Casino 285.4 where they check in at 11,000.
1915: REACH 457 asks Dover about info on the upload to Mildenhal tonight...asks if they're all pallets...349.4
1917: Evac 85308 in the pattern at Andrews on 119.3...then onto Tower freq 118.4 for runway 19L where he's cleared to land.
1919: ARMY 1944 also in the pattern at Andrews preparing to land...119.3/118,4
1919: RAVEN asks ZDC if they can go direct to the range...apparently, they can...285.4
1919: Tanker chat on interplane 139.875.'
1921: RAVENs talking about taking on gas but decide they'd have to go into W-107 to get it and would be in the weather there. Guess they're not going to a tanker....142.3
1924: RAVENs talking with range controller at Warren Grove....283.1...talking about which targets they'll work...repeat that they have 9 bombs each and tell the controller where they'll drop them and then they'll come in and strafe a (simulated) convoy.
1929: STEEL 62 tanker (KC-135 PA-ANG Pittsburg) calling a BATON 20 (EC-130J, 193rd Special Operations Group, PA-ANG Harrisburg) on refueling freq 295.8. Calls twice, no joy.
1932: STEEL 62 and BATON 20 make contact on 295.8 where BATON says he's about 4 minutes early and is at 15,000 feet...STEEL 62 says he's on time....20 asks if the tanker can push it up by 5 minutes and 62 tells him he'll try.
1934: Couple of aircraft on tanker interplane 139.875 chatting...leaving FL 210 for 220 and told to climb at 500 feet per minute. They are using suffixes 48 and 49 (TEAM?)
1938: STEEL 62 tells BATON 20 the best he can do is about 3 minutes early and be at the IP at 2356Z...295.8
1945: The RAVEN pair of A-10s are still bombing and strafing at the Warren Grove Range on 283.1 and chatting on tac freq 142.3
1950: Flight of U/I aircraft with ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 changing altitude blocks
1951: 48 and 49 ready to begin refueling activity on 139.875....then they change positions...looks like training.
1956: The flight from 282.3 handed off to ZNY-Dixie 307.8...callsign is MOTLEY which would make them A-10s from the MA-ANG at Barnes
1959: The fighters (MOTLEY) are going to Warren Grove Range and come up on 283.1 and on tac freq 139.9
1959: The 48/49 tankers on 139.875 mention one of them going to refuel a SODA 91 (KC-135E 134th ARW, TN ANG Knoxville) on AR primary freq 235.1
I can't hear any activity on 235.1 but apparently Mark has them below as logged in his message.

2002: One of the 48/49 pair mention doing a seat swap so they're disconnecting...139.875
2006: Another flight is heading toward Warren Grove Range with ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 and then ZNY-Dixie 307.8 and requesting descent for the block 14-15000 feet.
2010: RAVEN flight on the way home...chatting on tac 142.3
2011: RAVEN flight to Raven Ops on 347.2 to report 1 is Code 2 for various problems and 2 is Code 1.
2015: RAVENs report to Martin State Tower on 121.3 that they're 15 miles east and are making a straight in approach to runway 33.
2017: That next flight on the ZNY freqs is cancelling IFR and going to the range freq...307.8
2028: MOTLEY flight off the range at Warren Grove and heading home...climbing to IFR altitude with ZNY-Dixie 307.8
2030: MOTLEY flight climbing from 16 to 20,000 feet...307.8
There is still one more flight at the range that I haven't identified yet.
2033: MOTLEY flight of two A-10s handed to ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 where they check in at FL 190.
For MOTLEY (MA-ANG Barnes), U-18 is 307.8, U-17 is 282.3 and at 2036 they are changing to U-16 but I haven't found that one yet....guess they are out of range. I usually lose them when they're at ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 and only hear them if they change from there to the ZBW-Shelton 306.3 freq. Otherwise, they're gone.
2041: TEAM 49 Heavy (KC-10A McGuire) with Atlantic City Approach 124.6 descending from 11 to 8,000 feet...heading back to McGuire.
2049: Last flight is just leaving Warren Grove Range...they switch to ZNY-Dixie 307.8 but are too low and weak to copy. (Callsign for this flight may have been ARCTIC which would make them also from the MA-ANG at Barnes.)
2055: That last flight of A-10s climbing to FL 190 with ZNY-Dixie 307.8 (And that was about all I could copy from a minute's worth of chat about altitudes, IFR/VFR, etc.)

And that's it for tonight...unless the Langley F-22s decide to swarm as they did last night.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr Tin REACH 0457 landing Dover now with appch.
Probably 70-0457 C-5 from Wright-Pat with those uploads.
Also hearing STEEL 62 calling BATON 20 on 295.800 level 16k.
setting up for some AR training
1947 local TEAM 48 trying to contact SOUTHERN 91? on AR primary but
TEAM 48 is only aircraft heard.Reciever out of range

Thanks Tin SODA 91 makes more sense..wonder where is that primary AR 235.100? new to me here.
Maybe up North somewhere?

