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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
Torch Control


In a recent log, you made mention of Torch Control on 303.000 at McGuire AFB. Which unit is Torch Control affiliated with? This is the first I've seen it listed.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
benrussellpa said:

In a recent log, you made mention of Torch Control on 303.000 at McGuire AFB. Which unit is Torch Control affiliated with? This is the first I've seen it listed.

Ben, 303.0 is the squadron freq for the 108th Air Refueling Wing at McGuire that flies the KC-135s...the TOPCAT callsign most often. They use both TORCH Control and FOXTROT when they talk to the ground station on that freq but I don't know the separate functions of each of them. One may be the mission/squadron controller and the other possibly a maintenance function. But I'm guessing at that.


Ref below: Thanks Mark. I had a momentary mental lapse and forgot to mention Mr. Rocco (and the SKATER 07 tanker we hear during CAP missions comes from that unit also that I think acts as an emergency replacement when someone else doesn't or can't show up.) Anyway, TORCH/FOXTROT/303.0 belong to the 108th ARW which was the point I was trying to make.
And with the latest modifications that are to be made to those old KC-135s, they're scheduled to fly until the year 2040. Now that's a Wright Brothers aged aircraft. An old soul.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Tin wrote:

Ben, 303.0 is the squadron freq for the 108th Air Refueling Wing at McGuire that flies the KC-135s...the TOPCAT callsign most often.

Also don't forget ROCCO callsign,another popular callsign for those Jersey KC-135's. :)

Earlier tonite had a REACH 72602 with Torch Ops 303.00 and McGuire CP 319.400 arrive 0040z
Unusual for those guys,must have been overseas mission.
Translates to KC-135 tail #57-2602 which is listed as 108th aircraft.
Love the fact that a KC-135 built in 1957 is older than me and still in service.. barely.. LOL

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Mar 1, 2003
MTN tower back up 297.2

Sounds like MTN tower UHF is up again 297.2.Usually I have a hard time picking them up on the omni...but they are coming in good this morning.Wonder what type of problems
they are having with the UHF side????Have not heard UHF ground side yet. 253.4



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Jack, I just took a look at the NOTAMs for Martin State Airport and the one that put the UHF Tower freq 297.2 out of service has been removed so you are no doubt correct that it's working again. I can't help you with the Ground Control 253.4 freq because I've always had to keep that one locked out. It produces so much constant chatter since it contains both Ground Control and Clearance Delivery functions for all the civilian flights and I hear ground 5x5 from here. In short, it's a pain in the butt for me.

On another note, BWI posted a NOTAM that runway 15R/33L - one of their primary runways - went out of service until further notice beginning at 0900 local time this morning. Guess they'll have to strictly use 10/28 for now for all the commercial traffic. Hope the winds cooperate or they'll have a mess on their hands with backed up aircraft. They still have the short runway 15L/33R for the small stuff. They also posted that their 115.1 ATIS frequency is out of service until further notice.

Edit 1744: Runway 15R/33L at BWI is open again and the NOTAM has been removed.

