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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Guess like the Birds head South for the Winter so does the AF.
Can't blame them...Good recruiting tool as well for pilots.

2137- OMNI 780 self id as DC-10 calling McGuire 134.100 for arrival



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Slowly pulling out of a deliverable rush here, so a few heard so far today. No time for callsign tieups, but I'm sure that's OK.


1400Z 335.500 Potomac APP - NAVY TP 962 - vectors for an ILS 1R app and req. clnc back to Patuxent.
1543Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AIREVAC 50042 - QSY 123.825.
1554Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 119 - to 14000'.
1556Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - PAT 532 (C-12 84-0144) - arr msg have PPR will depart 1340L req fuel.

1623Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - RANGER 75 - deps ADW dir LDN QSY 123.825.
1630Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - AME 4562 - reporting windshear on final to 1R.
1634Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - WAMO 51 - to 12000' QSY 118.675.
1637Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 281 (C-21A 84-0107) - arr msg.
1638Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - MARINE 206 - visual app to 1R.
1638Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - SAM 0772 - full stop landing 1R.

1744Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPAR 28 - deps ADW QSY 123.825.

1801Z 119.300 Potomac APP - ARMY 01052 - cleared for the 1R app.

1943Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - PAT 008 - arr msg, 10 mins out, one Code on board, fuel on req. and parking.
1948Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BOXER 467 - deps ADW to 11000'.
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Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
10/20 + 10/24 logs

Frequency Legend

118.400 // KADW (Andrews AFB Tower)
118.950 // PCT [DEP] .. (Potomac Consolidated TRACON)
119.300 // PCT [APP/DEP]
121.050 // PCT [DEP]
121.675 // ZDC [Montebello]
133.725 // ZDC [Gordonsville]
134.625 // ZDC [Tech]

A side note: I've been seeing numerous posts that list 119.3 as Andrews APP when In fact, after the switchover, is now part of the Potomac Consolidated TRACON. I'm not saying it's any of you .. It's just an FYI =) . Oh, emoticons suck. Can I say that ? oops.


1506z/ ARMY 01051
.. 118.95 < 121.05 < 121.675 < ..

2113z/ NAVY 300; LND ADW Full-stop
.. 118.4

2115z/ BLACKJACK 1
.. 119.3 << 118.95 < ..

--END 10/20 LOGS--

1927z/ EVAC 33115
.. 119.3 < 118.4

1934z/ NAVY 100
.. 121.05 < 121.675 < 133.725 < 134.625 (Checking in up to FL 380 // (1950z) up to FL 430 < ..

jay dehm
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Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
Here's one from the south for you guys. I was working on a cell site on the roof of a hotel near UVa this afternoon when 2 Helos flew over, banked sharply, and landed a half mile away behind the treeline. I figured they landed at the ballfields called "The Park" so I finished up and headed over.

There they were, a pair of UH60s, not on the ballfield but off to the side behind an embankment where the road is. The photo attached is one of them lifting from behind where you see the car coming in to the parking lot. Right after I got there, several University PD and a couple of unmarked cars came in and then a procession of 4 or 5 SUV's came in and drove down to the LZ. I didn't get out of my truck because the UPD guy was sitting right in front of me. A few minutes later they took off and a bunch of empty SUVs left.

I listened to CHO and Potomac approach and they IDed as PAT33 and one made a request for flight following back to JPN(?) and then said The Pentagon. At the same time the other was on with Flt Svcs on 255.400 getting clearance to Davison Army Airfield. That was the last I heard until they were handed off to 124.650.

I drove down by the school and sure enough there was a big thing going on on the steps of the Rotunda. The other photo is of 2 SUVs (Secret Service?) and a satellite truck parked there. They both had DC plates and a funny looking antenna on the roof. One had the letters IK 12 on the bumper.

I guess I'll have to watch the local news tonight to see who was in town.


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Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
Here's another one for you guys, I think it was Venus 41 but I can't find where I wrote it down. Touch and go at CHO on Oct 12. Tail #60206 in case it doesn't show in the picture, no other markings.