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Thanks Tin SODA 91 makes more sense..wonder where is that primary AR 235.100? new to me here.
Maybe up North somewhere?


I show 235.1 to be primary for AR-206 (L). I got that from the DAFIF refueling document.

0951: Had a U/I aircraft (possibly an AWACS) talking to Giant Killer on 233.7 mentioning working in W-72 2A/B and 3A/B areas with RAGIN (F/A-18) aircraft.
0956: Evac 33115 with Andrews on HF freq 11175 kHz...coming this way.
0959: Tanker chat on interplane of them is TEAM 90 (KC-10A McGuire) but there are either three or four TEAM tankers working together on the freq.

1004: TEAM 90 with ZDC-Sea Isle 133.125 getting a heading correction. (heard the end of a transmission that sounded like the same voice from TEAM 90 talking to Giant Killer on 249.8 to get permission to fly through W-386)
1005: Confirmed there are three TEAM tankers on the 139.875 freq. They are in a flight and moving through ARTCC as a flight of three.
1007: TEAM 90 flight requests direct SBY (Salisbury)...133.125
1009: TEAM 90 flight handed off to ZDC-Cape Charles 132.55 where they check in at Snow Hill. They mention eventually splitting up and going about their own courses.
1009: TRITON 42 with Giant Killer on 249.9 to mention he's at 18,500 and heading to area W-72. (This is the same aircraft heard in the log at 1004 that I suspected was an AWACS. I have no idea on this callsign but heard a TRITON 43 a couple of days ago.)
1012: TEAM 90 flight cleared direct Flat Rock. ..132.55
1012: TEAM 91 requests direct Norfolk and then flight plan route...he's going to FL 220 and says he's leaving the flight.
1013: TEAM 77 requests direct Flat Rock and then flight plan route...he's also leaving the flight to go to his own assignments...132.55
Guess that gaggle of TEAM tankers (77-90-91) simply took off from McGuire together and then split up once out over the water for their individual missions. One of the TEAM flights is heading to Ellington Field in Houston (KEFD) but I couldn't tell which it was.
1017: The TEAM team splits up and goes about their separate ways on interplane mentions all that traffic with ZDC about their separate flight plans was "chaotic."
1018: TRITON 42 with GK again on 249.8 to confirm he'll be working in W-72 and repeating the areas within W-72 that will be used.
1023: TEAM 90 gives winds to TEAM 77 as 260 degrees at 100 mph at FL 270. TEAM 77 says he's in a 7 mile trail with 90. They're chatting about that crazy departure (from McGuire) to their separation point. It sounds like this was a first for them...139.875
1025: MAPLE 44 (F-16 VT-ANG Burlington) with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 checking in at FL 210
1025: MAPLE flight also working their Ops freq 125.125 as a tac/chat freq. (That would be a difficult one to find considering the freq range. I had it programmed for them which is the only reason I was able to stumble upon it.)
1030: MAPLE 44 requesting direct Burlington when they are heading home, probably from Shaw or maybe even from Langley - their new detachment location...256.8
1033: FLYER 1 flight (A-10 Willow Grove) with Phil. TRACON 291.7
1034: FLYER 1 flight handed to Phil. TRACON 269.25
1035: FLYER flight working tac 141.8
1035: MAPLE flight handed off but I missed the freq (listening to FLYERs) and now can't find them on the ZDC freqs. They are still chatting on the 125.125 freq.
1037: U/I aircraft with ZDC-Blackstone 235.625 and then ZDC-Gordonsville 351.9 mentions he's heading for MTC (Selfridge)...handed off to ZDC-Shenandoah 270.35 at 1040
1039: FLYER flight with ZDC-Kenton 354.15
1040: MAPLE 44 with ZDC-Woodstown 363.0 checking in at FL 210
1040: One of the MAPLE flight aircraft mentions having fuel trapped in his left wing tank...125.125
1042: MAPLE 44 flight handed off to ZNY-Yardley 290.2 where they check in at FL 210
1045: MAPLE F-16 with the trapped wing tank fuel says it's now feeding..125.125
1046: MAPLE flight thanks ZNY-Yardley for clearance direct Burlington...290.2
1047: MAPLE 44 flight handed off to ZNY-Huguenot 285.5 where they check in at FL 210 and identify as a flight of two....he's having trouble making contact with ZNY...both aircraft try it but seemingly get no joy (last heard from the flight here)
1050: BACKY 91 (KC-135R 77th ARS Seymour Johnson AFB) calling CASINO ROYALE and then Westover Command Post on 252.1 (Westover CP freq for ther 439th Airlift Wing and CASINO ROYALE is their callsign)
1053: FLYER 1 flight with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 at FL 220
1055: BACKY 91 calling CASINO ROYALE joy
1056: BACKY 91 calls CASINO ROYALE and makes contact to give arrival message...he's 30 minutes out, has 66,000 pounds of fuel on board, is A-1, has 240 pounds of cargo to drop off, needs parking and airstairs....252.1 (Flying a KC-135 from Seymour Johnson to Westover MA to deliver 240 pounds of cargo...what's wrong with UPS?)
1058: Northrup Grumman test flight freq 123.225 active...and later use 123.2 also

