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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: DC 91 clg LIBERATOR on 378.1

Hi Tin,

I heard that happening as well last week - and have some news which is pretty surprising. According to someone I know here at work who is with the AFRC out there, the 459th CP was stood down recently, so that might account for their recent use of 378.1, perhaps consolidating over to SAM CP.

Best regards,


TinEar said:
1457: DC ?91? (KC-135, 756th ARS Andrews) to LIBERATOR on 378.1 to report 30 minutes out, A-3, 20K on the fuel (LIBERATOR on 378.1 rather than 351.2???)


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
That might just explain the reason for that change Tony. I had also noted in my logs somewhere last week when I first heard them using that 378.1 rather than the 351.2 freq. However, I didn't hear them still using the LIBERATOR callsign last week which they did today.

On a different subject...a single C-26 is stationed at Clarksburg as part of the WV-ANG...not sure if you were aware of that one Tony.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
11.02.2006 (Part 2)

2136Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - PAT 2402 - lands rwy 1R.
2137Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NASA 906 - deps ADW 1600' for 3000' then cleared to 11000' - told to QSY to 257.2 where he reports that he's not receiving Potomac on UHF, only on VHF. Aha! Trouble on 257.2! Potomac then has him go back to V, QSYing to 121.050.
2144Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - CATBIRD - (C-20 830500) - 6 miles out on the ILS to rwy 1R, then comes around again on 119.3 for more apps and QSYs to 118.4.
2152Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NASA 955 - "out of Andrews" @ 1500' cleared to 11000'.

2204Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - MARINE 206 - (UC-12B 161206 MASD Andrews) - 5 mi base for rwy 1R followed closely by CATBIRD again.
2205Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - ARMY 10301 (UC-35C 01-0301) - lands rwy 1R.
2241Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - SPAR 28 (C-37A 01-0028 301st AS MacDill) - app 12 DME rwy 1R full stop.
2257Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EASY 716 (UC-35 MASD NAS JRB New Orleans) - deps ADW to 11000' dir FLUKY QSY 121.050.

2300Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JENA 622 (G5 N596GA) - deps DCA vectors around the Dulles arrivals corridor then descends into HEF QSY 125.800.
2307Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - PAT 94 () - 9 mile visual to rwy 1R.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1840: MEXICO 61, single Langley F-22A, checks into W-386 with Giant Killer at FL 230...told to descend to FL 200...says MEXICO 62 is a few minutes behind him....238.1
1844: U/I aircraft on AR-636 primary freq asking someone if the rest of the fighters are with him...238.9
1845: TEAM 49 (KC-10A McGuire) checking with McGuire CP about his receiver...says he's good for 0145Z and to tell them to expect to see a KC-10 tonight....319.4
1848: AERO 21 (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with ZDC-Salisbury 257.7 climbing from FL 230 to 260
1849: JEDI 52 (prob C-17 McGuire) calling McGuire CP...319.4...trouble establishing comms...many calls on different radios.
1852: AERO 21 handed off to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 where he checks in at FL 260
1853: AERO 21 tells ZDC that the flight will be flying in the Farmville MOA....281.4 (The Farmville MOA is in central Virginia in Prince Edward County. Can't say I've ever heard them, or anyone else, going there prior to this.)
1857: AERO 21 flight cleared to descend from FL 260 to 230....281.4
We caught an AERO 21 and a DEVIL 41 flight returning to ACY last evening from somewhere to the south of us and perhaps they went to the same MOA for that flight.