And a story to read that I'm sure will touch all of us that have been in the military - and, hopefully, those that haven't.....,1299,DRMN_15_5216457,00.html
It's a long article but well worth the time to read it.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1300: WILD, flight of three F-16s, off the deck at Andrews...interflight 143.6, Potomac TRACON 348.725 (ADW Departure)
1303: WILD handed to Potomac TRACON (BWI) 317.425 where they check in at 11,000 feet...cleared to 14000 and then expedited climb to 21000 ...ground controller notifies several commercial flights of the flight of three F-16s through the area.
1304: WILD flight handed to ZDC-Swann 360.7 where the flight checks in at 17500, climbing to 21,000.
1306: WILD handed off to ZDC-Coyle 254.3 and check in at FL 210...meanwhile, WILD 3 cleared off to contact Giant Killer but comes up on FSS freq 255.4 and makes several calls to GK that go unanswered...of course.
1309: WILD 3 finally goes to GK on 249.8 (still the wrong freq) to announce the flight will be working in area W-107. He also has to spell his callsign (apparently because this controller wasn't expecting his flight...he should be on 255.0)
1310: WILD 3 is sent to GK's W-107 control freq of 255.0 where he asks the status of W-107 to make sure it's still open....WILD 3 says their Mode 3 squawk is 5357 and that the flight is over Dover at this time. WILD 3 says they'll switch to 312.3 (GK's tactical freq) in about 5 minutes since they're still too far out at this time.
1312: WILD flight handed to ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45
1315: WILD flight leader, while on 143.6, tells the flight to switch to 138.2...they do and call HUNTRESS.
1315: WILD flight now on GK's tac freq 312.3 along with 138.2
1318: WILD flight with HUNTRESS preparing for an intercept out in W-107...138.2
1319L WILD flight leader, while on 312.3, tells the flight to change to GK's 337.225 and they do.
So, the WILD flight is out in offshore area W-107 with Giant Killer for ATC functions while in the area and with HUNTRESS for their practice TI activity.
1347: SPAD 41 flight of Langley F-22As with Norfolk TRACON heading offshore...370.925
1348: SPAD 41 to Giant Killer to enter W-386 G-K on mission V-1807 for the next 20 minutes....238.1
1349: PAT 809 with arrival message to Griffin Command at Andrews...IDs as a UC-35, tail 30016, 25 minutes out to drop off an R-4, needs 400 gallons of gas...asks if Andrews has pax for Dobbins but says there's construction at the airfield at Dobbins...says he'll come into the terminal to talk about it and make sure any pax have their own transportation once there...he can open four seats for the trip....141.55
1355: SPAD flight working interflight freq...315.85

1400: The WILD flight is still out in W-107 but is mostly unheard - either due to distance or flight level...occasionally hearing transmissions on 138.2 only.
NOTE: Explanation since I just got email from someone in VA area that heard the SPAD 41 flight with Giant Killer and then heard SPAD 21 on 315.85 and is confused which is which. The flight is SPAD 41. When they use the interflight freq and you hear what sounds like SPAD 21 (two, one - not twenty one), he really means SPAD 2 this is SPAD 1.
1408: WILD flight heading for home and back on interflight...143.6
1410: U/I fighter on interflight freq...138.75 (CT-ANG A-10s perhaps..this is one of their presets)
1411: WILD flight to SENATE SOF...calling, no joy...139.9
1412: WILD flight gives mission report to SENATE on it mission 069A (always have to get that 69 in there somehow)...say they did Guard Dog 1815-1900Z...did a head butt and 2 shootdowns...used flares, missiles and 20mm gun...say they shot down an airliner at 1835Z using a Cruise missile...then joke about Wing Commander will meet the jet upon landing and another of them says his lawyer will meet him...after the jokes, they go back to preset V-5 interflight freq 143.6
1416: WILD 3 fetches the ATIS from Andrews and comes back to interflight with report...143.6
1418: WILD 1 flight to Potomac TRACON (BWI) on 317.425 where they check in out of 10,500 for 6,000 and are immediately cleared down to 4,000 by the controller who then tells a commercial flight about the 3 F-16s descending through his area....and points out a Cherokee to the F-16s.
1420: WILD flight to SOF again to report maintenance status...1 is Code 2, 2 is Code 2, 3 is Code 1...and report 10 minutes out...139.9
1422: WILD 1 flight handed off to Potomac TRACON (Reagan)...335.5...they don't answer because they already went to that freq on their own where they checked in.
1422: While the WILD flight was yakking, there was also a KILO 60 (C-130 314th AW, Little Rock AFB, AR) with McGuire Metro on 239.8 asking for the wx at KNEL for 2000Z...he got it and then gave a PIREP back to them. (KNEL=Lakehurst NAES / Maxfield Field, Lakehurst, NJ)
1426: WILD 1 flight reports field in sight...335.5
1427: WILD 1 flight to Andrews Tower and reports in as a 3-ship...349.0
1429: WILD 1 reports..."base, gear, stop, right" and is followed by WILD 2 and WILD 3...all on the ground by 1430...exactly a 90 minute flight from wheels up to touchdown...349.0
1433: YANKEE 25 flight trying to check in with ZDC-Salisbury 257.7 blocking 21-22,000 (four tries to make joy) And I'm still hearing fighter chat on 138.75 which could be the same flight since the YANKEE callsign is good for A-10s from the CT-ANG at Bradley.
1437: YANKEE flight on 349.7 which is their SHARK Ops freq back at Bradley but they are using it for chat talking about skirting around Elizabeth City and the offshore restricted area. Mention they should be to their destination "on the hour."
Hearing several YANKEE voices...this may be at least a five ship flight based on the YANKEE 25 callsign - 21 through 25
1439: Hearing the BICEP 11 flight (reported by carbineone below) on their interflight V-15...138.425
Hmmm...had a Netscape 7.2 crash and can't get it working with version 8.1 (not an Explorer fan). Anyway....
1450: Picked up the YANKEE 25 flight again with Norfolk TRACON 370.925...they're heading south
1454: YANKEE flight back to interflight 138.75
1455: YANKEE 25 flight handed to Norfolk radar freq 288.3 and begin descent to 16000 feet...maybe headed into Pope or Shaw

