Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Not exactly mil related but interesting..
Cable TV tester aircraft late tonite..
Lanco 960 callsign (sounded like) with Dover appch 132.425 around 0035 local
says he is Cable leakage test aircraft and has reciever antenna outside aircraft and test device called a APR-1 or something like that that he uses flying around the Country testing Cable TV systems with special freq for TV cable system leaks.

One post I read on this says FCC rules have a mandatory once a year testing of all Cable TV systems to show that any Cable TV signal leaks do not interfere with Aircraft radios,instruments,etc.
Sounded like a contractor pilot.."We get to see a lot of the Country though not obviously at this time of night"

Strange but true?

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Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
Navy205 doing practice ILS at CHO 10:15 with flt plan back to PAX on 132.850, acft type unknown, Anybody know what this is?

Heard id again as SD205...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
George, the SD Navy aircraft are SALTY DOGs from Patuxent. They belong to VX-23 at Pax (Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 23) but use so many different types of airframes that it's difficult to pin it down to one type. When they leave Pax and jump on ATC freqs they use the Navy SD rather than the SALTY DOG callsign...just as the TESTER aircraft become Navy TP.

1130: TESTER 02 (USN Test Pilot School, Patuxent NAS) with Patuxent...354.8
1145: There's an OPEC (KC-10A McGuire) and a BATON (EC-130J Harrisburg) flying at 9000 and 10000 feet getting ready for a refueling op...neither aircraft used a suffix - just the callsign...295.8
Frequency 295.8 is primary for Aerial Refueling track AR-631 which runs east-west over Vermont and New Hampshire.
1149: OPEC reports making the turn over Sea Isle...BATON is just ahead of him...BATON now at 15,000 feet...295.8 [Nothing further heard from these two aircraft. They must have flown out of range to the north.]
1156: TARA 97 with arrival message to SAM Command at Andrews...ETA 1725Z, needs parking spot, airstairs, crew bus and will be offloading 55 pax...141.55
I last logged TARA 97 just about a year ago on 12/5/05 arriving at Andrews. Gave tail as 09001 that time just as he had a couple of months earlier when he used TARA 91.
1157-58: Apparently, TARA 97 got no reply after his arrival message and is calling SAM Command several times with no joy...141.55

1201: TARA 97 makes contact after 6 calls...says he forgot to tell them he needs two belt loaders...141.55
1209: Fighter interflight freq 140.0 active...might be MD-ANG A-10s which have used this frequency very infrequently in the past. (Hear them say "Push 3")
1210: AXEMAN flight (A-10 MD-ANG Warfield ANGB) from 140.0 does go to V-3 with Martin State Tower for landing...121.3 [MTN UHF Tower freq 297.2 out of service per NOTAM]
1213: AXEMAN 1 and 2 preparing for full stop landing at Warfield ANGB (MTN)...121.3
1214: AXEMAN 1, then 2 report, base, gear down, full stop...121.3
1214: AXEMAN 1 mentions "looks like a pretty good wind shear"...2 agrees...140.0
1223: Have a couple of U/I aircraft chatting on 311.0 talking about various waypoints and one of them being unable to find them...the points they mention all start with "Y" so it's probably about a Canadian flight. No callsigns used, just first names. (this freq is a Command Post/Base Ops freq for many units across the country)
1229: The two aircraft on 311.0 still chatting but are now getting weak as they fly out of range...still talking about those waypoints and decide they've got to go to the flight planning room upon landing to find them.
1232: CAP Flight 1841 (Civil Air Patrol) reports full stop landing at Martin State Airport...121.3
[Can you tell it's a slow day?]
1234: PAT 045 to SAM Command at Andrews to report arrival to drop off and pick up pax...378.1
1234: MARINE 206 at 7000 feet in the pattern at Andrews with Approach...119.3
1237: DEUCE 22 Heavy (KC-10A McGuire) reporting at 10,800 and descending to 8,000 feet...then cleared down to 5,000 feet...with Atlanticy City Approach...124.6
1238-41: MAPLE 44 (F-16 VT-ANG Burlington/Langley) with ZDC-Cape Charles climbing out and heading for Burlington as his Salisbury (SBY), then direct Burlington...256.8 [Appears to be a single ship flight]
1242: Same guys are chatting again on 311.0 and then change freqs and I find them on 383.3 the RHODY Ops freq for C-130s from the RI-ANG. The louder of the two certainly sounds like a C-130 with that turboprop whine in the background. They decide they'll stay on the 383.3 freq and chat about their time on the town tonight.
1244: JOSA 715 to Andrews CP with arrival message...IDs as a C-21, tail 60377, ETA 15 past the hour, A-1, 2 non-duty D/V pax to offload, needs 4000 pounds of fuel, has 4 seats available on the outbound leg going to Colorado Springs when leaving Andrews...378.1
1248: MAPLE 44 handed off to ZDC-Coyle where he checks in at FL 270...254.3
I have a constant carrier/noise almost full time on this freq and have to keep it locked out until I hear someone changing to it. And then it's a pain in the butt to stay on it to follow an aircraft such as this MAPLE flight.
1252: Fortunately, MAPLE 44 is quickly handed off to ZDC-Woodstown where he checks in at FL 270...363.0
1257: MAPLE 44 handed off to ZNY-Yardley where he checks in at FL 270 with New York...290.2
1257: TARA 21 with arrival message to Hawk Ops at Barnes MA or to Torch Control at McGuire...arriving 1323 local...303.0 (Both places use this frequency)
1257: Navy SD 102 (SALTY DOG) with ZDC-Calvert climbing to FL 220...281.4
1259: Navy SD 102 handed off to ZDC-Salisbury where he's climbing to FL 250...257.7

