Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
GK area was busy this am with callsign STUD I believe were 94FS F-15's.
Some A/A activity on 296.900,391.200 and 285.150.
The F-22's seem to use the low 225 band for their A/A but just a possible observation.
GK 312.300 was command op freq.

RAVEN 1 flt of 2 doing touch and go's at Dover on UHF and are returning Martin State
on ZDC Baltimore 317.425



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Have Verizon out here today (11th visit) to fix a problem that happened with one of my PCs during the changeover to the FIOS service. They've spent countless hours here with just about every tech in the company. I'm really impressed with their followup. I'm going to have to keep the FIOS service for 20 years for them to break even on this job.
Edit: Top computer guy from Verizon got the problem fixed. Took him two visits but he persisted until he had success.

Anyway...1000-1100, DEVIL 11/12 flight of two F-16s from the NJ-ANG to the Pax Range at Vienna for some ground attack work. Ops were on their V-15 preset 138.425 and various Pax freqs for control while at the range. Interesting thing when they finished they again were sent by Pax to ZDC on 277.4. Don't know if it's just one controller that keeps sending them to that old ZDC-Kenton freq or if they have it wrong on their computer. So, DEVIL calls on 277.4, gets no answer and comes back to Pax on 354.8 to get a working freq. Gets sent to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 and flies home to Atlantic City. Strange that the pilots don't remember that 277.4 has been replaced but guess they just go where sent. They used 261.0 to call "Operations" back at ACY to give mission reports and then used ACY Approach 327.125 to head for the runway. I'm still not hearing their Tower freq 239.0. And that's all the listening time I've had today.

Mark said:
The F-22's seem to use the low 225 band for their A/A but just a possible observation.
I've always assumed that too Mark until yesterday when I heard one pair on interflight 315.85 which was the first time I've heard the F-22s out of the 228.45-276.675 band of interflight freqs.

First half of 1300 hour...DC 41 and then DC 01 [female] (KC-135R, 756th ARS, Andrews) to LIBERATOR (Squadron Controller at Andrews) on 378.1 with arrival messages.

Walking past the scanners at 1420 and am hearing a couple of A-10s from MTN on interflight 142.3.

For those reading this that are out of this is overcast, occasional light rain, low ceilings so MilAir activity is very light today. And it's also the Christmas season with many ANG fliers taking leave and/or busy with their flying duties at the airlines and liberal time off for military members.

1443: LYNX 21 flight (F-22A Langley) into Giant Killer's area (probably W-386) requesting flight level 250...238.1
1451: U/I Langley flight...sounds like F-15s...into Giant Killer's area on 238.1...says they'll be working with SUNDOG and RIDER flights (both callsigns are Langley F-15s)

1501: Giant Killer's tactical freq 391.2 callsigns heard yet.

Activity out in Giant Killer's W-72 and W-386 areas has picked up...several Langley flights out there including a MAI TAI F-22 flight to W-72...SUNDOG 81 flight entered W-386 and said he'd be MARSA with RAMBO 11 who followed him by a few minutes. Both 238.1 and 249.8 are well populated today and the MAI TAI flight originally used 346.6 for his GK call heading out. All these flights are with Norfolk TRACON on 370.925 before heading out and after leaving the offshore areas.

AXEMAN flight of two A-10s from MTN has been working interflight 142.3 for the past hour (now 1545). There is an experienced pilot teaching another pilot various flying/instrument techniques.
1551: AXEMAN flight coming home...wingman reports to Raven Ops on 347.2 they're 10 minutes out, both Code 1.
1553: U/I aircraft with Giant Killer on 125.375 to enter W-72 for a two hour delay in the area. It's not a fighter, not a BATON EC-130J, didn't sound like the usual tanker transmitters, so no telling what it might be.
1558: AXEMAN 1 to Raven Ops on 347.2 to report six unexpended BDUs...Raven Ops reads back the message and repeats the 10 minutes out, two Code 1 report from earlier. Raven Ops is booming today...don't know if they have a new transmitter or whether it's just conditions.
1559: One of the two AXEMAN aircraft is an A-10C model...they confirmed it in chat. They also confirm the UHF Tower freq 297.2 at MTN is out....142.3