1507: Interflight freq 138.0 active...possibly F-16s from the VT-ANG detachment at Langley
Yes, it's a MAPLE flight.
1515: MAPLE wingman told to go to Andrews Metro to get wx...mention Cherry Point....138.0
1516: MAPLE 92 calling Andrews Metro several times with no reply...344.6
MAPLE flight appears to be heading for the Langley area - probably coming from Burlington. While chatting on 138.0, they were sent to freq 142.3 where they call MAPLE Ops. They have no contact with MAPLE Ops so go back to 138.0 and realize MAPLE Ops didn't want them to call him on the 142.3 freq - he just wanted them off the Ops freq...they say they'll use the 142.3 freq for interflight. It's a flight of two - MAPLE 91 and 92. They've gone from ZDC-Potomac 307.025 to ZDC-Brooke 327.0 and now to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 at 1533.
Just to be clear, the 138.0 freq is MAPLE Ops at the Langley Detachment...142.3 is to use for interflight chat so they don't tie up the Ops freq.
1536: MAPLE flight is handed off to freq 327.8 - ZDC-Norfolk. Say they will land at Cherry Point.

Time for some computer housekeeping duties...back later.
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Jul 24, 2005
Mark said:
Not exactly mil related but interesting..
Cable TV tester aircraft late tonite..
Lanco 960 callsign (sounded like) with Dover appch 132.425 around 0035 local
says he is Cable leakage test aircraft and has reciever antenna outside aircraft and test device called a APR-1 or something like that that he uses flying around the Country testing Cable TV systems with special freq for TV cable system leaks.

One post I read on this says FCC rules have a mandatory once a year testing of all Cable TV systems to show that any Cable TV signal leaks do not interfere with Aircraft radios,instruments,etc.
Sounded like a contractor pilot.."We get to see a lot of the Country though not obviously at this time of night"

Another interesting one along the same lines, is a company that both, tests cell phone sites from the air, and also does temporary airborne cell repeating during special need occasions. They were up out here in the west one day. I forget the call they used.

- Featuring the MilTenna Air Band Antennas -


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
1428 Bicep11 with GK heading into W-107 255.0
1428 Bicep11 push U-15
1450 hearing activity on 312.3
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
MilAir monitors have a lot to listen to this morning. In the 0900 hour there is a steady stream of Langley F-15s and F-22As back and forth to the offshore areas in Giant Killer territory. Most of the action appears to be in the W-72 area. Latest flight heading to W-72 is LION 81. There are F-22As working ACM activity on 233.525. Norfolk TRACON 370.925 indicates the flights in both directions to/from Langley, GK's tac freq 391.2 busy along with 233.7 for entry to W-72.