1300: MAPLE 44 handed to ZNY-East Texas where he checks in at FL 270...350.3
1300: TARA 21 calling Atlantic City Approach (missed msg)...124.6
1303: MAPLE 44 gives his speed as 375 (knots)...350.3
1305: Navy SD 102 changes callsign to SALTY DOG 102 and is handed off to GIant KIller where he checks in at FL 250...233.7
1305: MAPLE 44 handed off to 290.35 which I don't have programmed so will stop following him. The freq belongs to Boston Center (ZBW) Kingston Sector 20.
1306: SALTY DOG 102 tells Giant Killer he'll be working with the Leer Jet all day...233.7
1309: U/I A-10 flight from Willow Grove working interflight...143.25 They are working ground attack...might even be at Pax and slipped in past me when I wasn't paying attention...:)
1312: Confirm...the Willow Grove A-10s are at Patuxent...143.25....oops
1316: Guess the Willow Grove flight was just talking about Pax and what they'll do there but are not there yet...still with ZDC-Casino heading for Pax...285.4 [I feel better now to know I didn't miss them all the way from Willow Grove to Pax. They apparently have new displays (HUDs) and other new equipment in their jets and they're talking about how to use them when they get to Pax. I wonder if these could possibly be the new A-10C models. I thought only regular Air Force had those.]
1320: It's a FLYER pair of A-10s from Willow Grove with ZDC-Casino...285.4...and on interflight 143.25
1325: The FLYER pair has been in non-stop chat during the entire flight talking about the new equipment and how to use it. Guess I really did pick them up early in their flight...143.25
1329: FLYER has finally made it to Pax...handed off from ZDC-Casino to Pax Approach on 305.2 and check in there at 10,000 feet, cancel IFR and want separate squawk for the wingman, will be in the area for the next 45 minutes from 20,000 down to 3,500 feet and will be dry all day. [Tthat's a little unusual that they didn't get handed off from Casino to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 before the handoff to Pax.]
1331: FLYER handed off to Pax on 354.8 where they check in and repeat all that info from above.
1338: The FLYER pair is at Pax trying out all their new equipment...mention in chat that's exactly why they're at Pax - to try out and test the new stuff....they are going through the process of ground attack and close air support to make sure they've got the procedures down correctly...capturing the target on the display, turning on the laser to illuminate the target, dropping bombs, etc...143.25

Break time....
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Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
Thanks, I wasn't near the airport but I could sure hear it. Loud jets get noticed around here, unlike when I lived in Va Beach...


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Back just long enough to report the FLYER flight has left Pax, worked their way toward home and are currently with Philadelphia TRACON at 1429 on 269.25 to approach Willow Grove. Interestingly, FLYER 1 mentions he's Code 2 for, among other things, no freq cards in the cockpit. Apparently, when they installed all the new equipment in that jet, they overlooked replacing that important freq card. Still using interflight 143.25.