1101: Sounds like the FLYER flight is working at Pax on 354.8 (I ignored them during the MAPLE and BACKY flights...they must be using low band FM for air-to-air because they don't seem to be on their high VHF freqs.) Edit: Nope, this wasn't the FLYER flight, it's a TESTER
1106: FLYER 1 with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 to report at FL 220
1107: TESTER 14 (USN Test Pilot School) reports to Pax on 354.8 that he's going supersonic and will be doing that until he notifies them otherwise.
1110: FLYER flight handed off to Norfolk TRACON 370.925 where they are descending to 10,000 feet and heading for the overhead to runway 26 at Langley.
1111: TESTER 14 reports he's in supersonic flight...354.8...there is also a TESTER 15 on same freq also going supersonic
1117: TESTER 15 reports going supersonic in one minute...354.8

Break time....back later.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1200: SALTY DOG 325 with ZDC-Gordonsville 351.9
1200: FIGHTING TIGER 20 (P-3 Brunswick ME NAS) calling Giant Killer a couple of times on joy.
1208: FIGHTING TIGER again calling GK on joy
1209: CAVE 59 (F-15 Langley) to Giant Killer on 238.1 to enter W-386...reports he'll be MARSA with AIRGUN (F-15 Langley)
1211: FIGHTING TIGER to GK on 238.1 reports at FL 220 heading for W-72 and wants to cross through W-386
1215: TOIL 02 (C-130 357th AS AFRC MAXWELL AFB AL) calling Willow Grove Metro on 344.6 says he's 15 minutes out and wants a weather update and wants to know if the PAR is still out on runway 15
1220-22: TOIL 02 calling SHORTSTOP (Willow Grove AFRC unit) on 351.75...reports 10 minutes out and wants again to know about the PAR for runway 15.
PAR=Precision Approach Radar
1234: CAVE 59 to Giant Killer on "button 7" joy
1235: CAVE 59 to Giant Killer on 249.8 to report descending and wants to know where they P-3 is (FIGHTING TIGER 20)
1236: Langley tac freq 358.85 active
1244: Have some weak transmissions on 41.95 FM which is used by MTN A-10s but it's too noisy to copy. No other indications they are flying though.

After a dark, rainy, windy, low overcast, gloomy morning, skies are beginning to clear over this area so let's see if we get some activity.

1245: CAVE 59 on 238.1 reports 40 miles east (fades)....238.1
1246: SPAR 30 landing Andrews with Tower on 118.4
1249: AIRGUN 71 (F-15 Langley) with Giant Killer on 238.1
1250: U/I aircraft reports to ADW Tower he's getting wind shear warnings.
1250: SPORT 1 (MTN A-10 travel callsign) with Patuxent 314.0 to report cancel IFR...then "Push button 11" (Not sure why they're using that callsign for a trip to Pax)

1307: Air Force 2 in the pattern at Andrews with Approach 119.3
At Andrews: AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 20 OCT 17:10 UNTIL 20 OCT 17:40
1310: SPORT 1 clearing off Patuxent and handed off to Norfolk TRACON ...270.8
1311: SPORT 1 (flight of two A-10s) check in with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 at FL 220 (Maybe they are indeed traveling)
1311: There is a BANDSAW (AWACS E-3 from Tinker AFB) working with Giant Killer on 238.1 but too weak to copy.
1314: If anyone hears helicopter ops, just heard Coast Guard Baltimore put out an urgent message that there's a person in the water at the mouth of the Severn River...156.8 (Marine Channel 16)
1315: U/I with Giant Killer on 233.7 reporting working with DRAGON 11 and SNAKE 1. (Both callsigns are used be scads of units so impossible to identify by just the callsign.)
1320: SPORT 1 flight handed off by Norfolk TRACON to a freq that sounded like 269.42(5)...370.925
1322: RHODY 36 (C-130E, RI-ANG, Quonset State Airport) calling Any Station on Dispatch freq 372.2
1322: RHODY 36 (spells callsign) answered by McGuire on 372.2...36 gives him a DNS to call to tell them his arrival time will be 1400 local and identifies it as the 143rd Airlift Wing, RI-ANG
1322: Air Force 2 landing at ADW with Tower on 118.4
1326: PAT 24 calling Dover Command Post on 349.4
1329: NIGHTHAWK 32 with Martin State Tower 121.3
1331: MARINE 377 (female) to Atlantic City Approach 124.6 on approach to runway 31
1332: Fighter tac freq 139.55 callsigns heard yet
1335: PAT 24 to Dover CP on 349.4 to report he's on a "Fallen Hero" mission and says he's got a general officer on board...he's 10 minutes out.
1337: JOSA 909 calling Langley Dispatch on reply.
1339: Fighters on 139.55 still chatting...very weak but sounds like a cross country flight
1341: NIGHTHAWK 32 now with DCA Helo Control on 120.75 mentions going to Springfield.
1342: JOSA 909 to Langley Dispatch on 376.2 to say he's inbound with blocks time of 1800Z, C-21, tail 40105, is A-1, needs 4000 pounds of fuel, dropping off an A-7 plus 2...will have 2 seats available on the outbound and plans to depart at 1900Z
1347: Pair of fighters still chatting on 139.55 but I don't hear them on any of the ZDC-ZNY or any ATC freqs....they are getting louder, so closer but still no callsigns used to ID them.
1349: U/I on 311.0 saying he'll arrive at Westover at 1528, is A-1 and will depart at 1642
1349: DARKSTAR (E-3 Tinker AFB AWACS) to Giant Killer on 233.7 to say he can relay to DRAGON 11 for him.
1350: NAVY BK201 to Metro on 239.8 asking for wx at NHZ (Brunswick NAS ME) at 1500 local.
1353: DARKSTAR tells GK he's relaying for DRAGON 11 who is going to TURET, then PHF (Newport News) at 12,000 feet....233.7
1355: U/I to Andrews Metro on 344.6 to say he heard Andrews say the winds are 320 at 38 and wants to know when they're expecting winds to subside to 25 knots or less.
1359: TRITON 43 to Giant Killer on 249.8 to say he's got an event in W-72 2-D/E/F and 3-D/E...he wants to know if he can turn south and go through W-386...says he's currently 26 miles northeast of Sea Isle. (there's that callsign again)