1901: JOSA 235 to Griffin Ops at Andrews to report takeoff at 0000Z and wants that passed to TACC...141.55
1901: AERO 21 handed off to ZDC-Dominion 377.1 where they check in and are told to descend to 10,000 feet.
1903: Langley tac freq 315.85 active.
1904: ARMY 1944 in the pattern at Andrews...119.3
1905: Looks like a BICEP flight using 138.425 for tac/air-to-air.
1910: BICEP 11 (F-16 NJ-ANG) with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 on the way home from Farmville MOA I suspect
1913: PAT 2404 in the pattern at Andrews...119.3
1914: BICEP 11 descending to 14000..then to 12000...281.4
1915: TROJAN 51 (F-22A Langley) reporting RTB Langley to Giant Killer on 238.1...2 mile trail.
1917: BICEP 11 flight handed off to ZDC-Kenton 354.15 and check in at 12,000 feet.
1918: BICEP 11 flight cleared direct Atlantic City...354.15
1920: BICEP flight cleared down to 8,000 feet...354.15
1925: BICEP flight handed off to ACY and "push 6"...354.15
1925: BICEP 11 flight to Atlantic City Approach...calling, no joy...327.125
1926: BICEP 11 flight makes contact with ACY...have ATIS info, heading for an ILS approach to runway 31, full stop, radar trail...327.125
1927: BICEP flight leader gives the command to "degoggle"...and they do...138.425
1938: AERO flight using tac freq 138.875 for air-to-air comms
1944: AERO 21 with ZDC-Blackstone 235.625 on the way home
1945: AERO 21 handed to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 where they check in at FL 200, are told to descend to FL 170 and are cleared direct Sea Isle
1946: MEXICO 61 to Giant Killer on 238.1 to report RTB as a two HEELS, descending to 14,000 feet...holding hands with MEXICO 62.
1947: AERO 21 cleared to descend to 13,000...281.4
1947: MEXICO 61 flight cleared direct HEELS, direct TURET, descending to 14,000 feet...238.1
1949: AERO 21 and 22 report status as Code 1 and AERO 22 cleared off freq to contact Ops...138.875
1949: AERO 22 to DEVIL Ops on 261.0 to report the flight is 100 miles to the south and both Code 1 and say they'll be on the ground in 9 minutes
1950: AERO 21 flight handed off to ZDC-Kenton 354.15 where they check in and request direct Atlantic City
1950: AERO 22 comes back to tac 138.875 and gives the ATIS info and is told they are now on 354.15
1952: AERO 21 flight asking to be cleared to 8,000 feet...354.15
1955: AERO 21 finally cleared to 8000 from 13000...354.15
1956: AERO 21 flight handed off to ACY Approach....354.15
1956: AERO 21 flight with ACY Approach...descending toward runway 31...327.125
1956: AERO flight degoggles...138.875
1956: REACH 435 to Andrews...141.55
1958: REACH 435 reports airborne at this time to Andrews...141.55

2000: And then it got quiet....but not for long.
2011: DIVINE 92 with Giant Killer on 118.125 climbing from FL 240 to 260 (Don't have this callsign in my database)
2011: JOSA 722 calling Griffin Command...378.1
2012: JOSA 722 reports takoff at 0108Z and wants that passed along....378.1
2012: Refueling activity on 341.75
2020: TEAM 49 (KC-10A McGuire) with ACY Approach descending to 8000...then to 7000 for his approach to McGuire
2020: U/I (might be TEAM 49) with arrival msg to McGuire CP...35K on the fuel, A-2 and might have hit a bird...319.4
2021: TEAM 49 requests direct Coyle...124.6

Ref below: Not heard here Jack...set up on it when you posted.
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Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
In response to myself and others..

I am trying to nail down frequencies and their specific usage.
I have started with the following::

Potomac Consolidated TRACON (PCT)

118.400 - Andrews, AFB Tower [KADW]
118.675 - PCT DEP/APP (DCA Washington High Departure)
118.950 - PCT DEP (KDCA; WEST 9500' & BLO)
119.300 - PCT APP/DEP (Freeway Airport [W00])
119.850 - PCT APP/DEP (KDCA WEST APP (CLASS B); Davison [KDAA]; College Park Airport [KCGS]; Maryland Airport [2W5])
120.650 - ZDC (Linden)
121.025 - ZDC (Coyle)
124.550 - PCT APP/DEP (Easton/Newnam Field Airport [KESN])
125.650 - PCT APP/DEP (KDCA EAST 9500 ' & BLO); Andrews AFB [KADW]; Potomac Airfield [KVKX])
134.500 - ZDC (Swann)