In addition, there are SCARY and WILD flights of DC-ANG F-16s up in W-107 with Giant Killer on 255.0 to enter/exit and on various interflight and GK tac freqs. Interflight freqs are 139.15 for SCARY and 143.6 for WILD.

Add VA-ANG F-16s on interflight 141.875 and traffic popping up on the ZDC freqs and you've got a full radio. And we're still in the 0900 hour.

The VA-ANG F-16s, a SLAM 11 flight, are currently with Norfolk TRACON (West) 360.6 as they head toward Richmond.

Early 1000 hour finds a DEVIL 11 flight of NJ-ANG F-16s into W-107 with GK on 255.0 along with a DC 21 KC-135 tanker from Andrews also into the area. They'll be working together for refueling. They were given a frequency of 266.5 for the refueling op. This is a new freq for me and I'm hearing the DEVIL flight check in there to confirm it.

1020: WILD and SCARY flights both on their way home to Andrews...just gave their mission reports to SOF on 139.9...both reported 6.9 minutes out as they gave their reports. SCARY is about 3 minutes ahead of WILD.
1023: RECAP 61 flight (F-22A Langley) into W-386K with Giant Killer on 249.8...prior to that heard with Norfolk on 370.925
1024: SCARY flight with TRACON 270.275 and then to ADW Tower 349.0 at 1026 for landing...touchdown about 1028
1028: WILD flight with TRACON 270.275...over to ADW Tower 349.0 and landing at 1035
1029: OPEC 26 (KC-10A McGuire) on AR freq 238.9 talking with a receiver I can't hear...OPEC says Giant Killer is having a bit of a problem (but didn't specify what it was)...says they'll be passing the IP at 1545Z.
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
1005 warren grove active with 177th f-16's (a/a 138.425) 283.1
As TinEar said GK sounds very busy today 255.0 also picking up someone on 34.750
TinEar 266.5 was loud and clear here with the A/R
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Tin wrote: (Latest flight heading to W-72 is LION 81. There are F-22As working ACM activity on 233.525. Norfolk TRACON 370.925 indicates the flights in both directions to/from Langley, GK's tac freq 391.2 busy along with 233.7 for entry to W-72.

They were given a frequency of 266.5 for the refueling op. This is a new freq for me and I'm hearing the DEVIL flight check in there to confirm it.)

Rgr TIN I have that 266.500 in my scanner surprisingly labeled as DEECEE AR OP freq.
Don't know where I got that but must have been used sometime in past.

Also FA/18's VFA-15 out of Oceana also use that LION callsign.
Had flt of 2 of them zipping down the coast the other day as LION 25 flight enroute
Oceana,though judging by that 233.525 A/Ayou copied they must be F-22's.

Good catches..



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark, thanks for the confirmation on the 266.5 freq.

The LION 81 flight was F-15s from Langley. The 233.525 freq had F-22s but were someone other than LION. I didn't hear a callsign. I should have made that clearer.

1036: WILD 1 flight is with SOF 139.9 talking about a problem with his landing gear. He isn't getting a light showing it lowered...he does a flyby of the tower and they tell him the gear is down...WILD 1 decides to do an approach, come around and then land...then changes his mind and says he'll land now on the right because of low fuel...he's showing 900 pounds. He's touching down at 1039, apparently without a problem.
F-16s use about 100 pounds of fuel per minute.

Another KC-135 from Andrews - DC 22 - at 1054 entering one of Giant Killer's areas (W-72 or W-386) at FL 260...118.125

And at 1106 a couple of aircraft on AR freq 238.9 (AR-636 primary) confirming they're 8 minutes from the IP.
1108: Warren Grove Range active again...283.1 (no callsigns yet)
1110: The flight currently at Warren Grove Range is a BARNEY flight of A-10s from the MA-ANG at Barnes.
1115: The pair on AR freq 238.9 chatting about the upcoming refueling op and decide to switch to the secondary freq so I catch them on 319.7 but they are considerably weaker there.
1132: And more refueling activity on 295.8...both aircraft loud and clear, one a female.