1402: REACH 3115 to Metro (didn't specify which one) wanting wx for McGuire and Dover AFB....344.6
1406: Fighter pair on 139.55 still going strong and still have not heard them on an ATC freq...not sure why or where they may be transmitting their positions. Could they be using VHF for ARTCC? Dunno.
1412: Coast Guard Baltimore now has a boat capsized and people in the water near the Severn River Bridge....156.8
1414: NAVY BK 203 report on his way to W-72 to GK on 233.7 (Navy BK XXX are the same aircraft as FIGHTING TIGER from Brunswick NAS)
1430: Have a 102 (probably SALTY DOG 102) to Pax on 270.8 with a problem of some kind...he wants to RTB to runway 24...reports one soul on board....request to change to Tower but I don't hear him on Pax Tower freqs.
1434: Have fighters on 141.8...probably A-10s from Willow Grove...say at Smyrna at this time and pushing to the south. (Turns out to be MAD HOG)
1438: MAD HOG 1 flight with Dover Approach 257.875
1439: MAD HOG 1 flight with ZDC-Kenton 354.15 at 7000 feet...heading for R-4006 at Pax.
1440: MAD HOG 1 flight to Patuxent on 270.8 to say they're a flight of two A-10s that will operate at Pax from 1445-1500...say they're late due to wx...want to know if they can still go into the area for that 15 minute period...currently 10 miles south of Smyrna.
1444: MAD HOG 1 flight with ZDC-Kenton 354.15 talking about cancelling their mission to R-4006..or not...looking for a handoff and get it to 270.8 at Pax...looks like they're going to get there and turn right around for home...mention handoff to Franklin.
1449: MAD HOG 1 flight to Pax on 354.8 to say they'll be leaving the airspace in about 5 minutes.
1449: Might have a NJ-ANG F-16 flight airborne...hearing activity on tac 138.875...confirm, they're up but no callsigns yet.
1450: CHECK 61 (F-18A VMFA-312, MCAS BEAUFORT SC) to Pax on 305.2 as a flight of two at FL 250 who mention working the range...say they'll work whatever altitude works best for them at Pax...they'll be doing intercepts in R-4006 and 4008 and cleared from 3500 to 40,000 feet.
1454: CHECK 61 flight says when done they'll go VFR and land at Patuxent...305.2 and mention changing to 270.8 for monitoring.
1456: CHECK 61 asking for squawk for 62 since they are now split up...270.8
1458: MAD HOG flight with Pax on 354.8...sound like they're clearing out of area.
1458: CHECK 61 says he'll be the bogey in the intercept activity...270.8
There are also transports all over the place but I can't hope to keep up with them.
1458: F-16 off the deck at Andrews with TRACON 348.725
1459: F-16 from Andrews on tac 143.6...callsign CAP 81

1501: CAP 81 handed to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 climbing to 15000
1501: MAD HOG 1 also with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 (Thought I heard him say they're going to Pope)
1504: CAP 81 handed to Pax on 305.2 where they say they're 45 minutes late due to winds at Andrews...would like to get in the area for ops for at least a little while.
He's giving his callsign as CAPS 81 rather than CAP 81...has since they went airborne. Not sure if he's screwing it up or what.
1505: MAD HOG 1 flight handed off to ZDC-Franklin 290.425 where they check in (Guess they are going south)
1507: CAPS 81 says when done they are going to Langley that explains why they're using the travel callsign
1514: GRAYHAWK 1 (E-2 Norfolk NAS) with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 making the milk run to Atlantic City and back.