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Jay, I have to ask...why are such things as Andrews Tower and ARTCC freqs listed under the Potomac TRACON heading? And if you go to the Wiki, you can find a lot of the specifics for the PCT freqs and their usage that might help you fill in the chart. They are broken down by region within the TRACON area.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Jay - in fact, not only is the Potomac Consolidated Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) fully laid out in an article linked in our wiki, but the Delmarva region as well. These Wiki articles (wiki speak for 'pages') have been built by various members of the 'team' over the last 18 months or so (probably longer than that now...). You can find it here - just click on it and away you go. It should help save you some time - the various ARTCCs heard in this region are also linked here...

In fact, Tin dumped several of his scanners' contents onto this thread quite a while ago, and I still have (along with many others, I would think) that list consolidated into a single file. Email me at and the listing is yours.

Welcome to the group! 73s Mike


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
A couple aircraft up tonite..

SKULL 23 flt of 2 with ZDC 254.300 direct Wilmington.North Carolina I assume.
Thought I caught them earlier on various ZDC UHF freqs. A/A briefly 306.200
Now with ZDC Salsbury 257.700 B-52's? That 306.200 is known B-2 A/A freq also.
2215 local SKULL 23 in the block non-standard formation on ZDC 327.800

ETHYL 55 and 56 McGuire KC-10's trying to hook up over Lancaster Pa area 139.8750
and with Mcguire CP 319.400,both rtb McGuire after hookup around 2200 local

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Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
TinEar said:
Jay, I have to ask...why are such things as Andrews Tower and ARTCC freqs listed under the Potomac TRACON heading? And if you go to the Wiki, you can find a lot of the specifics for the PCT freqs and their usage that might help you fill in the chart. They are broken down by region within the TRACON area.

Actually that was a mistake. I was trying to state that from here on, Potomac Consolidated TRACON (PCT) was to stand for PCT but I botched that...



Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
Lots of EAM traffic this morning

11-03-2006 Logs
0858z/ 11175 (HF-GCS) - Andrews passing 28 character EAM (I7QADL)
0922z/ 11175 (HF-GCS) - Andrews passing EAM (XPVUBQ) to ALL STATIONS.
Another station repeats the same, however I couldn't catch the name as the signal faded out (just as she said "___ out.")
0928z/ 11175 (HF-GCS) - Andrews passes 22 character EAM (I7JVS6)
0955z/ 11175 (HF-GCS) - Andrews to ALL STATIONS; XPPNS2; MSG of 5, 8 characters:
..XPPNS2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; KHO625xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1700z/ DC 93 (Heavy)
.. 118.95 < 118.675 < 120.65 < 125.075 < ..
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Home with a sick kid today, so only the two heard departing IAD earlier...