Time for other things...gotta run...back later.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2006
Cape May, NJ
Hearing most everything you guys are. Good day for Military Air listening
Coast guard helo is also doing ops on 157.050.
Heard Darkstar and Topcat but didnt get the freq.
Does anyone know where I can get the lingo they spike, bullseye,....


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Afternoon activity....

1320: SCARY flight of two F-16s airborne from Andrews...139.15 interflight, TRACON 348.725 departure, 317.425 TRACON (BWI area), then attempted to make contact with Giant Killer on 255.0 for work in W-107 but with no joy. Went to 138.2 and did make contact. Said there were maintenance problems on the ground so WILD would only be a single ship. However, I never did hear a WILD join them. They decided on some red/blue air activity with HUNTRESS, got GK to turn the airspace over to HUNTRESS, sent SCARY 2 to be red air on 139.7 while SCARY 1 remained on 138.2, settled on 337.225 as a common freq and off they went for close to an hour. They are on the way home mid-1400 hour. Came back with TRACON BWI 317.425, descended to 4000 feet when 10 miles east of Nottingham, were handed off to TRACON (Reagan) 335.5 for approach and when field was in sight were then given to ADW Tower 349.0 for landing at about 1440. When they changed to 337.225 for a common freq while in W-107, SCARY flight leader mentioned that Giant Killer can monitor 337.225 but can't transmit on that freq. They also used 338.1 for comms with GK while in the area. Oh...and when they entered W-107 they wanted deconflict info for the C-130 that was working in the area which was probably a BATON 20 (EC-130J, 193rd SOW, PA-ANG) heard later close to 1500 heading home to Harrisburg with Baton Ops on 395.1 giving her maintenance problems.

Starting at 1340, an UGLY flight of A-10s from Willow Grove heard on interflight 142.25 and with ZNY-Pottstown 278.3 and ZNY-Swissdale 279.55. Not sure of their mission.

About 1345, an AXEMAN flight of three A-10s from Warfield ANGB took to the skies and headed for Patuxent Range area. They used 142.3 for interflight, changed to Patuxent on 270.8 to enter the Range area, requested squawks for all three aircraft since they'd be non-standard. They worked the area until departure at 1425 w/Pax on 270.8. From there they were handed to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 and stated their intentions to head direct Restricted Area 5002 (Warren Grove Range). Next stop was with Dover Approach on 257.875 and then on to the range 283.1.

As AXEMAN was leaving Pax, a flight of three F-16s from Atlantic City arrived at Pax. It was a BICEP 11 flight working interflight 138.425 as they took off about 1410. Along the way they were with ZDC-Casino 285.4 soon after takeoff and then to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 until being handed off to Pax Approach 305.2 at 1421. Said they'd do a couple of south to north passes and then head for Sea Isle and Atlantic City on the way home. They repeated that message to BayWatch when handed off to 354.8. By 1440, they were on the way home...leaving Pax on 270.8, over to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8, ZDC-Casino 285.4, Atlantic City Approach 327.125 where they prepared to land on runway 31.

Others heard while that was going on were a NIGHTHAWK 7 Marine helicopter going to Phillips AAF working 126.15 and a RAGIN 31 F/A-18 heading home to Oceana NAS as he passed through the ZDC freqs and began his descent while with ZDC-Cape Charles on 256.8. He was heard earlier in the day up in the New England area.

While this was going on, there were F-15 flights from Langley heard with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 and then with Giant Killer on 233.7, 238.1 and 249.8 as they entered and left the offshore work area in W-72 and W-386. Didn't seem to be any F-22A flights this afternoon. And that brings up to about 1500 when things are fairly quiet other than some transports flying hither and yon.