I'm worn out...done for now.

Ref Below: Curt, the 139.55 guys are finally starting to get weak (1415.) I have no idea who they are or where they're headed. Thanks for checking up your way.
Those TRITON 42/43 aircraft are suddenly operating in this area and I don't have a clue about them either. I have nothing in any callsign database about them. We've got an AWACS (DARKSTAR), a FIGHTING TIGER 20 (P-3 from Brunswick), a NAVY BK 201 and 203 also from Brunswick apparently - all operating in W-72 today with groups of fighters from an unknown base. Strange day.
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
1248 Boxer971 with zny 125.325
1257 139.875 active with inter-flight coms
1304 The two on inter-flight are now on 228.0
1355 Sounds like Trident43 calling GK on 238.1
TinEar got it it's Triton43
1408 Pat514 with Mcguire departure 124.150
1415 Jedi61 with Mcguire 124.15
1417 Ethyl82 with Mcguire 124.15
1445 A/A on 138.875
1505 Evac2112 (C-17) to andrews on 378.1

TinEar haven't heard anything on 139.55 They must be staying south
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
1311: SPORT 1 (flight of two A-10s) check in with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 at FL 220 (Maybe they are indeed traveling)
1335: PAT 24 to Dover CP on 349.4 to report he's on a "Fallen Hero" mission and says he's got a general officer on board...he's 10 minutes out.

Rgr TIN that SPORT 1 seems to be their favorite travelling callsign lately.
Will see what turns up later on other boards as to their destination.

PAT 24 most likely a Air Force UH-60.Usually are when PAT followed by 2 digit
callsign into Dover.3 digits seem to be C-12 aircraft.

Busy day today eh?



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Very busy Mark - at least this afternoon.

Have to throw one more flight in here for midway through the 1500 hour...

LETHAL 303 with ZDC-Bay 379.3, ZDC-Brooke 327.0 where he checks in at FL 260 and says he's changing his destination to Richmond. Also something about his fuel remainder and tough time getting altitude from New York. Has 90 minutes fuel remaining. Handed off to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 where he gets his ducks in a row about his Pax, direct Richmond...then it's direct Hopewell, direct Richmond...still with ZDC-Calvert as of 1539. The only thing I have for the LETHAL callsign is Navy T-2C aircraft but I'm not so sure that's what this is. At 1540, he's descending to 15,000 feet...still heading for Richmond. Cleared down to 10,000 feet at 1544.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: PAT callsign

Hi Mark,

PAT 24 would be an Army example not an Air Force machine. PAT ### callsigns are also used by the C-20, UC-35, C-26, and C-23/etc. on the PAT mission.

Best regards,


Mark said:
PAT 24 most likely a Air Force UH-60.Usually are when PAT followed by 2 digit
callsign into Dover.3 digits seem to be C-12 aircraft.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1746: MARINE 474 in the pattern at Andrews with Approach...119.3
1755: MARINE 474 with ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1759: REACH 4321 calls SAM Command...378.1

1800: REACH 4321 with arrival message for Andrews...IDs as a C-130 (and you can hear those screaming turboprops), 20 minutes out, needs flight service and arrangments for a U-Drive...8 crew going to (name of motel) in Alexandria...378.1
1806: REACH 4321 in the pattern at ADW with Approach for runway 1R...119.3
1808: Evac 2112 to Griffin Command to report off at 05 past the hour...378.1
1811: SPAR 73 calling SAM Command...141.55
1825: Evac 119 to Griffin Ops to report takeoff at 2152Z and ID as C-21, tail 40119...378.1
1856: REACH 574T to Atlantic City Approach descending...124.6
1857: REACH 574T descending to 7000 feet, direct Coyle, direct McGuire...124.6
1858: REACH 574T calling McGuire Command joy...319.4
1859: BOXER 971 to Andrews Tower reports 10 miles out, looking for the overhead to runway 1R...118.4

1900: REACH 574T to McGuire CP reports A-1, no pax, no cargo...319.4
1902: REACH 939 with Andrews Approach...119.3
1934: BOXER 25 with Andrews Approach, descending...119.3
1939: BOXER 25 cleared to land with Tower...118.4
1947: Tanker chat on interplane...139.875
1949: Tanker chat on interplane...suffix 55 (female) and 56...143.825

2004: Tankers mention altitudes 20000 for 56 and 19500 for 55. They've occasionally been chatting but nothing worth logging...143.825
2008: JOSA 353 reports takeoff time from Andrews as 0004Z...378.1
2012: 55 has the lead now at FL 270 and 56 is at FL 265...143.825
2014: JOSA 399 to Griffin Command with arrival message...C-21, tail 40141, has 5 Pax which are 2 S-3s, 1 S-6 plus 2 Duty Pax...15 minutes out, A-2, needs 2,000 pounds of fuel, wants C-21 maintenance to meet the plane
2016: 55 and 56 getting ready to close for pre-contact before refueling...143.825
2024: 55 and 56 still taking turns practice refueling each other...back and forth they go in an air dance at various altitudes...143.825
2040: 55 and 56 still refueling...143.825
2040: OPEN SKIES 12T to SAM Command asking that his takeoff time of 0030Z be passed to Offutt Command Post...378.1 where is AR-9?