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Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA

I see you logged Capital21. I heard them on 139.700 getting wx check from capital on the night Bush came to Richmond 10-19, last Thur. Who or what is Capital21?

Also heard fighters on 228.450 getting target calls. According to your list thats now in my scanner that would be Langley.

Also heard that night a Guard26972 helo arriving at CHO (and I do mean heard, he flew right over where I was on Piney Mtn) and cancelling his plan from WilkesBarre (where Bush was earlier in the day).

Never did hear AirForce1, I had 4 radios going in the truck.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
George, CAPITOL is the callsign used by the DC-ANG F-16s for flyby/memorial flights (other than at Arlington National Cemetery when they become DRAGO) and, according to what you heard, apparently for a possible CAP that night. They usually use the BRAVE callsign for CAP duty which makes me wonder what they actually did. They also use variations of the CAPITOL callsign such as CAP/CAPS/CAPITOL GUARDIANS (the actual unit nickname) when they travel out of the area. When they call back to base on 139.7, the ground squadron controller for those flights and for scrambles using the BRAVE callsign is CAPITOL also.

1704: Just checking out a radio and happened to hear a JEDI 11 flight of F-22A aircraft from Langley reporting to GIant Killer on 238.1 they are 20 miles east of HEELS, RTB Langley, at flight level 140.
1726: TESTER 12 (USN Test Pilot School) to Patuxent on 270.8 to report he can't maintain VFR for his descent and wants IFR. He changes to "button 12" and I lose him.

1805: TESTER 11 reports RTB to Pax o 270.8...wants GCA for practice.
1806: JOSA 699 to Andrews on 378.1 with arrival message...tail 40115, 20 minutes out, Code 1, zero pax of any kind, zero gas needed, mission compete.
1810: TOPCAT 2 (KC-135E 108th ARW, NJ ANG McGuire AFB) reporting at 9500, heading for 8000 feet with Atlantic City Approach...124.6 (First time he gave his callsign, he used 29 for a suffix and then just 2 every time after that. TOPCAT tankers normally only use a single digit suffix.)
1810: U/I helo with Phillips AAF reporting 20 miles west, wants to land on the VIP pad to dropff a passenger and then will be returning to Davison AAF...126.15
1811: TOPCAT 2 wants dirext DIXIE, then direct McGuire...124.6
1815: Have probable TOPCAT 2 (female) on squadron freq 303.0
1840: REACH 507/570T calling Griffin CP at Andrews several times, no joy...378.1 (He's not sure of his callsign...he's alternately using 507T and 570T. His 570s outnumber 507s so we'll go with that.)
1846: REACH 570T makes contact on 378.1 with arrival message...20 minutes out, A-1, has 70,000 pounds of cargo, 35 passengers, needs 90,000 pounds of fuel, a crew bus and 0172 with no context a minute later which I think is his tail number...says he's going to do a quick turn so will assemble the passengers "pretty quick."
1851: Josa 923 reports airborn time as 2245Z...141.55
1853: BOXER 226 calling Boxer Ops on squadron freq 314.25...just a report that he's airborne.
1857: REACH 570T to Andrews Tower to report 15 out heading for runway 1R...118.4