From other radios I'm hearing an AERO flight of two F-16s from NJ-ANG Atlantic City working interflight 138.875 probably at Pax....various F-15 flights entering the offshore areas with Giant Killer on 238.1, including a YODA 51 flight...and thought I also heard a WILD flight of F-16s from DC-ANG Andrews. Those were just while walking past the radios so it appears there is activity around the area from the fighter units.

Back later.....

[I said in my last message that I didn't have the ZBW-Kingston 290.35 freq programmed which was my reason for not following MAPLE 44 once he changed to that freq. In fact, I did have it programmed on two radios but not on the rest. Guess I got lazy when I downloaded the latest changes to my programmed freqs from ARC250/785 and never finished the job. Forgot all about it until I just ran across it on one of the radios and heard another aircraft on that freq mention he was going back to Barnes. That also reminds me...I have probably 25-30 new freqs to enter in the program and get downloaded to my radios. When I get around to doing that, I'll post the freqs I've added to my rotation. I made new downloads very difficult by building all my radios into racks that don't have access from the rear for the programming cable and have to be removed from the rack to accomplish it. That's kind of lousy thinking on the part of the rack manufacturer...but I'm the one that bought them so it's my fault.]

Around 1600 I'm continuing to hear a string of F-15 flights from Langley going to the offshore areas with Giant Killer. This activity has been going fairly strong over the past hour or two. Among the flights have been AIRGUN, ARCO, YODA and several others. One callsign I keep hearing sounds like MARLO or MARLOW and it's fairly clear but that callsign is not included on any of the Langley lists. I'd appreciate it if anyone else hears it and gives an opinion of what it actually is. There's also a TROJAN 61 flight heading to W-386 that should be F-22A aircraft...flight of two at 1611. Add an AXEMAN flight of two A-10s heading back to MTN with Ops on 143.8 reporting 1 is Code 1 and 2 is Code 3 for a hung BDU at 1615.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1915-19: BATON 20 (EC-130J 193rd SOW PA-ANG Harrisburg) with Atlantic City Approach report climbing out and following a route from Sea Isle to Blue 24 (missed fixpoint) with refueling in the altitude block 9000-11000 at Blue 24 and then back to MDT (Harrisburg) via Woodstown, DuPont and Lancaster...124.6. [Didn't mention his tanker's callsign]
1922: BATON 20 handed off to Washington Center - believe it was to ZDC-Kenton 127.27(5).
I have 125.125 programmed for the VT-ANG Command Post now that they're operating the detachment at Langley. Suddenly today, the freq is being used for ATC...just heard a couple of Brickyard callsigns there. Not sure who the ATC user is yet.

Thought there would be some activity tonight but it's dead. Heard that BATON EC-130J just as I turned the radios back on but nothing in the half hour since. Not hearing his refueling op either but it was a fairly low altitude AR scheduled so might just be out of range.

2000: REACH 409 to Andrews saying time at destination for their current leg is 0830Z and would like that passed on to Command & Control...378.1
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Unusual catch of the evening...
2343 local IAF-0163 Heavy (Israeli Air Force) departing Dover AFB on 132.4250 then sw
to ZDC 127.700.
Came in yesterday on Dover CP 349.400

Once in a while will get Saudi Air Force transport C-130 aircraft in to Dover as well.
My guess is they don't park them near each other though...

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
TinEar wrote:
There is also a frequency change involved for TRACON control while in the CAP. The VHF 135.525 should remain the same but with TRACON in control of it rather than KZDC. I'm not going to mention the UHF freq at this time because I have a couple of questions since something about it doesn't make sense. It's no longer 288.35. If/when I get clarification, I'll post more.

Along those same lines I heard from Nightwatch that there's some Huntress freq changes afoot - so the old standbys of 228.9 and 260.9 may be changing shortly.

Also, I've been remiss in not mentioning that, thanks to WMBio and KK3L, we now have a set of ears in Western Maryland - they've added some milair freqs to the Allegany County Md. Online Scanner Stream The scanner is a 895 with an indoor antenna, but it has the advantage of being up on a mountain. Unfortunately it can't hear the 138-144 mhz band in AM mode, but should have no trouble with UHF milair and civil air (such as 135.525 Guard Dog).

Also we'll be mirroring Nightwatch's scanmilairdc web page shortly on the Wiki with several updates and links to make it more useful. Look for that in the next week or so.