¶ CAP should take place over Sarasota, Florida (Miami Center control) this coming Tuesday the 24th. Check the FAA's TFR page for details. ¶

2109-19: PETRO 71 (KC-10A McGuire) calling McGuire Command post...x8 no joy...319.4
2120: PETRO 71 makes contact with McGuire CP to report 15 minutes out, A-3, needs power cart and airstairs...standing by for parking assignment...319.4
2123: PETRO 71 to Atlantic City Approach descending through 11,600 for 8000 feet...then cleared down to 5,000...124.6
2123: PETRO 71 to McGuire Command joy...319.4
2126: PETRO 71 to McGuire CP to report about 15 minutes out...were told it's lights out at McGuire at 0130 but they need the lights on to land and can't hold because of crew rest regulations...says he gave the message about 10 minutes ago that he was A-3 for ACU inoperative and CD18 #2 problem, needs power cart and airstairs. Has no pax or cargo but needs the airstairs for rapid egress of crew and their baggage because it's been a long duty day. [sniff, sniff]...319.4
2155: JOSA 399 reports airborne from Andrews at 0153Z...141.55

2318: REACH 3995 (female) calling McGuire CP...319.4
2320-23: REACH 928 calling McGuire CP...319.4
2327: REACH 3995 to McGuire CP...15 minutes out, Code 1, has 65K on the fuel, needs 35K fuel upload, wants crew bus for 20 people...will park in spot B-4...319.4
2329: REACH 928 to McGuire CP...25 minutes out, A-1, no pax or cargo but needs crew bus and Customs to meet the plane...319.4
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
CitationJet said:
Hi Mark,

PAT 24 would be an Army example not an Air Force machine. PAT ### callsigns are also used by the C-20, UC-35, C-26, and C-23/etc. on the PAT mission.

Best regards,


Thanks Tony looked it up .. USArmy Priority Air Transport (Andrews AFB)
I always thought AF ran some UH-60's at Andrews and could have sworn
I heard inbound USAF UH-60 use PAT also but I could be mistaken.
Never heard a REACH UH-60 so maybe AF uses something else.



Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Seen and heard this afternoon from Gravelly Point. I was again hearing ground-side comms from the ADW command posts and a PAR final controller, but not Tower.

1700: -125.65- YANKEE 76 climbing out. To 128.7
1707: -128.35- NAVY 300 (C-20 seen) arriving ADW
1709: -119.3- COAST GUARD, uh, BLACKJACK 1 (HH-65) wants a practice PAR at Davison
1712: -128.35- TALON 76 (seen, something small and white, maybe a T-38) for the PAR at Andrews. To 125.35 as PAR Final Controller^^.
1713: -378.1- COBRA 72 (C-135 61-2672 seen) with the arrival message. Passed the serial, and even though we knew this one, it's good to hear a confirmation. Eventually with 119.85 with his vectors for arrival.
1715: -118.95- N511AT (Citation 500) departing ADW and turning west.
1724: -378.1- JOSA 411 (C-21 84-0076 seen) gave the serial, and is a home station machine returning empty and going to sleep.
1738: -141.55- JOSA 353 (C-21 84-0142 seen) passed the tail#, and has 3 pax, including an R-6 to drop off before his 0Z departure.
1746: -118.4- MARINE 474 (UC-35 166474) has 3 green.
1802: -378.1- REACH 4321 (C-130H 94-7321 CO ANG seen) will be on the deck in 20, and is transporting 8 crew to a commercial motel in Alexandria.
1811: -118.95- EVAC 21112 (C-17 02-1112 MS ANG seen) vectors for departure

^^In addition to the standard course and glideslope guidance, the PAR controller gave a number of announcements including updates of miles from missed approach point and recommended altitude at the next mile marker.
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Jun 3, 2002
ts2 server

we have moved the ts2 server and two scanners to shrewsbury,pa-less interferance and at 1100'amsl better range on milair.also added a hf feed-11175usb/6761usb,and nyartcc
if theres a cap one feed is for dc the other is for ny
feed radios are icom pcr1000,bc796d,icom r7000,yaesu ft857d,
vhf/uhf discone ar2 preamp
hf 1/2 dipole