1304Z 128.425 IAD TWR West - PAT 657A (C-12T 85-1263) - trust me, the PIC's voice is so distinctive, I know this was 85-1263...:cool: Deps rwy 30 QSY 126.650 to 11000' dir CSN QSY 118.675.
1317Z 128.425 IAD TWR West - PAT 046 () - deps rwy 30 QSY 126.650 to 6000' dir LDN QSY 120.450.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1105: Warren Grove Range active with RAVEN and AXEMAN A-10s from the MD-ANG at Martin State Airport...283.1
The A-10s are talking with a ground FAC using callsign HARD ROCK.
1111: U/I aircraft using tac freq 139.875 (tanker interplane freq)
I'm also hearing P25 voice transmissions on 139.075 (I'll have to look this up to see if it's part of the Patuxent VHF trunked net but it seems much too loud to be that far away.)
1113: F-22A activity on Langley tac freq 233.525...callsign JASPER performing ACM activity.
1119: JEDI 62 (C-17 McGuire AFB) to McGuire CP stating he has a maintenance problem and will land his aircraft...expects to be on the ground by 50 past the hour...319.4
1121: Giant Killer's ops freq 391.2 active with F-22As in ACM activity
1123: Langley's tac freq 257.075 active with F-22As
1126: JEDI 62 with Atlantic City Approach descending to 8000 feet....then to 5000 feet...124.6
1135: RAVEN/AXEMAN flight with Dover Approach reporting at 4500 feet ...257.875
1135: Leesburg Radio on FSS talking with PAT 29 (on the ground at Ft. McNair) about activating his flight plan...255.4
1137: JASPER flight with GK to announce RTB in 5 minutes...238.1
1139: VENUS 42 with Atlantic City Approach to do some ILS approach work at ACY's runway 31...124.6
1141: TRITON 23 (F-22A Langley) with GK on 238.1
This is the callsign that sometimes has been reported as TRENTON.
1143: RAVEN/AXEMAN working tac 142.3
1144: RAVEN/AXEMAN handed off by Dover to Potomac TRACON (BWI) 317.425 where they check in heading for MTN
1145: TRITON 21 flight RTB Langley...238.1
1145: RAVEN/AXEMAN flight handed off to Martin State Tower by TRACON...317.425
1146: AXEMAN 1 to MTN Tower heading for runway 33 and says he's MARSA with RAVEN 2...RAVEN 1 is also in the general area in trail with them heading for a landing...121.3
1147: TEAM 50 (KC-10A McGuire) with ACY Approach descending from 10 to 8000 feet preparing for approach to McGuire...124.6
1148: AXEMAN 1/RAVEN 2 cleared to land, report gear down...121.3
1150: TEAM 51 (KC-10A McGuire) with ACY Approach descending from 9,700 down to 8,000 feet...then cleared down to 5,000...124.6
1154: Raven Ops talking to his A-10s on the ground at MTN...347.2
1156: U/I aircraft on 308.025...just chat between 2 aircraft

1226: CAPITOL 91 (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews) off the deck at Andrews with TRACON...257.2
1228: CAPITOL 91 reports through 5000, climbing to 15,000 feet...257.2
I notice the fighters leaving Andrews recently have been using 257.2 rather than 348.725 as a departure freq.
1229: CAPITOL 91 cleared to FL 210....257.2
1232: CAPITOL 91 handed off to ZDC-Montebello 284.7 where he checks in at FL 210.
1232: CAPITOL 91 cleared to FL 260...284.7...reports level at 260 a couple of minutes later. (And that was the last heard from him. It appeared to be a single ship flight since there was no air-to-air freq noted.)
1234: Just heard an aircraft talking to Andrews on 378.1 that stated he wanted to get into the airfield before the ramp freeze starts, however, the only ramp freeze posted is:
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 03 NOV 18:15 UNTIL 03 NOV 18:45 (1315-1345 local time)
so it looks like it's starting a bit early.

1323: REACH 0345 asking for radio check on TRACON freq 257.2...then reports his climbout
1326: Warren Grove Range active again...283.1...callsign WEASEL
1327: BANGER flight (F-16 NJ-ANG) refueling on the AR freq used between Pax and W-107...288.0
The two BANGER aircraft just took 5,000 and 5,300 pounds of fuel each.
1329: JAWS 21 flight (Langley) with Norfolk TRACON climbing...370.925
1330: JAWS 21 flight to Giant Killer on 238.1 to enter W-386 G-J at FL 210
1331: DEVIL flight (F-16 NJ-ANG) also refueling on 288.0
1331: JOSA 897 calling Langley Dispatch...141.75
1331: Tanker on 288.0 using callsign HOSER (KC-135 McGuire) asks if WEASEL is also going to refuel. DEVIL flight leader tells him they will not and will stay over land today.
Interesting...was wondering in the log yesterday if WEASEL might be a new callsign for the NJ-ANG F-16s. This makes it more apparent that WEASEL is at least flying with the NJ F-16s.
1332: JOSA 897 to Langley Dispatch with arrival msg...20 minutes out, tail 84-0091...will depart Langley at 2100Z and needs 2,000 pounds of fuel...141.75
1338: Have an Andrews F-16 coming home with SOF on callsign heard yet...mentions ramp freeze starting in 20 minutes.
1342: That F-16 is now with Tower 349.0 for landing and once again I didn't get on freq in time to hear the callsign.
1348: KILLER 21 (A-10 CT-ANG Bradley) calling Warren Grove Range...283.1
1350: DC 92 (female) (KC-135R Andrews) gives arrival message to LIBERATOR (Squadron Ops callsign) at Andrews....378.1
1358: HOSER 16 (KC-135 McGuire) with Atlantic City Approach descending for his approach to McGuire...124.6 (this is the tanker that refueled the DEVIL/BANGER flights)
1359: A-10 flight from Martin State reports off the deck at 57...347.2

