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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Tin and list - that 138.0 MAPLE log was an interesting catch - my logs show the last time it was used by Vt ANG was last year. Goes to show you never know when an old freq will become new again...

Which brings me to a question - since they're taking over CAP duties for our area, it might be interesting to have a list of freqs they've been known to use. I have a small page over on the Scan Cape Cod wiki site, and here's a few more - any additions anyone?

125.125 chit chat (logged just recently)
138.025 from Oct 2005
138.525 from Oct 2005
138.625 same as above

73s Mike


Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
Af 1

freqhopping said:
Sounds like Air Force-1 is returning. There was some activity on 135.725 mentioning getting past weather at DRUZZ (near Winchester) along the primary western approach for DCA/ADW.

Plenty of noise on 300.4 now too. Ramp freeze is 27 OCT 00:00 UNTIL 27 OCT 00:30Z

1958- Cleared for 19L

2004- JOSA-284 checking in on 378.1 to report getting airborne at 2349z.

correct got hiim

0001z/ AIR FORCE 1; for Visual RWY 1R ADW
.. 118.675 < 119.85 <



Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
Af 1

freqhopping said:
Sounds like Air Force-1 is returning. There was some activity on 135.725 mentioning getting past weather at DRUZZ (near Winchester) along the primary western approach for DCA/ADW.

Plenty of noise on 300.4 now too. Ramp freeze is 27 OCT 00:00 UNTIL 27 OCT 00:30Z

1958- Cleared for 19L

2004- JOSA-284 checking in on 378.1 to report getting airborne at 2349z.

correct got him

0001z/ AIR FORCE 1; for Visual RWY 1R ADW
.. 118.675 < 119.85 < 118.4
0005z/ 119.85 - @ 9 for 8000ft
0010z/ 119.85 - field in sight @ 5000ft
0011z/ 119.85 - down to 2000ft; clear to land Visual RWY 1R
0011z/ 118.40 - QSY'd from 119.85 to ADW Tower
0012z/ 118.40 - AF1 7mi out left base for RWY 1R.. Gears down
>> Last I heard of AF1 <<
0016z/ 119.85 - SAM 604; Probably the SAM 60403 that landed at Andrews... In holding for ramp freeze
0021z/ 128.35 - NAVY 378
0031z/ 118.40 - NAVY 378; Clear to land RWY 1R
0032z/ 118.40 - SAM 60403; Clear to land RWY 1R gear down full-stop
0034z/ 118.40 - NAVY 101; On the approach for RWY 1R
0045z/ 118.40 - BOXER (BOXR?) 768; Full-stop
0049z/ 118.40 - BOXER (BOXR?) 396; LAND RWY 1R FULL-STOP
0056z/ 118.40 - VENUS 22; "Switching" probably to DEP freq.

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Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
freqhopping said:
Sounds like Air Force-1 is returning. There was some activity on 135.725 mentioning getting past weather at DRUZZ (near Winchester) along the primary western approach for DCA/ADW.

Plenty of noise on 300.4 now too. Ramp freeze is 27 OCT 00:00 UNTIL 27 OCT 00:30Z

1958- Cleared for 19L (Must've been one of the support craft)

2004- JOSA-284 checking in on 378.1 to report getting airborne at 2349z.
2014- NAVY-101 cleared for 1R full stop on 119.85
2015- SAM-60???? cleared for ILS 1R 119.85

Could your SAM-60???? be:

0032z/ 118.40 - SAM 60403; Clear to land RWY 1R gear down full-stop ??


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Rgr TIN currently 1930 local SABER 1 and 2 A-10's have entered range via
307.800,range 283.100 and A/A 141.675.
Coming in much better tonite!
SABER/SABRE is new Bradley callsign for me.


Nice catch Mark. Looks like the two New England A-10 units are doing some heavy duty night training for ground attack proficiency. By the way, both SABER and 141.675 go with Barnes MA.

ka3jjz/Mike said:
Tin and list - that 138.0 MAPLE log was an interesting catch - my logs show the last time it was used by Vt ANG was last year. Goes to show you never know when an old freq will become new again...