1602: AXEMAN cleared to land...with MTN Tower...121.3
1603: AXEMAN 2 repeats the "cleared to land" transmission on 297.2...wrong radio button.
1604: AXEMAN 1 reports..."base, gear down, full stop, cleared to land"...121.3 (They're talking on 142.3 all the way to the ground)
1605: AXEMAN 2 reports..."base, gear down, full stop"...121.3
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2006
Cape May, NJ
Getting good signal on military air frequencies, now that the clouds have moved off the coast. Hearing comms off Virginia and air to air. 292.3 is very active and 142.3. Also 228.425


May 6, 2004

Looks like there is a change in plans. POTUS going to Crawford instead.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Vschlitz said:
If the weather continues to decline today as we get closer to the CAP beginning, Frederick may be the LZ. Then motorcade to Thurmont and up the mountain.

Notam FDC 6/8739 (Thurmont area) has been removed from the FAA website and a couple new ones have been added for Jackson, Wyoming and Crawford, Texas. Not going to Camp David after all.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Vschlitz said:
Looks like there is a change in plans. POTUS going to Crawford instead.

Looks like you and I posted about the same time. That's cool! Something like that probably wouldn't happen too often.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I just checked the TFR site at 1228 and the one for Thurmont is still posted for today through the 26th. It has been posted since 1709 local time yesterday. The one for Crawford TX is posted beginning on the 26th and running through the 1st of January. It was posted day before yesterday. The others for Jackson, Wyoming and Waco, Texas are not CAP related (per contents) although they are posted for VIP reasons.

President's Holiday Schedule:
As they usually do, Bush and his wife, Laura, will spend Christmas at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland, then travel to the Bush ranch the day after Christmas.

If there is another source showing a change in those plans, please post it.

1240: REACH 307 to Dover Command Post with arrival message...10 minutes out...134.1
1247: U/I aircraft telling Andrews Tower the base of the cloud deck in the area is between 2000-2500 feet with haze and rain below that...118.4
That should prevent the CAP from starting. I haven't heard any indications of the President moving by air to Thurmont.
1308: U/I MUSSEL helo reporting to squadron control they are 5 minutes out and A-1...292.2
1330: A pair of A-10s from Warfield ANGB airborne...they are heading toward Swann...currently out over the water looking for a clear spot to work...on interflight...142.3 Callsign AXEMAN
1334: AXEMAN pair of A-10s with Potomac TRACON...say weather is bad so they'll head for Atlantic city...317.425...say they'll stay at 3000 feet
1334: AXEMAN 1 reports to Raven Ops they were off the deck at 30 past the hour...143.8
1336: AXEMAN says Atlantic City is off their nose 069 degrees, 17 miles...still at 3000 feet...142.3
Surprisingly good comms for that distance and altitude but why don't I believe he was correct with that position? Six minutes from deck to 17 miles from ACY just doesn't sound right.
1339: AXEMAN flight handed off by TRACON to Dover Approach...317.425
1339: AXEMAN checks in with Dover Approach at 3000 feet, heading for ACY...say they may be in the clear in a bit...257.875
1341: AXEMAN flight still chatting on interflight but fading away due to low altitude...142.3
1348: HAWK 1 heading for a landing on runway 19R at Andrews...with Tower...118.4
No ID but HAWK 1 sounds like that C-21 often heard on the shuttle between Langley and Andrews. Have heard him many times as HAWK 1 or 01.

Very light MilAir activity today no doubt due to weather and approaching Christmas holiday. End of log for now.

Ref Below: Thanks Paul. That should prove the President has moved to Camp David if it was MARINE 1 and not a MUSSEL flight. I imagine the CAP won't start unless this weather clears a bit. The weather forecast has us in rain until at least late morning tomorrow.

Ref Vschlitz below: "Marine One landed in Frederick." So now we know he's there. Thanks.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Marine 1 (or muscle flight) came over Germantown at 400 agl headed north at about 12:20pm. Heard two flights talking to each other on 273.9500.

One went all the way in, second turned back after reaching Frederick. It's like soup out this way. Visability might be 500 ft.



May 6, 2004
Grid Lock in Frederick

Marine One landed in Frederick. Motorcade headed up to Thurmont. Traffic was already baddue to the holiday, this made every road impossible to move on.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
TinEar said:
I just checked the TFR site at 1228 and the one for Thurmont is still posted for today through the 26th. It has been posted since 1709 local time yesterday.

