George, the SD Navy aircraft are SALTY DOGs from Patuxent. They belong to VX-23 at Pax (Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 23) but use so many different types of airframes that it's difficult to pin it down to one type. When they leave Pax and jump on ATC freqs they use the Navy SD rather than the SALTY DOG callsign...just as the TESTER aircraft become Navy TP.
1130: TESTER 02 (USN Test Pilot School, Patuxent NAS) with Patuxent...354.8
1145: There's an OPEC (KC-10A McGuire) and a BATON (EC-130J Harrisburg) flying at 9000 and 10000 feet getting ready for a refueling op...neither aircraft used a suffix - just the callsign...295.8
Frequency 295.8 is primary for Aerial Refueling track AR-631 which runs east-west over Vermont and New Hampshire.
1149: OPEC reports making the turn over Sea Isle...BATON is just ahead of him...BATON now at 15,000 feet...295.8 [Nothing further heard from these two aircraft. They must have flown out of range to the north.]
1156: TARA 97 with arrival message to SAM Command at Andrews...ETA 1725Z, needs parking spot, airstairs, crew bus and will be offloading 55 pax...141.55
I last logged TARA 97 just about a year ago on 12/5/05 arriving at Andrews. Gave tail as 09001 that time just as he had a couple of months earlier when he used TARA 91.
1157-58: Apparently, TARA 97 got no reply after his arrival message and is calling SAM Command several times with no joy...141.55
1201: TARA 97 makes contact after 6 calls...says he forgot to tell them he needs two belt loaders...141.55
1209: Fighter interflight freq 140.0 active...might be MD-ANG A-10s which have used this frequency very infrequently in the past. (Hear them say "Push 3")
1210: AXEMAN flight (A-10 MD-ANG Warfield ANGB) from 140.0 does go to V-3 with Martin State Tower for landing...121.3 [MTN UHF Tower freq 297.2 out of service per NOTAM]
1213: AXEMAN 1 and 2 preparing for full stop landing at Warfield ANGB (MTN)...121.3
1214: AXEMAN 1, then 2 report, base, gear down, full stop...121.3
1214: AXEMAN 1 mentions "looks like a pretty good wind shear"...2 agrees...140.0
1223: Have a couple of U/I aircraft chatting on 311.0 talking about various waypoints and one of them being unable to find them...the points they mention all start with "Y" so it's probably about a Canadian flight. No callsigns used, just first names. (this freq is a Command Post/Base Ops freq for many units across the country)
1229: The two aircraft on 311.0 still chatting but are now getting weak as they fly out of range...still talking about those waypoints and decide they've got to go to the flight planning room upon landing to find them.
1232: CAP Flight 1841 (Civil Air Patrol) reports full stop landing at Martin State Airport...121.3
[Can you tell it's a slow day?]
1234: PAT 045 to SAM Command at Andrews to report arrival to drop off and pick up pax...378.1
1234: MARINE 206 at 7000 feet in the pattern at Andrews with Approach...119.3
1237: DEUCE 22 Heavy (KC-10A McGuire) reporting at 10,800 and descending to 8,000 feet...then cleared down to 5,000 feet...with Atlanticy City Approach...124.6
1238-41: MAPLE 44 (F-16 VT-ANG Burlington/Langley) with ZDC-Cape Charles climbing out and heading for Burlington as his Salisbury (SBY), then direct Burlington...256.8 [Appears to be a single ship flight]
1242: Same guys are chatting again on 311.0 and then change freqs and I find them on 383.3 the RHODY Ops freq for C-130s from the RI-ANG. The louder of the two certainly sounds like a C-130 with that turboprop whine in the background. They decide they'll stay on the 383.3 freq and chat about their time on the town tonight.
1244: JOSA 715 to Andrews CP with arrival message...IDs as a C-21, tail 60377, ETA 15 past the hour, A-1, 2 non-duty D/V pax to offload, needs 4000 pounds of fuel, has 4 seats available on the outbound leg going to Colorado Springs when leaving Andrews...378.1
1248: MAPLE 44 handed off to ZDC-Coyle where he checks in at FL 270...254.3
I have a constant carrier/noise almost full time on this freq and have to keep it locked out until I hear someone changing to it. And then it's a pain in the butt to stay on it to follow an aircraft such as this MAPLE flight.
1252: Fortunately, MAPLE 44 is quickly handed off to ZDC-Woodstown where he checks in at FL 270...363.0
1257: MAPLE 44 handed off to ZNY-Yardley where he checks in at FL 270 with New York...290.2
1257: TARA 21 with arrival message to Hawk Ops at Barnes MA or to Torch Control at McGuire...arriving 1323 local...303.0 (Both places use this frequency)
1257: Navy SD 102 (SALTY DOG) with ZDC-Calvert climbing to FL 220...281.4
1259: Navy SD 102 handed off to ZDC-Salisbury where he's climbing to FL 250...257.7
1300: MAPLE 44 handed to ZNY-East Texas where he checks in at FL 270...350.3
1300: TARA 21 calling Atlantic City Approach (missed msg)...124.6
1303: MAPLE 44 gives his speed as 375 (knots)...350.3
1305: Navy SD 102 changes callsign to SALTY DOG 102 and is handed off to GIant KIller where he checks in at FL 250...233.7
1305: MAPLE 44 handed off to 290.35 which I don't have programmed so will stop following him. The freq belongs to Boston Center (ZBW) Kingston Sector 20.
1306: SALTY DOG 102 tells Giant Killer he'll be working with the Leer Jet all day...233.7
1309: U/I A-10 flight from Willow Grove working interflight...143.25 They are working ground attack...might even be at Pax and slipped in past me when I wasn't paying attention...

1312: Confirm...the Willow Grove A-10s are at Patuxent...143.25....oops
1316: Guess the Willow Grove flight was just talking about Pax and what they'll do there but are not there yet...still with ZDC-Casino heading for Pax...285.4 [I feel better now to know I didn't miss them all the way from Willow Grove to Pax. They apparently have new displays (HUDs) and other new equipment in their jets and they're talking about how to use them when they get to Pax. I wonder if these could possibly be the new A-10C models. I thought only regular Air Force had those.]
1320: It's a FLYER pair of A-10s from Willow Grove with ZDC-Casino...285.4...and on interflight 143.25
1325: The FLYER pair has been in non-stop chat during the entire flight talking about the new equipment and how to use it. Guess I really did pick them up early in their flight...143.25
1329: FLYER has finally made it to Pax...handed off from ZDC-Casino to Pax Approach on 305.2 and check in there at 10,000 feet, cancel IFR and want separate squawk for the wingman, will be in the area for the next 45 minutes from 20,000 down to 3,500 feet and will be dry all day. [Tthat's a little unusual that they didn't get handed off from Casino to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 before the handoff to Pax.]
1331: FLYER handed off to Pax on 354.8 where they check in and repeat all that info from above.
1338: The FLYER pair is at Pax trying out all their new equipment...mention in chat that's exactly why they're at Pax - to try out and test the new stuff....they are going through the process of ground attack and close air support to make sure they've got the procedures down correctly...capturing the target on the display, turning on the laser to illuminate the target, dropping bombs, etc...143.25
Break time....