Which brings me to a question - since they're taking over CAP duties for our area, it might be interesting to have a list of freqs they've been known to use. I have a small page over on the Scan Cape Cod wiki site, and here's a few more - any additions anyone?

125.125 chit chat (logged just recently)
138.025 from Oct 2005
138.525 from Oct 2005
138.625 same as above

Although the 138.0 freq has been noted for MAPLE in the past, there were a couple of interesting things about it. First, is that it was being used for Maple Ops conversations rather than their normal VHF preset 1 freq of 125.125 for Ops. (I can think of a good reason but it would be speculation so we'll wait to see what they do.) Second, is that it was called Victor-20 which is an unusual spot for either an interflight or Base Ops freq in an F-16 radio based on what everyone else does. I have the feeling this aircraft was set up for Langley area comms and the 138.0 freq is going to be assigned for this area when the detachment at Langley is up and running. Since the SPIDER unit from North Dakota was assigned that freq while at Langley, it makes sense to just pass it along to the Vermont replacements and not upset the applecart of everyone that has to monitor them (and I mean the "official" monitors, not us.) Any other freqs they use in the VHF range will be very easy to recover since it's so easy to monitor that small Victor band. The only big question I'm left with is which callsign they'll use for CAP duty - if/when they get a shot at the duty. I doubt it will be MAPLE since that's their cross-country callsign. We should be able to start filling in some blanks in the near future.

The other thing that struck me today was the pilot's mention of his Datalink and how far out from Langley he was before losing the tracks and also his question of whether it was Maple Ops or NEADS that was sending him text messages. This was obviously a shake-out flight of some type for their Langley area work that involved NEADS and their future duties.
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Jan 5, 2004
dehm said:
Could your SAM-60???? be:

0032z/ 118.40 - SAM 60403; Clear to land RWY 1R gear down full-stop ??
Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought it was 136.725 ?

Yes and yes. Fat fingers tonight, fixed it.


Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
NELLIE flights are run as shuttles between Washington and the FAA tech centre at ACY (and possibly other FAA business, too, but those are the only ones I've ever seen). The operator is Boston-Maine Airways, the current owners of the Pan Am trademark, and a subsidiary of the Guildford rail company up in New England. The flights are run on Jetstream 31s, and are, I think, 2 or 3x daily. There's one that leaves DCA every day as NELLIE 106 around 1645.

From IAD this afternoon, I only heard:
1756: -119.85- REACH 589T (C-17 McChord seen) with vectors for the arrival. An American MD-80 a few miles behind asked "who or what are we following?"


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
No one noticed there was a scramble of F-16s this morning? Sheesh! I wasn't at the PC so couldn't post it when it happened.

Late 0900 hour and into the 1000 hour had a pair of F-16s scrambled from Andrews - BRAVE 61 and 62 for an errant aircraft. They did their usual HUNTRESS routine on their Victor-9 freq 139.7. When all was said and done, BRAVE 62 landed at 1007 (335.5 for approach and 349.nothing for landing.) BRAVE 61 spent the next few minutes - 30 of them - motoring around the area out to Nottingham as usual and then doing an approach or two and landing around 1037.

At the same time, there are NJ-ANG F-16s up in W-107 with Giant Killer. BICEP and DEVIL flights using 138.425 and 138.875 tac freqs and 255.0 to enter the warning area with GK.

There is also light activity with Giant Killer down in W-386 and W-72 - just a couple of F-15 flights.