73s Mike


Premium Subscriber
Jun 12, 2002
Kent Countly, DE.
Dover AFB

Can anyone advise if the the aero freqs listed in RR and the Navaids pages are correct for Dover AFB? I realize this is a MD forum but I don't think anyone in DE monitors DAFB. I can hear both sides on the twr freq and the acft side of the C/P freq but nothing but silence on the others. I live about 15 miles from DAFB in the country(Harrington) with a discone on the roof. I can hear ac going into Atlantic City (CGHelos) but nothing from the C-5s directly overhead.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
I have several Dover freqs that i use regularly for aircraft in and out of Dover.
132.425 is most popular appch freq but thay also use 125.900 from the South.
Tower 126.350 on final appch..Listen for callsigns BOLAR # or HAGAR # for local C-5 training.
UHF appch mainly for visiting fighters,282.325 and 257.8750,tower 279.6250.
Also departing/arriving aircraft usually at 10k feet use Wash Ctr appch 127.700.

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Bob/Mark - this is pure speculation, I know, but I wonder if the freqs that you're having problems with are using lower power and/or a different antenna? Either one or both could be an issue? 73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
ka3jjz said:
Bob/Mark - this is pure speculation, I know, but I wonder if the freqs that you're having problems with are using lower power and/or a different antenna? Either one or both could be an issue? 73s Mike

That shouldn't be the case considering listening distances from Dover. Bob says he's only 15 miles away and can't hear some of those freqs. Mark is at a much greater distance and hears them which should rule out low power being the cause. I'm at an even greater distance and hear all those freqs (other than Tower which I don't try to monitor.)

ka3jjz said:
Along those same lines I heard from Nightwatch that there's some Huntress freq changes afoot - so the old standbys of 228.9 and 260.9 may be changing shortly.

Give us a hint Mike. What changes are you referring to? We know there are changes because of the Oakgrove command change in the south and that Huntress will now cover that area. And we know that Huntress has not used some of the freqs they've used in the past - either having dropped them and turned them over for use by other agencies - or simply having settled on a few they're used to because of good comm results over a long period of time. But why would they change the 228.9/260.9 freqs they've had so much success with? I'm just trying to understand the rationale for the statement, not arguing with it.

One question I have is whether NEADS still has that name now that they have everything east of the Mississippi and WADS has everything west of the river due to the command structure changes.
1300: There are F-15 flights from Langley working offshore with Giant Killer at this time. There is a LIMEY 81 flight just entered that will be MARSA with an AIRGUN 11 flight...238.1/391.2 (GK freqs) 358.85/276.675 (Interflight freqs)
1320: STEEL 71 (KC-135R PA-ANG Pittsburgh) heading back to Pittsburgh and talking with Steel Control. Asks, "Is SOF on board with the radio?" Couple of minutes later says the problem is with the "pilot outer window." Then wants to know if anyone has an issue with them doing a couple of touch-and-goes with a cracked pilot outer window. Says he knows they're in A-3 status which is why he's asking....311.0
1328: STEEL 71 says..."It's no big deal. We'll just do a full stop (landing.)"...apparently SOF refused his request to do touch-and-goes since he's in A-3 maintenance status...311.0
1340: PROPS 91 (C-130E, AR-ANG Little Rock) calling Martin Ops...148.925
1340: Andrews F-16 flight in the air...interflight...143.6 (WILD callsign)
1343: PROPS 91 IDs as a C-130 and says they're due in to pick up a bunch of pax...will try another approach in about 15 minutes but the weather is too bad to land right now....148.925 (I'm hearing the ground station talking to him but PROPS 91 is having trouble hearing her. I'm not sure why he's calling the wx's partly sunny in this area now.)
1343: Langley F-22As on interflight...233.525...bomb drops
1346: Andrews WILD F-16s with TRACON 254.25 and then to ZDC-Hagerstown 227.125 asking for direct SLT (Slate Run)
Dave....coming your way.
1349: WILD 1 flight handed to ZNY-Middletown 322.4 where they check in direct Slate Run.
1350: The 233.525 Langley freq has callsigns SNAKE 91, RAT 69 and OXEN 11 (Believe the RAT callsign is just an exercise call even though it's a valid F-22A callsign at Langley)
1352: WILD flight says they'll eventually have to get down to 18000 and are now cleared down to FL 200...322.4
1353: F-22As giving coordinates of bomb strikes...233.525
1353: TROJAN 51 F-22A flight from Langley into W-386, flight of two for Kilo airspace with Giant Killer...238.1
1354: WILD flight handed off by ZNY-Middletown 322.4 but I missed the handoff freq
1356: WILD flight was with ZNY-Philipsburg 306.2 and now handed off to freq 291.65
1357: NJ-ANG F-16 flight active on interflight...138.425...callsign BICEP
1359: WILD flight now with ZOB-Wayland RCAG (Cleveland Center) 353.85 requesting entry to the Duke MOA...still on interflight freq 143.6 (hear them a couple of minutes longer on interflight freq and then they fade away)