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1009: JOSA 405 arriving Andrews..6 seats available on outbound to Atlanta...141.55
1012: JOSA 355, C-2, tail 40116 arriving Andrews to drop off an A-3 plus 1, on the ground for 75 minutes, need 3K fuel, 4 seats on outbound available...141.55
1019: U/I callsign, suffix 21 with Giant Killer in W-107...also on 138.3 tac and 312.3 for ops (probably a NJ-ANG F-16 flight)
1028: ?REACH? 585T arriving Pax with Base ops...302.55 (Only heard the suffix and presuming REACH)
1029: MEXICO 43 (F-15 Langley) w/Norolk TRACON 370.925...Push 7 and come up with Giant Killer on 238.1 to enter W-72 "along with the rest of the MEXICO flight." One hour duration.
1031: WEASEL 31 calling Any Station on FSS freq 255.4 to announce entering VR-1709 at 500 feet and 500 knots. (WEASEL probably A-10 131ST FS MA ANG BARNES ANGB per callsign database...however, that speed is very fast for A-10s and I have no other indications that Barnes A-10s are operating in this area so I'd question that unit ID also. It might just be a new callsign usage.)
1036: OPEC 13 (KC-10A McGuire) on tanker interplane freq 139.875
1042: JOSA 064, tail 40113 with arrival message to Andrews...25 minutes out, A-1, needs 3K fuel, has an Air Force Code-4 to drop off and will release 4 seats on the outbound to Chicago...378.1
1048: Coast Guard Baltimore announces movement of Coast Guard Cutter Ida Lewis and wants all vessels to be aware amd to give it a wide berth. (The Ida Lewis [WLM-551] is based out of Newport RI and is a 175 foot coastal buoy tender.)
1049: OPEC 13 to Atlantic City Approach descending from 10 to 8000...then to 7000 feet...124.6
1052: OPEC 13 Heavy cleared direct Coyle, direct McGuire...124.6

1102: JOSA 296 to Griffin Command to report airborne 1457Z...378.1
1105: VENUS 26 to Andrews with arrival message...20 minutes out, A-1, needs crew trans for 3...378.1
1110: HAWK 01 calling Andrews several times on 141.55 but no joy. (Too many units use that callsign to be able to identify the aircraft.)
1112: NJ-ANG F-16s operating on tac callsigns heard yet.
1115: JOSA 425 reports off the deck at 1505Z to Andrews on...378.1
1116: VENUS 41 calling Andrews on...378.1
1117: HAWK 01 calling Griffin Command and Andrews Command Post on...141.55
1118: HAWK 01 makes contact on 141.55 and gives arrival message...IDs as C-21, tail 40095, 10 minutes out, has 1 A-3, 1 A-4, 3 Space A, 1 Pax, needs 4K fuel, is A-1 and needs parking.
Last time I logged HAWK 1/01 as C-21 to Andrews, it was tail 40100 doing a shuttle between ADW and LFI on 5/12/06.
1119: PAT 06 to Atlantic City Approach at 7000 feet...arriving ACY...124.6
1125: JOSA 355 calling Griffin Ops on 141.55...several calls, no joy.
1128-42: Sounds like ?COBB? 69 calling McGuire CP...319.4 (Several calls, no joy)
1142: ?COBB? 69 to Atlantic City Approach descending from 10900 to 8000 feet...124.6
(After hearing that callsign about a dozen times, I'm still not sure of times is sounds like COBB or COD or even SQUAW.)
1143: COBB? 69 makes contact with McGuire...arriving on the hour and is A-2...319.4
1144: PACER 14 to Andrews...tail 40080, A-1, zero pax, arriving one hour early, needs crew bus for two...378.1

NOTAMs for Andrews (Zulu times):
RAMP FREEZE 23 OCT 23:40 UNTIL 24 OCT 00:10
RAMP FREEZE 23 OCT 19:55 UNTIL 23 OCT 20:25
RUNWAY 01L/19R CLOSED. 14 OCT 10:00 UNTIL 30 NOV 23:59

NOTAM for Martin State Airport (Zulu times):
(Runway) 15/33 CLSD 24 OCT 02:00 UNTIL 24 OCT 10:00