1901: PAT 40 reports off Baltimore Junction for Route 17 (helo route) to Greenbelt and then Springfield...120.75
1920: AR-636 primary freq 238.9 active...couple of FL 280
1924: PAT 297 landing at Andrews with Tower...118.4
1927: Big U/I arriving Andrews...25 minutes out, A-1, no cargo or pax but needs 145,000 pounds of fuel and transportation for 15 crew members along with a parking spot. (Will try to catch callsign when he gets in the pattern with Approach or Tower.)
1929: U/I activity on 139.9 but doesn't sound like DC-ANG SOF activity....someone reports leaving position WJ-507. (VHF AM is so noisy that I'm having a difficult time hearing anything through the static tonight.)
1932: SAM Interplane freq 136.725 active...lead aircraft reports 5 miles from Richmond at FL 230 descending...winds at 95 mph...descent is smooth. (See ramp freeze below)
1936: REACH 01 reports off the ground at 2331Z and wants Andrews to tell Warner Robins they should be there about 0100Z...378.1
1941: SAM 94 is leading the primary aircraft toward Andrews...reporting again on the descent, that it's smooth and the primary should be able to keep his speed up...136.725 (I'm presuming this is Air Force 1 as the primary but he's not within listening range yet - just the SAM 94 lead aircraft is being heard at this point.)
1947: Evac 21101 calling SAM Command on 378.1
1947: SAM 94 tells AF 1 he's behind a C-17...AF 1 now can be heard and reports he's going to slow down...136.725
1948: SAM 94 with Andrews Tower...118.4....he tells Tower that "Primary" has had to slow down and he's asking why he's had to do that.
1949: SAM 94 asks AF 1 where he is...AF 1 says he's 30 miles out of Richmond and slowing down because he was told there's an aircraft ahead of him. 94 tells him he doesn't have a thing that should be slowing down his approach...136.725
1952: SAM 94 tells AF1 he just found out who's slowing him's the press plane...136.725
1955: The two aircraft on AR-636 primary freq 238.9 are using suffixes 11 and 12...they are pushing up the speed to 275.

2001: U/I aircraft with CASINO ROYALE at Westover on 252.1
2006: Air Force 1 reports 12 miles out, visual for runway 1R...repeats he's cleared to land...w/ADW Tower 118.4
2008: Air Force 1 reports gear down...118.4
2022: Have a U/I flight working at the Warren Grove Range on 283.1...sounds like they're just getting set to arrive there...say they'll be in block 13-14 (13-14000 feet) and will give a call in a couple of minutes
2024: Also have a U/I flight with ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 -- probably same flight going to the range and probably an A-10 flight from Barnes MA or Bradley CT...and at 2026 they're on ZNY-Dixie 307.8 (last stop before the range) as expected but no callsign heard yet.
2027: U/I flight leaving FL 230 for 210 and then requests to go down to assigned block..he's cutting off his callsign when he speaks...his suffix is 21...307.8
2029: Flight checks onto Warren Grove Range on 283.1...callsign might be PIGPEN 01 which would make them Bradley A-10s...there is another flight with the 21 suffix coming in also.
Callsign was really FIG so what I thought was PIGPEN was probably FIG and a two digit suffix. I know FIG belongs to A-10s from one of the New England units but I don't know if it's Barnes or Bradley.
2030: One of the flights at Warren Grove is using 138.825 for tac. (The FIG flight)
Mark, give me some help with these callsigns're 100 miles closer to the range and should be hearing them very well.
Within a couple of minutes after getting to the range, all the activity disappears from my listening range once they dropped down to the assigned 130-140 block and even lower for target attacks. I can't squeeze the squelch either due to the noise levels tonight.
2045: The Warren Grove Range flights are yakking on 138.825 again - probably climbed between attacks...and the other group is using 140.2 for tac - just heard them for the first time.
2046: One of the flights from the range is leaving and heading for Barnes at 14,500 feet...currently with ZNY-Dixie 307.8 (Hmmm...Barnes or Bradley or both?)
2055:'s KILLER 21 with ZNY-Dixie 307.8 deciding on FL 160 for the trip. (KILLER is A-10 from Bradley) Says they're off the range now and altitude block will be 14.5-15.5...changing to U-16
So, KILLER 21 was a flight from Bradley...heard a U/I callsign say he's heading for Barnes so we had units from both bases down at the range tonight.

2102: SAM 0826 arriving at Andrews...with Approach 119.3

Time for "The Unit"...back later.

Airnav is indicating their airborne fixes section is closed for software upgrade.

Ramp Freeze for Andrews tonight beginning at 2020...

Ref a couple below: Same here Mark...the signal has gone from 1 bar to 6 bars full meter in the last couple of minutes.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
1945 est Rgr TIN Prez must be close as 300.400 is getting strong!