Oh yeah...MAPLE 6, an F-16 VT-ANG flight using 138.0 to talk to a Langley detachment controller. At 1026, he's 15 minutes out, Code 1 and wanting to know the active runway. I guess this confirms that will be an active freq for them when flying from Langley. I'd guess it's going to be the detachment Ops freq too which might explain why they'd put it in position V-20 in their radios - the opposite end from Burlington's Ops channel on position 1. MAPLE 6 is currently zipping through the ZDC area - with Salisbury 257.7 and then to Cape Charles 256.8 and beginning his descent at 1029. MAPLE 6 handed off to Norfolk TRACON 370.925 at 1034 as he makes his way into Langley's runway 08. Currently at 12,000 feet and cleared to descend to 5,000.

At the same time, a SLAM 11 flight of F-16s from Richmond returned from W-386 through ZDC-Cape Charles, to Norfolk 370.925 as they home in on Richmond's runway. Going in the other direction is a flight of RATS 21 fighters from Langley into W-386 to work MARSA with a GINZU flight.

Just as I'm ready to sign off, there's a MARLIN 51 flight of F-15s from Langley going out to W-386 to work with a TBOLT F-16 flight from the VA-ANG.

Wish I could stay but have to hit the road. Lots to listen to this morning if anyone wants to pick up the log.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Early 1500 hour there's VULCAN 01 Heavy again (E-3D RAF Waddington UK) with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6 doing some ILS approach work on runway 13 at ACY. There's also a FLIGHT CHECK 58 following him in. A few minutes earlier, a PAT 089 was heard on the same freq while on his way to McGuire which he worked on Command Post freq 319.4.

Others flying at the moment are some F-16s of the NJ-ANG Atlantic City in W-107 under Giant Killer's watch on 255.0 for entry/exit and on 138.425/138.875 for air-to-air and GK's 312.3 for ops.

At Warren Grove Range is a flight of A-10s from the MA-ANG at Barnes. No callsigns but ID made from air-to-air freq 139.9. They were heard on ZNY freqs 282.3 Kennedy Sector and 307.8 Dixie Sector before the range freq 283.1

Areas W-386 and W-72 appear to be quiet at the moment.

1536: There are also some CT-ANG at Bradley A-10s working the Warren Grove Range. Callsign is SANDY 11, a flight of four. Hearing them on ZNY-Dixie 307.8 at the moment.
1540: Have air-to-air A-10 chat on 140.2 talking about going to the range also...this freq associated with CT-ANG so it's probably the SANDYs....from here it's over to the WG Range freq 283.1
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Jan 5, 2004
1623 378.1 JOSA-571 Tail# 40088 Requested to pass message to BLV (Scott AFB) that they departed WRI (McGuire AFB) at 1947z

1627 139.7 BLACKJACK-01 Calling HUNTRESS, no answer heard.

1634 378.1 JOSA-367 one R-4 and some pax, need fuel and parking

1651 378.1 COBRA-70 OC-135 (Open Skies) Tail #61-2670 30 min out; need airstairs, bus and fuel- 70,000lbs; Needs the cable barriers down.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Not exactly mil related but interesting anyhow...

A Continental Airline Captain was just up on 127.700 ZDC giving his passenger speech
about delay due to wx and ATC.Ended with "Thanks again for flying Continental".
Guess he forgot to switch mic from ATC to Cabin PA.That happens from tiime to time.
Have heard Mil aircraft do the same..

Wow the other civilian airline pilots on same then chimed in with funny comments afterwards... Was hilarious moment in normally business like ATC.
"Thanks for the info buddy"
"He was nice to the ATC" etc..

Guess there is one laughing red faced Captain tonite..



Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
Logs continuation

1349z/ JOSA 829
.. 120.65 < 133.275 < 118.025
1356z/ AIR FORCE 2; on PTC DEP.. Now on ZID freqs
.. 118.95 < 118.675 < 120.65 < 133.275 (@1407z) < 118.025 < 135.125 (@1425z FL340) < 120.275 (ZID/ Portsmouth - High) < (lost him)
.. 128.35 < 118.4
2336z/ PAT 2404; Vectored for ADW ILS RWY 19L APP
.. 128.35 < 118.4
2349z/ GETAWAY 7262; To LND ADW
.. 128.35 < 118.4 < 128.35 (Apparently there was flt plan routing issues. He had to circle around back to the left. ATC working w/ Dispatch landline to clear things up.)