NOTE: OXEN is a new callsign for Langley and new for the F-22A list...adding it now.
1401: OXEN 11 flight reporting RTB..233.525
1403: OXEN 11 to Giant Killer on 238.1 to report out of W-386
1404: Navy SD 536 (SALTY DOG, VX-23 Patuxent NAS) with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 climbing from 10 to 22,000 feet
1410: Navy SD 536 handed off to VHF ZDC freq so won't follow him...281.4
1411: VENUS 21 calling Griffin joy...378.1
1413: Apparently, PROPS 91 landed at MTN, picked up his pax and is now taking off again...121.3 and handed to departure.
1414: Coast Guard aircraft using their service freq callsigns heard...mention meeting up at Swann, flight of two.
1414: WILD flight being heard again on interflight freq...143.6
1419: KEVLAR F-22A flight with Giant Killer...238.1
KEVLAR new to the F-22A list at Langley...adding
1421: WILD flight to ZNY-Williamsport 338.3
1426: TROJAN 51 flight reports RTB...238.1
1432: WILD flight handed off to Potomac TRACON (BWI) 307.9 where they check in at 12,000 feet..ground tells them to follow the NATIONAL 1 route to Andrews but WILD says they don't have NATIONAL 1 on board...ground asks their position and they say on the 020 radial from Baltimore at 21 miles...ground tells them go direct Andrews after Baltimore
1434: WILD will do a formation landing...143.6
1435: WILD 1 flight told to descend to 6000 feet...out of 12 for 6 reports WILD...307.9
1437: WILD 1 flight handed to Potomac TRACON (Reagan) 322.3 and check in there at 6000 feet
1439: U/I fighters on interflight 141.825
1440: WILD flight cleard down to 2000 and to intercept the localizer...322.3...then handed off to TRACON freq 335.5 where they check in for the ILS to runway 3000 feet.
1442: WILD flight leader says his two aircraft are holding hands and passing MUSSEL on the right side now...335.5
1443: WILD 1 flight handed to ADw Towr on 349.0 where they check in for full stop landing
1443: PROPS 91 did not make it into Martin State earlier...he's now with Raven Ops on 143.8 saying the earliest he can get in there is 20 after the hour. (Why in the world is he claiming bad weather is preventing the landing?)
1444: PROPS 91 says there is a Colonel ____ down there on the ground that's one of his pax and wants him put on the radio....143.8
1446: PROPS 91 says he has tried three times to land and has had a missed approach each time...he's claiming viz is zero/zero...says he's going to hold for 15 minutes and try again (he has the Colonel on the radio he's talking to now)...says if he doesn't get in this time he's going to have to get some gas...143.8 (He's flying in a different universe than everyone else in this area.)
1449: The U/I fighter flight is still working interflight freq 141.825. I haven't had a chance to listen to much of their comms and still don't have an ID on them yet. It's a good VA-ANG freq but no callsigns being heard to prove it's them.
1458: Add VA-ANG interflight freq 141.875 active callsigns there either.
1459: Giant Killer's tac freq 291.2 is active...sounds like the VA-ANG bunch working ACM - the 141.825 guys versus the 141.875 guys. One of the groups is the TBOLT callsign proving VA-ANG F-16s.

1500: Got to run...back later...

Ref below: Fantastic report Dave...thanks very much. It is indeed a good team effort to get it all filled in. I haven't heard the Andrews F-16s go to the Duke in a long time. Great article you posted Dave. That's about as close as you can come to riding the 'chute.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
If I had solid information on the Huntress changes, then you can bet this list would hear about it pronto. That's all I have on the subject at the moment - but we can actually get a heads up about this, in the off chance that the Prez goes to Kennebunkport or Crawford - they do track Santa every year....maybe that will produce something?