Yep, new notam FDC 6/8958 replaces 6/8739. Have they ever pulled one and re-issued before?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
Yep, new notam FDC 6/8958 replaces 6/8739. Have they ever pulled one and re-issued before?

Yes, often. Even a minor time change of a few minutes results in a new NOTAM being published. When they publish the initial NOTAM early in the week before a VIP movement, it might change several times before the actual event.

1414: NIGHTHAWK 2 arriving Andrews for landing runway 19R...with Tower...118.4
This might have been MARINE 1 going north.
1440: AXEMAN flight back with Dover Approach...257.875...and on interflight for chat...142.3
1445: AXEMAN flight reporting to Raven Ops they're 10 minutes out and both Code 1...143.8
I didn't hear a reply from ground so don't know if they were heard.
1447: REACH 4126 to Dover CP with arrival message...20 minutes out, A-1, 1 pax to offload, need fuel, crew bus and parking spot...349.4
1449: AXEMAN 1 with Potomac TRACON 317.425...AXEMAN 2 with Dover Approach 257.875
AXEMAN 1 asking for the localizer to runway 15, circle to 33...not RNAV equipped....ceiling 1700 feet.
1450: AXEMAN 2 trying to call Raven Ops joy...143.8
AXEMAN 1 and 2 had separated prior to the checkin with TRACON...they are now coming back together.
1452: TRACON hands off the AXEMAN flight to channel 4 (282.275 but no reply...back to 317.425 and ground tells them the controller is now listening...go back to channel 4 and they do to make contact)
Interesting that the TRACON controller is familiar with the Martin A-10's radio presets.
1452: AXEMAN 1 and 2 discuss viz at 2.5 miles and ask why they don't just use runway 15...good idea they decide and will...142.3
1456: TRACON has AXEMAN flight descend from 4000 to 2500 feet...then changes it to 3000...282.275
[U-4 for 282.275 and U-5 for 317.425 previously confirmed.]
1458: Both AXEMAN pilots report they're not getting DME info...142.3
1459: TRACON clears AXEMAN to the localizer and to 2500 feet....AXEMAN repeats that channel 44 is not working for the DME readings and wants TRACON to make a call to ALLDE to report it....ground confirms he'll do that...282.275

1502: TRACON tells AXEMAN they're over ALLDE now...282.275
ALLDE = 39-23-46.930N / 076-30-39.670W
1503: TRACON asks AXEMAN if they have DME now...nope, is the reply...282.275
1503: AXEMAN 1 says, "1700 feet my ass" with respect to the the low ceiling...thinks it's much lower...142.3
1508: AXEMAN pair very low feeling around for the runway...142.3...they land and no doubt head for Ops to ***** about the ceiling being reported at 1700 feet (but that was the latest ATIS report and could have changed considerably in the meantime.)
1509: JOSA 253 with arrival message to Andrews...A-1, has a code S-4 plus 2 Duty Pax with courier cargo to offload, needs 3000 pounds of fuel...will leave 1 hour after arrival and can free 5 seats on the outbound flight...141.55
1525: ?FOXY? 44 with arrival message to SAM Command at Andrews..."inbound your station"...IDs as a C-37, tail 01-0076, 3 crew members, no pax or cargo, needs parking, 5000 pounds of fuel, will RON at Andrews...141.55
1529: JOSA 253 in the pattern at Andrews preparing for landing with Approach...then cleared for approach to runway 19R...119.3
1531: Someone telling ADW Approach the base is at 500, maybe 550 (feet)...119.3
1532: JOSA 253 tells ADW Tower he's 7 miles out for runway 19R, gear down, full stop...cleared to land...118.4
1543: FOXY 44 (callsign much clearer on this freq...adding to callsign list) to Andrews to repeat aircraft type as C-37, tail 01-0076 asks if he'll park on 10 row and says he won't take his fuel tonight...will wait for tomorrow. Over the next few minutes he repeats most of his arrival message a couple of times...says they will do nothing tonight, will do it all tomorrow...just want to go get their rental car...378.1
1548: U/I aircraft, suffix 28, arrival message...349.7 (This is Shark Ops freq of the CT-ANG Bradley - only user I know of)