1400: Northrup Grumman test flight freq active...123.225
1404: JOSA 736 with arrival msg to Andrews...arriving 1420 local, is a home station C-21, tail 40139, is A-2 for fuel system, zero pax, no services needed, mission complete, needs maintenance notified and needs crew bus for 2 to (Building) 1420...378.1
1406: Tac freq 141.875 active...(VA-ANG freq)
1407: TBOLT 11 (F-16 VA-ANG Richmond) to Giant Killer to report entering W-386 G-J....238.1
1408: Leesburg Radio, on FSS freq, calling aircraft entering VR-1709, point A to give them the Andrews altimeter reading...255.4 (Aircraft not heard but I'd almost bet it's the A-10s that left from MTN logged at 1359 above)
1410: NJ-ANG tac freqs 138.425 and 138.875 both active
1411: Have a real mumble-mouth pilot with ZDC-Calvert 281.4...about all I got was that he's heading for Patuxent and his callsign sounds like it could be TALON 21...or maybe TALON 28...or both. (TALON is used by many units so can't ID him/them.)
1415: Definitely have a TALON 28 with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 reporting at 12,000 feet.
1419: TALON 28 handed off to Potomac TRACON (I think that's what he said)...281.4
1419: Yup...TALON 28 checks in with TRACON (BWI) ...317.425....BWI asks what kind of aircraft he is....he says he's a "T-45 single engine jet." (This could make him from VT-7 in Meridian MS)
The T-45 Goshawk is the primary training jet for the Navy/Marines.
1424: TALON 28 told to leave 13 for 12,000 feet...317.425
1421: A CRAB ?? with Crab Ops on 385.9 with arrival message to MTN
1427: TBOLT flight working GK's ops freq 292.3
1428: Also have VA-ANG tac freq 141.825's the TBOLT flight
1428: TRACON hands off TALON 28 to PHiladelphia TRACON....317.425
1428: TALON 28 checks in with Philadelphia TRACON at 12,000 feet...343.725
1429: TALON 28 explains to Phil. TRACON that he's "a Hawk...a Hawk, a T-45 Navy training jet."...343.725
1429: Leesburg Radio calling HAWK 30 on FSS freq....255.4
1434: BOLAR 70 (C-5 Dover) to Dover CP with arrival msg...arriving 10 past the hour, is A-2, training is 100% completed (reads minor writeups)
1439: TOPCAT 1 Heavy with ACY Approach descending to 7000 feet...124.6
1440: TALON 28 told to descend from 12 to 8000 feet...343.725
1442: JOSA 255 calling Griffin Command...378.1

Took a short break in here (heard a few JOSA aircraft in the background...255/726 and maybe 435)