2010 est Unid aircraft with Willow Grove tower 119.600 enroute AR 636
req VHF for GK.

ref above: 283.100 Tin really weak here also,they must be doing low alt runs.
will see what I can hear..
Had hits on 307.800 earlier as well,must be strong Northwest winds wrecking reception here.
2111 est KILLER 21 on range with sounded like DROGUE as commander.talking about altitudes below 3k.
KILLER heard pushing freq 269..unreadable

BTW AF web story on Atlantic Strike exercise

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Mark for trying on the Warren Grove Range activity. I thought it would be loud and clear from your location but apparently not. When they get down low at the range, it does get fairly difficult to hear what they're doing. Beside that, reception was absolutely horrible today. The winds were sure moving my discone around up there on the mast which couldn't have helped either.

Speaking of discones...I have my original Diamond Discone (model D-130J) which Universal sells for $89.95. It's the one I use for MilAir. I also just put up an Icom Discone (model AH-7000) which I got as part of a package deal for some other equipment. Universal sells that one for $169.95. The bottom line.........they are identical antennas, both made by Diamond and yet one costs almost twice as much as the other. Brand names make all the difference I guess. Kind of a rip-off but, if people are willing to pay 170 bucks for the same antenna you can get for 90 bucks, it's their business.

Thanks for that story on the Avon Park Range exercise. I'm envious. It's been non-stop activity in the MilAir world the last couple of days down in Florida. Many new freqs have been noted for the exercise but will mostly be one-time events.

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Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
carbineone said:
gcgrotz the helo's were for the Secretary of the Army.

Many thanks. Not a word of it in the paper (no surprise there!).

Tucker Carlson was doing his show last night from the Rotunda steps, that's what the uplink truck was for. Political talk, had Larry Sabato and some students on.

I can't get over the small secure area they put those birds in yesterday, behind that embankment. It was quite windy too. Just a little excitement to break up the routine!


Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
10/25/2006 Logs

10-25-2006 Logs
_PCT (Potomac Consolidated TRACON)_

Frequency Legend
118.400 // KADW (Andrews AFB Tower)
118.675 // PCT [DEP/APP]
118.850 // KDAA Davison AAF GCA/P (ASR/PAR) according to AirNav)
119.300 // PCT [APP/DEP]
124.550 // PCT [APP/DEP]
125.650 // ZDC [DEP/APP]
126.300 // KDAA [Davison AAF Tower]
134.500 // ZDC [Swann]
...................................................................... . .. . ...... . .
1536z/ PAT 58; Inbound Davison Full-stop
.. 119.85 < 118.85 < ..

1548z/ VENUS 42; Touch-N-Go
.. 118.4

1548z/ PACER 84; ILS Landing Practice at ADW
.. 118.4 < 119.3 < 118.4 ....

1552z/ PAT 746; DEP ADW
.. 118.4 < 125.65 < 124.55 < 134.5 < ..

.. 118.4

2148z/ PAT 33; Heading to Davison Self-ID: "Single UH-60". SQUAWKING MIL DISCRETE, TWR asks him to switch to "PAT's normal SQUAWK" ..code.
....118.95 < 120.75 < 126.3

2217z/ PAT 44; Workinig the area around Davison
.. 126.3

2241z/ EXECUTIVE 1 FOXTROT; To arrive ADW RWY 1R full-stop
.. 118.675 < 119.85 < 119.3 < 118.4 [2255z/ Gear down]

2242z/ SAM 0851
.. 118.95 < ..