73s Mike


Nov 3, 2005
Well I was at home for a late lunch and let me fill in the blanks there Tin...
"1359: WILD flight now with ZOB-Wayland RCAG (Cleveland Center) 353.85 requesting entry to the Duke MOA"
1400: G-Warmup, Hook Left called by WILD 1 (143.60), sounds like they got to about 5.3 G's.
1401: G-Warmup, Hook Right called by WILD 1 (143.60)
1403: 1st Engagement Butterfly Set, High Aspect BFM (143.60), WILD 1 calls fights on and ID's Fishbed (MIG-21).
1408: 2nd Engagement Same As Above, WILD 1 calls fights on and ID's Foxbat (MIG-25).
1410: WILD 1 calls Brumble (sp?) ops on 301.60. Apparently, the DUKE used to be controlled by this Brumble Ops. I remember hearing a FLYER flight a few months ago mention that Brumble got BRACed.
1411: WILD 1 switches to 353.85 to exit the DUKE.
1414: WILD 1 switches to 338.30 (ZNY)
1416: WILD 1 switches to 279.55 (ZNY), reports weak but readable.
1419: WILD 1 switches back to 338.30 (ZNY)
Back to TINEAR
"1421: WILD flight to ZNY-Williamsport 338.3"

Good Team Effort there Tin!

And for an interesting Pilot's Perspective on the Butterfly High Aspect BFM, goto

Ref Above: Yeah I haven't heard F-16s up here for a while, I think the last ones were from Selfridge doing bomb runs on bridges. I wonder if they read my post from the 11th (No 758)..."Anyhow, please excuse any lack of details in my logs and how about sending me some of the MD ANG and DC ANG guys up my way."

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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
TinEar said:
1343: PROPS 91 IDs as a C-130 and says they're due in to pick up a bunch of pax...will try another approach in about 15 minutes but the weather is too bad to land right now....148.925 (I'm hearing the ground station talking to him but PROPS 91 is having trouble hearing her. I'm not sure why he's calling the wx's partly sunny in this area now.)
1443: PROPS 91 did not make it into Martin State earlier...he's now with Raven Ops on 143.8 saying the earliest he can get in there is 20 after the hour. (Why in the world is he claiming bad weather is preventing the landing?)
1444: PROPS 91 says there is a Colonel ____ down there on the ground that's one of his pax and wants him put on the radio....143.8
1446: PROPS 91 says he has tried three times to land and has had a missed approach each time...he's claiming viz is zero/zero...says he's going to hold for 15 minutes and try again (he has the Colonel on the radio he's talking to now)...says if he doesn't get in this time he's going to have to get some gas...143.8 (He's flying in a different universe than everyone else in this area.)
Martin weather for the time in question -
KMTN 131945Z 13005KT 1/4SM FG OVC002 10/10 A3015
--1945Z/1445L wind 130@5, vis 1/4 mile in fog, ceiling 200 overcast, Temp 10, Dewpoint 10, altimeter 30.15.
KMTN 131930Z 12004KT M1/4 FG OVC002 10/10 A3015
KMTN 131845Z 00000KT 1SM BR OVC003 10/10 A3017
The others are self-explanatory after the translation on the first - BR is mist. The weather at BWI never got below 6 miles and scattered clouds at 1100'.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mateo said:
Martin weather for the time in question -
KMTN 131945Z 13005KT 1/4SM FG OVC002 10/10 A3015
--1945Z/1445L wind 130@5, vis 1/4 mile in fog, ceiling 200 overcast, Temp 10, Dewpoint 10, altimeter 30.15.
KMTN 131930Z 12004KT M1/4 FG OVC002 10/10 A3015
KMTN 131845Z 00000KT 1SM BR OVC003 10/10 A3017
The others are self-explanatory after the translation on the first - BR is mist. The weather at BWI never got below 6 miles and scattered clouds at 1100'.

Thanks Matthew. Strange, isn't it? Meanwhile, other aircraft were landing and taking off at MTN at the same time PROPS 91 was reporting zero viz (which was actually 1/4 mile and 200 foot ceiling.) However, the other aircraft were not C-130s - mostly private aircraft and the normal police helo contingent based at MTN.