1610: REACH 5039 with arrival message to Andrews...(sounds like a C-130 with that distinctive turboprop engine whine in the background)...20 minutes out, is A-1, needs 20,000 pounds of fuel, parking and crew transportation...will need nothing tonight, will do it tomorrow...gets parking instructions for 11-Row...378.1
1621: REACH 5140 calling SAM Command at joy...makes it on second call...ETA 2140Z, A-1, offload 6 Space A pax, no cargo, requests parking spot, wants to know if billeting is on or off base...told to park in Row-13...378.1
1637: REACH 5140 in the pattern with ADW Approach...119.3
1649: EVAC 33118 (Prob a C-17 from Jackson MS) to SAM Command at Andrews with arrival message...30 minutes out, A-1, needs 30,000 pounds of fuel...has 17 litter patients, 27 ambulatory patients, 10 dependents...wants a quick refueling so he can head out to Jackson MS....378.1
1656: EVAC 33118 trying to call Andrews Metro...344.6 (No reply so he goes back to Griffin Command on 378.1 to ask them to have Metro come up on 344.6 so they can get a handle on this weather. He goes back to 344.6 at 1658 but apparently still gets no reply. NOTAM said they should be on duty until 2000 local time.)

1701: Apparently, CP controller on 378.1 tells EVAC 33118 to go try it now...EVAC 33118 again tries calling Andrews Metro a couple of times with the same lack of results...344.6
1703: EVAC 33118 goes back to 378.1 to say he still can't get anyone on the Metro freq...he wants them to go ask the Metro people about the ceiling at Andrews and if it's expected to get any worse.
1706: EVAC 33118 again asks ground to contact Metro about the ceiling...says it's at minimums now and wants to know if it's expected to get any worse...378.1
1708: EVAC 33118 gets the info he wants (doesn't repeat it so don't know what he was told)...378.1

NOTAMs for Patuxent NAS:
AERODROME HOURS OF SERVICE ARE 1200-2200 ZULU DAILY (0700-1700 LOCAL). 27 DEC 12:00 UNTIL 29 DEC 22:00
For Willow Grove:
For Oceana NAS:
And at Andrews:
(That includes the 344.6 Andrews Metro freq)
And all that tells us that next week will be a big, fat, zero for MilAir listening. Maybe some activity from Langley since the regular Air Force doesn't close - but does have very liberal leave policies over the Christmas/New Year holiday period. Expecting nada. We used to try to get all the married people off duty over Christmas and the single guys off at New Year. It was a plan that worked.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Shuttle landing at 1732 local...Looks cloudy but they gave go ahead...

Currently EVAC 3118 C-17 coming in towards Andrews on ZDC 127.700 Sea Isle low decending..

1732 local Nice landing on Space Shuttle! and right on time.
That should save NASA some transportation money/headaches vs Edwards or White Sands.

2100 local VOLT 34 #02-1099 C-17 437AW Charleston arriving McGuire 319.400,offload req ERO (engine running offload)
but sounds like McGuire has some uploads for him that may take longer..

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1840: REACH 480 to McGuire Command Post with arrival is 26 pax, 3 pallets and 1 rolling stock...needs parking and crew transportation....319.4
1843: REACH 480 tells CP his rolling stock will fit on a K-Loader so will not need a Prime Mover...also says he'll need a truck for the passengers' baggage...319.4

1912: REACH 289 with arrival message to Andrews...25 minutes out, have 37 pax, need Customs, transportation for 20 crew, fleet services...will park on 13-Row...378.1
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
CAP fighters are inbound with ZDC-Dominion 377.1.
1005- With ZDC-Irons 360.85

1013-PITMAN-31 on 350.25 which is simulcast with 135.525. It is being transmitted from the Leesburg site because I can hear the ground side loud and clear.

I like being able to hear the grond side like this. The controller was also directing some commercial traffic ('N9SM') at the same time. I'm broadcasting everything on my feed.

A while back Potomac told the tanker to switch to 124.7 (DCA Final Approach-West). Not sure why they were using that. But I've add it to the CAP rotation.