2250z/ PAT 1259
.. 119.3

2250z/ TITUS 01
.. 119.3 < 118.4 [Gear down 2300z] .. 2304z switch 119.3 -- sounds like touch-n-go

2302z/ PAT 2404; For landing.
.. 118.4

2308z/ SAM 0840; LND RWY 1R Full-Stop
.. 118.4

2316z/ NIGHTHAWK 7; ID as Single H-60. Transiting the area.
.. 118.4

Does GCA/P (ASR/PAR according to AirNav) stand for Ground-Controlled Approach/Precision Approach Radar? I never did quite understand the acronym. According to the following sources I've gathered the info below. Please let me know if it's correct.. Thanks!
instrument-landing system (ILS), ground-based radio system designed to provide an airplane pilot with precise guidance for the final approach in landing. The pilot flies his aircraft along a course delineated by the intersection of two radio beams&#8212;the localizer beam for guidance in the horizontal plane and the glide-slope beam for guidance in the vertical plane. These beams activate an indicator in the aircraft that contains a horizontal needle sensitive to deviations from the glide slope and a vertical needle sensitive to deviations from the localizer path. By keeping both needles centered, the pilot can guide his aircraft down to the end of the landing runway aligned with the runway center line. Limitations inherent in the system prevent it from being used safely in locations where the land beyond the approach end of the runway is not level. Also, false guidance can result from distortion of the radio beam by nearby buildings or mountains. Newer systems using microwave beams overcome most of these limitations. Radio marker beacons are also installed at several locations along the approach path to tell the pilot on the landing approach how far he is from the end of the runway. ILS is an approach rather than a landing system. It is called instrument low approach system (ILAS) by the U.S. military air forces. As a supplementary safety measure, especially in bad weather and for emergency landings, the ground-controlled approach (GCA) system is used. Precision radar indicates the location and movement of an aircraft to the ground controller at an airport, enabling him to direct the pilot by voice radio.

-- Source: --

Precision Approach Radar (PAR) is a type of radar guidance system designed to provide lateral and vertical guidance to an aircraft pilot for landing up to the missed approach point. Controllers monitoring the PAR displays observe each aircraft's position and issue instructions to the pilot that keep the aircraft on course. It is similar to an Instrument Landing System (ILS) but requires control instructions.

Precision Approach Radars are most frequently used by military Air Traffic Control Facilities. Many of these facilities use the FPN-63 Precision Approach Radar. This Radar can provide precision guidance to a distance of 20 miles in normal mode and 15 miles in MTI mode. The OJ-333 Radar scope is the indicator which the Air Traffic Controller uses to provide instructions to the pilot.

-- Source: --
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The Coast Guard has been putting out Urgent messages this afternoon in the 1500 hour (local) about an ELT they are monitoring on 121.5 from the mouth of the Severn River. They are giving the position as 38-57.8N / 076-25.6W. Various air and sea resources heading for the area. Activity on Marine Channel 16...156.8

It's has been fairly busy in the MilAir world this afternoon but I haven't had the opportunity to log it.

1555: VULCAN 1 Heavy (E-3D RAF Waddington UK) operating in our area. He's currently with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6 probably going into McGuire. Backend callsign MAGIC should be operating in the area in the coming days - I hope. (Or was it part of the Avon Park Range exercise in Florida?)
Jack, did you hear him during the exercise down there? VULCAN/MAGIC?
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Anyone have anything on callsign KILO? I've got a couple of choices in my callsign database but none that fit an aircraft that would be denoted "Heavy." Heard a KILO 56 Heavy being called by COYOTE on 11175 kHz a bit earlier this evening.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0755: NAVY 7C255 with Atlantic City Approach descending to 8000...then 7000 feet direct Coyle...124.6
0807: JOSA 898 airborne from Andrews...378.1
0826: WOLF 01 flight (F-22A Langley) into W-386 with Giant Killer for the next 35-40 minutes...will be working with COWBOY...238.1
0828: WOLF working 233.525 tac ...and later COWBOY flight also on this freq
0832: COWBOY 11 flight (F-22A Langley) into W-386 for the next 30 minutes as reported to GK...says he'll work with the WOLF flight....238.1
0833: GK's ops freq 391.2 active with WOLF or COWBOY or both
0843: WATERBUG 142, flight of two, (Force Aircraft Test Squadron, NAS Patuxent River) descending and requesting straight in approach to Chambers from Norfolk TRACON (East)...370.925
0851: WOLF/COWBOY F-22As in ACM activity in W-386...mostly on 233.525
0855: U/I fighters working a/a 138.0 (This was the primary a/a for the SPIDER F-16s when deployed to Langley before returning to Fargo...not sure who's using it today.)
0857: It's a MAPLE flight of F-16s from the VT-ANG at Burlington using the 138.0 freq...he's now talking back to MAPLE Ops on the freq wondering who is sending him the text messages - whether it's Ops or NEADS.
0858: MAPLE 24 flight with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 at FL 270