1506: Have a U/I aircraft with ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 mentioning there is a flight of six F-16s with a tanker behind him going to Shaw. I haven't picked up that flight yet. It should be a MAZDA flight from overseas.
1514: MAZDA 61-66 (six F-16s) with NJ-ANG Base Ops on 261.0 wanting a message passed to DNS_______ that the flight is diverting to Eglin. Will be there in about 2 hours. (Knew I'd find them somewhere. Still sound a way off.)
1517: MAZDA flight leader on 261.0 tells the flight to change to 379.3
1517: MAZDA 61 calls Washington Center (ZDC-Bay) on 379.3 and checks in as a flight of six at FL 410. Have checked in 5 times, no joy yet. Sixth time is a charm - sort of...they have ground but ground doesn't have them. Finally another in the flight does the check in...still with trouble being heard. So...they repeat for about the 8th time they're a flight of six at FL 410. Cleared to FL 430
1520: The AXEMAN flight is coming back to the MTN area...still on interflight 142.3
1526: MAZDA 63 talking apprently with Iron Ops controller at Langley on 357.1 explaining they're a flight of six aircraft coming from Saudi to Eglin. Said they were supposed to stop there (Langley apparently) for fuel but have enough to make it to Eglin. Again asks that DNS 875-____ be called to let them know they're now about an hour 30 minutes out. (I'm basing the Langley ID strictly on the freq but no telling who they might have called.)
1532: MAZDA 61 flight handed to ZDC-Hopewell 323.225 where they again try to check in as a flight of six at FL joy first 2 calls. Make contact on 4th try.
1536: AXEMAN three ship flight with Martin State Tower 297.2 for approach and landing...will do an approach in formation landing pattern and then go around and land in one mile trail formation.
1537: MAZDA 61 flight handed to ZDC-Tech 377.2 where they check in at FL 430 (no trouble on this freq)
Have been searching the 138-144 band for interflight freq but have heard nothing. Either they're not chatting or are somewhere on UHF.

1540: AXEMAN flight with gear down for landing...297.2
1540: FORCE 05 (KC-10A McGuire) calling Andrews Metro on 344.6...has called several times no joy...heard him a couple of minutes earlier on 239.8 calling either Langey or McGuire Metro also with no joy. Wonder if this is the BLUE tanker that accompanied the MAZDA flight?
1544: FORCE 05 gives up on Andrews and switches to Dover Metro on 342.0 to ask for the McGuire weather in about 30 minutes. He makes contact here and gets his wx report. Mentions unlimited viz.
1551: MAZDA 61 very weak as they apparently get a handoff...377.2 (This should be last heard from them.)

CORRECTION: The MAZDA 61 flight was a group of six F-15s of the 58th Fighter Squadron returning from Saudi Arabia, not F-16s. It makes sense in retrospect since they're going to Eglin and talked with the Langley controller along the way. ID was based on faulty info from the flight in front of them that mentioned they were F-16s. It also explains why I never heard a VHF interflight freq. However, there is also an F-16 MAZDA flight currently crossing the pond that we can be on the lookout for.

Ref below: Thanks BM82557 for posting the TFR. I haven't had a chance to get to it yet.

End of log for now....
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Christmas CAP

NOTAM Number : FDC 6/8739
Issue Date : December 19, 2006 at 1644 UTC
Location : Hagerstown/Thurmont, Maryland near MARTINSBURG VORTAC (MRB)
Beginning Date and Time : December 22, 2006 at 1930 UTC
Ending Date and Time : December 26, 2006 at 1530 UTC
Reason for NOTAM : Temporary flight restrictions for VIP (Very Important Person) Movement
Type : VIP
Replaced NOTAM(s) : N/A