1109-Well, that explains it. Potomac just explained. They passed a bad freq. Should've been 139.7 for HUNTRESS VHF. Initially they meant 124.775 but did some checking to realize that was wrong too. Before that Potomac was telling the tanker that they want planes in the CAP to be on 350.25. When a plane leaves to chase a target they want them to be on 135.525.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
And at 1000 they are on 139.825 for interflight.
1010: TANKER 04 calling HUNTRESS on 228.9
If the CAP had started yesterday on time with TANKER 01, this is the tanker that would be coming on duty at this time.
1012: PITMAN 31 checking in on the new Guard Dog freq 350.25
This is the new UHF I had been told about but thought might be wrong...obviously my info was good and I shouldn't have second guessed it. PITMAN was given the correct freq but they are calling Washington Center which either means they didn't get the word that Potomac TRACON had taken on the duties...or...they haven't changed over yet.
1015: No contact on 350.25 so they are switching to 135.525 and do call Potomac Approach on that freq.
1016: No contact 135.525 either...back to 350.25...then back to 135.525 yet again. Can't seem to make contact on either freq. Both PITMAN fighters are trying to call...neither making contact.
1017: TANKER 04 to Potomac Approach to say he's at FL 250...135.525
1017: TANKER 04 asks HUNTRESS if boom freq is 260.9...228.9 (Just the opposite...260.9 for HUNTRESS, 228.9 for boom)
1018: PITMAN fighters calling 139.825 their V-8 preset.
1018: Both fighters and the tanker are trying to make contact with Guard Dog on both the 135.525 and the new 350.25 freq and cannot on either. they had one brief contact and apparently were cleared for block 21-24 for the CAP as is usual. They are chatting on 139.825
1020: Pushing to HUNTRESS freq for the PITMAN fighters....come up on 260.9
1021: TANKER 04 makes contact with Potomac Approach on 135.525
1022: PITMAN 31 tells HUNTRESS about the problem contacting Potomac Approach on either UHF or VHF...260.9
1022: TANKER 04 with Potomac Approach on 135.525 and now I'm hearing ground on this freq...they must have changed transmitting antenna for the ground station.
1024: PITMAN 31 does their alpha check to bullseye (at Thurmont) 347 degrees, 22 miles
Boom freq is now 228.9 and TANKER 04/PITMAN 31 pair going there for refueling.
1026: Refueling is taking place on 228.9

Scenario for Guard Dog CAP:
PITMAN 31/32 F-16 fighters from Shaw
Interflight freq 139.825 (V-8)
TANKER 04 KC-135R from PA-ANG Pittsburgh
Guard Dog/Potomac TRACON (Approach) 135.525/350.25
HUNTRESS comms 260.9
Boom freq for refueling 228.9

1029: PITMAN 32 first to the boom and he's cleared in...228.9
1031: TANKER 04 tells Potomac they're refueling right now...I no longer hear ground for Potomac so he must have gone back to his original transmitting antenna (good for you freqhopping)
(One problem is that the fighters are calling 139.825 their V-8 preset. I don't have that for either the 77th or the 79th Fighter Squadrons at Shaw.)
1033: PITMAN 32 finishes refueling and reports back to HUNTRESS that he's established in the CAP...260.9...PITMAN 31 heading for the boom
1035: PITMAN 32 calling Potomac Approach on 135.525 and I hear ground again...but not when he talks to the tanker...he appears to be transmitting from two locations depending on who he's talking to.
1036: PITMAN 31 completes his refueling...goes back to HUNTRESS on 260.9 to get established in the CAP
1039: Potomac tells the CAP players they have some frequency problems and are trying to get it worked out...135.525
1041: TANKER 04 and PITMAN 31 doing radio checks with Potomac on 135.525 but the ground stations has disappeared so he's changed antennas yet again.
1042: TANKER 04 switching to UHF 350.25 for Potomac as instructed for radio check and has contact with Potomac there also...350.25
1044: TANKER 04 gives his tail number to PITMAN 31 as 59-1467...228.9 (This proves TANKER 04 is one of the usual STEEL tankers from the 171st ARW at Pittsburgh)
1045: PITMAN 31 tells HUNTRESS the weather in the area is clearing so all should be good...260.9

And so everything gets quiet as all the comms have been established, the fighters are refueled and the frequency scenario as indicated above will now play out.