0904: COWBOY flight heading HEELS at 14,000 feet....238.1
0904: PAT 946 calling Andrews Command Post...141.55
0906: MAPLE 24 handed off to ZDC-Coyle 254.3 and check in at FL 270 (I have trouble with this freq and normally keep it locked out...constant carrier on it.) Considering the direction of travel, it appears this flight is heading home to Vermont.
0908: MAPLE 24 flight cleared direct JFK...254.3
0910: MAPLE 24 talking about being on "the link" and mentions that he had tracks until he was about 80-100 miles from Langley and then they dropped out...138.0 (Not sure if he's talking to NEADS or Maple Ops)
0914: MAPLE 24 calling Maple Ops and asking if he's up on Victor-20 (this freq)...138.0
0915: MAPLE 24 cleared direct Cambridge...254.3
0920: MAPLE 24 handed to ZNY-Kennedy 282.3
0922: MAPLE 24 handed off to ZNY-East Texas 350.3 where he checks in at FL 270
0924: MAPLE 24 asking for direct Burlington...350.3
0925; MAPLE 24 handed off to ZBW (Sector 20 IGN) on 290.35 but I'm not following him any further...we know he's going home to Burlington. This was apparently a single ship flight. All his chat on the a/a freq was to Maple Ops, not to another aircraft.
0926: DC 41 (KC-135 756th ARS Andrews) with ADW CP 378.1
I haven't heard this unit using the LIBERATOR callsign and squadron freq 351.2 recently - they go directly to CP on 378.1.
0932: VA-ANG F-16s active on 141.875...callsign SLAM
0933: SLAM flight with Norfolk TRACON 370.925
0933: PAT 1204 in the pattern at Andrews preparing to land...with approach...119.3
0936: STEEL 62 (KC-135 PA-ANG Pittsurgh) to Devil Ops 261.0 to ask about his receivers...says he's on time and knows about DEVIL 1-4 but asks who the other two callsigns are...he doesn't repeat them after getting them from Devil Ops, just thanks him.
0938: YODA 41 (F-15 Langley) with Giant Killer to enter W-386 A-J and says they'll be working with SLAM (F-16 Richmond)...238.1
0941: SLAM 01 checks into W-386 with Giant Killer at FL 230...asks about a GUNEX in Delta area and mentions working with YODA...adds they'll use 312.3....238.1
0944: SLAM reports established in the area...238.1
0946: SLAM working GK's ops freq 312.3
0948: STEEL 62 checks in with Giant Killer at FL 270 and says he's proceeding to W-107...238.1
0950: NAVY 7C255 calling Navy Ops at Andrews...139.3 (He's the guy that started this log when at Atlantic City at 0755.)
0952: DEVIL 91 (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with ZDC-Salisbury 257.7..he asks for a Victor freq. He never repeated what he was given and that was last heard on this freq from him. The 91 suffix indicates he should be in transit.)
0955: U/I fighters on tac 139.9 (Not DC-ANG SOF - perhaps MA-ANG that use this as an interflight freq)
0955: Langley tac freq 315.85 active...probably the YODA flight.
0957: NAVY SD534 (SALTY DOG) with ZDC-Azalea 263.1 at FL 230 looking for lower
0959: NAVY SD534 wants to cancel IFR...263.1

1000: Time for a break...back later.