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1604: F-22A activity on Langley interflight...233.525
1606: FORCE 05 (KC-10A McGuire) with ACY Approach heading for McGuire...124.6
1608: JASPER 11 flight of F-22A aircraft with Giant Killer...249.8
1625: PAT 7176 apparently going into Phillips AAF with tower...126.15 (Heard a few minutes ago with MTN Tower on 121.3 also)
1630: Northrup Grumman test flight freqs active....123.2 and 123.225...say they'll shut down for the day in 5 minutes...have been hearing them for at least the past hour or so.
1639: COBRA 30 (EA-6B VAQ-209, NAF Andrews, MD) with ADW Approach (TRACON)...descending to 3000 feet...reports field in sight...335.5
1648: U/I (Possibly a STEEL KC-135 with Steel Ops) giving arrival message...27,000 pounds of fuel upon arrival and needs parking...311.0
1654: REACH 669T to joy...378.1
1657: REACH 669T makes contact with Andrews...ETA 10 after the hour, A-1, 9 Space A pax, zero cargo, needs parking...378.1

1704: U/I fighters working interflight...138.15 (This might be the expected MAZDA 51 flight of F-16s returning from overseas. Also just heard a weak transmission on 281.45 - ZDC-Sea Isle - that might be this same flight.)
1710: I've been hearing continuing chat on 138.15 but only from one pilot...not sure why I'm not hearing the others.
1710: MAZDA 51 flight of six aircraft with ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 at FL 280 (this is indeed the expected F-16 flight)
1712: MAZDA 51 flight handed off to ZDC-Salisbury 257.7 and check in at FL 280, in non-standard formation, 4 miles front to back. (They should be going to Shaw)
1717: MAZDA 51 flight cleared Snow Hill and then direct ISO...257.7
ISO=Kinston Regional Jetport at Stallings Field, NC
1719: One of the MAZDA aircraft talking to a ground station on the interflight freq...just chat...138.15
And that's why I was only hearing one pilot earlier...he was the only one talking to a ground station. Very little chat on the interflight freq otherwise. Guess they're chatted out by now.
1726: MAZDA 51 flight handed off to ZDC-Norfolk 327.8 where they check in and confirm a flight of six F-16s at FL 280, non-standard 4 miles front to back.
1729: While on interflight, one of the MAZDA pilots mentions Shaw is at 172 degrees, 35 miles. Bet they're glad to be getting home...138.15...he also points out Langley off to their right..."Where the F-15 guys are." He must think he's talking to a rookie. Did he forget the F-22s?
1733: The MAZDA flight give their fuel reports and all have around 7500 pounds remaining which means they must have refueled shortly before they came into listening range. I never did hear the BLUE tanker breaking off and heading for his home plate....138.15
Nothing further heard from the MAZDA 51 flight. Based on interflight freq, they probably are part of the 79th Fighter Squadron.

Ref the CAP starting Friday. It would sure be nice if the Vermont ANG Langley Detachment had part of the flight duties so we could recover their CAP callsign. But since Shaw seems to be on the current s***list, they'll probably get the duty again.

End of log...yet again. Time for some grub.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1100 hour: BANGER 21 flight of two F-16s from NJ-ANG Atlantic City fly to Patuxent Range at Vienna MD for CAS (Close Air Support) activity. One is acting as an airborne FAC using callsign ADVANCE 41. This is one of the most interesting CAS activities I've heard at this range. They are holding nothing back in their intensity and language as they attack various insurgent groups moving around on the ground. Activity is on their interflight freq 138.875.
1138: BANGER 21 flight done at Patuxent and heading home to Atlantic City...currrently with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 for the initial leg.
1140: BANGER 21 to ZDC-Casino 285.4
1142: BANGER 22 gets the ACY ATIS report...runway 31 at ACY is active, VFC, winds calm...138.875
1145: BANGER 21 asks ZDC for a change to ACY Approach...approved and they come up on 327.125 for initial approach to runway 31 at ACY. Beginning their descent from 15,500 feet.

A couple of F-22A flights from Langley enter W-386 with Giant Killer around 1120. The flights are JEDI 21 and JASPER 31. Heard with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 and GK on both 238.1 and 249.8.