Who is GETAWAY ? or GET AWAY ??

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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
GETAWAY is USA3000 airlines. Operates A320s mostly on Northeast-Florida/Caribbean routes.

I hear "thank you for flying xxx" announcements all the time on 128.35. About a month ago, one gave a full tour "we'll be passing near Andrews AFB, and if you look to the left, you'll see the Capitol," etc... It went on for a good 45-60 seconds, and was met with a hearty "Bravo" from another pilot.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Off and on listening today and not much happening other than transports into the three Air Force bases - Andrews, Dover, McGuire. The only real exception was a GATOR 11 single ship F/A-18 flight out of Andrews heading home to Dobbins ARB, GA. GATORs are from VMFA-142. Caught him lifting off Andrews at 1435 with TRACON 257.2. No joy there so he went to Tower on 349.0 and was handed to TRACON freq 343.7 where he did his climbout to 14,000 feet. From there, it was to ZDC-Montebello 284.7 and ZDC-Azalea 263.1 where he got into a chat with the controller and let him know he was a Marine and not bothered by a little weather in his way. That was followed by GATOR 12 off Andrews about 1555 on the same route to Dobbins (KMGE).

The JOSA Common freq 283.75 was busier today than I've ever heard it. Several JOSA flights made use of it to talk/chat/complain about scheduling and weather.

I also happened to run across a BONGO 52 (spelled his callsign) with Andrews on 11175 kHz trying for a phone patch to an 800 number (no answer) and then to a 301 area code in this area. He seemed to be in a great hurry to get off the radio and cut the phone patch and asked Andrews to pass a message for him to his party. I don't have this callsign in my database.

Later heard a CONDOR 01 in a very long conversation with Andrews that was difficult to hear but I gathered he was going to somewhere in South America. Nothing on that callsign either.

Finally, early in 1800 hour and also on 11175, REACH 457 asked Andrews for a phone patch to Wright-Patterson Metro. After it went through, he asked for the weather there at his expected arrival time of 0200Z. After getting the wx, he told the ground controller at KFFO he was going to have to divert to another location. Heard him call back about 15 minutes later but he was so weak by that time that I couldn't copy his message. In the short time I listened in on 11175, I heard calls from Andrews, Offutt, Croughton and Lajes.
Add: Not sure where REACH 457 is going but late in the 2000 hour heard Puerto Rico talking to him on 11175 as REACH 0457 doing another phone patch for him to the 937 area code which is in the Wright Patterson AFB area. Could hear ground but not the aircraft.

I still need a better antenna for HF. That DX-10 active antenna I put up is a disappointment. I'm beginning to suspect I might have a bad coax connector up at the antenna - maybe even a bad antenna - although considering the antenna's construction, there's not much that could go wrong with it. It's this one:
I also have this one (the 60 foot version) but haven't installed it yet:
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Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
slim pickins'

0159z/ COBRA 70 [ OC-135B (Heavy)]; 55th Wing, USAF/Offutt
.. 125.65 < 124.55 < 134.5 < 125.45 < 125.325 (NY CTR) < 135.8 < ..

"..Since this is not an Open Skies treaty mission, the aircraft is flying
under the call sign Cobra 72, which is used by the 55th Wing."

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
dehm said:
0159z/ COBRA 70 [ OC-135B (Heavy)]; 55th Wing, USAF/Offutt
.. 125.65 < 124.55 < 134.5 < 125.45 < 125.325 (NY CTR) < 135.8

Heard COBRA 70 with Andrews CP 378.100 departed 0157z eta MildenHall 0900z.
Just in time for an English breakfast..

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Jan 5, 2004
Briefly caught some comms with I believe MUSSELL-06 a few minutes ago. I just watched him land at Leesburg Airport.
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