On the 124.6 ACY Approach freq, I keep hearing aircraft using callsign NELLY or NELLIE XXX. Anyone know which airline this is? It doesn't seem to be listed in the FAA document that shows about every airline in the world and their radio callsigns.
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Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
10/26 Logs

10-26-2006 Logs
_PCT (Potomac Consolidated TRACON)_

Frequency Legend
118.950 // PCT [DEP]
118.675 // PCT [DEP/APP]
120.650 // ZDC [Linden]
121.050 // PCT [DEP]
121.675 // ZDC [Montebello]
126.775 // ZFW [Gainsville]
128.600 // ZDC [Elkins]
132.275 // ZDC [Martinsburg]
133.575 // ZDC [Shenandoah]
134.625 // ZDC [Tech]
...................................................................... . .. . ...... . .
1434z/ SAM 94
.. 118.95 < 120.65 < 132.275 < ..

1436z/ REACH 590T
.. 118.675 < 120.65 < 128.6 < ..

2025z/ NASA 3 (NASA Dryden F-18 #843)
.. 121.05 < 121.675 < 133.575 < 134.625 [2043z/ @ 356 for FL400] < 126.775 < ..

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1230: DC 41 (KC-135R 756th ARS Andrews) with ADW CP...378.1
1240: DC 41 to LIBERATOR...351.2 (This comes right after I said this morning I hadn't heard them using this freq in a while.)
1244: DC 41 is in the pattern at Andrews with Approach. He mentions not being able to land because of a flyby but isn't worried because he has 4 plus hours of fuel on board...119.3
1245: NASA 955 to Any Radio on FSS 255.4 and gets Leesburg Radio to answer up. He wants a message passed to Andrews that he'll arrive about 1700Z
1252: DRAGO 51 (memorial flyby at Arlington National Cemetery) on the standard Andrews Radar Control freq (Potomac TRACON)...279.575. He's holding at Nottingham and ready for the run in. He also makes contact with DRAGO 02, the ground controller at Arlington.
1256: Fighter air-to-air freq 139.75 active...U/I aircraft.
1259: DRAGO 51 to DRAGO 02 and discuss the TOT (Time On Target) being 10 after the hour...says he'll adjust to make that time....279.575

1303: DRAGO 51 calls DRAGO 03 (Don't know if that's valid or if he made a mistake) saying he's making the turn at Nottingham and getting ready to start the run. He asks if there is any traffic in the way between his position and the target...279.575
1304: SALTY DOG 320, a single F-18 checks into W-386 with Giant Killer on 249.8 to work the test track from 10,000 to 30,000 feet. (SALTY DOG = Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 23 [VX-23] Patuxent River NAS)
1305: DRAGO 51 reports he's at the IP at 3000 feet....279.575
1307: The F-18 reports he's established.....249.8
1310: DRAGO 51 reports "feet wet"....279.575
1312: DRAGO 51 up and away after completing the run...going VFR to 2000 feet....279.575 (Altitude over the target is normally 1000 feet)
1313: DRAGO 51 wants initial to overhead (at Andrews)....279.575 (This time he called DRAGO 23 and I'm sure that's a mistake.)
1314: SALTY DOG 320 done with his work....249.8
1319: DRAGO 51 has been getting vectors back to Andrews over the past few minutes ...reports field in sight and is told to contact the Tower....279.575
1320: DRAGO 51 contacts Andrews Tower to report 5 miles southeast of the field and heading for runway 1R....118.4
1321: DC 42 (KC-135 Andrews) (female) in the pattern at Andrews with Approach...119.3
1321: MARINE 206 with ADW Twr to report abeam, gear down, full stop...118.4
1322: First heard that's there's a wingman with DRAGO they prepare to land...118.4 (the only a/a heard during their flight was that traffic on 139.75)
1323: FIRST 11 (F-15 Langley) with Giant Killer on 233.7 working 1C in W-72
1324: REACH 376 calling McGuire CP....319.4
1334: VENUS 32 landing Andrews with Tower....118.4
1348: VENUS 26 in the pattern at Andrews with Approach and looking for a VFR release to Atlantic City...119.3
1352: MACE 91 (F-16C/D 163rd FS IN-ANG Baer Fld, Ft Wayne) with ZDC-Casino 285.4 at flight level 14,000 (
1353: MACE 91 to Andrews Base Ops on 139.3 to report 15 minutes out and ID as two F-16s
1354: MACE 91 flight handed off to ZDC-Kenton 354.15 and check in at 14,000 feet.
1356: MACE 91 flight now with Andrews Navy Ops 386.8 and again ID as two F-16s but get no reply (calling on wrong freqs is the reason)
1357: MACE 91 is the flight operating on tac 139.75...say they'll call when closer - about 30 miles out. They are heading for runway 1R at Andrews.