RAVEN flight of A-10s off from MTN about 1120...with Raven Ops 347.2 and interflight 142.3.

1137: Langley F-22A activity on interflight ...228.45 (not sure if this is JEDI or JASPER)...turns out to be JASPER
1137: PAT 24 in the air from Tipton to Davison AAF per message with Leesburg Radio FSS...PAT 24 also relays a message for PAT 28 to open flight plan from Tipton to the Pentagon and then to Davison...Both are helos, 24 identified as an H-60...255.4
1140: VOODOO 11 flight of three F-22A aircraft from Langley into W-386 with Giant Killer...238.1
1149: Langley F-22A activity on interflight...257.075
1150: U/I flight with ZDC-DuPont 307.25 (Thought I heard a YANKEE callsign)
1153: JASPER 31 flight heading back to Langley per RTB message to Giant HEELS at 14,000...249.8
1157: YANKEE flight handed off to ZNY-Yardley 290.2 where they check in at 17,500 feet.
This could be the YANKEE flight of A-10s that came through this area a couple of days ago heading south...and now going back to the CT-ANG Bradley home.

1200: AXEMAN flight (A-10 MD-ANG Warfield ANGB) with Harrisburg App/Dep at 7500 feet...281.525
1209: AXEMAN flight tells Harrisburg controller they're ready to head into 5802 (Bollen Range)...281.525
1209: AXEMAN flight of two A-10s makes contact with Bollen Range and lays out their mission armaments and targets to attack...237.2

Out of time for logging...back later sometime....maybe.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1805: WATERBUG 527 (Force Aircraft Test Squadron, Patuxent NAS) with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 checking in at 7000 feet
1806: WATERBUG 527 cleared to 17000 feet...281.4
1811: WATERBUG 527 handed off to ZDC-Coyle 121.025 where he changes his callsign to simply WB 527 and checks in at 17000 feet.
1821: WB 527 cleared to 19000 feet...121.025
1815: WB 527 handed off to ZDC-Sea Isle 133.125 where he checks in at FL 190 (He's still on this freq almost 10 minutes later and here's where I drop coverage of him. I know he's going as far as Providence RI.)
1842: BATON 53 (EC-130J 193rd SOW, PA-ANG Harrisburg) with Baton Ops giving arrival message...5 minutes out, 15,000 on the fuel (14K when he lands), needs parking...395.1

1922: JOSA 078 [female] with arrival message to Andrews...IDs as home station C-21, tail (400)73, 25 minutes out, 2 pax - one is an A-4, A-1 maintenance status, wants "Protocol" notified of their arrival along with their maintenace unit and needs a crew bus for two...378.1
1925: BATON 50 (EC-130J PA-ANG Harrisburg) with Giant Killer to enter W-107, blocking altitudes 20-21,000, currently at FL 210....then requests to work from 30,000 down to 6,000 feet once established in W-107...255.0
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
1815: WB 527 handed off to ZDC-Sea Isle 133.125 where he checks in at FL 190 (He's still on this freq almost 10 minutes later and here's where I drop coverage of him. I know he's going as far as Providence RI.)

Would have responded earlier but the old spill the drink on keyboard shut me down for an hour.(Luckily kept the old spare.. Don't you hate when that happens?)

WB 527 must have been climbing fast as he skipped 127.700 ZDC low freq.
I usually keep 133.125 Sea Isle locked out as normally 25k+ altitude over lower Delaware and can be very busy with transient commercial aircraft headed North-South.
I'm sure you have seen high altitude Jet contrails over Del/OC Beaches down there headed for Jersey/DC aka Sea Isle.
Now if I can just figure out occasional morning high altitude contrails around here in Northeastern Maryland.Must be ZDC something..

Earlier today heard

Coast Guard 6568 HH-65 with Dover appch UHF enroute Reagan.
Guess the Atlantic City guys still holding DC area security..

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