1101: PITMAN 31 tells HUNTRESS they can let "Northern Lights" know they are starting to get some data now on their Datalink...(partially timber sweet)...260.9
1104: PITMAN 31 tells HUNTRESS he has "fine synch" now on his datalink but still can't see his wingman on the screen...260.9
1105: PITMAN 31/32 go to interflight to chat about the Datalink and what they're seeing...again call it V-8...139.825
1106: Now both fighters report timber sweet and see each other on the datalink...they talk about their own track numbers as seen on the datalink...seems to all be working fine now...139.825
1106: Meanwhile, TANKER 04 is with Guard Dog working out the freqs again...135.525
1108: PITMAN 31 tells HUNTRESS they are timber sweet (on their Link 16s) with RENEGADE but still don't see each other...260.9
1110: TANKER 04 says he has HUNTRESS on 124.7 but hasn't heard now Potomac sends him to 124.77(5)...135.525
1112: TANKER 04 has no comms on 124.775 and then is given 139.7 to check...he goes there and calls HUNTRESS and makes contact. HUNTRESS asks why he's on this freq. TANKER 04 says no reason, he's just monitoring various freqs since he has several radios...HUNTRESS tells him he should be on 135.525 and 04 says he's there too....139.7
1128: Current fuel remainders for the fighters are...PITMAN 31 has 8400 pounds with wing tanks feeding, PITMAN 32 has 8300 pounds with tanks feeding...260.9
1134: PITMAN 31 tells HUNTRESS he's going to the tanker for a topoff...260.9
1134: PITMAN 31 makes contact with TANKER 04...says he should take about 3500 (pounds)...does the "nose cold, weapons safe" routine and heads for the tanker....228.9
1137: TANKER 04 clears PITMAN 31 to contact the 1138 31 reports "Contact" 1140, 04 asks 31 if 32 is also coming in to refuel, 31 says yes as soon as he's finished...228.9
1141: PITMAN 31 disconnects from the boom after taking 5,300 pounds (when they reached 3500 pounds, 04 asked 31 if he wanted to keep going and 31 replied that he did which is why he took on more than originally planned)...228.9...and heads back into the CAP with HUNTRESS. 32 now heads for the tanker...260.9
1144: PITMAN 32 tells HUNTRESS he's changing freqs...260.9...then goes to 228.9, makes radio contact with the tanker, does the usual reporting dance and heads in towards the tanker.
1147: PITMAN 32 makes contact with the boom, tanker reports he's taking on gas and asks which side the fighter will break off to when AR completed....left side...228.9...had a disconnect, went in again after some direction from the boom operator..."back 4, forward 6, forward 4, etc"
1150: TANKER 04 asks PITMAN 32 if he's from McKeesport...32 tells him they're from Shaw...but the tanker meant the home of the pilot..says they chatted a bit and 31's pilot is from the Pittsburgh area...that chat must have been on the boom intercom because it wasn't over the air...228.9
1151: PITMAN 32 disconnects from the boom...228.9...and heads back to HUNTRESS to report he's reestablished in the CAP...260.9
1152-58: HUNTRESS has the PITMAN pair trying to find a target...believe this is just a test of the datalink and not an actual "bad guy"...260.9

1200: I'm now off duty...end of log until later.

I think we've had a freq change by one of the Shaw fighter squadrons. Last CAP, we had the 77th FS using 143.8 for V-8 and, going back even more, the 79th FS used 138.15 for V-8. This is obviously one of those two units and now their V-8 preset is 139.825 which they've confirmed twice today so far. I didn't hear an ID by the fighters during their refueling op when they normally give their tail numbers and units. We probably won't have another chance to ID the unit until the next fighter pair comes on duty around 1400 and does their first refueling.

Ref above from freqhopping: It appeared that Potomac just wasn't ready for the flight when it came into the area. They didn't seem to have a listening watch going on the two Guard Dog freqs and weren't sure which transmitting location antenna to use.
Good info Travis on the freq usage. Glad you could hear ground explaining all that. In any case, TANKER 04 did manage contact with HUNTRESS on 139.7 so everything is good...and 139.7 is a regular HUNTRESS freq so no changes took place.