After I turned off the PC, he reported to Raven Ops on 143.8 at 1511 that he diverted to BWI. He gave that in the past tense so I assume he was already on the ground and it would be normal for me to hear him 5x5 while on the ground at BWI. As soon as I heard him say that, I tuned to BWI Tower 119.4 and listened for the next 10 minutes or so and never heard him which was a further indication he was already on the ground. I don't know if they sent all those pax to BWI for the outbound flight or if PROPS 91 waited for clearing weather and did the puddle jump to Martin State to get them. In any case, the pilot is the final authority on whether to land - or not - and he felt conditions were not right so didn't. His call but it just seemed funny with the sun shining here just a few miles away and all the airports in the area in service.

And more on PROPS 91 since I had a couple of emails fired my way with the question about whether my log entry at 1340 was correct. Yes, the frequency he used was 148.925 and he did call "Martin Ops" on that freq. Later you'll note he used 143.8. My understanding of the freqs for the MD-ANG are that the A-10 unit uses 143.8/347.2 for Raven Ops and the C-130J unit uses 148.925/385.9 for Crab Ops. I guess he had them all available and used whatever his info showed was available at MTN for ANG Ops. We've also heard the C-130J unit use the 143.8 freq in the past when they weren't able to make contact on their own 385.9 or 148.925 freqs. So, I don't find it really unusual that PROPS 91 used the VHF Ops freq for both units.
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Nov 3, 2005
TinEar said:
1338: The FLYER pair is at Pax trying out all their new equipment...mention in chat that's exactly why they're at Pax - to try out and test the new stuff....they are going through the process of ground attack and close air support to make sure they've got the procedures down correctly...capturing the target on the display, turning on the laser to illuminate the target, dropping bombs, etc...143.25

There was a FLYER pair up in the DUKE this evening from about 2200 to 2235 doing exactly the same thing as TINEAR logged above. They were also using the 143.25 Freq.

Earlier between 1700 and 1800, a pair of FLYERS were up refuelling with TAZ 51 and 52 (Rickenbacker AFB, OH). Apparently a CADE flight was supposed to be up but didn't show. The TAZ flight called FUZZY OPS (Niagara Falls Airport, NYANG) on 261.90 and relayed a DSN Number for Willow Grove to see if the CADE took off. They didn't. FLYERS were using 46.75 FM for air to air. FLYER 1: 79-0219, FLYER 2: 80-0273.



Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2006
Cape May, NJ
10:22am hearing the NJANG on inter 138.875 talking about the sun glare on the water. Banger 12 running the coast north. Just heard them pass over at 10:25am going north. Also, hearing CG Helo working on 157.050 talking about doing a dry run before dropping the basket.
Giantkiller is full of activity on 249.8 like always.
Hearing the NJANG talking about a friends boat in the Cape May Marina on 138.875 and watching them make a 360 to get a better view on the Viking boat. Banger 1 in code 1 with camera's off. Seeing them head south from the Del. Bay.
Also FYI heard a Helo crash in Dagsboro De. last night a 6:30pm private helo from DC. 2 people DOA
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Unfortunately, I don't have time right now to log the MilAir activity but want to mention that we are loaded with activity in mid-1000 hour.

The most important thing to mention now is that, at 1030, the offshore areas are crawling with Langley fighters working Giant Killer on 249.8 and GIANT KILLER ground station is loud and clear on that freq. This happens about once a year from this area. There are DATSUN 71 and AIRGUN 91 F-15 flights flight I'm hearing setting up refueling activity with TEAM 50 and 51, KC-10A tankers from McGuire. GK just sent the DATSUN 71 flight to freq 319.7 for their refueling activity. (A few minutes later he sends AIRGUN to 320.6 for refueling.) Others active are DC-ANG and VA-ANG F-16s flights and U/I fighters on 139.875 interflight freq among many others currently busy. Yes, they sound like fighters, not the tanker interplane chat normally heard on 139.875.

This is fantastic being able to hear the Giant Killer ground station. I can hear all the frequency changes being directed by GK that I would normally not have a clue about - like just sending a flight to ZDC-Tech 377.2 for some reason along with setting up the various refueling freqs that I never get to hear. Wish I had this ability every day to hear a ground station from 150 miles away.

The conditions are extending to the north also. I just heard (1057) the Coast Guard Station Atlantic City ground station (156.8 - Ch 16) which is as far to the north as Giant Killer is to the south of me. And I thought the solar flare activity was supposed to degrade communications. By the way, I also heard a couple of tankers - probably DC KC-135s from Andrews - talking on the 351.2 freq that they no longer use to contact LIBERATOR at their squadron at Andrews. Maybe they are just using it for air-to-air use now.