Gotta run...back later.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1501: Couple of Langley fighters on tac...315.85
1502: Pair of NJ-ANG F-16s on tac 138.875 and I believe it's the same flight on 312.3 - probably working with Giant Killer in W-107
1504: VENUS 21 with Atlantic City Approach heading for the ACY runway...124.6
1504: Something going on at the Gunpowder Bridge/Gunpowder Falls...several helo references heading for the area, including with Phillips AAF Tower on 126.15 and Coast Guard Baltimore talking with vessels heading for the scene and mentioning County Water Rescue units responding...Marine Channel 23A 157.15
Edit to add: Two sisters are being treated for hypothermia after their sailboat overturned in the Gunpowder River this afternoon.
Sergeant Ken Turner of the Maryland Natural Resources police says a gust of wind caused the boat to overturn around 2:30 p-m off Gunpowder Falls State Park, near the Hammerman Area.
The 46-year-old owner of the boat and her 48-year-old sister clung to the vessel until they were rescued about an hour later. Turner says the owner was able to keep her cell phone dry and used it to call 9-1-1 after the boat capsized.
Baltimore County fire officials say three civilians drove their powerboats to the vessel and pulled the women to safety.
1508: Another NJ-ANG F-16 flight on tac 138.425
1510-16: BOLAR 86 (C-5 Dover) calling Dover Command Post...many calls, no joy...349.4
1519: BOLAR 86 makes contact with Dover CP to give arrival time as 2000Z, A-2, 1 pax to offload...don't need stairs - pax will get off with crew...349.4
1521: BOLAR 86 changes his time in the blocks to 1945Z...349.4
1521: U/I with ?HUNTRESS? that positions himself 105 miles outbound from DCA...not sure why he's here other than Modes & Codes check...260.9 (It's SPAR 29-see log item 1531)
1525: REACH 55143..."Show us up at 25 past the hour."...378.1
REACH with a 5-digit suffix is a first for me.
1531: SPAR 29 (99th AS Andrews) to RENEGADE on 260.9 to say he's 40 miles out and on top of the clouds...says he'll call back when he gets below this layer.
**I'm advised by Tony that SPAR 29 (C-37A, tail 01-0029) belongs to the 310th AS at McDill AFB FL**
1538: SPAR 29 to RENEGADE to say he just popped out of the clouds...then reports, "Good Sparkle, good Sparkle." So, he's testing the Red/Green Laser Warning System around the D.C. area...260.9
1541: SPAR 29 now with Andrews Tower 118.4 for landing
1546: Coast Guard 'Copter 6559 with Martin State Tower 121.3 to say he wants to photograph the shoreline (This particular helo shows as an HH-65B on my CG Assets List but stationed at an unknown base. Guess this puts him in this area.)
1549: TESTER 03 (USN Test Pilot School) to Giant Killer on 238.1 to enter the test track area for the next 10 minutes. Squawking 1200 (standard VFR squawk).
1558: STOMP 11 (F-22A Langley) with Giant Killer to enter W-72 and will be MARSA with a DEFT (F-22A Langley) flight...238.1

1604: MIght have been the DEFT flight entering GK's area to work with STOMP but the transmission was too weak to copy...238.1
1605: STOMP with GK on 233.7 and mentioned freq 289.9 but I haven't heard anything there.
1606: TESTER 03 leaving the test track and heading for area R-4006...238.1
1609: JOSA 248 to Andrews on 378.1 with arrival message...15 minutes out, home station C-21, no pax, is FNC, A-1 needs a bus for 2...wants to know if there's a ramp freeze on...mentions it ends in 15 minutes.
1617: JOSA 248 on the landing approach with ADW Tower...118.4
1620: MUSSEL 06 (UH-1 1st Helo Squadron, Andrews) over Greenbelt inbound for landing...ADW Tower...118.4
The MilAir bands are extremely noisy at my location today...having trouble pulling out the weaker stuff.
1634: JOSA 487 reports airborne at 2031Z from Andrews and would like that passed to KHOP (Campbell Army Airfield at Fort Campbell KY)...378.1
1637: CODY 01 (C-17 356TH AS, AFRC, WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OH) arriving at Andrews...gets his parking spot (gave arrival message a couple of minutes ago but I was out of the room and didn't note details.)...378.1
1641: Very weak transmission on FSS 255.4...Leesburg Radio reads back that it's PAT 27 and gives him the weather for Davision AAF.
1642: JOSA 296 calling Griffin Command on both 141.55 and 378.1 where he makes contact to give arrival message....home station C-21, tail 84-0117, 15 minutes out, A-1, an A-4 to dump off and nees crew bus for three.

I've had enough of the noise today...I quit.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1858: Looks like we've got some night activity getting ready to begin....BANDSAW (E-3 AWACS Tinker AFB OK) with Giant Killer on 233.7. He wants to know what altitudes he'll have in W-72, 2-A/B and 3-A/B...He's told he's got from 5000 up to unlimited. He mentions he'll be working with RAGIN 42 and RAGIN 52 flights. He also mentions freq 253.2 - possibly as a work freq with the fighters. RAGIN=F/A-18 VFA-37 CVW-3 NAS Oceana.
1858: At the same time, there seems to be another AWACS or a JSTARS flight on 288.4. It's a female but she's too weak right now to pull out her transmissions.

1905: The same female voice heard on 288.4 is now on the freq mentioned by BANDSAW - 253.2
1908: Air Force 2 with Andrews Approach...119.3
1926: PAT 165 calling McGuire Dispatch on reply.
1945: PAT 165 to McGuire Dispatch on 372.2 with arrival message...15 minutes out, has an R-5 to drop off, needs 220 gallons of fuel, asks if there's any chance of getting the red carpet.
1948: PAT 165 with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6 descending down to the usual 8000 feet for approach to McGuire.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Rgr TIN that SPORT 1 seems to be their favorite travelling callsign lately.
Will see what turns up later on other boards as to their destination.


Mark, we know the SPORT 1 flight went to Florida per our conversation. I suspected it was for Avon Park Range work and now I'm hearing through the grapevine that the Avon Park Range in Florida is rock and rolling all day today with just about every airframe in the Air Force. No wonder it's dead up this way.
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