1500: Have a CT-ANG pair of A-10s chatting on 138.25 and the same flight is with ZNY-Dixie 307.8 indicating they're at or around the Warren Grove Range. (they're going to the range)
1511: THE CT-ANG A-10s are still at the WG Range using 138.25 for tac and 283.1 for their callsigns heard that I've been able to pick out of the mud.
1521: Leesburg Radio on FSS to "Navy aircraft calling in the blind. Identify the type aircraft, your location and frequency used so I can find you."....255.4
1524: Have another aircraft I can't understand with ZDC-Kenton 354.15 climbing from 17500 to 19000 feet and after lots of mumbles is handed off to ZDC-Coyle 254.3 where I have a strong carrier blocking transmissions so have no idea what he said there. I did hear a "TP 11" which could be a callsign such as the "TP" used by the Navy Test Pilot School at Patuxent. Also heard a ??? 12 in there somewhere.
1526: Raven Ops heard talking to a pair of A-10s coming home (might be the guys logged at 1359 above as they took off)...347.2
1534: REAPER 11 (B-1B 9TH BS, DYESS AFB TX) on freq 276.4 (HUNTRESS/NORAD freq)
1537: REAPER 11 descending from FL 350 to 290...then makes several heading corrections over the next couple of minutes...276.4 (No indication who he's working with or where he's going...yet...he mentioned "West Point and along the river" but I dont know the context.)
1539: REAPER 11 is being handed off to a new freq but he doesn't repeat it...just wants it to be UHF...276.4
1542: Have him...REAPER 11 is with ZNY-Milton 269.1
1544: REAPER 11 heading for LVZ (Wilkes Barre/Scranton) and descending from FL 240 to 180...269.1
1546: Again REAPER 11 is handed off without repeating the I search and find him again with ZNY-Williamsport 338.1 where he checks in and reports descending to FL 180. (And that seems to be the last I'm hearing from him.)
1547: NAVY TP 03 with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 and reports direct Gordonsville
1548: NAVY TP 03 reports leaving FL 200 for 240....281.4
1551: NAVY TP 03 handed off to ZDC-Brooke 327.0 and checks in at FL 240
1554: U/I flight with ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 (No, it's not our REAPER 11)
1554: COLT 1 (A-10 MTN) at PAX on 270.8
1554: NAVY TP 03 handed off to ZDC-Montebello 121.675 where he checks in at FL 240 (Give his check in 3 times, no joy)
1556: U/I with McGuire Approach 363.8 handed off to 353.75...comes back to 363.8 to say no joy on that freq....didn't catch his callsign but he's handed off again to another freq that I couldn't hear (why did I bother to log this?)

End log.

Ref below: Nothing heard here on that freq WildBill.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2006
Cape May, NJ
was wondering if anyone was hearing 291.2000 "countdown for launching a target" then something about a G11 launch aircraft. I am only getting bits and pieces, hoping someone south of me can fill me in.


Jul 13, 2006
8 kiloparsecs from Milky Way's galactic center
(11/03) Logs cont'd

(11/03) Logs cont'd
1700z/ DC 93 (Heavy)
.. 118.95 < 118.675 < 120.65 < 133.275 < 125.075

1846z/ JOSA 211; Inbound Andrews however there's a ramp-freeze
.. 118.675 < 119.85 < 128.35

1854z/ DC 92 (Heavy); Inbound Andrews; Also delayed (ramp freeze)
-- ramp freeze
.. 119.85 < 128.35

1914/ PAT 315; Inbound ADW Vis. 1R
.. 128.35 < 118.4

1916z/ JOSA 736; Inbound ADW Visual 1R
.. 128.35 < 118.4

1917z/ VENUS 42
.. 128.35 < 118.4

0030z/ SAM 0785; Clear to land 1R
.. 119.3 < 118.4
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Had to get this one in here....

1613: DEATH 12 (B-2, 509th Bomb Wing, Whiteman AFB MO) with ZNY-Phillipsburg 306.2
1615: DEATH 12 handed off to ZNY-Milton 269.1 where he checks in and gets several course corrections.
1620: DEATH 12 handed off to ZNY-Stoneyfork 273.6 where he checks in at FL 210.
1623: DEATH 12 handed off to ZNY-Elmira 298.9 and again checks in at FL 210 (he didn't mention being handed off or repeat his new controller from the last freq - just found him checking in here...sneaky devil)
And that's probably as far as I can expect to hear him. It was good while it lasted. Don't get to hear the big guys very often. A B-1 and a B-2 all in one afternoon. :D

And I was wrong...

1631: DEATH 12 asks for Uniform freq from ZNY-Elmira on 298.9 and is given what sounded like 292.5 but that's not in ZNY and I'm trying to set up on joy though so maybe I heard it wrong. I'm also listening to that new ZNY freq 292.15 but nothing there either.
Just got word that a B-2 is scheduled to make a flyby at West Point at 1645 local.