Shortly before 1100, I heard Giant Killer send a flight to 277.6 and was pretty sure I heard him say to contact HUNTRESS on that freq. I have that freq logged as being used in the past by the MAGIC (RAF Waddington UK, E-3D AWACS) aircraft. I'm now hearing fighters on that freq in TI activity but don't hear any British sounding speakers.

By 1130, Giant Killer has disappeared and can no longer be heard on 249.8 or 238.1 although there are still flights working offshore. GK's signal is breaking squelch but can't be understood. A couple of the DC tankers I heard earlier on 351.2 for a/a are now with LIBERATOR on 378.1. Both DC 51 and DC 52 are going to be working the pattern at Andrews. DC 51 is just entering and DC 52 is on his way to the Andrews area where he says he'll be working the pattern for an hour to an hour and a half.

1137: AXEMAN 1 flight (A-10 MD-ANG MTN) reports airborne at 1136 to Raven Ops. The ground station says, "Oh my god!" and AXEMAN replies, "You have no idea." (I also have no idea what that was about.)...143.8
The AXEMAN flight is working interflight freq 142.3. They mention a TACAN lock and going straight to the range.
1146: AXEMAN 1 flight checks in with Philadelphia Approach (TRACON)...323.1
1146: AXEMAN 1 no contact with Philly so checks in with Dover Approach on 257.875 (U-14) They are at the 250 degree radial, 15 miles from Dover.
1151: AXEMAN 1 flight with Warren Grove Range giving tail numbers along with other ID info and then target attack missions/weapons to be used at the range...139.625. They say when finished they are going to Atlantic City, land and then come right back to the range. Say they need to be done by 1300. (Wonder if they'll refuel at ACY? If not, why land there?) [Kind of unusual for them to use the VHF range freq - normally use UHF. By the way, this same freq is used as the COBRA SOF freq at Syracuse when fighters go to the Fort Drum FOL.]
The Warren Grove Range has freqs in all three bands...283.1 - 139.625 - 32.35...if you want to program all of them.

1206: DRAGO 51 flight with TRACON on the usual Arlington flyby freq...279.575 (Speaker has a foreign accent that's fairly heavy.) It appears the flight is just on its way to Andrews.
1208: DRAGO 51 handed off to Andrews Tower and reports 8 miles to the south and heading for runway 19R...349.0
1210: Now a different speaker using DRAGO 51 - without accent - is also reporting landing at Andrews...IDs as #2...349.0
1211: DRAGO 51 reports left base, gear down, full stop...349.0 (no accent)
1211: DRAGO 52 reports left base, gear down, full stop...349.0 (no accent here either...appears to be a two ship flight...think there were two speakers aboard the first aircraft, one with an accent, one without.)
1213: LIBERATOR being called by DC 92...x2, no joy...378.1
1216: DC 92 makes contact with LIBERATOR for arrival message...25 minutes out, is A-2 for pilot's and co-pilot's altimeters which are off by 100 feet, has 34,000 pounds of fuel, has 42 duty pax to offload, needs airstairs and trans and crew transportation along with a parking spot...378.1
1217: Bollen Range's a RAVEN flight of A-10s from MTN.

Gotta scoot...back later. Great day for MilAir listening for those interested.

Correction: This is a week late but just remembered. On 12/08, 1400 hour, I had a BICEP 11 flight that was sent to freq 285.65 by a ZNY controller. At the time, I said the aircraft called there, had no contact and went back to the original freq. I also said I didn't know if that was a valid freq or a mistake. It wasn't a mistake. In looking at my records, I've previously logged 285.65 as a NY Center (ZNY) freq and have it programmed in the ZNY section as an unknown. I've copied it a couple of times prior to this latest episode with aircraft handed over to that freq and calling "New York Center" on it.'s a good freq but it belongs to an unknown Sector within the ZNY area. The list of unknowns I have for New York Center are...285.65...292.15...327.6...336.075 (not sure of that last one whether it's ZNY or ZOB)
(Thanks to Jack for reminding me of this when he asked a question about which freqs I have listed as unidentified for ZNY.)
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The F-35 made its first operational flight today for a total of 35 minutes. This is the liftoff at 1344 this afternoon...


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