1400: MACE 91 leaving 12 for 11,000...354.15....handed off to Potomac TRACON 317.425
1401: MACE 91 checks in with Potomac TRACON leveling at 11,000 feet...317.425...cleared down to 4000 feet and cleared direct Nottingham, direct Andrews.
1405: RAVEN 1, flight of two A-10s to Any Radio on FSS 255.4 to announce entering VR-1709 A-D at 1000 feet and below for the next 20 minutes.
1405: RAVEN flight also with Pax on 314.0
1406: MACE 91 handed off to TRACON 270.275....317.425
1407: MACE 91 checks in with TRACON on 270.275 at 4000 feet...cleared down to 3000 feet
1407: MACE 91 flight leader gathers up his wingman on tac 139.75 to give him the new freq and altitude
1408: MACE 91 cleared to 2000 feet...270.275
1409: MACE 91 handed off to Tower 349.0 by TRACON...270.275
1409: MACE 91 check in with ADW Tower and are cleared for runway 1R...349.0 (Wingman is having a problem with his UHF radio...says it's in and out.)
1411: MACE 91 cleared to land...reports "base, gear, stop"...92 gives the same report...349.0 (And we're done with the MACE 91 flight)
1421: U/I fighter activity on tac 138.1
1422: And activity on tac 141.875 which should be F-16s from Richmond
1426: There's a Northrup Grumman test flight entering the Pax area on 119.275. He was there yesterday also and simply IDs as 2NG. It's not N162NG because that's not valid...the 162 aircraft from them is N162W that we often hear. Of course, it may not be a Northrup Grummand aircraft at all although his mission corresponds with what we always hear when they work the Pax area.
1426: FURY 11 (F-16 VA-ANG Richmond) with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 and then over to Giant Killer on 238.1 where they ID as a flight of four F-16s to enter W-386 at FL 230.
1428: TROJAN 41 flight (F-15 Langley) enters GK's area to work in W-386 with a FURY flight of F-16s...238.1
1433: The four ship FURY flight is working 141.875 tac/air-to-air
1449: U/I flight getting clearance to enter area W-105 from Giant Killer on 338.1 (Don't normally hear the aircraft from that far out. W-105 is off the coast of Long Island NY and Rhode Island.)
1450: Langley tac 315.85 active...probably the TROJAN flight since that's the only flight from LFI heard in the air.
1455: Warren Grove Range active...283.1...probably the first wave of Barnes and Bradley A-10s that have been arriving every afternoon and evening for the past two weeks.
1458: TESTER 08 (USN Test Pilot School, Patuxent NAS) with Pax on 354.8 to report the start of vertical manuevering.

Think I'm gonna quit now....Y'all have fun.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr TIN currently 1930 local SABER 1 and 2 A-10's have entered range via
307.800,range 283.100 and A/A 141.675.
Coming in much better tonite!
SABER/SABRE is new Bradley callsign for me.



Jan 5, 2004
Sounds like Air Force-1 is returning. There was some activity on 136.725 mentioning getting past weather at DRUZZ (near Winchester) along the primary western approach for DCA/ADW.

Plenty of noise on 300.4 now too. Ramp freeze is 27 OCT 00:00 UNTIL 27 OCT 00:30Z

1958- Cleared for 19L (Must've been one of the support craft)

2004- JOSA-284 checking in on 378.1 to report getting airborne at 2349z.
2014- NAVY-101 cleared for 1R full stop on 119.85
2015- SAM-60???? cleared for ILS 1R 119.85
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