Found him again....
1637: DEATH 12 with ZBW-Kingston 290.35 and is immediately handed off to...
1637: DEATH 12 with ZNY-Elmira 298.9 and mentions flight level 310 to 320

And then a neighbor knocks on the door and the phone rings so I've lost him again.

From 1637 to 1645 there has been a BOGEY 99 (U/I) with ZNY-Middletown 322.4 and then heard again with ZNY-Lancaster 239.05 where he's been descending down to 8000 1646 he's handed off to Philadelpha TRACON freqs 273.575 where he heads down to 6000 feet and then to 263.125 but I'm not following him because...
1647: DEATH 12 with ZNY-Elmira 298.9 and handed off to ZNY-Stoneyfork 273.6 and checks in there. Looks like he made his flyby and is now on the return flight.
1658: DEATH 12 handed off to ZNY-Milton 269.1 where he checks in at FL 320

And that's where I'll drop him.

Ref below: Thanks Dave for that report. Yeah, he zipped in and out of the West Point area in a big hurry and is apparently heading home.

Just read the rest of your report Dave and thanks again. I heard the REAPER 11 B-1 again with ZNY-Elmira 298.9 just as I was headed out the door to see what my neighbor wanted that just couldn't wait. And it's cold outside - 39 degrees as I type.

1722: REAPER 11 with ZNY-Lake Henry 363.2 and then over to ZOB-Belmont RCAG 307.075 at 1724 where he's requesting FL 400. He's only cleared to FL 300 from his present altitude of 280. At 1726 he's handed off yet again but didn't repeat the freq and I don't have many ZOB freqs programmed so will lose him. In fact, I turned all the radios off and am heading to dinner - otherwise I'd be here all night following these guys.

Let me leave with this link to an interesting news article...
U.S. Air Force prepares to fight in cyberspace
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Nov 3, 2005
I was listening to the REAPER/DEATH aircraft as well. Sounds like DEATH 12 is headed back, must have been a quick flyover and he sure must have descended and ascended pretty dang fast....BOGEY 99 mentioned he was headed to Willow Grove when I heard him.
On the way East his handoffs were:
15:54 Local - ZOB(Cleveland Center)Belmont 307.075
15:55 - ZOB Altoona High 363.075
16:00 - ZOB Warren High 307.15
16:05 - ZNY Philipsburg High 306.20
so he'll probably use that route in reverse heading West...

And just to prove me wrong...
17:00 Death 12 Checks in with ZOB-Moon Twp High on 276.40.
17:04 REAPER 11 with ZNY - Philipsburg on 306.20 and checks in at 28,000.
17:05 REAPER 11 with ZOB - Warrren on 307.150
17:06 DEATH 12 up to 34,000, ZOB-Moon Twp High 276.40

And With That....God Speed REAPER 11 and DEATH 12, I'm off to the grocery store, my Mother-In-Law is coming up for dinner.

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
TinEar I just got back from Warren Grove range and the Weasel callsign is indeed f-16's
from 177th Atlantic City they were using 138.875 for tac. There were some USAF ground FAC units there practicing with the flights today very cool. Callsigns used by the FAC's were Hardrock and Brama. The a-10 flight "killer" was using 41.95 fm for their tac. The last flight of the day was 2 a-10's callsign Comet using 138.250 for tac . I was in the tower all day watching it was incredible to watch with the fac's controlling them.
Frequencies in the tower radios 283.100 uhf , 139.625 vhf , and 32.35 fm they only used uhf today. The fac's were from USAF at Aviano Italy. If I can figure out how to post pictures on here I will. You guys had some nice catches today with the B-1 and B-2.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Darn! I missed your guys action above.Guess the Air Force pulling out all stops to
beat Army in football.
I bet the Army had some Choppers locally up there maybe from Ft Drum to counter.

I did just catch BOGEY 99 landing Willow Grove.No id for that jet but sounded like Fighter for sure.

SLAM 37 self id as C-17 arrive Dover 2100z.Could be 452 AMW March AFB in Cal.
Used by their old C-141's before.

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