Ref below: Jack, I haven't heard that but I haven't checked that 237.8 freq refueling I'll check it.
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Mar 1, 2003
237.8 simulcast?

Is anyone else picking up the same transmisssion from 228.9 on 237.8?
It sounds like a simulcast.I am picking it up north of Baltimore.

Just curious,


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD

Unsure if related to CAP or not but just picked up 2 brief transmissions on the recorded audio on 143.65. Watching that one from Southern MD



Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Welcome Jeff. Another one from southern Maryland.

I was scanning the a-a stuff and <<140.375>> came up with Pittman 33 trying to check in about 20 mins ago. This is V10 for the 77th FS. That doesn't answer who is on 139.825 - haven't heard much on this one yet.

Jeff- I saw your comment on the other list about 139.7 - this is a common Huntress freq, but like 139.825, we're not entirely sure yet which squad out of Shaw is doing the CAP. If my log above is correct, 33 is from the 77th FS, but that's not conclusive for .825

73s Mike
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
ka3jjz said:
Welcome Jeff. Another one from southern Maryland.

I was scanning the a-a stuff and <<140.375>> came up with Pittman 33 trying to check in about 20 mins ago. This is V10 for the 77th FS. That doesn't answer who is on 139.825 - haven't heard much on this one yet.

Jeff- I saw your comment on the other list about 139.7 - this is a common Huntress freq, but like 139.825, we're not entirely sure yet which squad out of Shaw is doing the CAP. If my log above is correct, 33 is from the 77th FS, but that's not conclusive for .825

73s Mike

Mike, I'm fairly sure PITMAN 31/32 were from the 77th FS at Shaw. There was always some question by the locals down Shaw way about their preset V-8 freq. We had them using 143.8 for that preset in past CAPs but others claimed hearing different freqs for that one when they fly from home. I'm going to plug 139.825 in for V-8 on the 77th list and make 143.8 a "possible."

1516: Turned the radios back on just in time to hear TANKER 04 getting clearance from Guard Dog back to Pittsuburgh...135.525
1518: TANKER 04 checks off the HUNTRESS freq...260.9
1519: TANKER 04 handed off to ZDC-Hagerstown 227.125
1519: PITMAN 33/34 have the duty with HUNTRESS...260.9
1528: TANKER 05 coming into the area...says he's at FL 250 and 15 minutes out from being on station....260.9...he's repeats that 228.9 will be the discrete boom freq.
1529: PITMAN 33 checking with Guard Dog on 350.25 and on 135.525 (I'm hearing something/somebody keying up on that 135.525 freq constantly. I think they're hearing it too.)
1531: PITMAN pair report fuel remainders...33 has 10,400 pounds with tanks feeding, 34 has 10,900 and tanks feeding. Guess they refueled with TANKER 04 just before he left station and just before I turned the radios back on.
1538: TANKER 05 checking in with Guard Dog...135.525
1538: PITMAN 34 given a target to check out...BRA is 164/11/4000...260.9...then 168/11/5000 about 30 seconds later.
Guess the first crew of the day did the five hour shift. The current pair should be up until 1900 and another pair will come in to finish it off by 2300 when they quit for the night.
1542: PITMAN given the "skip it" command for the TOI by HUNTRESS...260.9
1543: TANKER 05 checks in with HUNTRESS and is given FL 240...he's now on station...260.9

New crew all settled into the CAP...PITMAN 33/34 along with TANKER will break off the logging for now and come back later.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Yeah, I heard that keying up on .525 too - I thought it was junk coming from my PC. Nice to see that it was also heard elsewhere.

I'll change the wiki for the 77th and add the 'possible' as well.

I was doing house chores and left Radiomax to do the recording on the 895, since I hadn't heard much on the a-a stuff and got a lucky break - on <<228.9>> I caught TANKER 05 asking PITTMAN 33 and 34 for their tail numbers - 33 was 91-0372 and 34 was 91-0376. Tony or anyone wanna look those numbers up? That should put the nail in the question as to which squad is doing the CAP.

I'll be leaving early AM for NJ tomorrow - I had to work today (who is the idiot Scrooge that scheduled an implementation on Xmas weekend??? HorseHockey!!! Bah Humbug).

Be safe and happy holidays all - Mike
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